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The Ceracanthia complex (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) in Costa Rica. II. Megarthria Ragonot, Drescoma Dyar, and Lascelina Heinrich PDF

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Preview The Ceracanthia complex (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Phycitinae) in Costa Rica. II. Megarthria Ragonot, Drescoma Dyar, and Lascelina Heinrich

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 104(4), 2002. pp. 980-992 THE CERACANTHIA COMPLEX (LEPIDOPTERA: PYRALIDAE: PHYCITINAE) IN COSTA RICA. 11. MEGARTHRIA RAGONOT, DRESCOMA DYAR, AND LASCELINA HEINRICH H. H. Neunzig and M. A. Sous (HHN) Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613, U.S.A.; (MAS) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSL Agricultural Re- search Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, % National Museum ofNatural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560-0168, U.S.A. (e-mail: asolis@ sel.barc.usda.gov) — Abstract. The genera Megarthria Ragonot, Drescoma Dyar, and Lascelina Heinrich are redescribed. Amegarthria Neunzig and Dow and Megacerdresa Neunzig are newly synonymized with Megarthria and Lascelina, respectively. One species of Megarthria, two species of Drescoma, and three species of Lascelina are recognized in Costa Rica. Two species are described as new: Lascelina papillina and Lascelina pitilla. Megacer- dresa cordobensis Neunzig is given the new combination Lascelina cordobensis (Neun- zig). Megarthria cervicalis Dyar is a newjunior synonym ofMegarthriapeterseni (Zell- er). Keys are provided for males of Drescoma and Lascelina. Habitus photographs of male adults, line drawings of most male antennae and male genitalia of all species, are included. Also figured are the female genitalia of four of the six species, the forewing and hindwing ofDrescoma cyrdipsa, and the costa ofthe forewing oiMegarthriapeterseni. Key Words: Phycitinae. taxonomy. Neotropical This second paper treating the Ceracan- of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, thia complex, a common, mostly Neotrop- Washington, D. C, U.S.A. (USNM); The ical group within the subfamily Phycitinae Natural History Museum, London, England in Costa Rica, deals with the genera Me- (BMNH); and the collection of Vitor O. garthria Ragonot, Drescoma Dyar, and Becker, Brasilia, Brazil (VOB). Lascelina Heinrich. In Part I (Neunzig and Megarthria Ragonot Solis 2002), we revised Ceracanthia Ra- gonot, the largest genus in the complex. In- Megarthria Ragonot 1893:156. Type spe- formation relative to the contributions of cies: Myeloispeterseni Zeller 1881. Orig- early workers, an overview of the salient inal designation. diagnostic features of members of the com- Amegarthria Neunzig and Dow 1993:42. New synonymy. Type species: Megar- plex, and a key to genera can be found in Part I. Specimens studied for Part II came thria cervicalis Dyar 1919, here consid- ered a synonym of Myelois peterseni from the following sources: Instituto Na- Zeller 1881. Original designation. cional de Biodiversidad, Santo Domingo, — Costa Rica (INBio); North Carolina State Note. The genus Amegarthria was pro- University Entomology Museum, Raleigh, posed by Neunzig and Dow (1993) because N. C, U.S.A. (NCSU); National Museum of major differences they found between VOLUME NUMBER 104. 4 981 Megarthria cervicalis Dyar and other spe- with small tuft, consisting of broadly flat- cies placed by Heinrich (1956) in his con- tened and contorted scales (digitate pocket cept of Megarthriii. However, our present from sternite of segment S strongly bent study, which included an examination of and flattened). Male genitalia with uncus BMNH Zeller's types in the and a more small relative to other genitalic structures; thorough review ofthe hterature, has shown gnathos with weakly developed medial, that Heinrich misidentihed the type species hooklike element (fused with scaphium ex- of Ragonot's Mei>arthria. Heinrich errone- cept for