Published:11January2013 ©2013Facultyof1000Ltd The case for intrinsically disordered proteins playing contributory roles in molecular recognition without a stable 3D structure Vladimir N. Uversky1,2 and A. Keith Dunker1* Addresses:1DepartmentofMolecularMedicine,USFHealthByrdAlzheimer’sResearchInstitute,UniversityofSouthFlorida,Tampa,FL33612, USA;2InstituteforBiologicalInstrumentation,RussianAcademyofSciences,142290Pushchino,MoscowRegion,Russia;3Centerfor ComputationalBiologyandBioinformatics,IndianaUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Indianapolis,IN46202,USA *Correspondingauthor:A.KeithDunker([email protected]) F1000BiologyReports2013,5:1(doi:10.3410/B5-1) Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercialLicense (,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium, providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited.Youmaynotusethisworkforcommercialpurposes. Theelectronicversionofthisarticleisthecompleteoneandcanbefoundat: Abstract The classical ‘lock-and-key’ and ‘induced-fit’ mechanisms for binding both originated in attempts to explainfeaturesofenzymecatalysis.Forbothofthesemechanismsandfortheirrecentrefinements, enzymecatalysisrequiresexquisitespatialandelectroniccomplementaritybetweenthesubstrateand the catalyst. Thus, binding models derived from models originally based on catalysis will be highly biasedtowardsmechanismsthatutilizestructuralcomplementarity.Ifmerebindingwithoutcatalysis is the endpoint, then the structural requirements for the interaction become much more relaxed. Recent observations on specific examples suggest that this relaxation can reach an extreme lack of specific3Dstructure,leadingtomolecularrecognitionwithbiologicalconsequencesthatdependnot onlyuponstructural andelectrostaticcomplementarity between thebindingpartnersbutalsoupon kinetic,entropic,andgeneralizedelectrostaticeffects.Inadditiontothisdiscussionofbindingwithout fixedstructure,examplesinwhichunstructuredregionscarryoutimportantbiologicalfunctionsnot involving molecular recognition will also be discussed. Finally, we discuss whether ‘intrinsically disordered protein’ (IDP) represents a useful new concept. Introduction However, the lock-and-key model gives rise to some Preparationsoftheenzymeemulsincleaveb-glycosides, interesting questions. For enzymatic transfer of a but not a-glycosides, while preparations of invertase phosphate from ATP to an –OH acceptor via a lock- cleave a-glycosides, but not b-glycosides. From these and-key mechanism, why doesn’t an –OH from water observations, Emil Fischer suggested in 1894 that the simply outcompete the –OH from the acceptor, thus enzymeandsubstrateexertamutualeffectoneachother leadingtoATPhydrolysisinsteadofphosphatetransfer? likealockandkey[1-2].Thus,thelock-and-keyhypothesis Daniel Koshland suggested that sequestering the reac- was originally derived from studies on catalysis, not tants from water via small conformational changes that molecularrecognition. hecalled“inducedfit”wouldsolvetheproblem,especially sincewateritselfwouldbetoosmalltoinducetheneeded Ashorttimelater,in1897,PaulEhrlichappliedthelock- conformationalchanges[5-6].Inducedfitistheformation and-key hypothesis to the problem of how an antibody ofanencountercomplexbetweenmoleculesinconforma- binds specifically to a particular antigen [3-4]. In this tionsdistinctfromtheirfinalconformations,followedby example, the interaction results in specific binding, not mutual structural adjustment until the intimate fit catalysis. Thus, Ehrlich converted the lock-and-key betweenthetwopartnersisrealized.Subsequentstructural hypothesisfromexplainingenzymespecificitytoexplain- studies on a number of enzymes revealed substantial ingprotein-basedmolecularrecognition. conformational changes upon substrate binding, which Page1of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 areconsistentwithinducedfitbutcouldalsobeexplained While enzyme catalysis very often occurs without byothermechanisms[7]. significant disorder, for several enzymes disorder-to- order backbone rearrangements is a feature. In these Besides induced fit, an alternative model called ‘con- cases,thesubstratebindstopartoftheactivesitethatis formational selection’hasbeenproposed toexplain the structured and then a disordered region folds onto the association between a macromolecule and a flexible substrate typically including residues involved in the ligand [8]. In conformational selection, the ligand catalysis(andoftentoexcludewater)andthenthesame assumesanensembleofconformations,andtheprotein region unfolds againto releasethe product [15-16]. binds to the conformation