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Index to Volume 71 (2009) Articles and Features An Appraisal of Abraham’s Role in Kingdom as Contaminant? The Role of Postexilic Covenants, 42-63: Richard J. Repertoire in the Parables of the Mus- Bautch tard Seed and the Leaven, 527-43: Are the Parents Still Eating Sour Grapes? Ryan S. Schellenberg Jeremiah’s Use of the Masa/ in Con- Locating the Eunuch: Characterization and trast to Ezekiel, 275-85: Rodney R. Narrative Context in Acts 8:26-40, Hutton 762-75: Scott Shauf Baptism-based Allegiance and the Divi- Lost in Translation: Did It Matter If Chris- sions in Corinth: A Reexamination of tians “Thanked” God or “Gave God Glory”?, 1-23: Jerome H. Neyrey, S.J. 1 Corinthians 1:13-17, 813-29: Maria Mark as Historian of God’s Kingdom, Pascuzzi 64-83: C. Clifton Black Biblical News, 843-50 The Monetary Crisis in Revelation 13:17 Book Reviews and Short Notices, 130-93, and the Provenance of the Book of 364-429, 597-662, 851-914: Joan E. Revelation, 580-96: Deborah Furlan Cook, S.C., and Amy-Jill Levine Taylor Books Received, 229-33, 463-69, 701-6, Obedience unto Death: The Matthean 945-51 Gethsemane and Arrest Sequence and Collected Essays, 194-228, 430-62, 663- the Agedah, 507-26: Leroy Andrew 700, 915-44 Huizenga From Petition to Parable: The Prophet’s An Other Home: Discipleship in Mark as Use of Genre in | Kings 20:38-42, Domestic Asceticism, 741-61: Leif E. 264-74: Jeremy Schipper Vaage God’s Speeches, Job’s Responses, and the Paul and Works of Obedience in Second Problem of Coherence in the Book of Temple Judaism: Romans 4:4-5 as a Job, 286-305: Daniel Timmer “New Perspective” Case Study, 795- “Great Is Artemis of the Ephesians”: Acts 812: A. Andrew Das 19:23-41 in Light of Goddess Worship The Power of Prophecy: A Septuagintal in Ephesus, 776-94: C. L. Brinks Echo in John 20:19-23, 84-103: Tobias Greco-Roman Character Typing and the Hagerland Presentation of Judas in the Fourth The Pteromorphic Angelology oft he Gospel, 544-59: William M. Wright IV Apocalypse of Abraham, 830-42: James 1:5-8: A Dispute with God, 560-79: Andrei A. Orlov Peter Spitaler Rethinking Judges, 24-41: Serge Frolov Jesus as an Elijianic Figure in Luke 4:16- Righteous Abel, Wicked Cain: Genesis 30, 349-63: John C. Poirier 4:1-16 in the Masoretic Text, the Sep- 952 Index to Volume 71 (2009) Articles and Features An Appraisal of Abraham’s Role in Kingdom as Contaminant? The Role of Postexilic Covenants, 42-63: Richard J. Repertoire in the Parables of the Mus- Bautch tard Seed and the Leaven, 527-43: Are the Parents Still Eating Sour Grapes? Ryan S. Schellenberg Jeremiah’s Use of the Masa/ in Con- Locating the Eunuch: Characterization and trast to Ezekiel, 275-85: Rodney R. Narrative Context in Acts 8:26-40, Hutton 762-75: Scott Shauf Baptism-based Allegiance and the Divi- Lost in Translation: Did It Matter If Chris- sions in Corinth: A Reexamination of tians “Thanked” God or “Gave God Glory”?, 1-23: Jerome H. Neyrey, S.J. 1 Corinthians 1:13-17, 813-29: Maria Mark as Historian of God’s Kingdom, Pascuzzi 64-83: C. Clifton Black Biblical News, 843-50 The Monetary Crisis in Revelation 13:17 Book Reviews and Short Notices, 130-93, and the Provenance of the Book of 364-429, 597-662, 851-914: Joan E. Revelation, 580-96: Deborah Furlan Cook, S.C., and Amy-Jill Levine Taylor Books Received, 229-33, 463-69, 701-6, Obedience unto Death: The Matthean 945-51 Gethsemane and Arrest Sequence and Collected Essays, 194-228, 430-62, 