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GENERAL INDEX Volume LXXIX (1993) Abbreviations: Afioa, Francisco pastoral visit, 545-546 biog.— biography n.—noted Anti-Semitism b.n.—brief notice rev.—review in Austria, 125 in Germany, 558-559 in the United States, 371-373 Adam, Karl Appleby, R. Scott biog. by Robert Anthony Krieg, 559-560 “Church and Age Unite!”: The Modernist Adams, Geoffrey Impulse in American Catholicism, rev., 578— Tbe Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685— 579 1787: The Enlightenment Debate on n., 597 Toleration, rev., 541-542 Arias, David Adrianyi, Gabriel Spanish Roots of America, rev., 355 Geschichte der Kirche Osteuropas im 20. Armstrong, Gregory T. Jabrbundert, b.n., 143 rev. of R. L. Wilken, 728-729 Alberigo, Giuseppe, editor Arnal, Oscar Cole Christian Unity: The Council of Ferrara- rev. of ). Hellman, 767—768 Florence 1438/39- 1989, rev., 326—327 Arnstein, Walter L. Albertanus of Brescia rev. ofJ .W olffe, 120-122 biog. by James M. Powell, 321-322 Arx, Jeffrey von. See Von Arx, Jeffrey Alumbrados, 525—526 Ascia, Luca d’ American Catholic Historical Association Erasmo e 'Umanesimo romano, rev., 105—106 annual meeting, 268 Assyrian Christians, 302 association news, 149, 385 Astarita, Tommaso financial statement, 285-287 rev. of F. Tomizza, 114-115 new members, 287—288 The Continuity of Feudal Power: The report of Delegate to Joint Committee of Caracciolo di Brienza in Spanish Naples, Catholic Learned Societies and Scholars, 276— rev., 538-539 277 Athans, Mary Christine report of the Committee on Nominations, 274 The Coughlin-Fabey Connection: Father Charles report of the Committee on Program, 268-273 E. Coughlin, Father Denis Fabey, CS.Sp., and report of the Committee on the Howard R. Religious Anti-Semitism in the United States, 1938-1954, rev., 371-373 Marraro Prize, 275—276 Attridge Harold W. and Gohei Hata, eds. report of the Committee on the John Gilmary Shea Prize, 275 Eusebius, Chri: ity, and Judai: rev., 729— report of the Secretary and Treasurer, 277—284 734 spring meeting, 589-591, 803 “Awash in a Sea of Faith” symposium, 387 American Indian Quarterly special issue on Early Mid-Atlantic Religious Encounters, 595—596 Baernstein, P. Rene Amish Society international conference, 152 n., 272 Amos, Thomas L. Bagchi, David V. N. rev. of M. A. and R. H. Rouse, 313—314 Luther's Earliest Opponents: Catholic Anbinder, Tyler Controversialists, 1518-1525, rev., 751-752 Nativism and Slavery: The Northern Know Bahr, Hans Walter, ed. Nothings and the Politics of the 1850's, rev., Albert Schweitzer, Letters, 1905-1965, rev., 776-777 550-551 ii GENERAL INDEX Bailey, James H., presented Petersburg Heritage Blum, Owen J., translator Award, n., 809 Peter Damiani: Lett-r: 61—90, rev., 315-316 Baird, Jr., Joseph A. Blumenthal, Uta-Renate rev. of R. Perry, 140-141 “History and Tradition in Eleventh-Century Bangert, William V., SJ. Rome,” 185 —196 Jerome Nadal, SJ, 1507-1580: Tracking the Bonald, Louis First Generation of Jesuits, rev., \AQ—111 On Divorce, rev., 344-345 Banker, James R. Bonaparte, Napoleon rev. of J.M . Powell, 321-322 conquest of Malta, 439-445 rev. of S. K. Cohn, Jr., 740-742 Borges, Pedro, ed. Bannon, John B. Historia de la Iglesia en Hispanoamérica y biog. by Phillip Thomas Tucker, 573-574 Filipinas (Siglos XV-IX). Volumen I: Barasch, Moshe Aspectos generales, rev., 584-585 Icon: Studies in the History of an Idea, rev., Bosco, Giovanni 303-304 Scritti editi e inediti, Vol. VI: Epistolario Barnard Medieval and Renaissance Conference, (1835-1863), rev., 350 150 Bouureau, Alain and Claudio Sergio Ingerflom, eds. Bast, Robert J. La royauté sacrée dans le monde chrétien rev. of E. Cameron, 331-332 (Colloque de Roy t, mars 1989)49,8 — Baumstein, Paschal, O.S.B. 499 “An Abbatial Diocese in the United States,” Bouwsma, William J. 217-245 “Richard Hooker in the Context of European Baylor, Michael G. Cultural History,” 803 The Radical Reformation, tev., 526-527 Bouyer, Louis Beatification of Martyrs rev. of B. McGinn, 93 in [reland (1579-1654), 158 Bovée, David S. in Mexico (1926-1929), 158-159 rev. of T. M. Dolan, 373-374 in Spain July to December 1936), 158 Bowden, Henry Warner Benedict, Philip Dictionary of American Religious Biography, rev. of H. Schilling, 530-532 rev., 771 