that gives the best fit to the binding site. Conformational selection and induced fit Recent studies on enzyme reaction mechanisms using areoftendiscussedasthetwoextremepossiblemechan- faster methods than previously available have revealed ismsforthebindingtoaflexibleligandsuchasanIDPto multiple steps in which conformational changes in the astructured partner. substrates are complementary to multiple conforma- tional changes in the enzymes. These multiple substeps For enzymes, the lock-and-key and the induced-fit involve small amounts of energy and only slight mechanisms lead to different kinetic equations, which conformational changes, resulting in an overall better can be considered as parts of a unified reaction cycle fit and larger energy decrease in the transition state [9]. Analysis of enzyme kinetic data in terms of this energy than could likely be achieved by one large unified reaction cycle suggests that substrate and conformational change[7]. enzyme concentrations determine whether conforma- tional selection, induced fit, or a mixture of the two The importance of this background for the current underlies the reaction [10]. The key point here is that discussion is that binding for the catalytic event is notonlyisthestructureofthefinalcompleximportant necessarily highly structured: the enzyme has to bind but also the mechanism used to achieve the final more tightly to a molecular intermediate form than to complex. the undistorted ground state or to the product(s) [7,9], and so the physiochemical requirements for catalysis As for non-catalytic molecular recognition by flexible dependoninteractionswithexquisitestericandelectro- proteins, many DNA-binding proteins contain regions static complementarity between the enzyme and the that undergo disorder-to-order transitions upon bind- ligand. However, we argue that if the catalytic require- ing to their DNA partners [11]. Georg Schulz collected mentfortheinteractionisdroppedandmerebindingis several of these examples and suggested in 1979 that the biological function, then the molecular recognition such a disorder-to-order binding mechanism could be eventitselfoughttobecomemorerelaxed.Thequestion helpful for some biological interactions by enabling here is whether molecular recognition in the absence of the combination of relatively high specificity and low catalysiscanbecomesorelaxedthatfixed3Dstructureis affinity [12]. Thermodynamic studies of several no longer arequirementfor binding. protein-DNA interactions gave further support for such disorder-to-order transitions, in which the Effects on binding without specific authors, Ruth Spolar and Tom Record, described the structure formation binding process as “coupled-binding and folding,” or Suppose an unstructured protein binds to a partner in one place “extreme induced fit” [13]. Just as for without forming structure. How would one evaluate enzyme catalysis, it has been suggested that conforma- such a complex in the absence of structure? How does tional selection and coupled binding and folding one determine the biological significance of such an (sometimes called induced fit) represent the extreme interaction if one were found? To address these issues, possibilitiesforbinding,andjustasforenzymes,ithas several examples are presented below in a progression beensuggestedthateithermechanismorevenmixtures from the most tothe leastamount ofstructure. of the two mechanisms may be involved for any particular interaction [14]. Inthefirstexample,aregionofintrinsicproteindisorder bindstoapartnerviaadisorder-to-ordertransitionwith As with the lock-and-key hypothesis, induced fit was partofthestructureremainingunstructured.Suchevents originally developed to explain specific features of are very common. In one study of short segments that enzyme catalyzed reactions, and this concept was later bind to protein partners, out of 372 binding segments converted to a molecular recognition mechanism when containing 10,434 residues, 13% of the residues the underlying ideas were applied to non-catalytic remained unstructured after binding as determined bindinginteractions. fromthelackofelectrondensityinthecrystalstructures. Page2of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 This is substantially higher than the 7% figure for argued that such a mechanism still uses structure for disordered residues observed for a set of 848 structured binding,justthattherearemultiplestructuresofsimilar protein monomers [17]. Are these disordered regions energy that can interconvert over timescales required to merelypresentordotheycontributetothebindingfree