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Preview The Cloverleaf Site: A Late Archaic Settlement on the Walloomsac River in Southwestern Vermont

The Cloverleaf Site: A Late Archaic Settlement on the Walloomsac River in Southwestern Vermont by Belinda J. Cox, Ellen R. Cowie, and James B. Petersen Abstract Cloverleaf Site Setting ALate Archaic period habitation sitewas identified inthe fall The site is located on ancient alluvium and is owned by the of 1995 near the confluence of the Walloomsac River and State of Vermont. Itlies adjacent to and southeast of apromi- Furnace Brook in southwestern Vermont. Situated on the nent meander inthe Walloomsac River, in close proximity to floodplain of the Walloomsac River, it represents a rare its confluence with Furnace Brook. The site area is a likely example of a near single component site and it provides an location for habitation. It lies on a broad, fairly level alluvial unusually detailed glimpse intoarelatively brief period oftime floodplain adjacent to the eastern bank of the Walloomsac during the Late Archaic period. Itisspecifically attributable to River. The siteproper isbounded tothe east and west byareas the River phase ofthe Late Archaic period, dated elsewhere to of relatively recent historic disturbance, including the between 2000-1900 B.C. (or 4000-3900 B.P.) (Funk 1976; construction and destruction/dismantling of aresidential area Ritchie 1965, 1969; Ritchie and Funk 1973). Ten ofthe radio- once known as "Green Acres" and the site of a former carbon date~obtained forthis occupation thus farfallbetween junkyard, according to local informants (Cox etal. 1997a). To 2070-1860 ~.c.(or 4020-3810 B.P.), placing occupation of the north of the site lies the existing ramps connecting U.S. the Cloverleaf site within a short time span. After discussing Route 7and VT Route 67A, although these donot necessarily the circumstances concerning discovery and subsequent bound the site. In fact, it is likely that the Native American investigation of the site, preliminary details about Cloverleaf deposits extend or once extended to beneath the existing are presented and its implications are explored inthis article. roadway. This setting is situated approximately 120 meters (394 ft)north ofthe confluence ofthe Walloomsac River and Introduction Furnace Brook. The Walloomsac drains intothe Hoosic River an estimated 12 kilometers to the northwest of and down- This is a preliminary report about the Late Archaic period stream from the site area. The Hoosic River, inturn, isamajor Cloverleaf site located inthetown ofBennington, Bennington tributary of the Hudson River farther west in New York. County, southwestern Vermont. This archaeological study was The Cloverleaf site lies within the middle portion of the conducted by the University of Maine at Farmington broad Hudson River drainage in southwestern Vermont at an Archaeology Research Center (UMF ARC) for the Vermont elevation of 175 m (580 ft) above mean sea level (Figures 1 Agency of Transportation (VAOT) and the Federal Highway and2).The sitesurface isabout 1.5-2.0 meters (5-6.5 ft)above Administration (FHWA). The Cloverleaf site is listed as the Walloomsac River, which currently lies approximately 80 Native American site VT-BE-233 in the Vermont Archae- meters (262 ft)tothenorthwest ofthe siteproper. The location ological Site Inventory files maintained by the Vermont of the site on the floodplain of the Walloomsac River has Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP). buried Native American residential remains by mid-late The Cloverleaf site represents a relatively large and Holocene alluvial deposition. Based on preliminary archaeo- apparently short-term Late Archaic habitation site. In fact, the logical and geomorphologic interpretations, it appears that site iscurrently one ofthe best preserved and now thoroughly there are three separate terrace formations represented in the sampled Late Archaic habitation sites inVermont andmuch of sitearea, designated terrace 1(T'l),terrace 2(TI) andthemost the larger Northeast. More specifically, the Cloverleaf site recent and currently building terrace, terrace 0 (TO). The preserves a tremendous wealth of information concerning Native American inhabitants of Cloverleaf lived on the Native American technologies, subsistence and settlement floodplain surface associated with the TI terrace. Due to a patterns, as well as social interaction. It is largely unmatched short-term stabilization ofthe floodplain, asoil, orweathered in both local and regional contexts. This report provides sediment, was able to form. The Late Archaic Native preliminary information about the setting of the Cloverleaf Americans lived and carried out various activities on this site, abrief history of investigations, and salient observations surface (referred to as a paleosol), which is now buried about the site's archaeological contexts and artifact beneath 0.10-1.5 meters of more recent overbank alluvium assemblage. Inaddition, itsimplications for local andregional (Cowie et al. 1998a). Native American history are briefly explored. Glacial till dominates the surrounding surficial geology 17 The JournalofVennont Archaeology N KEY- ,••~.