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Index to Volume 68 AUTHORS Family: Using the Comer Model for Johannessen, Larry R. From Combat to Abrahamson, Royce L. See Halitin, TJ Home-Schoo! Connections. 5:313. Legacies: Novels of the Vietnam War 6:374. Appleton, Ken. Routines and the First Few Evanciew, Cheryl E.P. Maximizing Learn- Weeks of Class. 5:293 ing through Youth Apprenticeship Pro- Kean, Michael H. The National Testing Movement, Redux. 4:201 Baird, Scott. What’s New in “American” Evagnrsa,m s.H ow2a:r11d1 M. See Keiper, Robert W Kearney, C. Philip. Out with the Old/In Education: The International School of with the New—Or More of the Same? the Americas. 4:196 Fain, George. What’s New in Teaching School Finance Reform in Michigan. Bickel, Frank. Student Assessment: The Women’s History. 5:268 2:90 Project Method Revisited. 1:40 Farrell, Larry D., and James T. Girvan Keedy, John L. See Tanner, C. Kenneth. Bittner, Marie. The Constitutionality of Application of HIV/AIDS Information Kehoe, Sharon M. Looking Back on Row- Public School Community Service Pro to Realistic Situations: Ethics and Life ley: Are School Districts Overserving grams. 2:115 1:37 the Disabled under the Individuals with Blynt, Ruth Ann. Mark Making in Draw Foldesy, George, and Dan King. Strip Disabilities Act? 1:19 ing and Writing. 5:282 Search in Schools: Beyond the Bound Keiper, Robert W., and Howard M. Evans. Borba Marcelo C. What’s New in Teaching aries of the Law? 5:275 “Act Well Your Part”: Teachers and the Mathematics: Computers in the Class Fowler, William J., Jr. Issues in School Performing Arts. 1:22 room. 6:332 Finance: Introduction. 2:68 Kennedy, LindaC . See Stinespring, John A Bradshaw, Russell. All-Black Schools Pro King, Dan. See Foldesy, George vide Role Models: Is This the Solution? Galis, Susan Allan. See Tanner, C. Ken- Klausmeier, Robert L., Jr. Responsibilities neth 3:146 and Strategies of Successful Mentors Ganser, Tom. Principles for Mentor 1:27 Callan, Roger John. Early Morning Chal- Teacher Selection. 5:307 Kleinsasser, Audrey M. Assessment Cul- lenge: The Potential Effects of Chrono Garcia, Jésus. See Risinger, C. Frederick ture and National Testing. 4:205 biology on Taking the Scholastic Apti Gelfer, Jeffrey 1. See Perkins, Peggy G Koehler, Michael. Student Athletes and tude Test. 3:174 Gilman, David A., and Marie Hassett High Schools: Let’s Shift the Focus Carter, Michaei A. How to Blow a Bond More Than Work Folders: Using Portfo 3:158 Issue—Or Not, If You'd Prefer. 5:289 lios for Educational Assessment. 5:310 Koker, Mark. See Ogens, Eva M Cascio, Chuck. National Board for Profes Girvan, James T. See Farrell, Larry D sional Teaching Standards: Changing Goertz, Margaret E. The Finances of Poor Lankford, Hamilton, and James Wyckoff Teaching Through Teachers. 4:21! School Districts. 2:74 Tracking the Changing Pattern of Collins, Rhoda Powers. What's New in Greenwood, Scott C. See White. George School District Expenditures in New Middle School Science: A Problem- Greer, Bonnie B., and John G. Greer York State. 2:68 Solving Orientation. 1:4 Questions and Answers about Inclusion Leibensperger, William. What's New in Corbett, Wellesley T. See Delaney, Bruce What Every Teacher Should Know School Restructuring. 2:104. Crowley-Long, Kathleen. Resources for 68:339 , Loeffelbein, Bob. Classes Divided into Teaching White Students about Issues Greer, John G. See Greer, Bonnie B Study “Families.” 1:34 of Race. 3:134 Guthrie, James W. Do America’s Schools Cusick, Kathleen. See Vockell, Edward | Need a “Dow Jones Index”? 2:98 MacLean, Joanne C. Personal Evaluation in Education: A Model for Job-Specific Delaney, Bruce, and Wellesley T. Corbett Halitan, T.J., and Royce L. Abrahamson Criteria. 