collecteithertheX-rayorNMRdata.Wewouldgivethe energy? counter argument that adopting multiple, different, interconverting structures is distinctly different from In a few of the interactions containing IDP regions, becomingstructureduponbinding. studieshavebeencarriedoutontheeffectsofremoving all, or fractions, of the structurally unobserved regions A thirdpossibility is thatelectrostatic interactions could (reviewedin[18]).Removalofsuchflankingdisordered occur over long range without the formation of any regions has been shown to result in both positive and specific structure at all. Such a result would truly be negativechangesinthefreeenergyofbinding(Fuxreiter, interaction without a specific complementary structure. personalcommunication). Considerationofelectrostaticinteractionsleadsustothe secondexample. Inonecase,thedisorderedsplicingfactor1(SF1)bindsto the large subunit of the U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary The second example involves the interaction between actor (U2AF), the SF1 segment binds by a motif of Sic1 and CDC4. In this example, the Sic1 protein is 10 residues with K of 23.8nM, and removal of residues unstructured but contains nine similar motifs that are d not in physical contact with U2AF reduces the K to well separated along the sequence. Each of these motifs d 55.6nM.Onthe other hand, the full-lengthSF1 binding contains a central serine or threonine that can become withU2AFhasaK of11.8nM,indicatingthattheflanking phosphorylated[22].EachphosphorylatedSic1motifis d but unstructured regions contribute significantly to bind- recognizedbytheCDC4protein,whichrecruitsSic1for ing free energy [19]. These data demonstrate binding ubiquitination, thereby targeting it for degradation in energywithoutspecificstructureformation.Evidently,the late G1 phase, an event necessary for the onset of DNA steric complementarity required for enzyme catalysis has replication [23]. Replacing different numbers of serines becomeconsiderablyrelaxedformereassociation. or threonines with alanines leads to loss of viability if fewerthansixphosphorylationsitesremain[22].Invitro In the case above, the disordered region exhibits a studiesshowthatindividualphosphorylatedmotifsbind measurablefreeenergyofassociationwiththeremainder weakly,buttheaffinityandthesteepnessofthebinding oftheproteinwithouttheformationofspecificstructure. isotherm increases as more sites are phosphorylated. There are at least three alternative mechanisms as When any six sites are phosphorylated, the affinity discussedbelow. sharplyincreasesandthebindingisothermissosharpit resembles an on-off switch[22]. One possibility is that the unobserved residues alter the polypeptide intheunboundstate.Theremovalofthese The CDC4 molecule contains just one site (!) that residues would then affect the binding constant in the associateswiththephosphorylatedmotif.Ifthereisonly boundstate.Forexample,ifthebindingmechanismwere onebindingsite,howdotheadditionalsitesincreasethe to depend on the conformational selection mechanism, affinity and sharpen the binding isotherm? The main thentheunobservedresiduescouldreducetheamountof effectseemstobeelectrostaticinteractionsthatkeepthe time spent in a binding-competent conformation by a phosphorylatedmotifsneartothesinglebindingsite,so variety of mechanisms, thus reducing the on-rate, and that,assoonasonehopsoff,anotherisnearbytohopon loweringtheoverallaffinity[8]. [24]. A mathematical description of these effects has been developed, and the resulting mean field statistical A second possibility is that there are several different mechanicalmodelfortheelectrostaticinteractionsgives conformationsthatenablethedisorderedproteintobind reasonably good agreement with the experimental data, to the surface via short-range contacts. Having several including both estimates of the threshold number of suchbindingstructurescouldresultinmissingstructure phosphorylation sites for binding, and also including in X-ray experiments due to incoherent scattering or to experimental affinities of CDC4 for Sic1 fragments with missing data in NMR experiments due to exchange different total charges [25]. broadening. Indeed, several examples of the same disorderedregionchangingstructuretobindtodifferent The Sic1-CDC4 and the SF1-U2AF examples discussed surfaces have been observed [20-21]. All that would be above demonstrate that non-structured protein can neededistohavethealternativebindingmodescloseto contribute very significantly to binding free energy. As each other on the same binding surface. It could be reviewed by Tompa and Fuxreiter [18] many additional Page3of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 