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THE CLASSIC HUNDRED P°EM5 ALL-TIME FAVORITES WILLIAM HARMON, EDITOR HERE IN ?NE V9LUME ARE THE T?P one hundred poems, as determined by a survey of more than 1,000 anthologies— the poems in English most frequently anthologized, the poemswiththe broadest, most enduring appeal. From Shakespeare to Dickinson to Frost, from sonnets to odes to villanelles, william Harmon's Classic Hundred Poems offers a feast for poetry lovers. lassie This book presents the new top one hun- dred poems, nineteen ofwhich were not in the first edition. The revised edition is arranged chronologically and features new commentary and notes on verse form, as well as an index ofthe poems in order of popularity, notes on words and proper names, and a bibliography for each poet andeach poem. Aglossaryofterms, author index, and index oftides and first lines are also included. From Keats's "ToAutumn," now ranked as the number-one poem in this collection, to George Herbert's "Virtue," in the hun- dredth spot, every poem is illuminated by HARMON'S informativenotes.Withinsights into the historical period in which each poemwaswritten, theverseformused, and connections among poems, this is the ideal introduction to poetry, as well as a treasury forthe dedicated reader. Hundred Poems ALL-TIME FAVORITES SECOND EDITION COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK BR BR PR1175 .C55 1998 Columbia University Press New York ColumbiaUniversityPress PublishersSince1893 NewYork Chichester,WestSussex Copyright © 1990, 1998ColumbiaUniversityPress Pages 359-60constituteanextensionofthiscopyrightpage.Thisbookwasfirst publishedin1990underthetideTheConciseColumbiaBookofPoetry. Allrightsreserved LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Theclassich—undredpoems : all-timefavorites/editedbyWilliam Harmon. 2nded. p. cm. Rev. ed. of:TheconciseColumbiabookofpoetry. C1990. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-231-11259-9 (paperback : alk. paper). — ISBN0-231-10974-1 (CD-ROM) 1. Englishpoetry. 2.Americanpoetry. I. Harmon,William, 1938- . II. Concise Columbiabookofpoetry. PR1175.C55 1998 — 821.008 dc2i 97-43683 e CaseboundeditionsofColumbiaUniversityPressbooksareprintedonpermanent anddurableacid-freepaper. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica DesignedbyLindaSecondari p10987654321 Contents Preface xi Anonymous i SirPatrick Spens i Edward, Edward 5 Western Wind 8 Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542) 9 TheyFleefromMe ThatSometimeDidMeSeek 10 Sir Walter Ralegh (i554?-i6i8) 12 TheNymph'sReply to theShepherd 13 Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586) 15 WithHowSadSteps, OMoon, Thou Climb'stthe Skies! 16 Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) 18 ThePassionate ShepherdtoHisLove 19 William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 21 FearNoMoretheHeat0'theSun 23 When to the SessionsofSweetSilentThought 25 LetMeNotto theMarriageofTrueMinds 26 ShallICompare Thee to a Summer'sDay? 27 TheExpenseofSpiritin a WasteofShame 28 ThatTimeofTearThouMaystinMeBehold 29 WhenIciclesHangbythe Wall 30 John Donne (1572-1631) 31 Death, BeNotProud 32 BatterMyHeart, Three-Personed God 33 Contents AttheRoundEarth'sImaginedCorners 34 The GoodMorrow 35 TheSunRising 37 A Valediction: ForbiddingMourning 39 Go andCatchaFallingStar 41 Ben Jonson (1572-1637) 43 OnMyFirstSon 44 Song: To Celia 45 StilltoBeNeat 46 Robert Herrick (1591-1674) 47 To the Virgins, toMakeMuch ofTime 48 UponJulia's Clothes 49 DelightinDisorder 50 George Herbert (1593-1633) 51 LoveIII 52 ThePulley 54 Virtue 55 Thomas Carew (1595-1639?) 56 AskMeNoMore WhereJoveBestows 57 Edmund Waller (1606-1687) 59 Go, LovelyRose 60 John Milton (1608-1674) 62 Lycidas 64 Sir John Suckling (1609-1642) 72 WhySoPaleand Wan, FondLover? 