1:47 Students Serving Students: A Dropout Written or Oral Job References for New Malito, Robert T. Intergovernmental Part- Prevention Program. 1:12 Teachers? Perceptions of Superinten- nership: A Town/School Library. 1:30. DeMitchell, Todd, and Joan Stipetic. The dents. 6:372 Matthews, Doris B., and John V. Hamby. A Superintendent, the School Board, and Hamby, John V. See Matthews, Doris B Comparison of the Learning Styles of Free Speech: A Question of Loyalty Harrison, Darwin. See Woods, Cyndy High School and College/University 6:367 Jones Students. 4:257 Docheff, Dennis M. What's New in Health Hassett, Marie. See Gilman, David McAdams, Richard P. Teaching Our Education: Knowledge for Life. 1:4 Hinchey, Pat. First Things First: Clarifying Teachers: Lessons from Abroad. 6:253. Douzenis, Cordelia. Evaluation of Magnet Intentions. 4:253 McCarthy, Cameron. Contradictions of Schools: Methodological Issues and Honeyman, David S. Finances and the Identity: Education and the Problem of Concerns. 1:15 Problems of America’s School Build- Racial Absolutism. 5:297 Drake, Daniel, D. Student Success and the ings. 2:95 McDaniel, Thomas R. The Education of 379 380 The Clearing House July/August 1995 Alice and Dorothy: Helping Girls to Reynolds, Jim. Learning Style Characteris- Implications for Middle-Level Teach Thrive in School 43 tics: Implications for Tech Prep. 5:317 ers. 3:181 McGerald, James. See Nidds, John A Risinger, C. Frederick, and Jésus Garcia White, Rodney M. How Thematic Teach- McGhan, Barry. School Reform: Ain't National Assessment and the Social ing Can Transform History Instruction Bout Nuttin’ but Time. 6:337 Studies. 4:225 3: 160, McGuire, Kent. The Current Policy Debate Russell, David. Collaborative Portfolio Whittier, Gayle. “Alternative Responses to in School Finance: Why Does It Matter? Assessment in the English Secondary Literature”: Experimental Writing, 12:71 Schoo! System. 4:244 Experimental Teaching. 3:167 McMackin, Mary C. How Teachers and Wilson, Martha B. The Greenhouse Effect Sartore, Richard L. Cartoon Poetry: An Students View the Task of Report Writ A Work Experience Course for Reluc Approach to Learning Language. 1:31 ing. 2:107 tant Learners. 1:7 Schauweker, Maxwell D. A Review of McNary, Lisa D. TQ in Academe: Lessons Witcher, Ann E. Expanding School Facili from Big Business. 2119 Standards for the Assessment of Read ties: The Superintendent Holds the Key Murphy, Sharon. Revisioning Reading ing and Writing. 4:233 1:3 5 Assessment: Remembering to Learn Shadiow, Linda. See Raines, Peggy Woods, Cyndy Jones, and Darwin Harri Shannon, Patrick. Can Reading Standards from the Legacy of Reading Tests son. A Magnet for Homeless Students 4:235 Really Help? 4:229 The Thomas J. Pappas Regional Educa- Simpson, Richard L. See Myles, Brenda Myers, Miles, and Elizabeth Spalding tion Center. 2:123 Smith Educational Assessment: Local and Wyckoff, James. See Lankford, Hamilton Spalding, Elizabeth. The New Standards National Changes—lIntroduction Wyld, David C. The FMLA and the Project and English Language Arts 4-199 Portfolios: A Report on Process and Changing Demand for Substitute Teach Myles, Brenda Smith, and Richard | ers. 5:301 Progress. 4:219 Simpson. Understanding and Prevent Wynne, Edward A. Transmitting Character see Myers, Miles ing Acts of Aggression and Violence in Spoleti, Linda Higgins. Report from in Schools—Some Common Questions School-Age Children and Youth. 1:55 and Answers. 3:151 Budapest: First Impressions of Eastern Nelson, F. Howard. Conditions of Employ European Education. 3:132 Zappardino, Pamela H. FairTest: Charting ment for Teachers in the United States Report from Budapest: A Look at a Course for Testing Reform. 4:248 2:82 Gimndzium Education. 