663- the Agedah, 507-26: Leroy Andrew 700, 915-44 Huizenga From Petition to Parable: The Prophet’s An Other Home: Discipleship in Mark as Use of Genre in | Kings 20:38-42, Domestic Asceticism, 741-61: Leif E. 264-74: Jeremy Schipper Vaage God’s Speeches, Job’s Responses, and the Paul and Works of Obedience in Second Problem of Coherence in the Book of Temple Judaism: Romans 4:4-5 as a Job, 286-305: Daniel Timmer “New Perspective” Case Study, 795- “Great Is Artemis of the Ephesians”: Acts 812: A. Andrew Das 19:23-41 in Light of Goddess Worship The Power of Prophecy: A Septuagintal in Ephesus, 776-94: C. L. Brinks Echo in John 20:19-23, 84-103: Tobias Greco-Roman Character Typing and the Hagerland Presentation of Judas in the Fourth The Pteromorphic Angelology oft he Gospel, 544-59: William M. Wright IV Apocalypse of Abraham, 830-42: James 1:5-8: A Dispute with God, 560-79: Andrei A. Orlov Peter Spitaler Rethinking Judges, 24-41: Serge Frolov Jesus as an Elijianic Figure in Luke 4:16- Righteous Abel, Wicked Cain: Genesis 30, 349-63: John C. Poirier 4:1-16 in the Masoretic Text, the Sep- 952 ANNUAL INDEX 953 tuagint, and the New Testament, 485- What Is a Gnostic Gospel?, 104-29: 96: Joel N. Lohr Pheme Perkins Secrecy, Textual Legitimation, and Inter- What Is Catholic about a Catholic Transla- cultural Polemics in the Book of tion?, 247-63: Emil A. Weela Daniel, 330-48: Alan Lenzi “When You Pray, Go into Your tapeiov” A Study of Tobit 14:10 and Its Intertextual (Matthew 6:6): But Why?, 723-40: Parallels, 497-506: Alexander A. Carolyn Osiek, R.S.C.J. Di Lella, O.F.M. The Unity of the Book of Lamentations, 306-29: Elie Assis Contributors Assis, Elie: The Unity of the Book of Lenzi, Alan: Secrecy, Textual Legitima- Lamentations, 306-29 tion, and Intercultural Polemics in the Bautch, Richard J.: An Appraisal of Abra- Book of Daniel, 330-48 ham’s Role in Postexilic Covenants, Levine, Amy-Jill: Book Reviews and 42-63 Short Notices, 130-93, 364-429, 597- Black, C. Clifton: Mark as Historian of 662, 851-914; Collected Essays, 194- God’s Kingdom, 64-83 228, 430-62, 663-700, 915-44 Brinks, C. L.: “Great Is Artemis of the Lohr, Joel N.: Righteous Abel, Wicked Ephesians”: Acts 19:23-41 in Light of Cain: Genesis 4:1-16 in the Masoretic Goddess Worship in Ephesus, 776-94 Text, the Septuagint, and the New Tes- Cook, Joan E., $.C.: Book Reviews and tament, 485-96 Short Notices, 130-93, 364-429, 597- Neyrey, Jerome H., S.J.: Lost in Transla- 662, 851-914; Collected Essays, 194- tion: Did It Matter If Christians 228, 430-62, 663-700, 915-44 “Thanked” God or “Gave God Das, A. Andrew: Paul and Works of Obe- Glory™?, 1-23 dience in Second Temple Judaism: Orlov, Andrei A.: The Pteromorphic Romans 4:4-5 as a “New Perspective” Angelology of the 4nocalypse of Abra- Case Study, 795-812 ham, 830-42 Di Lella, Alexander A., O.F.M.: A Study Osiek, Carolyn, R.S.C.J.: “When You of Tobit 14:10 and Its Intertextual Par- Pray, Go into Your tapeiov” (Matthew allels, 497-506 6:6): But Why?, 723-40 Frolov, Serge: Rethinking Judges, 24-41 Pascuzzi, Maria: Baptism-based Alle- Hagerland, Tobias: The Power of giance and the Divisions in Corinth: A Prophecy: A Septuagintal Echo in John Reexamination of | Corinthians 1:13- 20:19-23, 84-103 17, 813-29 Huizenga, Leroy Andrew: Obedience unto Perkins, Pheme: What Is a Gnostic Death: The Matthean Gethsemane and Gospel?, 104-29 Arrest Sequence and the Agedah, 507- Poirier, John C.: Jesus as an Elijianic Fig- 26 ure in Luke 4:16-30, 349-63 