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THE COLOURS OF THE MEMORY An Architectural Route for Sentimental Travellers Asilah THE COLOURS OF THE MEMORY An Architectural Route for Sentimental Travellers Malaga Tangier Al Hoceima Asilah Nador Larache Chaouen Tetouan 3 The Colours of the Memory EDITED BY: Khalifa (Regional Delegation of Tourism in Tetouan) • Malaga City Council. European Programmes Service. Abdeslam Moudden (Association of Guides in Chaouen )• Urban Environment Observatory, OMAU. Mohamed Hakoun (Photographer, Chaouen) • Vicente www.omau-malaga.com Moreno (Resident in Chaouen) • Manuel Pérez Salvador www.malagamarruecos.com (Resident in Uixán, Spanish Company “Minas de Rif” in Uixán) • Rifat Ballot (Al Hoceima City Council) • Omar IDEA: Taibi (Taza-Al hoceima-Taounate Regional Government)• Pedro Marín Cots. Director of the OMAU. Mohamed Daoud (Taza-Al hoceima-Taounate Regional Government) • Omar Lemallam (“Memories of the Rif”, AUTHOR (Design of the routes and texts): Al Hoceima) • Miguel Lacalle Alfaro (Writer and documen- Mónica López Soler talist in Al Hoceima) • Santiago Lacalle Alfaro (Photogra- pher, Al Hoceima). PHOTOGRAPHY: Pepe Zapata CURRENT PHOTOGRAPHS: Kumiko Masame (Tangier) Roger Martorell Ardura (Malaga) OTHER IMAGES: Mariano Bertuchi’s Family (Successors of Mariano Bertu- chi) • Luis Ruiz Padrón (Drawings of Malaga) • Mohamed Raiss El Fenni (Drawings of Tangier) • F. Félix Jiménez Zurita (Tetouan) • Domingo Outón Leiva (Chaouen) • Rachel Muyal (Tangier) • Laureano García Fuentes (Boats) • Sergio Barce Gallardo (Larache) • Mónica López Soler (various) • La Trashtería (various) • La Odisea (Malaga) • • The Author is exclusively responsible for the texts in the Imprenta Cremades (Larache) • Melilla General Archive. current edition. Emilio Blanco Izaga Fund • Díaz Escovar Archive (Malaga) • Texts: © of the author and the European Programmes Ser- • Al Hoceima Regional Government (Al Hoceima) • Tan- vice, Malaga City Council, OMAU gier City Council (Tangier) • Malaga City Archive (Malaga) • Malaga Diputation (various) • OMAU (various). • Current photographs of Morocco – Malaga: © of the au- thors and the European Programmes Service, Malaga City DESIGN: Council, OMAU. Mónica López Soler • Images of Mariano Bertuchi: © Mariano Bertuchi`s Family. • Images of E. Blanco Izaga: © Melilla General Archive. DESIGN OF THE TITLE PAGES, BASIC LAYOUT: Combo Producciones Background: Emilio Blanco Izaga. MAPS: VREC Soluciones Multimedia The rest of the photos (current and old), documents and LAYOUT: Mónica López Soler artistic reproductions are accompanied by ownership ri- VREC Soluciones Multimedia ghts. The ownership rights are exclusive of their authors. Permission was granted for their use in this book (The ima- HISTORICAL CONSULTANT: Virgilio Martínez Enamorado ges which do not have any references are property of M. López Soler). COLLABORATORS: Alejandro Pérez-Malumbres Landa This guide can be downloaded on the website of the Coope- (Official Tourist Guide, Arqueoguía, Malaga) • Mariano ration Programme Malaga-Morocco: Bertuchi Alcaide (M. Bertuchi’s Grandson) • Mourad El www.malagamarruecos.com Jaouhari (Larache City Council) • Sergio Barce Gallardo (Writer, founding member of the Association “Larache in Malaga at the end of 2013 the World”) • Almudena Quintana Arranz and Abdelkrim (1435 of the Hegira / 2963 of the Amazigh calendar). Bentato (Cervantes Institute’s Library, Tetouan) • Moham- med Benaboud (“Tetouan Asmir” Association) • Ahmed An Architectural Route for Sentimental Travellers 4 Collaborating partners in the Arrabales project, carried out in the context of the Programme POCTEFEX: TANGIER CITY COUNCIL C/ Marrakech, Tánger C.P: 90.000 Tel.: +212 (0) 660 747 836 Fax: +212 (0) 539 341 442 LARACHE CITY COUNCIL Avenue Mohamed V, Larache BP:605 CP: 92000 Tel.: +212 (0) 661 492 57 Fax: +212 (0) 539 910 796 Mail: [email protected] TETOUAN CITY COUNCIL Avenida 9 Abril s/n, zona administrativa, Tetuán CP: 93000 Tel.: +212 (0) 53999191 Fax:+ 212 (0) 539 999 494 Mail: [email protected] www.tetouan.ma CHEFCHAOUEN CITY COUNCIL Place Mohamed V, Chefchauen CP 91000 Tel.: +212 (0) 539986362 Fax:: +212 (0) 539 986 642 www.chaouen.ma NADOR CITY COUNCIL Delegation of Tourism in Nador Route Segagan N° 57 – Nador Tel.