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Index to Volume 66 AUTHORS Micropolitical Competence: How plications for Classroom Teachers. Teachers Can Change. 1:10 5:264 Alm, Duane. See Neely, Robert O. Bosch, Karen A., and Rebecca S. Driscoll, Mary. See Naftel, Margaret I. Amen, John, and Gary Reglin. High Bowers. ‘‘Count Me In, Too’’: Math School Seniors Tell Why They Are Instructional Strategies for the Eckart, Joyce A., and Sarah L. Gibson. **Stressed Out.”’ 1:27 Discouraged Learner.’’ 2:104 Using Camcorders to Improve Archbald, Douglas A. See Bosch, Karen A., and Katharine Kersey. Teaching. 5:288 Blank, Rolf K. Teaching Problem-Solving Strategies. Elias, Maurice J. See Naftel, Margaret I. Ashton, Beverly. Transition into Adult 4:228 Life: The New Zealand Experience. Bowers, Rebecca S. See Bosch, Karen A. Farris, Pamela, J., and Joanne Parke. 3:171 Brown, Robert G. Multimedia Boxes To Be or Not To Be: What Students August, Boyer P. Have You Ever Been Are More Than Just Fun. 5:315 Think about Drama. 4:231 Kicked Out of Anything? 5:260 Carlson, Susan. See Johnson, Julie. Feldlaufer, Harriet. See Hofmann, Bacon, Charles S., and Barbara J. Cates, Ward Mitchell. What’s New in FioJreo,a n DoMu.g las J. See Vockell, Edward L. Thayer-Bacon. ‘‘Real Talk’’: Enhanc- Instructional Technology: The Design Freeston, Kenneth R. Quality Is Not ing Critical Thinking Skills through Debate. 3:132 . What’s New in Instructicnal a Quick Fix. 6:344 Conversation in the Classroom. 3:181 Freid, Stephen. The Constitutionality of Bartelheim, Frederick J. Teaching for Technology: New Optical Transfer in Secondary Introductory Technologies. 6:324 Choice under the Establishment Business Courses. 3:163 Cavanaugh, M. P. Collaboration: A Clause. 2:92 Furniss, J. Markel. Teaching Ethics in Bastian, Ann. Which Choice? Whose Link between the High School and the High School. 6:327 Choice? 2:96 University. 6:335 Bazler, Judith A. ‘‘Frontiers in Chapman, Ann D., Judith J. Leonard, Gable, Robert A. See Hager, Science’’: An In-Service for Science and John C. Thomas. Co-Authoring: Jane Meeks. Teachers. 5:281 A Natural Form of Cooperative Gartin, Barbara C. See Murdick, Nikki L. Beardsley, Donna. An Early Source of Learning. 1:44 Garvey, Ruth C. See Purvis, Johnny R. Information on American Immigrants. Ciardiello, Angelo Vincent. Training Gerstein, Martin. See Reynolds, Jim. 3:159 Students to Ask Reflective Questions. Gibson, Sarah L. See Eckart, Joyce A. Belck, Nancy, and Jerry Jinks. Will 5: 312 Glenn, Charles L. What’s Really at Schools Become Families of the Connolly, Michael, Jr. How Do You Stake in the School Choice Debate? Future? 3:146 Spell Friendship? An Intergenerational 2:75 Bernhardt, Stephen A. What’s New in Spelling Bee. 5:267 Graham, Renai, and Lucy F. Townsend. Teaching English: Conversational Cooper, Lloyd G., and Susan Under- The Marriage of History and Art: A Competence. 4:196 wood. Evaluating the Use of Cooperative Learning Activity. 3:167 Blank, Mary Ann, and Cheryl Kershaw. Technology in Your Office. 4:250 Gray, Penny. See Streshley, William A. Promote School Renewal: Plan a Corwin, Thomas M. Introduction: Griffin, Robert S. How to Stay in a Rut Retreat. 4:206 Examining School Choice Issues. 2:68 as a Teacher. 5:293 Blank, Mary Ann, and Nancy Sindelar. Counts, Stephanie R., and Beverly Mentoring as Professional Develop- Lavergneau. Choice as a Vehicle for Hadfield, Oakley D., and Fred ment: From Theory to Practice. 