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INDEX TO VOLUME 109 997 Brown, D. R., and J. A. Long, What is a Winter Cohen, J. B., see Morrison, J. L., 648 Floater? Causes, Consequences, and Implica- color, 419 tions for Habitat Selection, 548 coloration, 187 Brown, S., J. Bart, R. B. Lanctot, J. A. Johnson, S. Columbiformes, 181 Kendall, D. Payer, and J. Johnson, Shorebird Colwell, M. A., S. J. Hurley, J. N. Hall, and S. J. Abundance and Distribution on the Coastal Dinsmore, Age-Related Survival and Behavior Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, | of Snowy Plover Chicks, 638 Brush, T., see Werner, S. M., 907 communication, vocal, 870 Buhrman-Deever, S. C., A. R. Rappaport, and J. W. community composition, 237 Bradbury, Geographic Variation in Contact competition, interspecific, 463 Calls of Feral North American Populations of Conant, S., see Fleischer, R. C., 954 the Monk Parakeet, 389 condition, 88 Burton, N. H. K., Intraspecific Latitudinal Variation body 489 in Nest Orientation among Ground-Nesting -dependent traits, 577 Passerines: A Study Using Published Data, contact call, 389 44] contaminants, 852 Butler, M. W., and A. M. Dufty Jr., Nestling Contreras, J. P., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Immunocompetence Is Affected by Captivity convergence, 399 but Not Investigator Handling, 920 Byrd, M. A., see Watts, B. D., 206 Cooper, S. J., and S. Sonsthagen, Heat Production from Foraging Activity Contributes to Ther- C moregulation in Black-capped Chickadees, 446 Calidris pusilla, 351 Cooper, S. J., Ecology and Behavior of Chickadees Calkins, J. D., The Family Behavior of California and Titmice: An Integrated Approach, edited Quail: A Molecular Analysis, 962 by Ken A. Otter, 984 Callipepla californica, 962 Coraciiformes, 577 captive, 595 Cormack-Jolly-Seber models, 142 captivity, 920 corticosteroid binding globulin, 173 Carduelis psaltria, 419 corticosterone, 548, 668 carry-over effects, 535 corvid, 516 Castro-Astor, I. N., M. A. S. Alves, and R. B. Costa Rica, 475 Cavalcanti, Display Behavior and Spatial Crawford, R. D., Waterfowl Ecology and Manage- Distribution of the White-crowned Manakin ment. Second Edition, by Guy A. Baldassarre in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, 155 and Eric G. Bolen, 483 Catharus ustulatus, 795 Cronin, T. W., see Kiere, L. M., 692 Catlin, D. H., see Morrison, J. L., 648 cutaneous water loss, 9 Cauca Guan, 841 Cuthbert, J. L., and D. J. Mennill, The Duetting cause-specific mortality, 781 Behavior of Pacific Coast Plain Wrens, 686 Cavalcanti, R. B., see Castro-Astor, I. N., 155 Cyanocompsa brissonii, 187 cavities, natural, 210 Caziani, S. M., O. R. Olivio, E. R. Ramirez, M. D Romano, E. J. Derlindati, A. Talamo, D. Ricalde, C. Quiroga, J. P. Contreras, M. Dailey, T. V., Texas Quails: Ecology and Manage- Valqui, and H. Sosa, Seasonal Distribution, ment, edited by Leonard A. Brennan, 985 Abundance, and Nesting of Puna, Andean, daily survival rate, 769 and Chilean Flamingos, 276 DeLap, J., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 Cercomacra tyrannina, 59 delta method, 949 Chaiken, M.,and J. Bohner, Song Learning After demographic analyses, 949 Isolation in the Open-Ended Learner the demography, 334, 489 European Starling: Dissociation of Imitation Dendroica caerulescens, 304 and Syntactic Development, 968 chrysoparia, 628 character shift, 67 petechia, 675 Charadriidae, 32 density effects, interseasonal, 535 Charadrius alexandrinus, 638 depuration, 862 Chastel, O., see Angelier, F., 668 Derlindati, E. J., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Chesapeake Bay, 206 deuterium, 256 Chickadee, Black-capped, 88, 446 development, 920 choice, 595 dialects, 658 Churchill, 351 dichromatism, 577 Clement-Chastel, C., see Angelier, F., 668 Dickcissel, 781 Clupea pallasi, 216 clutch size, 463 diet, 361, 841 composition, 48 coalescent analyses, 408 coastal plain, | digestion, 824 998 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 DiMiceli, J. K., P. C. Stouffer, E. I. Johnson, C. Esler, D., see Lewis, T. L., 216 Leonardi, and E. B. Moser, Seed Preferences Esler, D., see Bond, J. C., 