Benedictine Order Boyea, Earl in medieval Europe, 513 rev. of J. A. Wytrwal, 367-368 in North America, 218 Brackett, John K. Bergh, Birger, ed. rev. of S. Cohen 720-721 Sancta Birgitta: Revelaciones, rev., 322-333 Brady, James F. and John C. Olin, eds. and Bergin, Martin J. translators rev. of L. Bonald, 344—345 Patristic Scholarship: The edition of St. Jerome, Berman, Constance H. rev., 336-337 n., 270 Bregman, Jay A. rev. of J. Patrick Greene, 734—736 rev. of A. Cameron and J. Long, 704-709 Bertier de Sauvigny, Guillaume de Bremen manuscript collection photographed, 155 rev. of A. J. Reinerman, 546—547 Brodeur, Raymond Les Titans du capitalisme américain, rev., 777— Les catéchismes au Québec 1702-1963, rev., 779 377-378 Bietenhoiz, Peter G. Brown, John L. rev. of J. F. Brady and J. C. Olin, 336-337 rev. of G. Bertier de Sauvigny, 777-779 Bilaniuk, Petro B. T. Brown, Marvin L. rev. ofJ .M eyendorff, 510-511 rev. ofK . Offen, 549-550 Billington, Monroe and Cal Clark Brown, Mary Elizabeth “Catholic Clergymen, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and n., 272 the New Deal,” 65-82 Brumleve, Barbara, $.S.N.D. Bland, Joan, S.N.D. de N. The Letters of Mother Caroline Friess, School rev. of L. A. Quifionez and M. D. Turner, 375— Sisters of Notre Dame, rev., 134-135 376 Brundage, James A. Blatnica, Dorothy Ann rev. of J.C. M. Vigeur and A. Paravicini, 319-- n., 272-273 320 Blejwas, Stanislaus A. Bujanda, Jesus M. De St. Stanislaus B. & M. Parish, Meriden, Index d’Anvers, 1569, 1570, 1571, rev., 532- Connecticut. A Century of Connecticut 534 Polonia: 1891-1991, 576-577 Burns, Gene Blickle, Peter The Frontiers of Catholicism: The Politics of fa 7 Refor de The Quest for Ideology in a Liberal World, rev., 723-725 Salvation in Sixi h-Century Germany, Burns, Robert I., SJ. rev., 332-333 rev. of R. Chazan, 488—495 GENERAL INDEX Burns, Jeffrey M. Catholic b.n. of T. Stritch, 148 Apostolic Church, 758—759 Burr, David Archives of Texas, NHPRC grant to process rev. of M. Rubin, 522-524 manuscripts, 807 Burrows, Mark Stephen Daughters of the Americas Lecture, 591 Jean Gerson and De Consolatione Theologiae Relief Services, 805 (1418): The Consolation of a Biblical and Catholicism in Seventeenth-Century Scandinavia, Reforming Theology for a Disordered Age, 83-88 rev., 101-102 Certeau, Michel de Byrne, Neil J. The Mystic Fable. Volume One: The Sixteenth Robert Dunne, 1830-1917, Archbishop of and Sevenieenth Centuries, rev., 535—537 Brisbane, rev., 790-791 Cervini, Marcello Byzantine biog. by William V. Hudon, 338—339 psalters of ninth-century, 515-516 Cesareo, Francesco C. tradition churches, 302 rev. of W. V. Hudon, 338-339 Cevasco, George A. The 1890's: An Encyclopedia of British Literaiure, Art, and Culture, b.n., 792-793 Cabrini, Mother Frances Xavier Chapple, Christopher, ed. biog. by Mary Louise Sullivan, 779-780 The Jesuit Tradition in Education and Calatrava, Order of, 317 Missions: A 450-year Perspective, rev., 722- Callahan, Nelson J. 723 b.n. of M. C. Darrah, 143-144 Chazan, Robert Callahan, William J. The Barcelona ‘Disputation’ of 1263: rev. of E. Lama Cereceda, 118—119 Conversionism and Taimud in Jewish- rev. of P. Pueyo Colomina, 545-546 Christian Relations, rev., 488—495 Calvert, Charles, 203 Cherubini, Paolo, ed. Cameron, Alan and Jacqueline Long Roma e lo Studium Urbis: Spazio urbano e Barbarians and Politics at the Court of cultura dal Quattro al Seicento: Atti del Arcadius, rev., 704—709 convegno, 7-10 giugno 1989, rev., 742-743 Cameron, Euan Christian Social Order, 294 The European Reformation, rev., 331-332 Christianson, Gerald Canadian Catholic Historical Association rev. of G. Alberigo, 326—327 conference, 151--152, 592 Cistercian Cantwell, John Joseph nunneries, 507 calendar of documents of, 579—581 Second Crusade, 737—738 Carrafiello, Michael L. Clancy, Thomas H., SJ. “Robert Parsons and Equivocation, 1606-1610,” rev. of C. Chapple, 722-723 671—680 rev. of T. H. B. M. Harmsen, 113—114 Carrillo, Elisa A. Clark, Anne L. n., 272 Elisabeth of Schénau: A Twelfth-Century rev. of J.