~ • PROJECT AREA Figure 1.LocationoftheCloverleafsite(VT-BE-233)withinthe Walloomsac-HoosicRiverdrainageofsouthwesternVermont, northwestern'Massachusetts, andeasternmostNew YorkState. 18 The Cloverleaf Site i{ Yr,.S,T-.A.lE . N \. ~ I i I o ! Figure 2. Location ofthe Cloverleafsite (VT-BE-233) on the Walloomsac River inthe town of Bennington, Bennington County, Vermont (from the USGS Bennington quadrangle, Vermont-Bennington Co., 7.5' series). 19 The Journal of Vermont Archaeology with glaciofluvial outwash deposits and postglacial, fluvial subsequently expanded into larger 1.5mby 0.5mtest units, as alluvium present along limited stretches of the Walloomsac noted above, to facilitate penetration of the deep alluvial River and its tributary, Furnace Brook. Ancient Late deposits. These larger test units were meant to examine buried Pleistocene littoral sediments, predominantly sand, lie along cultural deposits encountered at the base of several test pits. the interface of the Walloomsac alluvium and the glacial till Also, two additional 0.5 m by 0.5 m test pits were excavated (Doll 1970). Bedrock geology near the site is composed of at 5.0 m on either side (to the east and west) oftest pit T23-8. black, carbonaceous and pyritic slate and phyllite of the Test unit T22-2 produced additional unequivocal Native Hortonville formation (Doll 1961). American deposits, as did test pit T24-1, and test unit T23-9 produced additional fire-cracked rocks. The phase I artifact History of Investigations inventory included 12lithic flakes (six quartzite and sixchert), four possible lithic flakes (three quartzite and one ofunknown material), one utilized chert flake, one possible hammerstone The Cloverleaf site was first identified inthe fall of 1995 as a of unknown material, and 213 fire-cracked (or reddened) result ofalarge-scale consulting study conducted bythe UMF rocks. Archaeology Research Center for the VAOT and the FHWA. Carbonized floral remains were collected in 1995aswell. An extensive archaeological phase I survey was undertaken Most were recovered from cultural features and possible over the course of two field seasons in 1995 and 1996, in features encountered during the phase Iwork. The majority of advance of construction of the proposed Bennington Bypass the Native American artifacts and ecofacts were recovered Project over alinear distance of 17.2km overall. As aresult of from seemingly intact, sub-plow zone sediments (to a maxi- the phase Isurvey work, a total of 32 previously unknown archaeological sites were identified, including the Cloverleaf mum depth of 100 em below the ground surface). The intact cultural deposits were concentrated inthesoutheastern portion site. Ultimately, atotal of twenty-one 0.5 m by 0.5 mtest pits of the site area. Sediment profiles indicated that the northwestern portion spaced at 10m intervals along four sampling transects, T21- T24, were used to sample the Cloverleaf site area (Figure 3). ofthesitehasbeen significantly disturbed historically. Notable historic disturbance reached asdeep as 1.0mbelow theground Two ofthese test pits were subsequently expanded into larger 1.5m by 0.5 m test units, T22-2 and T23-9, to better sample surface there and various historic fill episodes were visible in the alluvial stratigraphy. The phase Itest pits were excavated the soil profiles as well, perhaps related to the historic to an average of 91 em below the ground surface, while the junkyard and/or previous highway construction. larger phase Itest units reached maximum depths of 1.45 m Stratigraphy inthesoutheastern portion ofthe site ismuch and 1.20 m, respectively. less disturbed. These profiles showed developed alluvial soils These phase.Lsampling transects were employed to test truncated by aplow zone approximately 30cmthick. Ofnote, the western portion of abroad expanse of alluvial floodplain several test pitprofiles showed lenses orpatches ofdark