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Preview The Chinese species of the genus Platydema Laporte et Brulle (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) with description of a new species

Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica , 34 (3) : 428- 434 (July, 2009) ISSN 1000 0739 动物分类学报 THE CHINESE SPECIES OF THE GENUS PLATYDEMA LAPORTE ET BRULL ( COLEOPTERA , TENEBRIONIDAE) WITH DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES HUANG WenJing, REN Guo Dong CollegeofLifeSciences, HebeiUniversity, Baoding 071002, China Abstract A new species of Platydema Laporte et Brullé. P. brunnea sp. nov. , is described, and a key to the known Chinese species of the genusisprovided. Typespecimens ofthe newspeciesare depositedinthe Hebei UniversityMuseum,Baoding, China (HBUM). Key words Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Platydema, newspecies, China.   The genus Platydema Laporte et Brullé, 1831, is a or subround. Elytra oval, slight protuberant or flat; species rich taxon of ca. 290 species known up to now. lateral margin with edging; puncture line or groove Its type species is P. dejeanii Castelneu et Brullé, 1831 regular. and belongs currently to the tribe Diaperini (Coleoptera , The living habit of this genus is similar to Diaperis, Tenebrionidae). It is mostly distributed in Asia, and they are usually found in the broad leaved trees and Australia, Africa and America. There are 25 species polypores. (including the new one described below) occurring in Key to the Chinesespecies of Platydema Laporte et Brullé China and they were mainly described by the following 1. Elytra multicoloured,oftenwith differentfleckorstripe,or both …2 authors: Walker (1858) , Motschulsky (1873) , Lewis Elytra blackor brown,withoutfleckorstripe ………………………6 (1894) , Gravely (1915) , Gebien (1913, 1925, 1928) , 2. Headwithout horns ortuberecles ……………………………………3 Blair (1930) , Nakane (1973) , Masumoto (1982, 1984) Headwith horns ortubereclesin male ………………………………4 3. Genae as width as transverse diameter of eye; 6 apical segments of and Schawaller (2003,2004). In this paper, we describe antennaswollen;elytrafeebly metalshinning,withserratedblackstripe. one new speciesfrom China ,provide a key to the known Bodylength4 65 0mm …………… P. flavopictum Gebien, 1913 Chinese species. The type specimens in this study are Genaewidth much narrower than transverse diameter of eye; 8 apical deposited in the Hebei University Museum, Baoding, segments of antennaswollen;elytra bright,withblackstripe,converging tosuture. Bodylength2 73 0mm ………………………………… China (HBUM). …………………………………… P. pallidicollis (Lewis), 1894 Platydema Laporte et Brullé, 1831 4. Fronswith1flat coneshaped hornin male; elytra dark brown, with 4 yellowishbrown,zigzagfleck. Bodylength3 54 5mm …………… PlatydemaLaporte etBrullé, 1831. Ann. Sci. Nat. , 23 (91): 350 (Type ……………………………… P. aurimaculatum Gravely, 1915 species: P. dejeanii Castelneu etBrullé,1831). Fronswith2hornsin male …………………………………………5 Typhobia Pascoe, 1869. Ann. Mag. , 3 (4): 281 (Type species: T. 5. Horns of frons in male symmetry, slender and parallel, base cupped; fuliginea Pascoe,1869). elytra black,withred,longitudinalstripeinbaseandsuture. Bodylength Asisochara Gebien, 1925. Phili. Jour. Sci. , 28: 101 (Type species: A. 4 05 0mm ……………………………… P. indicum Gebien, 1940 gynadromorpha Gebien,1925). Hornsof frons in male sturdy, the right one longer than the left one; Histeropsis Chevrolat, 1878. Pet. Nouv. , 2: 209 (Type species: P. both gender with tuberecles between eyes; elytra with special stripes. americanumLaporte etBrullé,1831). Bodylength4 5mm ……………… P. haemorrhoidale Gebien, 1913 Diagnosis. Oval or long oval, dorsum bulge orflat. 