®f)£ Chronicle Jamuary 24 ^Student operated since 1981 .http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu University: ‘no shuttle needed’ Students struggle to find parking, some turn to carpooling BY TERRIE HENDERSON Lukoshus said that a reason for Senior Staff Writer the enrollment drop is that many people graduate in the fall semes¬ ter. "The big crunch (for enroll¬ The commencernent of the ment) is in the fall," Lukoshus said. spring semester brings new cours¬ Lukoshus also mentioned that es, new students and new expecta¬ although the total enrollment for tions to the halls of PUC, but some spnng 2005 has not yet be calculat¬ old issues continually resurface. ed due to late registration dates that One of those issues is parking. extended into the first week of the While the parking garage is still semester. The university expects on schedule to open in time for the fewer enrollments this semester beginning of the fall 2005 semester, than last. students this semester may Lukoshus said the shuttle that encounter hardships while looking was offered last semester had for a spot to park. "mixed results." At the beginning of the fall 2004 He said that although the shuttle semester, the university instituted provided transportation, the num¬ the Park and Ride Shuttle Service, bers were not very high on the which was a complimentary shuttle amount of people who actually bus from the Woodmar Mall park¬ used the option. ing lot to PUC, in an attempt to This semester there should be alleviate some of the parking woes Construction on the new parking garage that is due to be done for the fall of 2005 semester adequate parking on campus for all of students unable to park on cam¬ is doing nothing to help students find parking spots this semester. students, said Lukoshus. pus for classes due to an overflow¬ Richie Studniarz, an undecided ing lot of vehicles. classes the first week of school, to get a good spot unless you get park illegally off campus to get to freshman, said that parking does This semester, Wes Lukoshus, there was no where to park. lucky," she said. class. not seem that bad to him, but he assistant vice chancellor for "I circled three times, and then Chris Jeter, sophomore major¬ Since then, he said he has not comes early in the morning. advancement and university rela¬ found a spot on the street by the ing in business, said his solution to had to worry about parking. "That's the secret," Studniarz tions, said no shuttle is being construction (of the parking parking is carpooling. "If a lot of students would car- said. "It gets worse later in the day." offered because of a pattern of an garage) and ran," Weber said. Jeter mentioned that in the fall pool that would open the parking But Heather Weber, an elemen¬ enrollment drop from the fall Weber said when she returned to 2004 semester, he was always late lot up a whole lot," Jeter said. tary education sophomore, said semester to the spring semester. campus on Thursday, she had more to class because he was unable to "Even if you had everyone bring even in the morning, parking is Lukoshus indicated that during challenging. luck in the parking lot south of find parking. Jeter said he would one person that would open up half fall 2003, enrollment was 9,128. SFLC. She also mentioned that she drive around for what was some¬ the lot." She said she always heard that The following semester, spring came much earlier. times 45- minutes. morning parking was better, but 2004, that number dropped to an "No matter what, unless you Jeter started carpooling with a when she arrived for Tuesday enrollment of 8,513. come really early you are not going friend so that he would not have to Student organizations getting the word out Welcome Week helps students get involved a chance to throw a dart for a prize. games as well as the people who Graduate aid Eve Bottando said are already members but there is that she feels having the dartboard not a need to feel intimidated, one way or another. ested in joining as a result of helped generate interest in SGA, Lesny said. BY ELIZABETH WILKINSON Students taking part in Welcome Welcome Week. In addition, and appreciated that students took Some students wanted to make News Editor Week felt that the event was good MAPS just started this semester, the time to register to vote in the new friends and promote their not only for the students, but for the and getting word out about the SGA elections. Being enrolled at groups, but also felt that they were entire school. Candi Long, a junior organization through Welcome PUC gives students a right to vote, serving a purpose in helping out. Students who walked into the majoring in pre-medicine, believes Week was beneficial for the group, registering was just to generate Michael Hill, a freshman majoring SFLC concourse last week proba¬ that Welcome Week is a good way said Long. interest and for fun, said Bottando. in elementary education, says that bly heard loud music and saw more for new students to get acquainted Some groups offer free items to Some other activities organizations Welcome Week is a great way to people converging than normal. with PUC’s campus. Long is active draw people and interest to their offered were a caricaturist and get word out about the group he is That’s because PUC hosted in Minority Association on table. Intervarsity Christian video games. involved in. Hill is also involved in Welcome Week last week from Premedical Students, also known Fellowship offered free water with Overall, students who were at New Life Ministries. Tuesday, Jan. 20 until Thursday, as MAPS. their information on the label as a tables saw the event as positive for "Welcome Week is a great way Jan. 22. way to draw people to their table, their group and felt that this semes¬ to get new members," said Hill. Welcome Week is an event held “"Welcome Week is a great according to Amy Ferguson, a ters Welcome Week was going "I'm here to serve Jesus." Hill also every semester during which stu¬ way to get new members," freshman majoring in elementary well. Purdue University Gamers said it seemed like several people dent organizations have tables in education. The group also had col¬ Guild president Joe Lesny said a were interested in joining the group hopes of getting the word out and orful flyers posted around campus few people had shown interest in and he felt Welcome Week was trying to find new members, for Micheal Hill as another way of getting