698 of Wintering Henslow’s Sparrows, 595 Espinosa de los Monteros, A., see Rojas-Soto, O. R., dimorphism, 577 456 Dinsmore, S. J., see Colwell, M. A., 638 evolutionary trap, 109 Dinsmore, S. J., Wildlife-Habitat Relationships: exotic species, 84] Concepts and Applications. Third edition, by F Michael L. Morrison, Bruce G. Marcot, and R. William Mannan, 980 Faaborg, J., see Washburn, B. E., 181 display, 155 Faaborg, J., see Small, S. L., 721 distance to edge, 288 families, avian, 962 distress calls, 79 Farrington, J., see Hobson, K. A., 256 distribution, 489 feather, 451 disturbance, 437 characters, 192 human, 638 feeding, 268 natural, 206 experiments, 595 Dixon, M. D., Corridor Ecology: The Science and Fierro-Calderon, K., and T. E. Martin, Reproductive Practice of Linking Landscapes for Biodiver- Biology of the Violet-chested Hummingbird in sity Conservation, by Jodi A. Hilty, William Z. Venezuela and Comparisons with Other Trop- Lidicker Jr., and Adina M. Merenlender, 715 ical and Temperate Hummingbirds, 680 Dolan, A. C., see Redmond, L. J., 463 fire frequency, 734 Dove, C. J., and A. Agreda, Differences in Plumulac- flamingos, 276 eous Feather Characters of Dabbling and Fleischer, R. C., B. Slikas, J. Beadell, C. Atkins, C. E. Diving Ducks, 192 MclIntosh, and S. Conant, Genetic Variability Duck, Wood 210 and Taxonomic Status of the Nihoa and duck, diving 192 Laysan Millerbirds, 954 sea, 216 Flicker, Northern, 976 Dudley, J. G., see Saab, V. A., 97 floaters, 548 duet, 686 flooding, 210 Dufty, A. M., Jr., see Butler, M. W., 920 floodplain, 721 Dugger, K., Techniques for Wildlife Investigations habitat, 943 and Management, edited by Clait E. Braun, Florida, 648 981 Flycatcher, Olive-sided, 109 Dunn, P. O., see Whittingham, L. / As Oe Willow, 475 Durst, S. L., see Sogge, M. K., 475 folivory, 824, 841 Fondell, T. F., see Miller, D. A., 769 E Fontaine, J. J., see Auer, S. K., 321 Eaton, M. D., see Benites, P., 605 food limitation, 304 Eagle, Bald, 206 quality, 361 echo, 67 selection, 361 ecological trap, 109 foraging, 446 ecology, urban, 67, 516 Forbes, M. R., see Mallory, M. | ecotoxicology, 199 forest fragmentation, 167 Ecuador, 237 Forsman, E. D., see Hamer, T. E., edge effects, 288, 628 Fort, K. T., see van Oort, H., 88 type, 288 fractionation, 451 egg composition, 705 free hormone, 173 mass, 463, 585 frugivory, 824, 841 size, 705 fruit, 795 eggshell, 199 availability, 841] Eider, Common, 878 Fuchs, J., J. Pons, E. Pasquet, M. J. Raherilalao, and S. M. Goodman, Geographical Structure of eighteenth century, 808 elevational limit, 437 Genetic Variation in the Malagasy Scops-Owl range, 437 Inferred from Mitochondrial Sequence Data, embryo age, 32 408 emigration, permanent local, 142 Fulmar, Northern, 894 Empidonax traillii, 475 Fulmarus glacialis, 894 encounter technique, 142 G endangered species, 628, 870 endogenous reserves, 698 Galapagos, 132 energetic condition, 795 Gallagher, M., see Thogmartin, W. E., 943 stress, 304 Galliformes, 962 Enspel, 929 Garcia-Amado, M. A., see Rodriguez-Ferraro, A., enzyme immunoassay, 181 824 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 999 Gates, R. J., see Nielsen, C. L. R., 210 Holmes, R. T., see Nagy, L. R., 304 Gauthier, G., see Audet, B., 361 home range, 750 Gehlbach, F. R., see Proudfoot, G. A., 617 Honeycutt, R. L., see Proudfoot, G. A., 617 gene flow, 878 Hornbuckle, J., see Pearce-Higgins, J. W., 167 tree, 456 Hubbard, M. W., see Wells, K. M. S., 781 genetic variation, 954 hummingbirds, tropical, 680 Gentry, D. J., and K. T. Vierling, Old Burns as Hunt, K., see Slabbekoorn, H., 67 Source Habitats for Lewis’s Woodpeckers Hurley, S. J., see Colwell, M. A., 638 Breeding in the Black Hills of South Dakota, Hurricane Isabel, 206 12Z Hutto, R. L., see Robertson, B. A., 109 geographic information systems, 256 Hylocichla mustelina, 288 variation, 389 hypoxia, 976 Geupel, G. R., see Small, S. L., 721 Gilchrist, H. G., see Smith, P. A., 15 Glenn, E. M., see Hamer, T. E., 750 Icterus gularis, 907 global warming, 437 spurius fuertesi, 692 Goldfinch, Lesser, 419 spurius spurius, 692 Goodman, S. M., see Fuchs, J., 408 Illinois, 210 Goose, Greater