THE COMPLETE ANGLER BT IZAAK WALTON " CHARLES 'COTTON. IZAAK WAL'iON. EDITED BY ."'EPHi^.MEB^^, , OF "bell's life in LONDON." LONDON: EOUTLEDGE, WAENES, AND EOUTLEDGE, FAERINGDON STREET. NEW YOKK: 56, WALKER STREET. 1859. ^9^^?"? 1 ADVERTISEMENT. PoE some years past I have been taming over in my mind tlie possibilithya,ving been long clearlyconvinced of the necessityo,f publishing, cheap, pleasantlyand profuselyand profitably a new, a a illustrated edition of the " Complete Anglee," with what I will call "modernizing" notes and additions. I have found all ever thingsreasonable in desire,possibleof execution and happily,the : thoroughfulfilment of this last aspirationof mine has proved no exceptionto experience. my Having been not altogether silent observer of the successful a through the readingworld of the cheap series of books,old progress and publishedby Messrs. Ingram, Cooke, " Co., under the new, generaland appropriatetitleof " The Illustrated National Library," I resolved to tryand add one more to the number. To the above firm,full of publicspiritand intelligent I communicated energy, intentions and projects.They approvedof and the offer my were j on my part to carry them into effectu,nder certain conditions and with aid specified, freelyacceptedand ratified by the gmeenntle- was as named, it conscientiouslyand hopefullyproposed. as was Hence Walton and Cotton in modern dress,ornamental and a useful. Reader, fear not. I have touched with profaning the no pen sacred text of those venerable writers. You have it here in its primitivepurity word after word, it printedin the fifthand " as was last edition,publishedin the 1676, under the and hands year eyes of the authors. What more have I done ? A greatdeal which I " will brieflytell you. The firstedition of the " Complete Anglee" appearedin 1653, exactlytwo hundred and though during Walton's ltiifmee- years ago, four subsequenteditions published,with additions and were improvements,original in the natural historyof quadrupeds, errors birds,fishes,and insects,not onlyremained, but augmented. were Those errors must be imputed to the generalignoranceof the time in which Walton wrote, in matters of natural history,and not to his specificallTyhe. most glaringand dangerousof those errors I have cleared away by means of foot-notes. a2 iv ADVERTISEMENT. If an}^ candid reader of apprehensivmeind will peruse the " Cpolme-te Anglee" he must agree with me that it lacks the itnisvteruc- element " itamuses far more than it teaches " ittalks more of fish and of catchingthem than it shows hy detailed practicadtliiroencs- how to catch them. Occasionalldyirections are given; but theyare not alwayscorrect,and, exceptin a few instances,theyare antiquatedand not unfrequentlyerroneous. At least I think so; and have endeavoured to apply remedy. Wherever I have found a the piscatoridailrections of Walton and Cotton rightI have said so, and not interfered. Where I have found them contrariwiseI,have pointedit out and written new instructionsf,requentlayt great length lengthenedthan the originalchaptersto which they " more stand appended. I will not encroach upon the reader's time by statingminutely allthat I have done. In a word, I will at once and fearlesslpdyriec-ate that I have written,by mean's of foot-notes and ctoamrpylemen- essays to chapters,a completemodern treatise on the different branches of angling bottom-fishinsgp,inning,and trolling, " on on fly-fishinwigth the artificialfly,and daping dibbingwith the on or natural I have written succinctltyhe natural historyof each of one. river-fish that of the salmon rather lengthiltyhan succinctl}' our " " I have shown their habits,pointedout their haunts,named the best baits for them, and shown how they to be used. I have taught are how the rod and line are to be handled, and how the artificialflyis to be thrown and worked in the water, far long-practised as as a pen can teach it. I have described the best sorts of anglinggear ; and to Cotton's instructions for making artificialfliesI have added my own, elucidated with drawings of the natural flyand of the artificialone in its finished state and in the incipienatnd psriovgeres- stagesof itsfabrication. Of what I have done,enough. The book will tell its tale own " one I trust that will not dim, by even a passingshade,the rpeu-tation of him who, for more than fifteenyears, has been the pciast-ory preacherof BelVs Life,who has written A Hand-hook of Angling,and The Boole of the Salmon, and more besides in fine, " reader,of tutor,brother and friend, your London, MarcJi, 1853. Ephemeea. N.B. " The notes signed"H." are from Sir John Hawkins's etdiio-n of Walton ; those with " Ed." attached are orio^inal.