broadly swollen apex); transtilla ously selected a species belonging to the present, consisting of a thin rectangular related genus Ceracanthia Ragonot (addi- plate;juxta platelike with slender, seta-bear- tional information regarding this lapsus by ing lateral arms; valva broad, covered on Heinrich is given herein under "Remarks" inner surface with slender setae (without following the treatment of MegartJv'ui pc- broadened spinelike setae on distal half); tcrseui). The actual type species of Megar- sacculus with apex a small, slender hooked, i/iria is identical to the type species ofAme- hngerlike process lying above a broad garthria, and, therefore, Anwgcirthria is a squared-off element, base of sacculus with junior synonym—of Megcirthria. three pair of ventral scale tufts (largest pair Description. Antenna of male with consisting of broad, tightly-coiled scales); scape large (about 3X as wide as width of aedoeagus long and slender, vesica of ae- base of shaft); shaft strongly bent outward doeagus with small, semi-oval, sclerotized near its attachment to scape forming a plate and patch of microspines; vinculum short, strongly curved sinus; sinus without broad (about as long as greatest width) and spines marking its basal and upper limits; evenly rounded posteriorly. Female genita- inner surface of sinus covered with ap- lia with ductus bursae long, slender, twist- pressed scales; very small triangular tuft of ed, with microspines within lower Vs; cor- scales attached to posterior base of sinus; pus bursae short, oval, slightly less than V2 sensilla trichodea (cilia) of antenna abun- as long as ductus bursae; microspines, sim- dant, about as long as width ofshaft at mid- ilar to those in ductus bursae, extending for sinus. Antenna of female simple. Labial a short distance into corpus bursae; ductus palpus of male upturned, extending above seminalis attached to coipus bursae near vertex; 3'^'' segment about as long as 2'"' seg- junction of ductus bursae and corpus bur- ment. Maxillary palpus ofboth sexes small, sae. short scaled. Haustellum well developed. Ocellus present. Forewing of male with pe- Megcirthria peterseni (Zeller) culiar, small, hood-shaped, basal, costal (Figs. 1. 7. 12-13, 25-26) fporlodm;inuanndceers(iFdieg. o2f5),wainndgaswsiotchiatseudbccoossttaall MMyeeglaoritshrpieatecresrevniicaZleilsleDry1a8r811:911998:.42. New streak of brownish-red scales; forewing of synonymy. both sexes smooth, with 1 1 veins; K^^^ and Megarthria beta Heinrich 1956:88. R5 stalked for about V2 their lengths, M, straight; M. and M, separate; CuA, arises Identifying features can be seen easily in from lower angle of cell; CuA^ arising well the unusual male antenna (Fig. 7) (in which before lower angle of cell. Hindwing with the shaft is strongly bent outwardly near its eight veins (lA, 2A, 3A together treated as attachment to a large, broad scape), the pe- one vein); Sc+R, and Rs fused for less than culiar, small hood-shaped, costal promi- V2 their lengths beyond cell; CuA, short nence at the base of the forewing (Fig. 25), stalked to M. and M,; CUA2 arises fromjust the coiled scales at the base of the sacculus before outer angle of cell; cell less than Vi (Fig. 12), and the twisted, long (about 2X length of wing. Male abdominal segment 8 length ofcorpus bursae) ductus bursae (Fig. 982 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tp ^ /* Figs. 1-6. Males, dorsal view. 1, Megarthiia peterseni. 2. Dresconui cyrdipsa. 3, Drescoma cinilixa. 4, Lasceliuo cordobensis. 5, L. pitilia. 6, L. pupilUna. 26). Additional diagnostic features are in- mo, August (1 S\ holotype of Megarthtia cluded under the description of the ge—nus. cerxncalis Dyar in USNM); Mexico, Jalapa, Costa Rican material examined. San (no date on label), W. Schaus (1 9), Ori- Jose, (no date on label), H. Schmidt (1 ? ); zaba, March (no year on label), R. Muller Rancho Quemado, 200 m.. Peninsula de (19; holotype ofMegarthha beta Heinrich Osa, Provincia Puntarenas, October, 1992, in USNM); Belize, 1000 Foot Falls, Moun- F. Quesada, INBio CR 10009—45014 {\ S). tain Pine Ridge, May, June, 1990, L. C. Other material examined. Cuba, Tana- Dow (4 c?, 3 9); Guatemala, February, VOLUME NUMBER 104, 4 983 B[| 11 10 Figs. 7-11. Basal part of right male antenna, frontal view. 7. Mcqarrhrici peterseiii. X. DrescoDia cyrdipsa. 