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"Vinlagr Martin Gardnrr-d ..a r, (ompul h ... and a ph'a~ure to d from co er to ('o,,~ .It - I "\I ST F \\ ART. M thrmatlc.alln"titllt~.l nnl:'nit} l.lf War"i(il "'Martin .ardnf!r s pu f ~haft' much with the g~at. t wor of urreali t rt: surprising, pro\(l(:ati"~ and innurntial ror Rt'nt'l1uion, to (omt' In thi~ colle<tion Gatdn~t lakes his timef'xplainina both thf'a~nHisaQd tht' iOf,pirational outxro", th~ uf hi~ math("mati( all richest pu les resuhinK in a book that is fun and insightful. -OL~~I~ SIIASIIA pro~,ofco pu~r.dtn •. \;f'_ VOf'k l.Inhr"f'nit \, ;au I hot' u' Ib.. Po. a-Ad .... nlu"' column for \rlrwri 1 • is cola I ('ollt'clion of Martin Garon ,'s f arit~ pu and columns rem:ukable- retrospective- of hi" a."tolli hin I, inn... tial r ~itor traonUn 1011"-11 ."LtF'-J PAll.OS.pruJruurolm.lht'm,lUl 't-.. pI~ l nlvrnh : ulhor 011.".,. ( .ad I \I",I.,..uli, i •• R J. ,,... -"~ftd~ ··,.yarn'" : Martin (;ardn~r ha turnf"d do ens of inno- I )oun sle into milt h professors lind thou nds of milth prof~, 0 inlu inn nt luun ,t r . lit "'a,,. I Boo' 01 tion:' -PERSI 1>1 ACOl'IS profN~r~m,uhrmath~ ,. n'prd l nhrn6t, BN 0-393-02023-1 I I 9 7803 \'It \\ \\ \\ \\ ~ONT()' (( ISBN 0-393-02023-1 USA $35.00 CAN. $51.00 "Newton said that his many mathematical 3l:l:omplish. ments came because he stood on the shoulders of giants. For those of us who have tried to make mathematics acces- sible to a wider audienl:e, there is one giant who towers well above anyone else: Martin Gardner." -K E I T H DE V LIN, Stanrord University, unler ror Ih .. Study of Languag. . and Inrormat ion; aut hor or Til,. Mal" Gmr, wi nner or t he 2000 CommuniClltions Award or the Joint Polic::y Board ror Mathematics W hether discussing hexaflexagon!' or nllmher theof\~ Klein bottles or the c:"sSf'ncf' of "nothing," Martin Gardner has single-handedly creat d tht: fit: Id of '"recreational mathematics." The Colossal R()()k ()f MntheHunics collects togethtr Gardner's most popular pieces frorn hi. legendary "Mathematical Games" olumn, which rdn in Scientific American for twenty-five vt:'ars. Gardner's array ofahsorhing PU7- zles and mind-twisting paradoxes openL IllLlthernatks up to the world at large, inspiring people to see past numbers and funnulJs and experience." the application of mathematical principles to the mvstf'riolls world arounu thf'm. vVith articles on topics ran~ing from simple algebrd to the twisting surfaces of Mobius strip. fTom an endless game of Bulgarian ~olitair to the unre<.Kh ..l hle dream of time travel, this volumt L'omprisc, a suhstantial and definitive monument to Gardner's influenu' on m.ltht matles, science, and culture. In its twelve sections, "lhe C()/(lS5{l/ &ok of Mllthemlltics explores a wide range of Jreas, eclch startlingly illuminated hv Gardner's incisive expertise. Beginning with seemingly simple' topiL"s, Gardner expertlY guides us through (omplic.lted .mel wondrous worlds: by WdY of basic ah~ebra we \..ontempl"te the mesmeri7ing, often hilarious, Iingui "ti( and numerical possihili ties of palindromes; using simple geomt'try. hc dissc(tstht, pnncj· pies ofs ymmetry upon which the renowned mathematical Jrtist M C. F,cher constructs his unique, dizzvin univen;t'. Gdrdner, like lew thinkers today. mdds J ngorous scientific skepticism with a prot()und artisti( and imaginative impulse. I lis stunning t'xplorati<.m nf"The <.. 'hurch of the Fourth l )imensinn," for exam ple, bridges the dispJrJ te worlds of religinn .md sl'ience hy hril liantly imJgining the spatial possihility ofGtxl\ presem:e in the world dS a fOurth dimension, at once "t:'vervwhere and nowhere." With hnundle s wi .. dom dnd his tradem<lrk wit, Gardner Ie mHHlIll·d (m lUI( k II(/p) 'elr) I. (''''''Illt'(( I,.t"" "(lHI ~l1()ws the rt>;'\d~r to nlrthf'r Fngaxt' ch(lllFnging topi\. s like proha hilitv and gJme theory which helve plagu d clever gclmhlers, ~nd FJmOLS mathematicians, for centuries. Whether dehunking Paslal's wa Jer with hasic prohability. mc!kin \ isual music with fra -tals. or uncoiling a "knotted doughnut" with introdu "tory topology. Gardner continuollsi displays his fierce intelligence and gentle humor I lis articles (onn-ont both the comrortinljl} mum..lane-"Generalil.ed