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AleiCsrtoewrl e\' THEC OMPLETE ASTROLOGICWARLI TINGS containing A TREATISEO N ASTROLOGY UBER 5% HOW HOROSCOPES ARE FAKED byC orS corpionis BATRACI-IOPHRENOBOOCOSMOMACIIIA S.'6:fl-. -+- - Editweidta hn notabtyi ons JohnS ymonds and KennetGhr am DUCKWORTH Firpsutb liishn1e 9d7b 4y CtraDludc kwo&r CtohL, td, TheO ldP ianFoa ctory 43C loucuClreers cLeonntd,o n NWI © 197J4o hSny monadnsdK e nneGtrha nt CONTENTS Alrli grhetsse rNvoep da,ro tft his publicmaatyi orbnee p rodusctoerdie,nad rttristyvsatloe rmt ,r ansmiitnat ntyd , EditorIsn't roduction vn foromr abnymy e andst,c tronic, mtchanical, photocopryeicnogro,dr io ntgh erwwiisteho,u t 536 thper ipoerr misosfti hoctno pyroiwgnhetr , A TREATISEO N ASTROLOGY,U BER I Preface 3 ISB0N7 15068 0I6 TheE ssentDiiagln itoift ehsPe l anets 7 TheT ripTlne' niotfty h eP lanets 8 TypsdtbiynS gp eciaOlfifssSeeedtr vices LiimteLdi,v erpool I TheG eneralP rincipolfAe sst rology 9 PrinitnGc rde aBlr itbayiU nn win BrLottdh,e rs Thel\: fastKeery t oA strology 20 TheG reshParme Ossl,Wd o kinSgu,r rey, TheT echnicEalle mentosfA strology 23 TheT welvIe-l ousoefs Heaven 25 TheA spectosft heP lanets 25 How toS etu pa Figure ofH etahvee ns 27 TheG eneral PrinocfJi updlgeisn ag F igure 31 TheG eneraSli gnificaotfti hoenP lanetSsi,g ns and Houses 33 Mana ndt heU niverse 53 II Neptune 56 Neptunien t heZ odiacSailg ns 61 Neptunaen dt heO thePrl anets 62 Neptunien t heT welvHeo useosf H eaven 82 III Uranus 118 Uranuisn t heZ odiacSailg ns 121 Uranuisn t heT welvHeo useosf H eaven 169 HOW HOROSCOPESA RE FAKED 207 215 BATRACHOPHRENOBOOCOSMOMACHIA Index 221 EditorIsn't roduction TheH ermetiOcr dero ft heG oldeDna wn,w hichh adl odges in London,P arisE,d inburgBhr,i stoaln d elsewherien,­ structed its imnevm abreirosub sr ancheosfo ccultiTshme. more advancebdr ctluenw erei nitiatiendt ot hes ecret attributioofn tsh e astrologifcoarlc etso ·t he Treeo f Lif-e thep lanetwse rea ttributteod t heS ephirotthh.e zodiacsailg ntso t heP athosf t heT ree- andt her elationship ofb oths ystemosfa stroloagndyt heQ abalatho t heT arot. Crowlebye ganh iss tudoyf a stroloagssy o ona sh ee ntered thimsa gicaOlr deinr 1898l.i ew ast hent wenty-thyreeaer s ofa geH.i sa ttitutdoae s trolowgaysb asicamlalgyi cahle;w as nota dedicataesdt rolobguetar m agiciwahno u seda strology as onoefh isw eaponTsh.i sm eantt hahte w asl escso ncerned witha stroloagsya predictsicviee ncteh an asa means of assessfionrgm agicaelnd s his roewlna tionswhiitphps e ople. Astrolotghye refoprlea yead m inor rionlh ei sa ctivitaineds , hel efotn lyo new orko n thes ubject. A TraetiOstel A strolwoags wyr itteinn Americai n 1917·1C8r.o wleayl scoa lletdh ew orkL ib5f'3r6 .5 36i st he numericeaqlu ivaleonft t heH ebreww ordM asalthw,hi ch signiftiheesS pheroef t heF ixedS taris.,e t.h eZ odiacI.ti s thusa n approprinautmeb erf ora worko n astroloAng y. earlieesrs aeyn titlHeadt raapchhrelloboamoaccaoh,wsi hmich wasp ublishiendC rowleyp'eSr