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SPRINGER BRIEFS IN CLIMATE STUDIES Eric Ponthieu The Climate Crisis, Democracy and Governance Transition in Ten Steps: Action Points for Governments 123 SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies present concise summaries of cutting-edge research and practical applications. The series focuses on interdisciplinary aspects of Climate Science, including regional climate, climate monitoring and modeling, palaeoclimatology, as well as vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Featuring compact volumes of 50 to 125 pages (approx. 20,000- 70,000 words),theseriescoversarangeofcontentfromprofessionaltoacademicsuchas: atimelyreportsofstate-of-theartanalyticaltechniques,literaturereviews,in-depth case studies, bridges between new research results, snapshots of hot and/or emerging topics Author Benefits: SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies allow authors to present their ideas and readers to absorb them with minimal time investment. Books in this series will be published as part of Springer’s eBook collection, with millionsofusersworldwide.Inaddition,Briefswillbeavailableforindividualprint and electronic purchase. SpringerBriefs books are characterized by fast, global electronic dissemination and standard publishing contracts. Books in the program willbenefitfromeasy-to-usemanuscriptpreparationandformattingguidelines,and expedited production schedules. Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts are considered for publication in this series. Projects will be submitted to editorial review by editorial advisory boards and/or publishing editors. For a proposal document please contact the Publisher. More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/11581 Eric Ponthieu The Climate Crisis, Democracy and Governance Transition in Ten Steps: Action Points for Governments 123 EricPonthieu Section for Agriculture, RuralDevelopment andthe Environment—Sustainable Development Observatory European EconomicandSocial Committee Brussels, Belgium ISSN 2213-784X ISSN 2213-7858 (electronic) SpringerBriefs inClimate Studies ISBN978-3-030-58129-9 ISBN978-3-030-58127-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58127-5 ©TheAuthor(s),underexclusivelicensetoSpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2020 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsaresolelyandexclusivelylicensedbythePublisher,whether thewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseof illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmissionorinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilar ordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained hereinorforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregard tojurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. Disclaimer:Theauthorofthispublicationisactinginhisownname.Theviewpointshedefendsareinno wayreflectingtheopinionoftheEuropeanEconomicandSocialCommitteeandofotherEUinstitutions. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama Forewords Climatechangepolicieshavebeendiscussedgloballyformanydecadesnow,most visiblystartingin1992.Withoutanydoubt,muchhaschangedsincethen:afterthe first careful steps in Kyoto (1997), a failed summit in Copenhagen (2009) then towards the groundbreaking summit in Paris (2015). But at the same time, our societies have, rightfully so, become impatient with policy-makers. Globally, the FridaysforFuturestrikesarecallingustofinallyconvertthewordsintorealclimate action, something extra and effective that can achieve the targets that were estab- lished in the Paris Agreement. AsaMemberoftheEuropeanParliament,IhavebeenpartofEUgovernancefor more than 10 years. I have seen the debate changing, from fighting to be more ambitiousinour2020targetstonow,wherethecurrentEuropeanCommissionhas puttheGreenDealcentrestageforallofitspolicies.Ahugeshiftinambition,but again,wordsstillneedtobetranslatedintorealaction.Theverycriticalreactionsof society on the Climate Law proposed by the European Commission show that the increased ambition is not yet fully converted into proposed action. The gap between what science tells us, what society expects from us and what policy-makersaredeliveringisstillhuge.TheGreenDealisanattempttoclosethat gap,butclearly,wearenotthereyet.Whileweunderstandtheclimatesystembetter and better, it seems that less attention has been paid to understanding our gover- nance system and why policy-making is lagging behind the needed and desired action. This book is aimed at filling in that gap: a necessary analysis of why policy-makingisnotdeliveringtheactionsthataresodesperatelyneededandwhy it is so difficult to change the political system in order to mitigate the climate emergency. For everyone interested in preventing further climate change, this book is a highlyrecommendedtoread,providingfurtherinsightsintothecomplexitiesofour politicalsystem.Itchallengescomplacencyandprovidesaroadmapforhowwecan get change in our politics. This is the change we have been asking for during all those decades while climate sciencesteadily progressed, showingthat moredelays in climate action will only make things worse. There is no planet B; let there be a political plan B. vii viii Forewords BasEickhout,Vice-PresidentoftheEuropeanGreens/EFA,MemberofEuropean Parliament since 2009, Brussels, Belgium. -o- Climatechange,climate crisis,existentialcrisisetc.:itsoundsradical,butitisnot. For decades, we have built a society addicted to fossil fuels, ruled by short-term policies and based on inequality. Thesepillarsthatoursystemstandsonarecollapsing,anditistimetobuildnew ones.Lotsofworldleadershavebeentryingtofixthesystem,insteadofreplacing the pillars. They have been fighting symptoms of a disease that they never really treated. Although governments and politicians hold the prime responsibility to show ambition and bravery, they have been shamed by children who, in the last year, have sacrificed their education to protest against the world’s inaction. Last September 2019, over 7.5 million people across the globe took to the streets, demanding to unite behind the science and provide a safe future. Ourrapidlydisappearingcarbonbudgetisourultimatebottomline,revealedby the best available climate science. Scientists have written hundreds of reports, solutionsandroadmapstochangethesystemandtofightforhumanityandhuman