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LahirMia hasayC'osm pletWeo rksV olume2 THE CHANDI Glorioefst heG oddess andt heo ther SCRIPTURES SRIYANTRA Thefo llowibnogo kasr ei ncludiendt hivso lume: I.T heC handi, 2.TheY antrasar, 3.TheT antrasar, 4.TheL ingPau ran, 5.AncienYto giP aninoin E ducation, 6.TheK abiDr oha( Coupletasn)d, 7.TheJ apaj(iT heF irsBto okb)y G uruN anak. ByS wamiS atyeswaranaVnidday aratMnaah ara j TheH imalayYaong iY edantiYsitd,y aratSnaan,s krSicth ol,a r FormeLra wP rofesasnodrA dvoca(tAet tornetyh)ea, u thoorf TheE ternaSli len.c.e. B.a bajain dH isL egacy. TheD ivinIen carnatiaonndB iographyo faY ogi. LahiMraih asayC'osm pleWtoer ksV olum2e THECHANDI Glorotifhe Geso ddess andt.h eo ther SCRIPUTRES I.T heC handi, 2.TheY antrasar, 3.TheT antrasar, 4.TheL inag Puran, 5.AncieYnotg iP aninLEodnu cation, 6.TheK abiDro ha( Cmipleatnsd), 7.TheJ apajio fG uruN anak. ByS wamiS ateyswaraannda iGriM aharja, (VIDAYR A TNA BABAJI), TheH imalaYyoagVnie dantist, SVaindsySkacrthiaottl naar,, FormLearwP rofeasnsdA odrv oc(aAttet ortnhaeeuy t)h,oo fr Babajain dH isLe gacyT,h e DivIinncea rnatiBoino,g rapohfay Y og.i .� < - \,)"" .� ---- ....... , TheS anskriCtl assiPcusb,l isher P.OB.o x5 368 SanD iego, CA 92165, U.S.A. PubliSswhaemSria: ty eswaraVniadnydaarB aatbnaMaja ih arMa.jA,(. C .UL.L)., B.( C.UF.o)r,m Aedrv oc(aAttet orannedLy a)w P rofessSoarn,s kSrcihto lar. VidyarHaitmnaal,aY yoagVnie dantist. Alrli gahrtrese serbvyte hdae u thNoorp .a roftt hibso omka yb er eprodourc ed transmiitnat neyfod r mo rb ya nym eanesl,e ctroormn eicch aniicnacll,u ding photocooprr yeicnogr doirbn yag n,yi nformasttioornaa ngrde e triseyvsatle m, withtohuwetr i ttpeenr misfrsoimto hnae u thor. ThCeo mpleWtoe rkosfL ahiMrai hasay bySw amiS atyeswarGainrBaian bdaMaja ih ar(aVji dyBaarbatanjai ). _ FirEsdti t1i9o8n7 Copyrig19h8tS7© w amSia tyeswarGainrain da ISBlN- 877854-11-5 ReviSseecdo Enddi t2i0o0n6 Copyr©i 2g0h0t6S wamSia tyeswarGainrain da ISB1N- 877854�37-9 Available From: 1.T heS ansCklraists Piucbsl,i she3r. S anskPruisttB ahka ndar P.OB.o x5 33 38B idhanS arani. SanD ieglo ,A9 216U5.,S .A. Calcutta/K- 7o0l0k0a06t a Phone(169)284-9501 Ph3:3 -224112-08 2.M aheLsihb rary 4.S abrodaya 2/S1h yamachDaeSr ta n HowraRha ilwSatya tion Calcutta/K7o00l0k7a3t a Howrah - Ph3:3 -2241-7479 Ph3:3 -2511-7767 ForA vaila-bCiolnittayc t: B.C hakrabReosri3t:3y -,2 407-74B77.C haudhRuersi3i,3: - 2449-3853 Printer: BhattacahnaBdrr yoythae rs 4 HarisLaabnhea Calcutta/Ko- 7l0k00a 6t0a India PricRes3 75.00U S $5 0�00 PrintienId ndia. 11 Dedication Dedicattoea dl wlo meno ft hew orltdh,e m anifestoaft ion theD ivinMeo theGro,d desDsu rga. JaD evSia rbabhuMtaetsirur u epnS angsttah.i NamastaiNs,ao mastaNsaomia,s tiasanomonamah5.: 71-73 SrSir Ci handi "Salutataigaoinn san da gaint ot heD evi[ Goddeswsh]o residienas l blei n[gsS arbabhuitrreesspue,c