THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH A NEW TRANSLATION VOLUME 24 THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH A NEW TRANSLATION EDITORIAL BOARD Hermigild Dressler, O.F.M. Quincy College Editorial Director Robert P Russell, O.S.A. Thomas P Halton Villanova University The Catholic University of America Robert Sider Sister M. Josephine Brennan, l.H.M. Dickinson College Marywood College Richard Talaska Editorial Assistant FORMER EDITORIAL DIRECTORS Ludwig Schopp, Roy J. Deferrari, Bernard M. Peebles SAINT AUGUSTINE THE CITY OF GOD BOOKS XVII-XXII Translated by GERALD G. WALSH, S.J. and DANIEL J. HONAN THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA PRESS Washington, D.C. IMPRIMI POTEST: JOHN J. McMAHON, S.J. Provincial New York, August 15, 1953 NIHIL OBSTAT: JOHN M. A. FEARNS, S.T.D. Censor Librorum IMPRIMATUR: lie FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN Archbishop of New York November 15, 1953 Library of Congrcss Catalog' Card Ko.: 63-19613 ISBl\'-13: 978-0-8132-1563-1 (pbk) COP.vright © 1954 by THE CATHOLIC (:I\IVERSITY OF AJ\'1ERICA PRESS, IKC. fill rights reserved Second Printing 1964 Third Printing 1981 First papcrback reprint 2008 WRITINGS OF SAINT AUGUSTINE VOLUME 8 SAINT AUGUSTINE THE CITY OF GOD BOOKS XVII-XXII Translated by GERALD G. WALSH, S.]., M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D. Fordham University and DANIEL J. HONAN, S.T.L. St. Mary's Church Houlton, Maine CONTENTS BOOK SEVENTEEN Chapter Page I Concerning the period of the Prophets. . . . . 17 2 Concerning the period when God's promise touching Chanaan was made good, and how carnal Israel came to possess that land . 18 3 On the three meanings of the prophecy as related to the earthly, or to the heavenly, or to both . 20 4 How Anna, Samuel's mother, prefiguring the Church, prophesied the transformation of the Jewish king- dom and priesthood. 23 5 On the prophecy addressed by a man of God to the high priest Heli, to the effect that the priesthood of Aaron would come to an end . 34 6 The fact that the Jewish kingdom and priesthood did not endure, although they were called abiding when established, shows that it was to some other king dom and priesthood that everlastingness was prom- ised 40 7 That the breakup of the kingdom of Israel was a pre figuration of the everlasting division between the carnal and spiritual Israel . 43 8 That the promises made to David regarding his son remained unfulfilled in Solomon, but were perfectly fulfilled in Christ . 47 1 Chapter Page 9 On the similarity between the prophecy of Christ in Psalm 88 and that of Nathan in the Book of Kings 50 10 On the discrepancy between God's promises and the actual history of the earthly Jerusalem, showing that such promises envisaged a different Kingdom and another King . ........... 51 1 I In what sense the Incarnate Christ was the 'substance' of God's people, and the only one empowered to rise from the dead. . . . . . . . . . . . 54 12 On the verse, 'Lord, where are thy ancient mercies,' and the identity of those seeking redemption of the pledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 13 Whether or not the promised peace, in its true sense, can be ascribed to the days of Solomon. . . . . 59 14 On David as Psalmist; the authenticity and meaning of the Book of Psalms. . . 60 15 That the nature of this work does not call for a discus- sion of all the prophecies in the Psalms which concern Christ and His Church. . . .. 62 16 What Psalm 44 has to say, whether literally or figur- atively, concerning Christ and His Church.. 63 17 Concerning the priesthood of Christ in Psalm 109, and His Passion in Psalm 21. . . . .. 66 18 The Lord's Death and Resurrection in Psalms 3, 15, 40, and 67. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 19 On the stubborn refusal of the Jews to believe, as revealed in Psalm 68. . . . . 72 20 On the reign and fame of David, and on those proph- ecies of his son Solomon . 73 21 Concerning the Kings of Juda and Israel who suc- ceeded Solomon. . . . . . . . . . 77 22 Concerning jeroboam's idolatry, which was imposed on his people, and God's providence in inspiring Prophets who protected many of the people from the sin of idolatry . ......... 79 2