THE COHESIVE PRINCIPLE AND THE BOLZANO-WEIERSTRASS PRINCIPLE ALEXANDERP.KREUZER Abstract. The aim of this paper is to determine the logical and computa- tional strength of instances of the Bolzano-Weierstraß principle (BW) and a 1 weakvariantofit. 1 0 We show that BW is instance-wiseequivalent to the weak K¨onig’s lemma 2 for Σ01-trees (Σ01-WKL). This means that from every bounded sequence of reals one can compute an infinite Σ01-0/1-tree, such that each infinite branch n of ityieldsan accumulation point andvice versa. Especially, this shows that a thedegrees d≫0′ areexactly thosecontaining anaccumulation pointforall J boundedcomputablesequences. 8 Let BWweak be the principlestating that every bounded sequence of real 1 numberscontainsaCauchysubsequence(asequenceconvergingbutnotneces- sarilyfast). WeshowthatBWweak isinstance-wiseequivalenttothe(strong) ] cohesive principle (StCOH) and — using this — obtain a classification of O the computational and logical strength of BWweak. Especially we show that L BWweak does not solve the halting problem and does not lead to more than primitiverecursivegrowth. Thereforeitisstrictlyweaker than BW. We also . h discusspossibleusesofBWweak. t a m [ In this paper we investigate the logical and recursion theoretic strength of in- stancesoftheBolzano-Weierstraßprinciple(BW)andtheweakvariantofitstating 2 only the existence of a slow converging Cauchy subsequence (BW ). Slow con- v weak verging means here that the rate of convergence does not need to be computable. 6 1 LetweakK¨onig’slemma(WKL)betheprinciplestatingthataninfinite0/1-tree 3 has an infinite branch and let Σ0-WKL be the statement that an infinite 0/1-tree 1 5 given by a Σ0-predicate has an infinite branch. 1 5. We show that BW and Σ0-WKL are instance-wise equivalent. Instance-wise 1 0 means here that for every instance of BW, i.e. every bounded sequence, one can 0 compute,uniformly,aninstanceofΣ0-WKL,i.e.a codeforaninfinite Σ0-0/1-tree, 1 1 1 such that from a solution of this instance of Σ0-WKL one can compute, uniformly, : 1 v an accumulation point and vice versa. Instance-wise equivalence refines the usual i X logicalequivalencewherethefullsecondorderclosureoftheprinciplesmaybeused — e.g.arithmeticalcomprehension(ACA , i.e.the schema ∃X∀n (n∈X ↔φ(n)) r 0 a for any arithmetical formula φ) and Π0-CA (comprehension where φ is restricted 1 to Π0-formulas) are equivalent but they are not instance-wise equivalent. As con- 1 sequence we obtain that the Turing degrees containing solutions to all instances of Σ0-WKL (i.e. the degrees d with d ≫ 0′, see below) are exactly those containing 1 an accumulation point for each computable bounded sequence. Furthermore, we show that BW is instance-wise equivalent to the strong weak cohesive principle, see Definition 1 below. Using this one can apply classification 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 03F60,03D80,03B30. Key words and phrases. Bolzano-Weierstraß principle, cohesive principle, sequential compactness. The author gratefully acknowledges the support by the German Science Foundation (DFG ProjectKO1737/5-1). I am grateful to Ulrich Kohlenbach for useful discussions and suggestions for improving the presentationofthematerialinthisarticle. 1 2 ALEXANDERP.KREUZER results obtained for the (strong) cohesive principle, see [HS07, JS93, CJS01, CSY]. Especiallythisshowsthatthelow degrees,i.e.degreesdwithd′′ ≡0′′,areexactly 2 those containing a slowly converging subsequence for every computable bounded sequence. This shows also that BW does not lead to more than primitive weak recursive growth when added to RCA . 