iodiTchaleE quindouxri ng 1913,i si ncludehde reb ecausiet d eal�sv itthh em agical practiocfee xpandicnogn scioustnoet shse s tarasn dp lanets. The word' Batrachophrenoboocosmiosmm aacdheiu ap' o f theG reek worfdosrF rogM indO x WorldB attlaen,d i sa playo n thet itJoeft J1Heo merimco cke pict,h eB atarchomy­ omachoira' B attolfet heF rogasn dM ice'T.h ei deab ehind the usco f thisb arbaronusa me,B atrachophrclloboocos- AleiCsrloewrl ey EditoIrn'tsr oduction VIII momcahi-at hati si,n p ronunciatoirvo inb rat-ioinst hait t antagonitsomt hep rincipolfea sp plyicnogm mon sensteo iss upposetdo c reatae s ensoef v ertiignow hicht he mind is thes cience.' freedf rom itso rdinarbyo und.s Conscious-nessos t he As thew orkw asn otc ommissionbeyd a publishaenrd, theorgyo es- ise xaltteodi nfinbiyt tyh imse thod. wasn ever publiisthi esrd a,t hedri ffictuols te ch ow Evan­ Alsoi ncludeidn t hivso lumei sa little-kneoswsnaoy f gelinter ietdoc heaCtr owleoyu to f' thper ofits'. Crowley'esn titl'eHdo w Horoscopeasr eF aked'w,h ich Crowledyi dn otc ontinue the onw hoirsko wn.T hisi s appearhse ref ort hef irtsitm ei nb ookf orm.It w asw ritten surprisfionrgh e had thet ime,th e knowledgaen d the in 1917u ndert hen ame of' CoSrc orpionmies h'e,a rotf t he creatifvoer ce_ And hwehl eenfA tm ericfao r Eurionp1 e9 19, scorpioan n,a me probablcyh osebne causoef t hes tinging he stoppewdr itinogn astroloaglyt ogethheer h;a dm ore naturoef thea uthorr'esm arkTsh.e essawya s publisihne d importatnhti ngtsod o.H isf irtsats k wtaosf oundh isA bbey TheI nternatia omnonatlh,lNy e w Yorkp eriodiwchailc h, ofD o WhatT houW ilitn C efalwuh,e reh e sosoenth imsetlof alonwgi thi tss table-compaTnihoeFn ,a ther-lCarnowdl ey writhei As utolrgaarpghioyorC onfessions,i nw hicha,l though was the editoorf TheF athenrd-l waas disseminating he includehids n ataclh arth,e maden o commento n the Germanp ropaganidnat heswea ry ears. disposiotfit ohnep lanets. The ideoaf w ritiAn gT reatoins eA str-oiltwo ag,t�yo be In hiso lda ge,h e publishTeid rBeo ok Tohfo thlirsl a,s t a complterteaet meonftt hes ubje-cta rosoeu {o fC rowley'S majorw ork, iannt erpretaotfi tohne T arotb,a sedo n the discussiwointshE vangeliEnvea nsw hom he describaes'd t he symbolisomf the NAeewo n.T he New Aeonh adb eguni n mostf amousa stroloignet rh e StatHees s'a.i od fh eri nh is 1904i,n auguratbeyd C rowley'resc eivifnrgo mh isH oly ConfessitOhaTtISs hem ade froma strolo'gfyi ftthyo usand GuardiaAnn gel (AiwTashseB) oookf t hLea wo rt hen ew dollaar yse ar[ butl ndoitdk nowt hatt hes olasry stewma s biblfeo rm ankind. Two poafgT ehs eB oookf T hotahre essentiaal dliys kS.h e thoughtth ep lanewtesr es tucka t devotetdo the zodiaacn d the Troeef LifeT.h ey arc randomi n tshek yl ikseo m any plumsi na sueptu ddinIgn. reprimheedr ei,m mediataefltye Crr owleyP'rSe face. thirtyye arso f dailuys eo ft heE phemerissh,eh adn ever Our thankasr cd uet oC ommanderC harleDsr agef orh is observetdh atN eptunet akesf ifteyeena rso r so to pass