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The Concept of Woman: The Aristotelian Revolution 750 BC - AD 1250 PDF

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THE CONCEPT OF WOMAN The Aristotelian Revolution 750 1250 BC-AD Sister Prudence Allen, R.S.M. B. WILLIAM EEERDMANS PUBLISHING COMPANY U.K. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN / CAMBRIDGE, (Q 1985 Eden Press First published in Canad.1 1985 by &kn Pn:ss The first cditian was published wim the help of a gr:Ult from the Can.tdian Feder-uion for th~ Hum:mitics, using funds provickd by me Soci.tl Scknccs and Hum:mities Research Council af Canada. This edidon published in the United Sf3te5 of America 1997 by Wm. B. Ec:rdmans Publishing Co. 255 Jdferson Ave. S.E., Grand R3pids, Michigan 495031 p.o. So, 163, Gunb.idS' CB3 9PU U.K All rights reserved Printed in the United 5wes of America 02 01 00 99 98 97 7 6 5 4 3 2 Libn.ry of Congress CaWoging·in.Publicuian Dati Allen, Prudence. The concept of woman ; the ArulOtdi;an n:volution 750 B.C.·A.D. 1250 I Prudence AJlen. p. cm. Origin:dly published: Montrc:ll: Eden Pres5, c1985. Includes bibliogr.aphica1ll!ferences and indo:. ISBN 0-8028-4270-4 (olk. pop") 1. Femininity (Philosophy) - Histary. 2. Women - History. 3. Sex - Hi5tory. I. TIde. BD450A4725 1997 305.4'01-dclO 96·9102 CIP DEDICATION TO THE FIRST EDITION In gratitude for being the initial catalyst for this historical srudy of the concept of woman, the first edition was dedicated to Reverend Mother Benedict Duss, C.S.B., Abbess of Regina Laudis, Bethlehem, Connecticut. DEDICATION TO THE SECOND EDITION In gratitude fur their personal example of the lifelong dedication to learning I dedicate this second edition to my parents, Mildred and Henry Allen. TABLE OF CONTENTS A Chronological Table of me Phaosophers Considen:d ............. ........... xv Ackn .....e dgem ...t s ....................................................... xvu Preface to me Second Edition ................................•...•......... xix Chapter I: PRECURSORS TO ARlSlUfLE .... ..................... 8 'mE PRE·SOCRATICS RAISE 'mE FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS ........... 8 The Poets .... ... .... ... .. ........................................ 12 Hesiod ...................................................... 12 Sappho ...................................................... I~ The Milesi.n •..................................................... 17 An. . im.nder. ......................... .. ........ ............. 17 Her.dim• .............. ..... ............ .. ................... 18 The Pythagorean •.............. .... ............................... 19 Pannenides .......................................................... 24 The PluraIi.su ...................•......•...•......................... 26 An=goras ..........................•............ .•....... ... 26 Aspasi . ...................................... ........ .. ...... 29 Empcdoclcs ................. ...... ........................... 30 Democritus .... ..•...... •.................................... 35 The Sophists ........................................ .............. 37 Procagoras ............................... .. ............. ..... 38 Gorgias ......................... ..... ........................ 40 Prodicus .................. ................................... 43 Antiphon ................................................. .. .45 The ffipp<>eratic Writing. ...................... ................... .. 46 THE SOCRATIC PHJl.OSOPHERS .. ..................................... 53 Xeoophon ........... ............................................. 53 Plato ............. ..... ... .......... ..... .. .... .. ...... ..... .. . ·.57 Opposites ......... .. ..... .................................... $8 Gen<:ration ....... .. ....... ................................... 61 Wisdom ............................... ...................... 66 Virtue ............ ....... .. ....... ........................... 71 n SUMMARY AND EVAWATION ............. ........ ................... n The Significance of tbe Precursors to Aristode ...... .. ..... ........ ... Philosophical Origins of Sex Pollrity ................................. 77 Philosophical Origins of Sex Complementari,y ......................... 78 Pllw IS the Fou"der of 'he Sex·Unity Position ... ...... .... .. ......... 79 Rationallty and Materiality Fragmented ...... .. ....................... 81 Chapter II: ARiSTOTLE"",,""" " " """ " "" """ " ""'" ,83 ARISlUfLE'S CONSIDERATION OF HIS PREDECESSORS, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,83 Aristotle's Rejection of Theories of Female Seed, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , , ,84 Aristotle's Direct Rejection of Plato's Theory of Sex Unity, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,86 Aristotle's Indirect Rejection of Plato's Theory of Sex Unity, , , , , , , , , , , , ,88 ARlSlUfLE'S DEVELOPMENT OF SEX POLARITY, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,89 In What Way are Male and Female Opposite?, , , , , , , , , , , , . ' , ' , , , . , , , , , ,89 Female and Male as Contraries, , , , , , , , , , , , ' .. , . , , , , , , , , .. , , .. , .. 89 Female as Privation of the Male, , , , ' , , ' , , , ... , , , , , , , , , , ...... , , ,90 Female Compared to Matter, Male Compared to Form, , . , . , . , , , , ' , ,91 Female as Passive, Male as Active, , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , . , , , , , ,92 The Eatth (and Female) at Bottom of Universe, .. , ,. , , , , , " " , , , , ,93 What are the Respective Functions of Mothering and Fathering in Generation?", .. " .. " .. ,' ' , .. , . , .... , , .. , , .. , , , , ,95 Woman as Cold, Man as Hot. , , , ' , , , , , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , . , ... , . , , , , ,95 Woman as Infettile, Imperfect and Defurmed Man, , , , , , , , .. , , , , , , ,97 Mother .s Contributor of Matter (Body), and Father as Contributor of Form (Soul) to the Child, , , , . ' , , , , , , , ,98 Hostile Interaction of Opposites in Generation, , , , , ' , , , , , , , , , . , , , , 101 Do Women and Men Relate to Wisdom in the Same Way?, , . , .. , , , . , , , . 103 Reorientation of Philosophy Towards Definition, , , , , ' , , , , , . , , , , , , , 104 Women and Irrationality, Man and Rationality, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , . 108 Women and True Opinion, Man and Knowledge" , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , 109 Do Women and Men Have the Same or Different Virtues?, , , , . , , , ' , , , , , III Women as Excluded from Manly Vinues, , , . , , , .. , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , III Woman's Virtue to Obey, Man's Virtue to Rule, . , .. , . , . , . , ... , , . , , 112 Separate and Unequal Virtues in the Household, . , , , , , , , , .. , . , , , , 114 Virtue and Character in Man and Woman, , . , , , . , , , . , , , . , . , , , , , , , 117 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION, ' , .. , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , .. , , , , , , , , ' .. , , , , , ,119 Aristotle as the Founder of the Sex Polarity Position, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 119 Sex Unity and Sex Neutrality Compared, , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , 121 The Double Paradox of Plato and Aristotle, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , .. , , , , 122 Aristotle's Complex Combination of Error and Truth, , , , , , , . , . , , , , ,123 Rationality and Materiality Unified" "" , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. . , , , , , , , 124 Sex Polarity. Imbalance, and Hostility"", , , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , 126 ,O,F ,, , . , . , , , , ., , , ~i:gte~iM:Jfc A£~IJi~:S ,~~~~LI~~, .127 GREEK sCHOOIS OF PHILOSOPHY .... , .. .. .. , .. ' .... , .... .. .......... 128 Plato's Academy" ",',.,"""""" ", .," """ "', .,., .... "., 129 Aristotle's Sebool: The Peripatetics, , , , ' , , . ' , ' , , , ... , , . , ,. , , , , , , , , , ' ,131 Epicureanism, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . ' , , , , , • , . , , , , , . , , , , , 13 3 ,,;;i um• • iul..... . ...... ". ....... .. ............. n1 Neo.P}'.hqc>Tftftbm ........... , ••.