Hutton, Rodney R.: Are the Parents Still Schellenberg, Ryan S.: Kingdom as Con- Eating Sour Grapes? Jeremiah’s Use of taminant? The Role of Repertoire in the Masal in Contrast to Ezekiel, 275- the Parables of the Mustard Seed and 85 the Leaven, 527-43 954 THE CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY | 71, 2009 Schipper, Jeremy: From Petition to Para- Timmer, Daniel: God’s Speeches, Job’s ble: The Prophet’s Use of Genre in Responses, and the Problem of Coher- 1 Kings 20:38-42, 264-74 ence in the Book of Job, 286-305 Shauf, Scott: Locating the Eunuch: Char- Vaage, Leif E.: An Other Home: Disciple- acterization and Narrative Context in ship in Mark as Domestic Asceticism, Acts 8:26-40, 762-75 741-61 Spitaler, Peter: James 1:5-8: A Dispute Weela, Emil A.: What Is Catholic about a with God, 560-79 Catholic Translation?, 247-63 Taylor, Deborah Furlan: The Monetary Wright, William M., IV: Greco-Roman Crisis in Revelation 13:17 and the Character Typing and the Presentation Provenance of the Book of Revelation, of Judas in the Fourth Gospel, 544-59 580-96 Reviews of Books and Collected Essays Aageson, James W., Paul, the Pastoral Agency in Paul and His Cultural Envi- Epistles, and the Early Church ronment (Wendell L. Willis) 679 (Robert J. Karris,O.F.M.) 152 Barnett, Paul, Paul: Missionary of Jesus Adam, A. K. M., Faithful Interpretation: (Victor Paul Furnish) 155 Reading the Bible in a Postmodern Barton, John, The Old Testament: Canon, World (Stephen D. Moore) 153 Literature and Theology; Collected Adain, Klaus-Peter (ed.), Historiographie Essays of John Barton (Lawrence in der Antike (Joseph F. Wimmer, Boadt, C.S.P.) 665 O.S.A.) 663 Basset, Lytta, Holy Anger: Jacob, Job, Adams, Samuel L., Wisdom in Transition: Jesus (Timothy E. Saleska) 130 Act and Consequence in Second Tem- Bauckham, Richard, and Carl Mosser ple Instructions (Thomas M. Bolin) (eds.), The Gospel of John and Chris- 597 tian Theology (Lance Byron Richey) Ahearne-Kroll, Stephen P., The Psalms of 446 Lament in Marks Passion: Jesus’ Bauckham, Richard, Daniel Driver, Trever Davidic Suffering (Michael Patella, Hart, and Nathan MacDonald (eds.), 4 O.S.B.) 634 Cloud of Witnesses: The Theology of Albertz, Rainer. See Lipschits, Oded Hebrews in Its Ancient Contexts Alexander, Philip S., The Targum of (James Swetnam, S.J.) 680 Lamentations. Translated, with critical Beale, G. K., and D. A. Carson (eds.), introduction, apparatus, and notes Commentary on the New Testament (Timothy M. Edwards) 599 Use of the Old Testament (Luis Allen, O. Wesley, Jr. See Foskett, Mary F. Sanchez-Navarro) 218 Ascough, Richard S., Lydia: Paul's Cos- Bellia, Giuseppe. See Passaro, Angelo mopolitan Hostess (Laurie Brink, Bergant, Dianne, Scripture: History and O.P.) 890 Interpretation (Barbara Green, O.P.) Attridge, Harold W. See Zangenberg, Jiir- 131 gen Bergen, Wesley J., and Armin Siedlecki, Barclay, John M. G., and Simon J. Voyages in Uncharted Waters: Essays Gathercole (eds.), Divine and Human on the Theory and Practice of Biblical ANNUAL INDEX 955 Interpretation in Honor of David hold and Family: Religion in Antiquity Jobling (Gregory Mobley) 666 (Carol Meyers) 447 Bergmann, Claudia D., Childbirth as a Boer, Roland (ed.), Bakhtin and Genre Metaphor for Crisis: Evidence from the Theory in Biblical Studies (Joan E. Ancient Near East, the Hebrew Bible, Cook, S.C.) 196 and 1QH XI, 1-18 (Andrea L. Weiss) Bond, Helen K. See Capes, David T. 851 Braulik, Georg, Studien zu den Methoden Bernhard, Andrew