alpha "Learn whyT 'aCih ii s books thefa stegsrotw ing exerciasned h ealing balmf omro deml ife!" -RichaYredn nie, D.CD.i,p i.Ac. (NCCA), PresideQnitG ong GUIDE\o SocieotfAy m erica T'ai • ong I Quicke aasgnyud i dance + in releasstirneagsg sis,nl go waenrd, sleepbientgt er Idiots-tperposo f + on perfortmhimena gj or poses Dowtno e aratdhv ice + on usiTn'gaC ih it oa llevcihartoen ic paiann dr eduscter ess BilDlo uglasFoundero ft he , , WorldT aiC hia ndQ iGongD ay DeaTr' aCih iP ractitioners, Youm ayn otr ealitzhea tj,u sbty p ickiunpgt hibso oky,o uh avep laced yoursienlt fh ec ompanoyf m ret hes tuafT f' aCih im asteirs madeo f. Thei deoaf a C omplIedtieoG tu'isdt oeT 'aCih& i Q iGoinsrg e alqluyi tien linwei tTh' aCih i'psh ilosopBhyyc .h oositnhgib oso ky ouo peny ourself toi nformatoinot nh e" At oZ 'so"f T 'aCih ia ndQ iGongC.o nverseilfy , youh adl ookefdo arb ooke ntitTlhedeC ompleItnefloyr Pmeerdso onn T'aCih ia nQdi GonGgu'istd oeT 'aCih ain dQ iGgo,ny ouw oulhda ve misseodu to na ltlh igsr eaitn formation. A famouZse ns toriyl lusttrhaitTse' saC ih it eneAtn. i mportasncth olar decidteoda ddZ ens tudtyo h ism ountaionfd egreseosh ,e w entt o studwyi tht heZ enm asteUrp.o nt hei mportasncth olaarr'rsi vtahle, Zenm asteorf ferheidm t eaT.h em astepro uretde au ntiilto verflowed thes cholacru'pss o akitnhget ablTeh.e s cholsaari "dH,e yt,h ec up'fsu ll already!" TheZ enm asterre spond"eAds,y oua ref ulolfk nowledIgce a.n nootf fer youa nythitnogl earbne cauysoeu rm indi sa lreafduyl lS.o",a sw ea llow ourseltvoea ss sumwee d on'ktn owm ucha bousto methiwneg b,e come opent oo ceanosfi nformatfiloonw itnogu sY.o urp ickiunpgt hibso ok putyso ui nt he" mastercsa"t egoarlyr eaadlyyl;o uh avet od on owi s leartnop latyh eT 'aCih ig ame. BilDlo uglas The Complieott'seR eIefrdenCcaer d T'aCih ii sa boubtr eathianndgr elaxianswg e movet hrougthh ec hangeosfl ife, continuaflillyl ainndg flowwiintghl ifeen ergByy.f illwiintghQ i,w eb ecomel,i ke Qi,n urturitnoag l tlh ings. Iyfo rue metmbobr eera etvheeryt,eh liwsniegtl alck aeor ife t self 1. Itf eegloso d. 2.I tb oostmsy immunes ystem. 3.I td umpso lds trecslse,a nimnyg n ervoussy stem. 4.I th elpmse tol egto o fn ews trefsass ter. S. Itm akesm e morec reatainvdep roductive. 6.I tm akesm e nicetrob ea round. 7.I ti st heb esbta lanacned c oordinattiroanin iinntg h ew orld. 8. Its lowmsy aginpgr ocess. 9. Itk eepmse loosaen ds upplneo,m attehro wo ldI am. 10.I th elppsr oceasnsd r elea"sdei s-eabseef"o irteb ecomeas d isease. 