THE Ov.) | BOOK OF TAIL CHI CHUAN COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO — PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE WONG KIEW KIT THE COMPLETE BOOK OF IAI CHI CHUAN A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE By the same author The Art of Chi Kung The Complete Book of Zen The Art of Shaolin Kung Fu Chi Kung for Health and Vitality For Mr. Wong’s web site, please visit THE COMPLETE BOOK OF IAI CH] CHUAN A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE WONG KITEW KIT TUTTLE Publishing Tokyo | Rutland, Vermont | Singapore “Books to Span the East and West” Tuttle Publishing was founded in 1832 in the small New England town of Rutland, Vermont [USA]. Our core values remain as strong today as they were then—to publish best-in-class books which bring people together one page at a time. In 1948, we established a pub- lishing office in Japan—and Tuttle is now a leader in publishing English-language books about the arts, languages and cultures of Asia. The world has become a much smaller place today and Asia’s economic and cultural influence has grown. Yet the need for meaningful dialogue and information about this diverse region has never been greater. Over the past seven decades, Tuttle has published thousands of books on subjects ranging from martial arts and paper crafts to language learning and literature—and our talented authors, illus- trators, designers and photographers have won many prestigious awards. We welcome you to explore the wealth of information available on Asia at Disclaimer: Please note that the publisher and author(s) Distributed by: of this instructional book are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any North America, Latin America & Europe manner whatsoever for any injury that may result from Tuttle Publishing practicing the techniques and/or following the instruc- 364 Innovation Drive tions given within. Martial arts training can be danger- North Clarendon, VT. 05759-9436 U.S.A. ous—both to you and to others—if not practiced safely. Tel: 1 (802) 773-8930 If you're in doubt as to how to proceed or whether Fax: 1 (802) 773-6993 your practice is safe, consult with a trained martial arts [email protected] teacher before beginning. Since the physical activities described herein may be too strenuous in nature for some readers, it is also essential that a physician be Japan consulted prior to training. Tuttle Publishing Yaekari Building, 3rd Floor Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of 5-4-12 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Tokyo 141 0032 Tel: (81) 3 5437-0171 Published in 2001 by Vermilion, Fax: (81) 3 5437-0755 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA [email protected] Asia Pacific Copyright © 2002 Wong Kiew Kit Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. 3 Kallang Sector #04-01 All rights reserved. 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Contents List of Illustrations X—XIV Preface XV 1 TAI CHI CHUAN as a MARTIAL ART 1-8 The Aims and Benefits of Practising Tai Chi Chuan A Concise and Comprehensive Martial Art 1 The Mechanics and Psychology of Different Arts 2 Internal Force, Not Brute Strength 4 An Art of Convenience and Culture 5 The Richness of Tai Chi Chuan Theory 6 Tai Chi Chuan in Health, Character Development and Philosophy 7 2 THE CONCEPT of YIN-YANG in TAI CHI CHUAN 9-17 What You May Have Missed in Your Tai Chi Class The Philosophy of Yin-yang 9 Yin-yang in Tai Chi Form and Force Training 11 Yin-yang in Tai Chi Chuan Application 13 Yin-yang in Tai Chi Philosophy 16 3 THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT of the VARIOUS STYLES 18-29 Health, Combat and Spiritual Joy in Tai Chi Chuan The Earliest References to Tai Chi 18 Zhang San Feng and the Origin of Tai Chi Chuan 19 Early Tai Chi Chuan Masters 22 Chen Wang Ting and Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan 22 The Old, the New, the Small and the Big 24 Yang Lu Chan and Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan 25 The Wu and the Sun Styles 26 The Three Stages of Tai Chi Chuan 28 vi THE COMPLETE BOOK OF TAI CHI CHUAN 4 ADVICE from the GREAT MASTERS 30-39 Achieving Better Results in a Shorter Time The ‘Song of Secrets for Training’ 30 The Five Characters Formula 32 The Ten Important Points of Tai Chi Chuan 35 FUNDAMENTAL