E., Other Early der Deuteronomiumsexegese (Eckart Christian Gospels: A Critical Edition Otto) 430 of the Surviving Greek Manuscripts Brodie, Thomas L., Dennis R. (Francis T. Gignac, S.J.) 157 MacDonald, and Stanley E. Porter Bernat, David A., and Jonathan Klawans (eds.), The Inter-textuality of the (eds.), Religion and Violence: The Epistles: Explorations of Theory and Practice (Barry S. Crawford) 220 Biblical Heritage (Daniel L. Smith- Brower, Kent E., and Andy Johnson (eds.), Christopher) 915 Berquist, Jon L. (ed.), Approaching Yehud: Holiness and Ecclesiology in the New Testament (Susan F. Mathews) 449 New Approaches to the Study of the Bruckner, James K., Exodus (Peter D. Persian Period (Stephen L. Cook) Miscall) 132 668 Bunge, Marcia J. (gen. ed.), and Bezzel, Hannes, Die Konfessionen Jere- Terence E. Fretheim and Beverly mias: Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Roberts Gaventa (co-eds.), The Child Studie (Mark E. Biddle) 600 in the Bible (Cornelia B. Horn) 929 Bird, Michael F., and James G. Crossley, Burridge, Richard A., /mitating Jesus: An How Did Christianity Begin? A Inclusive Approach to New Testament Believer aiid Non-Believer Examine Ethics (F. Scott Spencer) 158 the Evidence (Douglas E. Oakman) Byrne, Brendan, S.J., A Costly Freedom: A 636 Theological Reading of Mark's Gospel (Elizabeth Struthers Malbon) 639 Blomberg, Craig L., and Mariam J. Capes, David T., April D. DeConick, Kamell, James (Peter H. Davids) Helen K. Bond, and Troy A. Miller 637 Bock, Darrell L., Acts (Richard I. Pervo) (eds.), /srael’s God and Rebecca ’s Children: Christology and Community 892 in Early Judaism and Christianity; Bock, Darrell L. See Kaiser, Walter C., Jr. Essays in Honor of Larry W. Hurtado Bockmuehl, Markus, and Alan J. Torrasice and Alan F- Segal (Adele Reinhartz) (eds.), Scripture 's Doctrine and Theol- 45] ogy 8B ible: How the New Testament Carruthers, Jo, Esther: Through the Shapes Christian Dogmatics Centuries (Susan Niditch) 602 (Daniel J. Harrington, S.J.) 682 Carson, D. A. See Beale, G. K. Boda, Mark J., Daniel K. Falk, and Childs, Brevard S., The Church s Guide for Rodney A. Werline (eds.), Seeking the Reading Paul: The Canonical Shaping Favor of God, Volume 2, The Develop- of the Pauline Corpus (Maria Pascuzzi) ment of Penitential Prayer in Second 893 Temple Judaism (Paul L. Redditt) Cho, Sumkin, Jesus as Prophet in the 194 Fourth Gospel (Michael K. Magee) Bodel, John, and Saul M. Olyan, House- 160 956 THE CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY | 71, 2009 Ciccarelli, Michele, La sofferenza di G. Wilson (Matt Jackson-McCabe) Cristo nell’Epistola agli Ebrei: Analisi 452 di una duplice dimensione della Crossley, James G. See Bird, Michael F. sofferenza: soffrire-consoffrire con gli Darko, Daniel K., No Longer Living as the uomini e soffrire-offrire a Dio Gentiles: Differentiation and Shared (Casimir Bernas, O.C.S.0.) 397 Ethical Values in Ephesians 4.17-6.9 Clements, Ruth A., and Nadav Sharon, (Walter T. Wilson) 398 The Orion Center Bibliography of the Davies, Philip R., Tne Origins of Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Liter- Israel (Megan Bishop Moore) 367 ature (2000-2006) (Matthew Goff) DeConick, April D. (ed.), Paradise Now: 134 Essays on Early Jewish and Christian Clines, David J. A. (ed.), The Dictionary Mysticism (Russell Morton) 931 of Classical Hebrew, Volume 6, 0-5 DeConick, April D. See Capes, David T. (Christopher A. Rollston) "364 Delorme, Jean, L’heureuse annonce selon