ANDREI BELY THE CHRISTENED CHINAMAN TRANSLATEADN,N OTATEANDD INTRODUCED BY THOMAS R . BEYER, JR. . HermitaPgueb lishers 1991 AndreBie ly The ChristCehnienda man A novel Translatferdo mR ussiabny ThomasR .B eyerJ,r . @ Copyright 1991b y ThomasR .B eyerJ,r . Allr ightrse served LibraorfyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PDuabtlai cation BelyA,n drey1,8 80-1934. [Kreshchenykii taetsEn.g lish] The christenCehdi namanI AndreiBe ly;t ranslataendn,o tateadn,d introducebdy ThomasR .Be yer,J r. p. em. Translatioofn:Kr eshchenyik itaets. ISBN1 -55779-042:- $61 2.00 I.T itle. PG3453.B84K7131 991 91-32723 891.73'3--dc20 CIP A sketcbhy SergeCih ekhoni"nW oman withf lower("1 914i)s usedf orf roncto ver Publishbeyd H ERMITA GE PUBLISHERS P.OB.o x4 10 TenaflNy.,j 0.7 670U,. S.A. CONTENTS Tranastlor'Isn troduction 1 TheT exta ndt heT ranslation IX THE CHRISTENED ClllNAMAN The Study 1 Papochka 1 3 Thisa nd That'Osw n 25 GrannyA,u ntieU,n cle 40 Roulade 53 Mamochka 69 Mikhails 77 Ahura-Mazda 88 PapaH itt heN ailo n theH ead 97 The Scythian 106 Phooeyness 109 Spring 127 Felolw Traveler 133 Om 147 Red Anise 152 Notes 161 TRANSLATOR'S INRTODUCTION ThCeh ristCehniend a(maKnep U�eHKbHlTli'la 9oL4ri)g,in aelnltyi tled ThTer ansgroefNs iskoiloLanei t a(eIvE::p opeapepe)a,r eidn1 92t1o mixerde vieAw.sV .e kslcearl lie"tdo noef t hmeo satr ttiiscavlilbyrt a n andc omplewtoer kosfR ussilaint teurraiefn, o thte m osvti brwanotr k 1 ofA .B ely.V"iktSorhl kovskthye, w elkln owFno rmalicsrti tic, wrot"eId: o nt'hti tnhka hteh imse[lBfe ly] wknhoawitsn t hweo rland 2 'Epopee'i s.C"rithiacvsae l so vwariideedil nyt heeivra luatoifto hnes styliisnntoivca tioofnt sh ew ork. GSltruevbe c ompalniedo ft he "artificial, obsrehsystihvoemf "t hvweeo rrsken, o ti"nIgc onfetsos l nohta ving beenr eaaibdttl h eor utgoh .Th'i'ss amreh ytsehemm edt o MarieSthtaga inyjaunse tx actrliygf hottr h eep ifco rmc hosebny B ely 4 fohri wso rkA.ndreBie lanyd hiwso rks oftefno rcteahxl tlreedm e resopnsespo,s itianvde n egatfirvoehm,i cso ntemporaNroiwem so.s t ofh iwso rkarse m etw itshi leinnct eh e SoUvniieortnea ,d b yf ewa nd undetorods bye vefne weirnt hWee st ThCeh ristCehniendai masan na utobiogrnaopvheirlce lalna gtt ihe worlasd s eenth rougthh eey eosfa fi vey earo ldi nt hper seo-poetryo fa forty-oyneaero ldS ymboliwsrti l olf B elyw'osr ktsh neo vel hasm ultiplleev ealnsdm eaninBgesl.iy s a loveorfs yntheasnids triangulaHriiswt dsb roken dionowt tnr iparsttirtuec tiunr es whicthh e third iset lheeemm ebodnitm enantd resuotlioonfth e first twoTh.i st ypeo fs trucctaunber ef ounadte very olfet vhenelo veOln. thset ylilsetviecl theelreem eaonrftssee n se,so unda ndm eaniTngh.e structulreavlec lo nsiosftsc ontefnotr,m asnydm bolT.h et hematic leviescl omposeodfa utobiohgyrl,ai pteraantdumr yes ticoirms ymth . ' Thea