people the group during Welcome Week. going great. their organizations. This semester interested. Other groups offered He was happy with the groups deci¬ Students from groups all over all types of student organizations "Welcome Week welcomes new popcorn, cotton candy, pencils, sion to take part in the event. campus spent the week getting to from sports to Greek Life to reli¬ students and shows them that we stickers and various literature about "We decided to get our group know new students and getting gious groups and everyone in are friendly here," said Long. She their organization as incentive to out in the open because it takes word about their, organizations. between were represented at said that at some schools the stu¬ visit their table. away the intimidation," Lesny said. According to those organizations, Welcome Week. Most students dents are not as nice as they are at Student Government People are often intimidated to overall, Welcome Week was a suc¬ involved felt that the event was PUC. Long also said their organi¬ Association had a dart board where join OUGG because they feel like cess for students and the university beneficial to their organization in zation has had several people inter¬ students who registered to vote got they will not know how to play the in general. SPORTS: Peregrines withstand Saints ENTERTAINMENT: Golden Globes Recap 2 The Chronicle http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu - What’s Goin’ On? ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE A look around campus Tech Center provides Orientation Department SGA seeks students input on student internship seeks new leaders issues The Orientation Department is look¬ The Student Government opportunities ing for 25-30 orientation leaders. The Association Survey requests student position pays $7.50 an hour, and stu¬ input about the issues that affect them. dents will work 15-20 days over the Students can voice their opinions by summer. Becoming an orientation taking the SGA survey. The survey will The Purdue Technology Center of Northwest Indiana, leader is a great way to gain ieadership be used to find out what issues are con¬ which recently opened its doors in Merrillville to provide experience, improve presentation skills, cerning students, and to find out infor¬ opportunities for new and existing businesses, can do and meet new friends. To apply go to mation that will be very important for something for you, too. www.calumet.purdue.edu/ccld/puc101 elections this spring. Go to www.myst- or fill out an application in person at studentgov.com to take the survey. SFLC 349. For more information con¬ The Purdue Technology Center is an incubator that helps tact Beth at (219) 989-4160 or Writing Center offers high-tech established and start-up companies develop new [email protected] projects and grow. For students, this can mean internships Microsoft Word XP 101 and job possibilities. PUGG seeks members The Writing Center (located in CLO 265) will be offering a Microsoft Word Purdue University Gamers’ Guild is “There are wonderful benefits to the students,” said XP 101 tutorial for all PUC students. seeking new members. PUGG holds Kathy DeGuilio-Fox, business development manager The tutorial helps facilitate a student's meetings on Mondays, Tuesdays and for the Purdue Technology Center. understanding and knowledge about Wednesdays throughout the semester. Microsoft Word XP, a computer program PUGG will be continuing the game that is utilized frequently at academic According to DeGuilio-Fox, most of the tech center’s Vampire: The Masquerade, a game set levels. The tutorial is free and will be tenants will use interns. The Purdue Calumet tech center in Spain and partly told in Spanish. The held on Feb. 7 and 8 from 6:45 to 8:00 internship program will be coordinated by DeGuilio-Fox game is still accepting new members. p.m. Students need only attend one For more information contact through the Center for Career and Leadership Development, tutorial. If you have questions about the [email protected] located in Room 349 of the Student Faculty Library tutorial please contact The Writing Center at (219)989-2200. Center. Chancellor invites students to reading circle Vote or Die: The Risks of Plans call for interns to be recruited for the current spring semester, upcoming summer session and following semesters. The Center for Career and Political Participation to be Leadership Development is seeking presented Not only do we want interns to work on projects to get students interested in taking part in the The Cultural Awareness Advisory Chancellor's Reading Circle on Thurs. a ‘hands on’ education,” she said, “but also we want to Committee will sponsor the program March 24, from 7-9:00 p.m. Faculty get them in on the bottom floor so that if, after graduation, Vote or Die: The Risks of Political member, Maureen Mathaler, will facili¬ there is an employment opportunity they can continue to tate a discussion of the book ‘The Participation. The program will take be a part of the company or project here at the Technology Curious Incident of the Dog in the place on Jan. 28 in SFLC 150 at noon. Center.” Nighttime” by Mark Haddon. Books are provided. If interested contact The Society of Success and The internships will be paid by the companies in partnership Center for Career and Leadership Leadership sponsors open with the Lily-funded Interns for Indiana program. Development at 989-2369 or SFLC mic night 324-G to register. The Society - of Success and “One of the purposes of having the tech center is not Students invited to play Leadership will sponsor open mic night only to develop new technologies and new employment on Wed. Feb 9, 2005 from 8-11 p.m. For intramural Extreme Prison opportunities for Northwest Indiana,” DeGuilio-Fox said, more information contact societofsuc- "but to reverse the brain drain we’ve experienced in Style' Dodgeball. [email protected] Indiana by letting students interact and be a part of these Intramural extreme prison style opportunities.” dodge ball will take place in the gym Feb. 1,8, 16 and 22. All games will take The incoming client firms are: Advanced Concepts place at 7:30 p.m. Players must be Fitness Center members. For more and Technology, International LLC (ACT-I), Brogan information contact Matt Dudzik at 989- Pharmaceuticals LLC, Spectral Data Inc., NuVant Systems 2050 or [email protected] Inc., ProLogic Inc., 21st Century Systems and Sierra