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THE CLASSICAL REVIEW EDITED BY C. CAREY AND R. MAYER BOARD OF MANAGEMENT J. DIGGLE, Litt.D., F.B.A., M.A. (Chairman) (Representing the Cambridge Philological Society) Pror. J. PERCIVAL, M.A., D.Phil., F.S.A. Pror. D. M. MACDOWELL, M.A., D.Litt., F.R.S.E. (Hon. Treasurer) Pror. C. COLLARD, M.A., M.Litt. (Hon. Secretary); R.W ALLACE, B.A., M.A. (Representing the Council of the Classical Association) R. H. A. JENKYNS, M.A., M.Litt. (Representing the Oxford Philological Society) M. SCHOFIELD, M.A., D.Phil. (Representing the Council of the Classical Association) NEW SERIES VOLUME XxLIll (VOL. CVI OF THE CONTINUOUS SERIES) Published for the Classical Association by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1993 Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Toronto Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Kuala Lumpur Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne Auckland Madrid and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a trade mark of Oxford University Press © Oxford University Press 1993 Printed in Great Britain by the University Press, Cambridge New Series Vol. XLIII, No. 1, 1993 (Vol. CVII of the continuous series) TABLE OF CONTENTS Number | REVIEWS Allen, R. E. (tr.) The Dialogues of Plato, Vol. 11: The Symposium (H. TARRANT) Arnott, P. D., Taylor, D., Walton, J. M. (trs.) Euripides, Plays, Two: Hecuba, The Women of Troy, Iphigeneia at Aulis, Cyclops (E. FLINTOFF) Aubenque, P., Narcy, M. (edd.) Etudes sur le Sophiste de Platon (R. F. STALLEY) Belier, W. W. Decayed Gods: Origin and Development of Georges Dumézil’s ‘Idéologie Tripartie’’ (K. DOWDEN) Bettalli, M. (tr.) Enea Tattico, La difesa di una citta assediata (Poliorketika) (c. J. TUPLIN) Blansdorf, J. (ed.) Theater und Gesellschaft im Imperium Romanum (P. G. McC. BROWN) Blumenthal, H., Robinson H. (edd.) Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Sup- plementary Vol., Aristotle and the Later Tradition (R. W. SHARPLES) Bonanno, M. G. L’allusione necessaria: ricerche intertestuali sulla poesia greca e latina (S. GOLDHILL) Booth, J. (ed., tr.) Ovid, Amores IJ (A. R. SHARROCK) Briquel, D. L’ Origine lydienne des Etrusques (D. RIDGWAY) Brooks, J.. Thompson, D., Walton, J. M. (trs.) Euripides, Plays, One: Medea, The Phoenician Women, The Bacchae (E. FLINTOFF) Cannon, R., Walton, J. M., McLeish, K. (trs.) Sophocles, Plays, Two: Ajax, Women of Trachis, Electra, Philoctetes (E. FLINTOFF) Canto-Sperber, M. Les Paradoxes de la connaissance: essais sur le Ménon de Platon (M. J. INWOOD) Capizzi, A. The Cosmic Republic: Notes for a Non-Peripatetic History of the Birth of Philosophy in Greece (3. D. G. EVANS) Cassin, B. Nos Grecs et leurs modernes : les stratégies contemporaines d’appropriation de l'antiquité (Ss. GOLDHILL) Castano Musico, L. (ed.) Angelo Poliziano: commento inedito alle Georgiche di Virgilio (M. D. REEVE) Charlet, J.-L. (ed., tr.) Claudien, Oeuvres, Tome I: Le rapt de Proserpine (Bude) (J. B. HALL) Charpin, F. (ed., tr.) Lucilius, Satires, Tome III: Livres XXIX, XXX et fragments divers (Bude) (H. D. JOCELYN) Citroni Marchetti, S. Plinio il Vecchio e la tradizione del moralismo romano (G. 0. HUTCHINSON) Cortassa, G., Culasso Gastaldi, E. Le lettere di Temistocle, Vol. 1: Edizione critica, traduzione, note testuali e indici, Vol. 11: Il problema storico ; il testimone e la tradizione (A. J. PODLECKI) Craik, E. M. (ed.) ‘ Owls to Athens’ : Essays on Classical Subjects