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THE COHOMOLOGY OF EXOTIC 2–LOCAL FINITE GROUPS 6 0 0 JELENA GRBIC´ 2 n a J 4 Abstract. There exist spaces BSol(q) which are the classifying 1 spaces of a family of 2–local finite groups based on certain fusion system over the Sylow 2–subgroups of Spin7(q). In this paper we ] T calculate the cohomologyof BSol(q) as an algebra over the Steen- A rodalgebraA2. Wealsoprovidethecalculationofthecohomology . algebra over A2 of the finite group of Lie type G2(q). h t a 1. Introduction m [ In 1974, working on the classification of finite groups, Solomon [16] 1 looked atfusion systems over a finite group S, that is, a categorywhose v objects are the subgroups of S and whose morphisms are monomor- 6 phisms of groups which include all those induced by conjugation by 5 3 elements of S. In particular, he considered groups in which all invo- 1 lutions are conjugate, and such that the centralizer of each involution 0 6 contains a normal subgroup isomorphic to Spin7(q) with odd index, 0 where q is an odd prime power. Solomon showed that a group with / h such a fusion system does not exist. Later on, in 1996 Benson [1], t a inspired by Solomon’s work, constructed a family of spaces that he m informally entitled “2–completed classifying spaces of the nonexistent : Solomon finite groups”, anddenoted them by BSol(q). Chronologically v i first Dwyer and Wilkerson [3] came up with the celebrated discovery X of the exotic finite loop space DI(4). They constructed a space BDI(4) r a which realises the mod 2 Dickson invariants of rank 4, that is, H∗(BDI(4);F ) ∼= P[u ,u ,u ,u ], 2 8 12 14 15 with the action of the Steenrod algebra A given by Sq4u = u , 2 8 12 Sq2u = u and Sq1u = u . Soon after the experts became aware 12 14 14 15 of the existence of self homotopy equivalences Ψq: BDI(4) −→ BDI(4) foreach oddprime power q, which areanaloguesofthe unstable Adams operations on classifying spaces of compact Lie groups completed away fromq. Thefirst publish proofofthis factappearedinNotbohm’swork Key words and phrases. cohomology– 2–localfinite groups– classifyingspace – Dickson invariants – T-functor. 1 2 JELENA GRBIC´ [11]. Benson observed that Dwyer-Wilkerson’s finite loop space DI(4) carries a 2–local structure closely related to Solomon’s fusion systems. For each odd prime power q, Benson [1] defined a space BSol(q) as the homotopy pullback space of the diagram (1) BSol(q) // BDI(4) ∆ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) BDI(4) (1,Ψq)// BDI(4)×BDI(4). Benson claimed that the space BSol(q) realises the 2–fusion pattern over the Sylow 2–subgroup of Spin (q) studied by Solomon [16] and 7 shown by him not to correspond to any genuine finite group. In [8] Levi and Oliver have been interested in the fusion patterns studied by Solomon in the context of saturated fusion systems and p–local finite groups. They have shown that the fusion system studied by Solomon is saturated in the sense of Puig [12] and that each one of these fusion systems gives rise to a unique 2–local finite group, which they named Sol(q). Their approach to the subject enabled them to show that if n|m, then Sol(qn) can be thought of as a subgroup of Sol(qm) and that the resulting limiting term, which they denoted by Sol(q∞), has a classifying space homotopy equivalent to BDI(4). This in turn made it possible to give an alternative definition of the unstable Adams operations Ψq on BDI(4) and to show that the space BSol(q) constructed by Benson is homotopy equivalent to the classifying space of the 2–local finite group Sol(q), for each odd prime power q. The object of