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Classical Quarterly 55.2 657—660 (2005) Printed in Great Britain 657 INDEXES Adams, J. N., neglected evidence for female Hoschele, R., Eurotas: wide or dank? A note on speech in Latin, 582 Rufinus AP 5.60 = 21 Page, 623 Alden, M.., lions in paradise: lion similes in the Jacobson, H., Aeneid 1.647—55, 650 Iliad and the lion cubs of //. 18.318—22, 335 ——, Ovid Metamorphoses 15.88—90, 651 Allan, W., arms and the man: Euphorbus, » fiere, 651 Hector, and the death of Patroclus, | Kaldellis, A., Julian, the hierophant of Eleusis, Asztalos, M., Apuleius’ Apologia in a nutshell: and the abolition of Constantius’ tyranny, 652 the exordium, 266 Kenney, E. J., on the number of books in Bakola, E., a missed joke in Aristophanes’ Ovid’s Metamorphoses: a postscript, 650 Wasps 1265—1274, 609 Knox, P. E., milestones in the career of Berry, D. H., Cicero, De Imperio Cn. Pompei Tibullus, 204 21, 309 Konstan, D., Eurotas: wide or dank? A note on Bloch, D., Aristotle, Gen. Corr. 317A11—12: an Rufinus AP 5.60 = 21 Page, 623 unnoticed gloss, 621 Lane, N., Aeschylus, Septum Contra Thebas Buszard, B., the decline of Roman 17—20, 293 statesmanship in Plutarch’s Pyrrhus-Marius, Levene, D. S., Polybius on ‘seeing’ and 481 ‘hearing’: 12.27, 627 Bydén, B., some remarks on the text of Lyne, R. O. A. M., Horace Odes book | and the Aristotle’s Metaphysics, 105 Alexandrian edition of Alcaeus, 542 Cairns, F., Catullus 45: text and interpretation, Majercik, R., Porphyry and Gnosticism, 277 . 534 Martin, G., Antipater after the Lamian War: new Collard, C., colloquial language in tragedy: a readings in Vat. gt. 73 (Dexippus Fr. 33), 301 supplement to the work of P. T. Stevens, 350 Mitscherling, J., Plato’s misquotation of the Courtney, E., Horace, Ars Poetica 414—15, 644 . poets, 295 De Jong, I. J. F., Aristotle on the Homeric Morgan, G., Martius Macer’s raid and its narrator, 616 consequences: Tacitus, Histories 2.23, 572 De Jonge, C. C., Dionysius of Halicarnassus Morgan, L., a yoke connecting baskets: Odes and the method of metathesis, 463 3.14, Hercules, and Italian unity, 190 Delcomminette, S., the fourth genus and the ——,, Spartan Tarentum? Resisting decline in other three. A note on Philebus 27a8—9, 614 Odes 3.5, 320 Diggle, J., Tibullus 2.1.45—6 and Mossman, J., taxis ou barbaros: Greek and ‘amplificatory pleonasm’, 642 Roman in Plutarch’s Pyrrhus, 498 Dillery, J., Cambyses and the Egyptian Muse, K., ‘don’t dally in this valley’: wordplay Chaosbeschreibung tradition, 387 in Odyssey 15.10 and Aeneid 4.271, 646 Dinter, M., epic and epigram—ainor herogs in Nelis, D., two Virgilian acrostics: certissima Virgil’s Aeneid, 153 signa?, 644 Egan, R. B., making water music: a O’Hara, J. J., war and the sweet life: the Gallus double-entendre in Aristophanes Pax fragment and the text of Tibullus 1.10.11, 317 1265—9, 607 O’Sullivan, P., Pindar and the statutes of Feeney, D., two Virgilian acrostics: certissima Rhodes, 97 signa?, 644 Petrides, A. K., Machon, Fr. 5, 44—5, Gow: a Finglass, P. J., autocastration or regicide? fish with a yngow, 121 Lucian, De Dea Syria 20, 629 Pitcher, L. V., narrative technique in The Lives Gowers, E., Virgil’s Sibyl and the ‘many of the Ten Orators, 217 mouths’ cliché (Aen. 6.625—7), 170 » the A team: a note on Anth. Pal. 11.437, 327 Greene, E. S., revising illegitimacy: the use of Pretzler, M., Pausanias and oral tradition, 235 epithets in the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, 343 Repath, I. D., Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Griffith, R. D., gods’ blue hair in Homer and in Cleitophon: what happened next?, 250 eighteenth-dynasty Egypt, 329 Rohrbacher, D., why didn’t Constantius II eat Guillén, L. R.