11. T'aCih iim preovveerytsIh idnog! T'aCih miea ns" supreumlet imatBey.p "r acticTi'naCgih io,u rm indc entearnsd,w e becomteh es upremuel timaptoei nitn t heu niversec-lae arleirg,h tpeodi nftr om whicha ltlh awte w ilelv edrr eama nda chiefvleo wYso.u b ecomaen a bsolute point ofh ealinhge,a liynogu rsealnfdb, y s od oingh,e alitnhgew orladr ounydo uT.' ai Chi celebratesa lbievDiean.ig l pyr actoifcT e' aCih i'fso rmcsl eansyeosu rb odya ndm ind ofs treaswsa,k enyso urs enseasn,do penyso ut ot hel imitleensesr goyfl ife-Qi. T'aCih ig iveyso ua ne dgen,o m attewrh ati ti sy ous tritvoes ucceiendM. o r-eover, T'aCih it eachuesst ob eh appye,x citaendd,t hankffuolre verythtihnagwt e a re ringohTwth. iis s a w onderfwualy t ol ivbee,i nhge raen dn ow,t os avotrh et remen dousleyx quisliitvewe es' vbee eng ivecno;n teanntd y etr eadwyi,l lianngd,a blteo takoen t hen obleasdtv enturelsi fien. Rememtbhyeaortau ra em iraYocual reeh. er teo d om iracultohuisn gSso.m etimes thamti racultohuisn igsj usbte inkgi ndE.n jotyh ilsi fiet;'t sh eb esgta mei nt own. PlaTy' aCih ib,r eathaen,de verytheilnsgwe i ltla kcea roef i tself. alpha books ,.. Breatdheee pf,u lalb dominbarle atwhhse neveyro ut hinakb ouitt . )oo- Enjotyh ep assiovbes ervatoifno ant urteh,es uno,r r ain. ,.. Realfleye tlh et hingyso ut oucht,h es oundyso uh eara,n dr ealelxyp erience thet astsemse,l lasn,ds ightBseh. e raen dn owe acmho ment. ,.. Forgiqvuei ckAlsyT .' aCih ie mptitehs eb odyo fh eltde nsioanl,l otwh em ind andh eartto r eleatsheep astt,h erefblyo wienags iilnyt toh ef uture. )oo- Celebrtahteep leasuorfme o vemeneta cdha ya sy our eveilny ouTr 'aCih i practiacnedl, e tth asta vorionflg i fwee avoeu ti nteov ersyi ngtlhei nygo ud o. T'a iC hiH ealtThi ps ,.. PractTi'caeCi h im ovementesa chd ay. )oo- Practaid ceee ps essioofSn i ttiQnigG onge acdh ay. ,.. Turno n yourQ i,o rl ighetn ergayn,y timyeo uc atcyho urseblefi nbgo red. ,.. When obsessnieveedo ra nxielteya dyso ut ow antu nhealthffouold dsr,i nks, ora ctivittuireonsn ,y ourl ighetn ergy. )oo- When argumengtesto uto fh anda th omeo rw orkw,a lka waya ndd oQ iGong orT 'aCih ib,e foraet tempttionr ge soltvhee m. ,.. Beforeev ermye etinign,t erviteews,ot r,a nyo thearc tivoiftc yo nsequeinnce yourl ifdeo,a S ittiQnigG ongs essifoinr Isttw. i lhle lpb rinagl ylo urp ower inttoh ea ctivity. ,.. Remembetrh aQti f lowesf fortltehsrsoluygy ho uY.o ud on oth avet om akeQ i flowy,o uo nlyne edt ol eyto urf earasn dt ensiognesto uto ft hew ay.Q ij ust happens. ,.. When Qii sf lowinegv,e drya yi sa h oliday. Commenotsn T heC ompleItdei oGtu'isd e to aTiC' h ili QiGong Ih adt hep riviloefsg teu dyiTn'gaC ih iw itthh ibso ok'asu thoBri,lD lo uglaAss.a practicpihnygs icitahne,ra er ec ertaitnilmyew sh erset recsasns eemt ob et hen ormI. founTd' aCih it obe profounbdelnye ficiinra eld ucisntgr eisnsc,r easmienngt acll arity, andi mprovimnyg e motionaaswl e lals p hysichaela ltWhh.e ree lscea ny ouf insdu ch a highleyf fecttiovotelo a chietvhee sweo rthwhgiolael wsi thofuatn ceyq uipmeonrt complicaftoerdm ulas? Iw asa ne mergenrcoyo mp hysicwihaenn I b egan :StudTy'iaCnihg i w itBhi lMly. f irst indicatoifTo 'na Cih i'pso werfsutlr emsasn agemebnetn efciatmse f romt heE Rn urseIs workewdi thw,h or emarkoendm y leveolfs erendiutryi ncgr isis. IfT 