brown situated tosouth oftheexisting interchange between VT Route sediment within the sub-plow zone sediments. These dark 67AandU.S. Route 7.The eastern portion ofthe landform had lenses varied in thickness and occurred at varying depths been previously subjected to phase Isubsurface testing con- across the site, ranging from 0.4-0.S m below the ground ducted bythe University ofVermont Consulting Archaeology surface. In some cases, feature designations were assigned to Program (UVM CAP) in 1979, quite near the site (Thomas et these lenses, as discussed below, although it was unclear al. 1980:145). The 1979 field work was conducted as part of whether theyrepresented cultural features, orperhaps, portions the preliminary archaeological studies related to an earlier of one or more buried surfaces, or paleosols. configuration of the Bennington Bypass Project. The 1979 A total of five cultural features were identified at the phase Iwork did not encounter the Native American deposits Cloverleaf site during the phase Itesting. All five features later identified bythe UMF ARC, but this may have been due were considered to beNative American inorigin and allwere to the shallow depth of the test pits excavated in 1979. identified intest pits/units situated inthe southeastern portion However it seems more likely that the site deposits do not ofthe site, below the plow zone disturbance. The function of extend easterly to the area of the previous subsurface testing eachofthese features remained unknown, however, given their based on more recent excavations, but this isuncertain. limited exposure. Carbonized floral remains were recovered In 1995, the phase Isurvey inthis area initially included from allfive features and four ofthese produced atotal of 157 the excavation of atotal of nineteen 0.5 m by 0.5 m standard fire-altered rocks. Inaddition, five lithic flakes were recovered testpits spaced at IOvmeter intervals along three sampling tran- from three of the features. sects, T21-T23. Ofthese 19initial test pits, four, T22-2, T23- Atotal of449 historic Euro-American remains were also 6, T23-1O and T23-12, were positive for unequivocal Native recovered from 20, or95%, ofthe test pits/units. The majority American artifacts. Further limited testing was subsequently of the historic remains (n=41S, or 93%) encountered during conducted in 1995 inthe area of these positive test pits. thephase Ifield work were recovered throughout thedisturbed Two of the phase I test pits, T22-2 and T23-9, were soil profiles of the test pits inthe northwestern portion of the 20 The Cloverleaf Site . , U60 Ellie £480 .. ; H500 N480 116ao TU-Ic • EXTENT OF • "FHeTEI) AlitA • ($;}H"'l 1/440 11420 • .600 • ,&,&••• IIseo ...•.. • "Jill 11$40 • /I"••, :r (1M l(-0••••. IIl.I!TJ~~ 'tea" <l1I"t e22'ZZl """.1 RIO_ xt.o. wIC•••.MJC.Uy ••.£.CAVA'r£D rR(III~H •.'•.•.'1 :t g.•••1CoO.Ii_ "OSiHo;1 •.ta'" "IT ""0\,1.: t: 0.,. II00.611I 'ftiT ,.11 PQS1'fJve: JOQ-. "l~C'" CP"U"'i~,-«lo~ l'iAtO-~C•o•IL 'O0.1.I.•..~POIlTtY. ,...ST VI"" (x.'flH'r OP CUT *-liD 'ILl... •• ".IUIV''0. ~"".AAU<.j(.:Or.Io•e••l•l. o0"••••.•~'1fS\"",.11' '".'f PI8K'" ~ 1'.f.(••t~( ';11.1£ JI:I)"•. X0.6. "I.ATIvI 11"t' ~~~~~~~·5°__ ~1ol.S~ Il 0:..5#11I.: 0••• ,.0-.1'IY' tilt PI" "~I iiiiiiii_iiiiiiil·i*UTt-ll.' II PH"t no,,, (0...•• TlaT '.If 'OIlT'YiE '011 '"If''' "c""."1c1JC•~•-o .~ •. OfiLV- <>.~I~~~!!!!!!I··i;;;iiiiiiiiiilO~~~!!!!!'~Ii!'!oT C 11U t.th•.K1..>0•_••.1'111,. "'IIIIT ~ iii••••". n l>\:.bt)( 0. flt,MO",U.'A1f!A'fIDo T•• J(tiH Figure 3. Schematic map of the general setting of the Cloverleaf site on the Walloomsac River. Note location of initial phase I survey transects, T21-T24, phase 11test pits, units, and trenches, andfeatures identified in 1995 and 1996 as well as extent of known site area and extent of affected area. 21 The Journal of Vermont Archaeology site, probably related to the junkyard. Of the 31 (or 7%) ically excavated trench, inorder tobetter define thehorizontal historic artifacts recovered fromthesoutheastern portion ofthe and vertical distribution of the cultural deposits. The strati- site, where the Native American deposits are concentrated, all graphic trenches provided a relatively broad examination of but one were recovered from the plow zone. None of these the distribution of cultural remains, as well as exposed site- were considered significant, however, given their disturbed wide sediment profiles in both north-south and east-west contexts and relatively recent origin. Some of these artifacts directions. The maximum depth of the test units and trenches