0 1. Cohesive Principle Definition 1. Let (Rn)n∈N be a sequence of subsets of N. • A set S is cohesive for (Rn)n∈N if ∀n S ⊆∗ Rn ∨S ⊆∗ Rn ,1 i.e. ∀n∃s (∀j ≥s (j ∈S→j ∈Rn)∨∀(cid:0)j ≥s (j ∈S→j ∈/ R(cid:1)n)). • A set S is strongly cohesive for (Rn)n∈N if ∀n∃s∀i<n (∀j ≥s (j ∈S→j ∈R )∨∀j ≥s (j ∈S→j ∈/ R )). i i • A set is called (p-cohesive) r-cohesive if it is cohesive for all (primitive) recursive sets. Definition 2. The cohesive principle (COH) is the statement that for every se- quenceofsetsaninfinitecohesivesetexists. Similarly,thestrongcohesive principle (StCOH) is the statement that for every sequence of sets an infinite strongly cohe- sive set exists. Wewilldenoteby(St)COH(X)thestatementthatforthesequenceofsets(R ) n n coded by X an infinite (strongly) cohesive set exists. HirschfeldtandShoreshowedin[HS07,4.4]thatStCOHisequivalenttoCOH∧ Π0-CP, where Π0-CP is the Π0-bounded collection princple 1 1 1 ∀n (∀x<n∃yφ(x,y)→∃z∀x<n∃y <z φ(x,y)) for any Π0-formula φ. 1 Π0-CP follows from Σ0-induction. Therefore there is no recursion theoretic differ- 1 2 ence between StCOH and COH. The recursiontheoretic strength of the cohesive principle is well understood, its reversemathematicalstrengthis a topic ofactive researchmainly inthe contextof the classificationof Ramsey’s theorem for pairs, see [HS07] for a survey. TostatetherecursiontheoreticstrengthofCOHwewillneedfollowingnotation. Denote by a≫b that the Turing degree a contains an infinite computable branch for every b-computable 0/1-tree, see [Sim77]. In particular, the degrees d≫0′ are exactlythosewhichcontainaninfinitepathforeveryΣ0-0/1-tree. Bythelowbasis 1 theorem for every b there exists a degree a≫b which is low over b, i.e. a′ ≡b′, see [JS72]. Theorem 3 ([JS93, JS97], see also [CJS01, theorem 12.4]). For any degree d the following are equivalent: • There is an r-cohesive (p-cohesive) set with jump of degree d, • d≫0′. In particular, there exists a low r-cohesive set. 2 Theorem 4. COHis Π1-conservativeover RCA , RCA +Π0-CP, RCA +Σ0-IA. 1 0 0 1 0 2 ThisresultforRCA andRCA +Σ0-IAisduetoCholak,Jockusch,Slaman,see 0 0 2 [CJS01], the result for RCA +Π0-CP is due to Chong, Slaman, Yang, see [CSY]. 0 1 Corollary 5. RCA +StCOH is Π0-conservative over PRA. 0 2 Proof. Theorem4 togetherwith the factthat Π0-CP is Π0-conservativeoverPRA. 1 2 (cid:3) 1A⊆∗B standsforA\B isfinite. THE COHESIVE PRINCIPLE AND THE BOLZANO-WEIERSTRASS PRINCIPLE 3 2. Bolzano-Weierstraß principle LetBWbethestatementthateverysequence(yi)i∈N ofrationalnumbersinthe interval[0,1]admitsafastconvergingsubsequence,thatisasubsequenceconverging with the rate 2−n or equivalently any other rate given by a computable function resp.byafunctioninthetheory. Thisprinciplecoversthe fullstrengthofBolzano- Weierstraß, i.e. one can take a bounded sequence of real numbers. Let BWweak be the statement that every sequence (yi)i∈N of rational numbers in the interval [0,1] admits a Cauchy subsequence (a sequence converging but not necessarily fast), more precisely (BW ): weak ∀(yi)i∈N ⊆Q∩[0,1]∃f strictly monotone∀n∃s∀v,w ≥s |yf(v)−yf(w)|<Q 2−n. ThestatementBW alsoimpliesthateveryboundedsequenceofrealnumbers weak containsa Cauchysubsequence. Just continuouslymap the boundedsequence into [0,1] and take a diagonal sequence of rational approximations of the elements of the originalsequence. We will denote by BW(Y) and BW (Y) the statement that the bounded weak sequence coded by Y contains a (slowly) convergingsubsequence. TheprinciplesBWandBW alsoimplythecorrespondingBolzano-Weierstraß weak principle for the Cantor space 2N: Lemma 6. Over RCA 0 • BW implies the Bolzano-Weierstraß principle for the Cantor space 2N and • BW impliestheweakBolzano-WeierstraßprinciplefortheCantorspace weak 2N, i.e. for every sequence in 2N there exists a slowly converging Cauchy subsequence. Moreover these implications are instance-wise, i.e. there exists an e such that over RCA0 the (weak) Bolzano-Weierstraß principles for a sequence (xi)i∈N ⊆ 2N coded by X is implied by BW ({e}X). (weak) Proof. Define the mapping h: 2N →[0,1] as ∞ 2x(i) h(x)= . 3i+1 i=0 X The image of h is the Cantor middle-third set. One easily establishes dist (x,y)<2−n iff dist (h(x),h(y))<3−(n+1). 