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The checklist Manifesto : how to Get Things Right PDF

223 Pages·2010·3.8 MB·English
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020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page i 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page ii ALSOBYATULGAWANDE BETTER:ASURGEON’SNOTESONPERFORMANCE COMPLICATIONS:ASURGEON’SNOTESONANIMPERFECTSCIENCE 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page iii THE CHECKLIST MANIFESTO 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page iv ATUL GAWANDE 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page v THE CHECKLIST MANIFESTO HOW TO GET THINGS RIGHT 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page vi FirstpublishedinGreatBritainin2010by PROFILEBOOKSLTD 3AExmouthHouse PineStreet LondonEC1R0JH www.profilebooks.com FirstpublishedinAmericain2009by MetropolitanBooksofHenryHoltandCompanyLLC Copyright©AtulGawande,2010 Somematerialinthisbookoriginallyappeared intheNewYorkeressay,‘TheChecklist’indifferentform 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 PrintedandboundinGreatBritainby Clays,Bungay,Suffolk Themoralrightoftheauthorhasbeenasserted. Allrightsreserved.Withoutlimitingtherightsundercopyrightreservedabove,nopartof thispublicationmaybereproduced,storedorintroducedintoaretrievalsystem,or transmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans(electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording orotherwise),withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofboththecopyrightownerandthe publisherofthisbook. ACIPcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. ISBN9781846683138 eISBN9781847651877 Thepaperthisbookisprintedoniscertifiedbythe©1996ForestStewardshipCouncilA.C. (FSC).Itisancient-forestfriendly.TheprinterholdsFSCchainofcustodySGS-COC-2061 SGS-COC-2061 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page vii For Hunter, Hattie, and Walker 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page viii 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page ix CONTENTS introduction 1 1. the problem of extreme complexity 15 2. the checklist 32 3. the end of the master builder 48 4. the idea 72 5. the first try 86 6. the checklist factory 114 7. the test 136 020-42875_ch00_5P.qxp 26/11/09 14:48 Page x x contents 8. the hero in the age of checklists 158 9. the save 187 notes on sources 195 acknowledgments 205

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