Nevada Corp. Submitting Briefs U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky (D-Ind.) secured $6.9 million in federal funding for the two-story, 48,000-square-foot Anyone interested in publicizing events, clubs, organizations or departments in building’s construction and initial operating costs. He also “What’s Goin’ On?” must submit briefs the Monday before publication. The Chronicle helped recruit four of the charter ventures to the center. is published on Mondays. The Chronicle does not guarantee placement of briefs sub¬ mitted. The Purdue Technology Center is a project of the Purdue Please limit briefs to four sentences and include the first and last name of the Technology Foundation, which also manages the award¬ contact person. winning Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette. Briefs may be submitted via e-mail at: [email protected] or campus cc:mail - chronicle or to the News Department located in the Student Faculty Library Center, Room 344-H. The Technology Center ties in with one of Purdue Calumet’s strategic goals—Goal 4: Expand our partnership role for advancing positive change and economic growth in our region. Under this goal is Key Strategy I: Develop a technology and business center as a source of knowledge Chronicle _ )t transfer for economic development; applied research in serving business, government and industry; and furthering Purdue University Calumet Fax: (219) 989-2770 diversification of the region’s economy. 2200 169th St. SFLC 344-H, E-mail: [email protected] Hammond, Indiana 46323-2094 or campus cc:mail - chronicle Phone: (219) 989-2547 http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu Editor In Chief Business Manager Photographers Staff Writers Dave Tomko James Zapinski Drake Bistrow Anuj Bhatia Jade Lee Culberson Managing Editor Brandon DePaolo Darren Zancan Production Manager ' Senior Staff Writer Michael Finney Linda Merrick Terrie Henderson Carl Huizenga Online Editor Kevin James Dave Thompson Vita Lazauskas Production Designers Mandy Lucious News Editor Saurabh Jaiswal Stephen Lynch Elizabeth Wilkinson Adviser Frank Sprankle Kevin Rose Elizabeth Stephenson Entertainment Editor Movie Critic Carole Stuebe’n Natalie Wahlberg Terrence Isbell Jeff Waugaman David Wright Sports Editor Chief Photographer Dave Thompson Vicki Palas The Administrative Update is a paid advertisement. Monday, January 24,2005 3 =_ http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu Communication...it’s more than talk! BY JEFF WAUGAMAN CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn., Ina nadd ditiVonis utaol ocopmtiomnsu ninic amtiaojno rs daenpda rmtmineonrts , hthaes dloetp aortfm reenste oarfc cho,m mdiuscnuicsastiioonn, daidn da peo"pTleh eh baivgeg easbto muti sccoomncmeputnioicna ttihoant Staff Writer minors offered in Health revised and updated the older pro¬ planning toward the reorganization is that it is all talk," said Communication, Theater and grams: General Communication, process. This included comparing Kamalipour. Technical Communication, a minor Organizational Communication, the department's offerings with To clarify this misconception, In response to the market is also created in each of the new Radio-TV Broadcasting, and other universities throughout the students enrolled in one of Dr. demands, student interests and options. Public Relations. nation in order to make our com¬ Cathy Gillotti's communication rapid changes in the communica¬ "My goal is to increase the over¬ "The planning and implementa¬ munication offerings highly com¬ classes, came up with the slogan tion field, the department of com¬ all enrollment at undergraduate and tion process for the changes took petitive. "Communication...it's not just munication and creative arts at graduate levels to approximately two years, and the new programs The department has now talk" which has now become the PUC has recently reorganized its 500 students, which means by reor¬ became effective in the fall of focused on marketing and recruit¬ slogan for the department. degree offerings by adding six new ganizing our program offerings we 2004," said Kamalipour. ing efforts. Enrollment in the Student interested to learn more options and eight minor options to will double the enrollment in the He said the students that were department has already increased about the department and its offer¬ their department. department," said Professor Yahya enrolled in the department prior to by 30 students from last semester ings may go to: The new options include R. Kamalipour, head of the depart¬ fall 2004 have the option of staying and by 14 students at the graduate www.calumet.purdue.edu/cca, Advertising, Journalism, Media ment of communication and cre¬ with the old program or change to a level. Currently over 300 under¬ call at 989-2393, or visit the depart¬ and Culture, Marketing ative arts. new option. graduates and 65 graduates are ment in Porter 118. Communication, Political Along with instituting the new The faculty members in the enrolled in communication. in first year Chemistry & Physics department head sets goals BY FRANK SPRANKLE of Chemistry. completion by the fall of next year. department head. which need renovation, including Now in a similar role at PUC, Another goal of Pinnick "It's going reasonably well," wider space. Staff Writer Pinnick plans to stay where he is. In includes adding a nuclear magnetic said Pinnick. "We are on track to "All research labs are impor¬ addition to his role as department resonance machine for teaching accomplish all those goals." tant," said Mary Ramos, an on- Since assuming the role of head head, Pinnick also instructs an and research. The purpose of the Since coming on-board, Pinnick campus chemistry technician. "If of the chemistry and physics organic chemistry class at PUC. equipment is to determine struc¬ has developed positive working they are not up to date, the students department, Hal Pinnick has set "I don't want to be a dean; this is tures in compounds. To pay for the relationships. don't have a good experience." high goals for himself, students and an enjoyable position for me. I like equipment, the department has "Hal has been great," said In almost half year on campus, the university. Pinnick is looking to helping students and faculty," taken out two proposals with the Physics Coordinator Megan Pinnick has been proud of what he expand the future of the science Pinnick said. His first goal consists