this paper is the calculation of the cohomology al- gebra over the Steenrod algebra A of “Solomon’s groups”. We use 2 Benson’s notation, denoting the classifying space of Solomon’s groups by BSol(q). The cohomology of a p–local finite group [2] is given in the appropriate sense as the subalgebra of “stable elements” in the co- homology of its Sylow p–subgroup. However, as in the case of ordinary finite groups, calculating cohomology by stable elements is quite a dif- ficult task. The fact that BSol(q) is given by a rather simple pullback diagram makes the calculation of the cohomology as a module over the mod 2 Dickson invariants of rank 4, done initially by Benson [1], straightforward. The difficulties arise when one wants to determine the algebra structure of the cohomology of BSol(q) with F coefficients as 2 an algebra over A . 2 The main result of the paper is given by the following theorem. Theorem 1.1. Fix an odd prime power q. Then H∗(BSol(q);F ) ∼= F [u ,u ,u ,u ,y ,y ,y ]/I, 2 2 8 12 14 15 7 11 13 THE COHOMOLOGY OF EXOTIC 2–LOCAL FINITE GROUPS 3 where I is the ideal generated by the polynomials y2 +u y2+u y , 11 8 7 15 7 y2 +u y2 +u y , 13 12 7 15 11 y4 +u y2 +u y . 7 14 7 15 13 The action of the Steenrod algebra A is determined by 2 Sq4(u ) = u , Sq1(u ) = 0, Sq2(u ) = u , Sq1(u ) = u , 8 12 12 12 14 14 15 Sq1(y ) = 0, Sq4(y ) = y , Sq1(y ) = 0, Sq2(y ) = y , Sq1(y ) = y2 7 7 11 11 11 13 13 7 and the Steenord algebra axioms. The second page of the Bockstein spectral sequence is given by B (BSol(q)) ∼= P[u ,u ,u2 ]⊗E[y ,y ,y2y ]. 2 8 12 14 7 11 7 13 The higher Bockstein operators are given as follows. Let k = ν (q2−1), 2 which is at least 3. Then β (y ) = u , β (y ) = u , β (y u u ) = u2u , β (y2y +ǫu2y ) = u2 k+1 7 8 k 11 12 k 7 8 12 8 12 k−1 7 13 8 11 14 where ǫ = 0 or 1. As regards the cohomology of the classifying space of the finite group of Lie type G (q) with F coefficients, Kleinerman [6] computed its 2 2 module structure, while Milgram [9] described it as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra. Although Milgram’s work is elementary in a sense, it is quite lengthy and technical. The method that has been used to calculate the cohomology algebra of BSol(q) can be also applied to the calculation of the cohomology algebra over the Steenrod algebra A of BG (q). As it is based in deeper results (Friedlander’s fibre 2 2 square) it produces a short and elegant proof that we shall present in the Appendix. The result is as follows. Theorem 1.2. Fix an odd prime power q. Then H∗(BG (q);F ) ∼= F [d ,d ,d ,y ,y ]/I 2 2 2 4 6 7 3 5 where I is the ideal generated by the polynomials y2 +y d +y2d 5 3 7 3 4 y4 +y d +y2d . 3 5 7 3 6 The action of A is determined by 2 Sq1d = 0, Sq2d = d , Sq1d = d , Sq1y = 0, Sq2y = y , Sq1y = u2 4 4 6 6 7 3 3 5 5 3 and the Steenord algebra axioms. For the sake of completeness, we state Kleinerman’s result [6] on the higher Bockstein relations in H∗(BG (q)). The second page of the 2 Bockstein spectral sequence is given by B (BG (q)) ∼= P[d ,d2]⊗E[y ,y y ]. 2 2 4 6 3 3 5 4 JELENA GRBIC´ The higher Bockstein operatorsaregiven asfollows. Letk = ν (q2−1). 2 Then β (y ) = d and β (y2y ) = d2 +ǫd3 k 3 4 k−1 3 5 6 4 for ǫ = 0 or 1. Through the rest of the paper, if not specified differently, we work over the field F and denote by H∗(X) the cohomology of a topological 2 space X with F coefficients. 2 Acknowledgements. The author would like to thank the referee for manyimportantandusefulsuggestionsandcomments. Themanuscript has been substantially modified, in particular section 4, following the referee’s suggestions. 