+212 (0) 536330348 Fax: +212 (0) 536335452 Mail: [email protected] Mail : culture_cunador@yahoo. AL HOCEIMA CITY COUNCIL Calle Hassan II BP 64 CP: 32000, Alhucemas Tel.: +212 (0) 539983273 Fax:+212 (0) 539 840 311 Mail: [email protected]; service.coope- [email protected]. www.riftourisme.com/ www.rodpal.org/ TANGIER-TETOUAN REGION Calle des Amoureux, Tánger BP 1292, CP 90000 Tel.: +212 (0) 539372468 Fax: +212 (0) 539 372 814 Mail: [email protected] TAZA- AL HOCEIMA- TAOUNATE Barrio Calabonita, Caja Postal 270, Alhucemas CP 32000 Tel.: +212 (0) 539 840 301 Fax: +212 (0) 539 840 959 Mail: [email protected] www.region-tat.ma 5 The Colours of the Memory The Arrabales Project is being carried out in the context of the Operative Programme for Cross-border Cooperation (Spain-Exterior) POCTEFEX. This programme promotes collaboration between Spain and Morocco. This guide has been promoted by Malaga City council within the Arrabales pro- ject. This publication presents an architectural guide to the northern cities of Morocco and Malaga. It offers touristic and cultural routes which take the rea- der around the historic centres of the partner cities participating in the Arrabales project. The route starts in Malaga and continues on to Tangier, Larache, Asilah, Tetouan, Chefchaouen, Al Hoceima and Nador. This route aims to connect the old cities in the promotion of cultural tourism in an attempt to assist in the rehabilitation and protection of architectural heritage through knowledge, diffusion and value creation. It also highlights the shared history between the two sides of the Mediterranean. An Architectural Route for Sentimental Travellers 6 Index 7 Advice on how to use the guide 9 The Colours of the Memory: route designs ITINERARY 15 Malaga 21 The Medina 51 Malaga by the Sea 62 Seaside Malaga 65 Tangier 75 The Medina 93 The Modern City 110 The Surrounding Areas: Towards Cape Espartel 111 Larache 117 The Medina 129 The Ensanche 140 Lixus 142 Asilah 147 Tetouan 151 The Medina 165 The Ensanche 183 The Surrounding Areas: Tamuda and Martil 185 Chaouen 189 The Medina 203 The Ensanche 208 The Surrounding Areas: Chaouen Road - Wad Lau: Talasamtan Park 209 The Surrounding Areas: Wad Lau Road - Al-Yahba: Gomara Coast 211 Al Hoceima 217 The Historic City Centre 225 The Surrounding Areas: Al Hoceima National park: Los Bocoyas 228 The Surrounding Areas: Towards the East: Through the land of Abdelkrim 233 Nador 238 The Grid 243 The Surrounding Areas: Cape of Three Forks, Cazaza, Gurugú, Segangan, Uixán Mines 247 Bibliography 7 The Colours of the Memory Advice on how to use this guide This guide will provide the reader with Key architectural routes that are recommen- ded for sentimental travelers. Of course, The icons change according to the city. you will not find everything you need in it, as it would be impossible to fit every Highlighted sites: last detail into a guide that is meant to be used whilst on the go. 6 Identity number in the itinerary (urban Due to this, and in line with the original space or monument) idea behind the guide, the highlighted Point of interest places of interest, the accompanying comments and the routes that have been Museum marked out are merely an invitation for you to start a journey that will take you Mosque beyond written words. We advise you to really “live” the places that you visit and Church lose yourself in the depth of each city and area. Zaouia (Headquarters of a Religious We aim to make the history of each city Brotherhood) come alive through a collection of pho- C Domestic Architecture (house, palace,...) tographs, images and descriptions that, when put together, construct a collective memory of this corner of the world. Practical Information: Let yourself be accompanied by the expe- Pathway – Access on foot riences of the travellers that have contri- buted to this guide and by the bite–size Bus lines information. They are meant to serve as notes for your trip, like a quick drawing or Possible route by car a Polaroid photo that attempt to reflect the soul of the cities. Timetable We invite you to add your personal expe- rience and to point out, like any good re- searcher or adventurer, the information that the guide has missed out. As Borges once said, to discover the unknown is not only a special skill that can be done by Simbad, Erik the Red or Copernicus. Every person is an adventurer. These written pa- ges, together with your impressions, will be witness to this long journey, continuing the never-ending story of each place through the eyes of the traveler. An Architectural Route for Sentimental