were likely associated with the former historic structures that varied duetodifferent circumstances. Atthetermination ofthe were present inthe area, especially those related to the Green phase II excavations, three sediment column samples were Acres development. taken from various locations across the site. Two of these The identification ofcultural features demonstrated ahigh sediment columns were ultimately processed atthe University degree of integrity at the Cloverleaf site, and they seemed to of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, along with several radiocarbon provide significant evidence of short-term Native American samples processed by Beta Analytic, Inc. activities. No immediate evidence oftheir age was recovered, As aresult of the phase IItesting at the Cloverleaf site, a however and the age of the site remained uncertain. total of 2,469 Native American lithic fl~ke (debitage) Nonetheless, the presence of at least five intact cultural specimens were recovered, along with22lithictools. Although features led to a determination that the site was likely none of the tools were clearly diagnostic, it initially seemed significant even though itcould only be attributed to general that one or more of the biface tool fragments might be best Native American prehistory. related to one or another Late Archaic period manifestation, On the basis of the phase Isurvey, archaeological phase ca.4000-1000 B.C., initsfullduration. Anadditional 243 fire- IItesting was recommended at the Cloverleaf site to further altered rocks and carbonized floral remains were recovered as assess its size, structure, context, age, and significance, to well. Unequivocal Native American cultural remains were determine its eligibility for inclusion inthe National Register recovered from 26 of the 59 test pits and all three larger test of Historic Places (NRHP). Specifically, further investigation units. Finally, atotal of 560 historic Euro-American artifacts of the features and possibly related sediment was recom- were also recovered during the phase II testing. mended tobetter define their context and todetermine whether During the phase II field work in 1996, 2I cultural one ormore buried surfaces were present atthe site. Itwas one features were newly identified and one feature identified of the most significant sites identified during the phase I previously during the phase I survey (feature 5) was survey of the Bennington Bypass Project on the basis of its investigated further (see Figure 3).Onthe basis ofthe phase II cultural features and overall integrity (Cox et al. 1997b). testing, the Cloverleaf cultural deposits covered an area of at Archaeological phase II testing was conducted at the least 7,010 square meters, or roughly 1'14acres. Notably, the Cloverleaf site in mid-late July, 1996, and included the majority, ifnot all, ofthe features are likely attributable to one excavation of acombined area of 18square meters and 16.78 oranother Late Archaic period occupation(s) ofthe landform, cubic meters of site sediment through controlled hand although some ofthese may be natural, rather than cultural, in excavation of fifty-nine 0.5 m by 0.5 mtest pits and three and origin. Ofthe22total features documented during the phase II one-half 1.0mby 1.0mtest units (see Figure 3). Inaddition to testing, tenwere identified during the excavation oftest pits or the test pits and units, three stratigraphic trenches were test units, while the remaining features were identified inthe coarsely excavated. Two were hand excavated and one was wall profiles of the stratigraphic trenches. Sediment was mechanically excavated, resulting in an additional 45.85 collected from 14 of these features during the phase nfield square meters of site sediment being excavated. work for subsequent processing inthe laboratory. Archaeological phase II field work began with the The distribution of the cultural features iswidespread at establishment ofahorizontal metric grid onamagnetic bearing the Cloverleaf site as seen inthe phase IItesting. Carbonized of 325 degrees along phase Isampling transect T23, using a floral remains from seven of the cultural features were total station and prism. All phase IIexcavations were located submitted forarchaeobotanical analyses andsubsequent radio- in relation to this grid. The majority of the test pits were carbon dating. The results indeed documented aLate Archaic excavated at 10 m intervals along the following grid lines, attribution for the site, with dates ranging between ca. 2030- E360, E370, E380, E390, E410, E420, E430, E440, E450, 