2. The Cohomology of BSol(q) as a Module over A 2 In this section we apply the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence to pullback diagram (1) to derive the cohomology of BSol(q) as a module over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra A . 2 Since the homotopy fibre of the diagonal map ∆: X −→ X ×X is ΩX, and BSol(q) is defined by homotopy pullback diagram (1), the homotopy fibre of p: BSol(q) −→ BDI(4) is homotopy equivalent to DI(4) and there is a map of homotopy fibrations (2) DI(4) DI(4) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) BSol(q) // BDI(4) p ∆ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) BDI(4) (1,Ψq)// BDI(4)×BDI(4) where DI(4) is the loop space ΩBDI(4). The following proposition states the H∗(BDI(4))–module structure of H∗(BSol(q)). Proposition2.1. The mod2cohomologyof BSol(q)as a P[u ,u ,u ,u ]– 8 12 14 15 module is given as H∗(BSol(q);F ) ∼= P[u ,u ,u ,u ]⊗E[v ,v ]⊗P[v ]/v4. 2 8 12 14 15 11 13 7 7 The action of the Steenrod algebra A is determined by 2 Sq4(u ) = u , Sq1(u ) = 0, Sq2(u ) = u , Sq1(u ) = u , 8 12 12 12 14 14 15 Sq1(v ) = 0, Sq4(v ) = v , Sq1(v ) = 0, Sq2(v ) = v , Sq1(v ) = v2 7 7 11 11 11 13 13 7 and the Steenord algebra axioms. THE COHOMOLOGY OF EXOTIC 2–LOCAL FINITE GROUPS 5 Proof. We look at the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence of pullback diagram (1). The above spectral sequence satisfies the hypothesis of Smith’s“bigcollapsetheorem”[14,TheoremII.3.1]andhencecollapses at the E term. Namely, one obtains 2 ∼ ∼ E = E = P[u ,u ,u ,u ]⊗E[a ,a ,a ,a ] ∞ 2 8 12 14 15 7 11 13 14 with P[u ,u ,u ,u ] ∼= H∗(BDI(4)) in filtration degree 0 and a ’s 8 12 14 15 i in filtration degree −1 with the Steenord algebra action Sq4(a ) = 7 a ,Sq2(a ) = a and Sq1(a ) = a . If we take v ∈ H7(BSol(q)) 11 11 13 13 14 7 representing a and then v = Sq4(a ),v = Sq2(v ) and v = 7 11 7 13 11 14 Sq1(v ), then the Adem relations show that v = v2. That proves 13 14 7 (cid:3) the proposition. We want to make the statement of the last proposition more geo- metrical. Namely, we want to show that ∗ ∼ ∗ ∗ H (BSol(q)) = H (BDI(4))⊗H (DI(4)), as H∗(BDI(4))–modules and that the action of the Steenord algebra splits. By the following proposition, that will have a crucial role later on in determining the algebra structure of H∗(BSol(q)), we investigate the interaction of the action of the Steenrod algebra on H∗(BDI(4)) and H∗(DI(4)) in the category of modules over A . 2 Proposition2.2. The factorH∗(BDI(4))is a splitsummandof H∗(BSol(q)) in the sense that the natural map H∗(BDI(4)) −→ H∗(BSol(q)) has a left inverse in the category of unstable algebras over A . 2 Proof. FromtheconstructionofDI(4)in[3], thereisaunique, uptoho- motopy, map f: B(Z/2)4 −→ BDI(4) such that f∗: H∗(BDI(4)) −→ H∗(B(Z/2)4) as a map of A modules, is the inclusion of mod 2 Dick- 2 son invariants of rank 4. As mentioned before, Ψq is the identity in mod 2 cohomology, so Ψq ◦ f ≃ f by the uniqueness property of f. Thus (1,Ψq) ◦ f lifts through ∆, that is, (1,Ψq) ◦ f ≃ ∆ ◦ f. Now, using the universal property of pullback diagram (2), there is a map g: B(Z/2)4 −→ BSol(q) such that p ◦ g ≃ f. Thus in cohomology the images of both maps f∗ and g∗ ◦ p∗ are the mod 2 Dickson in- variants of rank 4 sitting inside H∗(B(Z/2)4). Therefore the natural map H∗(BDI(4)) −→ H∗(BSol(q)) has a left inverse in the category of unstable algebras over A . (cid:3) 2 Now consider the path-loop fibration sequence DI(4) −→ PBDI(4) −→ BDI(4). 6 JELENA GRBIC´ Applying the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence to this fibration, we obtainthemodulestructureofH∗(DI(4))thatisisomorphictoE[x ,x ,x ,x ]. 