toifmv aelsea n d femalei]n t hefo rm ofm othe[rD iviMnoet her]." S.S.V idyaraMtanha araj 111 SWA MIS ATYESAWR ANA NDA, VIDAYR ATNSAA BAJT!H,EA UTHOR, atw orkh ihisno moefi fce. IV Bookbsy S wamiS atyeswaranaV1i1ddyaa ratB1a1baa jIiS BN Number Biographies: I.B abajain:dH isLe gacy 1-877854-31-X 2.B abajoi n artP arJmpar(ai Bnen gal)i 1-877854-33-6 3.B abaji:V olum2e LahirMia hasay 1-877854-13-1 4.B abajVio:l um3e Masterso fO riginKarily a 1-877854-18-2 5.T heD ivine IncarnatioofnP anchanBahna tta·c harva 1-877854-30-1 6.S riyukteswAa Bri:og rJphy 1-877854-28-X 7.B iography ofA Yog·i SwamiSa tyananda.V olumeI 1-877854-26-3 Disciplines: 8.Th e OriginaKrily a 1-877854-42-S 9.Kr iya:Fi ndintghe True Path 1-877854-14-X 10.Kri ya SutroafsB abaj(iE nglish) 1-877854-27-1 l lD.i eKr iyaS utrnsd esB abaj(iG erman) 1-877854-29-8 12.Kr iya-SutrdaesB abaj(iS panish) 1-877854-22-0 13.Kri yagangaKri:y aG ange(sB engali) 1-877854-21-2 14.Th e HolyB iblIe:tn h eL ighto fK riya 1-877854-23-9 15.Th e Essence ofKr iya( PockeBto ok) 1-87785348--7 16.K riyas(aProc keBto ok- inB engali) 1-877854-39-5 Commentraries: 17.T I1Meah abharaVtoal .IS torioefts h eG reaEtp ic 1-877854-24-7 18.Th e MahabharVnotlau me2 SpirituCaolm mentaries 1-877854-09-3 19.T heB hagavGaidt aI:n terpreoftS raityiukotnessw ar I- 8778524--31 20.T heD hammapadThae: Patohf D harmaR:i ghteousness I- 877854-20-4 21.T heB ibl(eGsi ta-Bible-IQntu hreaE ny)eo: f a Yogi I- 877854-06-9 22.Th e EternSaill en.c e. S y.n theosfia sl Dlh anna paths 1-877854-41-7 LahirMia hasayC'osm pletWeo rks: TheG itaVso l1 (.w itthh efo llowifonugr b ooks): 1-877854-15-8 23.T heG uru Gita 24.T heO mkarG ita, 25Th.e AbadhuGti taa.n d 26.Th e KabiGri rn. 27T.h Beh agavaGdi tVoal 2. 1-877854-16-6 28.Th e BhagavGaidt (a OriBgeinngaalli ) 1-877854-25-5 29.T heB hagavGaidt (aH indinit hep ress) 1-877854-35-2 TheU panisaVdosl 3.( witthh efo llowibnoogk s): 1-877854-19-0 30.T heT ejabindu, 31.T heD hyanabindu, 32.Th e Amritabindu, 33Th.e Niralamabnad, 34.T heT aitirUipyaani sad. TheS iSxy stemVosl 4. ,P ar1t( w itthh efo llowibnogo ks): 1-877854-32-8 35.T heS ankhyaS utrJs. 36.Th e YogaS utras, 37.Th e NyayaS utras. 38TI.1 eV aisesSiuktarn s, 39T.h eS ubstaonfcM e imanagnsd a. 40.Th e KriyaS utraansd t heA uthor. HiddWeins d(owmi tthh efo llowibnoogk s): 1-8778547- 10- 41.T heM anusanghita, 42.Th e Yantrasar. 43.T heT antrasar, 44. The LingPuar an, 45.Th e YogiP anionn Educatiaonnd. 46.T heJ apaji. InneVri cto(rwyi tthh efo llowibnoogk s): 1-877854-11-5 47.Th e ChandTih:e B ooko fD ivine Mothearn,d 48.T heC harakSaan ghiat:11 1eB ooko fM edicine. v Mr. KS..G hoshH'asn dwritLteetnt teort heA uthor Vl SuniKlum arG hoshM,. A.B,. L. AdvocHaitgeCh,o u r&t S upremCeo urt 48/R2a mtanBuo sLaen eC,a lcut7t0a0-006 30tShe ptmeber,1 990 SwamiS atyeswaraanndaG iri P.OB.o x53 68 SanD iegCo,A 9 2165 USA Sraddlz[eReyspaec ted]S wamiji, Aftealr