Volume Ten begins with Chögyam Trungpa’s three most recent books: Work, Sex, Money, Mindfulness in Action, and Devotion and Crazy Wisdom.
The first two books in the volume emphasize the importance of
meditation in action and bringing awareness, mindfulness,
intentionality, and a sense of the sacred into everyday life. The third
book explores devotion and discusses mutual commitment and surrendering
between teacher and student. The selected writings in this volume range
from older articles originally published in the Vajradhatu Sun to
recently edited articles, including several that have not yet appeared
in print. Overall, these articles show us how Trungpa Rinpoche worked
deeply and directly with many interest groups and subsections of the
community, and how he infused each situation with dharma, taking every
opportunity to present essential teachings. 百万电子书免费下载