2N R Therefore(slow)Cauchysequencesof2N primitiverecursivelycorrespondto(slow) Cauchy sequences of the Cantor middle-third set. For {e} choose the function mapping (xi)i∈N to (h(xi))i∈N. The lemma follows. (cid:3) The full Bolzano-Weierstraß principle (BW) results from BW , if we addi- weak tionally require an effective Cauchy-rate, e.g. s = 2−n in the above definition of BW . OnealsoobtainsfullBW ifoneusesaninstanceofΠ0-comprehension(or weak 1 Turing jump) to thin out the Cauchy sequence making it fast converging. The weak version of the Bolzano-Weierstraßprinciple is for instance considered in computational analysis, see [LRZ08, section 3]. BW is also interesting in the context of proof-mining or“hardanalysis”, i.e. weak theextractionofquantitativeinformationforanalyticstatements. Foranintroduc- tion to hard analysis see [Tao08, §1.3], for proof-mining see [Koh08]. For instance if one uses BW to prove that a sequence converges, by theorem 10 below one weak 4 ALEXANDERP.KREUZER can expect a primitive recursive rate of metastability, in the sense of Tao [Tao08, §1.3]. Such proofs occur in fixed-point theory, for example Ishikawa’s fixed-point theorem uses such an argument, see [Koh05, Ish76]. Note that in this case only a single instance of the Bolzano-Weierstraßprinciple is used and the accumulation point is not used in a Σ0-induction, therefore one 1 obtains the same results using Kohlenbach’s elimination of Skolem functions for monotone formulas, see for instance [Koh00, theorem 1.2]. Nested uses of BW imply arithmetic comprehension and thus lead to non-primitive recursive growth. Incontrasttothat,wewillshowthatevennestedusesofBW inacontextwith weak full Σ0-induction do not result in more than primitive recursive growth. 1 3. Results Theorem 7. Over RCA theprinciples BW andΣ0-WKL areinstance-wiseequiv- 0 1 alent. More precisely RCA ⊢∃e ∀X Σ0-WKL({e }X)→BW(X) , 0 1 1 1 RCA0 ⊢∃e2∀Y (cid:0)BW({e2}Y)→Σ01-WKL(Y)(cid:1), where Σ0-WKL(Y) is weak K¨onig(cid:0)’s lemma for a Σ0-tree coded(cid:1)by Y. 1 1 In language with higher order functionals {e } and {e } could be given by fixed 1 2 primitive recursive functionals. Proof. For the first implication see [SK] and [Koh98, section 5.4]. For the converse implication note that Σ0-WKL is instance-wise equivalent to 1 Σ0-separation, i.e. the statement that for two Σ0-sets A ,A with A ∩A = ∅ 2 2 0 1 0 1 there exists a set S, such that A ⊆S ⊆A . This is for instance a consequence of 0 1 [Sim99,lemmaIV.4.4]relativizedto∆0-sets. Thisproofofthislemmaalsoyieldsa 2 constructionofthesetsA ,A ,i.e.ane′ suchthat{e′}Y yieldsasetcodingA ,A . 0 1 0 1 Thus is suffices to prove Σ0-separationof two Σ0-sets A ,A . 2 2 0 1 Let B for i<2 be a quantifier free formula such that i n∈A ≡∀x∃yB (x,y;n). i i We assume that y is unique; one can always achieve this by requiring y to be minimal. Note that by assumption ∀x∃yB (x,y;n)∨∀x∃yB (x,y;n). 0 1 Then define f (n,k):=max{s<k |∀x<lths (B (x,(s) ;n))}. i i x We use here a sequence coding that is monotone in each component, i.e. for two sequences s,t with the same length we have s ≤ t if (s) ≤ (t) for all x < lth(s), x x see for instance [Koh08, definition 3.30]. Ifforfixedn,ithestatement∀x∃yB (x,y;n)holdsandf isthechoicefunction i y for y, i.e. the function satisfying ∀xB (x,f (x);n), then for the course-of-value i y function f¯ of f y y f (n,f¯(m)+1)=f¯(m). i y y If ∀x∃yB (x,y;n) does not hold then λk.f (n,k) is bounded. Define g (n,k) := i i i lth(f (n,k)) and for each n let g :=λk.g (n,k). Then for each i i i,n i the range of g is N iff ∀x∃yB (x,y;n). i,n i Therefore it is sufficient to find a set S obeying (1) ∀n (rng(g )6=N→n∈S ∧rng(g )6=N→n∈/ S). 