6. Dorsumwithstrongly blue or red shinning, not dark black, occasional blackor brownshinning ……………………………………………7 Head semicircular, horned in some males; labrum Elytra or dorsumonlyblack, dimand matte ………………………21 membrane wide on base; terminal segment of maxillary 7. Headsimple,without horns ortuberecles ……………………………8 palp narrow axe shaped. Antennae a little exceeded base Headwith horns ortubereclesin male ……………………………13 of Pronotum , and gradually dilated to apex; 1st segment 8. Punctatostriate of elytraindistinct,puncturesinstriateshallow ……9 short and thick; 2nd segment very short, subround; 3rd Punctatostriate of elytra distinct, internal weakly convex; body oval, feeblyconvex; dorsumvermilion,withfinelysilkyshinning ………… segment longer than the other segments, nearly cone ………………………………………… P. sauteri Gebien, 1913 shaped; 4th to 11th segments wide, mostly amplexicaul 9. Antennawith8swollenapicalsegments ……………………………11 form; terminal segment oval. Pronotum transversely Antennawith6swollenapicalsegments ……………………………10 10. Dorsum dark green, with strongly metal shinning; frons with wide wide; anterior margin prominent; lateral margins round; groove on middle. Bodylength5 36 0mm ……………………… posterior margin wide, foliiform enlarged afterward …………………………… P. parachalceumMasumoto, 1982 medialy; edging whole. Scutellum very small, triangular Dorsum brown black, with green metal shinning; frons without wide 2 TheprojectwassupportedbytheNationalScience Foundationof China (30570209; 30130040) , andthe KeyLaboratory of InvertebrateSystematics and Applicationof Hebei Prov. (ISA200902). Received20Jan. 2009,accepted27May2009. 428 2 2 121 2 121 2 2 121 ∗ 121 1 2 2 121 2 2 2 2 July, 2009 黄文静等: 中国宽菌甲属昆虫研究及一新种记述 (鞘翅目, 拟步甲科) 429   groove on middle. Bodylength6 57 0mm ……………………… Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:56. ………………………………… P. semimetallicumBlair, 1930 Material examined. 2 ♂♂, 3♀♀, Mohan, 11. Distant between eyes clearly less than eye width, about 0 64 times; dorsumonlyblack,withstrongly metalshinning. Bodylength6 0mm Mengla County, Yunnan , 3 4 Aug. 2007, collected by …………………………………… P. coeruleum Gebien, 1928 REN Guo Dong, HOU WenJun and LI Ya Lin. Distant betweeneyeswiderthaneyewidthorequal ………………12 Distribution. China (Yunnan , Taiwan) , Nepal, 12. Distant betweeneyeswider than eye width, about 1 37times; dorsum Laos, Thailand , Burma (type locality Tenesserim) , single reddishbrown,withweaklyshinning. Bodylength5 56 0mm …………………………………… P. chalceum Gebien, 1925 Vietnam, Philippines , Indonesia ,Java ,Luzon. Distantbetween eyes equal to eye width; dorsum single dark brown, withstrongly metalshinning. Bodylength7 59 0mm …………… 2) Platydema aurimaculatum Gravely, 1915 (Fig 9) ……………………………… P. yunnanicumSchawaller, 2004 PlatydemaaurimaculatumGravely,1915. Rec. Ind. Mus. ,8:523. 13. 2horns offronsinmaleasymmetry,protendedafterward,clypeuswith Platydema cederbolmi Kaszab, 1980. Acta Zool. Hung, 26 (13): 161; odontoidprotuberance ……………………………………………14 Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:6. 