1640 B.C. (3980-3590 B.P.). E460, andE470.Phase Iexcavations were relocated inrelation The archaeological phase IItesting strongly confirmed the to the grid as well. In addition to the horizontal grid, an significance ofthe Cloverleaf site and itseligibility forNRHP. arbitrary vertical grid wasestablished andallexcavations were After extended discussions with the Vermont Agency of conducted inrelation to asite-wide metric elevational system. Transportation (VAOT), itwas determined that the proposed The 59 phase IItest pits were excavated to an average highway project could not avoid disturbance of at least a depth of94 ernbelow the ground surface. The larger 1.0mby significant portion ofthe known site area. During ameeting in 1.0m test units were placed adjacent to and/or encompassed April, 1997, attended by personnel from the UMF ARC, the positive test pits, as well as a limited portion of the rnechan- VAOT, the VDHP and the FHWA, a decision was made to 22 The Cloverleaf Site .1 1:410 E420 E43(} 1:410 EA80 I~ " N4fO 1/ "'~~ .,6. """,'~. ". ","" •• , •• , 0 l\IJ70 IS III ./ ....!; ,J '-, ", m ~ '" 13 \ \ J ~j o 1996 Excavation • 1997Excavation S!l 19ltS Excavation o 5 10 15 : _ Mechanically Excavated Trench () 20 40 60 80 Feet Figure 4. Detailed plan view showing location of select phase I andphase II testpits, and allphase II test units andphase III data recovery excavations conducted at the Cloverleaf site. 23 The Journal ofVerrnont Archaeology proceed with preliminary data recovery excavations ofatleast non-feature sediments and, in certain cases not screening the a 5% intuitive sample (167 square meters) of the area to be plow zone where Native American material was known to be affected bytheproposed project (Petersen etal. 1997). Atthat quite deep. Of the 209 square meters excavated in 1997, 171 meeting the VDHP suggested additional excavations beyond were situated within the proposed project impact area and 38 the 5% sample might be necessary. Subsequent negotiations were beyond the extent of impact (see Figure 4). led to additional data recovery excavations of another 2.5% In 1998,various excavation techniques andmethodologies sample of the Native American deposits within the area of were again employed at the Cloverleaf site during the second potential effect at Cloverleaf(Cowie et ai. 1998b). round of phase III field work. These included stripping (both The UMF ARC ultimately conducted phase III data by hand and mechanically by backhoe) and non-screening of recovery excavations atthe Cloverleaf site inthe late summer the uppermost, disturbed historic roadbed and plow zone and fall of 1997 (August-October), and additional mitigation deposits. In addition to hand excavations, nine roughly one- work was conducted the following year in 1998. An overall meter wide trenches were mechanically excavated bybackhoe total of 450.25 square meters of site sediment has been to enable stratigraphic interpretations across the site. Dr. G. excavated at the Cloverleaf site as a result of the cumulative Robert Brakenridge, a geomorphological consultant, visited investigations there (Figure 4). This total includes mitigation the site several times over the course of allthe archaeological of roughly 12% of the area to be affected by the proposed investigations atthe site. Brakenridge examined the sediment bypass project. profiles inthe trenches, as well as in several ofthe test units. The southern, eastern, and western boundaries ofthe site This work has contributed greatly to our understanding ofthe were relatively well defined as aresult of the phase II testing alluvial history of the site area. Ultimately, an additional 217 conducted by UMF in 1996, along with the previous phase I square meters ofsite sediment wasexcavated in 1998; this was investigations conducted bytheUVM Consulting Archaeology all situated within the area of potential effect (see Figure 4). Program (CAP). However, the northern boundary of the site At the termination of the 1997 phase III excavations, 10 still had not been clearly established after the 1996 field work sediment column samples were taken from several of the test because it remained unknown whether cultural deposits units and trenches. Six of these were subsequently processed extended underneath portions of the existing interchange at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, as were soil (Petersen eta!. 1997; Thomas etal. 1980). Additional phase II samples taken from the buried cultural horizon that spans the testing work within the area ofthe