9. Lasceliiui cordobensis. 10. L. pitilUi. 11. L. pcipiUiiui. May, October. W. Schaus & W. Barnes (1 prominent spines associated with a sinus in 6,2 9); Panama, Porto Bello, May, 1912, the shaft. In actuality, no mention was made A. Busck (2 9), Las Cumbres, 1971, M. by Ragonot (1893) of a spined sinus. Ra- Daykin (1 S)\ Columbia. Honda, (no date gonot stated that the distinctive feature of on label), Petersen (1 S\ lectotype of Mye- peterseni is the large scape that is swollen lois peterseni Zeller in BMNH); Trinidad. distally (". /'article basilaire, qui est . . Caparo, (no date on label). F. Birch (1 9); long, tres gros, dilate an sommet/' (pp. Brazil. Rondonia. Porto Velho. April. May. 156-157)). Indeed, Ragonot based his ge- 1989, V. O.—Becker (1 6, 1 9). nus name, Megarthria (large-joint) on this Remarks. Heinrich (1956), apparently, feature of the scape. did not look at the syntypes of Myelois pe- It also should be pointed out that the terseni. He stated "I have seen no speci- original description of peterseni by Zeller mens from Colombia" (the type locality). (1881) did not mention spines on the anten- He, also, did not carefully read the descrip- na, although he included similar features in tion of peterseni in Ragonot's 1893 publi- his 1881 descriptions of the antennae of cation. Heinrich's description and figures other new species having these structures. purported to be Megarthria peterseni are of In addition, Zeller's fig. 20 of the forewing a species described as new in the genus of peterseni agrees more closely with Fig. Ceracanthia in our Part I (Neunzig and So- 1 of the present paper than with fig. 2 in ils 2002). Particularly unfortunate was Part I of our study. HHN Heinrich's erroneous statement in reference has examined Zeller's syntypes of to the specimens upon which he based his Myelois peterseni in the BMNH. There are description and figures, that ''the males be- two males and five females each with a fore me . . . agree in antennal characters green label on which is written "Myelois with the type of peterseni as described by peterseni Z. Honda pet." and a white label Ragonot." Heinrich described, and his fig- with "Zell. Coll. 1884." A male that agrees ure 279 illustrated, a male antenna with with Zeller's and Ragonot's description is 1 984 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON here selected as lectotype in order to fix the from lower angle of cell; cell about V3 identity of Megarthria peterseni. A red la- length of wing. Male abdominal segment 8 bel with "LECTOTYPE peterseni Zeller, without tuft (digitate pocket from sternite of Neunzig and Solis" has been added to this segment 8 simple). Male genitalia with un- specimen. Zeller's other male syntype in the cus broadly rounded apically; gnathos with BMNH is a specimen ofDrescoma cyrdip- distomedial elements developed into a rod- sa Dyar. like structure; transtilla present, consisting The holotype of Megarthria cerxncalis of wide, very shallow U-shaped structure; Dyar in the USNM is the same species as juxta small, platelike with short, setae-bear- the newly designated lectotype of Myelois ing arms; valva moderately broad, covered peterseni Zeller, and, therefore, Megarthria on inner surface with slender setae {cyrdip- cer\ncalis has been made ajunior synonym sa), or covered on inner surface, in part, of Megarthria peterseni. Megarthria beta with broadened, spinelike setae and, in part, Heinrich was synonymized with cen'icalis with slender setae (cinilixa); outer surface by Neunzig and Dow in 1993. of valva with long, black, weakly-attached scales that sometimes obscure some fea- Drescoma Dyar tures of inner valva; sacculus with apex a Drescoma Dyar 1914:328. Type species: pointed