Snow, 361 immune function, 585 Grand, J. B., see Miller, D. A., 769 immunocompetence, 920 Gratto-Trevor, C., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 incubation period, 976 Gray, B. R., see Thogmartin, W. E., 943 individuality, 468 Green, A. J., see Arnold, T. W., 705 information-theoretic approach, 377, 628 Grosbeak, Ultramarine, 187 Inglis, S., see Becker, B. H., 451 Grundel, R., and N. B. Pavlovic, Response of Bird inorganic elements, 852 Species Densities to Habitat Structure and Inouye, C. Y., Bird Coloration. Volume I: Mech- Fire History along a Midwestern Open-Forest anisms and Measurements, edited by Geoffrey Gradient, 734 E. Hill and Kevin J. McGraw, 482 Guatraché Lake, 658 introduced populations, 389 Guglielmo, C. G., see Smith, S . B., 48 introgression, 456 Gutiérrez, R. J., see Seamans, M. E., 566 isotope, stable, 256, 268 analysis, 698 carbon, 45] habitat alteration, 566 nitrogen, 451 -dependent selection, 67 ecology, 505 J preference, 109, 489 quality, 88, 489, 638 Jehl. J._R.,. 5x. Disappearance of Breeding Semi- palmated Sandpipers from Churchill, Mani- selection, 489, 505, 516, 535, 548, 566, 750, 795 toba: More Than a Local Phenomenon, 351 suitability, 489 Johnson, E. 1., see DiMiceli, J. K., 595 Hahn, T. P., see Lynn, S. E., 173 Johnson, J., see Brown, S., | Haliaeetus leucoc ephalus, 206 Hall, J. N., see Colwell, M. A., 638 Johnson, J. A., see Brown, S., | Johnson, M. D., see Kristan, W. B., III, 485 Hamer, T. E., E. D. Forsman, and E. M. Glenn, Johnson, M. D., Measuring Habitat Quality: A Home Range Attributes and Habitat Selection Review, 489 of Barred Owls and Spotted Owls in an Area Johnson, M. D., see Tietz, J. R., 795 of Sympatry, 750 handling, 920 Jover, L. , see Sanpera, C., 268 junco, 67 Hannon, S. J., see Wilson, S., 377 hatching date, 32 K Hawk, Red-shouldered, 648 heat production, 446 Kaiser, S. A., and C. A. Lindell, Effects of Distance Hejl, S. J.. see Werner, S. M., 907 to Edge and Edge Type on Nestling Growth hematocrit, 88 and Nest Survival in the Wood Thrush, 288 herring spawn, 216 Kattan, G. H., see Munoz, M. C., 841 Hobson, K. A., S. Van Wilgenburg, L. I. Wassenaar, Kendall, S., see Brown, S., | F. Moore, and J. Farrington, Estimating Kendall, S. J., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Origins of Three Species of Neotropical Kiere, L. M., C. M. Hofmann, I. E. Tracy, T. W. Migrant Songbirds at a Gulf Coast Stopover Cronin, J. Leips, and K. E. Omland, Using Site: Combining Stable Isotope and GIS Color to Define Species Boundaries: Quanti- Tools, 256 tative Analysis in the Orchard Oriole Complex Hobson, K. A., see Bond, J. C., 698 Supports the Recognition of Two Species, 692 Hofmann, C. M., see Kiere, L. M., 692 Kittiwake, Black-legged, 668 Holberton, R. L., see Wilson, C. M., 675 Knutson, M. G., see Thogmartin, W. E., 943 1000 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 Koenig, W. D., and J. T. Stahl, Late Summer and Mallory, M. L., and M. R. Forbes, Does Sea Ice Fall Nesting in the Acorn Woodpecker Constrain the Breeding Schedules of High and Other North American Terrestrial Birds, Arctic Northern Fulmars?, 894 334 Manakin, Band-tailed 167 Koronkiewicz, T. J., see Sogge, M. K., 475 manakins, 155 Kristan, W. B., Ill, Expected Effects of Correlated Manitoba, 351 Habitat Variables on Habitat Quality and Bird MARK, program, 377 Distribution, 505 Marra, P. P., see Norris, D. R., 535 Kristan, W. B., II, M. D. Johnson, and J. T. Martell, M., Migrating Raptors of the World: Their Rotenberry, Choices and Consequences of Ecology and Conservation, by Keith L. Habitat Selection for Birds, 485 Bildstein, 481 Martin, K., see Wilson, S., 377 L Martin, T. E., see Auer, S. K., 321 Martin, T. E., see Fierro-Calderon, K., 680 Lagopus lagopus, 377 Marzluff, J. M., J. C. Withey, K. A. Whittaker, M. Lanctot, R. B., see Brown, S., | D. Oleyar, T. M. Unfried, S. Rullman, and J. Lanctot, R. B., see Brown, S., Liebezeit, J. R., 32 DeLap, Consequences of Habitat Utilization Larus audouinii, 268 by Nest Predators and Breeding Songbirds latitude, 441 across Multiple Scales in an Urbanizing Laysan, 954 Landscape, 516 lead, 852 mate