2 horns of frons in male symmetry, clypeus without odontoid Platydemamonoceratoides Masumoto,1982. Entomological Rev. Japan,36 (2): protuberance ………………………………………………………15 144;Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:6. 14. Thelefthornlongerthantherightone;lefthornthickflackform,sides subparallel,apexwith hairs; right hornshorttriangle,no hairs …… Material examined. 5 ♂♂, 1♀, Limu Mountain , …………………………………… P. alticornis Gravely, 1915 Hainan, 22July 2006, collected by WANGJi Liang and Thelefthorntubercleform,andtherightonebasewide,apexlongand GAO Chao; 1 ♂, 3♀♀, Xinwei Farm, Qiongzhong narrow,without hairsatapex ……… Platydema brunneasp. nov. County, Hainan, 4700m , 17 18 May 2008, collected 15. Malewith2sharp andshort horns offrons ………………………16 Malewith2slenderandlonghorns offrons ………………………18 by BA Yi Bin and LANGJun Tong; ♀, Wangtianshu, 16. Malewith2parallel horns offrons ………………………………17 Mengla County, Yunnan , 6 7 Aug. 2007, collected by Male with 2 not parallel horns of frons, but spreaded out outside; REN Guo Dong, HOU WenJun and LI Ya Lin. dorsum black, with strongly blue green metal shinning. Body length Distribution. China (Hainan, Yunnan, Taiwan) , 4 55 0mm ……………………………… P. marseuliLewis, 1894 India (type locality) , Sri Lanka , Burma , Thailand, 17. Bodylargerthan 4 5mm, strongly convex, dim and green shinning; dorsalpunctures lack, intervals striate of elytra slightly convex, with Laos. metalshinning ………………… P. yangmingense Masumoto, 1982 Bodysmaller than 4 5 mm (between 4 14 3 mm) , weakly strongly 3) Platydema brunnea sp. nov. (Figs 1 7) convex, darkreddishbrown;intervalsstriate of elytraflatand matte Brown black, feebly metal shinning. Mouthpart , …………………………………… P. endoi Masumoto, 1984 ventral surface and legs dark brown, tarsi reddish 18. 2horns offronsin malesubparallel,protendedto anterior and upper; brown. Body oblong oval, strongly convex above. frons deeplycupped. Bodylength4 5mm ………………………… ……………………………… P. tuchinlongi Masumoto, 1982 Male. Head triangular, densely punctate. Clypeus 2horns offronsin male horizontallyprotended …………………19 feebly convex, anterior margin angleform prominent; 19. Fronsflatt between horns; pronotum wide; Aedeagus parameres sharp anterior genae convex, sides slightly arcuate, posterior triangle. Bodylength6 0mm … P. guangxicumSchawaller, 2004 genae inlaid into compound eyes; eyes large. Frons with Fronscuppedbetween horns ………………………………………20 2 asymmetrical horns , left horn strumae; right horn 20. Frons bright, no punctures, deeply cupped between horns; dorsaum brownyellow, with shinning, anterior part with weakly purple produced afterward, base wide, apex narrow and long, shinning. Bodylength5 56 5mm …… P. higoniumLewis, 1894 no hairs. Anterior margin of clypeus and lateral margin Frons Yshapedcuppedbetween horns; bodylarge, widededclearlyto of genae strongly curved upward. Antennae (holotype anterior;eyes roundinlateralview. Bodylength6 57 8mm ……………………………………… P. terusane Masumoto, 1984 lack of the last 2 segments) loose stick, slightly exceeded 21. Headwithout hornsin male ………………………………………22 base of Pronotum , beginning to swell from 4th segment, Headwith hornsin male …………………………………………24 relative length of each segment from 2nd to 9th∶2 0∶4 0∶ 22. Male meso andmetatibiaeclearlycurvinginmiddle,graduallywidened 3 5∶2 9∶3 0∶2 8∶2 6∶2 5∶2 9∶4 0. toapex. …………………………………………………………23 Male meso and metatibiae unclearlycurvingin middle …………… Pronotum