'aCih ic anh elwpi tsht reisnsa nE Rr oomw herlei voefst ehna ngi nt heb alance, imaginweh ati tc and of ore veryoenles e! JohnD .HemandeMz.,D . IntegratMiedviec ine Becauosfem y pracotfiT c'ea Cih ia ndQ iGongm,y barometfeorrd e tect"idnigs -ease" withimny selefa rliaelrl,o mwes top revesnetr ioiunsf ectainodns peeudp h ealinIg . feeTl' aCih ii sa w onderfpualro tf a revoluitnhi eoanl th care, ewahcehor fue sbt ya kes much morrees ponsibfiolroi utrowny healtahn dh ealing. Thibso okc ani ntrodpuecoep lteot her icehs otesrciice nocfTe ' aCih i'msi nd/body fitneisnas h umorouesa,s ya,n df unw ayE.n joy! SusaNno rmanC,. I.M.T. Fromt hep erspecotfia vh ee alptshy cholosgeirsvti pnagt iewnhtos,a rec opinwgi th chroniilcl naensdss tressful liIfs ee ete hvege ennttsml,ie n dfulneexsesr ciosfTe 'sa i Chia ndQ iGonrge laxattihoenr aapsyp otentiuaslelfyfu olar b roasdp ectroufm peoplTeh.e a uthoorft hibso okB,i lDlo uglaesx,p laitnhsec omplexiotfiT e'saC ih ia nd QiGonign t hef ormo fa ni nvitateiaosni,hn igs s tudenitnst ao g reatuenrd erstanding oft heu sefulnaensdps u rposoeft hiasn ciefnotr mo fm editatmiovvee ment. Kristy Straits-PThr.oDs.Ct,le irn,i cPasly chologPirsitm,a rCya reM edicine Dizziniesos nse o ft hem orec ommonr easofnosar d octovri sipta,r ticuilnap raltyi ents ovetrh ea geo ff iftBye.c autshee c ausoefsd izzinceasnrs a ngfer omb enigsne lf limiticnogn dititoonp so tentilailftlehy r eatenoinnegsa ,t horoumgehd iceavla luation ise ssentbieaflo reem barkionnga nyf ormo ft herapPye.r sisdtieznzti nceesrst aihnalsy ad istiinmcpta cotn t heq ualiotfly i faen de motionwaellb le inogf t hep atieFnatl.l s, hipf ractuarnedls a cokf c onfideinncp eu bloifct ecnr eaatf ee elionfhg e lplessness. Ino vetrw entyye arosfe xperieansac c el ininceaulr oloIgf iisnttd,h aetx tensainvde expensmievdei ceavla luatiinocnl udCiAnTgs canMsRI, scanasn dv ascuilmaarg ing studiaesws e lals p rescrimpetdiiocna taidodnl si tttola el leviatthiepn rgo bleIhm a.v e found vestriebhualbairl ietxaetricoiinsn te hse foorfTm ' aCih ic lastsoeb sea c ost effecmtoidveeo ft heraMpayn.y o fm y patiehnatvsoe p tefdo trh inso n-medication approatcoth r eatmaenndth avdee veloaps eedn soefs elf-conftihdreonuctgehh i s foromf e xercIinss eh.o ratsa, t raditimoendailcp arla ctitiIfo rneeqru,e rnetcloy m mendT 'aCih if omry patiewnittsdh i zzinaensdds y sequilibrium. CharlDe.sD onohoeM,. D. Neurologist Ith asb eeany easri ncIb ee gapnr actiTc'ianCigh iu ndetrh et eachionftg h ea uthoofr thibso okB,i lDlo uglaansd h iass sociiantset ruEcrtioFkre p aonf time certainlym eat lole ovwasl utahtere e sult of t"hmiasr tgaierantltn, lo"eto nlays s tress managemetnhte rabpuyt m,o rei mpressiwvietlrhye ,g atrodi tesf feocntm y physical health. Sufferfionyrge arfsr ocmh ronniecc pka icno nsequteona tw hiplaisnhj uarnyd,a lso sufferfirnogam l imitmeodt ioonft her igshhto uldIea rp,p roacthheeTd ' aCih ic ourse witsho mes