process; base of sacculus with an Drescoma cyrdipsa Dyar 1914. Original extended lateral arm bearing either a large, designation. long scale tuft (cyrdipsa), or bearing a — large, long scale tuft and a much smaller, Description. Antenna of male simple short scale tuft (cinilixa); aedoeagus slen- (with slender scape and without sinus, der; vesica with elongate patch of micros- spines, and/or scale tufts); sensilla trichodea pines, and a folded, in part sclerotized, (cilia) abundant, about Vs as long as width platelike element; vinculum slender, con- of shaft near base. Antenna of female sim- stricted medially, with well-developed, pos- ple. Labial palpus of male upturned, reach- teriorly directed, lateral arms at anterior ing above vertex, 3rd segment almost as end. Female genitalia (of cyrdipsa) (Fig. long as 2nd segment. Maxillary palpus 28) with ductus bursae shorter than corpus small, short-scaled. Haustellum well devel- bursae and with cluster of small spines at oped. Ocellus present. Forewing of male its distal end; corpus bursae with scobinate with costal concavity in basal half of wing; patch and large hooked spine (spine, in gen- forewing of both sexes smooth, with 1 eral, laterally directed and extending across veins; R,+4 stalked for over Vi their length; about V2 width of coipus bursae). Mi straight; M2 and M, separate; CuA, aris- es from lower angle of cell; CUA2 arising Key TO Species of Male Drescoma before lower angle of cell. Hindwing of male with costal concavity in basal Vi of wing; underside with subcostal patches or (A key including females is not possible streaks of contrastingly colored scales and because females of cinilixa remain unknown.) with anal fold and associated scale pencil; hindwing of both sexes with eight veins Underside of hindwing with subcostal, rough (lA, 2A, and 3A together treated as one 1. patch of pale brown, semi-metallic scales, fol- vein); Sc-I-R, and Rs fused for less than V2 lowed by group of yellow scales and a linear their lengths beyond cell; M, slightly con- cluster ofshort, slender, black scales; sacculus cave; stalk of Sc+R|-I-Rs-I-M| angularly ofgenitalia with apical part rounded (Fig. 14) cyrdipsa Dyar bentjust beyond base; M^ and M3 fused for - Underside ofhindwing with subcostal, smooth over Vi their lengths beyond cell; CuA, patch of mostly whitish-yellow scales, fol- short stalked to M^ and M3; CuA. arises lowed by streak ofblack and streak ofreddish 1 VOLUME 104, NUMBHR 4 9K5 brown sluIcs; sacculiis ol genitalia with apical vember, 1911. A. Busck (1 S, 1 9), La part slender and sharply pointed (Fig. 16) ... Chorrera, April and May, 1911, A. Busck ciiiili.xci Dyar (I (5, 1 9 ; syntypes of Drescoma cyrdipsa Dresconui cyrdipsa Dyar in USNM), Rio Trinidad, March 1912, A. (Figs. 2. 8. 14-15, 24, 28) Busck (2 c5, 1 9), Taberilla, (no date on Dresconui cinili.xa Dyar 1914:329 label), (19); French Guiana, St. Jean Ma- roni. (no date on label), (19); Brazil, Pipa, This is an easily recognized species. Both March, 1994, V. (). Becker (1 c^). the forewing and hindwing ofthe male have obvious costal notches (the vein below the DrcscoiiKi ciiiilixd Dyar notch in the hindwing is, also, noticeably (Figs. 3, 16 17) angled) (Fig. 24). Also, on the underside of the male hindwing there is a pale, rough, Drescoma cinlll\a Dyar 1914:329 brownish, semi-metallic, subcostal patch of scales near the base of the wing, followed Drescoma cinilixa is closely related to by a group of small, yellowish scales and a Drescoma cyrdipsa. This relationship is linear cluster of short, slender, black scales. particularly apparent in males of both spe- In addition near these contrasting scales, cies, each with the costa of the forewing between the stalk of Sc+R and the stalk of and hindwing strongly notched. Neverthe- Cu+A is found a well-developed patch of less, the two can be distinguished by the black scales. Furthermore, a pale brown underside of the male hindwing. Drescoma scale pencil, within a short yellowish-white cinilixa has the wing with a