Description:This etext corresponds to the second (1902) expanded edition of the Celtic Twilight. This is one of the best-known collections of Yeats’ prose; in it he explores the longstanding connection between the people of Ireland and the inhabitants of the land of Fairy. Yeats, who had profound mystic and visionary beliefs, writes with conviction of the reality of Fairies, both in his own experience, and in the everyday life of the Irish. This relatively short work serves as a way for readers to discover Yeats’ powerful wordcraft and get an overview of celtic Fairy lore.This etext, created at sacred-texts in 2001, was revised in January 2004 from an original copy of the 1902 edition, to include page numbers and correspond more closely to the formatting of the original, and to correct a few transcription errors. It was reformatted in 2009. The Project Gutenberg version of Celtic Twilight is based on the sacred-texts version.