Description:Complete Set of Legal Forms FOR YOUR BUSINESS Obtaining the right legal forms can cost you thousands of dollars in attorney fees, but using incomplete or poorly-drafted forms can cost you your business. With a good starting point and an understanding of the basic issues, you can easily create your own simple contracts, forms, and agreements to successfully run your business. Let The Complete Book of Business Legal Forms provide you what you need to save thousands of dollars in legal fees and protect yourself from liability. READY-TO-GO FORMS with Step-by-Step Instructions ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS YOU NEED TO: Borrow and lend money Hire and tax employess Comply with current federal regulations Settle disputes without going to court Avoid problems with the IRS And much more... ''Their legal survival guides are dynamite and very readable.'' - Small Business Opportunities ''Explaining the way the law works.'' - Daily Herald ''Sphinx [legal guides] are staples of legal how-to collections.'' - Library Journal ''An established legal guide.'' - Smart Money