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htr(A2)i µ The ondensate in ommutative and non ommutative theories ‡ ‡ ‡,♮ R.N.Baranov , D.V.Bykov , A.A.Slavnov ‡ 6 M.V.Lomonosov Mos ow State University, Physi s Fa ulty, Leninskie gory, 0 0 bld. 1-2, GSP-2, 119992 Mos ow, Russia ♮ 2 V.A.Steklov Mathemati al Institute, Gubkina str., bld. 8, GSP-1, 117966 n Mos ow, Russia a J 9 1 Abstra t dx tr(A2 − 2 xνθ Aµ) 2 It is shown that gauge invarian e of the operator µ gξ µν in v R 2 non ommutative gauge theory does not lead to gauge independen e of its va uum 4 ondensate. GeneralizedWardidentitiesareobtainedforGreen'sfun tionsinvolving 1 lim 1 dx tr(A2) 1 operator Ω→∞Ω ΩR µ in non ommutative and ommutative gauge theories. 0 6 0 / 1 Introdu tion h t - p Those va uum ondensates, whi h are order parameters at phase transitions, play e a spe ial role in quantum field theory. Examples are provided by the Higgs field h hφi =6 0 : ondensate ( - signals the phase of spontaneously broken symmetry) and the v hq¯qi =6 0 i hiral order parameter ( - signals the phase of broken hiral symmetry). X Arguments in favor of the fa t that the ondensate of anoni al (mass) dimension r htrA2i a two µ may be useful in the study of the onfinement-de onfinement phase A µ transition in QCD (here are the gluon fields) have been presented in [1℄. The trA2 µ operator is not gauge invariant, but that does not mean that all its matrix F2 + n A µν µ µ elements are not invariant either. For instan e, onsider an operator U(1) n µ in -theory, where is a onstant ve tor. It is lear that this operator is htrF2 i µν not gauge invariant, but its v.e.v. oin ides with and is invariant. In the papers [2℄ it was shown that in non ommutative field theory the ondensate htrA2i ω(x) µ does not hange under gauge transformations with a gauge fun tion , whi h approa hes unity at infinity fast enough. On the basis of some onje tures htr(A2)i µ in [2℄ it was on luded that the ondensate does not depend on the gauge fixing parameter, both in non ommutative, as well as in ommutative theory. In this work it will be shown that the invarian e of the theory with respe t to gauge ω(x) transformations with fun tions , whi h approa h unity at infinity fast enough, htr(A2)i µ does not imply gauge independen e of the ondensate . Noninvarian e of 1 the ondensate provides obvious restri tions for the possibility of using it as an order parameter: for this purpose it is ne essary that the olle tion of values of the oupling onstant, at whi h the order parameter vanishes, is invariant under gauge transformations. From this point of view it seems more onvenient to use not the ondensate, but its minimal value with respe t to gauge transformations: L d=ef minhtr(Aω)2i µ ω , as it was suggested in [1℄. 2 Gauge invarian e in lassi al and quantum non ommutative theory In this se tion it will be shown that the invarian e of some quantity under gauge transformations with a gauge fun tion, whi h approa hes unity fast enough at infinity,doesnotguaranteegaugeindependen eofallitsmatrixelementsinquantum theory. Letusdis ussa on reteexample,whi hillustratesthisstatementandwhi h htrA2i µ is at the same time losely related to the ondensate . dxtr(A2 − µ We will remind the main steps of the proof [2℄ that the quantity 2 xνθ Aµ) U(N) R gξ µν is gauge invariant in lassi al theory. The easiest way to a hieve the desired result is to start with a matrix model. Its dynami al variable is the field 1 B = A + θ−1xν. µ µ ξ µν (1) A µ If transforms as a non ommutative Yang-Mills field, the gauge transformations B for have a simple form [3℄: Bω = ω ⋆ B ⋆ω−1, µ µ (2) ′⋆′ where stands for non ommutative Moyal produ t. It is easy to build a gauge- dxtr(B2) µ invariant quantity and make a shift (1). In this way we obtain a gauge- dRxtr(A2 − 2 xνθ Aµ) invariant term µ gξ µν . R Let us, however, mark a subtlety in the above-mentioned