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Preview the complete book of underground houses-how to build a low-cost home

THE COMPLETE BOOK OF UNDERGROUND HOUSES HOW TO BUILD A LOW-COST HOME ROB ROY (a I | STERLING PUBLISHING Co., INC. New York Acknowledgments “Th best part about siting this book was reacts fn old acquaintances tand making rw) 1 all the sighth out-of step eccentriex who dare Wo de Something euicallyswasiole, Thanks to arehitects Malcola: Wells, Don Metz, and Les Boycr forthe hsiful cna, aad to Ray Sterling al the Unc round! Space Cente Susan Nelsor atthe Ameri- fin Underground Space Associeion, and ter (Cesperteral ve itish Farth Sheltering Assucia- tion. Special thinks to uwnerbullders Peter ard Eilean Allen Kor aep with tke radon commen: tesyh Richard and Use Gums, Plaire Riely Cos ‘erent, Becky GilllLe und Reger Jantey and Lind find Ray Hursl for sharing shelr experiences Exra-special thanks go. :6 Goof? Huggias, Siegfried Blam, ane Joan and Keith Ry:ander for Sclually weiing their owa excellent case Studies Lovinaly deslented to fab my building poriner at Log kind Cottage, Log Ei Gave Earthivood, Mushwwood, and vino knox what in te future. Tharss for the swemories past and ai those yes to couse. Its beer ‘um. Libeary of Congress Cataloging:In Publication Dats ey be “lompletebonk af snderzreus ous: hoy te bua Iowa ome’ by Rab Rey ae Inet bsugrap cal rterenoes index, ISBN 0 9000-0723-2 ‘eifast sheer ed hokes—esgn ane canstmetion Hesigezruers 198 bao a1 dezo Lie, aaa woeTesaazt Publisnes ay Stell Publishing Compars, inc {BP Park Averge South, Rework, NY HOE fo ty obert L Roy Disrbtel p canada by Steting Pus sbing ee Cinudien Marga Group Cae Alate avenue Suite iyvmto, Ona, Cangas MEK SE Distnted Great Bran ane Europe by Cassel, PLC Vers House 41/47 ecrand, London WCEN Se, Euglane (atited = Abstr by Capcieora Link (Aus-caal yi Po. Bex 663), Baum Hile, Buses Cenze BS 2788, Aeralia ‘Munufacenre! inthe Last Sites or Ameri: Aah reseved Storing ISBN Csoss-0720-2 Contents Intredaciion Preface Sarit 1, Past & Presents... 2, Desien 5 3, Siting & Excavation. 4. The Footing 6... 5. The Floor 6, External Walls 7, Timber Framework Color section fullows page 64 8 Roof Deck 9, Waterproofing . 10, Insulation, Drainage & BacktLling 1, Barth Roof 12, Closing In ie 19, Retaining Walls & Landscaping 44 The Imerior 45, Pesformance 16, Case Studies fn the Novth 7, Case Studies in the Appendix 1: Radon « Appencix 2: Sources « Eootsotes Libliography Metric Fequivalents Ine us. Introduction bby Malcolm Wells ola Rey isa man you cea trust, and I don't Just because he has returned toe BOCK | {is honesty is obvious. Glance at ary page i his hook fsa want pov He's so pen about ene few ercors bes rude durieg his “uncergrounet” ca reer i's simost embarrassing to ead abet them, Bthen, as reson. (find Nis openness seassur. ing his solutions sisyple wad ering g Rob is one ef « growaag amber v: peuple \wharve uit far mare anceseraane Noeises than {yet be assumesthes ve dome far mare than Phan Rob's not unly talked ubwut underground rel cecrure, and weit about i hes aetually gotten fot there und doreit~ane ug ata lot others 0 1 you have even a sight incerest in building a fete: uncbtnisive kind of nore real on Toby ‘sil ake all ne nyscery out uf He ever let his ‘hens tell f then saventures wil his cess va reer Rowse hhoua i fai Stuciures His atest Preface ‘Over she past 20 years, my career nas consisted 6 tb line, vzritng ane teaehing about two Feber tine: balling sles: cordvinod “sony con srachen aiid uncer ground Ihgusi. Cox cw fasonry, where:a walls are constructed of shor logs ic trenseersy Hee a stark a fied) bbeeay’oriely touched vor in ths veluane Fle fever ma ef the buildes featured ine «ase Ssucies seetion ei inenrparate candaxnert mae Sonny eco tier hones, Tove interested nom Infosmaticn en co-twooe masonry ekauke refer te tne Complete Bock of