TheC omplexity oft hIer regVuelrabra l andN ominal Forms & thPeh onologCihcaanlg es inA rabic 0 JoycAek esson PallaAst heDnisat bruition Lund 2009 TheC ompxlietoyf t heI rreuglaVre rbaaln dN ominFaolr m&s the PhonoclaoClgh iangienAs ra bic AlRli ghRtess erved Copyrig2h0t0©9b yJ oycAek esson 2009P allas DAitshterniab ution, SkarptsekvyatgIe A0n, 2 264 2L undS,w eden. E-mapiall:al [email protected] This bmoaoynk o bte r epruocdesdt,o rienad r etrailse yvstoertm r anistmted ina nyf oromr b ya nym eanesl,te rconmiecc,h anpihcoactloo,p yirnegc,o rd ings,c annoirno gt herwwiitshueo tt he ppreiromri sosfit ohneP ublisher exceipntt hcea soefb riqeuoft atieombnosd iiendc ritairctailac nlder se views. IBSN:9 78-91-977641-2-4 PRINTEDI NT HE UNITESDT ATEOSF A MERICA TABLEO F CONTENTS PREFCAE XXI CHAPTEORNE 1.T hed oublevde rba nds omeo fi tdse rivatives 1.1T.h ec onjugaotfti hodeno su bled 1 verb 1.2E.x ampolfes so mdee rivaotfti hvdeeo su blveedr b 2 1.12..R emarckosn certnhipenh go noilcoapglr ocediunr es somoef i tfso rm2s 1.12..1 T.h ev erbnaolu nt:hs ee queonfct ewo i dentsiecgal mentosfw hicthh 1es itsv owelalnedst sh2 en di sv oweltlheed: assimil4a tion 1.12..2 T.h ep erfaencdtt h iem perftehcsete :q ueonfct ew o vowelled isdeegnmteitnchtaaessl :s imil5a tion 1.2.1T.h3ef. o rmosft hpee rfiemcpte,r afnedic mtp erative inw hicthh veo welplreodn oouftn h aeg einsst u ffitxheed : sequeonfac v eo welsleegdm epnrte cedavi onwge lildeesnst ical segmetnhtpe:r ohiiobonif tt haes simil6a tion 1.12..4 S.o mcea soefsa nomalpoeursf etchtsese :q ueonfc e av owelsleegdm epnrte cedavi onwge lildeesnst siecgamlet nhte: elisoifoo nneo ft hied entsiecgamle 7n ts 1.2.1S.o5m.ce a soefsa nomalous imtphesere aqtuievnecse: ofa v owelsleegdm epnrte cedai nvgo weildleenstssi ecgamle nt: thaes simil8a tion 1.2.1S.o6m.ce a soefsa nomalous imtphesere aqtuievnecse: ofa v owelsleegdm epnrte cedavi onwge lildeesnst siecgamle nt: II IRRGEULARV ERBSA NDP HONOLOGICACLH ANGES IANR ABIC theel isoifoo nneo ft hied entsiecgamle 9n ts e rifvoerdm osft hvee rtbh:se e queonfac e vowelsleegdm ent prevcoewdeilnilgde esnast icalt hsee gment: substiotfuo tnieoo ftn h deo ubled sbeyga my e 1n0t s 1.3C.o nclus1i1o n CHAPTERT WO 13 2.T hea ssimaitlio1n 3 2.1T.h ea ssimiliantt hipeor no nuiantcaionndi nt hwer iti1n4g 2.2T.h ep oinotfas r ticualnadst oimoen ocfh atrhaeco tfe rs thsee gmetnhtalste atdot haes simil1a4t ion egmenctosm'm oann dn eighboproiinnogtf s articul1a5t ion 2.2.S2o.m eo ft hsee gmencthsa'r ac1t6e rs 2.3T.h es equenocfte wsoi dentsiecgamle nts: catshees in which assiilmatiisoo rin sn octa rroiuet1d 7 equeonfct ew oi dentsiecgamle onfwt hsi cthh e 1stv oiwse lalnedst sh2 en dv oweltlhenede :c esosfit thye assimil1a8t ion 2.3.1T.h1ea. s similtahtaiitsco anr roiueitdn o ne word1 8 2.3.1T.h2ea. s similthaatitisc o anr roiueitdn t wow ords followeiacnohgt he1r9 equeonfct ew oi dentsiecgamle wnhtisca hrb eo th vowel1l9e d 2.3.2T.h1ea. s simitlhataiitsco anr roiueitdn o nweo rd2 0 2.3.2C.a2si.e snw hicthh aes simiilsan tocitao rnr oiuetd in onew ord2 1 2.3.2.A2na. n1o.m alcoaussf:te a:y i2y1a 2.3.2.T2h.ec2 o.o rdtiinvaaensds omsep ecmieaals u2r2e s sTihmei ltahtaiitsco anr roiueitdn t wow ords followeaicnohgt he2r3 equeonfct ew oi dentsiecgamle onfwt