o ntigm eI h aveb eefna vouwrietdh u yrko inbdl essoinn2 g49 ..90. YesI,w asa b it worforrni oetgd e tting anfyy onuefowrrssa olotnigm e thouIg nthic ipated thaittm ayb e' Silenocnye o'u pra rfotr s omer esaon. a NowI a mg lathda ty oua rqeu ietO .Ka.n da rec ompletignS rSir Li ahiri Mahasay'sr meainingw orbkystr anslating intEong lish.T hitsa siksn ootn ly hugeo neb uvt erdyiff icaunldlt a boriaonudesx p ensivet oo. Ir arelyfi nda nyo thseari notrlhyo lpye rssoonm uchpr acticala nadtt h e samet imseo m uchl ovign aso urL ahiMraih asay. The fuotrdul rweij luwld gaen da pprectihaget er ejaotb you dhoanvee fort heb enefoifat lmaln nkd.i Ia mn owr unnisnoag n ds og raduableclomyi ngu nftiots huodlerh eavy responsibilities. Ih umblyp ratyoH imfo ry our lliofea nndgu cscesasn dw ell. YousrS incerley, s/d SuniKlu marG hosh PS:M y BijoPyraa namY otuo.S .G. [SunKiulm aGrh os(h ap ernsalfro ienodft haeu thor)w aas na ttoartn ey CalcHuitgtChao uarntdS upmreeC ouorftI d nisae,c reotfBa lzrrayt ri SangAas,so ciationo fB rotherahmooondg,d itshceip olfBeh sup endranath Sanya(dlis cipleo fLahMirahias ay)t,h eed iotfoBri l wadPaalt riak a, Begnaqluita rerlmya gazidneev ottoKe rdi yMar.. Ghosasha d wisciopfl e SanyMaal hasya.H el efhti bso doy nt haef etnronoo f1 stFe.b ruar,y1 997]. Vll HistorDioccaulm enotfsL ahiMraih asasy ' Publicatoifho inCsso mmentaries. Wep rodhuecrete w hoa ndwrliettttoeefnrL sa hMiarhia s(aiByne ngSaclrii pt) writttohe incs h idesifc liepSrPia nchaBnhaatantc ahryawhomh ea sketdop rint , , andp ublihsichso mmentaTrhieessle.e ttweourlsc dl etahrae i rre gardai ng controvsetrastieammlaed nebt y o neo fh idissc iplewsh os aidfo rs omer eastohna t hed idn owtr iatney b ookLsa.h iMriah asya didn otwr iet bookisnt hnea rrow senosfet hpehr aes" wrtiingb ooksHo.w"e verh,ed idw ritceo mmentar(iiens theL ighotf K riyao)ft wenty-csliaxs ssiccr iptuorfte hse V ediCcu lture. LahirMia hasayH'asn dwritLteetnt ienrB engali Vlll TheE ngliVsehr siooftn h Per ecedLientgt er. SrDiu rgSaaa rnam",R meembnegrG ioddDeusgrsa t,hD ei viMonteh er." Namasaknaalrlrtaamdain(gA fGtreerte ing), Whtai tsh set aotfpu rsniit ntgh tielet " Nya?y"a [NyaSyuat roafYs o gGia uatmai,s oofnt ehs ei sxy stoefmI nsd ian dicsilnpie;si itds e ovtetdoI ndLioagni. c ] Whawti blelt h ceo osftp rinTatiitnrigy a? [aTtiriiyasafa mouUspa nisadde veodtt os ptiurEaidlu ctai.o]n Howl onwgis leldn intghm eed inceibsed ealye?d aIma sikntgh oinsc e toe xpiettdehm eat tre . [LahMiarhia spaeyrit metdP anchnaB nhaattacthopa rroyad suocmee herbmaeldn iecsiH.ea skeBdha tthaacrtyosa u ppsloym eT.ha its whhey iqnurieadb otuhtme at etri nt hliest ter.] Thceo poifets ht ei Ktalebh iar vaerv reitdh urgoGho vinBdaab Iua .m writtihnfoigrs yionuforr ma.t ion Everiynthghe reg oiiwsne gl l. Ju9l,y1 8 91 s/Sdr Sih amyaC hraaDne vsar[mLhaainr i] ix

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