National Science Foundation, and Pickett. "He has been supportive of has seen. program that will provide addition¬ of hiring three new faculty mem¬ the total cost comes in the six figure what we do in physics and astrono¬ "The people here are very capa¬ al opportunities to students. bers. range. my. As physics coordinator I feel ble and that's good," said Pinnick. As a Purdue alumnus, Pinnick Already the search has begun to The opportunities for masters' supportive. Hal has made a won¬ "For the most part, they know what received a Bachelor of Science in hire two physicists and a chemist study, along with better research derful addition." to do. This is a good department 1968 and a doctorate degree four from a pool of candidates. These tools, will be an attempt to increase Pinnick's work goes beyond his and it has some very good people in years later. He has spent the previ¬ employees will begin employment student enrollment in physics and own area. He is currently working it." ous seven years at West Virginia in time for the fall semester. chemistry, another goal of Pinnick. with other science department State College, where he held the Pinnick also plans to form a Achieving these goals seems to heads as they look to improve title as the head of the Department masters' program with 100 percent be optimistic in the mind of the research labs in the Gyte building. Correction Read The Chronicle online at l^heJanuar^^ditio^n/T^riron/c/e^Jearts and hands should have read http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu Hands and Hearts. The Chronicle regrets this error. "The college years can be very difficult, with tests, keeping up grades, and especially finding a way to pay for it all. With the UPS Earn and Learn1 Program, everything is paid. 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(Access Code: 3362) •*A fee paid to Institution owning the machine www.ibankpeoples.com may still apply Member FDIC FRIENDLY PEOPLE FOR TODAY’S BANKING DYER • EAST CHICAGO • HAMMOND • HOBART • MERRILLVILLE • MUNSTER • SCHERERVILLE The Chronicle Opinion 3TIje Chronicle Editorial Board Spring 2004 Dave Tomko, editor In chief Darren Zancan, managing editor Elizabeth Wilkinson, news editor Natalie Wahlberg, entertainment editor Dave Thompson, online editor No parking, no problem? Spring semester. Where would students be without having to trudge through miles of snow, already late for classes? But according to university mouthpieces, there should Tofu is terrific Hi my name is be adequate parking on campus for all students. Maybe students can have a map posted showing where this park¬ ing is located. While there may be enough parking spots on campus and even that fact is debatable according to students who TERRIE HENDERSON BY DAVID TOMKO still can't find a spot, it remains that it's inconvenient for Senior Staff Writer Editor in Chief a CLO or Anderson Building classroomed student to have to hike in from the south SFLC lot, or even worse, from the parking lot near the PER building. That's a good 10-15 minute walk, compounded by the time wasted cir¬ Where has this stuff been hiding The first day of class, not cling the CLO/Porter lot before deciding to settle for the all my life? I absolutely love tofu. 1 everyone loves them and some library and beyond blacktop. spent so much time eating meat, even hate them. But 1 want to talk In the April 5, 2004 edition of The Chronicle, it was when I could have been eating tofu about the worse part of first days reported that the Porter faculty had opposing views of the instead! of class, personal introductions. necessity of the parking garage. Dr. Yahya Kalamipour, What was I thinking, and why didn’t anyone show me this These are when you have to head of the communication and creative arts department stuff before? entire class who you are and a little bit about your¬ said that the parking garage will have a negative impact Okay, honestly, I still really like chicken, and how could I self. I personally hate them and several others 1 have on Porter's students and faculty because of the noise level ever give up walleye? But, tofu is fantastic. I understand how talked to do also. So I came up with a few "alternate" and because of a construction and foot traffic increase. people can be vegetarians now. I really get it. Vegetarians things to say when you share some personal info with the Other Porter residents like Mary Beth O'Connor, commu¬ have well kept secrets that enable them to successfully eat rest of the class. These can be used to lighten up the class nication associate professor, felt that the influx of pass- good tasting food and avoid meat. and break a little of the "first day of class tension," some mg-through students would destract from professors and Well, guess what vegetarians, I am telling everyone your of which I've actually used. that departmental secretaries will have to stop to give secret, and its been kept a secret far too long! Tofu is fantas¬ directions and answer questions, along with destracting tic. "Hi my name is (insert name here) and I'm a (insert from her classes.and practicum in radio and television - There are many respectable reasons for people to be veg¬ major here) major and...." labs. Patricia Mellon, communication department adviser, etarians, but while I commend them for being animal and said aside from the noise and interruptions, the construc¬ health conscious, I don’t think you have to be one to enjoy "I One day plan to rule the world." I've actually used tion will negatively impact the Porter building's ambiance tofu. this one in a class this semester. The Instructor asked how along with its inhabitants. 