change, 668 learning, open-ended, 968 maternal effects, 585 Leips, J., see Kiere, L. M., 692 Matz, A. C., and D. A. Rocque, Contaminants in lek, 155 Lesser Scaup Eggs and Blood from Yukon Leonardi, C., see DiMiceli, J. K., 595 Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 852 Lévesque, E., see Audet, B., 361 Mayr, G., A Small Representative of the Phalacro- Lewis, T. L., D. Esler, and W. S. Boyd, Foraging coracoidea (Cormorants and Anhingas) from Behaviors of Surf Scoters and White-winged the Late Oligocene of Germany, 929 Scoters during Spawning of Pacific Herring, McCaffery, B. J., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 216 McCracken, K. G., see Sonsthagen, S. A., 878 inepezert, J, i; P: A. Smith, R. B. Lanctot, H. McDonell, Z., see van Oort, H., 88 Schekkerman, |. Tulp, S. J. Kendall, D. M. McIntosh, C. E., see Fleischer, R. C., 954 Tracy, R. J. Rodrigues, H. Meltofte, J. A. McMillian, M., see Morrison, J. L., 648 Robinson, C. Gratto-Trevor, B. J. McCaffery, McWilliams, S. R., see Smith, S. B., 48 J. Morse, and S. W. Zack, Assessing the Meadowlark, Eastern, 781 Development of Shorebird Eggs Using the meadowlarks, 605 Flotation Method: Species-Specific and Gen- measurements, 419 eralized Regression Models, 32 Megascops, 617 life history, 321 Melanerpes formicivorus, 334 Lifjeld, J. T., see Whittingham, L. A., 58 lewis, 122 Lijtmaer, D. A., see Barreira, A. S., 18 Melanitta fusca,216 Lijtmaer, D. A., see Benites, P., 605 perspicillata, 216 Lijtmaer, D. A., and P. L. Tubaro, A Reversed Meltofte, H., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Pattern of Association between Song Dialects Mennill, D. J., see Cuthbert, J. L., 686 and Habitat in the Rufous-collared Sparrow, Mennill, D. J., see Valderrama, S. V., 870 658 mercury, 268 Lindell, C. A., see Kaiser, S. A., 288 Merino, S., see Moreno, J., 31 lipids, 59 Merops philippinus, 577 Lobato, E., see Moreno, J., 312 mesic tundra, 361 logistic exposure method, 628 metals, 199 Londono, G. A., see Munoz, M. C., 841 Mexico, 808 Long, J. A., see Brown, D. R., 548 microsatellites, 954 Lougheed, S. C., see Barreira, A. S., 187 microscopic, 192 Lougheed, S. C., see Benites, P., 605 migration, 142, 268, 535 Lower Rio Grande Valley, 907 fall 795 migratory connectivity, 256, 535 lowland rain forest, 59 Miller, D. A., J. B. Grand, T. F. Fondell, and R. M. Lynn, S. E., T. P. Hahn, and C. W. Breuner, Free- Anthony, Optimizing Nest Survival and Fe- Living Male Mountain White-crowned Spar- male Survival: Consequences of Nest Site rows Exhibit Territorial Aggression without Selection for Canada Geese, 769 Modulating Total or Free Plasma Testoster- Miller, E. H., see Sung, H., 468 one, 173 Millerbird, 954 M Millspaugh, J. J., see Washburn, B. E., 181 Millspaugh, J. J., see Suedkamp Wells, K. M., 781 Madagascar, 408 Missouri River, 943 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 1001 mitochondrial DNA, 408, 617, 954 nesting, cavity, 122 Mocino, 808 late, 334 Moe, B., see Angelier, F., 668 nestling, 920 Molothrus aeneus, 907 growth, 585 molt, 419 growth rates, 288 monitoring, 351 Newman, S. H., see Becker, B. H., 451 Monk Parakeet, 389 Nielsen, C. L. R., and R. J. Gates, Reduced Nest monogamy, 312 Predation of Cavity-Nesting Wood Ducks Moore, F., see Hobson, K. A., 256 during Flooding in a Bottomland Hardwood Moorman, C., Urban Wildlife Management, by Forest, 210 Clark E. Adams, Kieran J. Lindsey, and Sara Nihoa, 954 J. Ash, 718 Norris, D. R., and P. P. Marra, Seasonal Interac- Mora, M. A., R. J. Taylor, and B. L. Brattin, tions, Habitat Quality, and Population Dy- Potential Ecotoxicological Significance of El- evated Concentrations of Strontium in Egg- shells of Passerine Birds, 199 O Moreno, J., S. Merino, E. Lobato, M. A. Rodriguez- oak savanna, 734 Gironés, and R. A. Vasquez, Sexual Dimor- occupancy, 566 phism and Parental Roles in the Thorn-tailed offspring discrimination, 79 Rayadito (Furnariidae), 312 recognition, 79 Moreno, R., see Sanpera, C., 268 sex, 585 morphology, 132, 399 Oleyar, M. D., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 morphometric variation, 456 Oligocene, 929 Morris, D. L., see