6:335 Nidds, John A., and James McGerald. Sub Stage, Elizabeth K. Assessment in Sci stitute Teachers Seeking Meaningful ce Return to the Good Old Days? TITLES Instruction in the Teacher Absence. | P1e 5| , 5s Stinespring, John A., and Linda C ‘Act Well Your Part”: Teachers and the Nourie, Barbara Livingston. Ten More Kennedy. Meeting the Need for Multi- Performing Arts. Robert W. Keiper and Truths about Teaching. 3:177 culturalism in the Art Classroom. 3:139 Howard M. Evans. 1:22 Stipetic, Joan. See DeMitchell, Todd “All Kids Can Learn”: Masking Diversity Offutt, Elizabeth Rhodes. Identifying Suc in Middle School. Carol Ann Tomlin Tanner, C. Kenneth, John L. Keedy, and cessful versus Problematic Student son. 3:163 Susan Allan Galis. Problem-Based Teachers. 5:285 Alternative Responses to Literature Learning: Relating the “Real World” to Ogens, Eva M., and Mark Koker. Teaching Experimental Writing, Experimental Principalship Preparation. 3:154 for Understanding: An Issue-Oriented Teaching. Gayle Whittier. 3:167 Tomlinson, Carol Ann. “All Kids Can Science Approach. 6:343 Accomplishing Change in Schools: The Learn”: Masking Diversity in Middle Opitz, Armand M. What’s New in the Elec Importance of Informal Teacher Lead School. 3:163 tronic Classroom. <:104 ers. Todd Whitaker. 6:356 Towers, James M., and Roger B. Peckover Peckover, Roger B. See Towers, James. M Teacher Education Advisory Commit All-Black Schools Provide Role Models Is This the Solution? Russell Bradshaw Peisch, Stephen. Listening to Music in the tees: Roles and Realities. 3:187 New Ninth Grade Program at Lawrence Tracy, Saundra J. How Historical Concepts App3l: i1c4a6t ion of HIV/AIDS Information to Academy. 6:347 of Supervision Relate to Supervisory Realistic Situations: Ethics and Life Perkins, Peggy G., and Jeffrey |. Gelfer Practices Today. 5 320 Larry D. Farrell and James T. Girvan Elementary to Middle School: Planning Vermette, Paul J. Cooperative Learning 1:37 for Transition. 3:171 Teams: Eight Suggestions for the Assessment Culture and National Testing Pollak, Judy P. A Safe Place for Stacy Novice User. 5:278 Audrey M. Kleinsasser. 4:205 Caring in the Middle School Classroom Virgil, Sharon. More Time and Choices Assessment in Science: Return to the Good 3-185 Overcome Students Resistance to Old Days? Elizabeth K. Stage. 4:215 Raines, Peggy, and Linda Shadiow. Reflec Reading. 1:52 Book Report Policies and Practices: Impli tion and Teaching he Chal Vockell, Edward L., and Kathleen Cusick Thinking Beyond the Doing. 5:271 Teachers Attitudes Toward Using cations for Middle-Level Teachers Reilly, Kathleen C. Expanding Audiences Newspapers in the Classroom. 6:359 G3e:o18r]g e White and Scott C. Greenwood Breaking the Circle of Assessment Walko, Gregory J. Japanese Lower Sec 4:240 ondary School Education: An Overview Can Reading Standards Really Help? Reising. Bob. What's New in Addressing 6:363. Patrick Shannon. 4:229 the Problems of School Violence. 5:268 Whitaker, Todd. Accomplishing Change in Cartoon Poetry: An Approach to Learning What's New in National Certifica Schools: The Importance of Informal Language. Richard L. Sartore. 1:31 tion of Teachers. 6:332 Teacher Leaders. 6:356 Classes Divided into Study “Families.” What's New in Quality Education Bob Loeffelbein. 1:34 White George, and Scott C. Greenwood 4-196 , Book Report Policies and Practices Collaborative Portfolio Assessment in the Vol. 68, No. 6 index 381 English Secondary School System Relate to Supervisory Practices Today Reform in Michigan. C. Philip Kearney. David Russell. 4:244 Saundra J. Tracy. 5:320 2:90. ‘omparison of the Learning Styles of High How Teachers and Students View the Task School and College/University Stu- of Report Writing. Mary C. McMackin Personal Evaluation in Education: A dents. Doris B. Matthews and John V 2:107 Model for Job-Specific Criteria. Joanne Hamby. 