1 attended the wonderfully organized Vegetarian I would do it and 1 actually told her 1 was thinking with a Yet again, the underlying issue is if the parking deck Coalition's Thanksgiving dinner, featuring a tofu turkey last giant ray gun. had been properly planned out, then the campus society semester, and while I have had the occasional tofu in my pad could have given more input on where the most appropri¬ thai, seeing that people actually really eat this stuff outside "I love school." Sure, say that and you'll either get evil ate place for the garage would be. It could have taken up the thai restaurant might have sparked something in me. looks or lots of laughter. I've never used this one person¬ another area instead of scarce, prime real estate parking Last week, while at the grocery store, I saw tofu and decid¬ ally, but it could be kind of fun. space. ed, what the hell. I'll try it myself. After all, it was reasonably If the university took some action on this problem priced and the salmon fillets were unreasonably expensive. "I hate school." Well, at least everyone will know instead of abandoning its students to the wind and snow, Let me tell you, this stuff is fantastic in stir-fry. Cut up you're an honest person. life could be better on all sides. There should be a notifi¬ some Portobello mushrooms and you'll feel like you are din¬ cation system before students resort to the desperation of ing at a fancy restaurant. "I am the president of the Students Against Parking making up their own spots and getting ticketed. A few Try it for breakfast. Buy some and experiment. Just Garage Club." That club would have the potential to simple "Lot Full" signs at the entrances would save stu¬ beware. There is soft tofu and firm tofu. 1 would suggest become the largest student organization on campus. dents tons of time and frustration. Students would then beginners start with firm tofu, as that is the stuff you use in proceed directly to the library parking lot or the PER area stir-fries and other entrees you would usually use meat in. "I hate talking about myself. I don't know why I hate and not be as late. Not to mention, this stuff is good for you too. I mean, don't talking about myself, I just do. This one time when I had Some students have taken matters into their own hands get me wrong, and don't go eat the whole brick of tofu. to talk about myself in front of a gym full of people I and started carpooling with friends. While this effort is It's like this: tofu is to soybean as cheese is to dairy milk. couldn't remember what I was talking about and then commendable, many students cannot ride with others due Let's compare soymilk to dairy milk for a second, shall we. everyone started looking at me and I my mouth got all dry to conflicting schedules. It’s inequitable for the universi¬ According to www.tofu.com, there is more protein, less calo¬ and I started talking about my dog and then some guy was ty to depend on the students to manage their inadequate ries, less fat, less carbohydrates, less sodium and more iron in trying to get my attention and he started mouthing these planning and location for the parking garage construction. soymilk than dairy milk. If that wasn't all, soy has all eight words to me but I couldn't tell what he was saying but I And if riding together is such a great option, where's the essential amino acids. started to laugh and then everyone started to laugh Park and Ride shuttle? It was reported that it had "mixed So, this is opening new doors for me in other respects too. and." Well, you get the idea. results" but it was only instituted for three weeks at the I can't stand milk, not in the least bit. Frankly, it grosses beginning of the fall semester. Historically, programs me out completely, but for some strange reason, I am not "Think I’m in the wrong class. This isn't Theories and need time and repetition to gain popularity. The message utterly repulsed by soymilk. Practices of World Conquest?" If I decide to take over the the university is sending is that they are not employing So now, someone please find me a substitute to Mountain world I'm going to need some formal training aren't I? I the option to avoid fender benders, road rage, tardiness Dew, and my life will be complete. sure wouldn't want to look like an amateur when I decide and extreme stress. Students have been left completely in to take over the world. Plus it would make a fun class. the cold. Turn non fun things into something fun, that’s what I The Chronicle Editorial Policy always say. It also could cause the instructor to remember you better and not really expect a lot of seriousness out of The views expressed in the commentaries and Letters you during class. This could cause the opportunity for to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of The Write the editorial staff at Chronicle or Purdue University Calumet. The Chronicle is even more fun during the semester. not an official publication of Purdue University Calumet. The Chronicle welcomes reader input. Letters and [email protected] commentaries must include the author’s name, class Please limit your letter to 400 words standing or other affiliation and a telephone number for verification. The more concise the letter, the better the to ensure it will be printed in its entirety. chances of publication. All materials submitted to The Chronicle become the property of The Chronicle. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit for clarity, accuracy, space and news style. Copy deadline is noon the Monday before publication. LAN FDR UCCE5S HE UNIVERSITY VILLAGE T PURDUE CALUMET YOU'VE NEVER LIVED LIKE THIS • FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS • HIGH SPEED INTERNET • SATELLITE TELEVISION • SCD CIAL & STUDY LOUNGES • LAUNDRY ROOMS ON EVERY FLOOR • GATED PARKING • INDIVIDUAL LEASES STDP BY DUR TEMPORARY LEASING DFFICE For more information or to submit YOUR APPLICATION > SFLC, RM. 15DF (219) 9B9-415D WWW.PLJCSTUDENTHOUSING.COM The Chronicle ArtsoEntertainment ' http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu Globes may foretell the future BY TERRENCE ISBELL ALEXANDER PAYNE & JIM TAYLOR- Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Movie Critic "SIDEWAYS" (winner) - Musical or Comedy I've seen "Sideways" and "Eternal Sunshine." "Eternal ANNETTE BENING-"BEING JULIA" (winner) Sunshine" just had a better story to me. "Sideways" has been RENEE ZELLWEGER-"BRIDGET JONES: THE Once again, that special time of year has come and gone. getting all kinds of praise, but I just don’t see why. EDGE OF REASON" (my prediction) The time when candidates are chosen, votes are cast and Best Director - Motion Picture I'm not really sure why I thought Bridget Jones was the someone emerges a winner, the others, losers that are mere CLINT EASTWOOD-”MILLION DOLLAR better character. She just seemed to have more fun that that shells of their former selves. BABY" (winner) Julia character. Of course I'm talking about The Golden Globe Awards, a MARTIN SCORSESE-"THE AVIATOR" Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - notch below the Oscars but still way above the Grammys, in (my prediction) Drama my opinion. Usually 1 only tune in to catch the main awards I was