-D. Durand, 769-770 Visionary, rev., I6—98 Carroll, John Clover, Frank M. essays on preaching ed. by Raymond J. Kupke, b.n. of J. Moorhead, 797-798 567-568 Coffin, David R. letters to Henri Grégoire, 681-703 rev. of C. Robertson, 108-109 Carroll, Michael P. rev. of P. Cherubini, 742—743 Madonnas that Maim: Popular Catholicism in Cohen, Sherrill Italy since the Fifteenth Century, rev., 505— The Evolution of Women’s Asylums Since 1500: 506 From Refuges for Ex-Pr fi to Shel. Casella, Mario for Battered Women, rev., 720-721 18 aprile 1948, la mobilitazione delle Collectanea Cisterciensia, 808 organizzazioni cattoliche, rev., 352-354 Collinson, Patrick Casey, Thomas F. “Hooker and the Elizabethan Establishment,” rev. of R. D. Patkus, 575-576 803 Cassagnac, Paul de Cohn, Samuel K., Jr. biog. by Karen Offen, 549-550 The Cult of Remembrance and the Black Castillo, Dennis Death: Six Renaissance Cities in Central “«..The Knights cannot be Admitted’: Maltese Italy, rev., 740-742 Nationalism, the Knights of St. John, and the Columbus, Christopher French Occupation of 1798—1800,” 434—453 interpretation of historical role, 621—647 catechisms “Complots et conjurations dans ’Europe as sources of cultural history, 378 moderne,” Catharism, 518—519 international colloquium, 804 IV GENERAL INDEX Conference Cusanus-Symposion 1993, 151 “In Defense of Western Civilization,” 149, 395 Cushwa Center for Study of American Catholicism on European Culture, 149 dissertation fellowships, 389, 594 on Latin American History, 150 postdoctoral fellowships, 593-594 “Conformity and Dissent in Renaissance Venice,” Cyrene, Synesius of conference of British Society for Renaissance as a Neoplatonist, 704-709 Studies, 804-805 Congregation for the Causes of Saints, 806 Congreso Internacional sobre los Franciscanos en el Nuevo Mundo, 596—597 Congress of Historical Sciences, 152—153 Daly, Robert J., SJ. Congresso Internazionale di Studi sull’Alto rev. of G. Macy, 713-714 Medioevo, 150 Damiani, Peter Conseil Régional d’Auvergne translation by Owen J. Blum, 315-316 international colloque, 389 Darrah, Mary C. Conway, John S. Sister Ignatia, Angel of Alcoholics Anonymous, rev. of E. Fattorini, 555-557 b.n., 143-144 Coppa, Frank J. Davis, Raymond, translator rev. of Eugenio Guccione, 348—349 The Lives of the Fighth-Century Popes: The Coppens, Christian Ancient Biographies of Nine Popes from AD rev. of J.M . De Bujanda, 532--534 715 to AD 817, rev., 514-515 Corby, William Dedijer, Viadimir Memoirs of Chaplain Life: Three Years with the The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican: The Irish Brigade in the Army of the Potomac, Croation Massacre of the Serbs During World rev., 574-575 War Il, rev., 560-562 Corrigan, John De Frange, Jonathan, O.S.B. The Prism of Piety: Catholick Congregational rev. of A. Kasteel, 365—366 Clergy at the Beginning of the Delumeau, Jean Enlightenment, rev., 358-359 La religion de ma mere. Les femmes et la Corrigan, Kathleen transmission de la foi, rev., 306—307 Visual Polemics in the Ninth-century Demarchi, Franco, ed. Byzantine Psaiters, rev., 515-516 Wilbelm Schmidt un etnologo sempre attuale, Costelloe, M. Joseph, SJ. rev., 309-311 The Letters and Instructions of Francis Xavier, DeMolen, Richard L. rev., 528—529 rev. of B. Mansfield, 502—505 Costigan, Richard F., SJ. Richard Mutcaster (c. 1531-1611) and rev. of Claude Langlois and Francois Laplanche, Educational Reform in the Renaissance, rev., 351-352 534-535 Cottret, Bernard Dennis, George T., SJ. The Huguenots in England: Immigration and rev. of A. Nichols, 302—303 Settlement, c. 1550-1700, rev., 529-530 Deregnaucourt, Gilles Coughlin, Father Charles E., 371-373 De Fénelon a la Révolution. Le clergé Couturier, Edith paroissial de l’Archevéché de Cambrai, rev., n., 270-271 544--545 Cowdrey, H. E. J. De Sandoli, Sabino rev. of O. J. Blum, 315-316 The Peaceful Liberation of the Holy Places in Crosby, John F. the XIV Century, b.n., 793 n., 271 Devens, Carol Cummings, Raymond L. Countering Colonization, Native American b.n. of L. G. Glueckert, O. Carm., 145 Women and Great Lakes Missions, 1630— Cunningham, Mary Rose, C.S.C. 1900, rev., 564—565 Calendar of Documents and Related Historical Deusdedit, Cardinal, 186—196 Materials in the Archival Center, Archdiocese Di Berardino, Angelo, ed. of Los Angeles for the Most Reverend Jobn Encyclopedia of the Early Church, rev., 725- Joseph Cantwell. Volume One: 1918-1935, 726 and Volume Two: 1936—1947, rev., 579-581 Diefendorf, Barbara S. Cunsolo, Ronald S. Beneath the Cross: Catholics and Huguenots in “Nationalists and Catholics in Giolittian Italy,” Sixteenth-Century France, rev., 109-110 22-53 Dietrich, Donald J. Curran, R. Emmett, SJ. rev. of H. Hiirten, 557—559 rev. of R. J. Kupke, 567—568 DiGiovanni, Stephen M. “Cusanus, Constantinople, and the Council of rev. of M. L. Sullivan, 779-780 Basel,” 387—388 rev. of F. Motto, 350 GENERAL INDEX Dipple, Geoffrey L. bn. of J. J. O'Donnell, 799-800 rev. of M. G. Baylor, 526—527 rev. of M. R. Miles, 312--313 Dolan, Timothy Michael Erasmus, Desiderius “Some Seed Fell on Good Ground”: The Life of correspondence, 337—338 Edwin V. O'Hara, rev., 373—374 interpretations of, 502—505 Donnelly, John Patrick, SJ. Saint Jerome, 336-337 rev. of M. J. Costelloe, 528—529 Espinosa,J .M anuel Drake, H. A. rev. of J. L. Kessell and R. Hendricks, 360—362 rev. of J. W. Drijvers, 508-509 “The Origin of the Penitentes of New Mexico: rev. of H. W. Attridge and G. Hata, 729—734 Separating Fact from Fiction,” 454--477 Dries, Angelyn, O.S.F. Ettlinger, Gerard H., SJ. “Living in Ambiguity: A Paradigm Shift rev. of M. Barasch, 303-304 Experienced by the Sister Formation Eucharist in late medieval culture, 522—524 Movement,” 478-487 Evinson, Denis Drijvers, Jan Willem The Lord’s House: A History of Sheffield’s Helena Augusta: The Mother of Constantine the Roman Catholic Buildings 1570-1990, b.n., Great and the Legend of Her Finding the 144-145 True Cross, rev., 508—509 Driskel, Michael Paul Representing Belief: Religion, Art, and Society in Nineteenth-Century France, rev., 119-120 Fahey, Father Denis, C.S.Sp., 371—373 Dublin University, 352 “Famille, religion, sexualité” Dunn, Dennis J. new publication on, 595 rev. of P. Mojzes, 354—355 Farge, James K., C.S.B. Dunne, Robert rev. of L. Taylor, 103-104 biog. by Neil J. Byrne, 790-791 Farina, John, ed. Dunstan, Saint, $17—518 Isaac T. Hecker. The Diary, Romantic Religion Duquesne University History Forum, 149 in Ante-Bellum America, rev., 133-134 Durand, Jean-Dominique Farnese, Alessandro L'Eglise catholique dans la crise de I'Italie biog. by Clare Robertson, 108—109 (1943-1948), rev., 769-770 Fattorini, Emma Durand, Jean-Dominique and Régis Ladous, eds. Germania e Santa Sede: Le nunziature di Histoire Religieuse: Histoire globale Histoire Pacelli fra la Grande guerra e la Repubblica ouverte. Mélanges offerts a Jacques Gadille, di Weimar, tev., 555-557 rev., 343-344 Faur, José Durkin, Joseph T., SJ. In the Shadow of History: Jews and rev. of W. Corby, 574—575 “Conversos” at the Dawn of Modernity, rev., Dyck, CorneliusJ. , William E. Keeney, and Alvin J. 749-750 Beachy, trans. and eds. feminist movements and The Writings of Dirk Philips, 1504-1568, rev., religious women in Italy, 755-758 793-794 Ferguson, Arthur B. rev. of R. L. DeMolen, 534-535 Fichtenau, Heinrich Ketzer und Professoren: Haresie und Eberhardt, Newman C. Vernunftglaube im Hochmittelalter, rev., received the “Cardinal’s Award,” 393 518-519 Edwards, Mark U. Fiey, Jean Maurice, O.P. rev. of P. Blickle, 332-333 rev. of Sami Kuri, 787-789 Elizabeth I Findlay, James biog. by Wallace T. MacCaffrey, 341—342 rev. of R. M. Miller, 780-782 Ellens, J. P. Finke, Roger and Rodney Stark rev. of S. M. Waddams, 346-347 The Churching of America, 1776—1990: Ellis, John Tracy Winners and Losers in Our Religious obituary, 160-162 Economy, tev., 772-774 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 54—64 Finn, Thomas M. enclave Catholicism, 293 Early Christian Baptism and the Engh, Michael Catechumenate: Italy, North Africa, and “They All Pulled Together: Frontier Faiths in Egypt, rev., 311-312 Early Los Angeles,” 804 Flaget, Benedict Joseph Ennen, Edith biog. by Charles Lemarié, 570-571 The Medieval Woman, rev., 511—512 Flegg, Columba Graham Eno, Robert B., S.S. “Gathered Under Apostles”: A Study of the b.n. of C. Harrison, 794—795 Catholic Apostolic Church, rev., 758-759 vi GENERAL INDEX Fleischer, Manfred P., ed. Garstein, Oskar The Harvest of Humanism in Central Europe: Rome and the Counter-Reformation in Essays in Honor of Lewis W. Spitz, rev., 106— Scandinavia, rev., 83-88 108 Gaustad, Edwin S. Flint, Valerie I. J. rev. of M. A. Noll, 565-567 The Imaginative Landscape of Christopber Gauvreau, Michael Columbus, rev., 747-749 The Evangelical Century: College and Creed in