examples have been observed in which unstructured datasupportingtheexistenceofencountercomplexes,the regions contribute both positively and negatively to the question then becomes whether it is possible for binding free energy between an IDP and its protein encountercomplexestobelong-lived. partner. We anticipate that similar results will be found for IDPs binding to nucleic acids if such examples have The above discussion has an interesting parallel to the notbeenfoundalready.Theseobservationsclearlymake moltenglobuleconcept.Thecapabilityofapolypeptide the point that unstructured regions of protein can chain to adopt partially folded intermediates was first contribute to binding free energy without becoming proposed as a part of the frame-work model of protein structured in the finalcomplex. folding,withacollapsed, butinternallydynamic,short- lived transient intermediate protein form in protein While the CDC4 has a single site for binding one folding [29]. In later studies it became apparent the phosphate group and the flanking amino acids on Sic1, intermediate with a collapsed, but internally dynamic, which has multiple sites of phosphorylation along with structurewasshowntobeastableformforsomeproteins, sequence-similar motifs for the flanking amino acids in followingslightstructuraldestabilizationusingavariety order to fit onto the binding site on CDC4, the oftreatments[30].Next,thisintermediatewasshownto mathematical model explaining the increased affinity betransientlypopulatedattheearlystagesoftheglobular arising from the remainder of the molecule does not protein folding [31]. Finally, certain proteins were require specific structure, merely electrostatic interac- suggested to form molten globules in their functional tions between a dynamic IDP and its partner. The states [32]. So, will encounter complexes turn out to question then arises whether such non-specific interac- exhibit a similar progression, being first recognized as tions could lead to specific protein association without transients, then as stable forms under some particular the formation of any long lasting complementary conditions, then as stable forms under physiological interfaces between an IDP and its partner. In other conditionsforsomeproteinsequences?Timewilltell. words,isthereamechanismbywhichanIDPcouldbind to apartner without itself formingspecific structure? Has any protein-protein interaction without any structure formation ever been observed? Binding without structure formation: A number of IDPs interact with each other to form is it possible? dimersthatsometimesexhibitverysimplefoldssuchas The various experimental observations above could be leucinezippers[33],andthatatothertimesexhibitmore combined to yield a model with an overall electrostatic complexfoldssuchashelicalbundles[34,35].Forafew attraction between anIDPanditspartner,coupled with examples, the IDP dimers are highly dynamic with only several local docking interactions that rapidly convert localizedregionsthatshowevidenceofstructureforma- from one to another. Such an interaction mechanism tion [36,18]. All of these examples, more or less, fit the could leadtoaspecific associationbetween anIDP and standard view of coupled binding and folding or its partner without the formation ofstablestructure. inducedfit. Let’sconsiderthispossibilityfromamoretraditionalview. However, Sigalov and co-workers have reported homo- Proteincomplexformationtypicallyinvolvesatleasttwo dimerization of the cytoplasmic region of the T cell steps. Upon meeting, an encounter complex is formed, receptor zeta subunit that is not accompanied by either proceeding towards the final complex or towards measurable shifts in the CD spectra [37] nor by measur- dissociation.Evidencesuggeststhatencountercomplexes able chemical shift changes in the NMR spectra possibly are dominated by electrostatic forces, but hydrophobic suggesting association without structure formation [38]. interactionscanalsoplayarole[26].Aninterestingvariant Other explanations for this observation include the is to consider the subsequent events in terms of game possibility that the CD spectra might not be sensitive theory, according to which the interacting partners enoughtopickupformationofhighlylocalizedstructure continually affect the conformational landscapes of each or technical problems such as exchange broadening for otherinsuchawaythatconsecutivestepsdependonprior the same protein regions before and after dimerization stepsuntilthefinalcomplexisformed[27,28].Whatifthe couldobscuretheformationofstructureduringtheinter- folding funnel for the