proof: we used the dxtr(A⋆B −B ⋆ A) = 0 A B relation , whi h is only true if and satisfy ertain R min|x | → ∞ µ asymptoti falloff onditions as µ . In a proof of lassi al gauge ω(x) invarian e the fun tion , indeed, an be hosen to approa h unity as fast as we like, but in a proof of the independen e of matrix elements in quantum theory it is not always possible. N = 1 U(1) For simpli ity we set , i.e. onsider the gauge group . Let us hCi d=ef lim dxtr(hA2 − 2 xνθ Aµi) find the variation of the v.e.v. Ω→∞ µ gξ µν under ΩR δA = δαD M−1(x,y)∂A(y)dy the transformation µ 2α µ , whi h orresponds to the α α+δαR transition from the to the gauge, to zeroth order in the oupling onstant: δα δα δhCi = h dxtr(A ∂µβ )i− h dxtr(xνθ (∂µβ +g[Aµ,β ]))i, µ 0 µν 0 α Z gξα Z (3) 2 β = M−1(x,y)∂A(y)dy; β = β| 0 g=0 where . Wewill onsiderea htermseparately. R First of all, h dxtr(A ∂µβ )i = − dyD (x−y)h∂A(x)∂A(y)i = αD (0) µ 0 c c Z Z (4) =−αδ(x−y) | {z } Hereafter the horizontal bra ket indi ates that we are using the Ward identity for the two-point fun tion. h dxtr(xνθ ∂µβ)i µν The se ond term vanishes, be ause R ∂µhβ(x)i = ∂µh dyc¯(x)c(y)∂A(y)i = ∂µ dyF(y −x) = 0. x x x Z Z In the last equation we used translation invarian e of the theory. We stress that it is transla′xt′ion invarian e whi h makes it imphossdibxlxeνtθo i[nAteµg,rβa]tie by parts (with µν respe t to ). Now we turn to the last term . We write it in ξ R the first order in (it is lear that in the zeroth order it is zero, and we an restri t ourselves to the first order as all relations should hold in every order): ξ h dxxνθ [Aµ,β ]i = h dxxνθ θαγ∂ Aµ∂ β (x)i µν 0 µν α γ 0 Z 2 Z (5) β (x) 0 In lassi al field theory is a fast de reasing fun tion. In this ase we would be able to integrate by parts in the last equality and we would find that the resulting β = β [A] 0 0 ontribution an els (4). However, in our ase is a on rete fun tion and we annot hange its asymptoti behavior. Therefore, h∂ Aµ∂ D (x−y)∂A(y)dyi = − dy∂yD (x−y)h∂ Aµ(x)∂A(y)i = α γ c γ c α Z Z =−α∂αx∂µxDc(x−y) | {z } = −α dy∂ D (y)∂ ∂µD (y) = 0 γ c α c Z (6) hCi Thus, the full variation of is δhCi = δαD (0) 6= 0, c (7) D (0) = 0 c unless a spe ifi regularization is hosen, whi h provides the equality (for example, dimensional regularization). In the work [4℄ it was shown that the following relation holds in the general ase: d htr(A2)i = htr(c¯c)i , dα µ α=0 α=0 (8) It is onsistent with (7), be ause the ghost ondensate in the Lorentz gauge in the D (0) c zeroth order of perturbation theory is equal to . 3 3 Generalized Ward identities in the presen e of a dimension two ondensate in ommutative and non ommutative theory hA2i µ Inthepre edingse tionwefoundoutthatthe ondensate dependsonthegauge fixing parameter. Nevertheless, generalized Ward identities for Green's fun tions C involving operator hold in the non ommutative theory. It is due to the fa t that both in ommutative and non ommutativeδthAeor=yDin oMrd−e1rφto obtain the generalized µ µ Ward identities we make a transformation with an arbitrary gauge φ fun tion , and, of ourse, we an hoose one, whi h de reases at infinity. Let us onsider the generating fun tional for the Green's fun tions with an C insertion of operator : i Z [J] = Z−1 C ·exp iS + dx(∂A)2 +i JµA dx · detM DA C µ Z (cid:20) 2α Z Z (cid:21) (9) To obtain the generalized Ward identities, as usual, we make a hange of variables A → A +δA µ µ µ , where δA = D M−1φ, µ µ (10) φ where is an arbitrary fun tion. Then we get −i∂ δZC + dzJ (z)DzM−1(z,y) = 0 α µ(cid:20)δJ (cid:21) Z µ µ (11) µ This identity oin ideswith the one that wouldtake pla einthe absen e of operator C Z Z C (i.e. for rather than for ), as it should have been expe ted, be ause operator C φ is invariant under gauge transformations (10) with a de reasing fun tion . lim 1 dx tr(A2) Letusnow onsiderGreen'sfun tionswithoneinsertionofoperatorΩ→∞Ω Ω µ R