BSKLEHV10 LIBRARY 3 5899 00061 6833 a Au D, it trnz. Ulnar I 7 2/ r7crmrr~ crcte &ii<f. M V/ I SENIORS Oh What A Class Jesine Susan Arsenault Jennifer E. Bauer Donald Bautz Jason Beaudoin Sine, Siner, Bean Jen 25 Regent Rd., Wrentham 2 Robin Rd., Norfolk LIKES: storms, dancing, fairness, food. LIKES: green pepper breath, road trips, DISLIKES: Ignorance, shaving, the dark. RM. DISLIKES: smoke, Virginia, D.F., FAVORITE MEMORY: 16 B-day, soph cold water & clothes. FAVORITE parties, VT, rowyourboat. ACTIVITIES: MEMORY: sailing, V.A. w-BT, Gr8- Cheer 1; F.H. 1-4; Gymn. 1-4, Capt.; S.C Woods, Out 2 lunch, perfume fights & 1-4, Sec; Peer lead 3,4; Nihon. FOUND: The Cape w-MZ. FOUND: driving Clair, hairless, and happy! OTHER: Thanks for at the pit w-The Gang. FAVORITE SAY- putting up w/ me guys! AMBITION: To ING: 'The best times are reserved for never tail in my own eyes and to make those with nothing planned." AMBI- people moreawareofreality. FAVORITE TION: To clean Di's room. OTHER: SAYING: "You think I care!" Thanx M&D, Jef, MZ, ME, BT, DD, LC, CL, JE, KC, BS, SW. Tina Marie Bencivenga Richard Bergman Michelle S. Berman Michelle H. Bigelow Tina B, Tiny Iceberg Mooshi, Roots, Shell Beetlejuice, Bigablow, Shelly, BamBam 7 Berry Street, Plainville 24 Geordan Dr., Wrentham 221 Chestnut St., Sheldonville 168 Forest Grove Ave., Wrentham LIKES: E.H., winning, friends, hugs, LIKES: sports weekend, signing, having LIKES: polka dots, purple, rap, talking, LIKES:Men, beingwithfriends, roses, re- memories, mellow music. DISLIKES: in- fun. DISLIKES: Bearman, Abotion, Ac- moonlight strolls. DISLIKES: cold morn- sposa. DISLIKES: snobs, being in a bad security, meat, fighting, gettingyelled at. tivists, rap. FAVORITE MEMORY: play- ings, fake people, plaid, MB's moods. mood, getting pulled over. FAVORITE FAVORITE MEMORY: Cape 4/16-18, U2 ing games in computer class. FOUND: at FAVORITE MEMORY: summer of 92, 5- MEMORY: Parties, 89 vocational 9-13-92 8/24/92, F.H. camp, meeting O.C. AC- work or in mv room playing guitar. FA- 16-92 at DCs, 5-24-92 w/ K.C., 10-17 no flower picking, C.B. pulled over a cop, TIVITIES: F.H. 1-4; B-Ball 1-4; Track 1-4; VORITESAYtNG: "How manyhaveyou comment, RT'91-92. ACTIVITIES:Guard dock jumping, summer91. ACTIVITIES: Pr. Ldr. 2-3;Yrbk. 4;WKPH4. FOUND:at had?" AMBITION: To become a success- 1,2; Drama 3,4; Yrbk. 4. FOUND: in Hull Vocational. FOUND: On the beaches of work, on the field, with friends. ful computer programmer and make lots w/KC, MB, on the phone. AMBITION: to Florida, picking up men. AMBITION: To AWARDS: varsity letters and jacket. of money. OTHER: Thanks Mom, Dad, work with kids and be married. FAVOR- berichand famousand toownthehottest AMBITION: