mm’ *■« able of : / .v"3 Graduates The graduating class of 1995, reaching for our horizons, our futures Class photo Collage Individual photos and writeups ; High School Students with the major responsibility of balancing academics, sports, and leisure time. Grade eleven 46 Grade ten 54 Middle School New friends, a different timetable and a changed dress code leads to an eventful three years in the middle school. Grade nine 64 Grade eight 70 Grade seven 78 Elementary Students learning the fundamentals of structured education at Vancouver College. Grade six 86 Grade five 88 Grade four 90 Grade three 94 Grade two 96 Grade one 98 Kindergarten 100 The faculty and administration that provide role models for the aspiring students. Message from the principal 106 Staff photos 107 Athletics Dedicated. Proud. #1 Football Basketball Rowing ilffili Wrestling . Ciubs and committees vuhp y ■ Mi Ns ■ ■ ■. i i • % ■*.„ ■ Student Directory Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Vancouver College vlmSDuver’Col I ege 5400 Cartier St. jW&m \) 3 as Tel: t604) ‘201-4285 Fax: (604) 261:2284 Volume 45 A A r mm n ?onm mm