Fogarty, Gerald P., SJ. English Canada from the Great Revival to “1892 and 1992: From Celebration of Discovery the Great Depression, rev., 583-584 to Encounter of Cultures,” 621—647 Gavigan, John J., O.S.A. n., 268, 273 rev. of G. Rocca, 755—758 Foley, Patrick Gavin, Ignatia b.n. of J. F. Vanderholt, C. B. Martinez, and K. A. biog. by Mary C. Darrah, 143-144 Gilman, 802 Gerhard, Peter rev. of J. T. Moore, 774—776 rev. of K. Gosner, 141-142 Folger Institute Gerrity, Frank fall seminars, 388 rev. of T. Anbinder, 776—777 Forey, Alan Gervers, Michael The Military Orders: From the Twelfth to the The Second Crusade and the Cistercians, rev., Early Fourteenth Centuries, rev., 316—317 737--738 Francis Xavier, Saint, 528-529 rev. of A. Forey, 316-317 Franciscan Gibbons, James early history of Order, 738-739 Archbishop of Baltimore, 631—633, 637-639, Institute at Saint Bonaventure University 641 summer program for 1993, 388 Gibson, Ralph Frech, Karl Augustin rev. of J. Delumeau, 306-307 Reform an Haupt und Gliedern: Untersuchung rev. of T. A. Kselman, 547-548 zur Entwicklung und Verwendung der Gleason, Elisabeth G. Formulierung im Hoch- und Spdatmittelalter, rev. of R. Po-Chia Hsia, 743-744 rev., 318-319 Gleason, Philip Fredriksen, Paula n., 271, 598 rev. of K. F. Morrison, 714-718 Glemma, Thaddeus and Stanislaus Bogaczewicz Freed, John B. Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae. Volume VI: lulius rev. of M. Kuhn-Rehfus, 507-508 Ruggieri (1565-1568), rev., 334-335 Freeman, John F. and Roger L. Williams Glimm, Francis How Modernity Came to a Provincial Town, rev. of N. Perry and L. Echeverria, 92 Citizens and Clergy of Grasse, rev., 542-543 Glueckert, Leopold, O. Carm. Freeze, Gregory L. Between Two Amnesties. Former Political rev. of C. E. Timberlake, 764—766 Prisoners and Exiles in the Roman Friedlander, Alan Revolution of 1848, b.n., 145 rev. of La paroisse en Languedoc aux XIHI*— Gosner, Kevin XIV‘ siécles, 739-740 Soldiers of the Virgin: Tbe Moral Economy of a Friess, Caroline Colonial Maya Rebellion, rev., 141-142 biog. by Barbara Brumleve, 134-135 Graham, Ruth rev. of J. F. Freeman and R. L. Williams, 542— 543 Gagliano, Joseph A. Graham, Michael, SJ. rev. of S. MacCormack, 139-140 “Popish Plots: Protestant Fears in Early Colonial Gallagher, John A. Maryland, 1676-1689,” 197—216 Time Past, Time Future: An Historical Study of Grayzel, Solomon Catholic Moral Theology, rev., 499-501 The Church and the Jews in the XIlIth Century: Gallagher, Mary A. Y. Volume Il, 1254-1314, rev., 99-100 n., 270 Greeley, Andrew Gallin, Alice rev. of L. J. McCaffrey, 362-364 n., 271 Greene, J. Patrick Gandolfo, Anita Moti, IM. teries, rev., 734-736 Testing the Faith: The New Catholic Fiction in Grégoire, Henri America, rev., 782-783 letters to John Carroll, 681-703 Gargan, Edward Grendler, Paul F. rev. of J.-D. Durand and R. Ladous, 343-344 n., 272 rev. of F. Tallett and N. Atkin, 342-343 rev. of L. d’Ascia, 105-106 Garrigues, Jean-Michel and Jean Legrez Gres-Gayer, Jacques M. Moines dans l’'assemblé des Fidéles, rev., “Four Letters from Henri Grégoire to John 94-95 Carroll, 1809-1814,” 681-703 GENERAL INDEX de théologie de Paris et la bulle Unigenitus, Hecker, Isaac. 1714-1721, rev., 116-117 biog. by David J. O’Brien, 571-573 Griffin, John R. diary of, 133-144 rev. of L. McRedmond, 352 n., 268, 275 Griffin, William D. Ralph Waldo Emerson on, 54—64 rev. of Maurice O'Connell, 347—348 Hehrlein, Yacin Griffith, James S. Mission und Macht: Die politisch-religidse Beliefs and Holy Places: A Spiritual Geography Konfrontation zwischen dem of the Pimeria Alta, rev., 359-360 Dominikanerorden in Peru und dem Groh, John E. Vizekénig Francisco de Toledo (1569-1581), Facilitators of the Free Exercise of Religion: Air rev., 785—787 Force Chaplains, 1981-1990, rev., 376-377 Hellman, John Gross, Hanns The Knight-Monks of Vichy France: Uriage, rev. of L. Nussdorfer, 115-116 1940-1945, rev., 767-768 Guccione, Eugenio, ed. Tiennesey, James, SJ. Gioacchino Ventura e il pensiero politico rev. of D. Arias, 355 d'ispirazione cristiana deil’Ottocento. Atti Herbigny, Michel d’ del Seminario Internazionale, Erice, 6-9 biog. by Lon Tretjakewitsch, 128-129 ottobre 1988, rev., 348—349 Hill, Bennett, O.S.B. rev. of L. J. R. Milis, 512-514 Hillerbrand, Hans J. b.n. of