generohuesl pwi tht hem anuscritpot� ,I rR aymond� Iander througah signo f theZ odiaca,n d toldh erc lientthsa t and� IrJ oe� Iitchenfsoortn h em aterioafla footnote dealing Neptunbee inig ns ucha nds ucha signa tt heibri rtthh,e y witht het heatraen,d t o� IrE dwardO wen �Iarsfho rs everal mustp ossevsasr iocuusr iopuosw ersW.h enI p ointeodu tt hat helpfsuulg egstions. thiasp plietdoe veryone biontr hnr eleu strsehsew, a sa tf irst bewilderetdh,e ni ncreduloaunsd;,p roofb eingp roduced, JohnS ymonds angrayn di nsulting.' KennetGhr ant They haidn f actb eenw orking togoetnhL eirb 5e3r6 i;t was tob e publishuendd erb otht heir namesh,e rma inndd ands tylaer ed iscernibilnte h et extB.u tt hec ollaboration broked own, andt hew orkw asn evefri nishCerdo;w lewya s nota n easym an tog eto n witEhv.a ngeliEnvea nsv'i ewosn Crowleayr en ote xtantb,ut hereC roiwsl eys'usm maryo f MissE vans':S hew antedm e tow ritae b ooko na strolofgoyr herT.h e planf ailetdh roughhe rp ersisteefnfto rttosc heat me outo f thep rofitasn,dh ero bstinaitgen oranocfet he elementafrayc tosf n aturceo mbinewdi tha nu nconquerable 1_ e,Lc J,t,,L-(-.t'""c" J/: ,hcl,r l A TREATISEO N ASTROLOGY: LIBER 536 1 Preface Astrologseormse timmeask em istakeFsr.o mt hifsa ctw,h ich event heya res carcesluyf ficienbtrlayz etno disputiet, followwsi thm athematiccearlt aintthya ta stroloigsny o t a sciencbeu ta sham,a quackerayn da frauId .C ontraistts shamefuuln certaiwnittyh m edicinweh,e ren o doctoerv er losat p atienwtit;h l aww heren o lawyeerv elr osat c aseo,r even wiatrhm sw,h eren os oldier evae bra tltolset! Iti st ruteh anti ne tiomuetso ft cna,n a strologglearn cing ata strangcearn t elalt w hath ouro ft hed ayh ew asb orn. Thism ustb eg uessworfko,rw e do nots eeh owi ti sd one or canb ed oneI.t i sa no bvioucsa nono fa lslo undp hilosophy thatu nleswse knowe xactlhyo w thinghsa ppenw,e must denyt hatt heyd o happeno,r ,i fe veprh ilosopchayn nosto farc loseey eso n actualiwtey m,u sta scritbhee mt oc hance. Thoughotf thiasl titudinboruisl liainstc hee g uarantoefe human progrietsr se;m indosn eo ft hes unr isionvge rt he cresotf s omem ightpyy ramiodf roacnkd i cec,r ownewdi th thee verlasstnionwgs T.r uei ti st haitn aclals easn,a strologer in thef ronrta nko fh isp rofessigoinv,eg so oda dvice, kind, shrewdd,i sintereasntde wdo rldy·wise,i nsypeitr beyd a divinweirs doms ucha st hef actth ahte s pendhsi sl ifien t he contemplatoifot nh en oblepshte nomenoaf n aturteh,a tth e Soulb ehintdh emc annobtu to peratteo b estowt;r uea lso thata ny astroloogfee rm inenccea np oim toh undredosf peoplweh osel ifheo,n oura,n dp roperhtayv eb eenp reserved 1.T hiissa t ypiecxaalm polfCe r owleiyr'osnI ynh. i isn troduction toM agihcekw rit'erfsa:t Peerr durICa rboow Ili etsyh meo shto nest of altlh ger eat rteelaicghiOeotruhsseh. ra svs ea i"dB:e limeev!He"e s ays: "DQnb'et limeev!e' I"nt hper esweonrtk C,r owliessy o osna yi'nIgf, thebreea nyp ersoofnt hper esdeanyst o i gnoraasnn ottt o r ecognise