interchange was conducted site. Also, several radiocarbon samples were processed by in 1997 to establish the northern boundary of the site and the Beta Analytic, Inc. negative results from that study suggest that cultural deposits Ultimately, acombined total of 450.25 square meters of do not extend, or survive, within the interchange area. site sediment was excavated at the Cloverleaf site during all The horizontal grid established during the phase IItesting phases of field work, but not including the stratigraphic was reestablished using atotal station at the initiation of the trenches (Figure 5). A total of eighty 0.5 m by 0.5 m test pits phase III data recovery excavations. All phase IIIexcavations (two of which were expanded into larger 1.5m by 0.5 mtest conducted over the entire site were located in relation to this units) and 429l1z1.0m by 1.0mtest units were excavated. grid. In addition, the arbitrary elevational datum established Atotal of 105,120unequivocal Native American artifacts during the phase II field work was relocated and used to were recovered from the Cloverleaf site during the facilitate site-wide elevational correlation. archaeological phase III data recovery. A combined total of In 1997, the phase III field work began with the 108,081 Native American artifacts have been recovered as a excavation of30 square meters ofcarefully hand-excavated 1.0 result ofthe cumulative archaeological investigations and 125 mby 1.0mtestunits tosample relative artifact densities across cultural features have been identified and documented. the site. In these initial 30 square meters, upon identification Large quantities of feature sediments were processed in of Native American cultural material, the sediment from the the laboratories at UMF. Floral remains dominate in these northeast quadrant of each test unit was screened through Va" features and detailed analyses are resulting inone ofthe more mesh hardware cloth, in addition to the regular W' mesh, to significant data sets forLate Archaic plant use innorthern New determine whether small fragments of burned bone, charcoal, England. Unfortunately, preservation of faunal material is lithic flakes (debitage) or Native American pottery were limited to a very small number of poorly preserved calcined represented. Although smaller specimens of lithic debitage bone fragments. Given the intensive recovery techniques were recovered from the 1/8" mesh, no other cultural remains employed, factors of preservation and cultural disposal were recovered as a result of this methodology. Varying practices are likely important factors involved withthepaucity excavation techniques andmethodologies were utilized forthe of faunal remains. remaining excavations planned for 1997, allowing efficiency Of the total Native American artifact inventory, roughly and flexibility during the field work. These included, but were 69,000 (64%) are lithic flakes, or debitage, 38,000 (35%) are «1 not limited to, excavating the plow zone as a single fire-altered rocks, andthe remaining 922 %)are lithic tools stratigraphic unit, aswell asabandoning 1/8"mesh screening of and tool fragments. The lithic tools can be further subdivided 24 The Cloverleaf Site Figure 5. Overview of ongoing J998 data recovery exca- vations at the Cloverleaf site, facing south. Note blocks of previously excavated J997 units within 1998 excavation block. into aflaked stone category, which totals 898 (or 97% of the The vastmajority ofthe Native American cultural remains tool assemblage) and ground and/or pecked stone, which totals were recovered from a buried surface, or paleosol, which is 24 (3% ofthe assemblage). Ninety-six percent ofthe debitage evident across the site. The paleosol occurred at varying sample and 75% of the tool assemblage are made of locally depths of 10em to 150 ern below the ground surface. How- available gray quartzite. The remaining 4% of the debitage ever, avery small number of Native American artifacts were sample and 25% of the tools are composed primarily of non- recovered from overlying sediments as well. local New York State cherts. Based onexamination ofthesediment profiles revealed in Of the 898 flaked stone implements, 244 (or 27%) are the stratigraphic trenches, six strata were defined at the crude bifaces, 271 (30%) are later stage preforms, 167(19%) Cloverleaf site, generally reflecting the site-wide stratigraphy. are projectile points and point fragments, 156 (17%) are The strata were designated stratum Ithrough stratum VI, with utilized flakes, 43 (5%) are edge retouched flakes, and