C. J. Dyck, W. E. Keeney, and A. J. Hall, Michael G. Beachy, 793-794 rev. of J. Corrigan, 358 Hogan, Peter E. Hallenbeck, Jan T. obituary for T. J. Holland, S.SJ., 394 rev. of B. M. Kreutz, 95—96 Holland, Timothy J., S.SJ. rev. of R. Davis, 514-515 obituary, 394 Hamilton, Alastair Hollas, Eric, O.S.B. Heresy and Mysticism in Sixteenth-Ceniury appointed director of Hill Monastic Manuscript Spain: The Alumbrados, rev., 525-526 Library, n., 809 Hamilton, Bernard Hospitallers, 317. rev. of M. Gervers, 737-738 See also Knights of St. John Hann, John H. Howe, Elizabeth Teresa rev. of B. R. Weisman, 355-356 rev. of A. Saint-Saéns, 754-755 Hansen, Eric C. Hubbert, Joseph G., C.M. rev. of M. P. Driskel, 119-120 appointed assistant professor in Niagara Harley, R. Bruce and Catherine Louise LaCoste, University, n., 809 CSJ. Hudon, William V. Readings in Diocesan Heritage. Volume XI: Marcello Cervini and Ecclesiastical Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy: First Government in Tridentine Italy, rev., 338— Bishop of San Diego, 1936-1966 and a Brief 339 History of the Diocese of San Diego, 1769- Huguenots 1966, rev., 135-137 in England, 529-530 Harmsen, T. H. B. M., ed. in France, 109-110, 541—542 Jobn Gee’s “Foot Out of the Snare” (1624), rev., Hull, Henry Lane 113-114 rev. of P. Ramet, 126-128 Harper, John rev. of L. Tretjakewitsch, 128-129 The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy from Hurley, Bishop Mark J. the Tenth to the Eighteenth Century: A rev. of L.-J. Suenens, 130-131 Historical Introduction and Guide for Hiirten, Heinz Students and Musicians, rev., 304—305 Deutsche Katholiken, 1918-1945, rev., 557— Harrington, Ann M. 559 Japan’s Hidden Christians, rev., 789-790 Hutton, Leon Harrison, Carol rev. of M. R. Cunningham, C.S.C., 579-581 Beauty and Revelation in the Thought of Saint Augustine, b.n. 794-795 Havran, Martin J. rev. of H. Trevor-Roper, 537—538 ‘Indexes’ of prohibited books, 532--534 Head, Thomas Institute of Social Order, 294, 297 rev. of A. M. Kleinberg, 524—525 International Commission for Comparative Headley, John M. Church History colloquium, 592 fi, 272 Hildegard Congress, 389 Heaven, Late Antique and Medieval Concepts Medieval Congress, 591-592 summer seminar theme, 152 Recusant Manuscript Society meeting, 591-592 Viii GENERAL INDEX Society for the Study of European Ideas By Force of Arms: The Journals of Don Diego conference, 389 de Vargas, New Mexico, 1691-1693, rev., “Irvingites,” 758-759 360-362 Izbicki, Thomas’M . Kinney, Dale rev. of P. Prodi, 90-91 rev. of K. F. Morrison, 521-522 Kirk, James, ed. Humanism and Reform: The Church in Europe, Jackson, Richard A. England, and Scotland, 1400-1643, rev., rev. of A. Boureau and C. S. Ingerflom, 498-499 330-331 James, Liz Kleinberg, Aviad M. rev. of K. Corrigan, 515-516 Prophets in Their Own Country: Living Saints Janssens, Francis and the Making of Sainthood in the Later biog. by Annemarie Kasteel, 365—366 Middle Ages, rev., 524—525 Jerome, Saint, 336—337 Klutznick Chair in Omaha symposium, 150 Jesuits Knights of St. John, 434—453, 752-753. See also in education, 722—723 Hospitallers in sixteeenth-century Japan, 379-381 Knights Templar, 317—318. See also Templar in twentieth-century North America, 289-301 Order Jewish-Christian relations, 710-713 Knowlton, Stephen R. Joachimism, 738-739 Popular Politics and the Irish Catholic Church: John, Eric The Rise and Fall of the Independent Irish rev. of N. Ramsey, M. Sparks and T. Tatton- Party, 1850-1859, rev., 122-123 Brown, 517-518 Koes Indian village mission on Connecticut River, Johnson, David, SJ. 159 rev. of A. Di Berardino, 725-726 Kopiec, loannes Johnson, Glen M. Acta Nuntiaturae Polonae. Volume XLI: lulius “Ralph Waldo Emerson on Isaac Hecker,” 54— Piazza (1706-1708), rev., 334-335 64 Kors, Charles Joseph Prize Essay, 155 “The Orthodox Sources of Disbelief in Early Modern Britain and France,” 804 Kosztolnyik, Zoltan J. “In the European Mainstream: Hungarian Kadir, Djelal Churchmen and Thirteenth-Century Synods,” Columbus and the Ends of the Earth: Europe’s 413-433 Prophetic Rhetoric as Conquering Ideology, Kountz, Peter rev., 747-749 Thomas Merton as Writer and Monk: A Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B. Cultural Study, 1915-1951, rev., 137-138 rev. of J.