hs ich the 1sitsv owelalnedtd h 2en dv owelltehpsers o:h iboiftt ihaoesn similatiaosns.i mTihlieans t oimoaenn omalcoausse2 s3 2.4. sTehqeu eonfct ew od iffesreegnmte ncatssie:nws h icthh e assimiilasot rii sno ont carr2i5e d out equeonfct ew od iffesreegnmte onftw sh icthh e 1sitsv owelalnedst sh2 en di sv oweltlheaeds :s imil2a5t ion TABLEO FC ONTENTS Ill 2.14..1 T.h ea ssimiltahtaiitsco anr roiueftdr otmh 1es t vowelsleegsmse tnoat 2 ndd iffevroewnetl sleegdm einnot n e word2 5 2.14..11 ..T hea ssimiloaftt hiveoo nw elll-oefst sh aer ti clael t-ot hveo welsloeldsa erg metnhtab te giann so un2 6 2.4.1.Th1e. 2.a ssimoiftl ha3etr idro and idcianvl e rbs that oicntc hpueer r fteoctt h,e vowseulflfeidx ed opfrt ohneo un agent thawti ttbhhe teg2 i6n s 2.4.1T.h1e.a 3s.s imiltahtaiitsco a nr roiuebtde twetehne vowelilnefidx teo dfF orVmI IoIft hpee rf�eicftt aacnadtl hae 1svto welrlaedsispc raelc ediit2n 7g 2.41.. 13..C 1a.s iensw hicthh Ies tv owelrlaedsisic sa l assimitlota htieen df ivxoewde ltlo efdF orVmI IoIft hpee rfect �iftaca2l7a 1-Thea ssimiloaftt hi1eos rnta divcoawlle els� ts ot he vowelilnefdi txo efFd o rVmI II� iftacala 28 2-Thea ssimjoJaftt hieo n1 st raditct aotl h ev owelless vowelilnefdi txo efFd o rVmI II� iftacaza 28 3-Thea ssimilbaettiwoetneh n1e s rta divcoawle ltl ess andt hveo welilnefidx teo dfF orVmI I�Ii fta2c9a za 4-Thea ssimiloaftt hi1eos rnta divcoawle lwl teos s thveo welilnefdi txo efFd o rVmI I�Ii ftac2a9l a 5-Thea ssimiloaftt hi1eos rnta divcoawle lyl teos s thveo welilnefdi txo efFd o rVmI I�Ii fta2c9a la 2.4.1.C1a.s3ie.nsw2 h. icthhi en fivxoewde ltlo efd ForVmI IoIft hpee rf�eicjtt ai<sa's asliam itlota ht1ees dvt o w ellreasdsi pcraelc ediit3n 0g 1-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIII�f itactaotl ha1e s rta divcoawle ldlp ersesc ediit3n 1g 2-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIII�f ita<t'oat lhae r1asdtiv coawle ltjlp ersesc ediit3n 1g 3-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VII�Ii ftatcota hl1eas r ta divcoawle lzl epsrse cediit3n 2g 4-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elled tio nfFfi oxremd VII�Iif tactaotl ha1e s rta divcoawle l!jl persesc ediit3n 3g 5-Thea ssimiloaftt hiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VII�Ii ftatcota hl1eas r ta dical vc)op wreelcleedisit3sn 3 g 6- The assoimfti hlveao twieolinln efdi txo efFd o rm VIII� icftaaal t ot hIes tr adivcoawle llpersesc!e diit3n 4g IV IRRGEULARV ERBSAN D PHONOLOGICACLH ANGESI NA RABIC 7-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VII'Ii ftatcota hl1eas r ta divcoawle l;:l:pe rsescediit3n 5g 8-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VII'Ii ftatcoa l1tashr tea divcoawle llperscese!d iintg3 6 9-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elilnefidx teo dfF orm VII'Ii ftatcota hl1eas t radicasl p rveocweedilitl3n e6gs s 10-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw leelid n fixteo df F orm VII'Ii fttaotc ha1els rta dical vsop wreelcleedisit3sn 7 g 2.4.1T.h2e. assimtihlaiatsct airoroniu eftdr otmh 1es t vowelsleegsmse tnoat 2 ndd iffevroewnetl led isnet gwmoe nt wordfso lloewaicnohgt he3r7 equeonfct ew o difsfeegrmeenwntht isca hrb eo th vowelltheed : assim3i8l ation 2.4.2T.h1ea. s similtahtaiitsco