in the ommutative theory. They have the following property: 1 ∃ lim d4xh[A2(x)]· O (y )i = h[A2(0)]i·h O (y )i, Ω⇀∞ Ω Z µ i i µ i i (12) Yi Yi Ω {O : i = 1...n} i where is a set of elementary, i.e. not omposite, operators, and the square bra kets indi ate that the operator is renormalized. Later on we will use the O(Y) ≡ O (y ) i i notation . i Q To prove this relation it is suffi ient to show that the onne ted diagrams orresponding to the l.h.s. of (12) vanish in the limit of infinite volume. Ω Ω = K4 R For definiteness we hoose to be a four-dimensional ball: . Next x we perform a Fourier transformation with respe t to ' ' in the l.h.s. of (12) and x integrate expli itly over ' ', using the formula 4π2R2 d4xeipx = J (pR), Z p2 2 (13) K4 R 4 p ≡ p2 J 2 where and is the Bessel fun tion of the se ond kind. Thus, p 1 4π2R2 J (pR) lim d4xh[A2(x)]·O(Y)i = lim d4p 2 h[A2(p)]·O(Y)i Ω⇀∞ Ω Z µ R⇀∞ ΩK4 Z p2 µ (14) R Ω 4π2 J (k) k = lim d4k 2 h[A2( )]·O(Y)i R⇀∞ ΩK4 Z k2 µ R R h[A2(p)]· O(Y)i µ So, we are interested in the asymptoti s of the Green's fun tions p ⇀ 0 as . Below we will show that the singularity of the v.e.v. in this limit is not worse than logarithmi . For that purpose we will now al ulate the infrared index of the diagram. Consider (Fig.1)anarbitraryone-parti le-irredu iblediagramwithnonex eptional p ,... , p ; p + ... + p = 0 G ,...,G 1 n 1 n 1 k external momenta . We denote by the G R diverging subgraphs of the diagram . The Bogoliubov-Parasyuk -operation a ts in the following way: R(G) = .[1−M(G )]...[1−M(G )]. . 1 k . . . (15) A ording to the R-operation (15), the renormalized diagram represents a sum of the unrenormalized diagram and the diagrams whi h are obtained from the initial F i one by the substitution of oeffi ient fun tions of some divergent subgraphs by the first terms of their Taylor expansion with respe t to the momenta, whi h are k external for these subgraphs, at some point . The infrared divergen e index of ea h terme in this sum an be ast in the form ωGi = ω −ω +ω′ ir ir ir ir ω e e G ω ir ir where isthedivergen eindexoGftheunrenormalizeddiagram , iωsa ontrωib′ution i ir ir of the unrenormalized subgraph to the infrared divergen e indeex and is M(G )F i i the ontribution of . e In the unrenormalized diagram (Fig. 1) propagators at the boundary of the ω ir diagramdo not ontribute to , be ause the external momentaare nonex eptional. Let us pull allthese propagators together to one point, then we obtain a vertex with n n int external and internal lines. Using the identity, whi h relates the number of loops to the number of verti es and internal lines, as well as the topologi al identity, whi h onne ts the number of internal and external lines with the number ω = n − 2 ir int of verti es of various types, we find . As we are dealing with one- n ≥ 2 ω ≥ 0 int ir parti le-irredu ible gωr′aphs, , and thus . ir Let us evaluate for some subgraph. The first term in the Taylor expansion F k k i is the fun tion atethe point (by we denote the set of all external momenta G G i i of the graph ), i.e. we need toe al uelate the IR divergen e index of the graph k with fixed external momenta . It an be done in a fashion analogous to the way ω ir we al ulaωt′ed≥ 2 for the unreenormalkized diagraωm. ωFor=a4sLub+grVaph−w2iIth no maLss ir ir ir 3 insertion at nonex eptional . As for , , where , V I G 3, are tehe numbers of loops, tripleeverti es aned preopagatoers ine i, reespe tiveley. e e 5 −p n k l 1 k l 2 k +l +p 1 1 k +l 1 k +L+p p 1 1 (cid:1) Figure 1: S hemati representation of a onne ted 1PI diagram. At nonex eptional (k + l + p ),(k + L + p ),...,(k − p ) 1 1 1 n external momenta the propagators do not ω L = l +l ir 1 2 ontribute to . Here we have used the notation . ω G ir i We see that oin ides with the UV divergen e index of the subgraph , and ω ≤ 2 ω = 4−E E ω = 2 uv uv uv ( e , where is the number of external