••. . ........... , .. 141 1 ... _ •... " •...... ,.. . .. , ..•.. IH ~ictionc: llKano L ....... _............ .. .. ......... " ...... 145 Pbynlis ,................... .. .... . ...................... 147 1oj(1;.. ................ " ...... ,', ......................... ))0 ~~Iiono: II ................................................. m "". .' " ••......•.•.....•.• , ... , .........••...•..•........... 111 M'ia ..................... _. ......... _. . , ..... , .......... 1l2 TMano.. . ........... ,...... _. , .... , ....... , .... IH Early and Middle Stoicism (Zeno). , , . . . . . . _. .... , , ... , , . , ..... U9 ROMAN STOICISM DISCOVERS ARISTOTLE AND PLATO ............... 164 Ciouo .................... . .. .. . ................. 161 Sen«:. ..... ,....... ... . ......... , •......... , 167 Pita,. the EIda-........... .. • ......... 171 . ............. In M.......J ... R. . I. ........... . EI' lui .... ............ .. ......... . 1'1 J ......... ............ "........... . .............. , ........ 182 Mamu Ao!m; .................... " ........•.....•............... , 181 C.Ien ............................... , ...... , .... , .......... , .... 187 SEX POLARITY DEVELOPED IN J[WISH PHILOSOPHy ......• , ..... ,189 Philo ............. "...... .. . .., ........ , .. , .......... ,. 189 S[X UNITY DEV[LOPW IN NE().PLATON!SM.. . .. ,""' , .... 19l PluW'Ch., .... ,.,........ ...,... . .............. ,'" , .. _1 91 PIoIU. ..... ,. . ................................................... 201 Por""", ..... w.n:dla ......... ,....... . ........................ 20' H,patio ... ,...................... ..,....... ......... . 210 SDC UNITY, SEX POLARITY, AND SEX COMPLDlEr.'TARlTY COM81Na) IN EARLY OIRIS'nAN PHILOSOPHy....... .. ................... 2\} S• . Catherin. of AI ........, .;.......... . .................... 214 S• . Au'u.i...... ... ........... .. ................ 218 0Pp<WI<$ .... ,' , ....... _ ._., ................... 219 C.o."'tion.............. . ............. 222 Wi$dom .............. , ...... , ..•...... , ................. , .. 227 ........ . . ........... n] V;'.~...................... Boethi.. . ....................... ........... . ........... 2J.6 Job .. Scowl &~............. . .. .. . . . . .. 240 SUMMARY AND EVAWAnON .... , .............. _. ...... _. ......... 20 The SI ....... "" Ariltoflelian ~I ...; on .... ,........... ..24J s... Tho New ~l. .; oa of Uai.,. ..... Sa Neu ...l lty ....••............ 20 1"""h"e'. IQe uestioa of F. .... le Seed. . . . ................ , 244 Penonlllcadons of Wiodom .nd female Philosoph....... . .• 14' Rell,io ... and Philooopbkol Oriainl 01 $eo; PoLa,.;ty" ................. 247 • Religiow and Philosophical Origin. of Sex Complemenrarity ....•...... 248 The Disco""ry of Spirituality and IndiYiduality .... .. ....... .. ........ 249 ~~:~~~ ~~~~~.F .................... ............. 251 SEX IDENTITY IN MEDIEVAL CHRJSTIAN PHlWSOPHY ..... .......... 252 Sex Complemenrarity in Women's and Men's Monastetles .. ....•.•.. .... 252 Hildo. of Whitby .... ..... .... ..... ....... ......... ......... .. 253 Roswitha of G:lndenheim ................... .............. ... . 154 St. Anselm ... ........... ... ................................. 262 Abelard and Heloise .................. .............. ......... . 271 Hildegard of Bingen ................................... , ...... 292 0PPoJi/e1. , . , ............ ..... .......... ............. .. ... 296 Generation .................. , , ............ , ............... 298 WiJdom ........ , .... ........ , ... , •....•.•.... , , .....•.... 303 Virtue .. , ............ , .................................... 309 Hertad of Landsberg ...... ................ .............. ... ... 315 Sex Polarity in Popular Literature, ....... ...•......•. .. .•.•......... 328 The Crusades and Courtly Ime ................................. 329 Andreas Capellanus ................ ............ .........• .... 332 W:uter Map ........... , ............ ,.", ................ .... 337 SEX UNITY AND SEX POLARJTY INCORPORATED INTO ISLAMIC PHIWSOPHY .. ............ ............... , ........... 