-M. Garrigues and J. Legrez, 94-95 Kowrach, Edward J. Karnes, David Mie. Charles Pandosy, O.M.L.: A Missionary of “Religion on the Radio: Sister Aimee, Reverend the Northwest, rev., 364—365 Bob, and the Church Electric In Southern Kreutz, Barbara M. California,” 804 Before the Normans: Southern Italy in the Kasteel, Annemarie Ninth and Tenth Centuries, rev., 95—96 Francis Janssens, 1843-1897: A Dutch- Krieg, Robert Anthony, C.S.C. American Prelate, rev., 365-366 Karl Adam: Catholicism in German Culture, Kauffman, Christopher J. rev., 559-560 Columbianism and the Knights of Columbus: Kseiman, Thomas A Quincentenary History, b.n., 795 rev. of M. P. Carroll, 505-506 Kavanagh, Aidan, O.S.B. Death and the Afterlife in Modern France, rev., rev. ofT . M. Finn, 311-312 547-548 Keen, Benjamin Kuhn-Rehfus, Maren rev. of B. Las Casas, 138-139 Das Zisterzienserinnenkiosier Wald, rev., 507— Kelly, Joseph F. 508 The Concise Dictionary of Early Christianity, Kupke, Raymond J., ed. rev., 727 American Catholic Preaching and Piety in the Kempf, Nicholas Time of John Carroll, rev., 567-568 biog. by Dennis D. Martin, 327—329 Kuri, Sami Kennelly, Karen M., C.SJ. Monumenta Proximi-Orientis, Volume I: b.n. of M. Reilly, 800-801 Palestine-Liban-Syrie-Mésopotamie (1523— Kerrigan, Colm 1583), rev., 787-789 Father Mathew and the Irish Temperance Kuttner chair of canon law Movement, 1838-1849, rev., 759-761 founded and endowed in Catholic University of Kessell, John L. and Rick Hendricks, eds. America, 593 GENERAL INDEX “La Isabela, primera villa del Nuevo Mundo: b.n. of G. Adrianyi, 143 Inicios de la conquista y colonizacién de Lushington, Stephen América,” sixth Dominican Congress of biog. by S. M. Waddams, 346-347 History, 804 Luther Digest, new annual publication, 809 Lambert, Malcolm Luttrell, Anthony Medieval Heresy: Popular Movements from the rev. of V. Mallia-Milanes, 752—753 Gregorian Reform to the Reformation, b.n., Luzbetak, Louis J., S.V.D. 145-146 rev. of F. Demarchi, 309-311 Lama Cereceda, Enrique de la Lynch, Cyprian J., O.F.M. J. A Llorente, un ideal de burguesia. Su vida y obituary of David F. Sweeney, 598-600 su obra basta el exilio en Francia (1756— rev. of J. Paul and M. D’Alatri, 738-739 1812), rev., 118-119 Landau, Peter, n., 159 Langlois, Claude and Francois Laplanche, eds. La science catholique: L’ “Encyclopédie théologique” de Migne (1844-1873) entre MacCaffrey, Wallace T. apologétique et vulgarisation, rev., 351—352 Elizabeth I: War and Politics, 1588-1603, rev., Larkin, Emmet 341-342 n., 269 Maccarrone, Michele rev. of S. R. Knowlton, 122—123 obituary, 600—601 Larsson, Brita MacCormack, Sabine Jobannes Magnus’ Latin Letters. A Critical Religion in the Andes: Vision and Imagination Edition with Introduction and Commentary, in Early Colonial Peru, rev., 139-140 b.n., 795-796 Macy, Gary Las Casas, Bartolomé de The Banquet’s Wisdom: A Short History of the new manuscript published by Biblioteca Theologies of the Lord’s Supper, rev., 713— Nacional (Madrid), 592—593 714 The Only Way, rev., 138-139 Mallia-Milanes, Victor LeBrun, Richard Venice and Hospitaller Malta, 1530-1798: n., 598 Aspects of a Relationship, rev., 752-753 Lemarié, Charles, C.S.C. Malta, 434—453, 752-753 A Biography of Msgr. Benedict Joseph Flaget, b. Manfra, Jo Ann 1763-d. 1850; First Bishop of the Dioceses of rev. of C. Lemarié, 570—571 Bardst and L ille, Kentucky, 1811-— Mansfield, Bruce 1850, rev., 570-571 Man on His Own: Interpretations of Erasmus, Leonard, Joan de Lourdes c 1750-1920, rev., 502—505 Richly Blessed: The Diocese of Rockville Centre, Marianism and a paradigm of a modern apparition, 1957-1990, b.n., 146-147 92 Leung, Beatrice Marignolli, John of Sino-Vatican Relations: Problems in Conflicting description of India, 660-661, 665, 667—668 Authority, 1976-1986, rev., 383-384 “Marriage, Sexuality and Power in New Mexico” Lill, Rudolf and Francesco Traniello, eds. symposium, 387 Il “Kulturkampf’ in Italia e nei paesi di Marsden, George M. and Bradley J. Longfield lingua tedesca, rev., 761-763 The Secularization of the Academy, rev., 369— Lipscomb, Oscar H. 370 rev. of P. T. Tucker, 573-574 Marshall, David B. Liptak, Dolores, R.S.M. rev. of M. Gauvreau, 583—584 keynote address at meeting of archivists of the Marthaler, Berard L. Institute of Sisters of Mercy, 393 rev. of