the stratum VI being the uppermost. These are described se- remaining 17(2%) represent cores, flaked cobbles, a drill, a quentially here from the uppermost downward. chopper, and a scaled piece. Stratum VI isthe uppermost stratum identified atthe site The projectile point assemblage includes at least 124 and represents the overburden, orroadfill, ofthe existing (but Normanskill-type points, of which 64 (or 52%) are complete longabandoned) historic LeBlanc Avenue related totheGreen or nearly complete (Figure 6) (Ritchie 1971:37-38). Interest- Acres development. Stratum VI overlies stratum V (where V ingly, although the overall tool assemblage was mainly manu- hasnotbeen entirely removed) and ithas amaximum thickness factured from quartzite, 101(60%) ofthe projectile points are of64 ern, New York State cherts. Only 59 (35%) of the points are Stratum Vunderlies stratum VI(where VI ispresent) and quartzite and the remaining 7(5%) include quartz, basalt and itrepresents ahistoric plow zone, or"Ap" horizon. Stratum V other unidentifiable materials. Groundstone implements was present across the site, except in cases where it was include alarge (approximately 68.5 ernlong by 15emwide by seemingly removed or reworked to incorporate fill as 6.3 em thick) bifacially flaked preform, which was found in mentioned above. Its thickness is somewhat irregular given two pieces inapit feature, awing fragment ofanatlatl weight, historic activities and it consists of a dark brown to dark apossible pendant fragment, and atool edge fragment (Figure yellowish brown silty loam. Where present, stratum V extends 7). from 10to 55 em below the ground surface. Historic Euro-American remains (5,774 specimens) were Stratum IV underlies stratum V where present, although also recovered during the phase III data recovery, but again itwas not identified consistently across the site. Also, insome none were from in situ deposits or structural remnants, and cases, stratum IV and underlying stratum II are indistinguish- they are not considered significant. able from each other where stratum III (which represents a 25 The Journal of Vermont Archaeology Figure 6. Twelve Normanskill-type projectile points andpoint Figure 7. Three lithic groundstone specimens recoveredfrom fragments (top to bottom, left to right: provenience numbers the Cloverleaf site during thephase III data recovery exca- 1705-1,7356-1,12776-1,13823-1; 5454-1,13901-1,13923- vations. Top left: provenience number 13832-2, pendant 1,12273-1; and 11940-1,3105-4,13563-1,3056-1) recovered fragment; bottom left: provenience number 14612-1, atlat! from the Cloverleaf site during the phase III data recovery weightwingfragment; andright:provenience number 9939-1, excavations. tool edgefragment. paleosol, or ancient surface) isabsent or otherwise disturbed. was identified directly below stratum V in a few places, as So, they were sometimes mapped as a single, homogenous noted above. Like stratum IV, stratum III was not identified stratigraphic unit. In any case, stratum IV consists of a dark consistently across the site. It consists of dark brown to dark yellowish brown to yellowish brown silty loam to loam, and yellowish brown loam to silt loam and ranges from 4emto 28 ranges from 5 em to 65 em in thickness; itmost likely repre- em in thickness; it represents a paleosol, or ancient surface sents alluvial deposits oflate Holocene age, largely post-dating upon which themajor siteoccupation occurred (Figure 8).The the major site occupation. In some cases, stratum IV also vast majority of the Native American artifacts originated exhibited the remnants of one (or more) discontinuous buried within stratum III. In addition, various features located along surfaces. These lenses of darker sediment occurred sporad- this surface have been radiocarbon dated to the Late Archaic ically across the site landform and were sometimes assigned period, as described below. feature numbers and excavated as such, although very scant Stratum II underlies stratum III in some cases, although Native American cultural remains were gleaned from them, sometimes itwas indistinguishable from stratum IV, as noted apart from carbonized floral remains. above, and so,inthose instances, theywere mapped asasingle Stratum III underlies stratum IV in almost all cases, but homogeneous stratigraphic unit. Stratum IIconsists of dark 26

Division for Historic Preservation (VDHP). The Cloverleaf site represents a relatively large and apparently short-term Late Archaic habitation site.
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