anr roiueftdr otmh 1es t vowelsleegdm etnoat 2 ndv owelsleegdm einnot n ew ord3 8 2.4.2.T1h.ea1 s.s imiloaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itox fe d ForVm t afacocraF loarV mI t af(a)tii"ota hl1eas vto welled radi caflo lloiwti3 n9g 1-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itox feF do rVm tafacocraF loar VmI t aaf)(ii catlota h1 es vto welrlaeddi tcf aoll lowiint4g 0 2-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elplreedfi xtoe fdF orVm tafacocraF loar VmI t aaf)(ii catlota h 1es vto welrlaeddi! cf aoll lowiint4g 0 3-Thea ssimiloaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itox feF do rVm tafacocraF loar VmI t aaf)(ii ctaozt ah1 es vto welrlaeddi dc al folloiwit4n 0g 4-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elplreedf itox feF do rVm tafacocraF loar VmI t af(a)tiiotc ha1els avt o welled radical g folloiwit4n 1g 5-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elplreedf itox feF do rVm tafacocraF loarV mI t aaf)(ii ctaolt ah1 es vto welrlaeddi zc faoll lowiint4g 2 6-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itox feF do rVm tafacocraF loar VmI t aaf)(ii ctaolta h1 es vto welrlaeddis c al folloiwti4n 2g 7-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itxo efFd o rVm tafacocrFa olraVm I t aaf)(ii ctalota h1 es vto welrlaeddi scf aoll lowiint4g 3 TABLEO FC ONTENTS v 8-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elplreedf itxo efFd o rVm tafacocraF loar VmI t aaf)(ii ctalota h Ies tv owelrlaeddi �·c al folloiwti4 n3g 9-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elplreedf itxo efFd o rVm tafacocrFa olraVm I t aaf)(ii ctaolt ah1 es vto welrlaeddi rJcf aoll lowiint4g 3 10T-hea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elplreedf itxo efFd o rm V tafacocra Floar VmI t aaf)(ii catlota h 1es vto welrlaeddi! c al folloiwti4 n4g 11-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elplreedf itxo efFd o rm V tafacocrFa olraVm I t af( at)oiit ch1aesl vtao welrlaeddi ?:c al folloiwti4 n4g 2.4.2T.h1e.a 2s.s imiolaftt hiieon nf ivxoewde ltlo efd thiem peroffeF cotr VmI IIy ajtat<ot" hivelo uw el2lnedrd a dical 45 1-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIIo ft hiem peryfaefctta tcoti hl2eun dv owelrlaeddi tcf aoll lowiinitgn t hiem perf4e5c t 2-Thea ssimiolfatt hiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIoIft hiem peryfaefctta tcoti hl2eun dv owelrlaeddi dcf aoll lowiint4g 5 3-Thea ssimiolaftt hieo nv owienlflietxod ef Fd o rm VIIIo ft hiem peryfaefctta tcoti hlveuo wel2lnedrd a dirjcf aoll lowiint4g 6 4-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefidx eodfF otr m VIIIo ft hiem peryfaefccttia tl uot hveo wel2lnedrd a dizcf aoll lowiint4g 6 5-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIIo ft hiem peryfaefccttia lt uot hveo wel2lnedrd a discf aoll lowiint4g 7 6-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIIo ft he impyearffteactctoti hlveuo wel2lnedrd a di:fcf aoll lowiint4g 7 7-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elilnefidx teo dfF orm VIIIo ft hiem peryfaefctta tcoti hlveuo wel2lnedrd a dirJc al folloiwti4n 7g 8-Thea ssimiolaftt hiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIIo ft hiem perfect tyota hftveao cwiellu2l nedrd