positive Scorsese was taking it home for "The LEONARDO DICAPRIO-"THE AVIATOR" Aviator," but Eastwood's direction of Hilary Swank as a (winner) (my prediction) while using the in between time to play video games or watch female boxer trying to reach the top just had that certain I think DiCaprio deserved this one. After all the insults he paint dry as the celebrities read their scripted jokes and this something. I'm not sure what it was, but it was something. took for starring in "Titanic," I think the man should get year was no different. However, there were some very decent Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role something for his trouble. contenders in the categories this time around, and as the in a Motion Picture urban legend goes, the Globes are only a heartbeat away from MORGAN FREEMAN-"MILLION DOLLAR Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture Oscar, and though I had my own predictions, they all didn't BABY" (my prediction) - Drama come out as planned. CLIVE OWEN-"CLOSER" (winner) HILARY SWANK-"MILLION DOLLAR BABY" Best Original Song - Motion Picture "Closer" was just a very cliche movie in my opinion, (winner) Accidentally in Love - "SHREK 2" (my prediction) another romantic drama. I'm not even sure how any of the UMA THURMAN-KILL BILL VOL. 2 Old Habits Die Hard - "ALFIE" (winner) actors in it got nominated for anything period. I was as (my prediction) I was sure I had "Accidentally in Love" pegged as a win¬ shocked as you are. I thought Uma was going to be a lock for "Kill Bill," but ner, as the rest of the songs had that whole "I'm-bland-but- Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting those crafty Globe voters pulled a fast one...again. since-I'm-with-an-award-caliber-movie-I'll-win-anyway" Role in a Motion Picture Best Motion Picture - Drama vibe going on, but the voters were just into "Alfie" more. Go CATE BLANCHETT—"THE AVIATOR" "THE AVIATOR" (winner) figure. (my prediction) "HOTEL RWANDA" (my prediction) Best Original Score - Motion Picture NATALIE PORTMAN-"CLOSER” (winner) HOWARD SHORE-"THE AVIATOR" (winner) See above for my thoughts on "Closer." I liked both "The Aviator" and "Hotel Rwanda," but I There was no doubt that "The Aviator" was taking this Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture liked "Rwanda" a little more. It's hard to go wrong with one home. A story about Howard Hughes isn't going to have - Musical or Comedy DiCaprio and Scorsese teamed up, though. The entire thing anything but huge sweeping orchestras, and they proved that JAMIE FOXX-"RAY" (winner) was pretty random, but each movie had its own niche, and by point. I was a little nervous about this one. I thought it would the time the real deal AKA the Academy Awards come Best Screenplay - Motion Picture come down to Jim Carrey in "Eternal Sunshine" or Jamie around, finding a whole new niche is what it's going to come CHARLIE KAUFMAN-"ETERNAL SUNSHINE Foxx. But Foxx's imitation of Ray Charles was pretty much down to, no question about it. OF THE SPOTLESS MIND" (my prediction) flawless, so it goes to him. Oops! Gwen Stefani did it again BY TERRIE HENDERSON much? It is hard to say if Stefani is Where is the Stefani that helped sified as a poor attempt at a Senior Staff Writer trying to find her own style and Bradley Nowell, another wonderful metaphor. maturity as an artist or if she has talent, from Sublime on the song, The content to most of these simply sold out. "Saw Red"? songs are sexual in nature, of Wait a minute; did that album Don't get me wrong, Stefani is a How did Stefani get caught up course - after all this is mainstream say Gwen Stefani or Brittany fun artist, no doubt. Her amazing in the "Tragic Kingdom" of pop music we are talking about here - Spears? Sadly, yet again, Stefani voice is unique and her style is music? but she sings about boys picking has continued to move more bla¬ always amusing, colorful and Songs on the new disc, like her up from her house, angst about tantly into the realm of teenage pop vibrant. "Hollaback Girl," "Rich Girl," them meeting her father, and mak¬ music and taken yet another step Tragically, this album is much "Bubble Pop Electric," "Crash" and ing out in back seats of cars and away from the ska-punk style that more like "Rock Steady" than "Harajuku Girls" are reminiscent of drive-in movies. No Doubt's original fans loves so "Tragic Kingdom." high school pep sessions. You Maybe it's just me, but I think much. Where's the Gwen who belted could stomp, clap and dance to this Stefani is old enough to date on her Stefani's solo album, "Love, out, "I'm just a girl?" and inspired a style for hours, if that's your thing. own terms without getting dad’s Angel, Music, Baby," left me won¬ new wave of feminist thought to Do not expect to find any meaning approval on who picks her up on dering, yet again, what could cause flow over an emerging generation. behind these songs, because the Saturday night, don't you think? an artist to change their style so lyrics are lacking. Not to mention Gavin Rossdale, Vandals' "Oi to the World" are Getting a little help from the her husband of over two years, going to have to find solace in her legendary artist Prince on "Long probably has a lot to say about earlier material. Way to Go," couldn't even save the Stefani's making out patterns. This is good news for fans of lyrics. Let Ashley Simpson sing about Stefani's "Rock Steady" sound. If As an example of using words teenage dating patterns. It is time you liked "Hella Good" and "Hey that merely rhyme and trying to for Stefani to return from Saturn Baby" you will probably enjoy her make a song out of it, Stefani and and let her style mature. solo album. Prince sing in unison, "It's beyond There are still subtle traces of So on "Sunday Morning," when Martin Luther/Upgrade computer." Stefani's original style, but album you're heading to the gym, grab Okay, so Luther and computer by album, she seems to be phasing Charlotte R. Riley Child Center "Love, Angel, Music, Baby," as it rhyme, but what does upgrading a out her original style more and is definitely workout music materi¬ computer have to do with eliminat¬ more. Those of us desperately at PURDUE UNIVERSITY CALUMET al. ing racism? It cannot even be clas¬ wanting to hear Stefani singing The Serving children of PUC students, faculty, staff, and the community WWW.WORKFORSTUDENTS.COM NAEYC Accredited State Licensed Customer Sales/Service Teaching Lab School $ 13.00 Base-App t. Kindergarten Class Flexli|e:; Schedules Children ages 3-6 Scholarships Available Open 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday-Friday Conditions Apply, All Ages 18+ AM Preschool, PM Preschool, and Full Time Schedules Phone: (219)989-2343 Call Today! 