7 11 13 14 Since in this case the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence is compatible with A [15], one can also determine the action of A as Sq4x = x , 2 2 7 11 Sq2x = x and Sq1x = x . A Steenrod squares manipulation now 11 13 13 14 implies that H∗(DI(4)) ∼= P[x ]/x4 ⊗E[x ,x ], 7 7 11 13 as an algebra. This shows that ∗ ∼ ∗ ∗ H (BSol(q)) = H (BDI(4))⊗H (DI(4)), as an H∗(BDI(4))–module; that the action of the Steenord algebra splits and that the cohomology classes v in H∗(BSol(q)) are detected i in H∗(DI(4)). 3. The Cohomology of BSol(q) as an Algebra over A 2 This section is devoted to the calculation of the algebra structure of H∗(BSol(q)). By the previous section, H∗(BSol(q)) ∼= P[u ,u ,u ,u ]⊗P[v ]/(v4)⊗E[v ,v ] 8 12 14 15 7 7 11 13 as modules over P[u ,u ,u ,u ]. Thus, let y ∈ H∗(BSol(q)) de- 8 12 14 15 7 note the unique generator which maps to v ∈ H∗(DI(4)) under the 7 map induced by the fibre inclusion. Let y ,y ∈ H∗(BSol(q)) de- 11 13 note Sq4(y ) and Sq2Sq4(y ) respectively. The structure given above 7 7 is also the algebra structure of H∗(BSol(q)) if and only if the sub- algebra of H∗(BSol(q)) generated by y ,y and y is isomorphic to 7 11 13 P[v ]/(v4) ⊗ E[v ,v ]. As we shall show, whether or not this is the 7 7 11 13 case depends only on a single parameter A ∈ F , the value of which 2 determines all the relations in H∗(BSol(q)). We shall then proceed by showing that the cohomology algebra cannot split as a tensor prod- uct, thus determining the value of A to be 1. The full structure of H∗(BSol(q)) as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra will then follow at once. Consider the possible multiplications on H∗(BSol(q)). Looking at the action of the Steenrod algebra A , we have y2 = Sq8(y2). Because 2 11 7 of dimensional reasons, y2 can be presented as 11 (3) y2 = Ay2u +By u +Cu u . 11 7 8 7 15 8 14 On the one hand we have Sq1y2 = 0, and on the other hand applying 11 Sq1 to relation (3), we have Sq1y2 = Cu u . This implies that C = 0. 11 8 15 Next y2 = Sq4y2 = Ay2u +By u . 13 11 7 12 11 15 THE COHOMOLOGY OF EXOTIC 2–LOCAL FINITE GROUPS 7 Notice that Sq1y = y2 as y = Sq2Sq4y . Hence 13 7 13 7 y4 = Sq2y2 = Ay2u +By u 7 13 7 14 13 15 and 0 = Sq1y4 = (A+B)y2u . 7 7 15 This implies that A = B and so one derives the relations claimed in the main theorem if A = 1. Notice also that if A = 0, then there is a ring homomorphism H∗(DI(4)) −→ H∗(BSol(q)) and the composite (4) H∗(BDI(4))⊗H∗(DI(4)) −→ H∗(BSol(q))⊗2 −→ H∗(BSol(q)) is an isomorphism of vector spaces and a map of algebras. Hence composite (4) is an isomorphism of algebras over the Steenrod algebra. ThustoprovethefirstpartofTheorem1(notincludingtheinformation on the Bockstein spectral sequence) it remains to show the following lemma. Lemma 3.1. The cohomology H∗(BSol(q)) cannot split as a tensor productofH∗(BDI(4))and H∗(DI(4))inthe categoryof algebrasoverA . 2 Proof. Let V = (Z/2)4, f: BV −→ BDI(4) the maximal elementary abelian 2–subgroup of DI(4) and g: BV −→ BSol(q) the lift con- structed in the proof of Proposition 2.2. ApplyingthefunctorMap(BV,−)tothehomotopypullbackdiagram BSol(q) // BDI(4) ∆ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) BDI(4) (1,Ψq)// BDI(4)×BDI(4) and fixing the component of f, we obtain the homotopy pullback dia- gram (5) Map(BV,BSol(q)) // Map(BV,BDI(4)) F f ∆ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Map(BV,BDI(4)) ∆ // Map(BV,BDI(4))×2 f f where F stands for all of the connected components of all lifts (up to homotopy) of f : BV −→ BDI(4) to BSol(q). It is shown in [8] that there are more than just