Washburn, B. E., 181 Olivio, O. R., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Morrison, J. L., M. McMillian, J. B. Cohen, and D. Omland, K. E., see Kiere, L. M., 692 H. Catlin, Environmental Correlates of Nest- Oriole, Altamira, 907 ing Success in Red-shouldered Hawks, 648 Fuertes’s, 692 Morse, J., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Orchard, 692 Moser, E. B., see DiMiceli, J. K., 595 ornithology, 808 Munoz, M. C., G. A. Londono, M. M. Rios, and G. Otter, K. A., see van Oort, H., 88 H. Kattan, Diet of the Cauca Guan: Exploi- Otus, 408, 617 tation of a Novel Food Source in Times of Owl, Barred, 750 Scarcity, 841 screech-, 617 Munoz-Garcia, A., and J. B. Williams, Cutaneous Spotted, 566, 750 Water Loss and Lipids of the Stratum oxygen consumption, 446 Corneum in Dusky Antbirds, a Lowland Tropical Bird, 59 P Murphy, M. T., see Redmond, L. J., 463 Murre, Common, 451 Panama, 59 Myiopsitta monachus, 389 parental care, 312 exclusions, 962 N roles, 312 Parker, P. G., see Santiago-Alarcon, D., 132 Nagy, L. R., D. Stanculescu, and R. T. Holmes, Parra, J. E., see Valderrama, S. V., 870 Mass Loss by Breeding Female Songbirds: Pasquet, E., see Fuchs, J., 408 Food Supplementation Supports Energetic Passeriformes, 181 Stress Hypothesis in Black-throated Blue passerines, 321 Warblers, 304 Pavlovic, N. B., see Grundel, R., 734 Navarro-Sigtienza, A. G., A. T. Peterson, M. A. Payer, D., see Brown, S., | Puig-Samper, and G. Zamudio, The Ornithol- Peak, R. G., Forest Edges Negatively Affect Golden- ogy of the Real Expedicion Botanica a Nueva cheeked Warbler Nest Survival, 628 Espana (1787-1803): An Analysis of the Pearce-Higgins, J. W., R. C. Brace, and J. Horn- Manuscripts of José Mariano Mocino, 808 buckle, Survivorship of Band-tailed Mana- nest, 399 kins, 167 cavity, 976 Peh, K. S., Potential Effects of Climate Change on densities, 97 Elevational Distributions of Tropical Birds in distribution, 15 Southeast Asia, 437 habitat, 15 Penelope perspicax, 841 loss, 206 Peterson, A. T., see Navarro-Sigiienza, A. G., 808 orientation, 44] Phalacrocoracoidea, 929 predation, 15, 210, 516, 721 parasitism, cowbird, 721 reuse, 463 Phoenicoparrus andinus, 276 site selection, 15, 769 jamesi, 276 success, 648 chilensis, 276 survival, 97, 288, 377, 628, 721, 769 phylogeny, 929 1002 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 phylogeography, 408, 456, 617 regression, ordinary least squares, 705 phytohemagglutinin, 920 nonparametric multiplicative, 734 Pipilo crissalis, 79 reduced major axis, 705 Pipra fasciicauda, 167 reproductive stress, 304 Pipridae, 167 biology, 680 Plain Wren, 686 performance, 206 plasma, 181 success, 516 metabolites, 48 restoration, 721, 734 Plover, Piping, 468 reverberations, 67 Snowy, 638 Ricalde, D., see Caziani, S. M., 276 plumage, 187, 419 Rich, T. D., Conservation across Borders: Biodiver- coloration, 312, 577, 692 sity in an Interdependent World, by Charles C. male, 605 Chester, 716 plumulaceous, 192 Rios, M. M., see Munoz, M. C., 841 Poecile atricapillus 88, 446 riparian forest, 721 point counts, 943 Rissa tridactyla, 668 Poisson regression, 943 Robertson, B. A., and R. L. Hutto, Is Selectively pollutants, persistent organic, Harvested Forest an Ecological Trap for ponderosa pine, 122 Olive-Sided Flycatchers?, 109 forests, 97 Robinson, J. A., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Pons, J., see Fuchs, J., 408 Rocque, D. A., see Matz, A. C., 852 population dynamics, 351 Rodrigues, R. J., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 genetic structure, 878 Rodriguez-Ferraro, A., M. A. Garcia-Amado, and C. model, 505 Bosque, Diet, Food Preferences, and Digestive size, 535 Efficiency of the Grayish Saltator, a Partly postfire salvage logging, 97 Folivorous Passerine, 824 postfledging, 781 Rodriguez-Gironés, M. A., see Moreno, J., 312 Powell, L. A., Approximating Variance of Demo- Rohweder, J. J., see Thogmartin, W. E., 943 graphic Parameters Using the Delta Method: Rojas-Soto, O. R., A. Espinosa de los Monteros, and A Reference for Avian Biologists, 949 R. M. Zink, Phylogeography and Patterns of power, 943 Differentiation in the Curve-billed