Travellers 8 Number: indicates the loca- Coloured point: indicates the tion on the map of the sights points of interest from the itinerary included in the itinerary (ur- in the urban spaces ban spaces and monuments). Coloured line at the side of the page: to help you find each city in the guide. Every city has its own colour, the col- our that character- ises the city. Information with a paper- clip: indicates practical information about distanc- es and types of roads. Text with a coloured background: gen- eral theme or information about a culture or a city that is fundamental to under- stand the route. Text in a coloured outline: a specific theme that highlights the architecture of the city. Text in a coloured outline at the end of a section: tourist information. Photos in a black and white back- ground: architecture from the Spanish Protectorate period in Morocco. The featured element is left in colour provid- ing a contrast to its surroundings (in black and white). This route contains 7 itineraries. Each one we recommend the use of a good car. These parts can will take you around the historic centre of each also be done on motorbikes and bicycles. Hiking is city and the surrounding areas that are histori- also possible. cally related. The journey between cities can be done on paved The itineraries for each city can be done on roads. We haven’t indicated any rough times for these foot. journeys and the distances are approximate. The surrounding areas can be visited The route has been designed in order to facilitate travel by car. Some parts of the routes are along between the cities. However, you can also change your unpaved roads which are passable, however, route without it affecting your understanding or enjoyment. 9 The Colours of the Memory The Colours of the Memory. Design of the Routes The light, the limestone, the colour, the sea. The colour isn’t an adjective, it a noun that is the sign of the diversity of the world. J. A. Valente Colours live in our memory, we recognise The Itinerary them without realising it. We associate them with places and sensations without noticing. A look that runs through the streets like the written These colours paint and shade all the corners pages of a book. I. Calvino of the world. Such is the case of the territory which our route passes through, where certain The itinerary is like the storyline of a book, as you colours unite geography and history. follow it, you can string together different parts of As well as the intangible colours of the its history and understand the book as a whole. Mediterranean light and climate and those of The route itself, similar to the Le Corbusier’s prom- the Atlantic, the cities come alive with tangible enade architecturale, forms an important and es- colours that are offered to us by nature and sential part of the itinerary. It doesn’t only point elements that have been created by man. out the important things to be seen, but provides Green is born from nature, the colour tone us with a spatial and temporal view of the city. of the flowers and the earthy shades of the ground which climb natural and man-made Historic City Centres: Urban Spaces walls. These same colours, which also season food and dye fabric, are reproduced by man in the pigments that stain the white of the Cities are a mixture of many things: memories, limestone, in the decoration that can be seen desires, signs of a language; they are places throughout the city and in the arts and crafts where bartering takes place, not only over that are used in daily life. They are the colours goods or merchandise, but also bartering over of history, colours that create a common words, desires and memories. I. Calvino aesthetic on both sides of the Mediterranean and which are evidence of a joint journey and The historic city centre is a portrait of the person- legacy. Through them, and together with the ality of a city and tells us the story of its origins. colour of the architecture of each city, we will The itineraries of the route take us through the visit and get to know the cities that form part historic city centres, escaping every now and then of the route. in search of clarifications and expla- nations that help us to understand them better.

(1435 of the Hegira / 2963 of the Amazigh calendar). The Colours of the Memory. 3 .. from Berber pirates, they started to demolish the city wall at the
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