kepticTihsecm o.u rwsaes i nitiaaftteuednr s uccesssefsuslio ofnp sh ysical theraipnyc,l udmionbgi lizautlitorna,s ouhnedaastp, p ,t tewro m onths ofT 'aCih it,h ep aiinn t hec ervirceagli doins appewahrieldte h er angoefm otioonf my rigshhto uldreert urcnoemdp letteonl oyr maTlh.i asc hievemreenmta inuend changdeudr itnhge p aswti ntuepru ntniolw . Iw oulndo th esittaort eec ommeTn'da Cih it oi ndividsuuaflfse rfirnogtm h es ame ailmeanstw se lalst o matpuerres ownhso a rsee ekitnomg a intaoirin m protvhee ir healatnhd t or emaifnr eoefc hronpiaci dnu et ot hea ginpgr ocess. Loredana Brizio-MM.oDl.tF,e. nAi.,C .S. Ih avbee ens,i ncmea nyy earisn,t ereisntt ehdeo rienatratalsn dp hilosoipnhcyl,u ding the" martairatls" o ohko wevmeyr wifep'esr sistteopn ecres uamdeet oe nliisnt youTr' aCih ic ourswehsi,c Ihh avbee etna kisnign Jcuel 1y9 97. My attitsuidnect,eh ef irfsetwl essocnhsa,n geddu,et oy ouerf fectivaenndte osy so ur abiltiott ye acthh igse nt"lmea rtairatlI. w "a ss ufferfionsrgy mptormesl attoe d osteoartohftr hietl iesfc to xofemojroailna tn,di ,n a dditiIow na,ss ufferfirnogmn eck paiwni tlhi mited mTohtiissoy nm.p tomoldoigsya ppewairtethdh eT 'aCih ie xercises. My physiciraenc'osm mendaitsti ooc no ntinwuiet thh ep ractoifcT e' aCih iI.w ould pastsh es amer ecommendattoii onnd ividwuiatlshsi milseadre ntlairfsyet ylaesws e ll ast op eopilnev olvienad c tivwihtiyc,rh e quierxeesr toifot nh em usculo-skeletal system. Agostino MolMt.eDn.Pi,h, . D. T 'a i C h i & i G o n g by BillD ouglas alpha books 1A6 D33iB virsAondnia ow AofahyM su,aNo cegmwI,iY n lonclrC G.,akoeN mnYep 1arn0aRy1l0e 9fr-e7e68cne5 Copyright©1b9y9B 9i lDlo uglas Alrli ghrtess ervNeodp .a rotft hibso oks hablelr eproduscteodr,ie nda r etrieval systeomrt, r ansmibtyta endym eans, elecmtercohnaincip,ch aolt,o copying, recording, or otherwwiitsheow,ur ti ttpeenr missfrioomnt hep ublisNhoe pra.t elnita biilsi ty assumewidt h retsopt ehceut s eo ft hei nformactoinont aihneerde in. Although every precauthiaosbn e etna keinnt hep reparaotfit ohnib so okt,h ep ublishearu tahnodr assumneo r esponsifboierlr irtooyrr os m issioNnesi.t hiesar n yl iabialsistuym feodr damages resfurlottmih enu gs eo f informcaotnitoani hneerde iFno.ri nformation, addreAslsp hBao ok1s6,3 B3r oadwa7yt,hF looNre,w Y orkNY, 10019-6785. THEC OMPLETIED IOTG'USI DET O & Desiginsa r egistered torfMa adcemmialrlka n, Inc. MacmillPaunb lishbionogkm sa yb ep urchafsoebrdu sinoerss sa lperso motiounsael. Fori nformaptlieoanws rei tSep:e ciMaalr keDtesp artmeMnatc,m illPaunb lishing USA, 1633B roadwNaeyw,Y orkNY, 10019. InternatSitoannadlaB rodo kN umber0:- 02-862909-4 LibraorfCy o ngreCsast alCoagr Ndu mber9:8 -85971 01 ()() 8 7 6 5 4 3 Interpretoaftt hiepo rni ntciondge t:h er ightmnousmtb eorf t hef irssetr ioefns u mbers ist hey eaorf t heb ookp'rsi ntitnhger; i ghtmnousmtb eorf t hes econsde rioefns u m berisst hen umbeorf t heb