To live happily ever after for the help and support. ITE SAYING: "I'm living in a polkadelick clubs in California. And to finally go to a like the fairy tale says. OTHER: Mom + adventure!" "What?!" "Yeah, okay!" concert, and toneverworkin a supermar- dad + R.G. thanx for being there for me OTHER: Thanks Mom, Dad, and Lee, ket again. OTHER: Thanks to family and these last 4 yrs. I love ya loveya!GoodlucktoKC, MB, KC,JS, OC, friends for being there. and everyone else! Matthew D. Birkbeck Zachary Bolinger Andrea Boni Dawne Marie Booth Birky Z-Man Bones, Boni Love, Andy Seagull Hook 11 Pinetree Dr., Plainville 95 East St., Wrentham 410 South Street, Plainville P.O. Box 146, Wrentham LIKES: Circle key, kilohocla, late nights. LIKES: Kiwi, feathers, life in general. LIKES: winning, #13, music, 2 and 20, LIKES: Jay, sunsets, beaches, vettes, DISLIKES: opening trunks, blue lights, DISLIKES: reflecting on life too little or dreds. DISLIKES: losing, rules, work, money, friends. DISLIKES: Shamu, no cuffs. FAVORITE MEMORY: July 4, too much. ACTIVITIES: Drama 1,2,3,4; tudes, Berta FAVORITE MEMORY: monev, fightingw/Jav, nocar!Oklahoma. 1992, College Fair. FOUND: my room at Football 1,2; Math League 2. FOUND: in video, ventures, Tricia. ACTIVITIES: CC FAVORITE MEMORY: summer of92, 5/ Sim'soragolfcourse. AMBITION:Tolive the walk-in refrigerator at Papa Gino's. 1-3; B-Ball 1-4; S-Ball 1,3,4; Peer L 2-4. 13/92, will be 2/93. FOUND: w/Jav, work, lVifOeRtIheTEsaSmAeYwltafvG:I'v"eCboeuelndliyvoinug pitl!eFaAs-e dFoAVmOeRaIfTavEorS.ANYeIxNtGt:im"eIvwoauntdryionukgouryasngteo TFrOiUciNaD:& wJiolln. MArW.ASRchDmSid:t'scrlosaswnHwoictkh cinomteheaJegsosoydmoSobciilael.WAoMrBkeIrT.IOTNof:prToovebet-o ompyenfrtiheendtsruannkd."alOlTtHheEiRr:prGooboledmsl.ucktoall ejuxiaccet,lyloloikkeatbatbhye spuhlrpi.mpDoleesgs?it"n—ot Mloaodk TCIhOamNp:sto1,2m,a3k&e VmairlsliitoynsLettFerAsV.OARMIBTIE- lmiyvemaothhaeprpvthaltifeI maanddehoitpoenlvmbyeohwanp.piTloy mraegmaezmibneer. mAeM.BOITTHIEORN::tIhwaankntyopueoMpelgeatno GSoAoYdINLGu:ck"tWohmerve2'santdhe20Libguhdtd?i"esO,TtHKEaRn:d mkanrorwie!d". "FAWVhOaRt!I"TE"ZSeAbYraIsN"G.:O"TIHdEonR':t for being such a nifty sister. JC Thanks Fred & Deb, I loveyouJay, Ann I miss you come home soon. Albert F. Bozza, Jr. Leah R. Brady Marc Brady Kurt A. Branstrom Al, Bozzo, Italian Stallion Leo, Begeah Brades Red 38 Davis Ave., Wrentham 156 Park St., Wrentham 8 Cedar Road, Norfolk 2660 West Street, Wrentham LIKES: sports, Bruins, cards, winning, LIKES: Black, rain, thunder, long week- LIKES: winning, fag day, money, pitch. LIKES: JB, Vi days, weekends, Queen, $, money, C.G. DISLIKES: losing, Franklin, ends. DISLIKES: snobs, users, DISLIKES: losing, the sled, ot