1:22 Urban Educational Change in the Lillibridge. Can a Hands-On, Middle Blank, Rolf K., and Douglas A. 1990s. 2:79 Grades Science Workshop Have Stay- Archbald. Magnet Schools and Issues Court, Deborah. A Playful Environment ing Power? 4:213 of Education Quality. 2:81 in a Cooperative Physics Classroom. Haertling, Velda. See Renegar, Sandra L. Block, Burel. They Murdered the 5:295 Hager, Jane Meeks, and Robert A. Pigeons! The Failure of State- Cox, Charles C. III. See Bonds, Gable. Content Reading Assessment: Mandated Teacher Appraisal Systems. Charles W. A Rethinking of Methodology. 5:269 1:35 Craig, Robert P. Teen Sexual Activity Harrison, Thomas C. What’s New in Bonds, Charles W., Charles C. Cox III, and the Need for the Development of Schoo! Counseling: Multiplicity of and Lella Gantt Bonds. Curriculum the Moral Imagination. 4:225 Skills. 4:196 Wholeness through Synergistic Craig, Robert P., and Ruth Kravetz. . What’s New in School Counsel- Teaching. 4:252 Science or Aesthetics: A Journey ing: Establishing a Professional Defini- Bonds, Charles W., Lella Gantt Bonds, through Chemistry Class. 6:363 tion. 6:324 and Walter Peach. Metacognition: Crain, Carole L. See Young, Terrell. Heath, Jay A., and Jack Kreitzer. Developing Independence in Learning. Radical Writing: A Reengagement of 1:56 Dennee, Jean. Developing a Global Reluctant Writers. 4:245 Bonds, Lella Gantt. See Bonds, Perspective through Cooperative Hofmann, Joan M., and Harriet Feld- Charles W. Learning. 6:367 laufer. Involving Veteran Teachers in Bondy, Elizabeth, and Dorene D. Ross. Drake, Daniel D. Student Diversity: Im- a State Induction Program. 2:101 379 380 The Clearing House July/August 1993 Holcombe, Melinda. See Johnson, Julie. McKenzie, Barbara K. Ten Innovative Ross, Dorene D. See Bondy, Elizabeth. Uses of Video with At-Risk Students. Rowe, Robert N. Sexual Abuse Pre- lerardi, Joseph A. See Naftel, Margaret I. 4:238 vention: A Misguided Focus. 1:9 Mentell, Edward J. Facilitating Dis- Russ, Pamela. Partners in Education: A Jinks, Jerry. See Belck, Nancy. agreement. 3:165 University-Middle School Mentorship Johannessen, Larry R. A Very Hot Day: Milis, Rebecca Farris, and Judy P. Program. 5:285 Using an Opinionnaire to Promote Pollack. Collaboration and Teacher Discussion in a Literature Class. 1:47 Change in the Middle School. 5:302 Sadler, Wendell C. What’s New in Johnson, Julie, Susan Carlson, John Moloney, William I. A Public School Physical Education: Part of the Learn- Kastl, and Rose Kastl. Developing Superintendent’s Case for Choice. 2:87 ing Process. 1:4 Conceptual Thinking: The Concept Munro, Patricia. Teaching Cultural Simms, Gloria. See Johnson, Julie. Attainment Model. 2:117 Language through Writing. 4:209 Sindelar, Nancy. See Blank, Mary Ann. Johnson, Julie, Melinda Holcombe, Murdick, Nikki L., and Barbara C. Steinbrink, John E., and Robert M. Gloria Simms, and David Wilson. Gartin. How to Handle Students Ex- Jones. Cooperative Test-Review Teams Writing to Learn in a Content Area. hibiting Violent Behaviors. 5:278 Improve Student Achievement. 5:307 3:155 Stewart, R. Wayne. Lighting and the Jones, Robert M. See Steinbrink, John E. Naftel, Margaret I., Mary Driscoll, Learning Disabled Reader. 1:33 Maurice J. Elias, and Joseph A. Stoler, Robert Dennis. Perceptions of Kanpol, Barry. An Educational Chal- lerardi. Problem Solving and Decision Regular Education Teachers toward lenge: Working through a Making in an Eighth-Grade Class. Inclusion of All Handicapped Students Philosophical Contradiction. 4:241 3:177 in Their Classrooms. 