thvea loufeA strol.o.'g .y 4 A leisCtrwoelre y Preafce 5 statesmaHne!r ew e sitt,l Ieb toada nd noblef orehead throughhi sa dvicBel.i wth atd o thesfea ctpsr oveW?h ata re corrugatiendt hea gonyo fi ntentsheo ughttl,I fei rm chin we tot hinokf a nym an whod ocsn otc am hisl ivihnogn estly restionng theh and,t hev enerabbleea rdq uiveriwnigt h by gamblinogn Wall SHeoertf ,a kinagn tiqufeu rnituorre , emotionlse shsu mant hand ivinWee. b roodu pont he True, adulteratthienf go odo ft he peopolrwe r,e ckinrga ilrooard s, theB eautiffurlo;mt imet ot imew e sigha,sw e thinokf t he manufacturitnhge i nstrumeonftw sa r?W hy,t hef elloiwsa IncommensuratbhleeA ,b solutoer,t heG reateGsoto d.W e cheata, s coundrTehle.i dlwer etch poloifsfhh iessd ail'ye vil' gazef romf earlaensdsu ntroubleeyde s uptohne w orlda,n d in eighteehno urst o squandetrh er emaininsgi xi n the thew ordsh,a lf-formdeidei, n g odliSkOelT OW upono url ips, hideoudse baucohf s leep. 'AJas, humanAnidt ya!sw' e renectth, erceo mest ou st he Whati st ob ed one?T hankG od,d egeneraasto eu ra gem ay burningc onvicttihoant m oneyi sn ota nu nmixebdl essing. be ins omer especwte, h avea fairelfyf icipeonlti csey stem. Prospertietnyd tso s apt hem oraliotfyt heC ommonP eople. Wellt,h ens,e nda detectitvoet hea strologleerth; e rg o in Virtuneo urishiencs o mmunitioefss i mplmea nnerasn df ades withh ere yesr edw itht carlse;ht e rr ockw iths obbinagss he whenl uxursyp readhse rv ampirwei ngsm,o neym ay be a tellosfh owh ero nlyc hilldi edsy inga,n da ltlh ed octohrasv e cursWee. realitshea mta nyp eopldeo n otu sei tw iselTyh_e y giveunp hopeP.e rhaptsh ea strolofgoerar l,t lh ek naverayn d wouldb e bettewri thouitt .F ore xamplet,h ec lastsh at cunninwgh iche nablhei mt op ickt hep ockctosf s om any thousand pemoapyl bee,f ooeln ougtho u ttcar f eww ordso f squandeirtshs a rd-eardnoeldl aurpso nt hew ickeads trologer. comfort. Tthheemn a tteirss impljeu;s ticcaen b ed oneT.h e Buti ti sn otw elle ithetrh att hea strolosgheoru lhda vei t. polictea kea ctioann,d f inea ndi mprisonmefnotl loTwh.e Thed esiroefi th asa lrealdeyd h imi ntcor imet;h eo btaining detectiisvc eo mplimentoend t hec leverneosfsh erp lanhse;r ofi th asc onrirmheidm i nt haotf fencaeg aintshte l awso f salairsy raiasnedad F reeP eoplmea rche veorn wardssi,n ging God andm an.Y ett os uppretshsea strolo-gtehre f irsrta,s h, int hes unligthotw,a rtdh aCti tywh ichi sG od. noblei mpulsoef indignatsitoinll ela vetsh em oneyi nt he The agei st oo mealy-mouthteodo, sentimenttaolo, handso ft hospee oplweh o aren o doubtb etteorf fw ithout easy-goitnog d ealr adicalwliyt hc rimeE.v enm urderers itA. dilemmian deedH!a sp olitiwciasld omn o solutioAn ? nowadayhsa vea goodc hancoef e scapitnhge e lectcrhiaci r; lighdta wnsi nt hosee yest;h eb rowr elaxietsst ensioan , andt hea stroloigswe orr steh ant hem urderefro,rh et ouches beatifsimci lheo verdso ve-lionk et hosfei rcma lml ip"s _w iU nott hem erev ilbeo dy.b utt hep ocketW.e cannoatv oid noto