practice. the lake. DISLIKES: Rt. 9, Greenville, 5moAv.iMn.gptroacWticreesn.thFaAmV,OJRr.ITskEipMdEaMy,ORK.YG:. WMrEeMnOtRhYam:,9-h1o-9t2,weMart.heDrw.yerF'AsVcOlaRsIsTwE- eFvAeVrOyoRnIeT.EACMTEIMVOITRIYE:S:PrFuBadlelnc1e,2,w3i,t4h; wMoErkM,ORbuYm:perrafrtuibn,g,121t,heJT.islFaAndV,OR8I-1T5E, party. ACTIVITIES: Hockey 2,3,4; Track Wlke. FOUND: At a furniture store. Track 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Prldr 2,3. FOUND: cruise, Europe. ACTIVITIES: Tennis 2. FAVORITE SAYING: "I'm just kid- AMBITION: To be rich and successful at practice, outwith friends. AWARDS:var- 2,3,4; Peer Leadership 2,3,4; Math Tm. ding," "Don't be so picky." AMBITION: whatever I do, And to get what I want. sity letter and jacket. AMBITION: To AWARDS: WWAHSS. FAVORITE SAY- tosucceedinlifeandmanyarichwoman, FAVORITE SAYING: "You hate me. I'm makeenough monevbythetimeI'm40so ING: "Do we get adiscount ifwegoover TtohapnlkasyMpar,ofDeassdi,onTaWl,hSocMk,eyM.M,OTaHnEdRt:o Tkihlalinnk'smytosealllf!m"y"fTrhiaetn'dss agnady!m"yOfTaHmiElRy!: Ionccae,n breuttiret.wicFeA.VOOTRHIETRE: STAhYaInkNsG:Monomt AthMeBIToTbIiOnNB:ritdogebemomraekitnhganmi5lltiiomness?a"s my friends, Gd. luck 94 & 95. and Dad! Good luck class of 93! C.E.O. ofIBMbythetimeI'm25. OTHER: thanks mom and dad, JP, EP, JD, good luck '93 Karyn Tatyana Bremilst Martha C. Buchanan Olivia K. Cahill Jennine Elizabeth Caiazza Snoopy, K-K, PB, Karnal Pitta #3, Punch It, Marth Liv, Live Aid, O-Live Jenni, Jen 84 North St., Norfolk 299 Thurston St., Wrentham 27 Woodland Rd., Wrentham 36 Ridge Rd., Norfolk LIKES: rainy Tuesday's, blue eyes, hav- LIKES: Taco Bell, Hull weekends, Dr. LIKES: To laugh, BRU, Kiwi Fruit, Pho- LIKES: ninny w/ T.C., T.K.'s phi- ing money. DISLIKES: brokenpromises, Pepper, quarries, cows, fences. DIS- tography, Hat's, T. Men. DISLIKES: TB's losophies, Jill's pain spasms, gettin' BS, losing, jealousy. FAVORITE LIKES: tickets, MB's moods, phone bills, F's, on trial, BRUonSun, Racism, S. Men. caught in the rain. DISLIKES: renters, MEMORY: Metallica 92, April 18, 1991, goodbyes FAVORITEMEMORY:U2'92; FAVORITE MEMORY: FH '93, Cape 4/ hist, day, cards, horses. FAVORITE the parties April 18, 1991. ACTIVITIES: 5-16-92; 10-17-92; Prom 92-93; 2-1-92; 140 16/92, hat nite, and coffee talf. AC- MEMORY: Riverside, Heights w/ N.W., FVFiIOelCUdANDHo1:;ckAweomyrnke1i,sn2gt;,yB-cB1r;aulilPsei1ne,gr3,; lSpe-oaBodal.llh2a1-l,4l3.,; wFBa./lHlP.T23,,3+4.;CSO.TT;BHaalEtlRD1:e,n2,nT3yh,'4a;snYk'r9sb1.kM.AoC3,Tm4I—V+ITedGI.eE;oS.B:;. TPFrIO.VULIdNTrDI.:ES2:W,3a;lFtHYreBs1s-3i4,n;4g,BwBE/d.J1u-l44i;;e,TWirnKacMPkaHl2i,b34u.; GAyr.GbLk...,As4C.uTmFImOVeUIrTNI'D9E2:S,:PA-ltboroanacetkwi1n/,2Mm,.3yE,4.;b,,wd4,/; partying. AWARDS: Var. Lttr. FA- Good Luck MB, KC, JH, JD, BK, HE, BG, or Asleep. AWARDS: Varsity letter and in the tub. AWARDS: S.C. Treas., Girls VORITE SAYING: "Joy, that bites; Cha JS, MB, JS, JF, + JW w/Vinnie! Jacket. OTHER: TB, KB, KC, RH, JH, SL, state FAVORITE SAYING: "So who rhiagvhte; aGnoaatwtiatyu:de.l"eavAeMBmIeTaIlOoNne:, tIodosnu'ct- lthoivneg,youA.mMCom+ +LCD,adHatvheankFsunf!orAeMvBerIy-- wneavnetrsltetoTp.lCa.yaanngoaymem?e". OATMHBEIRT:IOTNh:anTkos cmeaend,ofomwyndare1a9m7s9.cOorTvHetEtRe,:atnhdantkosfmionmd,a TlaInOdN.:FATVoObReITsuEccSesAsYfIulNGa:ndOhlivMeyinGoIdre!- Masokme,d fDoradany&thGilnegn,mo1rec.ould never have dad, Richie, Karl & Joyce, Love ya. Jeremy Seth Cameron Canelli Joseph Daniel Carey Kirsten A. Carlson Jill Bubba, Camdog Canolli, Spicoli, file, Chile, Jillsy, Jilli ]oey C. Kirby, Blanche 59 Lake St., Wrentham Canilli, ]C Lyte 45 Pond St., Wrentham 25 Fisher Rd., Wrentham 31 Barnstable Road, Norfolk LIKES: Bash Brothers, $, HR's, TD's, LIKES: Money, skiing DISLIKES: Mail- LIKES: friends, long walks, Beaches, beefstick, pitch, PT. DISLIKES: losing, LIKES: soccer, sensitive guys, the ocean, boxes, fighting with Dad about money. roses, hugs, sunsets, flirting. DISLIKES: ankles, Foxboro, JWcomments, int's, K's. memories, onions. DISLIKES: Roberta, FAVORITE MEMORY: June 92 at Cape, ignorance, being wrong, fighting w/ FAVORITE MEMORY: PI trip, camp- goodbyes. FAVORITE MEMORY: JC Aug. 11, 1991, Jan. 18, 1992 w-EJ. AC- friends FAVORITE MEMORY: cruise, oAuCtTsI,VIdiTnInEeSr:aBtSCBar1t,e2r,'3,s4;F-FGBra1,p2e,3,w4-;JBM.B ccoanmcpe.rtA9C2T,IBVrIatTzI,EJSr:. ySeoacrc,e4r/125,/39,24,; sBo-cBcaellr TleIaVdIeTrIsEhSi:p B3.asFebOaUllND1,:2;WWorresktilnign.gA2;MPBeIe-r cAaCpTeIV'I9T2,IEMS.: DFa.yH,. G1,ymSA9D1D,,roPc.kR.8/L1./D9.2. B1,-2S;isStCer3s;,PLw-2a,l3l. FthOeUNboDy:s:fiGghPt,inMgBw,-MTMh,e S1,t2u,d3e,4n;tTCeonunnicsil1,12.,3,F4O;UPNeDer:Cmoaunkciinlg 1a; aTICOPNA:,Tothgreandugaette mfraormriceodlleagen,dbetrcaovmeel VYeOaRrIboToEk.SFAYOIUNNGD:: "wuiht-hhufhri!e"ndsA.MBFIA-- CM,CR,MR,JD,JM,RK,JW. AWARDS: V- video, w/gang. AWARDS: Capt. B-Ball, around the world. FAVORITE SAYING: TION: to never forget all the good times lVeOttReIrT&E jSaAckYeIt,NGC:ap^t'.GraBnStBed,&HFoBw.evFeAr- TWehnon'iss,WhSooc.ceFr;AVMOVRPI,TEHoScAk.Y,INUGn:su"nBgo,- T"hJaunmkps aMroomundand. .D.adP,leaGsoeo!d" LOuTcHkERLe:- avinvde.hOarTdHsEhiRp:stmhyanmksenmdosmhe+lpdeaddm+eJs.Cu.r,- Bc.ou.ldl.eIg.''n'pdoAiMolBewdInT.aI. DO.eNml':ys.TbOoadTgHr.Ea.dR.u:CatoTemhafenrokonsm gkuisn,d"ofAMmaBtIhT.IOOTNH:ETRo:fTihndanaksclfuaemiilny.any anne ... I love you guys. yIolouveguyyous. ThanxM.G., Zebras,J.D., Iluv Mom, Dad, Mike, Brian, Bo and all my friends . . . Thanks for everything, I love you.