Presented to Sir Kenneth Dover (E. W. HANDLEY) de la Bédoyere, G. The Buildings of Roman Britain (w. 8. HANSON) de Romilly, J. The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens (Vv. A. RODGERS) Dillon, J. The Golden Chain: Studies in the Development of Platonism and Christianity (H. J. BLUMENTHAL) Dodgeon, M. H., Lieu, S. N. C. (edd.) The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226-363: a Documentary History (F. MILLAR) duBois, P. Torture and Truth (E. HALL) Edmunds, L. From a Sabine Jar: Reading Horace, Odes 1.9 (S. |.H ARRISON) Edwards, M. W. The Iliad: a Commentary, Vol. V: Books 17-20 (M. M. WILLCOCK) Eleuteri, P., Canart, P. Scrittura greca nell! Umanesimo italiano (N. G. WILSON) Emlyn-Jones, C. (ed.) Plato: Euthyphro (M. J. INWOOD) CONTENTS Fantuzzi, M. Ricerche su Apollonio Rodio: diacronie della dizione epica (A. KAHANE) Farrell, J. Vergil’s Georgics and the Traditions of Ancient Epic (N. HORSFALL) Ferrari, F. (ed., tr.) Teognide, Elegie (J. H.M OLYNEUX) Flourentzos, P. Excavations in the Kouris Valley, Vol. 1: The Tombs (H. W. CATLING) Fossey, J. M. The Ancient Topography of Opountian Lokris (G. SHIPLEY) Fréhlich, T. Lararien- und Fassadenbilder in den Vesuvstdédten: Untersuchungen zur ‘volkstiimlichen’ pompejanischen Malerei (R. LING) Furth, M. Substance, Form and Psyche: an Aristotelian Metaphysics (R. WARDY) Gazda, E. K.. (ed.) Roman Art in the Private Sphere: New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decor of the Domus, Villa, and Insula (R. LING) George, J. W. Venantius Fortunatus: a Latin Poet in Merovingian Gaul (J. B. HALL) Gioseffi, M. Studi sul commento a Virgilio dello Pseudo-Probo (M. D. REEVE) Goette, H. R. Studien zu rémischen Togadarstellungen (G. DAVIES) Gonzalez Blanco, A., Fernandez Nieto, F.J., Remesal Rodriguez, J. (edd.) Arte, sociedad, economia y religion durante el bajo imperio y la aniigtiedad tardia: homenaje al Profesor Dr D. José M* Blazquez Martinez al complir 65 afios (S. J. B. BARNISH) Grafton, A. Defenders of the Text: the Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800 (M. D. REEVE) Griffiths, J. G. Atlantis and Egypt, with Other Selected Essays (W. BURKERT) Hankinson, R. J. (tr.) Galen, On the Therapeutic Method, Books I and II (H. KING) Hartigan, K. V. Ambiguity and Self-Deception: the Apollo and Artemis Plays of Euripides (J. M.M OSSMAN) Heather, P. Goths and Romans 332-489 (3. F. DRINK WATER) Heather, P., Matthews, J. The Goths in the Fourth Century (J. F. DRINKWATER) Janko, R. The Iliad: a Commentary, Vol. IV: Books 13-16 (M. M. WILLCOCK) Jenkyns, R. (ed.) The Legacy of Rome: a New Appraisal (E. J. KENNEY) Jones, B. W. The Emperor Domitian (M. GRIFFIN) Karageorghis, V. The Coroplastic Art of Ancient Cyprus, | (H. W. CATLING) Kassel, R., Austin, C. (edd.) Poetae Comici Graeci (PCG), Vol. Il: Agathenor — Aristonymus (R. HUNTER) Kurke, L. The Traffic in Praise: Pindar and the Poetics of Social Economy (E. ROBBINS) Lefkowitz, M. R. First-Person Fictions: Pindar’s Poetic ‘I’ (E. ROBBINS) Lo Monaco, F. (ed.) Angelo Poliziano : commento inedito ai Fasti di Ovidio (M. D. REEVE) Love, J. R. Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations of Roman Civilization (H. M. PARKINS) Marenghi, G. (ed., tr.) [Aristotele], Profumi e miasmi (R. Ww. SHARPLES) Migliori, M. Dialettica e verita: commentario filosofico al ‘Parmenide’ di Platone (M. J. INWOOD) Mikalson, J. D. Honor thy Gods: Popular Religion in Greek Tragedy (H. YUNIS) Millett, P. Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens (E. M. HARRIS) Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali/Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pom- pei/IBM Rediscovering Pompeii (4th edition) (H. M. PARKINS) Missiou, A. The Subversive Oratory of Andokides : Politics, Ideology and Decision-Making in Democratic Athens (S. C. TODD) Molho, A., Raaflaub, K., Emlen, J. (edd.) City-States in Classical Antiquity and Medieval Italy (F. MILLAR) Nees, L. A Tainted Mantle: Hercules and the Classical Tradition at the Carolingian Court (A. B. E. HOOD) Nussbaum, M. C., Rorty, A. O. (edd.) Essays on Aristotle's De Anima (P. M. HUBY) Pani, M. (ed.) Continuitda e trasformazioni fra Repubblica e Principato: istituzioni, politica, societa (C. EDWARDS) Planinc, Z. Plato’s Political Philosophy: Prudence in the Republic and the Laws (R. F. STALLEY) Pritchett, W. K. Studies in Ancient Greek Topography, Vols. V1, VII (G. SHIPLEY) Race, W. H. Style and Rhetoric in Pindar’s Odes (E. ROBBINS) Radici Colace, P., Caccamo Caltabiano, M. (edd.) Atti del I Seminario di Studi sui lessici tecnici greci e latini (Messina, 8-10 marzo 1990) (D. R. LANGSLOW) CONTENTS Raphael, F., McLeish, K. (trs.) Aeschylus, Plays, Vols. | and 2 (£. FLINTOFF) Rea, J. R. (ed.) The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Vol. LVI (G. WAGNER) Reynolds, L. D. (ed.) C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Iugurtha, Historiarum Fragmenta Selecta, Appendix Sallustiana (Oxford Classical Texts) (S. P. OAKLEY) Rose, P. W. Sons of the Gods, Children of Earth: Ideology and Literary Form in Ancient Greece (E. HALL) Russo, J., Fernandez-Galiano, M., Heubeck, A. A commentary on Homer’s Odyssey, Vol. III: Books xvii-xxiv (E. K. BORTHWICK) Sallares, R. The Ecology of the Ancient Greek World (3. SALMON) Saunders, T.J. Plato’s Penal Code: Tradition, Controversy, and Reform in Greek Penology (M. GAGARIN) Schiappa, E. Protagoras and Logos: a Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric (Vv. A. RODGERS) Schilling, R. (ed., tr.) Ovide, Les Fastes, Tome I: Livres I-III (Bude) (E. 3. KENNEY) Schlam, C.C. The Metamorphoses of Apuleius: on Making an Ass of Oneself (s. 3. HARRISON) Schofield, M. The Stoic Idea of the City (A. ERSKINE) Sharples, R. W. (ed., tr.) Cicero, On Fate (‘De Fato’) and Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy /V.5—7, V (‘Philosophiae Consolationis’) (A. E. SAMUELS) Stadter, P. A. (ed.) Plutarch and the Historical Tradition (3. MOLES) Sullivan, R. D. Near Eastern Royalty and Rome, 100-30 BC (D. BRAUND) Taylor, D. (tr.) Sophocles, The Theban Plays (E. FLINTOFF) Taylor, D. (tr.) Euripides, The War Plays : \phigenia at Aulis, The Women of Troy, Helen (E. FLINTOFF) Thomsen, O. Ritual and Desire: Catullus 61 and 62 and Other Ancient Documents on Wedding and Marriage (M. J. EDWARDS) van Northwick, T. Somewhere I Have Never Travelled: the Second Self and the Hero's Journey in Ancient Epic (M. J. CLARKE) Van Wees, H. Status Warriors: Violence and Society in Homer and History (D. L. CAIRNS) Watson, L. Arae: the Curse Poetry of Antiquity (S. PULLEYN) Zwierlein, O. Zur Kritik und Exegese des Plautus, Vol. 1: Poenulus und Curculio (A. s. GRATWICK) NOTICES Acta symposii latini de lingua latina vinculo Europae (R. P. H. GREEN) Allen, M. J. B. (ed., tr.) Icastes: Marsilio Ficino’s Interpretation of Plato’s Sophist (L. SIORVANES) Bailey, D. R. S. (tr.) Cicero, Back from Exile : Six Speeches upon his Return (D. H. BERRY) Bailey, D. R. S. Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature (Second edition) (R. G. LEW1S) Bell, A. A., Jr., Allis, J. B. Resources in Ancient Philosophy: an Annotated Bibliography of Scholarship in English, 1965—1989 (3. BARNES) Bingen, J. Pages d’épigraphie grecque: Attique-Egypte (1952-1982) (D. M. LEWIS) Blazquez, J. M. Urbanismo y Sociedad en Hispania (3. M. ALONSO-NUNEZ) Blum, R. Kallimachos: the Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography (R. HUNTER) Brijder, H. A. G. Siana Cups, Vol. Il: the Heidelberg Painter (E. MOIGNARD) Brisson, L. (tr.) Platon: Timée, Critias (R. F. STALLEY) Brodersen, K. (ed., tr.) Reisefiihrer zu den Sieben Weltwundern: Philon von Byzanz und andere antike Texte (0. A. W. DILKE) Caerols, J. J. Helanico de Lesbos, Fragmentos (D. FEHLING) Clausen, W. V. (ed.) A. Persi Flacci et D. Iuni Iuvenalis Saturae (Second edition) (Oxford Classical Texts) (M. D. REEVE) Davis, G. Polyhymnia: the Rhetoric of Horatian Lyric Discourse (R. MAYER) CONTENTS Deplazes, N. Der griechische Dativ Plural und oblique Dual untersucht anhand des diltesten inschriftlichen Materials sowie ausgewdahlter Literatur (G. R. HART) Dillon, J., Hershbell, J. Jamblichus: On the Pythagorean Way of Life (G. CLARK) Dominguez Monedero, A. J. La polis y la expansion colonial griega (Siglos VIII-V1) (A. J. GRAHAM) Ferber, R. Die Unwissenheit des Philosophen oder Warum hat Plato die ‘ungeschriebene Lehre’ nicht geschrieben? (G. B. KERFERD) Forsén, B. Lex Licinia Sextia de modo agrorum — Fiction or Reality? (J. BRISCOE) Gershenson, D. E. Apollo the Wolf-God (3. 8.M ARCH) Gill, D. Greek Cult Tables (B. A. SPARKES) Greene, M. T. Natural Knowledge in Preclassical Antiquity (G. E. R. LLOYD) Hensellek, W., Schilling, P. Specimina eines Lexicon Augustinianum (SLA), 6 (M. WINTERBOTTOM) Hinard, F., Royo, M. (edd.) Rome: l’espace urbain et ses représentations (R. LAURENCE) Imbraguglia, G., et al. Index Empedocleus (J. BARNES) Inwood, B. (ed., tr.) The Poem of Empedocles (G. E. R. LLOYD) Karavites, P. Promise-Giving and Treaty-Making: Homer and the Near East (P. WALCOT) Keppie, L. Understanding Roman Inscriptions (A. LINTOTT) Kindstrand, J. F. (ed.) Gnomica Basileensia (M. B. TRAPP) Knoefel, P. K., Covi, M. C. A Hellenistic Treatise on Poisonous Animals (the *‘ Theriaca’ of Nicander of Colophon) (3. A. RICHMOND) Korn, M., Tschiedel, H. J. Ratis omnia vincet: Untersuchungen zu den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus (D. C. FEENEY) Leonhardt, J. Phalloslied und Dithyrambos : Aristoteles tiber den Ursprung des griechischen Dramas (R. SEAFORD) Lohr, C. Pseudo-Philoponus : Expositiones in omnes XIV Aristotelis libros Metaphysicos, iibersetzt von Franciscus Patritius (L. SIORVANES) Lopez Eire, A. Atico, Koiné y Aticismo: estudios sobre Aristéfanes y Libanio (Ss. Cc. COLVIN) Lo Porto, F. G. Timmari: l’abitato, le necropoli, la stipe votiva (F. R. SERRA RIDGWAY) Ludlam, I. Hippias Major: an Interpretation (M. J. O'BRIEN) Malcolm, J. Plato on the Self-Predication of Forms: Early and Middle Dialogues (R. 1. WINTON) Mansfeld, J. Studies in the Historiography of Greek Philosophy (R. 1. WINTON) Martin Garcia, F., Rospide Lopez, A. Index mythiamborum Babrii (3. VA10) Neumeister, C. Das antike Rom: ein literarischer Stadtfiihrer (N. HORSF ALL) Nicolet-Croizat, F. (ed., tr.) Tite-Live, Histoire romaine, Tome xv, Livre XXV (Bude) (P. G. WALSH) Orsi, D. P. L’alleanza acheo-macedone : studio su Polibio (F. Ww. WALBANK) Pesce, D. I] Platone di Tubinga, e duo studi sullo stoicismo (H. TARRANT) Pleket, H. W., Stroud, R.S. (edd.) Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum XXXVIII (D. M. LEWIS) Porter, S. E. (ed.) The Language of the New Testament (R. B. EDWARDS) Pothoff, A. Lateinische Kleidungsbezeichnungen in synchroner und diachroner Sicht (G. R. HART) Quijada, M. La composicion de la tragedia tardia de Euripides (E. M. CRAIK) Rapisarda, C. A. (ed.) Censorini De die natali liber ad Q. Caerellium (M. WINTER- BOTTOM) Raubitschek, A. E. The School of Hellas: Essays on Greek History, Archaeology and Literature (C. J. TUPLIN) Regali, M. (ed., tr.) Macrobio, Commento al Somnium Scipionis, Libro I] (B. C. BARKER- BENFIELD) Riemer, P. Sophokles, Antigone — Gétterwille und menschliche Freiheit (3. M. MOSSMAN) Rollins, A. Rome in the Fourth Century A.D.: an Annotated Bibliography with Historical Overview (J. CURRAN) CONTENTS Sacconi, A. L’avventura archeologica di Francesco Morosini ad Atene (1687-1688) (R. STONEMAN) Santelia, S. Charition Liberata (P. Oxy. 413) (E. FANTHAM) Shotter, D. Augustus Caesar (C. EDWARDS) Siedentopf, H.B. Alt-Agina IV, 2: Mattbemalte Keramik der Mittleren Bronzezeit (O. T. P. K. DICKINSON) Slavitt, D. R. Virgil (N. HORSFALL) Syme, R. Roman Papers, Vols. V1, VII (D. BRAUND) Thomsen, D. ‘ Techne’ als Metapher und als Begriff der sittlichen Einsicht : zum Verhdltnis von Vernunft und Natur bei Platon und Aristoteles (Pp. M. HUBY) Urban, R. Der Kénigsfrieden von 387/86 v. Chr.: Vorgeschichte, Zustandekommen, Ergebnis und politische Umsetzung (R. SEAGER) Van der Horst, P. W. Ancient Jewish Epitaphs: an Introductory Survey of a Millenium of Jewish Funerary Epigraphy (300 BCE-700 CE) (3. GEIGER) Vilatte, S. L’Insularité dans la pensée grecque (Ss. GOLDHILL) Vivante, P. The Iliad: Action as Poetry (M. W. EDWARDS) Walker, S. Roman Art (G. DAVIES) Wallinger, E. Die Frauen in der Historia Augusta (G. CLARK) Walsh, P. G. (ed., tr.) Livy Book XXXVI (191 B.C.) (S. P. OAKLEY) Wehrle, W. T. The Satiric Voice: Program, Form and Meaning in Persius and Juvenal (F. JONES) Yarden, L. The Spoils of Jerusalem on the Arch of Titus (G. DAVIES) CORRECTION CORRESPONDENCE BOOKS RECEIVED Number 2 REVIEWS Ahl, F. Sophocles’ Oedipus: Evidence and Self-Conviction (3. M.M OSSMAN) Alonso-Nufiez, J. M. La historia universal de Pompeyo Trogo: coordenadas espaciales y temporales (J. MOLES) ; Amat, J. (ed., tr.) Calpurnius Siculus, Bucoliques, Pseudo-Calpurnius, Eloge de Pison (Bude) (N. HORSFALL) Andreae, B. Phyromachos- Probleme (R. A. TOMLINSON) Annas, J. E. Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind (A. SAMUELS) Astin, A. E., Walbank, F. W., Frederiksen, M. W., Ogilvie, R. M. (edd.) Cambridge Ancient History, VIII (Second edition) (3. S. RICHARDSON) Barnish, S. J. B. (tr.) Cassiodorus, Variae (S. CORCORAN) Bariman, E. Ancient Sculptural Copies in Miniature (J. SPIER) Belfiore, E. S. Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plet and Emotion (S. HALLIWELL) Berti, F. (ed.) Dionysos: mito e mistero, Atti del Convegno internazionale, Comacchio 3-5 novembre 1989 (F. R. SERRA RIDGWAY) Berti F., Gasparri, C. (edd.) Dionysos: mito e mistero (Exhibition catalogue) (F. R. SERRA RIDGWAY) Billows, R. A. Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hellenistic State (P.s. DEROW) Biraud, M. (ed.) Etudes de syntaxe du grec classique: recherches linguistiques et applications didactiques (S. C. COLVIN) Biraud, M. La Détermination du nom en grec classique (S. C. COLVIN) CONTENTS Biville, F. Graphie et prononciation des mots grecs en latin (3. H. W. PENNEY) Biville, F. Les Emprunts du latin au grec: approche phonétique, I (J. H. W. PENNEY) Birge, D. E., Kraynak, L. H., Miller, S.G. Excavations at Nemea: Topographical and Architectural Studies: the Sacred Square, the Xenon, and the Bath (Cc. MORGAN) Béhme, R. Der Lykomide: Tradition und Wandel zwischen Orpheus und Homer (R. GORDON) Borgeaud, P. (ed.) Orphisme et Orphée, en Thonneur de Jean Rudhardt (R. GORDON) Borzsak, S. (ed.) Cornelius Tacitus, 1.1, Annales I-VI (Teubner) (R. H. MARTIN) Bottini, A. Archeologia della salvezza: l’escatologia greca nelle testimonianze archeologiche (F.R. SERRA RIDGWAY) Bragantini, I. (ed.) Ricerche archeologiche a Napoli: lo scavo di Palazzo Corigliano, I (C. J. SMITH) Braswell, B. K. A commentary on Pindar Nemean One (S. INSTONE) Braund, S. (tr.) Lucan, Civil War (R. MAYER) Broccia, G. Prolegomeni all’ “‘Omero latino” (H. D. JOCELYN) Cairns, D. L. Aidos: the Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature (M. J. EDWARDS) Cameron, A. Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: the Development of Christian Discourse (G. CLARK) Campbell, D. A. (ed., tr.) Greek Lyric, 4, Bacchylides, Corinna and Others (Loeb) (M. L. WEST) Chadwick, J., Godart, L., Killen, J. T., Olivier, J. P., Sacconi, A., Sakellarakis, J. A. (edd.) Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos, 11 (1604-4495) (H. VAN EFFENTERRE) Clarke, J.R. The Houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C—A.D. 250: Ritual, Space and Decoration (3. DELAINE) Cole, T. Pindar’s Feasts or the Music of Power (S. INSTONE) Copenhaver, B. P. (tr.) Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius (J. G. GRIFFITHS) Criniti, N. (ed., tr.) La Tabula Alimentaria di Veleia (3. R. SALLARES) De Natale, S. Pontecagnano II: la necropoli di S. Antonio: Propr. EC1, 2 (Cc. 3. SMITH) Dettori, E. L’interlocuzione difficile : corifeo dialogante nel dramma classico (R. HAWLEY) Diaz Cintora, S. (ed., tr.) Tito Calpurnio Siculo, Eglogas (N. HORSFALL) Dilts, M. R. (ed.) Scholia in Aeschinem (Teubner) (D. MsM ACDOWELL) Dise, R. L. Cultural Change and Imperial Administration: the Middle Danube Provinces of the Roman Empire (3. W1LKES) Dixon, K. E., Southern, P. The Roman Cavalry from the First to the Third Century AD (L. KEPPIE) Dixon, S. The Roman Family (3. F. GARDNER) DG6ring, K., Wohrle, G. (edd.) Antike Naturwissenschaft und ihre Rezeption, Band I und IT (G. R. LLOYD) Drinkwater, J. F., Elton, H. (edd.) Fifth-Century Gaul: a Crisis of Identity? (N. B. MCLYNN) Duchéne, H. La Stéle du port: Fouilles du port 1, Recherches sur une nouvelle inscription Thasienne (D. M. LEWIS) Duhoux, Y. Le Verbe grec ancien: éléments de morphologie et de syntaxe historiques (A. C. MOORHOUSE) Ebert, T. Dialektiker und friihe Stoiker bei Sextus Empiricus (3. BARNES) Fantham, E. (ed.) Lucan, De Bello Civili, Book IT (R. MAYER) Faraone, C. A. Talismans and Trojan Horses: Guardian Statues in Ancient Greek Myth and Ritual (R. PARKER) Favrod, J. (ed., tr.) La Chronique de Marius d Avenches (455-581) (i. N. WOOD) Fleischer, R. Studien zur Seleukidischen Kunst, 1, Herrscherbildnisse (R. A.T OMLINSON) Ford, A. Homer: the Poetry of the Past (M. 3. ALDEN) Fornara, C. W., Samons II, L. J. Athens from Cleisthenes to Pericles (R. A. KNOX) Frings, I. Gesprdch und Handlung in der Thebais des Statius (P. HARDIE) Frings, I. Odia fraterna als manieristisches Motiv: Betrachtungen zu Senecas Thyest und Statius’ Thebais (P. HARDIE) Frizell, B.S. (ed.) Arte militare e architettura nuragica: Nuragic Architecture in its CONTENTS Military, Territorial and Socio-economic Context, Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on Nuragic Architecture at the Swedish Institute in Rome, 7-9 December 1989 (D. RIDGWAY) Gager, J. G. Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancient World (B. C. DIETRICH) Georgoudi, S. Des Chevaux et des boeufs dans le monde grec: réalités et représentations animaliéres a partir des livres XVI et XVII des Géoponiques (K. D. WHITE) Gransden, K. W. (ed.) Virgil, Aeneid Book XI (D. E. HILL) Gruen, E. S. Studies in Greek Culture and Roman Policy (T. H. TARVER) Halfwassen, J. Der Aufstieg zum Einen: Untersuchengen zu Platon und Plotin (3. BUSSANICH) Hardy, D. A. et al. (edd.) Thera and the Aegean World III, Proceedings of the Third International Congress, Santorini, Greece, 3-9 September 1989, 1-3 (N. POSTLETHWAITE) Harrison, S. J. (ed., tr.) Vergil Aeneid 10 (D. E. HILL) Hedreen, G. M. Silens in Attic Black-figure Vase-painting: Myth and Performance (a. JOHNSTON) Hose, M. Studien zum Chor bei Euripides, 2 (D. BAIN) Jal, P. (ed., tr.) Tite-Live, Histoire romaine, XVI, Livre XXVI (s. P. OAKLEY) Kase, E. W., Szemler, G. J., Wilkie, N.C., Wallace, P. W. (edd.) The Great Isthmus Corridor Route: Explorations of the Phokis-Doris Expedition, 1 (3. SALMON) Keaveney, A. Lucullus: a Life (N. B. RANKOV) Kennedy, G.A. (tr.) Aristotle, On Rhetoric, a Theory of Civic Discourse (S. VAN NOORDEN) Kenny, A. Aristotle on the Perfect Life (M. B. TRAPP) Kloft, H. Die Wirtschaft der griechisch-rémischen Welt (Ss. VON REDEN) Kraemer, R. S. Her Share of the Blessings: Women’s Religions among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World (R. HAWLEY) Kramer, B. (ed.) Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XVIII (D. W. RATHBONE) Kudlien, F. Sklaven-Mentalitat im Spiegel antiker Wahrsagerei (Ss. VON REDEN) Kunze, E. Beinschienen (A. M.S NODGRASS) Lesher, J. H. (ed., tr.) Xenophanes of Colophon: Fragments (#. R. PICKERING) Lloyd, G.E.R. Methods and Problems in Greek Science: Selected Papers (H.B. GOTTSCHALK) Loomis, W. T. The Spartan War Fund: IG V 1,1] and a New Fragment (P. CARTLEDGE) McGushin, P. (tr.) Sallust, The Histories, I, Books i-ii (J. w. RICH) Maas, M. John Lydus and the Roman Past: Antiquarianism and Politics in the Age of Justinian (S. J. B. BARNISH) Martindale, J. R. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, A.D. 527-641, THA, IIIB (J. H. W. G. LIEBESCHUETZ) Meijer, P. A. Plotinus on the Good or the One (Enneads VI,9): an Analytical Commentary (J. BUSSANICH} Movia, G. Apparenze, essere e verita: commentario storico-filosofico al “Sofista” di Platone (3. D. G. EVANS) Mueller, I. (ed.) JTEPI T2N MAQ@HMATON (rR. WALLACE) Natzel, S. A. KAéa yuvaryav: Frauen in den “ Argonautika” des Apollonios Rhodios (R. HUNTER) Oliver, J. H. Greek Constitutions of Early Roman Emperors from Inscriptions and Papyri (A. K. BOWMAN) Padel, R. In and Out of the Mind: Greek Images of the Tragic Self (R. HAWLEY) Peschlow-Bindokat, A. Die Steinbriiche von Selinut: die Cave di Cusa und die Cave di Barone (R. J. A. WILSON) Pieri, S. N. (tr.) Platone, Gorgia (H. TARRANT) Pinault, J. R. Hippocratic Lives and Legends (K.