339 Avicenna ...... , ...... ............................•....•.•.... , . , 340 Averroes .............. .......... , . , ......... ... . , ....•.•.. , ..... 344 SEX UNITY AND SEX POLARJTY INCORPORATED m INTO JEWISH PHILOSOPHy ...................................... . , . , Ayicebron ............... .................. .......•....... ....... 351 Maimonides ...................................................... 354 THE REASSERTION OF SEX POLARJTY IN LATER MEDIEVAL CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY ....... , .....•............ 361 Commenraries and Tnns1ations 01 Aristotle's Corpus ......•......•..... 361 St. Albert the Grel. . .. ................ , , , ........................ 362 Opposites ........................... , .... ............ ....... 363 Generation ........................................... ..... .. 364 Wisdom .. ....... .. .......... .. .... .. ...... ........... , ... .. 373 Virtue .. , ........... . , ................... ................... 374 Mariology ......... ....................................... ... 376 St. Tho"",. Aquinas .......................................... .... 385 Opposites ......... , , ............... , , ....................... 387 Gener.tion ................................................. . 392 Wisdom ..... .. .. , .................•.... , ............. , .. ... 399 Virtue ...... ............. ........ , ................. , ........ 402 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION ...................................... .408 Hildegard as the Foundress of Sex Complementarity ........... ........ 408 The Weakening Influence of Platonic Grounds for Sex Unity ........... 409 The Tension Between Sex Complementarity and Sex Polarity ...... ..... 409 The Explosion of AristOll!lian Grounds for Sex Polarity in The Thirll!enth Centuty ............................ .410 Chapter V: THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF ARIS1UI'LE .. .413 EARLY INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING AND THE UNIVERSITY OF PARiS .................................... 414 ARlS1UI'LE AND THE FOUR FACULTIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PARiS .......................... ............ 417 The Faculty of Arts ............................................... 419 The Faculty of Theology ...... ..... ................•............. .424 The Faculty of Medicine .............................. ............. 430 The Faculty of Law ............................................... 436 THE INFLUENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PARIS ON EUROPEAN THOUGHT .................................... ...... 441 THE POPULARIZATION OF ARlS'IUI'LE'S DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS WORKS .............. ..... .............. .443 Liber de Causis and Theology of Aristotle ............................. 444 The Apple or Aristotle'. Death ........................................ 445 Secretum Secretorum ................... ........................... 446 Oeconomicus ...................................•................ 449 De Secretis Mulierum .................. ........................... 453 Aristotle's Masterpiece .. ......... ... ...... ............... ......... .455 SUMMARY AND EVALUATION ...... .... ............................. 468 The ViCloty of the Aristoll!lian Revolution .......................... 468 The Institutionalization of Sex Neutrality ........ .....•... .......... .469 The Popularity of Aristotelian Sex Polarity ............. ............ .469 The Disappearance of Sex Complementarity ......... ...........•.... .470 The Universities and the Fragmentation of Knowledge about the Person ......................... ....... .. . .472 CONCLUSION ....................................................... 474 NOTES ................................................................ 479 BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................... 544 JlI)[)ITIONALSOlJltCES ............................................ 563 INI>EX ................................................................ 569

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