utobiogracpohnitceaxllte,uv aielslt heea sitte osd ecipher: it iss impanlde d irte,acb arsek eleftootrnh weo rkT.h en oveilsse ti n them id-8108'si nt heM oscowa partmeonfat Profesosfo r MathematMiicksh,a Vials ilevich Letaev. hiWsmi utchh him are youngaenrd b eautiwfiufleE ,l izavaentdat ,h eir Nsiokno,l ai, nicknamKeodt iokr" KittTehnea. c"it oonf t hneo vefllo wst hroutghhe seasoonffs a lwli,n taenrd s priwnigt anh imangeida nda ntiactiepd summeKro.t itkh,e antarorirsl, argecloyn fmteodth ea partmnetsa ve foarf ews trolilnts h een viroofnt sh Aer badti strTihcetri esl itotrl e no pilnot th near rativrea;t haese rri,e so fi ncidentsep aisnoddhe esl ps ii THEC HRISTENEDC HINAMAN tod efmtehf eam ilmye mberasn tdh reea ltionbesthwieepnst heimnt he fmaiilal trTihaecn chwteo riksth es truggloeft hfea ther andm otheorv etrh fea te fauntduro efth eso n.S houlhdebe allowed to develionopta ne ggheaecdceedrn itmca thematician fatlhieokrre his inot mau ilebrmauls icliiakhnei m so therWh?i let hceo nfliicsct l ear, thper opecro urosefa ctifootnrh ceh iilsnd o LH er etreaitsn tapoo s e ofi gnoraanncdse l owt-ewdintienos rsd teora vohiidms o the'rswr at.h Hew ithrdawisn thoi osw ni nner isnoet lwafo ,r lodfi magaitnion inhabbiyft iregdh tencirneagtu rwehsoa rrwiviett hhdarkn ees s ofn ight, buwth of ortunatdeilsype rset hwceio tmhi onfgm orni'nsglig hitno t theb edro.o Dmespei thaitst emtpotc so ncehailsi netllectual developKmoetniitkse, v entudailscvloeyr aednbea dt enb yh imso ther folri stetnoti hnfega theKro.t iki st hebnu ndluepand d ru sheadw ay frmo thheo ubsyeh ifsa etrht os penthde d ayat h iUsn cel'Tsh.en ext morninhger etuhrnso mfeo ar reconcilwiiatththeir opeenn tantm other. Thes trugbegtlweee nsc ienancdeart ,t hmea themiaant-imcusician confloifPc rtoe fssNoirk olVaais ileBvuigcahean vd Aleksandra Dmirtievnneae,Y egoroovvae,tr h eoinrl y Bsooirns,i, s w ell documenbottedh b yB elhyi mse(lthef p seudonoyfBm o rBiusg aeivn) himse moiarnsdb y o thebri ogra.pS hieimrlsarmlayn oyf t hpeer sons ande venftson ud tihnne o vcane lal so betrac ed to refnecreeisnB el'ys non-ficwtoiroknIsaln.a prefatcote h ef iresdti tiwohni cwhas subsequoemnittteldBy,e lwyarn eda gaintsotco o lsea c omarpison betweehnif sit cioannadalc tufaalth mee xtealnlft i ctiisao n mixurteo f faancdft an tasyo,fm emroye nhancbeydi magaitnion. Ideatlhlleyi bentew eethnet wos houdlidsa ppearf oborth writanedr s readientrs h texe trueo fth efi nal wIonBr ekl'.ycases thee nhancement andi maginocactuimroo nr oen t hlee voefl ss tyslyem boamlne;dm ory preseirnvl easrp garte th e reevaeln wtsh icbecho me thceo nteAs nitt. ism,o satc cnotsuo fh ifsat heirn clutdhionbsgyeB elhyi semlpfor vide cosnidereavbildee tnhcathete f iticonaMiklh ailL etaehvas m ucihn commowni thth er ealN ikoBluagiae v. Ifth ec ontiesonn tl tyh sek eolnet,th