overall complex were rather flat, action, so further work needs to be carried out to prove with no energy minimum corresponding to one specific that the molecular association is truly occurring without structure? In this case, the moves and counter-moves theformationofproteinstructure.Furthermore,theinitial would continue endlessly, leading to a long-lived, report was in 2004 and other laboratories have not yet dynamically fluctuating encounter complex that, of reportedsimilarfindings,andthisabsenceofconfirmatory course, could dissociate at any moment. Since there are data adds uncertainty to Sigalov’s interpretation of his Page4of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 observations.However,giventheresultsforanumberof random-walk search for binding site, but more detailed complexes in which IDP regions have been shown to studiesareneededtoconfirmthismodel[47].Comparing contribute to the overall free energy of the protein- theorthologousvoltagechannelsinspermfromdifferent proteininteraction[24,25,39,40]andgivenevidencefor mammalsshowsthattheexoncorrespondingtothechain the existence of encounter complexes along with the region has significant length variability that arises from various models to explain their interaction without insertions and deletions (indels). The number of indel structure[26-28],itisouropinionthatSigalov’sresults substitutions is 5 to 8 times higher than is generally cannotbedismissedoutofhand.Whileourownviewis observed in genomic studies and indels within the that specific protein-protein interactions likely require disordered regions are considerably longer than average at least some localized structure at a key contact point indels,suggestingthatpositiveselectionisoccurring[48]. suchasobservedfortheSic1-CDC4interaction,forma- Theauthorssuggestthattheobservedchain-regionlength tionofproteincomplexeswithhighlytransientstructure variability, which can affect sperm motility, may be an formationoughttobetakenasapossibilityuntilruled important determinant in sperm competition, thus outbyfurtherstudies. accountingforthepositiveselection. Flexible linkers, flexibility, and Another very interesting example is provided by the molecular recognition entirely unstructured ~200 residue kinase inhibitor Direct involvement in molecular recognition is not the p27kip1 [49], which plays a key role in the control of only typeof biological function carried out by proteins. eukaryotic cell division by the inhibition of several In addition, disorder can affect molecular recognition different cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdks) withoutdirectinvolvementinthebindinginterface.Two [50,51]. For one such complex, ~70 residues of p27kip1 aspects will be discussed here: flexible linkers and free wrap around the outside of a dimer of a cyclin and its energyintheunboundstate.Theseexamplesemphasize cognate Cdk [52]. The flexibility of p27kip1 allows it to thatthefinal3Dstructureofthecomplexisnottheonly associate and dissociate segmentally [50,53], thereby biologically important aspect of molecular recognition, providingopportunitiesforregulationandcontrol.More and that the on-rates, off-rates, and conformational specifically, segmental dissociation enables phosphory- changes enabling association and dissociation can also lationofp27kip1’sY88byanon-receptortyrosinekinase, contribute to biological function. leading to the exposure of the Cdk’s active site, which then phosphorylates p27kip1’s T187. This second phos- Flexible linkers canenablecombinations ofinteractions phorylation provides a signal for ubiquitination, which thatwouldnotbestericallyallowedbycompletelyrigid then leads to digestion of p27kip1 via the proteasome, structures.Forexample,calmodulinusesaflexiblelinker whichinturnpromotescellcycleprogression[50,51]. between two domains to wrap around its target helix [41]. Formation and dissociation of the calmodulin- Thispathwayofphosphorylationleadingtoubiquitina- targetcomplexwouldsimplynotbepossiblewithoutthe tion, in turn leading to degradation, is very commonly flexibility of the linker. Multiple zinc fingers connected observed in eukaryotic cells as a means to remove or by flexible linkers enable certain transcription factors to deplete the levels of key regulatory proteins [54]. Both wrap up their target DNA molecules [42]. Again such phosphorylationandubiquitinationcommonlyoccurin complexes could not form or dissociate without the regions of disorder [55-57], and having a sufficiently flexibilityof the linkers. longregionofdisorderappearstobeimportantforentry into the proteasome [58]. Flexible linkers can also affect