Thrasher, predation, 122 456 danger, 638 Romano, M., see Caziani, S. M., 276 predator activity, 377 Rotenberry, J. T., see Kristan, W. B., III, 485 -prey relationships, 769 Ruiz, X., see Sanpera, C., 268 Premnoplex, 399 Rullman, S., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 Premnornis, 399 Russell, R. E., see Saab, V. A., 97 prey, alternative, 377 Ryan, M. R., see Suedkamp Wells, K. M., 781 productivity, 648 Proudfoot, G. A., F. R. Gehlbach, and R. L. S Honeycutt, Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Phylogeography of the Eastern and Saab, V. A., R. E. Russell, and J. G. Dudley, Nest Western Screech-Owls, 617 Densities of Cavity-Nesting Birds in Relation provisioning, 88 to Postfire Salvage Logging and Time Since Ptarmigan, Willow, 377 Wildfire, 97 Puig-Samper, M. A., see Navarro-Sigtienza, A. G., Sandpiper, Semipalmated, 351 808 salt lakes, 276 Saltator coerulescens,824 Q Saltator, Grayish, 824 sampling variance approximation, 949 Quail, California, 962 Sanpera, C., X. Ruiz; R. Moreno, L. Jover, and S. Quiroga, C., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Waldron, Mercury and Stable Isotopes in Feathers of Audouin’s Gulls as Indicators of R Feeding Habits and Migratory Connectivity, Raherilalao, M. J., see Fuchs, J., 408 268 rainfall, 648 Santiago-Alarcon, D., and P. G. Parker, Sexual Size Ramirez, E. R., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Dimorphism and Morphological Evidence Rappaport, A. R., see Buhrman-Deever, S. C., 389 Supporting the Recognition of Two Subspe- raptor, 648 cies in the Galapagos Dove, 132 Redmond, L. J., M. T. Murphy, and A. C. Dolan, Santolo, G. M., Selenium Accumulation in European Nest Reuse by Eastern Kingbirds: Adaptive Starlings Nesting in a Selenium-Contaminated Behavior or Ecological Constraint?, 463 Environment, 862 reduction mechanism, 675 scale, local, 237 reflectance, 605 regional, 237 spectrometry, 692 Scaup, Lesser, 852 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 1003 Schaub, M., see Bachler, E., 142 Common Eiders Breeding in the Yukon- Schekkerman, H., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, 878 Schulz, J. H., see Washburn, B. E., 181 Sosa, H., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Scolopacidae, 32 South Texas, 907 Scoter, Surf, 216 Southeast Asia, 437 White-winged, 216 sp. nov., 929 sea ice, 894 Sparrow, Rufous-collared, 658 seabird, White-throated, 48 Seamans, M. E., and R. J. Gutiérrez, Habitat spatial distribution, 155 Selection in a Changing Environment: The variation, 237 Relationship between Habitat Alteration and species boundaries, 692 Spotted Owl Territory Occupancy and Breed- limits, 456 ing Dispersal, 566 richness, 237 seasonal effects, 734 spectrophotometry, 605 seeds, 595 spot mapping, 516 selective harvest, 109 Stahl, J. T., see Koenig, W. D., 334 selenium, blood, 862 Stanculescu, D., see Nagy, L. R., 304 egg, 862 Starling, European, 862, 968 liver, 862 Sternoclyta cyanopectus, 680 sensitive periods, 968 stopover, 256, 795 Sessé, 808 duration, 142 sexual dimorphism, 312 Stouffer, P. C., see DiMiceli, J. K., 595 selection, 312 size dimorphism, 132 stress, 920 shorebird, 1, 15 response, 675 Siefferman, L., Y. Wang, Y. Wang, and H. Yuan, Strix occidentalis,566, 750 Sexual Dichromatism, Dimorphism, and Con- varia, 750 dition-Dependent Coloration in Blue-tailed strontium, 199, 852 Bee-eaters, 577 Sturnella, 605 simulated territorial intrusion, 173 Sturnus vulgaris, 862, 968 Slabbekoorn, H., P. Yeh, and K. Hunt, Sound subspecies, 187, 456 Transmission and Song Divergence: A Com- Suedkamp Wells, K. M., M. R. Ryan, J. J. Mill- parison of Urban and Forest Acoustics, 67 spaugh, F. R. Thompson III, and M. W. Slikas, B., see Fleischer, R. C., 954 Hubbard, Survival of Postfledging Grassland Small, S. L., F. R. Thompson III, G. R. Geupel, and Birds in Missouri, 781 J. Faaborg, Spotted Towhee Population Dy- Sung, H., and E. H. Miller, Variation and In- namics in a Riparian Restoration Context, 721 dividuality in Display-Flight Calls of Male Smith, J. N. M., see Smith, P. A., 15 Piping Plovers, 468 Smith, P. A., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 