en formtath,et hleti ernaersis oft hweo rki,sth ebo dy.I nB eltyh set yilste h seu bstancSeo.u nd prveaiolvses re nseT.h ew orpdr deominoavteestr h seen tenThcee isof tmeonr iem portathnatnt hweh olSehf.itin gt hbeu rdoefmn ea ning frmo thef ortet so trteheesB ,e ldyi sassemthbel elsi anneardt e mporal componoefnl tosg Iincp .l aocfetr aidtioenxapols itiino nw,ho inceh worfdol lowainnogt ihsle org iccaolnlnyec twie4th thietr,ie sa v erbal ands patlioaglbi acs eodn trheepe titoifs oonu nrdoost,s w,o rds, TranslatoIrn'tsr oduction iii phrasaensds tioarnes m adbe yas sociatliinkge elemewnhtsre evtehr eayr feou ndT.h ec haoosfe xternrale aliist y ordeoredn lbyyt he itmhpoes itoifano ni nteprnaatlt ernintgh eu pon worsd.He rthee n arratiosnr o otn layfi ve yoelabdru atm iddle-aged Symbolpoeits tse nsittiorv hey tanhdm rhyanmdeas serting thpoeet 's rigthoot r dheirws o rvledr lbayThl.i sc ombinaotifco hnian ldda duilnt as ingle insat rrhuaent iofryd ienvgio cfthe e no vel. Inc uriwoauysws h athte bo y andw hatth poeet seea ndsa yar e oftiedne nteivceatnlh ,o utghhfe o rmearr vreithse rthreo ugihg norance ora ccidtehnleta ,t ttherro ukgnho wleodrdg ees iFgonre. x amptlhee, fatheorf ten buys aapnptlanoednsb o rviknthag esm h omteo t hbeo y. Antotnh,ey ardmiansa, s windwlheors elthlesf at'hesbor oks. Antonoivsia c phr eofssloirk teh fea etrhb,u hte i sa gangserta nd kidpnpaeGra.n greinnRe u sasnii sc all"eAdn t'osfn i.r"eTh e only connectiwohni cehx iasmtso naglo lft heseth eiR su ssriooant " anton" (aHTOLHa)t.the erb oyc ommiatsn" origsiinnana"dl i ski dnapped by hifsath erW.h enpr esenwtietdah na niasep ptlheboe y imagibeniensg throiwnntt oh bei blfiicraoelft he booofDk a niTehle.s seeem ingly radnomth ought-otftra hiboeny sar ea tt hsamee timee laborsaytset ems devibsyet dhp eoe t. Thep oeti sl ikewriessepo nsfiorbth leeo thseyrs tseumcsah st he colsocrh emTeh.ew orlidsc onstreudpc rtimaorfir ledysan dg erens, blacaknsdw hites,a nbdyl eulelsoA wlsol.f th eseh eltpoo rdaenrd establliismhii ntt shm ei nodft he childd.e vAiincsoteth h ceey rc lical alternaotfid oanya ndn ightw hiincd ha rnkesfsear, and incom preehnsibarielr ietpyl awciethld i gsechutr,i antdyc liafircatiFoinn.a lly theirste h iem pormtaonttci ofn taiinnet dhg er owotfhs exuaawlar e nesTsh.eb oyi sc onufsebdu ctu riaobouust bodifluyni cotnsesx,u al organs,s tmreunaatnidlo onv ek-imnaTgh.em iddle-poaegtme idr rors thiisg nor(aanclet hhoeup grhe sumably ktnhoboewy s d oewsh'n)at t witehu phiemsmsh,i ndtso,u belnet endIrnee fsf.ecbo tth aspects of the nararto(ry ouanngdo l dw)h isleeem intgod isgutihsien gsr eovnelayl theaml thle m orcel eatrothl eyr eader. Thes toirsay s s impalste h set yilsce o mplTehxep. r oseu nder goest hadti slocaotfli aonng uiangtieots m eaningr eferrteobd y T .S . p ote'psr oisnew hicthhed enotatoirso ing nificaotifao n word oifslt eesinsmp ortatnhta n cotnhne otatsoiuonndossr,s ymbols evokbeydt hweo rdB.el ya'ismt hroughhioasur sttti icca rewearst o 5 revitallainzgeu taogc er,e atthe"e l ivwiondrg. 