72 Richard Lovelace (1618-1658) 74 ToLucasta, Goingto the Wars 75 ToAlthea,fromPrison 76 Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) 78 ToHisCoyMistress 79 The Garden 81 Henry Vaughan (1622-1695) 84 TheRetreat 85 vi Contents Thomas Gray (1716-1771) 87 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 88 Odeon theDeath ofaFavorite Cat, Drownedin a Tub ofGoldFishes 93 William Blake (1757-1827) 95 The Tyger 96 London 98 AndDid ThoseFeetinAncientTime 100 TheLamb 102 AuguriesofInnocence 103 Robert Burns (1759-1796) 107 A Red, RedRose 108 William Wordsworth (1770-1850) no SheDweltAmongthe Untrodden Ways 112 The WorldIs TooMuch with Us 113 TheSolitaryReaper 114 Composedupon WestminsterBridge, September3, 1802 116 A SlumberDidMySpiritSeal 117 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) 118 KublaKhan 120 George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (1788-1824) 123 So, We'll GoNoMorea-Roving 12s She WalksinBeauty 126 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) 127 Odeto the WestWind 129 Ozymandias 133 To aSkylark 134 John Keats (1795-1821) 139 ToAutumn 141 LaBelleDamesansMerci 143 OnFirstLookinginto Chapman'sHomer 146 Ode to aNightingale 148 Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) 152 HowDoILove Thee?LetMe Countthe Ways 154 Contents vii Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) 155 ToHelen 156 AnnabelLee 158 Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) 161 Break, Break, Break 162 TheEagle 164 Ulysses 165 Robert Browning (1812-1889) 169 My LastDuchess 170 MeetingatNight 174 Home-Thoughts,fromAbroad 176 Arthur Hugh Clough (1819-1861) 178 TheLatestDecalogue 179 Julia Ward Howe (1819-1910) 181 TheBattleHymn oftheRepublic 182 Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) 184 DoverBeach 185 Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) 187 BecauseICouldNotStopforDeath 188 IHeardaFlyBuzz—WhenIDied 190 A NarrowFellow in the Grass 191 Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) 193 Jabberwocky 194 Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 196 TheDarkling Thrush 198 Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) 200 PiedBeauty 201 SpringandFall 203 The Windhover 204 William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) 206 TheSecond Coming 207 TheLakeIsleoflnnisfree 209 LedaandtheSwan 210 SailingtoByzantium 212 viii Contents 8 Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) 214 Non SumQualisEram BonaeSubRegno Cynarae 215 Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869-1935) 217 MiniverCheevy 21 Mr. Flood'sParty 220 Walter de la Mare (1873-1956) 223 TheListeners 225 Robert Frost (1874-1963) 227 Stoppingby Woodson aSnowyEvening 228 Mending Wall 230 T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) 232 TheLoveSongofJ.AlfredPrufrock 233 Wilfred Owen (1893-1918) 239 StrangeMeeting 240 W. H. Auden (1907-1973) 242 MuseedesBeauxArts 243 Theodore Roethke (1908-1963) 245 My Papa's Waltz 246 Randall Jarrell (1914-1965) 248 TheDeath oftheBall TurretGunner 249 Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) 250 DoNotGo Gentle into ThatGoodNight 251 EernHill 252 ARefusaltoMourn theDeath, byEire, ofa ChildinLondon 255 Notes on the Poems 257 Glossary of Technical Terms 311 Further Reading 325 The Poems in Order of Popularity 347 Index of Poets 351 Index of Titles and First Lines 355 Acknowledgments 359 Contents ix O ther Columbia University Press Poetry Publications The Topsoo Poems William Harmon, ed. (1992) The ClassicHundredPoems CD-ROM:AMultimediaAnthology William Harmon,Alice Quinn, andCindyScott, eds. (1988) The ColumbiaAnthologyofAmericanPoetry JayParini, ed. (1995) The ColumbiaAnthologyofBritishPoetry CarlWoodring andJames Shapiro, eds. (1995) The ColumbiaBook ofCivil WarPoetry RichardMarius, ed. (1994) PoetryoftheAmerican West AlisonHawthorne Deming, ed. (1996) The ColumbiaHistoryofAmericanPoetry JayParini, ed. (1995) The ColumbiaHistoryofBritishPoetry CarlWoodringandJames Shapiro, eds. (1995) The Columbia Granger's® WorldofPoetry CD-ROM^ 2nd release (1995) The Columbia Granger's®IndextoPoetry inAnthologies, nthed. Nicholas Frankovich, ed. (1997) The Columbia Granger's®IndextoPoetry in CollectedandSelected Works Nicholas Frankovich, ed. (1996) The Columbia Granger's®DictionaryofPoetryQuotations EdithP. Hazen, ed. (1992)

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