4:257 How Thematic Teaching Can Transform C. MacLean. 1:47 ‘onditions of Employment for Teachers in History Instruction. Rodney M. White Principles for Mentor Teacher Selection. Tom Ganser. 5:307 the United States. F. Howard Nelson 3-160 Problem-Based Learning: Relating the 7-29 How to Blow a Bond Issue—Or Not, If “Real World” to Principalship Prepara- onstitutionality of Public School Com- You'd Prefer. Michael A. Carter. 5:289 tion. C. Kenneth Tanner, John L. Keedy, munity Service Programs. Marie Bit Identifying Successful versus Problematic and Susan Allan Galis. 3:154. tner. 2:115 Student Teachers. Elizabeth Rhodes ‘ontradictions of Identity: Education and Offutt. 5:285 Questions and Answers about Inclusion: the Problem of Racial Absolutism Intergovernmental Partnership \ What Every Teacher Should Know. Cameron McCarthy. 5:297 Town/School Library. Robert T. Malito Bonnie B. Greer and John G. Greer ‘ooperative Learning Teams: Eight Sug- 1:30 ; 6:339 gestions for the Novice User. Paul J Vermette. 5:278 Issues in School Finance—Introduction Reflection and Teaching: The Challenge of William J. Fowler, Jr. 2:68 Thinking Beyond the Doing. Peggy ‘urrent Policy Debate in School Finance Why Does It Matter? Kent McGuire Japanese Lower Secondary School Educa Raines and Linda Shadiow. 5:271 2:71 tion: An Overview. Gregory J. Walko Report from Budapest: A Look at Gimndz- ium Education. Linda Higgins Spoleti 6:363 Do America’s Schools Need a “Dow Jones 6:335 Index”? James W. Guthrie. 2:98 Learning Style Characteristics: Implica- Report from Budapest: First Impressions tions for Tech Prep. Jim Reynolds of Eastern European Education. Linda arly Morning Challenge: The Potential 5:317 Higgins Spoleti. 3:132 Effects of Chronobiology on Taking the Listening to Music in the New Ninth Resources for Teaching White Students Scholastic Aptitude Test. Roger John Grade Program at Lawrence Academy about Issues of Race. Kathleen Crow- Callan. 3:174 Stephen Peisch. 6:347 ley-Long. 3:134 ducation of Alice and Dorothy: Helping l ooking Back on Rowley: Are School Dis- Responsibilities and Strategies of Success- Girls to Thrive in School. Thomas R tricts Overserving the Disabled under ful Mentors. Robert L. Klausmeier, Jr. McDaniel. 1:43 the Individuals with Disabilities Educa- 1:27. ducational Assessment: Local and tion Act? Sharon M. Kehoe. 1:19 Review of Standards for the Assessment of National Changes—lIntroduction. Miles Reading and Writing. Maxwell D. Myers and Elizabeth Spalding. 4:199 Magnet for Homeless Students: The Schauweker. 4:233 Elementary to Middle School: Planning Thomas J. Pappas Regional Education Revisioning Reading Assessment: for Transition. Peggy G. Perkins and Center. Cyndy Jones Woods and Darwin Harrison. 2:123. Remembering to Learn from the Legacy Jeffrey 1. Gelfer. 3:171 of Reading Tests. Sharon Murphy Evaluation of Magnet Schools: Method- Mark Making in Drawing and Writing. 4:240 ological Issues and Concerns. Cornelia Ruth Ann Blynt. 5:282 Routines and the First Few Weeks of Douzenis. 1:15 Maximizing Learning through Youth School. Ken Appleton. 5:293 Expanding Audiences: Breaking the Circle Apprenticeship Programs. Cheryl E. P. of Assessment. Kathleen C. Reilly Evanciew. 2:111 Safe Place for Stacy: Caring in the Middle 240 Meeting the Need for Multiculturalism in School Classroom. Judy P. Pollak. Expanding School Facilities: The Superin- the Art Classroom. John A. Stinespring 3:185 tendent Holds the Key. Ann E. Witcher and Linda C. Kennedy. 3:139 School Reform: Ain’t "Bout Nuttin’ but 1:35 More Than Work Folders: Using Portfolios Time. Barry McGhan. 6:337. for Eductional Assessment. David A Strip Search in Schools: Beyond the FairTest: Charting a Course for Testing Gilman and Marie Hassett. 