'W'ordtsa ken eown additmieoananlio nrgr se,c apotludrfeeorr g ototneens . Saobouunndds, iv THE CHRISTENECD HINAMAN andg raadulltyh reea der cotmosee esan d hear thatth eso undp recedes thsee nset,h ue nicto mebse fournei tWyh.e roel dw ordarse insufficient forth e task,n eww ordasr ei nventHeedr.ea gaiwne conrfonthte narrator-doIusbl beia.tb y-talokr poe tic licenThsee ?fal sea naloogfy thec hilodr t hep oetiicn saptiiroonf t hea dulNtam? es takeon meaningtsh:ef amilnya meL etaevc omefsor m the root" .neT"-"to flyM.e"ta phorhsa vle ietramle aningansd homonymcso nfoutnhde youtThh.e b oy'cso nscioussnteislsl bethfeo srtaeg eo f" figurative" percepctioomn binweist thh poeet 'sr eidscovoefrc yo incidewnhciecsh havbee efno grottoernl ost. Alolf t hisso unadn ds ensei si ntentod ecdu lmitneia nm eaningi,n a syntheosfsi ysm bolmiecta physithceamle sth ati nserats s piriitn to thboe dy ansdk eleotfot nh weo rkT.h eraree actually twom ajotrh emes inth en oveTlh.ef irissrt e veailneth de titlaen di nthe laswto rdosft he work":T hCeh ristCehniedna manI.n"t hfeat hearer unitetdw o sdpiarate culturreelsi,g itornasd,i tainodrn esg ioWness.t( whifcohrR ussiainss Europem)ee tsE asitn a serioefsu niownhsi cahl onaer ec apabolfe bringfiulnifgl lmeanndtr elefaser omt hesear ch foTrr uthT.h eE lohim ofA braham,M osesa ndth ep rpohetsc omet ogethweirt Ahhura Mazda andB rahma Cihnr iasntdC hristiathnei Nteyw, C ovenaLnatt.i ann d Sanskrreittu ornn caeg aitnot hoe nel anguaguen derstboodya lbelf ore the tragedyt heoT fo wero fB abel.P rofessLoerta evt,h ec ulurted inetllectwuiathrl o otsi nP ythagorLuesi,b nanidz K ant,r espected in Europemaant hematciicracll iesas l,s toh ebe arer oft hew ildmna ScythTiaatna-hre ritaHgeei .sa wiseamna nda fool,t higse niiussan eccentrthiecd ,e ani sa b uffoon.T her atioinsamal ndr eserveE uroofpe arec omplemeednb tyt hei ntuitiavnidis mmp etuoosfit thyeE ast. ProfseosBr u gaebvec ometsh eem bodi menotf R ussiaag'es oildde ntity crsiiasr:ew eE uropeanosr A sianTsh?et ruethm bodied inth epe rsono f ProefssoBru gaevis tmhees sageth atR ussiiasu niquReu.s siias descendanotfb othE asta ndW estb,u tbel ongtos n eitheIrti. sa si ft he Mongoflat hehra dc ommtiettdh era peo fth eg entiBlyeza ntinmeo ther andbo thh add ecidetdod isowthneb astardc allReuds siYae.tth eso n of thefa thecra nndoetn oyr i gnohriehs e t R usas iistr oubled andd ividbeydt hec ircumstaonfci etsbs i rth,so too is the nHaer rator. loveasn df ears fatthheew rh omh el oseass ay ounmga n,b uta st he middalgee pdoe th ew ilusel thlei terparryoce sst of mdh iman d recreate himT.h itsh emoeft hes oni st hseceo nd majothre