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The Complete Prose Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin PDF

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Preview The Complete Prose Tales of Alexandr Sergeyevitch Pushkin

THEC OMPLETE PROSTEA LESO F ALEXANDRS ERGEYEVITPCUHS HKIN THE COMPLETE PROSE TALES OF AlexanSderr eevitch g y Pushkin TransltahRteue ssdbi yfa rno m GillRo.An i tken W · W · NORTON& COMPANY NewY orkL·o ndon Reissuine adN ononp aperbeadcikt 1i9o%n ISBN0 -393-00465-1 Copyri0g 1h9t66 b yB arrie8c Rackli(fBfa rriBoeo ksL td) Libraoryf C ongreCsast alCoargdN o.6 7-17685 W.W .N onon8c CompanIyn,c 5.00, F ifAtvhe nuNeew, Y orkN,. Y1.0 110 W. WN.o non8c CompanLyt d1.0,C optSitcr eet, WLoCn1dAo1 nP U Printine dt hUen itSetda toefAs m erica 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 CONTENTS Introduction Vll I.T he MooofrP ettehrGe r eat I 2.A NoveilnL etters 43 3· TheT aloefts h lea Itvea n PetBreolvkiitnc6 h1 6 Frotmh Eed itor 3 68 TheS hot 8 TheB lizzard 2 TheU ndertaker ¢ TheP ostmaster 105 TheS quiDraeu'gsh ter 119 4· TheH itsoroyft hVei llaGgoer uokfh ino1 41 5· Roslavlev 163 6.D ubrovsky 179 7· TheQ ueeonfS pades 273 8.Ki rdjali 3°7 9·E gyptNiiagnh ts 317 10.T heC apatinD'asu ghter 335 Notes 477 INTRODUCTION Pushkhionl dtsh es uprepomsei tiionRn u ssian liIttwe arsa ture. higse niiusnh, i psr osaesw elalsi nh ivse rsew,h icchr eatiend , thfeu llseesntsa en ,a tiolniatle raatnudwr hei,c lha itdh feo unda­ tionuspo n whicthh anta tionlailt eractuoruels du bsequbeen tly buiUlntti.l h iesm ergenwcrei,ti nignR ussiwait,th h ee xception ofa handfuolf w orksh,a dbe enm ainliym itatipvuer,s uing pseudo-clapsrsiinccailap nlder se,fl ectcilnogs telhyet renodfs various WeEsutreorpena cnu ltures-Friennp carhti,c ulTarh.e lyrisciamlp liacnidtt hyea bsolpurteec iosfiP ouns hkipoentry',s thnea turaslt,r aightforwarodfh igpsrr aocpesere f ecetxlpyr essed thReu ssimaoond ;a ndi,nt haetx presPsuisokhni ,gn a vteoR ussia fotrh fier stitm ei nh ehri staol riyt erwahtuorseei nspiration came fromh ersealnfdw, h icshu cceeidnes de ttitnhge t onfeo rs u­c cessgievnee ratioofRn uss siwarni teBrusto.,f c ourhsieas,c heive­ mentwse rmeo ret hanna tionhailsu: n iversoaflv iitsyih oins, ablittoty r ansmwuhtaeth es awa ndw hath eun derstooidn to languoafgt eh eu tmosptu riantdy po inth avcer eatfeohdr i ma permanepnlta icnet hlei teroaftt uhwreoe r ld. AlexanSderr geyePvuisthckhwi ans bo rni nM oscoown M ay 26th1,7 99O·n h ifsa thesri'dhsee ,w aso fa nciboeynart stocko;n himso thesri'dsae n,da sh ipsh ysiacpapelar anhcien taetdh, e w as descenfdreodam n A byssiPnriiannwc heo,s seo nw ast akefnr om vi.i IiN TRODUTCION hifsa thaesar h ostaagnedl atperre senttote hdeE mperoPre ter theG reaPtu.s hkipnr'isdi enh iusn usuaaln cesitsrr eyfl ecitne d theu nfinished abnoouvhtei lsg reat-granTdfhaMeto heoorr,f PeteGrr etwahhtei,c fh o rmpsar to ft hicso llection. Pushkin'sc heialrdlhwyoa osud n remarkHaeb wlaes.b rought upi na literhaoruys ehold-hbiofsta ht haenrdh iusn clwer ote verse-tbhuietn flueonfch ei psa renwtassa r emootnee S.tr onger, certaiwnalsty h,a otf h insu rsAen,n aR odionovwnhao,sd ee ep knowledogfRe u ssifaonl k-ilnosrtei al lloevdoe f t heR ussian languaagned,f urnisPhuesdh kwiint mhu chm aterfioalr h is late'rpo,p ul'ac rompositiAosna s b.a lantcote h ee ffecotft he widespruesaadgo eft hFer enlcahn guiagnRe u ssiAan,n aR odio­ novnap'lsa cienP ushkilni'fisesi mportainnet d:u cated circles, Frenwcahs t hlea nguoafgt