Later Articles and Reviews UNCOLLECTED ARTICLES, REVIEWS, AND RADIO BROADCASTS WRITTEN AFTER 1900 0-684-80727-0 Colton Johnson Jennifer Dossin SCRIBNER 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 2000 Anne Michael Yeats 2000 Colton Johnson THE COLLECTED WORKS OF W. B. YEATS VOLUME X THE COLLECTED WORKS OF W. B. YEATS Richard J. Finneran and George Mills Harper, General Editors VOLUME I The Poems ed. Richard J. Finneran VOLUME II The Plays eds. David R. Clark and Rosalind E. Clark VOLUME III Autobiographies eds. William H. O’Donnell and Douglas Archibald VOLUME IV Early Essays eds. Warwick Gould and Deirdre Toomey VOLUME V Later Essays ed. William H. O’Donnell VOLUME VI Prefaces and Introductions ed. William H. O’Donnell VOLUME VII Letters to the New Island eds. George Bornstein and Hugh Witemeyer VOLUME VIII The Irish Dramatic Movement ed. Mary FitzGerald VOLUME IX Early Articles and Reviews ed. John P. Frayne VOLUME X Later Articles and Reviews ed. Colton Johnson VOLUME XI Mythologies eds. Warwick Gould, Michael Sidnell, and Deirdre Toomey VOLUME XII John Sherman and Dhoya ed. Richard J. Finneran VOLUME XIII A Vision (1925) eds. Connie K. Hood and Walter Kelly Hood VOLUME XIV A Vision (1937) eds. Connie K. Hood and Walter Kelly Hood SCRIBNER 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Writings by W. B. Yeats copyright © 2000 by Anne and Michael Yeats Editorial matter copyright © 2000 by Colton Johnson All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. SCRIBNER and design are trademarks of Macmillan Library Reference USA, Inc., used under license by Simon & Schuster, the publisher of this work. Designed by Jennifer Dossin Set in Sabon Manufactured in the United States of America 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939. Later articles and reviews: uncollected articles, reviews, and radio broadcasts written after 1900/W. B. Yeats; edited by Colton Johnson. p. cm.—(The collected works of W. B. Yeats; v. 10) Includes bibliographical references and index. I. Books Reviews. I. Johnson, Colton. II. Title. III. Series: Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939. Works. 1989; v. 10. PR5900. A2F56 1989 vol. 10 [PR5902] 821′8s—dc21 [828′.808] 99-16533 CIP ISBN 0-684-80727-0 eISBN: 978-1-45160302-6 CONTENTS Editor’s Preface Abbreviations Later Articles and Reviews 1. Noble and Ignoble Loyalties The United Irishman, 21 April 1900 2. Irish Fairy Beliefs The Speaker, 14 July 1900 3. Irish Witch Doctors The Fortnightly Review, September 1900 4. Irish Language and Irish Literature The Leader, 1 September 1900 5. A Postscript to a Forthcoming Book of Essays by Various Writers All Ireland Review, 1 December 1900 6. John Eglinton The United Irishman, 9 November 1901 7. Literature and the Conscience The United Irishman, 7 December 1901 8. Egyptian Plays The Star, 23 January 1902 9. Away The Fortnightly Review, April 1902 10. Mr Yeats’s New Play The United Irishman, 5 April 1902 11. An Ancient Conversation All Ireland Review, 5, 12 April 1902 12. The Acting at St Teresa’s Hall The United Irishman, 12 April 1902 13. The Acting at St Teresa’s Hall II The United Irishman, 26 April 1902 14. The Freedom of the Theatre The United Irishman, 1 November 1902 15. A Canonical Book The Bookman, May 1903 16. The Irish National Theatre and Three Sorts of Ignorance The United Irishman, 24 October 1903 17. Emmet the Apostle of Irish Liberty The Gaelic American, 5 March 1904 18. America and the Arts The Metropolitan Magazine, April 1905 19. British Association Visit to the Abbey Theatre British Association Visit, Abbey Theatre, Special Programme, 4, 8 September 1908 20. The Art of the Theatre The New Age, 16 June 1910 21. The Theatre of Beauty Harper’s Weekly, 11 November 1911 22. The Story of the Irish Players Sunday Record-Herald, 4 February 1912 23. The Polignac Prize Royal Society of Literature, The Academic Committee: Addresses of Reception, 1914 24. Thomas Davis New Ireland, 17 July 1915 25. Sir Hugh Lane’s Pictures The Observer, January 21, 1917 26. Major Robert Gregory The Observer, February 17, 1918 27. The Irish Dramatic Movement The Voice of Ireland, 1923 28. Nobel Prize Acceptance Les Prix Nobel en 1923, 1924 29. Miss Sara Allgood The Irish Times, January 19, 1924 30. A Memory of Synge The Irish Statesman, July 5, 1924 31. Compulsory Gaelic The Irish Statesman, August 2, 1924 32. Royal Irish Society Awards at the Tailteann Festival The Transatlantic Review, November 1924 33. An Undelivered Speech The Irish Statesman, March 14, 1925 34. Divorce The Irish Times, June 12, 1925