me thoefn ovel. Thet hemoef svoenr sfuathse rt,h uen derlyOedipianlg complex in - 6 manyo fBely'psr osweo rk,ws as firsetx plobryeKhodase dv ich. 0thers Transtloar'Isn troduction v havep arrotehdi si nterpretabtuitlo enfi,tt e ssentiaulnldye veloped. FreudT'ost aenmTd a bodoeos p rovide sevefroaurln lcoclkiunetgsh e mysterioefths e noveHils. t heoroinet sh ec ovenabenttw eenf athaenrd sont,h ei dentifiocfaf tiiloginua ilwl itt thhe inceptoifro enl igainodn hisr ecogniotfiar otna ndr eligasi otnw oo utgrowotfht sh eOe dipal complareex allp ertinteoTn ht Ceh ristCehnienda maThen .is suoefs sexuaalw akenilnogv,e -hraetlea tionansdh iptasb,oo si nt hew ork remaiton b eu nravebluetd, Ft rheeu diaapnp roacihsli mitebecda use it focusesa ttenstoiloneo lnyt h"eg endears"pec to f" po.n." Thek eye lemeonftth e noveilsin ,d eedthe, conceopf"t po.nb,u"t ini tsf arb roadiemrp licatoif"o gnesn us",g"e neri"cg,e"n aetrion," "gentee"lc,og"ne nitaanld" " originBaell.y", the anwdrm iyttehr makers,e tso utt or esoltvhepe r obloefm" birth" byc ombinithen gO ld andN ewT estamenGtesn,e sainsd t heG ospelsT.h e" origisnianil s" birtihts elf. Genbeyrth aet aecdto fp rocreatibeotnw eenp rogenitor (fathanedr t)h ge enetrix (imtoi tsthh ee sorn) w,h om usbet sacrificed. Them ocks acrifoifIc sea abcy A brahaamt t heL ord'cso mmand prefigutrheesc rucifixGiodo nt.h e Fastahcerri fCihcreissh ti,so nly begottSeonno ,n t heC rosCsh.r istth,ei nnocenotn es,h edhsi bsl ood foarl mle ni nt heon lsayc rifaicccee ptabtol teh Fea thearsa ,c rifiocfe both maannd G od.T heC hristmiyatnh t,h em ysteorfyC hrisits, perpetuaitnet dh es acramoefnB ta ptisWma.t ert,he s igonf t heN ew Covenarnetp,l atcheebs l ood ofc ircumciosfti hoeOn l d CovenIann t. Baptismma,n cihsr istehneebe dc,o mesC hristliakned i sr econciled witthh Fea ther. Kotiske ektsh esa me reconciliIanti m ysticdarle am worlhde i sc rucifideide,as n di sb urieodn,lt yo r esurrecatn dl ivien glortyh ereaTfhteer re.s urrecKtoetdica kn returnh omet oh ism other whoh ersehlafsb eenre conciwliethdhe rso n byh issa crifiIcnhe i.s dreamsK otickr,e atientd h ei maganed likenoefst sh Fea thecro,m etos recognainzdea ccetphte coufsop rr owsp resenttoeh di mT.h epo et cometso a similar reatlhiahztea i tshi iosfna thesro'nsa, n dA ndrei Belye ffecat rse conciliwaittPhir oonf esBsuogra eivn h isl iterary creatiIonna .c cepttihnegi fra tei,nr esigntihnegm seltvoet sh eir heritabgoet,ch h ialnd d pfoeutl fitlhle ciorv enanta nd fipeancde . Thissea rcfho pera cea ndr econciliawtaistho en d rivifnogr cient he lifaen dw orkosf A ndreBie lyB.o rn in1 88t0h,el onaned loneclhyi ld ofa m ismatched mBarorriiBasug gea,eg vr euw pi nt hAer badti striocf t MoscowI.n tellaingdeq nuti ckwihtetw easd c,o nstantdlrya wbent ween thtew op oles reprbeysh einfsta ethdea rn dm otherTh.e dualiotfthy e ir