5:316 Boundaries of the Law? George Foldesy Reform. Pamela H. Zappardino. 4:248 More Time and Choices Overcome Stu- and Dan King. 5:275 Finances and the Problems of America’s dents’ Resistance to Reading. Sharon Student Assessment: The Project Method School Buildings. David S. Honeyman Virgil. 1:53. Revisited. Frank Bickel. 1:40. 2-95 Student Athletes and High Schools: Let’s Finances of Poor School Districts. Mar National Assessment and the Social Stud- Shift the Focus. Michael Koehler. garet E. Goertz. 2:74 ies. C. Frederick Risinger and Jésus 3:158. Garcia. 4:225. First Things First: Clarifying Intention. Pat Student Success and the Family: Using the National Board for Professional Teaching Hinchey. 4:253 Comer Model for Home-School Con- FMLA and the Changing Demand for Sub- Standards: Changing Teaching through nections. 5:313. stitute Teachers. David C. Wyld. 5:301 NatiToenacahle rs. TeCshtuicngk CaMscoivoe. me4n:t2,11 . Redux. Students Serving Students: A Dropout- From Combat Legacies: Novels of the Prevention Program. Bruce Delaney and Michael H. Kean. 4:201 Vietnam War. Larry R. Johannessen Wellesley T. Corbett. 1:12. New Standards Project and English Lan- 6:374 guage Arts Portfolios: A Report on Substitute Teachers: Seeking Meaningful Instruction in the Teacher’s Absence. Greenhouse Effect: A Work Experience Process and Progress. Elizabeth Spald- John A. Nidds and James McGerald. Course for Reluctant Learners. Martha ing. 4:215 1:25. B. Wilson. 1:7 Out with the Old/In with the New—Or Superintendent, the School Board, and How Historical Concepts of Supervision More of the Same? School Finance Free Speech: A Question of Loyalty 382 The Clearing House July/August 1995 Todd DeMitchell and Joan Stipetic State. Hamilton Lankford and James What’s New in Middle School Science: A 6:367 Wyckoff. 2:78 Problem-Solving Orientation. Rhoda Transmitting Character in Schools—Some Powers Collins. 1:4. Teacher Education Advisory Committee Common Questions and Answers What's New in National Certification of Roles and Realities. James M. Towers Edward A. Wynne. 3:151 Teachers. Bob Reising. 6:332. and Roger B. Peckover. 3:187 What's New in Quality Education. R.W. Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Using News Understanding and Preventing Acts of (Bob) Reising. 4:196. papers in the Classroom. Edward | Aggression and Violence in School-Age What’s New in School Restructuring. Vockell and Kathleen Cusick. 6:359 Children and Youth. Brenda Smith William Leibensperger. 2:104 Teaching for Understanding: An Issue-Ori Myles and Richard L. Simpson. 1:55 What's New in Teaching Mathematics ented Science Approach. Eva M. Ogens and Mark Koker. 6:343 What's New in Addressing the Problems of Computers in the Classroom. Marcelo Teaching Our Teachers: Lessons from School Violence. Bob Reising. 5:268 C. Borba. 6:332 Abroad. Richard P. McAdams. 6: 353 What's New in “American” Education What's New in Teaching Women’s History Ten More Truths about Teaching. Barbara The International School of the Ameri George Fain. 5:268 Livingston Nourie. 3:177 cas. Scott Baird. 4:196 Written or Oral Job References for New TQ in Academe: Lessons from Big Busi What's New in the Electronic Classroom Teachers? Perceptions of Superinten- ness. Lisa D. McNary. 2:119 Armand M. Opitz. 2:104 dents. T.J. Halitin and Royce L. Abra Tracking the Changing Pattern of School What's New in Health Education: Knowl hamson. 6:372 District Expenditures in New York edge for Life. Dennis M. Docheff. 1:4 ee an, eneree tte. - : Wa*a ciees oms at r~ a a ty sam pa ten ag em et to ae : e 2 a ap es BT _ y e nla ae Dhp e = = ty tameo t Se re “8 Ie a be fds i e t t er ile St

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