1:60 Kastl, John. See Johnson, Julie. Nathan, Joe. Eight Myths about School Streshly, William A., and Penny Gray. Kastl, Rose. See Johnson, Julie. Choice. 2:71 Some Common Sense about Statewide Keedy, John L., and Alan Dale Robbins. Neely, Robert O., and Duane Alm. Testing Programs. 1:15 Teacher Collegial Groups: A Culture- Meeting Individual Needs: A Learning Swetnam, Leslie A. Media Distortion of Building Strategy for Department Styles Success Story. 2:109 the Teacher Image. 1:30 Chairs. 3:185 Nelson, J. T. A Secondary Social Kersey, Katharine. See Bosch, Karen A. Studies Methods Course. 4:223 Thayer-Bacon, Barbara J. See Bacon, Kershaw, Cheryl. See Blank, Mary Ann. Charles. Kiner, Robert W. Community Service: A Parke, Joanne. See Farris, Pamela J. Thomas, John C. See Chapman, Ann D. Middle School Success Story. 2:139 Peach, Walter. See Bonds, Charles W. Tomezak, Diane. ‘*You’d Never Under- Kravetz, Ruth. See Craig, Robert P. Perkins, Peggy G., and Jeffrey I. Gelfer. stand Anyway.’’ A Teacher Becomes a Kreitzer, Jack. See Heath, Jay A. Portfolio Assessment of Teachers. Student Again . . . and Fails. 5:261 4:235 Tooke, D. James. Student Teachers’ Lavergneau. Beverly. See Counts, Pfister, Guenter G. What’s New in Mathematical Backgrounds and At- Stephanie R. Foreign Language Teaching: En- tainment of Their Secondary Students. Lehman, Helane G. Graphic Organizers countering a Foreign Culture. 1:4 5:273 Benefit Slow Learners. 1:53 Phelps, Patricia H. The Challenge of Townsend, Lucy F. See Graham, Renai. LeNoir, W. David. Teacher Questions Building Character. 6:353 Tracy, Stephen C. Charter Schools: and Schema Activation. 6:349 ———. Bringing in the New: An Induc- Choices for Parents, Chances for Leonard, Judith J. See Chapman, Ann D. tion Ceremony for New Teachers. Children. 2:90 Lillibridge, Fred. See Hadfield, Oakley D. 3:154 Litle, James A. See Wilson, Virginia S. Pollack, Judy P. See Mills, Rebecca Underwood, Susan. See Cooper, Lloyd G. Farris. Malito, Robert T. A New Era in Pottle, Jean L. Learning through Vaughn, Susan M. See McIntosh, Negotiations. 1:51 Experience: A Workshop for Middle Margaret E. Manning, M. Lee. Seven Essentials of School Science Teachers. 6:339 Vockell, Edward L. Why Schools Fail Effective At-Risk Programs. 3:135 ———. Project SPARC: Kindling and What We Can Do About It. 4:200 Marczely, Bernadette. A Legal Update Writing in Science, 2:107 Vockell, Edward L. and Douglas J. on Sexual Harassment in the Public Purvis, Johnny R., and Ruth C. Garvey. Fiore. Electronic Gradebooks: What Schools. §:329 Components of an Effective Substitute Current Programs Can Do for Martin, Edward G., and Fredric L. Teacher Program. 6:370 Teachers. 2:141 Mayerson. A View from the Back of ———. Electronic Test Generators: the Room: Videotaping Teachers in Reglin, Gary. See Amen, John. What Current Programs Can Do for Action. 2:114 Renegar, Sandra L., and Velda Haert- Teachers. 6:356 Martin, J. Ernest. Gifted Behaviors— ling. Cooperative Learning in Seventh- Excellence for All. 1:37 Grade Literature Groups. 4:218 Wall, Allen. How Teacher Location in Mayerson, Fredric. See Martin, Edward G. Reynolds, Jim, and Martin Gerstein. the Classroom Can Improve Students’ McBride, Ron, and Stephanie Knight. Learning Style Characteristics: An In- Behavior. 5:299 Identifying Teacher Behaviors during troductory Workshop. 2:122 Wesson, Linda Hampton. What’s New Critical-Thinking Tasks. 6:374 Riechard, Donald E. Risk Alert: An in Vocational Education: Tech Prep. McCullough, Deanne. See Young, Educator’s Brief on Dangerous Plants. 4:196 Terrell. 