Cohen, Naomi G., Philos Scriptures: Marc: Lecture intégrale du deuxieme Citations from the Prophets and évangile (lan H. Henderson) 640 Writings: Evidence for a Haftarah Cycle in Second Temple Judaism DeMaris, Richard E., The New Testament in Its Ritual World (\thamar (Louis H. Feldman) 161 Coote, Robert B., and Norman K. Gruenwald) 399 Gottwald, To Break Every Yoke: Essays Di Pede, Elena, 4u-dela du refus: l'espoir; in Honor of Marvin L. Chaney Recherches sur la cohérence narrative (Michael S. Moore) 198 de Jr 32-45 (TM) (Thomas Rémer) Copan, Victor A., Saint Paul as Spiritual 368 Director: An Analysis of the Imitation Doan, William J. See Giles, Terry of Paul with Implications and Driver, Daniel. See Bauckham, Richard Applications to the Practice of Dvorjetski, Estee, Leisure, Pleasure, and Spiritual Direction (Veronica Healing: Spa Culture and Medicine in Koperski) 163 Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Corley, Jeremy, and Vincent Skemp (eds.), (Hector Avalos) 642 Studies in the Greek Bible: Essays in Eastman, Susan, Recovering Paul's Honor of Francis T. Gignac, S.J. Mother Tongue: Language and Theol- (Frederick William Danker) 683 ogy in Galatians (Cynthia Briggs Cottrill, Amy C., Language, Power, and Kittredge) 895 Identity in the Lament Psalms of the Echols, Charles L., “Tell Me, O Muse”’: Individual (V. Steven Parrish) 853 The Song of Deborah (Judges 5) in the Crawford, Sidnie White, Rewriting Scrip- Light of Heroic Poetry (Holly J. ture in Second Temple Times (Stuart Carey) 854 Chepey) 603 Ederle, R. A., Discipulos y Apostoles de Creach, Jerome F. D., The Destiny of the Jesus: La relacion entre los discipulos Righteous in the Psalms (Reed v los Doce segun Marcos (Luis Lessing) 365 Sanchez-Navarro) 164 Crook, Zeba A., and Philip A. Harland, Edwards, Douglas R., and C. Thomas Identity and Interaction in the Ancient McCollough (eds.), The Archaeology Mediterranean: Jews, Christians and of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class Others; Essays in Honour of Stephen and the “Other” in Antiquity; Studies ANNUAL INDEX 957 in Honor of Eric M. Mevers (Ralph K. tation of Scripture: In Defense of the Hawkins) 200 Historical-Critical Method (Eugene J. Ehrlich, Carl S. (ed.), in cooperation with Fisher) 168 Marsha C. White, Saul.in Story and Flury-Schélch, André, Abrahams Segen Tradition (Diana Edelman) 203 und die Volker: Synchrone und Ellens, Deborah L., Women in the Sex diachrone Untersuchungen zu Gen Texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy: A 12,1-3 unter besonderer Beriticksichti- Comparative Conceptual Analysis gung der intertextuellen Beziehungen (Dale Launderville,O.S.B.) 604 zu Gen 18; 22; 26; 28; Sir 44; Jer 4 Ellens, J. Harold (ed.), Text and und Ps 72 (Claudia D. Bergmann) Community: Essays in Memory of 369 Bruce M. Metzger, Volume | (Karl A. Flusser, David, Judaism of the Second Kuhn) 221 Temple Period, Volume 1, Qumran and Enns, Peter. See Kaiser, Walter C., Jr.; Apocalypticism (Craig R. Koester) Longman, Tremper, III 170 Evans, Craig A., and Emanuel Tov (eds.), Ford, William A., God, Pharaoh and Exploring the Origins of the Bible: Moses: Explaining the Lords Actions Canon Formation in Historical, Liter- in the Exodus Plagues Narrative ary, and Theological Perspective (Bryan D. Estelle) 134 (Margaret Christi Karwowski, O.S.F.) Foskett, Mary F., and O. Wesley Allen, Jr. 918 (eds.), Between Experience and Inter- Falk, Daniel K. See Boda, Mark J. pretation: Engaging the Writings of