Conasoed Mason. Housel ag, The Earchvvurnd Methon! Stern, Publishing Co Inc, 12h Tha: buok alo eves the-uugh step-by-step nccourr ofthe corse cor for ous cw round como masonry ent Sheltered home. Karthwood, Undercrourd talso known es “eartn-shol leroy ire jet tthe hte 1270 ane eat “Xl, these vas a national nin -crsze bot vaderareune housine, probably in Spande ta heighence awareness of energy con Se-vaton, Several new books om Une subject ue bine publisnea each yeor ‘Some ofthe best of these beaks were precaced by tie Undergrouad Space Ce:ter atte Univer sly of Minneso:a, The Center i stilin existence, but has de-emphasized hoaschuiling probably in response tim mised iors interest. altension hes recerdy beer focusee on e-her ses fer undereround space storage, Ineusira) and ommertialusrane Lanne!iag. Inarecent corse Sutlon wth ay Scaling, USCS director who alse cova.chored many of tae Centers books, Tearned that bnerest on earth shotering is presing up agai “Maleolm Wells, architect, writer ane sisionsry le fhe underqraurd-ho-sin mexemert, con tins his work in Brewster, hus, Wells ts ioe al since Tea! Myewn Unaecgrvund Eouse: How 'o Ries Low Cost Home Sterling Publishing Co. 1879) sold over 200.000 copies in oes printings Dat has been ot: of pra fer several years. Tas oresert volume eentains uch material fom tat work, news grvally revised! and updated Uncesgraund hcusing isa bron! § broader then cordiwacd rascary, Te found it mesessary to speciale within the 2 eld, and acces sets sad techn ques “haat make underrated housing Both cose find afrtable to tae awimer hale wh nas wom abe state llvery, The methods aecened ere 4re: the slab foundation, suriace-donded block wall pest area and plank-ane Rear fram ty, id Ue seie-swaling rellet-0ut walerprootg “nembrane These are the methide that "ny fe Jak}, and | have use successfully at Leg Ered Cave, Earthwood. an several earth- caver ont pauline. ‘Tais on uses Log Fd Cave as a model anit hes he reader the-wugh Ue step by sep enn uction ef asingle-storey recliner r-cost eeqroundd horse. Where inprawemen's 9 te de Se are suggested. atiertion Ie ealled 16 the 40, < 49 Leg Ld Cave plans on gage 15, The case-sud es section expands on the basic taeme newbs by inducing Houses of uthe" shapes, shows examples ron the" Deep Seth he US %o Ontario, Carsda, ‘The reacer he intends n hui his own house, should design it himself fer bersell too Thisis one tony two Wess to get the house you wnt, The her wi sa hoe food aritect eres mo danger of my puting contractors or sreh-eets out 0” business y advising tat folks esign ane ull thelt awn names, While the tell ods und diiensians éescribed in this book have worked well for us, Hts importar: ‘0 have e's plans checkes hy a competens architec oF Sruced exginesr. Ater al, cenvlivans of sol imate and materials vary from site: site, But having plans checkee or critiqued is much ess ‘expensive thun Funding ar architect a bank shes 6 COMPLETE ROOK OF UNDERGROUND HOUSES and saving, "Design a bouse that wil be right for ‘ne Sometimes ts ossile ra have arrestee Caleulathing checked hy a enlage' structural aqinceing class as a stacy project. "AS for construction, even the most resourceful rer bviners may fe. tat Where une belli trodes shat are simaty beyond thes conficeace oF ably: Even ere. chug, rs possible t0 save money by seing as ones enun comtracta” sendieg tsors wt tesups oul fo subcontractors fo idan, and getting eiscounts at \ards Som readesmay sibonnrecral-nostallat te work, ne sti! ceri sunzansil savingsover cont-actor-oui heme. “Finally our esn Eectnwood Building) Schoo! has since: {990 sete ks w enringhense oe infor ‘mation about earth-shetered nowsing and cord ‘Wood masonry Pb Rey Wiest Cneay: NA 1 Past & Uncersprand having, even iow cnet urder- SOME nosing, 5 neing nee Afr all what fc it cost the ist caveman te walle inte nis new Shelter? He certainly didart nave a