smooth, sub- fold, is present on the anal margin of the costal, basal patch of mostly whitish-yellow hindwing. scales (in some specimens the patch has a The male genitalia (Figs. 14-15) have a few brown scales), followed distally by a well-developed transtilla with lateral arms streak of black and a streak of reddish- that are distinctly broadened, and the apical brown scales. There is only a small black part of the sacculus is rounded; the female patch of scales, or no black patch, between genitalia (Fig. 28) have a large hooklike the stalk of Sc+R and the stalk of Cu+A. spine in the corpus bursae that extends A partially black fold on the anal margin of about Vi the distance across the width ofthe the hindwing encloses a short, black scale corpus bursae. — pencil. Costa Rican material examined. Esta- The male genitalia (Fig. 16) include a cion Sirena, Parque Nacional Corcovado, transtilla that is much thinner than that of Provincia Puntarenas, May-July, 1992, G. Fonseca, INBio CRIOO1741662, INBio CR Drescoma cyrdipsa. The sacculus at its api- 010-01027008m2.20P(a1rq(u5,e1Na9c);ioCnearlroTToorrttuugguueerroo,, catalitesnbdasies bselaernsdebrotahndaslhaarrgpelsycaploeidntteudf,t aanndd Provincia Limon, May, 1991. J. Solano, IN- a secondary, small tuft of scales. We have Bio CRIOO1398617 (\ 6). — not been able to associate the sexes ofDres- Other material examined. Mexico, coma cinilixa; consequently, the female Chiapas, May, 1915, R. Muller (19); Be- genitalia are unknown. — lize, San Ignacio, May, 1990, L. C. Dow ( Costa Rican material examined. Esta- (?), 1000 Foot Falls, Mountain Pine Ridge, cion Los Almendros, Provincia Guanacaste, June 1990, L. C. Dow (\ 6)\ Guatemala, 300 m., 4-12 September, 1994, E. Lopez, Cayuga, January, May, June, August, (no INBio CR 1002019761 (1 6): Acosa, Es- year on label). W. Schaus & W. Barnes (2 tacion Sirena, Provincia Puntarenas, 6-12 6.2 9); Panama. Cabima. May. 1911, A. April, 1995, A. Picardo, INBio CR Busck (1 (5), Corozal, February and No- 1002196747 (16). 986 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 16 13 17 15 Figs. 12-17. Male genitalia, ventral view. 12. Megartliria peterseiii (aedoeagiis omitted). 13, M. peterseni. aedoeagus. 14. Drescoma cyrdipsa (aedoeagus omitted). 15. D. cyrdipsa. aedoeagus. 16, D. cinilixa (aedoeagiis omitted). 17. D. cinilixa, aedoeagus. — Other material examined. Guatemala, Lascelina Heinrich Cayuga. May (no year on label), W. Shaus Lascelina Heinrich 1956:264. Type species: & W. Barnes (1 S)\ Panama, La Chorrera, Lascelina canens WQimich. 1956. Original May. 1912, A. Busck {\ 6\ type in USNM). designation. — VOLUME 104, NUMBER 4 987 Figs. 18—23. Malegenitalia, ventral view. 18, Lascelinacordoheusis(aedoeagusomitted). 19,L. cordohensis. aedoeagu.s. 20, L. pitilla (aedoeagus omitted). 21, L. pitillci aedoeagus. 22, L. papillina (aedoeagus omitted). 23, L. papillina aedoeagus. Megacerdresa Neunzig 1994:360. New ensis, and a new genus, Megacerdresa, was synonymy. Type species: Megacerdresa proposed, chiefly because Heinrich's con- cordohensis Neunzig 1994. Original des- cept of the group did not contain species ignation. with more than seven veins in the hindwing Note. Lascelina was rejected by Neun- {cordohensis has eight). The study of many zig in 1994 as a place to include cordoh- recently available members of the complex . 988 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON in Costa Rica and the description by Neun- transtilla absent; juxta a plate with short, zig (1996) of a new species ofLascelina in lateral, setiferous arms; valva moderately the Dominican Repubhc reveals significant broad, covered on distal half of inner sur- similarities in the male genitalia. Thus we face with broadened spinelike setae; sac- synonymize Megacerdresa and Lascelina culus with apex usually with posteriorly despite differenc—es in venation. projecting lobe; base of sacculus with or Description. Antenna of male with without moderately large, ventral scale tuft scape cylindrical, swollen apically; shaft (all species without small secondary scale with distinct sinus at base; basal and distal tuft); aedoeagus robust, with bent, supple- ends of sinus each with a small spine, or mental, basal appendage; vesica with patch low, stout spinelike element; inner surface of microspines and two sclerotized plates; of sinus covered with appressed setae; sinus vinculum broad, without constriction, about with or without brush or tuft of scales at- as long as greatest width. Female genitalia tached to posterior base; sensilla trichodea (cordobensis, canens, pitilla) with ductus (cilia) of antenna about VS as long as width bursae shorter than corpus bursae, slightly of shaft at midsinus. Antenna of female twisted, usually with a few scobinations simple. Labial palpus of male upturned, near ostium bursae, and a dense, elongate, reaching above vertex, 3rd segment about medial patch of many microspines and nu- as long as 2nd segment. Maxillary palpus merous sclerotized, irregular ridges near of both sexes small, short scaled. Haustel- junction with coipus bursae; corpus bursae lum well developed. Ocellus present. Fore- membranous, with curved denticulate wing of male simple, underside with dark spine, originating from near wall of corpus subcostal patch or streak in some species. and directed mostly anteriorly. Forewing of both sexes smooth, with 1 1 Key to Species of Male Lascelina veins; R3+4 and R3 stalked for about Vi or slightly over V2 their lengths; M, slightly (A key including both sexes is not bowed; M^ and M3 close, but separated at possible because the female ofpapillina is base, or shortly stalked; CuA, arises from unknown.) lower angle of cell; CuA^ arising well be- 1 Enlarged base ofantennal shaftsurroundingsi- fore lower angle of cell. Hindwing under- nus dark; apex ofuncus broadly rounded (Fig. side, in some species, with dark patch or 18) cordobensis (Neunzig) streak; with seven to eight veins (lA, 2A, - Enlargedbaseofantennal shaft surrounding si- 3A together treated as one vein); Sc+R, nus pale: apex of uncus slightly pointed (Fig. 20) or nipplelike (Fig. 22) 2 and Rs fused for about Vi their lengths be- 2. Antenna without scale tuft associated with si- yond cell; M| straight; M2 and M, fused for nus (Fig. 10); apex of uncus slightly pointed about V2 their lengths or completely fused; (Fig. 20) pitilla Neunzig and Solis, n. sp. CuA briefly fused with stalk ofM^ and M3, - Antenna with scale tuft associated with sinus I (Fig. 11); apex of uncus nipple-like (Fig. 22) or stalked for about Vi its length with fused pcipiUiiui Neunzig and Solis. n. sp. M2+3; CuAt arises from just before lower angle of cell, or from lower angle of cell; Lascelina cordobensis (Neunzig), cell distinctly less than Vi length of wing. new combination Male abdominal segment 8 with small tuft, (Figs. 4, 9, 18-19, 27) consisting of rather straight, simple short Megacerdresa cordobensis Neunzig 1994: scales (within pocket of sternite of abdom- 362. inal segment 8). Male genitalia with uncus broadly rounded, truncated, slightly point- The male of Lascelina cordobensis can ed, or nipple-like distally; gnathos apically be identified using a combination of fea- completely fused to wall of scaphium tures. These are found mainly in the geni- (without apical hook or rodlike element); talia and include a broadly rounded apex of VOLUME NUMBER 104. 4 989 24 27 Figs. 24-29. Venation of male right forewing and hindwing, dorsal view, hoodlike prominence on male right wing, dorsal view, and female genitalia, anterior part, ventral view, 24, Dresconm cvnlipsa. 25-26 Me- gartbriapeterseni. 27, Lascelina cordobensis. 28, Dresconm cyrdipsa. 29, L. pitillu. the uncus, a complete absence of a rodlike the easily seen dark color of the enlarged median distal hook on the gnathos, and a base of the shaft of the male antenna that valva with its distal margin angulate (Fig. suiTounds the sinus. — 18). Useful for a tentative identification is Costa Rican material examined. Esta-

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