219-756-0977 Discounts for Purdue University Calumet students Monday, January 24 http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu Internet band worth surfing BY MICHAEL FINNEY Rhode Island and plans to finish the 11 tracks Staff Writer this January. Four songs are fully instrumen¬ tal; the group recorded additional music but decided against including it. Incognito Sofa Love is co-producing the album with Derrick New Year's Eve on Bank Street in New Martin, engineer and owner of the UFO London, Connecticut was cold. The streets Sounds Laboratories. "Responsibility" and air were thin but alive with the groove of comes across very experimental, a mysteri¬ Incognito Sofa Love, a band made up of ous sax melody is smothered with a chorus mixes from their influences, ranging from effect. As the song was moving on Jensen rock to jazz, funk, blues.. .you name it. ISL’s commented, "It’s on the way to epic.. .on the instrumental duties fall to Adam Demorest, yellow brick road." saxophone and vocals, Rob Jensen, guitar The tracks are recorded live as a full band, and vocals, Justin Grabel, bass and vocals then solo or vocal overdubs are added if and Mike Winslow on percussion. Each needed. Occasionally some parts are doubled musician had been playing the local scene on while some percussion may be added to the East Coast for quite sometime before thicken up the sound. Also worth mentioning coming together. are the three songs being produced with Tonight the band celebrated their fifth Fuzz, guitarist and vocals from the funky and year together. Many people showed up to hip band Deep Banana Blackout. Fuzz con¬ honor the band's lasting longevity. After Matt tributes to "Pour Me Your Love," "Red Gouette and Catfish finished their sets, it was Light" and "Aw Schnap." getting close to midnight. Incognito Sofa Last September ISL appeared on the Love readied their equipment and took posi¬ Insomni-Act segment of World News Now tion. At the first stroke of the New Year the on ABC News. Throughout the autumn since band threw it down. The four played old that appearance the band has frequently visit¬ favorites for their fans like "Fish" and "Man ed the subways of New York City, in part Made Things" and new songs such as with a program that gets them set up in the "Responsibility" and "Pour Me Your Love." tunnels below. Incognito Sofa Love plans to The last two are set to appear on the bands tour this year in support of their upcoming Photo Provided currently untitled new record due for early record Dates will be available online. spring. Although they have not released an Incognito Love Sofa frontman and saxophonist Adam Demorest rocks out a I sat down with Winslow and Jensen from official album, check out live audio, New Year's Eve ballad for an East Coast celebration. the band to ask them a few questions and to video, pictures and some robot fight¬ listen in on some new music. The band has ing movies visit their website at been working since November at a studio in www.sofalove.net. CTIS Connection Now Hiring-$7.50-$9/hrl Administrative Services at Purdue University Calumet Paid Training! How do I access my online course? Guaranteed hourly rate plus, What do I do if I have problems with my PC? ALL NEW ATTENDANCE How do I submit assignments online? BONUS! ALL NEW PRODUCTION Get answers to these and any other questions you have about your online classes at any one of the following student orientation ses¬ BONUS! sions. No registration is required. Great hours, pay, benefits, Tuesday, January 18th 1:00-3:00pm Wednesday, January 19th 9:00am-11:00am and opportunities! Thursday, January 20th 4:00pm-6:00pm Monday, January 24th 4:00pm-6:00pm Four Illinois locations! Tuesday, January 25th 9:00am-11:00am Wednesday, January 26th 1:00pm-3:00pm Five Indiana locations! Thursday January 27th 2:00-4:00pm College Tuition ilv/ ".anttiv w nmi_ UPDATE: Wireless Computer Access on Campus Reimbursement Congratulations to Rhonda Long, a junior in Pre-Med, for suggesting the name Call our 24-hour job line! CalNet as the permanent name for Purdue Calumet’s wireless network. Individuals who set up wireless connectivity during the pilot project last semester 1 (888) 801-JOBS will need to update their systems. Assistance in this process can be obtained in Gyte 133, Powers 218, the Main Lab or at www.calumet.purdue.edu/wireless. [email protected] csc.calumet.purdue.edu Your feedback on our services is always welcome. Please send your comments to Liz Osika, Director of User Services at [email protected]. The Chronicle SportsWellness ■ http://chronicle.calumet.purdue.edu = Peregrines withstand Saints final march BY DAVE THOMPSON up, they did not as the Saints made one last ulation, six-foot-five senior guard/forward ry- Sports Editor push in regulation to either win the game or Allen Matuszewski would bury a three-point Epps drove down the court and launched force overtime. shot to cut the lead to 86-84. a last second three-point shot that hit the back In the end the Saints fell just short, losing Polak was fouled again with 18.5 seconds of the rim as time expired, thus preserving PER Building - With one minute left in to the Peregrines 88-87. left in regulation. Polak again came through the victory for the Peregrines. regulation on Wednesday Jan. 19, the "We won by the slimmest of margins," in the clutch, as he pushed the Peregrine lead After the game, Woods was relieved Peregrines were up 82-77, but do not tell Assistant Coach Butch Shiplov said. to 88-84. But then Polak made what could about the victory. them they had the victory completely in St. Francis began their final minute surge have been the crucial mistake of the game. "We won the game," said Woods. "We did hand. with a basket by Jon Womack with 48.1 sec¬ Polak picked up his fifth foul and fouled what we had to do to win." "I was still worried because they were hit¬ onds left to make the score 82-79. Polak was out of the game with 8.8 seconds left, fouling Interim head coach Mike James hoped the ting open shots," said freshman guard Steve then fouled with 46.3 seconds left, sending sophomore guard Eric Epps on a three-point Peregrines would make