A R N E D VI U S P E D D A T E D THE COMPLETE SAILING M ANUAL STEVE SLEIGHT THE COMPLETE SAILING MANUAL THE COMPLETE SAILING M A NUA L STEVE SLEIGHT CONTENTS DK INDIA Produced for Dorling Kindersley by Schermuly Design Co. Managing Editor Saloni Talwar Project Editor Cathy Meeus LONDON, NEW YORK, MUNICH, Managing Art Editor Romi Chakraborty Project Art Editor Hugh Schermuly MELBOURNE, DELHI Project Editor Neha Gupta REVISED EDITION Project Art Editor Pooja Pipil Senior Editor Gareth Jones First American Edition, 2012 Editors Rashmi Rajan, Senior Art Editor Michael Duffy Published in the United States by Project Editor Hannah Bowen Suneha Dutta DK Publishing Production Editor John Goldsmid Designers Diya Kapur, 375 Hudson Street Production Controller Sophie Argyris Aanchal Awasthi New York, New York 10014 Jacket Designer Mark Cavanagh Production Manager Pankaj Sharma 12 13 14 15 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Managing Editor Stephanie Farrow DTP Manager Balwant Singh 001—181268—January/2012 Managing Art Editor Lee Griffiths DTP Designers Shanker Prasad, US Editors Rebecca Warren Arjinder Singh, Copyright © 2012 Dorling Kindersley Limited Margaret Parrish Tanveer Abbas Zaidi Text copyright © 2012 Steve Sleight FOREWORD 8 Tacking 90 Jibing 94 THE JOY OF SAILING 10 Sailing a Course 98 Introduction 12 From and to the Shore 102 Mooring and Anchoring 108 FIRST PRINCIPLES 20 Coping with Capsize 110 Safety Afloat 22 Man Overboard 116 Parts of a Boat 24 Stowing After Sailing 118 Essential Equipment 30 How Boats Sail 32 ADVANCED SMALL-BOAT The Main Controls 36 SAILING 120 Points of Sailing 40 High-performance Boats 122 Ropes and Knots 42 Improving Your Technique 126 Oars and Paddles 48 Sailing Exercises 132 Moving Small Boats 50 Using Trapezes 136 Staying Clear of Others 52 Tacking and Jibing 140 Weather Basics 54 Spinnakers 144 Inland or Sea 56 Handling a Spinnaker 150 Asymmetric Spinnakers 152 SMALL-BOAT SAILING 58 Single-handed Sailing 156 Choosing a Small Boat 60 Small Keelboats 160 Protective Clothing 64 Sailing Small Keelboats 162 Rigging the Boat 68 Moving Small Keelboats 164 Reefing a Dinghy 74 Catamarans 166 Helmsman and Crew 76 Sailing Catamarans 170 Turning Forces 78 Tuning Your Boat 174 Going Afloat 82 Rough-weather Sailing 180 Launching a Dinghy 84 Racing 184 Basic Techniques 86 CONTINUED All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights DK books are available at special discounts when under copyright reserved above, no part of this purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, KEY publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact: The following symbols appear into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, throughout the book. New York, New York 10014 or [email protected] or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written DISCOVER MORE AT www.dk.com permission of both the copyright owner and WIND DIRECTION the above publisher of this book. Author’s Dedication This book is dedicated to my mother, Irene. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. A catalog record for this book is available PLEASE NOTE TIDE DIRECTION from the Library of Congress As with many sports, there are inherent risks with sailing. Always wear a buoyancy aid or life jacket, and ensure that Printed and bound in Singapore by Star Standard Industries you have adequate supervision as a beginner. In this book BOAT DIRECTION ISBN 978-0-7566-8969-8 the masculine gender is commonly used, for clarity only. CONTENTS CONTINUED CRUISER SAILING 190 Rafting Alongside 268 Starting to Cruise 192 Berthing Bow- or Stern-to 270 Choosing a Cruiser 194 Pile Moorings 272 Cruiser Design 196 Moorings 274 Stability 200 Anchoring 278 Rigging and Sails 202 Passage Making 284 Above Deck 206 Avoiding Collisions 290 Down Below 210 Running Aground 294 Protection Afloat 214 Man-overboard Procedure 296 Cruiser Ropework 220 Sailing at Night 300 Basic Sail Skills 226 Sailing in Fog 304 Using the Tender 232 Rough-weather Sailing 308 Preparing to Sail 234 Handling Under Power 236 NAVIGATION 312 Handling Under Sail 238 Starting to Navigate 314 Tacking 240 Charts 318 Jibing 242 The Compass 322 Sail Balance 244 Plotting Equipment 326 Reducing Sail Area 246 Navigation Instruments 328 Increasing Sail Area 250 Pilotage 332 Berthing 258 Tides and Tidal Streams 338 Marina Berths 264 Shaping a Course 344 Plotting a Position 348 Engines 408 Fixing a Position 352 Running Repairs 414 Passage Skills 358 STAYING SAFE 416 WEATHER 362 Emergency Repairs 418 Causes of Weather 364 Distress Signals 422 Weather Systems 366 Abandoning Ship 426 Daily Changes 370 First Aid 428 The Effects of the Land 372 Storms 374 GLOSSARY 432 Fog 376 INDEX 438 Forecasting 378 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 448 Beaufort Scale 382 PRACTICAL BOAT CARE 384 The Hull 386 The Deck 390 The Rig 392 The Sails 394 The Interior 396 Electrics 400 Plumbing 404