-N., Aelian and Atticism. Critical fruit?, 323 notes on the text of De natura animalium, 455 Roisman, H. M., Nestor the good counsellor, 17 Classical Quarterly 55.2 © The Classical Association 2005; all rights reserved 658 INDEX Rosivach, V., notes on the Toher, M., Tillius and Horace, 183 pentakosiomedimnos’ five hundred Traill, A., Acroteleutium’s Sapphic infatuation medimnoi, 597 (Miles 1216—83), 518 Roth, U., no more slave-gangs: Varro, De re Trappes-Lomax, J. M., Virgil, Aeneid rustica 1.2.20—1, 310 10.366—7, 315 Scafoglio, G., Plautus and Ennius: a note on Tsitsiridis, S., mimesis and understanding: an Plautus, Bacchides 962—5, 632 interpretation of Aristotle’s Poetics Schironi, F., Plato at Alexandria: Aristophanes, 4.1448B4—19, 435 Aristarchus, and the ‘philological tradition’ Tzounakas, S., Persius on his predecessors: a of a philosopher, 423 re-examination, 559 Seaford, R., mystic light in Aeschylus’ Uden, J., scortum diligis: a reading of Catullus Bassarai, 602 6, 638 Sosin, J. D., unwelcome dedications: public law Welsh, J. T., the spienetic Jeno: Plautus, and private religion in Hellenistic Laodicea Curculio 216—45, 306 by the Sea, 130 West, M. L., Odyssey and Argonautica, 39 Steiner, D., for want of a horse: Thucydides Whitehead, D., Ephorus(?) on the Spartan 6.30—2 and reversals in the Athenian civic constitution, 299 ideal, 407 j Wilberding, J., Aristotle, Plotinus, and Stevenson, T., readings of Scipio’s dictatorship Simplicius on the relation of the changer to in Cicero’s De Re Publica (6.12), 140 the changed, 447 Teffeteller, A., Pindar’s three words: the role of Yates, D. C., the archaic treaties between the Apollo in the Seventh Nemean, 77 Spartans and their allies, 65 Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Cleitophon, C. Calvisius Sabinus, 208ff. 250ff. Cambyses Romance, 397ff. Ad Castores, 572ff. Canon of the Ten Orators, 226 Aelian, NA, 455ff. Carmen Naupactium, 40, 57 Aeschylus, Bassarai, 602ff.; Septum Contra Cassius Dio, 21 0ff. . Thebas, 293f. Catullus, 534ff., 638ff. Aethiopis, \f., 11ff., 58 cavalry, 407ff. Alba Fucens, 196, 198, 200 change, 477ff. Alcaeus, 542ff. Chaosbeschreibung, 390ff. Alexander Romance, 399f., 403 Christianity, 277ff. Alexandrian scholars, 423ff. Cicero, 269f.; Att., 146, 149f.; Brut., 227; De Amasis Cambyses, 387ff. Imp. Cn. Pomp., 309f.; Phil., 144f.; OF r., Anth. Pal. 11.437, 327 143, 148f.; Rep., 140ff. Antipater, 301 ff. Cimmerians, 54f. Apollonius Rhodius, 40, 44ff. City Dionysia, 415 Sff. Apuleius, Apol., 266ff.; Met., 266, 268 civic ideal, 407ff. Argonautica, 39ff. class, 126ff., 408ff., 597ff. Aristarchus of Samothrace, PAmh. 2.12., 423ff. Cleomenes, 67f., 75f. Aristides, 457f., 460ff. cliché, 170ff. Aristophanes, Pax, 607ff.; Wasps, 609ff. colloquial language, 350ff. Aristotle, Gen. Corr., 621ff.; Metaphysics, colour in ancient history, 329ff. 105ff., 440f., 445; Phys., 105, 