3:151 White, Rodney M. Teaching History McDaniel, Thomas R. See No Evil. Righi, Carol. Scab! Crossing the Picket Using the Short Story. 5:305 2:100 Line in a Teacher Strike. 6:332 Whitworth, Jerry. What’s New in Mcintosh, Margaret E., and Susan M. Riley, James D. Using the Proficient Special Education: An Overview. Vaughn. Extra! Extra! Unit Resource Reader Protocol to Evaluate Middle 3:132 Notebooks Put Teachers in a Bind(er). School Reading Behaviors. 1:41 Wilson, David. See Johnson, Julie. 1:19 Robbins, Alan Dale. See Keedy, John L. Wilson, Virginia S., and James A. Litle. Vol. 66, No. 6 Index 381 What’s New in Social Studies Developing a Global Perspective through Involving Veteran Teachers in a State Teaching: Change and Challenge. 1:4 Cooperative Learning. Jean Dennee. Induction Program. Joan M. Hof- Wolf, Alvin. Let’s Tell It the Way It Is: 6:367 mann and Harriet Feldlaufer. 2:101 A Realistic Approach to Teaching Developing Conceptual Thinking: The American Government. 4:211 Concept Attainment Model. Julie Learning Style Characteristics: An Johnson, Melinda Holcombe, Gloria Introductory Workshop. Jim Reynolds Young. Ramona. Sex Education in the Simms, and David Wilson. 3:155 and Martin Gerstein. 2:122 English Classroom. 6:341 Learning through Experience: A Young, Terrell A., Carole L. Crain, and An Early Source of Information on Workshop for Middle School Science Deanne McCullough. Helping New American Immigrants. Donna Beards- Teachers. Jean L. Pottle. 6:339 Teachers: The Performance Enhance- ley. 3:159 A Legal Update on Sexual Harassment ment Model. 3:174 An Educational Challenge: Working in the Public Schools. Bernadette through a Philosophical Contradic- Marczely. 6:329 tion. Barry Kanpol. 4:241 Let’s Tell It the Way It Is: A Realistic TITLES Eight Myths about School Choice. Joe Approach to Teaching American Gov- Nathan. 2:71 ernment. Alvin Wolf. 4:211 Bringing in the New: An Induction Electronic Gradebooks: What Current Lighting and the Learning Disabled Ceremony for New Teachers. Patricia Programs Can Do for Teachers. Ed- Reader. R. Wayne Stewart. 1:33 H. Phelps. 3:154 ward L. Vockell and Douglas J. Fiore. 2:141 Magnet Schools and Issues of Education CanW ora kHsahnodps -OHna,v e MSitdadylien g GrPaodweesr ?S ciOeankc-e Electronic Test Generators: What Quality. Rolf K. Blank and Douglas ley D. Hadfield and Fred Lillibridge. Current Programs Can Do for A. Archbald. 2:81 Teachers. Edward L. Vockell and The Marriage of History and Art: A The4P :a2tC1rhi3ac ilal enHg.e Pohfe lpBsu.i ld6i:n3g5 3 Character. EvaDlouuagtliansg Jt.h e FiUosree. o6f: 3T5e6c hnology in CGoroaphearma tiavned LLeuacryn inFg. TAoctwinvsietyn.d . Ren3a:i1 67 Charter Schools: Choices for Parents, Your Office. Lloyd G. Cooper and Media Distortion of the Teacher Image. Chances for Children. Stephen C. Susan Underwood. 4:250 Leslie A. Swetnam. 1:30 Extra! Extra! Unit Resource Notebooks Meeting Individual Needs: A Learning Tracy. 2:90 Styles Success Story. Robert O. Neely Chotiiconea l asC haa nVgehei clien tfhoer 1U9r9b0sa.n SEtdeupchaa-n ie PE.u t McTienacthoesrhs ainnd a SBuisnadn( erM).. MVaaruggahrne.t and Duane Alm. 2:109 Mentoring as Professional Development: R. Counts and Beverly Lavergneau. 1:19 From Theory to Practice. Mary Ann 2:79 Facilitating Disagreement. Edward Blank and Nancy Sindelar. 1:22 Co-Authoring: A Natural Form of J. Mentell. 3:165 Metacognition: Developing Independence Cooperative Learning. Ann D. Chap- ‘Frontiers in Science’’: An In-Service in Learning. Charles W. Bonds, Lella man, Judith J. Leonard, and John C. for Science Teachers. Judith A. Gantt Bonds, and Walter Peach. 