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The Collected Works of Robert Adams- Satsangs from August 1990- June 1993 PDF

3862 Pages·1985·14.65 MB·English
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Robert Adams Satsangs The Collection August 1990 to June 1993 READ ME!! How To Use This eBook This is The Collected Works of Robert Adams. This volume consists of recorded talks between August 1990 to June 1993. The table of contents has information about the transcripts and the audio files. The talks that do not have a corresponding audio file have been marked with a cross. The ticks in the same column show that there is an audio file available. As an ebook if you click the page number for each of the chapters you will jump to that chapter. At the bottom of each page there is a “TOC” button which will return you to the table of contents when clicked. In some of the transcripts the symbol ??? is used to signify that the audio was unclear and the dialogue could not be heard well enough to be transcribed. In Loving Mem ory f o Robert Adams S atsangs Los Angeles, C alifornia From 1989 - 1 995 Foreword The following volume contains the transcripts of most of Robert Adams Satsangs between 1990 and 1993, when he taught in Los Angeles. Robert was not exactly a disciple in the traditional sense of Ramana Maharshi. He was awakened at age 14 and went to India five years later. But it was from Ramana that he finally understood the nature of his awakening. Robert was not of this world. He left no trace. He was unknown and unknowable. He shunned public attention and therefore was little known when he was alive. He didn't want many students. He said he wanted ten who would teach after him. Because he was ill and could not work, his shunning public recognition left him in relative poverty. He said he couldn't care less, and if it were not for his wife and daughters, he would not do anything. He'd sit for hours at a time looking out his window at Capitol Butte in Sedona, not moving his eyes or blinking. He was always, as he told me, in Sahaja Samadhi. Most around him had only the dimmest awareness of his state of being, Turiya, the Fourth State of eternal rest in Self wherein nothing existed as objects away from him. The external world did not exist. Others did not exist for him as something apart, objective. All was Self alone. He taught only two ways to awaken from the dreaming (imagination, thinking, imagining process, Maya) unreality-self-inquiry, self-inquiry, wherein the sense of I, the sense of existence, the sense of being alive was followed inward, down through the false I tied to the body and human existence, to the Great I of the absolute, unmoving Self, and spending time with the him. All of his talks attend to these two matters: the world is not real, so leave it alone; your true Self has nothing to do with your body or humanity, and the experience of the root Self is attained by self-inquiry or by complete surrender to the guru. When you read Robert's talks, it is best to read very slowly and let the words wash through you and trickle down to the lowest level of your being. Do not be in a hurry. Approach Silence in silence. The Self is subtle, so you must become subtle, quiet, watching so that it can take you away, entirely away to the other shore beyond life and death. R o b e r t A d a m s The Confession of a Jnani Written by Robert Adams During Robert‟s satsangs, he would ask students to read this writing. Many of the transcripts refer to this writing. It has been placed here for your reference. There are two versions one that is read at satsang and the one below. This version was published in the “Silence Of The Heart,” book. For a jnani who has realized the identity of his inner being with the infinite Brahman there is no rebirth, no migration, and no liberation. He is beyond all this. He is firmly established in his own Absolute Existence-Knowledge-Bliss true nature. The further existence of his body and the world appears to the jnani as an illusion, which he cannot remove, but which no longer deceives him. After the death of this body, as in life, he remains where and what he eternally is, the first principle of all beings and things: formless, nameless, unsoiled, timeless, dimensionless and utterly free. Death cannot touch him, cravings cannot torture him, sins do not stain him; he is free from all desire and suffering. He sees the infinite Self in all, and all in the infinite Self, which is his being. The Jnani confesses his experience thus: “I am infinite, imperishable, Self-luminous, Self-existent, I am without beginning or end, I am birthless, deathless, without change or decay. I permeate and interpenetrate all things. In the myriad universes of thought and creation, I Alone Am.” 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS II Date Audio 1990 Transcripts - August to December Page Foreword 6 900803 1 You Must Have Your Own Experience 2 1 ✔ 9008 1 2 2 There Is No Birth! 40 ✔ 9008 1 6 3 My Confession 62 ✔ 9008 1 9 4 The Four Principles of Self Realization 92 ✔ 900823 5 The Four Principles Revisited 1 24 ✔ 900826 6 The Three Vehicles of Self Realization 1 52 ✖ Working With the Four Principles of Self ✔ 900830 7 Realization 1 6 7 900902 ✔ 8 The Three Vehicles (incl: Self-Inquiry Mantra) 1 94 900906 9 Satsang vs Practice 2 1 8 ✔ 900909 10 Spiritual Healing (incl: “I-Am” Meditation) 253 ✔ 9009 1 6 11 Two Ways to Self Realization 2 73 ✔ 900928 ✔ 12 I Am Not The Body! 303 900930 13 There Is No Self! 330 ✔ 90 1 0 1 1 14 There Are No Problems 348 ✔ 90 1 0 1 4 15 The Mind Is Not Your Friend 3 70 ✔ 90 1 0 1 8 ✖ 16 It‟s AllA Dream 388 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS II 901021 v 17 Divine Ignorance 402 90 1 025 v 18 Satguru vs Pseudo-guru 427 90 1 028 v 19 Slow Down The Mind And Let Reality Rush In 445 90 1 1 0 1 v 20 Before I Am 472 90 1 1 04 v 21 Robert‟s Experience 493 90 1 1 08 v 22 Beliefs And Predetermination 5 1 1 90 1 1 1 1 v 23 The Law Of Cause And Effect 532 90 1 1 1 5 v 24 Three Essential Questions 559 90 1 1 1 8 v 25 Three Essential Questions Revisited 584 90 1 1 22 v 26 Dealing With Problems 608 90 1 1 25 v 27 Eternal Happiness 639 90 1 202 v 28 Satsang 650 90 1 209 v 29 More OnSatsang 6 73 90 1 2 1 3 v 30 The Ultimate Happiness 6 9 1 90 1 2 1 6 v 31 Everything Is Satsang 7 1 5 90 1 223 v 32 Remember The Reasons Why You Came Here 74 1 90 1 230 v 33 Robert And Ramana 759

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