107, 447ff.; Constantius, 652ff. Poetics, 435ff., 616ff.; Posterior Analytics, Constantius II, 323ff. 440f; Rhetoric, 436f., 440 Corinth, 68ff. armour, Sff. custom, 403ff. Athens, 66, 68ff., 123ff., 137f., 407ff., 597ff. dedication, 130ff. Attica, 66f. Delphi, 79ff. Atticism, 455ff., 476, 478, 480 Demosthenes, 472f., 479 Augustus, 191 ff. Dexippus of Athens, Fr. 33, 301 ff. Balaclava, 49ff. dictatorship, 140ff. Battle of Philippi, 183, 188, 192, 194 diet, 323ff. INDEX 659 Diogenes Laertius, 217, 221ff., 328ff.; Lives of Middle Comedy, 123 the Philosophers, 226 mimesis, 435ff., 617ff. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 195f., 219, 228f., minor heroes, 153ff. 463ff.; Comp., 463, 466, 471ff.; Dem., 469, 475 Mycenaean, 90ff. Dissoi Logoi, 100f. Nag Hammadi Library, A//ogenes, 277, 279, double entendre, 122ff., 607ff. 282, 284ff.; Steles Seth, 277, 282, 286ff.; doublets, 1f f. Zost., 277ff. Egyptian narrative, 387, 390ff. Neoanalysis, 2, 11, 13 Eighteenth-Dynasty Egyptian art, 331 ff. New Comedy, 524, 528, 530 Ennius, 632ff. Old Comedy, 519f. Ephorus, 299ff. oral traditions, 15, 235ff. Epic Cycle, 13f., 633 Ovid, 171, 179, 182, 204, 206, 214ff.; Met., 175, Epic of Gilgamesh, 39, 62ff., 340, 342 650, 651; Tr., 173, 186, 206, 214 epigram, 153ff. Parthenon frieze, 415, 417 Etymologicum Genuinum, 423ff. Pausanias, Periegesis, 235ff. etymology of character names, |f f. Peloponnesian League, 65, 67 “Eumelus’, 40, 57 pentakosiomedininos, 597ff. Eunapius, Lives, 652, 654; History, 652ff. Persius, S59ff. Euripides, Hecuba, 634ff. Philodemus, Po., 464ff. exordium, 266ff. Photius, 228, 425ff.; Bibliotheca, 219f., 222, female speech, 582ff. 229 fiere, 651f. Phrynichus, 457f., 460ff. First Peloponnesian War, 66f., 69f., 72, 248 Pindar, /sthm. 84f., 87ff.; Nem., 77ff., 103; O1., Five Years Truce, 65, 71 80, 84, 87, 89f., 98ff.; Pae., 82f., 86; Pyth., Flavius Philostratus, 117, 230; Lives of the 86ff., 98, 103 Sophists, 226, 236 Piraeus, 407ff. Gaius Gracchus, 145ff. Plato, 295ff.; Laws, 295, 297f. Gallus fragment, 317ff. Plato Comicus, Phaon, 519ff. Gnosticism, 277ff. Platonism, 277ff., 423ff., 447ff. Greek and Roman literature, 498ff. Plautus, Bacch., 632ff.; Curc., 306ff.; Miles, Greek novel, 250ff. 518ff. Greek—Roman relations, 498ff. Plotinus, 448ff. Greek tragedy, 350ff. Plutarch, Antiphon, 220; Demosthenes, 230ff.; Hellenistic cities, 130ff. Flaminius, 498, 512ff.; Life, 499, 501, 503f., Herodotus, 476f.; History, 387ff. 507, 510, 514f.; Lives, 217ff., 481ff.; Lysias, hierophant of Eleusis, 652ff. 223ff.; Mar., 481ff.; Moralia, 217; Pyrrh., Homer, 616ff.; Hymn to Hermes, 343ff.; IL, 481ff., 498ff. Iff., 17ff., 97, 102, 153ff., 171ff., 238, 329ff., Polybius, 12.27, 627ff. 335ff., 466f., 471; Od., 39ff., 99f., 296ff., Pompey, 147ff. 330ff., 630f., 646ff. Porphyry, /sag., 278,283f.; Letter to Marcella, hoplite, 409f, 414ff. 282, 289; Oracles, 280f., 290, 292; Horace, 183ff., 559ff.; Ars Poet., 644; Odes, Parm., 278ff.; Plot., 277f., 291; Sent., 278, 190ff., 320ff., 5426f. 282f illegitimacy, 343ff. private religion, 130ff. Isocrates, On the Peace, 469ff. Propertius, 204ff. Italian unity, 194ff. public decree, 130ff. Julian, 652ff. rhetoric, 225ff., 266ff. Julius Caesar, 145, 147, 149, 150ff., 183ff., 211, Roman Greece, 235ff. 213 Roman politics, 140ff., 183ff., 