a di!cf aoll lowiint4g 8 VI IRRGEULARV ERBSA NDP HONOLOGICACLH ANGES INA RABIC 9-Thea ssimiolfat thiveoo nw elilnefdi txo efFd o rm VIIoIft hiem peryfaeftcatc tiotl hu;:e :f olloiwit4n 8g 2.4.2T.h2ea. s simitlhaatitisc o anr roiueftdr otmh 1es t vowelsleegdm etnoat 2 ndv owelsleegdm einntt w ow ordfso l lowienagc oht he4r8 2.5C.o nclus4i9o n CHAPTETRH REE5 1 3.T heh amzatveedr b saonmdoe f i tdse rivat5i1v es 3.1T.h ec onjugaotfti hovene sr wbi t1hs rta dihcaamlz 5a1 3.2E.x ampolfes so mdee rivaotfti hvveee sr wbi t1hs rta dical hamz5a2 3.2.R1e.m arckosn certnhipenh go nolopgrioccaeld iunr es somoef i tfso rms 52 3.2.1T.h1ei. m peraatnidtv hepe a ssvioviec tehs:ee quence oft woh amzoafsw hicthh 1es itsv owelalnedtd h 2en di sv ow elletshcseh: a nogfet hveo welhlaemszsia n tago l id5e3 1-The imper5a3t ive 2-Thep assive voice 54 3.3. cTohnej ugaotfti hovene sr wbi t2hn dr adihcaamlz 5a4 3.4E.x ampolfes so mdee irvatiovfte hsve e rwbi t2hn dr adical hamz5a5 3.4.R1e.m arckosn certnhipenh go nolopgrioccaeld iunr es somoef i tfso rm5s5 3.4.1T.h1ei. m perftehsceet q: ueonfca he a mzvao welled bya f atl)a pbryae s cuekdiietndh: te r anosfft ehrfe a ttl)ota h e vowelsleegsmse anntdt heel isoifto hnhe a mza 55 3.5. cTohnej ugaotfti hohena sm zavteerdswb it3hr rda dical hamz5a6 3.6E.x ampolfes so mdee raitvivoefts h hea mzavteerdwb i th 3rrd adihcaamlz a 56 3.6.R1e.m arckosn certnhipenh go nolopgricoceadlu irne s somoef i tfso rm5s7 3.7T.h eo ccurroeftn hcheea mzians omoef t hoet hcelra sses ofi rregvuelrab5rs7 3.8C.o nclus5i8o n CHAPTER FO5U9R 4.T hep honological chtahnhega emsz ad u5e9 to TABLEO FC ONTENTS VII 4.1T.h eh e taionrai lnlge vi5a9t ion amzaast hien itial osfae w gomred6n 0t amzpar ecebdyea dn otsheegrm einntt h mei ddle oft hweo rd6 0 4.1.2T.h1eh. a mziasv owelalnedts shs ee gmepnrte ceding iitsv oweliltersde :t aionrti hnaegl levibaytt ihcoehn a nogfet he hamzian taog lid6e2 1-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hveo welhlaemszsa , thei�n.ta ona 63 2-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hveo welhlaemszsa , thei�n.ta onu 63 3-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hveo welhlaemszsa , thei�n,ta ont 64 4.1.2T.h2eh. a mzaan dt hsee gmepnrte cediiatnr vgeo w ell6e4d 4.1.2T.h2.e1 .h aimsvz oaw elblyeo dn eo ft hteh ree vowealnsdi sp recebdyea df atli:mtr:se taionrii tnasgl leviation byi tcsh anigneta oh amzbaa ynbaa yn"aa inn termehdaimazray" 64 1-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hhea mzvao welled bya f at�tha�e,a i ntaona 66 2-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hhea mzvao welled bya <;t ammat,h� eu i,n twuo 66 3-Thea llevibaytt hiceoh na nogfet hhea mzvao w ellbeyda k astrha�e i ,i ntyoi6 7 4.1.2.T2h.eh2 a.m ziasv owelblyea df ata�nadi sp re cedebdya <;t ammoar k asriata:sl levibayit ticsoh na ngea into gli6de7 1-Thec hanogfet hhea mzpar ecebdyea d<;t ammian to w 67 2-Thec hanogfet hhea mzpar ecebdyea dk asra y into 67 4.1.2T.h3eh. a mziasv owelalnedtd h see gmepnrte ceding iitsv owell6e8s s 4.1.2.T3h.e1 .h aimsvz oaw elblyea df ata�nadi sp re cedebdya s ukliinte:sl istioogne twhiettrhh hea mzaf'ast �a shifttote hdve o welsleegsmse pnrte cediit6n 9g 4.1.2.T3h.e1v .o1w.e lsleegsmse pnrte cedtihhneag m za isas trosnegg me6n9t