one faithful representation of an elementary abelian 2–group of rank 4 in Solomon 2–local finite group. Let us assume that H∗(BSol(q)) ∼= H∗(BDI(4))⊗H∗(DI(4)) as al- gebras over the Steenord algebra. Then there is only one lift g of f 8 JELENA GRBIC´ contradicting the existence of pullback diagram (5). This is based on the fact that ∼ ∗ ∗ [BV,BSol(q)] = Hom (H (BSol(q)),H (BV)) A ∼ ∗ ∗ ∗ = Hom (H (BDI(4)))⊗H (DI(4)),H (BV)) A ∼ ∗ ∗ = Hom (H (BDI(4)),H (BV)) A where the first isomorphism is given in [7], and the last isomorphism follows since H∗(DI(4)) is a finite vector space. Further on, Dwyer and Wilkerson [3] showed that Hom (H∗(BDI(4)),H∗(BV)) contains only A one non-identity homotopy class. That proves the assertion that there is at most one lifting g of f and finishes the proof of the lemma. (cid:3) 4. The Bockstein Spectral Sequence for BSol(q) In this section we describe the Bockstein operators of H∗(BSol(q)). As it has been seen, only the module structure is needed for the Sq1 calculation as the algebra splits the same way as a module over Sq1 (Proposition 2.1). Thus the second page of the Bockstein spectral sequence looks like B (BSol(q)) ∼= P[u ,u ,u2 ]⊗E[v ,v ,v2v ]. 2 8 12 14 7 11 7 13 A Serre spectral sequence calculation in cohomology with coefficients in the 2–adic integers shows that v , v , u u v and v2v support 7 11 8 12 7 7 13 higher Bocksteins. Notbohm [11] showed that the effect of the Adams operation Ψq from diagram (2) on H2n(BDI(4);Zˆ )⊗Q is multiplication by qn. By 2 [11, Proposition 3.3], the Adams operation Ψq is an equivalence and therefore it induces an isomorphism of the algebra H∗(BDI(4);F ). 2 For dimensional reasons (Ψq)∗(u ) = u , so (Ψq)∗ is the identity on 8 8 mod 2 cohomology. Now, apply the Serre spectral sequence with 2– adic coefficients to the fibration ∆ (6) DI(4) −→ BDI(4) −→ BDI(4)×BDI(4). Noticefirstthat∆∗ isepimorphic, thusallclassesabovethebottomline of thespectral sequence areannihilated by a differential, that is, Ep,q = ∞ 0 for q > 0. Furthermore the classes Ep,0 that are in the image of some 2 differential are those that belong to the kernel of ∆∗. Let ρ: Zˆ −→ F 2 2 be the reduction mod 2 map. Denote by y classes in H∗(DI(4);Zˆ ) i 2 such that ρ(y ) = v and by ω classes in H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ ) such that i i j 2 ρ(ω ) = u . For degree reasons y ∈ H∗(DI(4);Zˆ ) transgresses to j j 7 2 ω − ω′ ∈ H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ )⊗2. Further on using pullback diagram (2), 8 8 2 the class ω −ω′, under the effect of the map (1,Ψq)∗, maps on (q4 − 8 8 THE COHOMOLOGY OF EXOTIC 2–LOCAL FINITE GROUPS 9 1)ω ∈ H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ ). Now using the naturality of the Serre spectral 8 2 sequence, in the homotopy fibration (7) DI(4) −→ BSol(q) −→ BDI(4) the integral cohomology class y ∈ H∗(DI(4);Zˆ ) transgresses onto the 7 2 class (q4 −1)ω ∈ H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ ). 8 2 In an analogue way, the class y transgresses onto the class (q6 − 11 1)ω ∈ H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ ). 12 2 For degree reasons, in the Serre spectral sequence for fibration (6) the first non-trivial differential on the class y ω ω ∈ E20,7 is d so 7 8 12 2 8 that d (y ω ω ) = d (y )ω ω = ω2ω . 8 7 8 12 8 7 8 12 8 12 Further on using pullback diagram (2), the class ω2ω under the effect 8 12 of the map (1,Ψq)∗, maps on (q14−1)ω2ω ∈ H∗(BDI(4);Zˆ ). There- 8 12 2 foreintheBocksteinspectralsequenceforBSol(q),βν2(q14−1)(v7u8u12) = u2u . 