transversely wide, about 3 0 times as ……………………………1…2…1…… P. fumosumLewis, 1894 broad as long; anterior margin strongly arcua2te, wide 23. Dorsum single black; distant between eyes 1 5 times wider than eye and straight medially; lateral margins steeply oblique diameter; bodylarge ………………… P. detersum Wa1lker, 1858 contracted from middle to apex; posterior margin Dorsum chestnut brown; distant between eyes almost equal 1to eye diameter. Bodylength7 09 0mm ………………………………… foliiform enlarged afterward on middle, sides straight; ………………………………… P. sakishimense Nakane, 1973 border with whole edging except posterior margin; front 24. Distant between eyes equal to eye diameter in m1ale; head with 2 angles obtusely triangular, posterior angles rectangular; asymmetry,separateandupright horns,rightonethickerth1an2le1ftone; disc convex, covered with fine, dense and even bodysmall ………………………… P. subfascium(Walker,1858) punctures, sides near base with oblique, longitudinal Distantbetweeneyes2timeswiderthaneyediameterinmale;headwith 2 upright horns, without hairs; clypeus t1ra2ns1versely elliptical, front groove. Scutellum triangular,finely and evenlypunctate. marginangleformprominent ……… P. tricuspis Motschulsky, 1873 Elytra oblong oval, strongly convex, about 2 8 times as 2 The species from China long as broad , 4 5 times the length and 1 1 times the width of pronotum; shoulders caelate; sides subparallel, 1) Platydema alticornis Gravely, 1915 (Fig 8) edging visible in dorsal view; punctato striate deep , the Platydemaalticornis Gravely,1915. Rec. Ind. Mus. ,8:525. Anisocara gynandromorpha Gebien, 1925. Philipp. J. Sci. ,228: 101; punctures in striate distinct , intervals slightly convex, 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 121 1 1 121 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 121 2 121 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 121 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 30              Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报                Vol. 34 No. 3          Figs 17. Platydema brunneasp. nov. ♂ 1. Adult male. 2. Head. 3. Pronotum. 4. Right antenna. 5. Left antenna. 6. Aedeagus dorsal. 7. Aedeagus ventral. Figs 815. Platydema sp. 8. P. alticornis Gravely 9. P. aurimaculatum Gravely 10. P. chalceum Gebien 11. P. coeruleum Gebien 12. P. detersum Walker  13. P. endoi Masumoto (from Masumoto, 1984)  14. P. flavopictum Gebien (from Schwaller,2004)  15. P. fumosumLewis 12 12 July, 2009 黄文静等: 中国宽菌甲属昆虫研究及一新种记述 (鞘翅目, 拟步甲科) 431   finely and evenly punctured; epipleur whole. Prosternal 593; Gebien,1940, Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,410 (535). process elliptical, anterior part with 1 longitudinal ridge. Material examined. 1 ♂, 3♀♀, Miao Village, Anal segment transversely triangular, weakly convex, Baisha County, Hainan, 4 5June 2007, collected byBA margins pubescent. Tibiae with finely round teeth in YiBin and LANG Jun Tong; 1 ♂, 1♀, Kaishibo, outer , keel shape indistinct; tarsi inter with brush, ratios Baisha County, Hainan, 1 2June 2007, collected byBA of the lengths of pro , meso and metatarsomeres∶5 5∶4∶ YiBin and LANG Jun Tong; 18 ♂♂, 15♀♀, 5∶4∶17; 14∶6∶5∶5∶21; 24∶9∶7∶22. Aedeagus length Nansan, Zhenkang County, Yunnan , 4700m , 19 21 1 4mm , width 0 3 mm; parameres length 0 4 mm, J uly 2 00 8, co lle cte d by XU Ji Shan and ZHOU Yong; spiky form; basalplate length 1 0mm ,2 5times as long ♂, Banhong, Cangyuan County, Yunnan , 1130m , as parameres , sides subparallel. 