0,n 1,n Define a sequence (hk)k∈N ⊆2N by 0 if g (n,k)≥g (n,k), 0 1 h (n):= k (1 otherwise. THE COHESIVE PRINCIPLE AND THE BOLZANO-WEIERSTRASS PRINCIPLE 5 By hypothesis, for each n there is at least one i < 2 such that the range of g is i,n N. For a fixed n, if there is exactly one i<2, suchthat the rangeof g is N then i,n limk→∞hk(n)=i. In this case (1) is satisfied for this n if n∈S iff lim h (n)=1. k k→∞ If for each i<2 the range g is N then (1) is trivially satisfied for this n. i,n Applying BW to h , yields an accumulation point h. For h then k h(n)= lim h (n) if the limit exists. k k→∞ Hence h describes a characteristic function of a set S obeying (1). Anumbere ofaTuringmachinesuchthat{e }Y yieldstheCantormiddle-third 2 2 set belonging to (h ) can easily be computed using e from lemma 6 and e′. k k This proves the theorem. (cid:3) Since RCA ⊢Σ0-WKL↔Π0-CA 0 1 1 one obtains as consequence of this theorem that well known result that BW is equivalent to ACA over RCA , see [Sim99, theorem I.9.1]. 0 0 NoticethatinTheorem7theuseofΣ0-WKLcouldneitherbereplacedbyΠ0-CA 1 1 nor Π0-CA. 2 Theorem 8. Over RCA the principles BW and StCOH are instance-wise 0 weak equivalent. More precisely RCA ⊢∃e ∀X StCOH({e }X)→BW (X) , 0 1 1 weak RCA0 ⊢∃e2∀Y (cid:0)BWweak({e2}Y)→StCOH(Y)(cid:1). In a language with higher order(cid:0)functionals {e1} and {e2} coul(cid:1)d be given by fixed primitive recursive functionals. Proof. To prove BWweak for a sequence (xi)i∈N coded by X define k k+1 R := j ∈N x ∈ , i j 2i 2i ( (cid:12) keven(cid:20) (cid:21)) (cid:12) [ (cid:12) and (cid:12) R if (y) =0, Ry := i i (Ri otherwise. i<l\th(y) Let f be a strictly increasing enumeration of a strongly cohesive set for (R ) . i i Then by definition it follows, that ∀i∃y,s (lth(y)=i∧∀w >s f(w)∈Ry). This statement is equivalent to k k+1 ∀i∃k,s∀w >s x ∈ , , f(w) 2i 2i (cid:18) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:19) which implies BW . Clearly there exists a number e of a Turing machine weak 1 computing (R ) . The first part of the theorem follows. i i For the other direction, let (Ri)i∈N be a sequence of sets coded by Y. Let (xi)i∈N ⊆2N be the sequence defined by 1 if i∈R , n x (n):= i (0 if i∈/ Rn. 6 ALEXANDERP.KREUZER Applying BW and lemma 6 to (x ) yields a slowly converging subsequence weak i i (xf(i))i∈N, i.e. ∀n∃s∀j,j′ ≥sdist(xf(j),xf(j′))<2−n. By spelling out the definition of dist and x we obtain i ′ ′ ∀n∃s∀j,j ≥s∀i<n (f(j)∈R ↔f(j )∈R ), i i which implies that the set strictly monotone enumerated by f is stronglycohesive. The number e can be easily computed using the construction in lemma 6. (cid:3) 2 As immediate corollarywe obtain: Corollary 9. RCA ⊢StCOH↔BW 0 weak Hence all results for StCOH carry over to BW : weak Theorem 10. BW is Π1-conservative over RCA +Π0-CP, RCA +Σ0-IA. weak 1 0 1 0 2 Especially RCA +BW is Π0-conservative over PRA. 0 weak 2 Proof. Corollary 8 and Theorem 4. (cid:3) Theorem 11. (1) Every recursive sequence of real numbers contains a low Cauchy subse- 2 quence (a sequence converging but not necessarily fast). (2) There exists a recursive sequence of real numbers containing no computable Cauchy subsequence. (3) There exists a recursive sequence of real numbers containing no converging subsequence computable in 0′. Proof. Theorem8andTheorem3. For3notethatthe jumpofaslowlyconverging Cauchy sequence computes a fast convergingsubsequence. (cid:3) Theorem 7 gives rise to another proof of this theorem and Theorem 3: Let d be a degree containing solutions to all recursive instances of BW. Since BW is equivalent to Σ0-WKL any degree d ≫ 0′ suffices. Thus we may assume that d is 1 low over0′, i.e. d′ ≡0′′. Now let e be a degreecontainingsolutions to allrecursive instances of BW . Since the choice of a fast convergent subsequence of a slow weak convergentsubsequenceis equivalentto the halting problem, e maybe chosensuch that e′ ≡d. Thus e′′ ≡0′′ or in other words e is low . 2 Theorem 11.1 improves a result obtained by Le Roux and Ziegler in [LRZ08, section 3], which only considers full Turing jumps. References [CJS01] Peter A. Cholak, Carl G. Jockusch, Jr., and Theodore A. Slaman, On the strength of Ramsey’stheorem for pairs,J.SymbolicLogic66(2001), no.1,1–55. 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