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The Church's Year of Grace. Volume III. Easter to Pentecost PDF

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Preview The Church's Year of Grace. Volume III. Easter to Pentecost

i'- \ I * ‘ / L . - tj The Church YEAR OF GRACE by DR. PIUS PARSCH TRANSLATED BY Reverend William G. Heidt, O.S.B. Reverend Rudolph Kraus 3 Volume Easter to Pentecost THE LITURGICAL PRESS ST. JOHN’S ABBEY COLLEGEVILLE, MINNESOTA NIHIL OBSTAT Joannes Eidenschink, O.S.B., J.C.D. Censor Deputatus IMPRIMI POTEST Balduinus Dworschak, O.S.B. Abbas Sancti Ioannis Baptistae IMPRIMATUR Petrus W. Bartholome, D.D. Episcopus Sancti Clodoaldi Theology Library Die26septembris’1953 SCHOOL OE THEOLOGY AT CLAREMONT California Copyright 1954 The Order of St. Benedict, Inc. Collegeville, Minnesota The Proper of the Season THE SOLEMN FEAST OF EASTER This is the day the*‘Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it! We have scaled the mountain, and victory is ours! The goal toward which we strove during forty anxious days, the goal al­ ready oudined for us at the beginning of Advent, has finally been achieved. Light now triumphs over darkness, and a divine Sun beams Its warm, clear light into the kingdom of God’s elect. Throughout Advent as in a night we yearned for the Light. At Christmas the Light came suddenly into the world, pierced the darkness with Its rays and illumined God’s holy City (the Church) by Its glory. This was the glad message of the Christmas season. But even in the midst of Christmas joy a discordant strain was heard, one that grew continually louder and louder, “The Light shines in the darkness; and the darkness grasped it not.” Already during the octave of Christmas we heard the cry of suffering, a cry that has never since been absent. On Septuagesima Sunday the passion theme became dominant, 2 THE SOLEMN FEAST OF EASTER displacing all other approaches to the mystery. With the first Sunday of Lent the divine David entered the arena to do battle with the giant Goliath. The whole Lenten season may well be regarded as a battle — the battle of Light against darkness. Historically it was the battle of Christ with the Jews; at present it is His battle in the souls of those destined for grace and glory (baptism and penance motif). True, the Light was crushed out temporarily as Jesus died on Calvary; but just as Its beams un­ expectedly pierced the gloom on Christmas night, so now after the tribulations of Holy Week, the Easter Sun rises to shine forever. Today is Easter, the Feast of feasts, the climax to the Church’s year of grace. It is a solemnity which the faithful formerly ex­ tended over a period of three days, while the neophytes (newly baptized), robed in their white baptismal garments, celebrated it for an entire week'? Hence, a proper Mass for each day. Never is Mother Church’s joy more unrestrained, more jubilant and loud. The liturgy ‘of Easter-day, which colors the entire octave, stresses a) the resurrection of Christ, b) baptism. Actually, the second complements the first, while the first is the symbol and cause of the second. Through baptism Christ’s resurrection is repeated in the members of His mystical Body. Define baptism as the resurrection of Jesus in a human soul. As one deepens his appreciation of the liturgy, he realizes more and more that the Masses of Easter week are among the finest, the most stirring and dramatic in the entire Missal. Two themes are basic — first, the events connected with the resurrection ; and secondly, the stational churches. It would be helpful to regard these Masses as a grand Easter drama in which we were the players; the more actively we entered into our roles the better we would understand the mysteryfQThe liturgy follows the his­ torical sequence in part; in part, its own genius and inspiration. There are always good reasons for the setting and the score. The drama begins at an early hour on Easter morn (the vigil service). Like Mary Magdalen and the holy women we come to THE SOLEMN FEAST OF EASTER 3 the sepulcher he daybreak {quae lucescit). We feel the earth-- quake, we see the angel removing the stone, we observe the guards fleeing. To us the angel announces the Easter tidings and bids us bring the glad message to Christ’s disciples (the rest of the faithful). The divine drama continues on Easter morning “when the sun has risen, orto jam sole.” Again we play the part of the women and hear the angel’s consoling words, “You shall see Him, as He told you.” With this assurance we return to our homes. . f> i > During the following days we are privileged to witness six apparitions of our risen Savior. On Monday we play the part of the disciples from Emmaus who recognized Him in the break-, ing of bread; on Tuesday we are the apostles and the disciples who “touched” the Lord and ate with Him on the first Easter evening (so far the apparitions are arranged chronologically). Jesus appears to us on Wednesday as we re-enact the scene on the shores of Genesareth when He invited the seven apostles to a meal (fish and bread). The Gospel says expressly of this event, “This is now the third time that Jesus manifested Himself to His disciples.” It should be noted that these three apparitions (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) are immediately associated with a meal (think of the Eucharist). Thursday finds us in the role of Mary Magdalen who with love and longing sought and found her Savior. Because of holy Mass we too can say, “I have seen the Lord.” On Friday, with the mul­ titude of disciples, we see the Lord on the mountain (i.e., the altar) in His farewell appearance. His last words to the white- robed neophytes are most consoling, “I am with you all days... .” On Saturday the Easter drama comes to a close for the newly baptized. Instead of another apparition account, the Gospel con­ tains an allusion to the robes of baptism. Before our eyes Peter and John race to the sepulcher; historically this incident occurred at the beginning of the week, but it finds a place here because of the symbolism of the station church (St. John Lateran) and the linens in the tomb (baptismal robes). On the octave day a sixth apparition is