survival, 167 Smith, P. A., H. G. Gilchrist, and J. N. M. Smith, chick, 638 Effects of Nest Habitat, Food, and Parental female, 769 Behavior on Shorebird Nest Success, 15 Juvenile, 781 Smith, S. B., S. R. McWilliams, and C. G. Sylvia hortensis, 142 Guglielmo, Effect of Diet Composition on sympatry, 605 Plasma Metabolite Profiles in a Migratory syntax, 968 Songbird, 48 snakes, 781 Snyder, N. F. R., Two Evaluations of Condor Tachycineta bicolor, 585 Recovery, 983 social dominance, 88 tail length, 312 influences, 968 Talamo, A., see Caziani, S$. M., 276 systems, 548 Talbot, S. L., see Sonsthagen, S. A., 878 Sogge, M. K., T. J. Koronkiewicz, C. v. Riper III, Tamaulipan brushland, 907 and S. L. Durst, Willow Flycatcher Non- Taylor, R. J., see Mora, M. A., 199 breeding Territory Defense Behavior in Costa telemetry, 142 Rica, 475 temperature, ambient, 585 solar radiation, 441 temporal factors, 628 Somateria mollissima, 878 territoriality, 548 song, 155, 686 testosterone, 173, 181 female, 475 thermoregulation, 59 evolution, 67 Thogmartin, W. E., B. R. Gray, M. Gallagher, N. learning, 968 Young, J. J. Rohweder, and M. G. Knutson, Sonsthagen, S., see Cooper, S. J., 446 Power to Detect Trend in Short-Term Time Sonsthagen, S. A., S. L. Talbot, and K. G. Series of Bird Abundance, 943 McCracken, Genetic Characterization of Thompson, F. R., III, see Small, S. L.. 721 1004 INDEX TO VOLUME 109 Thompson, F. R., III, see Suedkamp Wells, K. M., Wassenaar, L. I., see Hobson, K. A., 256 781 Watts, B. D., and M. A. Byrd, Impact of Hurricane Thrush, Swainson’s, 795 Isabel on Bald Eagle Nests and Reproductive Wood, 288 Performance in the Lower Chesapeake Bay, Thryothorus modestus,686 206 Tietz, J. R., and M. D. Johnson, Stopover Ecology wear, 419 and Habitat Selection of Juvenile Swainson’s Werner, S. M., S. J. Hejl, and T. Brush, Breeding Thrushes during Fall Migration along the Ecology of the Altamira Oriole in the Lower Northern California Coast, 795 Rio Grande Valley, Texas, 907 timber management, 109 Whittaker, K. A., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 time budget, 824 Whittingham, L. A., P. O..Dunn, and J. T. Lifjeld, Towhee, California, 79 Egg Mass Influences Nestling Quality in Tree Toxostoma curvirostre,456 Swallows, but There Is No Differential Allo- Tracy, D. M., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 cation in Relation to Laying Order or Sex, 585 Tracy, I. E., see Kiere, L. M., 692 Wiebe, K. L., Hypoxia Probably Does Not Explain transients, 167 Short Incubation Periods of Woodpeckers, tree density, 734 976 trend estimation, 943 wildfire, 97, 109, 122 Tubaro, P. L., see Barreira, A. S., 187 Williams, J. B., see Munoz-Garcia, A., 59 Tubaro, P. L., see Benites, P., 605 Willoughby, E. J., Geographic Variation in Color, Tubaro, P. L., see Lijtmaer, D. A., 658 Measurements, and Molt of the Lesser Gold- Tulp, I., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 finch in North America Does Not Support two-species hypothesis, 408 Subspecific Designation, 419 Tyrannus tyrannus,463 Wilson, C. M., and R. L. Holberton, Are Nestlings the Cue for Reduction of the Adrenocortical Response to Stress in Male Yellow Warblers underdispersion, 943 Breeding at High Latitude?, 675 Unfried, T. M., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 Wilson, S., K. Martin, and S. J. Hannon, Nest Uria aalge,451 Survival Patterns in Willow Ptarmigan: In- utilization distribution, 516 fluence of Time, Nesting Stage, and Female Vv Characteristics, 377 wing-loading hypothesis, 304 Valderrama, S. V., J. E. Parra, and D. J. Mennill, winter, 548 Species Differences in the Songs of the territoriality, 475 Critically Endangered Niceforo’s Wren and Withey, J. C., see Marzluff, J. M., 516 the Related Rufous-and-white Wren, 870 woodpecker, 976 Valqui, M., see Caziani, S. M., 276 Woodpecker, Acorn, 334 van’ Qort, H., K.. A. ‘Otter, K.. T. Fort, and Z. Wren, Canebrake, 686 McDonell, Habitat, Dominance, and the Niceforo’s, 870 Phenotypic Quality of Male Black-capped Rufous-and-white, 870 Chickadees, 88 Thryothorus, 870 van Riper, C., III, see Sogge, M. K., 475 Van Wilgenburg, S., see Hobson, K. A., 