th-rs-jeat mo-tgage ‘though taeres some very pasb housine en verted fram true ears in the Lave Vale Fraice riocern earth shelters nave hit in son with exes, ‘Man bas lived ndengrotnd st may es a places vaginal Fissory In Cappadocia, Tekey people have been living in uaderground tenn fd lies forthe, sss 0” sears. Pas sels Some ol whi! sen end eight stories below around, Jrebesn o:tof soft stone. These settlements ane resoorse ta hostile surface ervisonment, ane=ne rieroet mate of he anler:rwune ages emis <onstan and comfortable, despite Revsh varia. tons of heat and cole on the ¢ro:inds surface, Fok architeccare bus alwagys made inteligens iw of aailable materia, Whoa these consist of fomore tan te sat strate sels ony aural that vndengroune eve ngs eee bv Chit is ‘ype of develop ment has persisted for WAH years. in arth Sheltered iteusing Desir, 9 kar Inaeua mc agente recery rae tame "oo! porting «thi yer of seal Sha vegelation. In ater certriea cave dwelling Be ate widely edopted practice in he cra egpons of ter central Chin, ne dee Wass #2 be ‘id esate andi eit poring excavate Ingo Marcelo. soled several tres ho eed in excavarce bumiem Toe terial advantages of te ists temperature maceration ina enna nate wt cold winters and ask es ger tris he lity to provide shelter wh ones p ek ane rowel nev leo he eonstatin of aliens Use Present cave dyelhings shou to the pees day If many Iocatifarmin conlinvesion the surface above the tle grace neues. paresis 2Ormlion people Ieim eave seelings in China tay ‘on tenerife. in the Canary Isiards, cave ddweling is founé in the eariculural uplands ‘When I visite this ore, | ought these homes te be ast uncavelike. I was as t Fouses had been set into the hilsice with only one wall left ex [Posed Tere were ever: curiam the windows ‘Ts huss wurer’ arigily 11 (as is possible to rane ther today with the aevent of te insulated Soft) aur they were cheery ane wal 9 doubt bie mth the sane nundreds of years srom now How mary genieratons 07 lle troglodytes re turned io "ner eocl hemes afer a wt day on ae terraces? ‘Why woule anyone want fo build underground inthe modern wore? Raleolm Wels says: _Eoury gue fool of ths pares surface—tad and Sea femippesed <9 be rebusily ale. I: sup- Jove 16 Be snopping-contered, parking ioted. ae Dili, concreted, conceal, notsed, mowed. pol ted, polzonee rao, or tans was subg i restate jisresentanilar spores can nee vury Rouse which we an design and bud nas pact of some tine on the olanet, sill ney we The type of home withthe pkerial for the Teast negative impact is le underg-eund rome, "#5 the only indo! housing tnt allows a pete to semettq approximating "he e-iginal landscape 2vgrect cxsmpee oF this Rous.ng is @ beautiful sonve iy Yorkshire calied “Underhill” It was de sened and bailt by Arthur Quormby, architect, a COMPLETE BOOK OF UNDERGROUND HOUSES ane plastics engineer Having ten &9 Bra for seven wears, | knew that one of the orimary cox fren af the county and egional ean basis ‘was to lain the “sal amenity” of 9 villages and counirysde. A much better fea o- retain ites Fas teen dan inthe ik thar mis been done Incas US Quarmby's hse, th, tie was he fon “lly earts-sheltered tome 1 Erland ta han have beer ual lace “9A, Ie Be feu 6 reystunce oy the paaners! Tas i very {AF icult 0 anwlerstard, A "Unce hil the same Sheop which ta been e-aring the Quarmby at on the sege athe vil se wore abc to evame Inet fon: nue thei grazino alter the Same was ba ‘shed. From eae malt rove, he som is hardly se Thar saalarneni.y. ote misao agri ultural ane environmental weary ls. 1-1. Inkl ant cae lived fo an old ne camtae on the outskirts of Dingwal in Scolar. We vere in the middle 0° a 600-aere sheep-ane-<atbe fra on tie south-facing slope of a larg hill Over tke years, the Win of Dingwall gracually mais is Shay finards ta farm where we Lived one el al 8 time “aling to tract housing. The ta. (elnost fama) eases thet