1:56 Thomas. 1:44 Bazler. 5:281 Micropolitical Competence: How Collaboration: A Link between the High Teachers Can Change. Elizabeth School and the University. M. P. Gifted Behaviors—Excellence for All. Bondy and Dorene D. Ross. 1:10 Cavanaugh. 6:335 J. Ernest Martin. 1:37 Multimedia Boxes Are More Than Just Collaboration and Teacher Change in Graphic Organizers Benefit Slow Fun. Robert G. Brown. 5:315 the Middle School. Rebecca Farris Learners. Helane G. Lehman. 1:53 Mills and Judy P. Pollack. 5:302 A New Era in Negotiations. Community Service: A Middie School Have You Ever Been Kicked Out of Robert T. Malito. 1:51 Success Story. Robert W. Kiner. 2:139 Anything? Boyer P. August. 5:260 Components of an Effective Substitute Helping New Teachers. The Perform- Partners in Education: A University- Teacher Program. Johnny R. Purvis ance Enhancement Model. Terrell A. Middle School Mentorship Program. and Ruth C. Garvey. 6:370 Young, Carole L. Crain, and Deanne Pamela Russ. 5:285 The Constitutionality of Choice under McCullough. 3:174 Perceptions of Regular Education the Establishment Clause. Stephen High School Seniors Tell Why They Are Teachers toward Inclusion of All Freid. 2:92 **Stressed Out.’’ John Amen and Gary Handicapped Students in Their Content Reading Assessment: A Reglin. 1:27 Classrooms. Robert Dennis Stoler. Rethinking of Methodology. Jane How Do You Spell Friendship? An 1:60 Meeks Hager and Robert A. Gable. Intergenerational Spelling Bee. A Playful Environment in a Cooperative 5:269 Michael Connolly, Jr. 5:267 Physics Classroom. Deborah Court. Cooperative Learning in Seventh-Grade How Teacher Location in the Classroom 5:295 Literature Groups. Sandra L. Renegar Can Improve Students’ Behavior. Portfolio Assessment of Teachers. and Velda Haertling. 4:218 Allen Wall. 5:299 Peggy G. Perkins and Jeffrey I. Cooperative Test-Review Teams Improve How to Handle Students Exhibiting Gelfer. 4:235 Student Achievement. John E. Stein- Violent Behaviors. Nikki L. Murdick Problem Solving and Decision Making brink and Robert M. Jones. 5:307 and Barbara C. Gartin. 5:278 in an Eighth-Grade Class. Margaret I. **Count Me In, Too’’: Math Instruc- How to Stay in a Rut as a Teacher. Naftel, Mary Driscoll, Maurice J. tional Strategies for the Discouraged Robert S. Griffin. 5:293 Elias, and Joseph A. lerardi. 3:177 Learner. Karen A. Bosch and Rebecca Project SPARC: Kindling Writing in S. Bowers. 2:104 Identifying Teacher Behaviors during Science. Jean L. Pottle. 6:339 Curriculum Wholeness through Critical-Thinking Tasks. Ron McBride Promote School Renewal: Plan a Synergistic Teaching. Charles W. and Stephanie Knight. 6:374 Retreat. Mary Ann Blank and Cheryl Bonds, Charles C. Cox II, and Lella Introduction: Examining School Choice Kershaw. 4:206 Gantt Bonds. 4:252 Issues. Thomas M. Corwin. 2:68 A Public School Superintendent’s Case 382 The Clearing House July/August 1993 for Choice. William J. Moloney. 2:87 Teacher Questions and Schema Acti- son. 2:114 vation. W. David LeNoir. 6:349 Quality Is Not a Quick Fix. Teaching Cultural Language through What’s New in Foreign Language Kenneth R. Freeston. 6:344 Writing. Patricia Munro. 4:209 Teaching: Encountering a Foreign Teaching Ethics in High School. Culture. Guenter G. Pfister. 1:4 Radical Writing: A Reengagement of J. Markel Furniss. 6:327 What’s New in Instructional Technology: Reluctant Writers. Jay A. Heath and Teaching for Transfer in Secondary The Design Debate. Ward Mitchell Jack Kreitzer. 4:245 Introductory Business Courses. Cates. 