190ff., 204ff., Koénigsnovelle, 390ff. 481 ff. L. Tillius Cimber, 183ff. Roman statesmanship, 48 1 ff. Laodicea by the Sea, 130ff. Rufinus, AP 5.60, 623ff. lions in ancient Greece, 335ff. Sappho, 518ff., 542f., 545ff. Lucian, 457f., 460ff.; De Dea Syria, 629ff. Scipio Aemilianus, 140ff. Lucilius, 559ff. Simplicus, 451 ff. Machon, Fr. 5, 121 ff. slave-gangs, 310ff. Mantinea, 70ff., 240, 244f., 248 Socrates, Phib., 614ff. Marius Victorinus, 279, 282, 284, 287f., 290ff. Sparta, 65ff., 299ff. Martius Macer, 572ff. statues of Rhodes, 96ff. - Messalla, 206ff. Sulla, 145, 149, 151 metathesis, 463ff. Tacitus, Hist., 572ff. 660 INDEX . Tarentum, 320ff., 487ff. Vatican Library (Vat. Gr. 73), 301 ff. taxation, 136f. Via Latina, 209ff. Tegea, 72ff. Virgil, Aen., 153ff., 170ff., 194, 198f., 315ff., Thucydides, 407ff., 469, 471, 477 644ff., 646ff., 650f.; Ecl., 167f., 204, 216; G., Tibullus, 204ff., 317ff., 642f. 644ff.; Georg., 172 timai, 343, 345, 347f. war, 65ff., 126, 128, 146, 150f., 195, 200, 206ff., treaties, 65ff. 387ff., 407ff., 487ff., 572ff., 301 ff., 317ff. Varro, Rust., 197, 200, 31 0ff. Zosimus of Ascalon, 232f. CLASSICAL QUARTERLY NEW SERIES VOLUMESS = 2005 EDITORS ROBERT MALTBY MIRIAM GRIFFIN OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED FOR THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Athens Bangkok Bogata Bombay Buenos Aires Calcutta Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madras Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi Paris Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated companies in Great Britain © Classical Association 2005 CLASSICAL QUARTERLY NEW SERIES VOLSS 2005 CONTENTS www.cq.oxfordjournals.org NUMBER 1 Arms and the Man: Euphorbus, Hector and the Death of W. Allan Patroclus Nestor the Good Counsellor E. Roisman 17 Odyssey and Argonautica M. West 39 The Archaic Treaties between the Spartans arid their D. C. Yates 65 Allies Pindar’s Three Words: the Role of Apollo in the Seventh A. Teffeteller 77 Nemean Pindar and the Statues of Rhodes P. O'Sullivan 96 Some Remarks on the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics Borje Bydén 105 Machon fr.5, 44—5, Gow: a Fish with a ysjdos A. K. Petrides 121 ~ Unwelcome Dedications: Public Law and Private J. Sosin 130 Religion in Hellenistic Laodicea by the Sea Readings of Scipio’s Dictatorship in. Cicero’s De Re T. Stevenson 140 Publica (6.12) Epic and Epigram—Minor Heroes in Virgil’s Aeneid M. Dinter 153 Virgil’s Sibyl and the ‘many mouths’ cliché’ E. J. Gowers 170 (Aen. 6.625—7) Tillius and Horace M. Toher 183 A Yoke connecting Baskets: Odes 3.14, Hercules, and L. Morgan 190 Italian Unity Milestones in the Career of Tibullus P. E. Knox 204 Narrative Technique in The Lives oft he Ten Orators L. Pitcher 217 Pausanias and Oral Tradition M. Pretzler 235 Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Cleitophon: what happened I. Repath 250 next? Apuleius’ Apologia in a Nutshell: the Exordium M. Asztalos 266 Porphyry and Gnosticism R. Majercik 277 Shorter Notes Aeschylus, Septem Contra Thebas 17-20 ; N. Lane 293 Plato’s Misquotation of the Poets J. Mitscherling 295 Ephorus on the Spartan Constitution D. Whitehead 299 Antipater after the Lamian War: New Readings in G. Martin Vat. Gr. 73 (Dexippus fr. 33) The Splenetic Leno: Plautus, Curculio 216-45 