256 X, Y Vasquez, R. A., see Moreno, J., 312 Yeh, P., see Slabbekoorn, H., 67 vegetation, 769 Vierling, K. T., see Gentry, D. J., 122 Young, N., see Thogmartin, W. E. , 943 vocalization, 468, 475 Yuan, H., see Siefferman, L., 577 Yungas forest, 321 Ww z Waldron, S., see Sanpera, C., 26 Wang, Y., see Siefferman, L., 57 Zack, S. W., see Liebezeit, J. R., 32 Warbler, Yellow, 675 Zamudio, G., see Navarro-Sigiienza, A. G., 808 Washburn, B. E., J. J. Millspaugh, D. L. Morris, J. Zenaida galapagoensis, 132 H. Schulz, and J. Faaborg, Using a Commer- Zink, R. M., see Rojas-Soto, O. R., 456 cially Available Enzyme Immunoassay to Zonotrichia albicollis, 48 Quantify Testosterone in Avian Plasma, 181 capensis, 658 Washington, 750 leucophrys oriantha, \73 THE CONDOR JOURNAL OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 109 DAVID S. DoBKIN, Editor DAvipD L. SWANSON, Book Review Editor THALIA SACHTLEBEN AND ALEXA L. BONTRAGER, Managing Editors NICOLETTE M. SWIFT AND DAMIAN FAGAN, Editorial Assistants 2007 CONTENTS, VOLUME 109, 2007 NUMBER I| (FEBRUARY) FEATURE ARTICLES Shorebird Abundance and Distribution on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Stephen Brown, Jonathan Bart, Richard B. Lanctot, James A. Johnson, Steve Kendall. David Payer, and Jay JORNsOn ..5..6..60504 63 Sees ea Seis be es l Effects of Nest Habitat, Food, and Parental Behavior on Shorebird Nest Success Paul Allen Smith, H. Grant Gilchrist, and James N. M. Smith ......... 15 Assessing the Development of Shorebird Eggs Using the Flotation Method: Species- Specific and Generalized Regression Models Joseph R. Liebezeit, Paul A. Smith, Richard B. Lanctot, Hans Schekkerman, Ingrid Tulp, Steve J. Kendall, Diane M. Tracy, Robert J. Rodrigues, Hans Meltofte, Julie A. Robinson, Cheri Gratto-Trevor, Brian J. McCaffery, Julie IVROESCRIIAMURNC SiUmEe . ote ole sR bi Toh cra aw cle ce Koka ebarteotee ws eeeeane 32 Effect of Diet Composition on Plasma Metabolite Profiles in a Migratory Songbird Susan B. Smith, Scott R. McWilliams, and Christopher G. Guglielmo ... . 48 Cutaneous Water Loss and Lipids of the Stratum Corneum in Dusky Antbirds, a Lowland Tropical Bird Agusti Munoz-Garcia and Joseph Bo Wiliams 2... nee ek ewe 39 Sound Transmission and Song Divergence: A Comparison of Urban and Forest Acoustics Hans Slabbekoorn, Pamela Yeh, and Kimberly Hunt ...........545. 67 Offspring Discrimination without Recognition: California Towhee Responses to Chick Distress Calls RSRUIR TE RCININC ES e. 2 cine, Si Wee es a She be Se Oe esa oar etees & 19 Habitat, Dominance, and the Phenotypic Quality of Male Black-capped Chickadees Harry van Oort, Kenneth A. Otter, Kevin T. Fort, and Zoe McDonell ... . 88 Nest Densities of Cavity-Nesting Birds in Relation to Postfire Salvage Logging and Time Since Wildfire Victoria A. Saab, Robin E. Russell, and Jonathan G. Dudley ......... a7 Is Selectively Harvested Forest an Ecological Trap for Olive-sided Flycatchers? Bruce A> Robertsoniand Richard THO: . 6 ow hoe cts ee es OO Old Burns as Source Habitats for Lewis’s Woodpeckers Breeding in the Black Hills of South Dakota DANES Gey a ROLE NL VEE 06f eiss 5) dys Murs) Galler Se ue. ose eek Ce ee Sexual Size Dimorphism and Morphological Evidence Supporting the Recognition | of Two Subspecies in the Galapagos Dove } Dieso'Santiago-Alarcon and’ Patncia G. Parker ... 2666s 06 ace ne d TS The Effects of Permanent Local Emigration and Encounter Technique on Stopover Duration Estimates as Revealed by Telemetry and Mark-Recapture Erich Bachler and Michael Schaub Display Behavior and Spatial Distribution of the White-crowned Manakin in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil Ivandy N. Castro-Astor, Maria Alice S. Alves, and Roberto B. Cavalcanti SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Survival of Band-tailed Manakins James W. Pearce-Higgins, Robin C. Brace, and Jon Hornbuckle ........ 167 Free-Living Male Mountain White-crowned Sparrows Exhibit Territorial Aggres- sion without Modulating Total or Free Plasma Testosterone Sharon E. Lynn, Thomas P. Hahn, and Creagh W. Breuner

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