eh dea yP;u skhi nr eceiavp erdi marily Frencehd ucatainodnh ,i esa rlrye adingt-hbeay g eo ft enh,e wasa voraciroeuasd earn,dh er emaineodn e-wadsr awfnr om hisf atheerx'cse llFernetn clhi braPruys;h kifinr'sset ff oratts writing iwneF rree nch. Att hea geo ft welvPeu,s hkwians s entto t heL yceuamt TsarskoSyeel Hoe. r emaintehde rseiy xe arDsi.s cipwlaisln aex , andw,i tfhr eedohmi,pos etiicn stiwnacsqt u ictkos howi tself. Hew rotfier sitnF rencthh,ei nnR ussiBaynI .8 1,4h ipose msh ad begutnob ep rintbeydt ;h e thieml ee ftth eL yceuamn dw entto StP etersibnuI r8 Ig 7 ,P uskhi nh ada lready been aacsac laimed 'newv oicDee'r.z havin, ZhKuakroavmszkeiymn,i, n ewnrti ters ofa no ldegre neratwieornae,m ongt hefi rsttor ecogniints hee easaen dfl uencoyfP ushkiena'rslv ye rsteh ec arelqeusasl iotfy gemu s. Pushkifinr'ssit m portawnotr kR, uslaann dL udlml,iwa as publisihnIe 8 d2 0a:l onpoge m int hreo mnativce iint,b rought himt ot hea ttentofia o wni dpeu blaincde stablhiisrshe epdu ta­ tionb eyoqnude stion. At thet imeo fi tpsu blicaPtiuosnh,k wians s erviansga n officiailnS outheRruns sia-exiblyte hdeT saArl exandIef ro r ix · INTRODUCTION his pianar t' libermalo'v emeangta intshteg overnmeHnits. exillaes toevdefi rv ey eans,pe nmto stilnyt hSeo uth-Eakta teri­ noslaatvK ,i shinaetOv d,e ssIatw. a sa pe rioidnw hichh ipose tic genifluosw ereidn,w hichhe g rewt om aturiHtey be.c ame awaroeft hrei chnaensdds i verosfih tigysi fHtesr .e spondteod newi nfluenceCsri-mtehaet, h Cea ucasWuist.ht hlee istuhraet e�xielnet aihleel de,ar neEdn gliasnhdI taliahne;' discovered' yronw,h oo penedu pa neww orltdo h ima ndl efat l asting _ 1mpress10n. BetweIe8 n2 0a ndI 8 26P,u shkionu'tspw uatsp rodigihoeu s: wrote two loinngt hepoB eymrso nmiacn neTr,h Per sionoefr thCea ucaansdTu hsBe a kchhisFaoruanitn uamienr,olu ysr ics andb allaad fsu,r thleorn poegm , TheG ypesswi,h ichha da consideporpaubllaesr u cceisnsa ;d ditiohne,c ompleBteodr is Godunthoepv l,ab ya seodn ' falsDee'm etriwuhsop, r etended tobe them urderseodno fI vatnh eT erriabnldeh ,e be gant he masterpfioewrch ei chhe i sb esktn ownE,u geOnnee gaiv inv,i d 'novienlv 'e rosfeg retaetc hnbiriclall iaanndcv ei rtuosity. Pushkcionm pletthefiedn acla ntoofE ugeOnngeei innI 8 3I ; ato ncae s toorfyt hee motionasn da pictuorfce o ntemporary Russilainfi eti, sh imso sitm portawnotr ka,w orko fpe rfection byw hicihf,h eh adw rittneont hienlgs hei,rs e putawtioounl d beu niquaeslsyu rTehde.r eafptreorsw,ea s t oc oncehrinmm ore thanv ersalet;h ougbehf,o rhei dse atihnI 83h7e,w rotaen umber ofv erdsrea maansd ,i nI _383a,l onpoegm entitlTehdBe r oen z Hormsae.n InI 8 29,o nh irse tufrrno ma secvoinsdti ott hCea ucasus, Pushkbeicna meen gagteoNd a talGyoan charaoy voau,n sgoc iety beautyH.i se ngagemaletnhto,u gnhot a causoefi tm,a rkead turning-iponhi inlsti fuen:ti tlh aeg eof t hirhtewy a,s h ot-headed and passioan 'altierb,al'e w hoi ncurtrheedd i sapproofbov tahl churancdh statheiw;so rkh adb eesnu bjetcotc eodn stcaennts or­ ship---event hepe rsoncaeln sorosfhT ispaN ri choIl,aw sh os uc­ ceeded Aleaxf aenwmd oenrt hbse fotrheie ll-fated Decembrists'

Translated from the Russian by Gillon R. AitkenWriting with lyrical simplicity, Pushkin laid the foundations of an indigenous national literature. Considered in his day Russia's greatest poet, Pushkin was famous not only for works that inspired ballets and operas, such as Eugene Onegin and Boris God
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