-H. LEVEN) Pomeroy, A. J. The Appropriate Comment : Death Notices in the Ancient Historians (3. L. MOLES) Powell, A. (ed.) Roman Poetry and Propaganda in the Age of Augustus (R. G. M. NISBET) CONTENTS Rathbone, D. Economic Rationalism and Rural Society in Third-Century A.D. Egypt: the Heroninos Archives and tne Appianus Estate (G. WOOLF) Riddle, J. M. Quid pro quo: Studies in the History of Drugs (R. FRENCH) Robertson, M. The Art of Vase-Painting in Classical Athens (E. MOIGNARD) Romm, J.S. The Edges of the Earth in Ancient Thought (0. A. W. DILKE) Romualdi, A. (ed.) Populonia in eta ellenistica: i materiali delle necropolii (F. R. SE..RA RIDGWAY) Roselli, A. (ed.) [Aristotele] De Spiritu (R. Ww. SHARPLES) Rotroff, S.1., Oakley, J. H. Debris from a Public Dining Place in the Athenian Agora (B. A. SPARKES) Riibekeil, L. Suebica: Vélkernamen und Ethnos (3. F. DRINKWATER) Russell, D. A. (ed.) Dio Chrysostom: Orations VII, XII, XXXVI (J. MOLES) Rutherford, R. B. (ed.) Homer, Odyssey Books xix and xx (E. K. BORTHWICK) Schaaf, H. Untersuchungen zu Gebdudestiftungen in hellenistischer Zeit (R.A. TOMLINSON) Schmidt, E. A. Ovids poetische Menschenwelt: die Metamorphosen als Metapher und Symphonie (P. HARDIE) Schoohhoven, H. (ed.) The Pseudo-Ovidian Ad Liviam de Morte Drusi (Consolatio ad Liviam, Epicedium Drusi) (J. L.B UTRICA) Schréder, B. Carmina non quae nemorale resultent: ein Kommentar zur 4. Ekloge des Calpurnius Siculus (N. HORSFALL) Sijpesteijn, P. J. (ed.) Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XVIIB (D. w. RATHBONE) Small, A. M. An Iron Age and Roman Republican Settlement on Botromagno, Gravina di Puglia, Excavations of 1965-1974, 1, Il (w. H. MANNING) Soles, J. S. The Prepalatial Cemeteries at Mochlos and Gournia and the House Tombs of Bronze Age Crete (C. MEE) Studia Troica, | (Pp. WARREN) Sullivan J.P. Martial, the Unexpected Classic; a Literary and Historical Study (P. HOWELL) Taplin, O. Homeric Soundings: the Shaping of the Iliad (M. M. WILLCOCK) Thomas, R. Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (P. WALCOT) Thomasson, B.E. Legatus: Beitrdége zur rémischen Verwaltungsgeschichte (R.5. A. TALBERT) Trevett, J. Apollodorus, the Son of Pasion (K. KAPPARIS) True, M., Koch, G. (edd.) Roman Funerary Monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum, | (G. DAVIES) van Thiel, H. (ed.) Homeri Odyssea (M. J. APTHORP) Vermeule, E. D. T., Wolsky, F. Z. Toumba tou Skourou: a Bronze Age Potters’ Quarter on Morphou Bay in Cyprus (P. WARREN) Vogt-Spira, G. Dramaturgie des Zufalls: Tyche und Handeln in der Komédie Menanders (Ww. G. ARNOTT) Walbank, F. W., Astin, A. E., Frederiksen, M. W., Ogilvie, R. M. (edd.) Cambridge Ancient History, V11.2 (Second edition) (J. S. RICHARDSON) Walde, C. Hercules’ labor: Studien zum pseudosenecanischen Hercules Oetaeus (R. G. M. NISBET) Wallis, R. T., Bregmann, J. (edd.) Neoplatonism and Gnosticism (H. J. BLUMENTHAL) Weigel, R. D. Lepidus: the Tarnished Triumvir (B. RANKOV) White, M.J. The Continuous and the Discrete: Ancient Physical Theories from a Contemporary Perspective (S. LEGGATT) Will, W. Julius Caesar: eine Bilanz (3. CARTER) Worp, K. A. (ed.) Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, XVIIA (D. W. RATHBONE) NOTICES Avotins, I. On the Greek of the Novels of Justinian: a Supplement to Liddell-Scott-Jones together with Observations on the Influence of Latin on Legal Greek (D. FRENDO) Bergemann, C. Politik und Religion im spdtrepublikanischen Rom (A. KEAVENEY) Berger, S. Revolution and Society in Greek Sicily and Southern Italy (A. LINTOTT)

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