pprestsh ea strologseort 'h,eG reaItd eat akessh apien deathb,u tw e cand ier ichT.h crie se ven aadnd edb lasphemy glory of sp'eIwe iclhml:e reliyn troduac Bei ltlo o ppress int hec rimeo f thea strolofgoerrw ,e knowo fW hatA wful him_T hen I wilald vishei m privatetlhya tI am hisT rue Frienadn,d t hafto rju sat f ewt housanddo llaIrc sa np revent andB eneficiBeenitn g- a namet oos acretdou ttelri ghtly­ theD ollairst hei ncarnatYieotnp .a uset,h ermea yb ea good thaBti lflr omp assing Lianwt.oI fh ec annoutn derstatnhde reasofno rt het enderneossft hel awt owartdh ea strologer. It meritosf thisp la�n andh isb raihna sp robablbye ens tu­ pefiebdy hisd evotitoonh isf oolish quaicnkw ehriyc,hn o iss oc ertatihna ta nyc ommunitcya nd estroiyt sh elpless doubtp,o orc reaturhee, h asa sincebreel i-eft henI will memberse,s peciawlhleyn t heya rew omen,b yh angintgh em prosecuhtiem o nceo rt "viucned ert heo ldm ildl awa ndg et or burningt hem,a ndc ertacionm munitiheasv ea splendid him frightenTehde.n ,s urelhye, w ilyli eldan,d t hem oney recoradn da longe xperienocfwe i tch-baisttiantge:s manship ,viIIb en o longewrh erei tc an onlyd o harmi, nt hep ockets hasa bandonetdh esmee thodfso ro therlse sesf fectoinvt eh e oft heC ommon Peoploer t hew ickeAds trologbeurtw, h ere surfaciet,a rguesso me wisecro nsideratsioomne,s ubtler itc ano nlyd o good,i n thoosfe t hew isea ndP atriotic motive, snoombel earn dl oftipelra nf ort heu pliftoifnt gh e Statesman. humanr acet,h ant heu nthinkimnign dc ang rasp. Ift hipsl anh ass ometimfeasi ledw otroka si ts houlidt,i s Butl etu s puotu rselivents h ep ositioofns omep atriotic 6 /JleistCerro wLey becaus[eh eA stroloigset ro oo fteonb stinatiemlpye rvitoou s allr easoann dg oods ensea,sw ella st o mannerasn dg ood tastHee. may evene xclaimma,l icioausas d ogc ornerbeyd a gango fs treuertc hintsh,a to n thew holeh ew ouldr athegro top riso'nI.it s n otv cryc reditapbelreh,a ptso,b ea tl argien a countrwyi ths uchr ulersS.o 'd eplorabal tee mperi s indicatoifvi en corrigviibcleae, p erversoiftt yh es oupll ainly SataniScu.c hp eoplaer ed angerotuos a Statet;h eym ay perhaphsi tb ackP.e rhaposu rs ternefro refathweerrse\v iSCT aftearl lp;e rhapwse shoulgdo aftetrh ed ollaorfs[ he Common Peoplien some otherw ay,a nd dealw itht he Astrolobgyer re vivitnhgem ethodosf t hei nevitaMbaltet hew Hopkins.2 Unleswse cand o so,a ndt heriesi ndeesdo med angetrh at thosceo ntempticbrleea turtehseC, o mJ!loPne oplmei,g ht not readialcyq uiesictei ,st ob e fearetdh atw e shalsle et her uin of Civilisawtiitohni tsg reategslto ryo,u ru niqupeo litical systema,n db ecomei mpotenwti tnessoefts h acta tastrophe, THE ESSENTIALD IGNITIESO F THE PLANETS theT riumpohf A strology. A.C. TheE xaUatioofn Planets Signosft he thPel anets Ruling Zodiac · 0 19 � 'Y' b' 3· � " Q, 3· � II 21 IS· b' "" n 21· � - � IS? � l1)! · '!I 19 0 S1. � 1·4 � Ill. · tl 3 21 f � 2S· n l'\ '!' 