1618 July 2008, collected by XU Ji Shan and GAO Female. Clypeus front margin without angle form Zhen Hua. prominent; frons with no horns , but with 2 symmetrical Distribution. China (Yunnan , Hainan, Taiwan) , tuberecles , deeply cupped in middle. Other characters as Philippines, New Guinea, Australia , Sri Lanka (type male. locality) , India , Thailand , Laos , Vietnam, Sunda Body length ♂7 3 7 5 mm , ♀ 7 4 7 6 mm, Islands. width ♂3 2 3 4mm, ♀3 3 3 5mm. Holotype ♂, Mohan , Mengla County , Yunnan , 3 7) Platydema endoi Masumoto, 1984 (Fig 13) Platydemaendoi Masumoto,1984. Elytra,11:22. Aug. 2007, collected by REN Guo Dong. Paratypes: 1 ♂, 5♀♀, Mohan , Mengla County , Yunnan , 3 4 Material examined. None. Aug. 2007, collected by REN Guo Dong, HOU Wen Distribution. China (Taiwan (type locality)). Jun and LI Ya Lin. 8) Platydema flavopictum Gebien, 1913 (Fig 14) Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished Platydema flavopictum Gebien, 1913. Arch. Naturg. , 79, A9: 17; from P. alticornis Gravely, 1915 by the following Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:8. characters: body narrower and longer; the left horn on Material examined. None. frons tubercle form , and the right one base wide, apex Distribution. China ( Taiwan (type locality)) , long and narrow , no hairs; legs black brown, tarsi Burma , Thailand. reddish brown. 9) Platydema fumosum Lewis, 1894 (Fig 15) Etymology. Named after its reddish brown tarsi. PlatydemafumosumLewis, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , (6) 13: 395; 4) Platydema chalceum Gebien, 1925 (Fig 10) ChujoandLee,1993. Esakia,33:109; Kwonetal. ,1996. Knccn,162; Platydema chalceum Gebien, 1925. Philippine J. Sci. , 27 (4): 572573; Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:8. Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:7. Platydemafumosumformosanum Gebien, 1925. Philipp. Jour. Sci. , 27 (4): 589. Material examined. 2♀♀, Zedong, Naidong Material examined. 1 ♂, 1♀, Jigong Mountain , County, Xizang, 25 Aug. 2002, collected by ZHU Xinyang County, Henan, 12 July 2005, collected by Ming Sheng etc. WANGJi Liang and GAO Chao. Distribution. China (Xizang, Taiwan) , Indonesia , Distribution. China ( Henan, Fujian, Taiwan) , India ,Java (type locality). Japan (type locality) , Korea. 5) Platydema coeruleum Gebien, 1928 (Fig 11) 10) Platydema guangxicum Schawaller, 2004 (Fig 16) Platydemacoeruleum Gebien, 1928. Stett. Ent. Ztg. , 89: 570; Schawaller, 2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:7. PlatydemaguangxicumSchawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) 671: 24,3839. Material examined. ♀, Huangqiong hollow , Material examined. 1 ♂, Baotian Mountain, Yachang County, Guangxi, 23 July 2004, collected by Neixiang County, Henan, 22 Aug. 2008, collected by YU Yang and GAO Chao. Distribution. China ( Guangxi, Taiwan (type REN Guo Dong etc. locality)). Distribution. China ( Henan, Guangxi ( type locality)). 6) Platydema detersum Walker, 1858 (Fig 12) Platydemadetersum Walker, 1858. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , (3) 2: 284; 11) Platydema haemorrhoidale Gebien, 1913 (Fig 17) Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:78. Platydema haemorrhoidale Gebien, 1913. Arch. Naturg. , 79, A9: 16; Platydema valgum Pascoe, 1869. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , (4) 3: 281; Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:9. Gebien,1940. Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,410 (535). Material examined. None. Platydema malaccum Marseul, 1876. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. , (5) 6: 108; Gebien,1925. Philipp. Jour. Sci. ,27 (4):583. Distribution. China ( Fujian , Taiwan ( type Platydema laticorne Fairmaire, 1882. Notes Leyd. Mus. , 4: 222; Gebien, locality)) , Nepal, Vietnam, India. 1925. Philipp. Jour. Sci. ,27 (4):583. PlatydemaannamitumFairmaire,1893. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ,62:24; Gebien, 12) Platydema higonium Lewis, 1894 1925. Philipp. Jour. Sci. ,27 (4):583. PlatydemahigoniumLewis, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , (6) 13: 394; Platydema detersumrubripes Gebien,1925: Philipp. Jour. Sci. ,27 (4):539 Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:9. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 32              Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报                Vol. 34 No. 3 Material examined. None. Hubei, Guizhou , Taiwan (type locality)) , Philippines , Distribution. China ( Fujian ) , Japan ( type New Guinea, Australia. locality). 17) Platydema sakishimense Nakane, 1973 Platydemasakishimense Nakane, 1973. Mem. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokyo, (6): 13) Platydema indicum Gebien, 1940 (Fig 18) 104,108. Basides ruficolle Motschulsky, 1873. (homonym of B. ruficolle Laporte et Brullé,1831). Material examined. None. PlatydemaindicumGebien,1940. Mitt. München. Ent. Ges. ,30;Schawaller, Distribution. China ( Taiwan ) , Japan ( type 2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:9. locality). Material examined. ♂, Bawang Mountain, 18) Platydema sauteri Gebien, 1913 (Fig 21) Changjiang County, Hainan, 8 July 2006, collected by Platydemasauteri Gebien, 1913. Arch. Naturg. , 79, A9: 15; Schawaller, WANGJi Liang and GAO Chao; 2 ♂♂, 1♀, Wuzhi 2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:17. Mountain , Hainan, 24July 2006, collected by WANG Material examined. 9 ♂ ♂, 13♀♀, Huaguo Ji Liang and GAO Chao. Mountain, Yiyang County , Henan, 3 Aug. 2006, Distribution. China (Hainan) , new record, India collected by WANG Feng Yan and HUANG WenJing; (type locality) , Thailand , Malaysia , Vietnam. 1 ♂, Yuexi County, Anhui , 17 21July 2007, collected 14) Platydema marseuli Lewis, 1894 (Fig 19) by BA Yi Bin ,LANGJun Tong and WANG Feng Yan. Platydemamarseuli Lewis, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , (6) 13: 394; Distribution. China ( Henan, Anhui, Taiwan Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:12. (type locality)) ,Japan. Platydema nigroaeneum Harold, 1878. Deutsche Ent. Zeitsch. , 22: 78; Marseul,1876, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ,V6:105; Fairmaire,1888. Ann. 19) Platydema semimetallicum Blair, 1930 (Fig 22) Soc. Ent. Fr. ,VI8:355. PlatydemasemimetallicumBlair,1930. Ent. Mon. Mag. ,66:177;Schawaller, Platydemabenakatense Masumoto et Makinara, 1997. Bull. For. Pro. Res. 2003. Biodiversitt undNaturausstattungimHimalaya,S. 260, Taf. ⅣⅤ. Inst. Ibar. 374: 119; Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Platydema martensi Schawaller, 1994. Entomofauna. 15: 262; Schawaller, Nr. 671:12. 2003. Biodiversitt undNaturausstattungimHimalaya,S. 260, Taf. ⅣⅤ. Material examined. 