the Fink, Uta Barbara, Joseph und Aseneth: New Testament (John Clabeaux) 685 Revision des griechischen Textes und Foster, Robert L., and David M. Howard, Edition der zweiten lateinischen Jr. (eds.), “My Words Are Lovely”: Ubersetzung (Angela Standhartinger) Studies in the Rhetoric of the Psalms 644 (Irene Nowell, O.S.B.) 919 Finkelstein, Israel, and Amihai Mazar, Fretheim, Terence E. See Bunge, Marcia J. The Quest for the Historical Israel: Frood, Elizabeth, Biographical Texts from Debating Archaeology and the History Ramessid Egypt (Susan Tower Hollis) of Early Israel; Invited Lectures 136 Delivered at the Sixth Biennial Collo- Gafney, Wilda C., Daughters of Miriam: quium of the International Institute for Women Prophets in Ancient Israel Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, (John T. Willis) 606 October 2005 (John R. Spencer) 432 Galor, Katharina, Jean-Baptiste Humbert, Finlan, Stephen, The Apostle Paul and the and Jiirgen Zangenberg (eds.), Pauline Tradition (Robert Jewett) Qumran, the Site of the Dead Sea 401 Scrolls: Archaeological Interpretations —, Options on Atonement in and Debates; Proceedings of a Confer- Christian Thought (Dennis Hamm, ence Held at Brown University, S.J.) 165 Fiore, Benjamin, S.J., The Pastoral November 17-19, 2002 (Sidnie White Epistles: First Timothy, Second Crawford) 434 Timothy, Titus (James W. Aageson) Garcia Martinez, Florentino, and Mladen 167 Popovic, Defining Identities: We, You Fitzmyer, Joseph A., S.J., The Interpre- and the Other in the Dead Sea Scrolls: 958 THE CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY | 71, 2009 Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Really Killed Jesus? (John T. Carroll) IOQS in Groningen (Claude Cox) 173 437 Grogan, Geoffrey W., Psalms (William P. Garcia Martinez, Florentino. See Brown) 858 Schiffman, Lawrence H. Grohmann, Marianne, Fruchtharkeit und Garrett, Susan R., No Ordinary Angel: Geburt in den Psalmen (E. S. Celestial Spirits and Christian Claims Gerstenberger) 137 Groneberg, Brigitte, and Hermann about Jesus (Kevin P. Sullivan) 896 Spieckermann (eds.), Die Welt der Got- Gathercole, Simon J. See Barclay, John terbilder (Marvin A. Sweeney) 205 M.G. Habel, Norman C., and Peter Trudinger Gaventa, Beverly Roberts. See Bunge, (eds.), Exploring Ecological Herme- Marcia J. neutics (Armin Siedlecki) 921 Genuyt, Francois, LEpitre aux Romains: Hall, S. G. See Houlden, Leslie L’instauration du sujet; Lecture Hallermayer, Michaela, Text und Uber- sémiotique (Alicia Batten) 898 Giles, Terry, and William J. Doan, Twice lieferung des Buches Tobit (Irene Nowell, O.S.B.) 371 Used Songs: Performance Criticism of the Songs of Ancient Israel (James W. Hamori, Esther J., “When Gods Were Watts) 855 Men”: The Embodied God in Biblical Goehring, James E., and Janet A. Timbie and Near Eastern Literature (eds.), The World of Early Egyptian (Daniel R. Miller) 860 Christianity: Language, Literature, Han, Jin Hee, Daniels Spiel: Apocalyptic and Social Context; Essays in Honor of Literacy in the Book of Daniel (A\ David W. Johnson (Rebecca Krawiec Wolters) 609 223 Harland, Philip A. See Crook, Zeba A. Goldingay, John, Psa/ms, Volume 3, Harrison, James R. See Judge, E. A. Psalms 90-150 (James Limburg) Harrison, Peter, The Fall of Man and the 857 Gottwald, Norman K. See Coote, Foundations of Science (Vincent M. Robert B. Smiles) 610 Gould, Graham. See Houlden, Leslie Hart, Trever. See Bauckham, Richard Grabbe, Lester L., Ancient Israel: What Hatina, Thomas