described: “After eight days, His disciples were 4 THE SOLEMN FEAST OF EASTER again-inside, and Thomas with them.” Following the apostle’s example each of us should stretch forth his hand to touch the Lord. With this the Easter Mass-drama ends. Not only do the various apparitions of the risen Christ influ­ ence the textual composition of the Masses, but the patron saints of the stational churches likewise enter deeply into their message. For in these saints Christ’s resurrection re-occurred in persons like ourselves. On Easter eve we assemble in the basilica of the Most Holy Redeemer in order to “rise with Christ”; for a patron and sponsor the newly baptized have St. John the Baptist. In the morning the station church is St. Mary Major. This fact seems to have no relation to the text apart from the similarity of names in the Gospel — Magdalen’s first name was Mary. The liturgy, however, wants us to celebrate Easter as did the Mother of Jesus, with a joyful heart. The composition of the Regina Caeli has been associated with today’s stational church (accord­ ing to legend angels first sang the anthem at the consecration of St. Mary Major). Monday we celebrate Easter at the basilica of St. Peter. In the Mass formulary there are several direct references and allusions to the prince of the apostles. During the Epistle “Peter stands in the midst of the people” and addresses them. The Gospel tells us that Jesus “appeared to Simon,” a passage that is repeated in the Communion verse (do not overlook the personal application during the sacrificial banquet). For Tuesday’s liturgy we gather around St. Paul. What tre­ mendous significance the Easter mystery had for him! Since there is no mention of Christ appearing to Paul in the Gospels, a passage was chosen that describes an apparition to the Eleven — Paul was associated in spirit with the apostolic college. The first sentence of the Epistle places him in our midst, “Paul stood up and spoke.” Consequently we hear the Lesson from his own lips. Of him in a special manner our Lord’s words hold true, “Among all the nations remission of sins should be preached in His name.” On Wednesday the newly baptized assemble with their spon­ sor, St. Lawrence. For him Easter was the day when he died on THE SOLEMN FEAST OF EASTER 5 the gridiron ; hence the Gospel of the fish broiled on the live coals. On Thursday we gather in the Church of the Twelve > Apostles. From them we have received the faith. On Friday oui thoughts spontaneously revert to the events on Golgotha eight days ago ; the station is, therefore, at St. Mary’s of the Martyrs. On Saturday we return to the church of baptism to put aside our white baptismal robes. The stational observance of Easter week must be classed as one of the most venerable monuments of Roman Christianity. How inspiring and edifying it is to watch the white-robed newly baptized march from one station to another in triumphal pro- • cession. I would not hesitate to say that at no time in the entire liturgical year does the Mass liturgy exemplify a greater unity of theme, a greater profundity of thought, or more immediate spiritual usefulness than during Easter week. Surrexit Dominus ve - re , Al-le - • EASTER WEEK EASTER SUNDAY Station at St. Mary Major The Lamb — the Lion 1. Easter Matins. “The Lord has truly risen, alleluia.” With these words the invitatory proclaims Easter’s joyful message to redeemed mankind. Matins today are short, the shortest of the year, a good example of the day’s liturgy which throughout is classic for its cryptic beauty and brevity. Man lacks the ability to express adequately emotion that is truly great and profound; therefore, since words cannot do justice to the mystery, the liturgy follows a course of absolute simplicity. The customary hymns are absent, the psalms are not especially chosen for the occasion, etc. We are almost dis­ appointed by the austere plainness of the festal office. There is but one nocturn to Matins because the greater part 6 SUNDAY 7 of the night was devoted to the ceremonies of Easter eve; it con­ sists of the first three psalms of the Psalter. At first thought we certainly would expect psalms having a special relation to the mystery. Apparently the reasons for the order given are: 1. the Church wants to show that at Easter we start our life over again. We are new men with a fresh beginning. 2. So great is our joy, so overpowering the mystery, that the Church does not need to resort to artificial means to stimulate pious emotions. For this reason the hymns are omitted, and therefore too it should suffice to take the first three psalms as in the Bible. 3. These first three psalms represent the entire Psalter; the Church’s sublime mes­ sage is: All the psalms praise the risen Christ. The readings at Matins are from a sermon preached by St. Gregory on Easter Sunday in the basilica of St. Mary Major (an important liturgical station). “You have heard, dearly beloved brethren, how the holy women who had followed the Lord came to the sepulcher with sweet spices. They had loved Him in life, now they would serve Him with all care and tenderness in death. But these things happened in order to signify certain acts that must be done in holy Church. And thus it becomes necessary to hear what once happened so that we may know what we must now do by way of imitation. “Therefore, when we who believe in the Lord who died for us come and seek Him, bearing the perfume of personal virtues joined to a reputation for good works, we do indeed come to His sepulcher bringing sweet spices. But those women who came with sweet spices, saw angels. This should make it immediately obvious that the citizens of heaven may be readily seen by such who go forth with the perfume of good acts and holy desires to seek the Lord. “Moreover, we would do well to determine why it was that the angel was sitting on the right side. What indeed is signified by the left hand, if not this present life? and what by the right hand, if not eternal life? Accordingly we read in the Canticle of Canticles: His left hand is under my head and with His right hand He embraces me (Cant. 2:6). Therefore, since our Re­

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