3 ♂♂, Arboretum , Xujiang Material examined. None. County, Shanghai, 12 17 Mar. 2006, collected by BI Distribution. China ( Xizang ) , India ( type Wen Heng; 5 ♂♂, Jiuxi, Hangzhou County, locality) , Nepal. Zhejiang, 25 Mar. 2006, collected by BI Wen Heng; 20) Platydema subfascium Walker, 1858 (Fig 23) 2 ♂♂,Mohan, Mengla County, Yunnan, 3 4 Aug. Platydemasubfascium Walker, 1858. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 2 (3): 284; 2007, collected by REN Guo Dong, HOU WenJun and Gebien, 1925. Philippine J. Sci. , 27 (4): 558; Schawaller, 2004. LI Ya Lin; ♂, Yuanmen,Baisha County, Hainan, 28 StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:19. 29 May 2007, collected by BA Yi Bin and LANG Jun Hoplocephalaceclebum Chevrolat, 1877. Pet. Nouv. Ent. , 2 (182): 178; Tong. Gebien,1940. Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,409 (534). Hoplocephaladiversidens Fairmaire,1983. Ann. Fr. ,62: 24; Gebien,1940. Distribution. China (Shanghai, Zhejiang, Yunnan , Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,409 (534). Hainan, Taiwan) , Japan (type locality) , India , Platydema var. hoanumPic,1929. Mel. Ent. ,54:33; Gebien,1940. Mitt. Philippines. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,409 (534). AlphitophagusjapanumMarseul,1876. Ann. Fr. , (5) 6:109;Lewis,1894. 15) Platydema pallidicollis Lewis, 1894 (Fig 20) Ann. Mag. , (6) 13: 397; Gebien, 1940. Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. , PlatydemapallidicollisLewis, 1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. , 6 (13): 398; 409 (534). Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:14. Basidespicicolle Motschulsky, 1873. Bull. Mosc. , 46: 474; Gebien, 1940. Platydemasodale Waterhouse,1894. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ,6 (14): 70; Mitt. Münchn. Ent. Ges. ,409 (534). Gebien,1925. PhilippineJ. Sci. ,27 (4):551552. Material examined. 23 ♂♂, 30♀♀, Yuanmen, Material examined. 1 ♂, Mohan, Mengla Baisha County, Hainan, 28 29 May 2007, collected by County, Yunnan , 3 4 Aug. 2007, collected by REN BA Yi Bin and LANGJun Tong; 5 ♂♂, 1♀, Xinwei Guo Dong, HOU WenJun and LI Ya Lin. Farm, Qiongzhong County , Hainan, 4700m , 17 18 Distribution. China ( Yunnan , Taiwan ) , May 2008, collected by BA Yi Bin and LANG Jun Philippines ,Japan (type locality). Tong. 16) Platydema parachalceum Masumoto, 1982 Distribution. China (Fujian , Hainan, Taiwan) , Platydemaparachalceum Masumoto, 1982. Ent. Rev. Japan, 36 (2): 147 Japan, Burma , Malaysia , India , Indonesia , 148;Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:1415. Madagascar, Sri Lanka (type locality). Platydemazoltani Masumoto, 1985. Ent. Rev. Japan, 40 (2): 121124; Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:1415. 21) Platydema terusane Masumoto, 1984 (Fig 24) PlatydematerusaneMasumoto,1984. Elytra,11:21. Material examined. None. Distribution. China (Fujian , Yunnan , Shaanxi, Material examined. None. 1 (cid:190) 2 1 (cid:190) 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 July, 2009 黄文静等: 中国宽菌甲属昆虫研究及一新种记述 (鞘翅目, 拟步甲科) 433   Figs 1626. Platydema sp. 16. P. guangxicumSchawaller 17. P. haemorrhoidale Gebien (from Schwaller, 2003)  18. P. indicum Gebien 19. P. marseuliLewis 20. P. pallidicollisLewis 21. P. sauteri Gebien 22. P. semimetallicumBlair (from Schwaller,2003)  23. P. subfascium Walker  24. P. terusane Masumoto (from Masumoto, 1984)  25. P. tricuspis Motschulsky (fromSchwaller,2004)  26. P. yunnanicumSchawaller (fromSchwaller,2004)   Distribution. China (Taiwan (type locality)). Platydematuchinlongi Masumoto,1982. Ent. Rev. Japan,36 (2):149150. 