equality. In a world distracted by fake news, backroom politics and mainstream trivia, knowledgeiskey.Whiletheworldisfacinghugechallenges,manypeopleareonly awareofalittlebitofwhatishappening.Evenpoliticiansareoftenlostinthedark. Thisiswhymorebookslikethisoneareabsolutelynecessarytoeducatepeopleand equip them to fight for their right and what is needed. Also this book points to the responsibility of politicians and shows them there is a way ahead. No more empty words. When people realise there is a way, they will fight for it. When they join us in thisfight,thingswillchangeandfranklythatisalleveryonereallyneeds.Theworld demands action. For things to change, Anuna De Wever, Young Climate Activist, Mortsel, Belgium. -o- This is the book the next President of the USA needs to read, and also, the respectivePresidents oftheEuropean Council andCommission, and also,political leadersofallcountrieswhereyoungclimate activists havechallengedtheirleaders to become climate leaders, And also, business executives who want to be able to look their children into their eyes in 2050, when the world must have reached carbon neutralitytorespectthe1.5 °Cwarminglimit.Lastbutnotleast, thisisthe bookthatmustbereadbyclimate-awarecitizenswhowanttotransformtheiranger into hope and then into action. This is their handbook on how to address the climate change challenge. It is differentfrommany‘howtosaveclimate’books.Indeed,itfocussesonthepolitical leadership required to move the world economy in the direction needed. Forewords ix Eric Ponthieu starting point is clear: ‘Young people are perfectly right to shake existing governments’. This book explains how public authorities can become climate leaders. How a newnarrativethatspeakstoboththemindandtheheartisneeded.Howwecanuse lessons from the handling of the COVID-19 crisis. How representative democracy can benefit from complementary deliberative approaches such as citizen’s assem- blies. How these approaches can help enshrine the long-term vision which is so often lacking in the political process. Eric Ponthieu pleads for improving the sci- ence–policy dialogue around tackling climate change, inspired by what happened during the COVID-19 crisis. He points to the importance of business having a long-term vision rooted in deliberations with its own employees and with civil society. He explains how sustainable consumption can be made mainstream and fashionable with the right government measures, reform of economic policies and supporttolocalclimateactionalignedwithnationalplans.Finally,heexplainshow all this could be funded, especially in Europe. EricPonthieuwarnsthereader:civildisobedienceduetomountingfrustrationin the face of climate inaction by governments is likely to increase. It has been non-violent up to now, but it is high time for real climate action to address youth and citizens’ concerns. I agree. Political leaders and business executives are human beings. They share our planet with almost 8 billion people. They often have children who will experience in their flesh the consequences of climate change and biodiversity loss in the coming decades. As the world economy will slowly restart after COVID-19, as huge amounts of money will be injected into the ‘recovery’, they have a unique chance to make a difference. They can recycle the old recipes, or reinvent a better world,cleanerandfairer,wheretheyoungpeopleoftodaywillbehappytolivein. This book will inspire them. Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Professor, UCLouvain, Former IPCC Vice-chair, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. -o- Weareatacriticaljuncturefortheclimatecrisis.COVIDhasexposedthefragility of many decision-making processes and much ‘conventional wisdom’ about the marchofglobalisation.Andtherecessionisbringingtheneedfora‘fair’transition into sharp relief. COVID has also shown, however, how behaviours can change overnight. Amidst this disruption, the need to galvanise all sides to tackle climate change could not be greater. This book provides a call to action and comprehensive set of steps for gov- ernments, businesses and communities to forge a new social contract. It explores how this can be shaped by ongoing deliberative engagement between people and decision-makers, including at a local level, in a way that looks for synergies and balancedoutcomes.Theimplicationsofthisgobeyondclimatetohowtoreconnect politics with long-term public interests. x Forewords Technologicalbarrierstodecarbonisationaresmallcomparedtotheinstitutional, cultural and behavioural issues that need to be addressed. The book identifies the transformationsingovernance,partnershipsandcommunicationsthatcandothis.It emphasisestheimportanceofdevelopinganinspirationalnarrativetohelpallsides understandthatcaringfortheclimateisgoodfortheeconomyandsociety—aswell asthenaturalworld.Ensuringjobsandco-benefitsresonatewithlocalcommunities andmakingchangeeasyandfun,sothatpeoplehaveasenseofagencyandbelieve a positive future is possible, are essential for public acceptability. Somecompaniesarealreadyconsideringwhattheir‘LicencetoOperate’means inanetzeroworld.However,thereismoretodotoensuresuchchangesshapeall businessmodelsandcoreprocesses.Thebookposesimportantquestionsaboutthe macroeconomic reforms that need to be discussed ‘openly and without taboo’ to create the frameworks for transformative change to be mainstreamed. How to measurewell-beingandinternaliseenvironmentalcostsintopricing—inawaythat minimises the distributional impacts on those least able to pay—is key. A new set ofprinciplesfor‘regulatingforsustainability’,includingrecognisingthebenefitsof diversity and systems thinking, are needed. The Youth Climate Movement has shown that creativity and different perspec- tives can unlock stale arguments and hold governments to account. With capacity building, the convening skills and soft power of NGOs can navigate complex, interconnected systems. The local networks, knowledge and partnership expertise of community groups are essential to enact the change we need to see. COVID has taught us that the time for collaboration is now that we all have a role to play to ensure social—and natural—resilience. Climate change, like the pandemic,isfartooimportanttoleavetosomeoneelsetosortout.Thisbookshows the way. Sharon Darcy, Director, Sustainability First, London, UK.

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