R. (ed.), Biblical Inter- Do We Know and How Do We Know pretation in Early Christian Gospels, It? (Norman K. Gottwald) 607 Volume 2, The Gospel of Matthew Granados Rojas, Juan Manuel, S.J., La (Sharon Betsworth) 687 reconciliacion en la Carta a los Efesios Hellerman, Joseph H., Jesus and the ven la Carta a los Colosenses: Estudio People of God: Reconfiguring Ethnic exegético de Ef 2,14-16 y Col 1,20.2/- Identity (Raimo Hakola) 175 23 (Vincent P. Branick) 172 Helyer, Larry R., The Witness of Jesus, Greathouse, William H., with George Paul, and John: An Exploration in Bib- Lyons, Romans 1-8: A Commentary in lical Theology (Frank J. Matera) 647 the Wesleyan Tradition (James Heskett, Randall, Messianism within the Swetnam, S.J.) 402 Scriptural Scrolls of Isaiah (Reed Green, Gene L., Jude and 2 Peter (Ter- Lessing) 139 rance Callan) 645 Hess, Richard S. and Elmer A. Martens Greenberg, Gary, The Judas Brief? Who (eds.), War in the Bible and Terrorism ANNUAL INDEX 959 in the Twenty-First Century (Chris Zadokites in Tradition and History Seeman) 207 (Stephen L. Cook) 372 Hilhorst, Anthony, Emile Puech, and Hunter, Alastair G., An Introduction to the Eibert Tigchelaar (eds.), Flores Psalms (Jerome F.D.Creach) 612 Florentino: Dead Sea Scrolls and Hutzli, Jiirg, Die Erzahlung von Hanna Other Early Jewish Studies in Honour und Samuel: Textkritische- und liter- of Florentino Garcia Martinez ararische Analyse von 1. Samuel 1-2 (Matthew Goff) 209 unter Berticksichtigung des Kontextes Holloway, Steven W. (ed.), Orientalism, (Mhrvin A. Sweeney) 863 Assyriology and the Bible (Bill T. Jensort, Philip Peter, Obadiah, Jonah, Arnold) 670 Micah: A Theological Commentary Holmberg, Bengt (ed.), Exploring Early (Jason Radine) 864 Christian Identity (Ben Witherington Johnson, Andy. See Brower, Kent E. Jokiranta, Jutta. See Voitila, Anssi Ill) 932 Jonge, Henk Jan de, and Johannes Tromp Holst, Soren, Verbs and War Scroll: (eds.), The Book of Ezekiel and Its Studies in the Hebrew Verbal System Influence (Steven S. Tuell) 212 and the Qumran War Scroll Joosten, Jan, and Jean-Sébastien Rey (Edward M. Cook) 861 (eds.), Conservativism and Innovation Holter, Knut (ed.), Let My People Stay! in the Hebrew Language of the Researching the Old Testament in Hellenistic Period: Proceedings of a Africa: Report from a Research Project Fourth International Symposium on the on Africanization of Old Testament Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Studies (Hugh R. Page, Jr.) 923 Ben Sira (John A. Cook) 439 Horsley, Richard A., Wisdom and Spiritual Joslin, Barry C., Hebrews, Christ, and the Transcendence at Corinth: Studies in Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law First Corinthians (Richard S. in Hebrews 7:1-10:18 (Paul A. Ascough) 454 Rainbow) 900 Joyce, Paul M., Ezekiel: A Commentary (ed.), In the Shadow of Empire: (Paul E. Fitzpatrick, S.M.) 613 Reclaiming the Bible as a History of Judge, E. A., The First Christians in the Faithful Resistance (Davina C. Lopez) Roman World: Augustan and New Tes- 934 tament Essays (Jennifer A. Glancy) Hoskins, Paul M., Jesus as the Fulfillment 936 of the Temple in the Gospel of John Junco Garza, Carlow, La Biblia, libro (N. Clayton Croy) 899 sagrado (Vincent Branick) 902 Houlden, Leslie, with Graham Gould, Kaiser, Walter C., Jr., The Majesty of God S. G. Hall, Stephen W. Need, and in the Old Testament: A Guide for Lionel Wickham, Decoding Early Preaching and Teaching (Eugene Christianity: Truth and Legend in the Hensell, O.S.B.) 