wen bit warns erode 10 {i Uaezerein the duvelopient toe feet be thatthe view’ fromany house wes te gable ends tens howses facing Fadia dewelogmen: ft ‘esis Geen approved caste, the ves” fiom teach home woul eve been 0° the eressy roo" of the home facing it, Iain an unstruced view crys the Cromarty Firth. he swap coc returned ‘Architerea, an international arcatcectural (group seca in var fr s-lited Dowsing, ac {uals bait severa’ cocapleses in Frage sd Spain thoronldkave been peer 9 oiace ofthe i pas ing boxes hat sere alt near Bing plese ne curved glass Pont walls W'trounlts fort residents enjoy « tew of the sure andng landscape. These seuch-tacine alas walle prowiee naturel (ound iow ard pessiesolar ge rd help teumis2 per maura egrstc wih he hide Eveause of the Cio tel ew sale porruting shay unico" se i Im Avehitetras Nice project she dersity wats sib0ur 40 houses per acre similar it density to the ayremetiones abave-g-vand araject in Seet land, Areaiterra tree so fac ch sim. 2° projects ne Loitee States nthe 1903s, ut their eres eas swe cafe ‘Many reacts whee followed for bed (0 Tol los the underground movement snes the eas ‘aay of he late HEP ay etn wha as ha pened in tae past ter 0" fiteer. years. Malcom Valls as satee. is stl active, even aner thee Ucar i the cnexcrient Rey Steslig al John (Carmody aullirsol Baril Sheltersu usin De Son still iwors st the Und=reround Space Center at the Unisersiy ae Minresta, aihwrigh thelr fork aa6 more te €o how with unde: round Serco “tr uses olver than Reusing, Architect Don Metz, wae designed and surervied ‘he eersirc Como son of Lie mgs: be-tful varth-saelered ames Ive seen, is sill active, as is Les Bower raleesor oF Archltecure at Texas A&M Univer sily. Andy Does, a0 publicized his “Davis Caves” se viellir she 18706 stl going strona, The Brash eet Shalini Asscclatign a procehiy rape r= Yo promoting residential uses of underground rousing than any comparable erganizatien in ‘Amse'2a, altho. only @ banal of earl shelters sve aetuay been built Brita The bad news: Ie magazine Larth Sewer {pest wns. cosualty ofthe 1360s, along with Archi fora and several vik vonsteuction aad Ges Sompanies which tied o sake a living Jb spe Paving in carth-sheltered nonsien The qi news Theres sense of etimism aniorg the off gear. ths: underground is of the Seay buck -plecest es picked ap in Malee-™a Wes books. ane, after a pesied of slow going. at the cider Suave Cente= ay wall clorest is inereasiva agian al Larshwood Ukcing e300), shone ve eenductee urederg-o'und housing fwotsshops coin oud sacs 1959, What causee the Dust which followed the boom? Why = interest retiring bly 1th 7470k Followed anew awareness hat ereray sources weren't inethe ustible. The public wok a faney <9 the “ney” idea ef wader {rou hesses, Articles ia agueines sch as New Shelter ard The Metter Larth News pret ‘rated’ Pueryene seemed tone publishing a book PAST & PRESENT 9 omundereroune housing ®ve qo: darenseseiter- fetvelurnes a ry seference The eave se pubce pe-eepton that tae en sis his as ithe oes or a hoon a Toa it he Fst pace neithe skew rnd oUt Lo ae Le Pros cont eaigar speed 10 upward melts nix cnbridlec écoaorite optimise the ih got icter ne poe gut pew The dle lass ¢ only creating Ua Lae same oll realites ue Sil wits, to wit We sll waste Inordinate nenounisof ences he late! Staes her ee saved with ether ineusirial nations with a sila Standard of living, We soatnue to encroach fur Ther ane ur un she very exelexpeal sem that supsort fe on tis panel een water and ‘seta, frets psu For ihe first tinae inv a deeace, yourd peop seem tn be wxaicerned aezin with the cai treat sith quality of fe inseas of standsrd ef fivind, Uindereraunesnausing isvery me tune setth as hacking Mas. 1-1. Arthur Quarmby’s “Cader home, ip Holme Yorkshire, UK. malitains the visuat amenity othe village ancl couneeyde

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