TIcktacktoeif and "Spn. uts and Rrussel Sprouts" -and the quakingly ahstract-'Ilexaflt"xagons," "Nothing," and "Evervthing: He navigates the, e taggeringly oh clire topics with a deft intelligenL"e and. with addendums dnd suggested read· in lists, he mforms tht"se classIc articles With new insight Admired by s ientists and mathemati ians, writers and readers, Gardner's vast knowledge and burning curiosity reveal themselves on every page. The culmination of a lifelong devotion to the wonders ofmathemati s, The ColOS5flI &ok of Mathematics is the largest and moc;t comprehensive rnath hook ever a~~em­ hIed hv Gardner and remams an mdispensahle volume for ama teurs and experts alike, MARTIN GARDNER iC\ the authofofmore than seventy hook~ ona vast rangeoftoplCs.mdudingfluisand Fallacies in the Nflm of Science The Annotated Alice and Did Adnm and hJe Hnve Nnvels? He wrote the "Mdthemati 'al Games" oJumn for Scientific American for more than twentv-f1ve years and is a regular oiumnist fi)r The Skepricnl Enquirer He lives in Hendersonvill North ..arolina. MCKET Of '/C;N BY OI;:BRA MORTON HO't'T JACKET ARTC REZA ESTAKHRIANISTONE A THOR PHUTO(;RAPIi BY OLAN MILLS PRINTED IN THE UJ'.o1TED STATES ot-"MERI A 8-01 The Colossal Book of Mathematics }llso by Martin Gardner Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science Mathematics, Magic, and Mystery Great Essays in Science (ed.) Logic Machines and Diagrams The Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions The Annotated Alice The Second Scientific American Book of Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions Relativity for the Million The Annotated Snark The Ambidextrous Universe The Annotated Ancient Mariner New Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American The Annotated Casey at the Bat Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers The Unexpected Hanging and Other Mathematical Diversions Never Make Fun of a Thrtle, My Son (verse) The Sixth Book of Mathematical Games from Scientific American Codes, Ciphers, and Secret Writing Space Puzzles The Snark Puzzle Book The Flight of Peter Fromm (novel) Mathematical Magic Show More Perplexing Puzzles and Tantalizing Teasers The Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic Aha! Insight Mathematical Carnival Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus Science Fiction Puzzle Tales Aha! Gotcha Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements Order and Surprise Also by Martin Gardner The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener Puzzles from Other Worlds The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix Knotted Doughnuts and Other Mathematical Entertainments The Wreck of the Titanic Foretold? Riddles of the Sphinx The Annotated Innocence of Father Brown The No-Sided Professor (short stories) Time Travel and Other Mathematical Bewilderments The New Age: Notes of a Fringe Watcher Gardner's Whys and Wherefores Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers How Not to Test a Psychic The New Ambidextrous Universe More Annotated Alice The Annotated Night Before Christmas Best Remembered Poems (ed.) Fractal Music, Hypercards, and More The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy Martin Gardner Presents My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles Classic Brainteasers Famous Poems of Bygone Days (ed.) Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery The Universe Inside a Handkerchief On the Wild Side Weird Water and Fuzzy Logic The Night Is Large Mental Magic The Annotated Thursday Visitors from Oz (novel) The Annotated Alice: The Definitive Edition Did Adam and Eve Have Navels? Martin Gardner The COLOSSAL Classic Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Problems Number Theory Algebra Geometry Probability Topology Game Theory Infinity and other Topics of Recreational Mathematics w. W. Norton &- Company New York· London

This weighty collection, containing 50 of what the Annotated Alice annotator and popular science journalist considers his best Scientific American «Mathematical Games» columns, is sure to please the relatively small but intensely loyal coterie of Gardner fans. Arranged in 12 broad categories (arit
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