enough plays in the Polak. him to the line to shoot two free throws. shot attempt. Epps converted on all three of final minute to hold off the Saintst_ Up to that point, the Peregrines (8-14, 2-1 Polak converted both free throws, pushing his free throw attempts to make the score 88- "We did enough to hang on, I guess," said in the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic the Peregrine lead to 84-79. Womack hit 87. James. "We have got to get better." Conference as of Jan. 21) withstood every another basket for the Saints closing the gap "It was a stupid foul," said Polak. "1 The next home game for the Peregrines is second half attempt by the St. Francis Saints 84-81. couldn't avoid it. Saturday, Jan. 29 as the Peregrines square off (1-22, 0-3 in the CCAC as of Jan. 21) to take Thomas Mosley was fouled immediately Senior center Marquice Woods would against Robert Morris College (16-3, 2-0 in the lead and possibly steal a victory. after Womack's basket and proceeded to then be fouled by Brandon Krug with six sec¬ the CCAC as of Jan. 21). Tip-off will be at 1 While the Saints could have easily given make both free throws giving the Peregrines onds left. Woods missed both free throws, p.m. an 86-81 lead. With 26.9 seconds left in reg¬ giving the Saints one final chance for victo¬ Lady Peregrines pluck first conference win BY CARL HUIZENGA Brown of Illinois Tech. "We have no guard play," said Coach two losses, this will pick up ouri heads," Staff Writer "IIT has the highest scoring shooter Smith. "We have to play excellent defense to Peacock said. (Brown) in the conference and we held her to play this offense. After coming back from St. Francis (Ill.) zero points all the way until the last four min¬ Coach Smith said the team needed to on Saturday Jan. 22, the Lady Peregrines CHICAGO - Fresh off two defeats from utes," said Coach Smith. improve ball movement up the court. have three games this week. The Lady Olivet Nazarene and St. Xavier to open Brown would finish the game with eight Another area addressed was field goal per¬ Peregrines travel to 1U South Bend on Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference points. centage for the game, as the Lady Peregrines Tuesday, Jan. 25 for a 7 pm EST tip-off, host play, the Lady Peregrines needed a win to Freshman guard/forward Linsey Smith only shot 31.3 percent from the field and 51.6 Trinity Christian College on Thursday, Jan. stay in the title hunt. scored 18 points to lead the Lady Peregrines. percent from the free throw line. In contrast, 27 for a 7 pm tip-off in the PER building, and The Lady Peregrines (11-10, 1-2 in the Junior Sarah Vaughn added 14 points while Illinois Tech shot 31.8 percent from the field travel to the Hammond Civic Center on CCAC as of Jan. 19) got that win on Jan. 18 shooting 50 percent from the field. and 71.4 percent from the free throw line. Saturday, Jan. 29 to play Calumet College St. at Illinois Tech (7-13, 1-2 in the CCAC as of Despite the victory, Coach Smith was not However, freshman forward/center Joseph in an 11 am tip-off. Jan. 19) defeating the Scarlet Hawks 65-52. completely happy about the performance of Stephanie Peacock thinks the Lady Head Coach Dennis Smith and his team his Lady Peregrines as he thought the team Peregrines are headed on the right track. had a plan before the game to stop Angie needed to make better decisions on the court. "This (game) gives us confidence after the Spring Fling 2005 coming Peregrine Quick Strike and three different levels of runners. BY WILLIAM LINGVAY "The training program is offered as a pro¬ Staff Writer gression from people who want to just finish Basketball Scores the race to those who have specific perform¬ ance goals set," Bobalik said. It is not too soon to start thinking about Bobalik will hold another seminar for the Spring Fling 5K race. those interested in running in the Spring Jan. 19 - Peregrines 88, St. Francis (Ill.) 87 Originally started by the Total Fitness Fling on Wednesday, April 13. This seminar Jan. 18 - Lady Peregrines 65, Illinois Tech 52 Center in spring 2001, this year's Spring is titled "Final Tune-Up for the Spring Fling Fling is scheduled for Saturday, April 30. In 5K: What to do with 2 Weeks to go." Jan. 15 - St. Xavier 75, Lady Peregrines 66 addition to the race, the TFC is planning two In that seminar, Bobalik will discuss seminars for people interested in preparation information needed by participants as they Jan. 15 - Peregrines 73, Illinois Tech 49 to run or walk the 5K. finish training for the Spring Fling, such as "It was started because we wanted to help what to eat the night before and the morning out students and employees of the universi¬ of the race. Upcoming Games ty," said John Bobalik, exercise physiologist Other topics such as dressing for the at the TFC. weather conditions, what to expect at the Bobalik will host the seminar "Training starting line, how to pace oneself during the Jan. 25 - Ladies @ IU South Bend to Run or Walk the Spring Fling 5K: A 12- race, warming up properly, what time to get Week Blue Print" at 7:00 p.m. in room K- to the race, how to get off to a good start in Jan. 27 - Ladies vs. Trinity Christian 129 this Wednesday, Jan. 26 in the PER the race and how to cool down properly after Building. Admission to the seminar is free, the race will also be discussed. Jan. 29 - Ladies vs. Calumet College * but seating is limited. To register for Spring Fling or the semi¬ The seminar will focus on a basic training nars, contact the TFC at 219-989-2175 or at Jan. 29 - Men vs. Robert Morris program and a checklist of things to consid¬ 1-800-HI-PURDUE, ext. 2175. er, such as what type of shoes to wear and different types of strength training. Bobalik * @ Hammond Civic Center will discuss training programs for walkers Classifieds Spring Break 2005 with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator. Hiring campus reps. Call for group discounts. Info/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 www.ststravel.com. FBII TRAVEL MUG TO Red Cross To make an appointment visit information tables in SFLC & CLO EACH DONOR!!! BLOOD DRIVE buildings or go online to http://www.calumet.purdue.edu /fitwellness/wellness.html Tuesday, February 8th 10AM - 4PM and Walk-ins are also welcome. Give the GIFTthat will Wednesday, February 9,h 8AM - 2PM Sponsored by Purdue University Calumet Wellness Center SAVE A LIFE! & School ot Nursing Alumni Hall, SFLC building.