19· n '" � 27· 21 )( Herscherlu letsh e4 KerubiSci gnsN:e ptunet,h e4 2.M atthHeowp ki(nds. 16l4a7w)yo,ef Ir p swiacnhdM anningtree, who becamneoo tritohu'esW itch-FGienndeeraran'lda , na uthority on CommonS ignasn,d P rimumM obilteh,e 4 CardinSailg hS. the devil's bmyta hrek ,d ecmvlaiadwlweh', is cm ha yb ef ounodnt he A planeitsi ni tFsa lwlh eno pposittoei tEsx altatiionin t;s bodoyf t hseu spepcetresdo n. Detrimewnhte no pposittoei tRse alm. 8 A h'isClrn owley THE TRIPLET RINITYO F THE PLANETS I 'V The Spiritual 1 TheG eneraPlr inciples Self- 0 TheH uman (Intelelctaul)-J(e go) � ofA strology '" TheS ensoc(yB odily) '1/ TheS piritual 1 \ViII The physiccaoJn stituotfit ohne U niverisset heb asiosf t he h TheH uman( Intellectuaolf)t h'"e 4>- sciencoef Astrolo;g aynd ino rdert o explaifnr omw hat I Self. � TheS ensoc(yB odily) principwlee sd educeo urj udgmentosf itsm ovementwse muste ndeavotuorg aina cleaird eao ft hen aturoef t hose '21 TheS pirtiual 1R elation movements. Many peoplhea vea n idetah atth es olar syisstm eomr eo r' � TheH uman( Intellectuawli)t*h tehe lesssp hericianls hapeT.h isi sn ott hec aseI.t i sr,o ughly In on-ego. � The Sens(oBrodyi yl) speakinag ,f ladti skI.t w hirlisn o nep laneT.h e planets deparstl ightflryo mt hipsl aneb,u to nlys lightHloyw. t his statoef affaicrasm et ob e,h asl ongb eent hep robleomf MiddPlilel ar Astronomya,n di ti s nyoet ts atisfactsoertitllyeB du.tt he 'V TheS piritual 1 I general iisdt ehaa tt herwea sa to net imew,e do notk now why orh ow,a ne normoufsl aming mass reivnso plavcieIn.ng 0 TheH uman JC onsc iousness. coursoef t imec ertahiena vipeorr tiocnosl lecttoegde thbeyr '" The Automatic thef orcoef g ravitayn,dt his mbaesisn cgo herent,f lwuansg offr,e tainihnogw.e veri,t gse nermalo vemenwti thr egartdo PilolfMa err cy spaceb,u th avinagl sao revolutiomnoavreym enotf i tosw n in thes amep laneT.h isb odyc onstantrlaydi atiintgsh eat '1/ TheC reative 1M odeo f intsop acger adually contarnadsc otleidd ifTiheidsf. i rbsotd y '21 TheP aternal fa ctioonnt he was thep laneNte ptuneI.t i sb y no meansc ertaitnh at non-ego. Neptunies t hem ostd istapnlta neStt.u denotfsa stronomy � TheP assionate arew ella wareo fh ow itw asd iscoverIendc .? lculatdiIneg movemento fU ranusc ertapienr turbatwieornesd iscovered p;u.,ro fS <verily whichc ouldn otb e accountefdo rb y any of thek nown h TheI ntuitive l planetAss.t ronomewresr et herefolreedt oi maginUlea tt here mightb e someo thebro dyy etu ndiscovearneddp robably Modeo fS elf- � The Volitional expression. beyond UranCuasl.c ulatiwoenrsem ade to determitnhee I � TheI ntellectual probabploes itioofns ucha bodyw,h icwha st henl ookefdo r with extremcea rea,n d ultimateAdlaym s and Le Verrier discovertehde limits itosfp ossibploes ition with such • For" intellecotneumi aglh"t sa y "conscious". accuractyh atG alloef B erlidni scoveiretid n 1 846Fu.r ther

The Technical Elements of Astrology. 23. The Twelve I-louses of Heaven. 25. The Aspects of the Planets. 25. How to Set up a Figure of the Heavens.
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