HAND MOVEMENTS and FOOTWORK 40-60 Acquiring Balance and Gracefulness in Tai Chi Movements The 13 Techniques of Tai Chi 40 The Secret of Tai Chi Internal Force 41 Developing Poise and Balance 44 The Four Primary Hand Techniques 54 The Four Secondary Hand Techniques 56 Does Tai Chi Chuan Cause Knee Injury 60 THE IMPORTANCE of CHI KUNG in TAI CHI CHUAN 64—69 The Development of Internal Force Health, Combat and Spirituality 64 The Internal Force of Tai Chi Chuan Training 65 Developing a Pearl of Intrinsic Energy 68 THE POETRY of ENERGY and MIND 70-99 Tai Chi Chuan with Breath Control and Visualization The Purposes of Set Practice 70 Simplified Tai Chi Set — Section 1 71 Simplified Tai Chi Set — Section 2 76 Simplified Tai Chi Set — Section 3 76 Simplified Tai Chi Set — Section 4 82 The 48-Pattern Tai Chi Set 86 TECHNIQUES and SKILLS of PUSHING HANDS 100-115 How to Sense Your Opponent’s Weakness The Principles of Pushing Hands 100 Sharpening Your Skills of Perception 101 Throwing Your Partner Off the Ground 102 Seeking the Best Angle and Closing Up 108 Advanced Techniques of Pushing Hands 111 Pushing Hands and Combat Efficiency 113 CONTENTS Vil 9 SPECIFIC TECHNIQUES for COMBAT SITUATIONS 116-126 Tai Chi Chuan Patterns for Self-defence Requirements for Combat Proficiency 116 From Lifting Water to Repulse Monkey 117 The Profundity of Grasping Sparrow’s Tail 119 From Cloud Hands to Needle at Sea Bottom 120 The Final Eight Patterns 124 10 COMBAT SEQUENCES and TACTICS 127-139 Techniques, Tactics and Skills for Fighting Martial Arts as Sports 127 The Depth and Scope of Tai Chi Chuan 128 The Why and How of Combat Sequences 131 1 Sequence Triple Punches — Warding Off 133 2 Sequence Three-level Attacks — Green Dragon 134 3 Sequence Whirlwind Kick — Single-whip Low Stance 135 4 Sequence Hiding Flowers — Playing the Lute 137 11 MORE COMBAT SEQUENCES and TACTICS 140-152 Some Amazing Ways to Overcome an Opponent Factors in Winning a Combat 140 5 Sequence Felling a Tree — Rolling Back 141 6 Sequence Pushing Mountains — Thrust Kick 143 7 Sequence Pull Horse — Thrust Kick 146 8 Sequence Eagle Claw — Shoulder Strike 146 9 Sequence Taming Tiger — Flying Diagonally 150 12 ENRICHING DAILY LIFE WITH TAI CHI CHUAN 153-163 How Tai Chi Chuan Enhances Health, Work and Play The Chinese Concept of Health 153 Energy and Chinese Medicine 155 The Effects of Tai Chi Chuan on Health 157 More Energy for Work and Play 159 A Healthy Body and a Relaxed Mind 160 13 WUDANG TAI CHI CHUAN 164-183 Attaining Cosmic Reality Through Tai Chi Chuan Tai Chi Chuan and Spiritual Development 164 The Patterns of Wudang Tai Chi Chuan 165 vill THE COMPLETE BOOK OF TAI CHI CHUAN 14 CHEN-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN 184-203 Tai Chi Chuan of the Hard and Fast Transition from Spirituality to Health 184 The Patterns of Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan 185 15 YANG-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN 204—227 Gentle, Graceful Movements for Health The Most Widely Practised Style of Tai Chi Chuan 204 The Patterns of Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan 206 16 THE WU STYLE of WU YU XIANG 228-247 Small Movement and Body Technique for Combat External Form for Internal Power 228 The Patterns of Wu Yu Xiang-style Tai Chi Chuan 230 17 THE TAI CHI CHUAN of WU CHUAN YOU 248-261 How to Avoid Being Hurt in Combat For Health and for Combat 248 The Patterns of Wu Chuan You-style Tai Chi Chuan 250 18 SUN-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN 262-277 High Patterns and Agile Movements Some Advice on Tai Chi Chuan Practice 262 The Patterns of Sun-style Tai Chi Chuan 263 19 TAI CHI CHUAN WEAPONS 278-285 Transmitting Energy to Extended Hands Why Weapons Are Not Widely Used 278 Some Functions of Weapon Training 279 Sword, Scimitar and Staff 282 20 THE PHILOSOPHY of TAI CHI CHUAN 286-293 The Evergreen Classic of Wang Zong Yue The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan 286 Explanation of the Treatise 288 Three Levels of Attainment 292 CONTENTS 1X 21 TAOISM AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT in TAI CHI CHUAN 294-302 Attaining Immortality and Returning to the Void Tai Chi Chuan Principles in the Tao Te Ching 294 Attaining the Tao 296 Immortality and the Great Void 299 Notes 303 Further Reading 305 Useful Addresses 308 Index 310