ookp'rsi ntiFnogre. x amplaep ,r intciondgoe f 9 9-s1h ows thatth efi rsptr inting oicnc1 u9r9r9e.d Printientd h eU nited SotfaA tmeesr ica NoteT:h ipsu blicactoinotna tihneso pinioannsdi deaosfi tasu thoIrti. si ntendteod provihdeel pfaunldi nformamtaitveer oinat lh es ubjemcatt tceorv erIetdi .ss olwdi th theu nderstantdhiatnthg ea uthaonrd p ublisahrenero te ngagiendr endering profes sionsaelr viicnte hseb ookI.ft her eadreerq uires paesrssiosntaoalrna cdev icae , competepnrto fesssihoonualbled c onsulted. Thea uthoarn dp ublisshpeerc ifidciaslcllyaa niymr esponsifboiarln iylt iya billoistsy , orr ispke,r soonrao lt herwwihsiec,ih si ncurarsea dc onsequednicree,c otril nyd i rectolfyt ,h eu sea nda pplicaotfai noyno ft hec ontenotft sh ibso ok. AlphaD evelopmenTte am Publisher KathNye benhaus EditorDiiarle ctor GarMy. K rebs ManaginEgd itor BobS human MarketiBnrga ndM anager FeliPcrei meau DevelopmeEndti tors PhiKli tchel AIM cDermid AmyZavatto ProductionT eam ProductiEodni tor MarkE nochs Copy Editor ff CliShubbs CoverD esigner MikeF reeland PhotoE ditor RichaHr.dF ox Illustrator JodPy. S chaeffer Designer NathaCnl ement Indexer ChriWsi lcox Layout/Proofreading MelisAsuac iello-Brogan CarrAilel en JerCroy le LaurGao etz AngePle rez Contenattas Glance Part1 :a iCr h iR:e lianxt Iot 1 1 Why PractTi'caeCi h i? 3 T'aCih ir elisetvreeassn sdh eaelvse rytahbionuygto u insiadned obuett,tt ehraa nn ye xerciints hewe o rld. 2 LetG'est P hysical 15 T'aCih ip roviadm eisn adn db odwyo rkotuhtat to nes andc leantshebeso dtyo m aximiyzoeufu rl lexpres sive potentaisaa lh umabne ing. 3 MedicTa'la Cih iT:h eP rescripftoitro hneF uture 29 T'aCih is lows agintgh,ie m bmouonsseyts s tem, and treamtasn yh ealptrho blems. 4 T'aCih iE xpandtsh eM inda ndL ightetnhseH eart 45 T'aCih ic almasn dc lariofiueirsn nweorr lmda,x imizing oupro webryb otehx pandoiunrpg h ysisctarle ngth and mentpaolt entiabyl t-eaalclh uishn go wt oe njloiyf e! 5 TheS piroifTt ' aCih iI sF indiOnugr C enter 59 Bye nablusi ntgom astoeuror w ns elvTe'saC,ih is hows ust hawte a rneo vti ctainmdsc and ramatiecmaplolwye r us tos ucceient do darya'psi cdhlayn gwionrgl d. Part2 :S uitUipna gn dS ettiOnugt 71 6 Finditnhge R ighTt' aCih iC lass 73 FinditnhTge' aCih ic laasnsd i nstructtohrai tsj usrti ght foyro u. 7 Wherea ndW hen? 83 Learniwnhge rweh,e na,n dh owt ol earn TC'haiai, n d tiposnh owt oa ctuatlrlayyi onu rstoe plrfa ctice. 8 TheF irDsaty o fC lass 93 Howt op repyaoruer sfeoclrlf a wsist thh rei gchlto thes, threi gmhetn taalt titaunddse o,m ceo mmoTn' aCih i terminology. 9 HorsSet ancaen dO theTre rms-SadUdpl!e 107 Learnt h"en u&t sb oltosf"T 'Cahiit hawti lhle lmpa ke youerx periseanfceeeff, e ctainvdpe r,o found. Part3 :S tartinDowng thQei GonPga thto TaiC hi 119 10W hatI sQ iGong? 121 Tiposn g ettcionmgf ortwaibtQlhie G oncgo ncewpotsr,k - intgh rough QcihGaolnlge anngdeh se,a liontgh ewrist h youQri .