R. Brodeur, 377—378 rev. of S. A. Blejwas, 576-577 Martin, Dennis D. Litchfield, R. Burr Fifteenth-Century Carthusian Reform: The rev. of T. Astarita, 538—539 World of Nicholas Kempf, rev., 327-329 liturgy of initiation, 311 rev. of M. S. Burrows, 101-102 Liu, Tai Marty, Martin E. rev. of A. Zakai, 111-113 rev. of H. W. Bowden “Local Church and Catholicity,” international Maryknoli Mission Archives, 805 colloquium, 807—808 Mary Magdalen Longfield, Bradley new publication on, 594 n., 271 Mathes, W. Michael Loomie, Albert J., SJ. rev. of D. J. Weber, 562—564 rev. of W. T. MacCaffrey, 341-342 Mathew, Father Theobald Lukacs, John biog. by Colm Kerrigan, 759-761 GENERAL INDEX Mayeur, Jean-Marie, ed. Miller, Hubert J. Histoire du Christianisme des origines a nos n., 159 jours. Volume XII: Guerres mondiales et Miller, Robert Moats totalitarismes (1914-1958), rev., 307-308 Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam: Paladin of Liberal Maynard Geiger Fellowship, 807 Protestantism, rev., 780—782 McCaffrey, Lawrence J. Miller, Samuel J. Textures of Irish America, rev., 362—364 rev. ofJ .M . Grés-Gayer, 116-117 McConica, James Misner, Barbara rev. of J. Kirk, 330—331 rev. of B. Brumleve, 134--135 McCoog, Thomas M., SJ. Misner, Paul b.n. of D. Evinson, 144-145 rev. of A. M. Pazos, 763—764 n., 598 rev. of R. A. Krieg, 559-560 McCool, Gerald A., SJ. Mize, Sandra Yocum rev. of J. A. Gallagher, 499-501 n., 273 rev. of T. F. O'Meara, 123-124 Modernism, 578-579 McDonough, Peter Mojzes, Paul Men Astutely Trained: A History of the Jesuits Religious Liberty in Eastern Europe and the in the American Century, rev., 289-301 USSR before and after the Great McGinn, Bernard Transformation, rev., 354-355 The Foundations of Mysticism, rev., 93 “Monachisme a Byzance et en Occident du VIII‘ Mcintosh, Marjorie Keniston au X° siécle,” international colloquium, 808 A Community Transformed: The Manor and monasticism, urban, 94—95 Liberty of Havering, 1500-1620, rev., 104— monophysites, 302 105 Montecorvino, John of McKevitt, Gerald description of India, 649, 651—656, 661 n., 159 Monti, Dominic V., O.F.M. McKeown, Elizabeth “Religious Climate of the Late Middle Ages” rev. of D. J. Slawson, 370—371 lecture, 394 McRedmond, Louis b.n. of S. De Sandoli, 593 Thrown among Strangers: John Henry Newman Mooney, Bernice Maher in Ireland, rev., 352 Salt of the Earth. The History of the Catholic Meara, David Church in Utah, 1776-1987, b.n., 797 Pugin and the Revival of Memorial Brasses, Moore, James Talmadge b.n., 147-148 Through Fire and Flood: The Catholic Church Menache, Sophia in Frontier Texas, 1836—1900, rev., 774-776 “The Templar Order: A Failed Ideal?,” 1-21 rev. of C. Devens, 564-565 rev. ofJ .M . Upton-Ward, 519-520 Moorehead, John, trans. Menard, Clarence C., O.M.I1. Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal b.n. of R. M. Nardone, 799 Persecution, b.n., 798 Mercurio, Roger Morozzo della Rocca, Roberto The Passionists, b.n., 796—797 Le nazioni non muoiono. Russia Merton, Thomas rivoluzionaria, Polonia indipenaente e biog. by Peter Kountz, 137-138 Santa Sede, rev., 766—767 Metzler, Josef Morrison, Karl F. America pontificia primi saeculi n., 268-269 evangelizationis, letters, GO2—G603 Conversion and Text. The Cases of Augustine Meyendorff, John of Hippo, Herman-Judab, and Constantine Imperial Unity and Christian Divisions: The Tsatos, rev., 714-718 Church 450—680 A.D., rev., 510-511 History as a Visual Art in the Twelth-Century Meyerson, Mark D. Renaissance, rev., 521-522 rev. of J. Faur, 749-750 Moss, Jean Dietz Mid-America b.n. of P. B. Roberts, 801—802 special issue on “Catholic Immigrant Woman in Motto, Francesco, ed. Urban America,” 597 Giovanni Bosco, Scritti editi e inediti, rev., 350 Middle Atlantic Historical Association of Catholic Mulcaster, Richard Colleges and Universities, 150 biog. by Richard L. DeMolen, 534-535 Miles, Margaret R. Miiller, Gene Alan Desire and Delight. A New Reading of rev. of S. E. Ramirez, 784-785 Augustine's Confessions, rev., 312-313 Mundy, John Hine Milis, LudoJ . R. rev. of H. Fichtenau, 518—519 Angelic Monks and Earthly Men: Monasticism Murphy, Francis J. and Its Meaning to Medieval Society, rev., rev. of J.-M. Mayeur, 307-308 512-514 Musto, Ronald G.

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