8 12 Now we want to know what happens with the integral class v2v of 7 13 H∗(DI(4)). Denote by y the class in H∗(DI(4);Zˆ ) such that ρ(y ) = 27 2 27 v2v . In the Serre spectral sequence of fibration (6), the first possibly 7 13 non-trivial differential on y is d . In particular, 27 14 E14,14 = H14(BDI(4)×BDI(4);H14(DI(4))) 2 = H14(BDI(4)×BDI(4);Z/2) = Z/2⊕Z/2 having two 2–torsion classes y2(ω ⊗1) and y2(1⊗ω ). These classes 7 14 7 14 can be only hit by a differential coming from E0,27. Since E0,27 = y Zˆ 15 15 27 2 and E29,0 contains only the extension class ω Z = Ext(ω Z ,ω Z ) 16 29 2 14 2 14 2 it follows that d (y ) is nontrivial and d : E14,14 −→ E29,0 is an 14 27 15 15 15 isomorphism. The above argument shows that in page 28 we are left with 2y Zˆ in E0,27, hence d (2y ) = ω2 ⊗1−1⊗ω2 . 27 2 28 28 27 14 14 Using the information obtained in the above paragraphs, we write the Serre spectral sequence for DI(4) −→ BSol(q) −→ BDI(4) with 2–adic coefficients. The pullback diagram (2) provides a maps of Serre spectral sequences. First notice that there is a 2–torsion class in E14,14 2 which must survive to E as it is the only class in total degree 28, and ∞ according to the calculation of the Bockstein spectral sequence, there is a 2–torsion class in H28(BSol(q);Zˆ . Thus all previous differentials 2 are trivial on y , and therefore 27 q14 −1 d (y ) = ω2 . 28 27 2 14 10 JELENA GRBIC´ So there must be v27 ∈ H∗(BSol(q);Z/2) with βν2(q14−1)−1(v27) = ω124. It follows that v = v2v +ǫu2v , where ǫ = 0 or 1. 27 7 13 8 11 The following remark is kindly suggested by the referee in order to underline the variety of approaches that could be taken to solve the above problem. Remark. Since we have the transgression d (y ) = q14−1ω2 , the 28 27 2 14 methodofuniversalexample(constructafibrationofEilenberg-MacLane spacesdetectingtherelevantcohomologyclasses), showsthatβ(ν2(q14−1)−1)(y72v13) = ω124. In fact, also β(ν2(q14−1)−1)(y72v13 +ω82y11) = ω124. We finish the proof by showing that in H∗(BSol(q)) for every k, d (v2) = 0. First of all, direct calculation shows that d (y2) = 0 be- k 7 8 7 cause d is an antiderivation. Since ω is a 2–torsion element and Ψq is 8 15 an isomorphism, it follows that Ψq(ω ) = ω . As in the Serre spectral 15 15 sequence of fibration (7) with coefficients in F the class ω survives, 2 15 we have d (v2) = 0. 15 7 Therefore we have determined that in the mod 2 Bockstein spec- tral sequence the pairs (v ,u ), (v ,u ), (v u u ,u2u ) and (v2v + 7 8 11 12 7 8 12 8 12 7 13 ǫu2v ,u2 ) are connected by higher Bocksteins operations of orders 8 11 14 ν (q4 −1),ν (q6 −1),ν (q14 −1) and ν (q14 −1), respectively. 2 2 2 2 5. Appendix In this Appendix we give the cohomology of the finite group of Lie type G (q) as an algebra over the Steenrod algebra A using the meth- 2 2 ods developed for the cohomology calculation of Sol(q). The module structure of the cohomology of BG (q) is well-known (see for example 2 [6]). As already mentioned in the introduction Milgram calculated the algebra structure of H∗(BG (q)) using completely different methods to 2 ours. Theorem 5.1. Fix an odd prime power q. Then H∗(BG (q);F ) ∼= F [d ,d ,d ,y ,y ]/I 2 2 2 4 6 7 3 5 where I is the ideal generated by the polynomials y2 +y d +y2d 5 3 7 3 4 y4 +y d +y2d . 3 5 7 3 6 The action of A is determined by 2 Sq2d = d , Sq1d = d , Sq1y = 0, Sq2y = y , Sq1y = u2. 4 6 6 7 3 3 5 5 3 To specify a finite (untwisted) group of Lie type G(q) we need to know a compact connected Lie group G and a finite field F . The fol- q lowingtheoremofQuillen[13]andFriedlander [5]relatestheclassifying space of the finite group G(q) to the classifying space of G.

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