22) Platydema tricuspis Motschulsky, 1873 (Fig 25) Material examined. None. Platydematricuspis Motschulsky, 1873. Bull. Imp. Nat. Mosc. , 42: 479; Distribution. China (Taiwan (type locality)). Schawaller,2004. StuttgarterBeitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:20. 24) Platydema yangmingense Masumoto, 1982 Platydematimorense Marseul,1876. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ,V6:108; Gebien, 1925. PhilippineJ. Sci. ,27 (4):578. Platydemayangmingense Masumoto, 1982. Ent. Rev. Japan, 36 (2): 148 149. Platydema reflexum Chevrolat, 1878. Pet. Nouv. Ent. , 2: 222; Gebien, 1925. PhilippineJ. Sci. ,27 (4):578. Material examined. None. Material examined. None. Distribution. China (Taiwan (type locality)). Distribution. China ( Taiwan ) , India ( type 25) Platydema yunnanicum Schawaller, 2004 (Fig 26) locality) , Philippines , New Guinea, Australia. PlatydemayunnanicumSchawaller, 2004. Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. , (A) Nr. 671:46. 23) Platydema tuchinlongi Masumoto, 1982 2 1 2 2 1 1 4 34              Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报                Vol. 34 No. 3 Material examined. None. ZoologicaAcademiaeScientiarumHungaricae,26 (13):123196. Distribution. China (Yunnan (type locality)). Laporte de F. , Castelnau,L. N. andBrullé, G. A. 1831. Monographie dugenreDiaperis. AnnalesdesScienceNaturelles, Paris,23:332. Acknowledgements  We express our cordial thanks to Lewis, G. 1894. On the Tenebrionidae of Japan. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 6) ,13:377400,465485. Dr. Kiyoshi Ando , the Private Laboratory: Kofu dai 5 Masumoto, K. 1982. New or little known Tenebrionidae from Formosa 3 5, Toyono cho, Toyono Gun , Osaka, 563 0104, (Ⅱ). Entomological ReviewofJapan,36:143152. Japan, and Dr. Wolfgang Schawaller, Stuttgart Museum Masumoto, K. 1984. Tenebrionidae of Formosa (6). Elytra,11:1624. in Germany, for helpful assistance, and to HOU Wen Masumoto, K. and Makihara, H. 1997. Study onthe TenebrionidBeetles inSouth Sumatra. Bulletinof the Forest Products Research Institute Ibaraki, Jun and LI Ya Lin for providing the specimens collected 374:115153. in Mohan Town. Masumoto, K. 1985. Notes and descriptions of Japanese Tenebrionidae (Ⅳ). Entomological ReviewofJapan,40:2127. 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AnnalsandMagazineofNatural History,2 (3rdSeries) ,280286. 中国宽菌甲属昆虫研究及一新种记述 (鞘翅目 , 拟步甲科) 黄文静 任国栋 河北大学生命科学学院 保定 071002 摘 要 对中国宽菌甲属 PlatydemaLaporte etBrullé,1831已知 新种在外形上与高角宽菌甲 P. alticornis Gravely, 1915近 种类进行了分类整理, 给出已知25种的识别检索表和成虫 似, 两者的主要区别为: 1) 前者身体狭长, 而后者较短; 2) 形态图, 并描述了1新种, 棕跗宽菌甲 Platydema brunnea sp. 前者左额角瘤突状, 右额角基部宽阔, 端部狭长, 顶端无 nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。 毛; 而后者的左角长于右角, 左角片状,2两侧平2行, 端部具 毛簇, 右角短三角形, 端部尖, 无毛; 3) 前者足黑褐色, 棕跗宽菌甲, 新种 Platydema brunnea sp. nov. (图1~7) 跗节棕色; 而后者胫、跗节浅褐色。 正模 ♂, 云南勐腊磨憨, 20070803, 任国栋采。副模: 词源: 种名根据跗节棕色得2 名。 2 1 ♂,5♀♀,云南勐腊磨憨, 20070803, 任国栋、侯文君、 李亚林采。 2 2 关键词 鞘翅目, 拟步甲科, 宽菌甲属, 新种, 中国. 中图分类号 Q969 498 2 2 2 ∗ π 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Β 2 2 (cid:190) 2 2 2 (cid:202) 2 2 (cid:190) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

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