lines; ω′ ≥is2saωtura≤ted2 ir ir only for self-energeti diagrams). Thus, taking into a ount that , ω ≥ 0 ir and , we obtain: e e ωGi = ω +(ω′ −ω ) ≥ ω ≥ 0 ir ir ir ir ir (16) e e In the next terms of the Taylor expansion differentiation a ts on the part of the G k i dGiagram , through whi h the fωix′ed momentum flows. This part of thGe subgraph i does not influen e thωe′ in≥de0x ir, and tωhe r≤ela0teion (16) still holds. If i in ludes ir ir a mass insertion, then , ebut also . Indeed, it is easy to verify that ω = 2 − E E G ir i E ≥ 2 (whωere ≤ e0is the nuωmGbie≥r o0feexternal lines of ). GFor 1PI diagrams ir ir i e , therefore . Thus, also in the ase when in ludes a mass k insertion. Note theat the normalization points should be hosen nonsingular. For example, the zero subtra tion points should bee ex luded form the veryω′beginning, ir be ause from the aωr′gu≥m2ents des ribed above it is lear that in this ase does not ir satisfy inequality as the zero momenta are ex eptional. e We have proveed that the divergen e at zero external momentum is not worse than logarithmi , and in this ase the limit (14) is zero, and (12) is true. α Suppose that at some value of the gauge fixing parameter the ondition htrA2i =6 0 µ is fulfilled, then we define an operator 1 dxtr(A2) D d=ef lim · Ω µ Ω→∞(cid:18)Ω R htr(A2)i (cid:19) (17) µ It was shown above that when we onsider a Green's fun tion of a few elementary D fields and an operator we an substitute the latter with a unit operator (see (12)). D In spite of this, the operator is not identi alto the unit operator. Indeed, Green's D tr(A2(y)) µ fun tionsofoperator andsomeother ompositeoperator(forexample, ), requires additional renormalization, whi h is not onne ted to the renormalizations tr(A2) µ of the separate omposite operators entering the Green's fun tion. 6 4 Dis ussion In this work the following results have been obtained: first of all, it has been shown thatinnon ommutativefieldtheorythegeneralizedWardidentitiesholdforGreen's dxtr(A2 − 2 xνθ Aµ) fun tion involving operator µ gξ µν . In ommutative field theory R D Ward identities for Green's fun tions with an insertion of an operator (see (17)) hold as if it were a unit operator. It has been shown that in non ommutative theory lassi al gauge invarian e and generalized Ward identities do not guarantee gauge independen e of the matrix elements of operators, orresponding to fun tions that are invariant under lassi al gauge transformations. It is due to the fa t that there are no lo al gauge invariants in non ommutative theories. An analogous situation is en ountered, for example, in gravity theory and in supersymmetri theories. It would be interesting to explore the possible physi al onsequen es of this fa t. htr(A2)i µ As it was dis ussed above, the use of the ondensate as an order parameter is only possible if the olle tion of values of the oupling onstant, at htr(A2)i µ whi h it vanishes, is gauge independent. Note that the minimal value of with respe t to gauge transformations, whi h was proposed in the paper [1℄ as a andidate for an order parameter, fulfills this ondition. The question, whether this htr(A2)i µ requirement is satisfied for the ondensate , is still open. A knowledgements. This work has been partiallysupported by grants RFBR (cid:157) 050100541, the grant for the support of leading s ientifi s hools (cid:157) 20052.2003.1 and the RAS program "Theoreti al problems of mathemati s". Referen es [1℄ F.V.Gubarev, L.Stodolsky, V.I.Zakharov, Phys.Rev.Lett 86 (2001) 2220. F.V.Gubarev, V.I.Zakharov, Phys.Lett.B 501 (2001) 28. [2℄ A.A.Slavnov, Phys.Lett.B 608 (2005) 171-176 A.A.Slavnov, Theor. Math. Phys. 143 (2005) 489 [3℄ M.Douglas, N.Nekrasov, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 (2001) 977 [4℄ D.V.Bykov, A.A.Slavnov, Theor. Math. Phys. 145 (2005) 1495 7

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