140 Early Church (Patout Burns) 225 Kaiser, Walter C., Jr., Darrell L. Bock, and Howard, David M., Jr. See Foster, Peter Enns, Three Views on the New Robert L. Testament Use of the Old Testament Humbert, Jean-Baptiste. See Galor, (Jocelyn McWhirter) 689 Katharina Kalmanofsky, Amy, 7error All Around: Hunt, Alice, Missing Priests: The Horror, Monsters, and Theology in the 960 THE CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY | 71, 2009 Book of Jeremiah (Jutta Krispenz) Késtenberger, Andreas J., and Scott R. 866 Swain, Father, Son and Spirit: The Kamell, Mariam J. See Blomberg, Craig L. Trinity and John's Gospel Kaminsky, Joel S., Yet J Loved Jacob: (Christopher W. Skinner) 405 Reclaiming the Biblical Concept of Laisney, Vincent Pierre-Michel, Election (Ralph K. Hawkins) 867 L’Enseignement d’Aménémopé (Scott Kazan, Thomas, Jesus and Purity Morschauser) 374 Halakhah: Was Jesus Indifferent to Lawrence, Jonathan David, Washing in Impurity? (Alan J. Avery-Peck) 176 Water: Trajectories of Ritual Bathing Kelly, Henry Ansgar, Satan: A Biography in the Hebrew Bible and Second Tem- (J. Edward Wright) 178 ple Literature (Kristin De Troyer) Kim, Seenam, The Coherence of the Col- 617 lections in the Book of Proverbs Leclerc, Thomas L., /ntroduction to the (Thomas P. McCreesh, O.P.) 614 Prophets: Their Stories, Sayings and Kim, Seyoon, Christ and Caesar: The Scrolls (Kenneth G. Stenstrup) 141 Gospel and the Roman Empire in the Lenzi, Alan, Secrecy and the Gods: Secret Writings of Paul and Luke (Yung Suk Knowledge in Ancient Mesopotamia Kim) 648 and Biblical Israel (Michael S. Klauck, Hans-Josef, The Apocryphal Acts Moore) 870 of the Apostles: An Introduction Leproux, Alexis, Un discours de Sagesse: (Stevan Davies) 649 Etude exégétique de Sg 7-8 Klawans, Jonathan. See David A. Bernat (Michael W. Duggan) 375 Klein, Ralph W., / Chronicles: A Com- Leuchter, Mark, The Polemics of Exile in mentary (John C. Endres, S.J.) 616 Jeremiah 26-45 (A. R. Pete Diamond) Klink, Edward W., III, The Sheep of the 872 Fold: The Audience and Origin oft he Levenson, Jon D. See Madigan, Kevin J. Gospel of John (Warren Carter) 403 Levering, Matthew, Participatory Biblical Kloppenborg, John S., Q: The Earliest Exegesis: A Theology of Biblical Gospel; An Introduction to the Origi- Interpretation (Joel B. Green) 406 nal Stories and Sayings of Jesus Levieils, Xavier, Contra Christianos: La (Stephen J. Patterson) 903 critique sociale et religieuse du Knoppers, Gary N. See Lipschits, Oded christianisme des origines au concile Koch, Christoph, Vertrag, Treueid und de Nicée (45—325) (Claudia Setzer) Bund: Studien zur Rezeption des 181 altorientaiischen Vertragsrechts im Levinson, Bernard M., Legal Revision and Deuteronomium und zur Ausbildung Religious Renewal in Ancient Israel der Bundestheologie im Alten (Frederick E. Greenspahn) 873 Testament (Jean Louis Ska, S.J.) 868 Lichtenstein, Mosheh, Moses: Envoy of Koester, Helmut, Paul and His World: God, Envoy of His People; Leadership Interpreting the New Testament in Its and Crisis from the Exodus to the Context (David L. Balch) 180 Plains of Moab (Zev Garber) 143 Kooten, George H. van, and Jacques van LiDonnici, Lynn, and Andrea Lieber Ruiten (eds.), The Prestige of the (eds.), Heavenly Tablets: Interpreta- Pagan Prophet: Balaam in Judaism, tion, Identity and Tradition in Ancient Early Christianity and Islam (Judith Judaism (Eileen M. Schuller, O.S.U.) R. Baskin) 459 455

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