3:132 “Real Talk’’: Enhancing Critical Think- Frederick J. Bartelheim. 3:163 What’s New in Instructional Technology: ing Skills through Conversation in the Teaching History Using the Short Story. New Optical Technologies. Ward Classroom. Charles S. Bacon and Bar- Rodney M. White. 5:305 Mitchell Cates. 6:324 Teaching Problem-Solving Strategies. What’s New in Physical Education: Part bara J. Thayer-Bacon. 3:181 Karen A. Bosch and Katharine Kersey. of the Learning Process. Wendell C. Risk Alert: An Educator’s Brief on 4:228 Sadler. 1:4 DRiaencghearrodu. s 3:P1l5a]n ts. Donald E. Teen Sexual Activity and the Need for What’s New in School Counseling: the Development of the Moral Imagi- Establishing a Professional Definition. nation. Robert P. Craig. 4:225 Thomas C. Harrison, Jr. 6:324 Scab! Crossing the Picket Line in a Ten Innovative Uses of Video with What’s New in School Counseling: A Teacher Strike. Carol Righi. 6:332 At-Risk Students. Barbara K. McKen- Multiplicity of Skills. Thomas C. Science or Aesthetics: A Journey Harrison, Jr. 4:196 zie. 4:238 through Chemistry Class. Robert P. They Murdered the Pigeons! The Failure What’s New in Social Studies Teaching: Craig and Ruth Kravetz. 6:363 of State-Mandated Teacher Appraisal Change and Challenge. Virginia S. A Secondary Social Studies Methods Systems. Burel Block. 1:35 Wilson and James A. Litle. 1:4 Course. J. T. Nelson. 4:223 To Be or Not To Be: What Students What’s New in Teaching English: See No Evil. Thomas R. McDaniel. Think about Drama. Pamela J. Farris Conversational Competence. Stephen 2:100 and Joanne Parks. 4:231 A. Bernhardt. 4:196 Seven Essentials of Effective At-Risk Training Students to Ask Reflective What’s New in Vocational Education: Programs. M. Lee Manning. 3:135 Questions. Angelo Vincent Ciardiello. Tech Prep. Linda Hampton Wesson. Sex Education in the English Classroom. §:312 4:196 Ramona Young. 6:341 Transitiion into Adult Life: The New What’s Really at Stake in the School Sexual Abuse Prevention: A Misguided Zealand Experience. Beverly Ashton. Choice Debate? Charles L. Glenn. Focus. Robert N. Rowe. 1:9 3:17] 2:75 Some Common Sense about Statewide Which Choice? Whose Choice? Ann Testing Programs. William A. Streshly Bastian. 2:96 and Penny Gray. 1:15 Using Camcorders to Improve Teaching. Why Schools Fail and What We Can Do Student Diversity: Implications for Joyce A. Eckart and Sarah L. Gibson. About It. Edward L. Vockell. 4:200 Classroom Teachers. Daniel D. Drake. 5:288 Will Schools Become Families of the 5:264 Using the Proficient Reader Protocol to Future? Nancy Belck and Jerry Jinks. Student Teachers’ Mathematical Evaluate Middle School Reading 3:146 Backgrounds and Attainment of Their Behaviors. James D. Riley. 1:41 Writing to Learn in a Content Area. Secondary Students. D. James Tooke. Julie Johnson, Melinda Holcombe, §:273 A Very Hot Day: Using an Opinionnaire Gloria Simms, and David Wilson. to Promote Discussion in a Literature 3:155 Teacher Collegial Groups: A Culture- Class. Larry R. Johannessen. 1:47 Building Strategy for Department A View from the Back of the Room: **You’d Never Understand Anyway.”’ A Chairs. John L. Keedy and Alan Dale Videotaping Teachers in Action. Ed- Teacher Becomes a Student Again... Robbins. 3:185 ward G. Martin and Fredric L. Mayer- and Fails. Diane Tomczak. 5:261 Sete age Sade eg SE mode cong)EIS Ee thy ee « So ees a : SE= Step fel i ae nee Ma SRL i aeee RE Z at é Lane As i & aoa Ae es fa: Be = OF Pw Ta Sech Na crn :

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