J. T. Welsh 306 Cicero, De imperio Cn. Pompei 21 D. Berry 309 No more Slave-Gangs: Varro, De Re Rustica 1.2.20—21 U. Roth 310 Vergil Aeneid 10.366—7 J. M. Trappes-Lomax 315 War and the Sweet Life: The Gallus Fragment and the J. J. O'Hara 317 Text of Tibullus 1.10.11 Spartan Tarentum? Resisting Decline in Odes 3.5 L. Morgan 320 Why Didn’t Constantius Eat Fruit? D. Rohrbacher 323 The A team: A Note on A.P. 11.437 L. Pitcher 327 NUMBER2 Gods’ Blue Hair in Homer and in R. D. Griffith 329 Eighteenth-Dynasty Egypt Lions 1n Paradise M. Alden 335 Revising Illegitimacy: the Use of Epithets in the E. S. Greene 343 Homeric Hymn to Hermes Colloquial Language in Tragedy: a Supplement to the C. Collard 350 Work of P. T. Stevens Cambyses and the Egyptian Chaosbeschreibung Tradition J. Dillery 387 For Want of a Horse: Thucydides 6.30—2 and Reversals D. Steiner 407 in the Athenian Civic Ideal Plato at Alexandria: Aristophanes, Aristarchus, and the E. Schivoni 423 ‘Philological Tradition’ of a Philosopher Mimesis and Understanding: an Interpretation of S. Tsitsividis 435 Aristotle’s Poetics 4.1448b4—i9 Aristotle, Plotinus, and Simplicius on the Relation of J. Wilberding 447 the Changer to the Changed Aelian and Atticism: Critical Notes on the Text L. R.-N. Guillén 455 of De Natura Animalium Dionysius of Halicarnassus and the Method of C. C. De Jonge 463 Metathesis The Decline of Roman Statesmanship in Plutarch’s B. Buszard 481 Pyrrhus-Marius Taxis Ou Barbaros: Greek and Roman in Plutarch’s J. Mossman 498 Pyrrbus Acroteleutium’s Sapphic Infatuation (M//es 1216—83) A. Traill 518 Catullus 45: Text and Interpretation FE. Cairns 534 Horace Odes Book | and the Alexandrian Edition R. 0. A. M. Lyne 542 of Alcaeus Persius on His Predecessors: a Re-examination S. Tzounakas 559 Martius Macer’s Raid and its Consequences: G. Morgan 572 Tacitus, Histories 2.23 Neglected Evidence for Female Speech in Latin J. N. Adams Shorter Notes Notes on the Pentakosiomedimnos’ Five Hundred V. Rosivach 597 Medimnoi Mystic Light in Aeschylus’ Bassarai R. Seaford 602 Making Water Music: a Double-entendre in Aristophanes R. B. Egan 607 Pax 1265—9 A Missed Joke in Aristophanes’ Wasps 1265—1274 E. Bakola 609 The Fourth Genus and the Other Three. A Note on S. Delcomminette 614 Philebus 27a8—9 Aristotle on the Homeric Narrator I. J. E De Jong 616 Aristotle, Gen. Corr. 317A11—12: an Unnoticed Gloss D. Bloch 621 Eurotas: Wide or Dank? A Note on Rufinus R. Hoschele 623 AP 5.60 = 21 Page D. Konstan Polybius on ‘Seeing’ and ‘Hearing’: 12.27 D.S. Levene 627 Autocastration or Regicide? Lucian, De Dea Syria 20 P. J. Finglass 629 Plautus and Ennius: A Note on Plautus, Bacchides 962—5 G. Scafoglio 632 Scortum Diligis: A Reading of Catullus 6 J. Uden 638 Tibullus 2.1.45—6 and ‘Amplificatory Pleonasm’ J. Diggle 642 Horace, Ars Poetica 414—15 E. Courtney 644 Two Virgilian Acrostics: Certissima Signa? D. Feeney 644 D. Nelis ‘Don’t Dally in this Valley’: Wordplay in Odyssey K. Muse 646 15.10 and AENEID 4.271 On the Number of Books in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: A E. J. Kenney 650 Postscript Aeneid 1.647—55 650 Ovid Metamorphoses 15.88—90 651 Fiere H. Jacobson 651 Julian, the Hierophant of Eleusis, and the Abolition of A. Kaldellis 652 Constantius’ Tyranny

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