rates of association and affinities.Aparticularlyinterestingexampleisprovidedby Asafinalexampleoftheconsequencesofflexiblelinkers voltage gated ion channels. Such channels exhibit three on molecular recognition, Kuriyan and Eisenberg [59] states: closed (voltage sensitive), open, and inactive argue that the proximity brought about by flexible (voltage insensitive). While in the open state, ion flow linkers brings about an amplification of the effects on through the open channel collapses the cell membrane one domain of random mutations in the colocalized potential.Thus,theamountoftimespentintheopenstate domain.Throughnaturalselection,thisamplificationof isimportantforthebiologicalfunctionofthechannel.The effectsbyproximityleadstospecificinteractionsandtoa mechanismofclosingisviaa‘ballandchain’,wherethe startlingvariety ofcomplex allostericcontrols. terminus of a disordered region closes the open channel by a binding event [43-44]. Lengthening of the ‘chain’ Asforeffectsarisingfromthefreeenergyoftheunbound slows the closure, shortening the chain speeds it up state,theunbound,flexiblestateisthestartingpointfor [45,46],suggestingthepossibilitythattheballundergoesa themanyexamplesinvolvingdisorder-to-ordertransitions Page5of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 upon binding to their partners, which in turn might be IDPs/IDRs over ordered proteins and domains is the structuredoralsodisordered.Whilestructureaccountsfor ability of one disordered segment to bind to multiple thefinalrecognition,therateofassociationordissociation partners due to its ability to adopt different conforma- might also be important for biological function: muta- tions inthe boundstate. tions that do not involve any of the interacting residues butthataffectthefreeenergyintheunboundstatewould Recent analysis revealed that the C-terminal recognition affectthefinalbindingconstant[60].Suchanalterationin domain of p53 is not a unique entity and several other free energy by mutation could also be viewed as an IDPs can be engaged in the formation of multifacial alteration in the underlying protein ensemble. This complexes [21]. These examples highlight the transient ensemble view was recently used to explain mutational nature of the intrinsic disorder-based interactions and effectsonbindingeventsthatleadtoallostery[61,62].In emphasize the extreme adaptability of IDPs. In general, this view, rather than affecting a Rube-Goldberg type complexes involving disordered proteins are drastically pathway underlying allostery, the mutation could be differentfromthecomplexesformedbyorderedproteins. affecting the conformational ensemble and hence the allostery. In a recent study, the binding constants of The case of the elastomeric proteins associations between structured proteins were shown to An important example of biologically important yet have a correlation with the measured off-rates and to be disorderedcomplexesisthatoftheelastomericproteins, rather independent of on-rates. On the other hand, which have a wide range of crucial functions and are binding constants of associations involving an initially involved in various unique mechanisms where they disorderedproteinwereshowntohaveacorrelationwith provide the high efficiency elastic recoil necessary to the on-rates [63]. A possible mechanism here is that a undergo reversible deformation [64]. These proteins are reducedfreeenergyintheunboundstate(ascomparedto found in the human arterial wall, the capture spiral of the bound state) would be expected to both reduce the spiderwebs,thehingeofscallopshells,andareinvolved final affinity and to slow the on-rate. These disorder- in the jumping mechanism of fleas. Since it has been dependent effects on binding kinetics and affinity values suggested that the elastic recoil of proteins is due to a don’tdirectlyinvolvethemoleculardetailsofthebound combination of internal energy and entropy, and since state, but are nevertheless likely to lead to important the dominant driving force in this recoil process is the biologicalconsequences. increased entropy of the relaxed state relative to the stretchedstate, itwaspointedoutthatintrinsicdisorder One-to-manybindersandmultifacialcomplexes plays a crucial role in the function of these rubber-like IDPs are known to participate in one-to-many and elastomericproteins.Inagreementwiththishypothesis, many-to-oneinteractions,whereoneIDPoroneintrinsi- the functional aggregates of these proteins were cally disordered region (IDR) binds to multiple partners described as intrinsically disordered or fuzzy complexes potentiallygainingvery different structuresinthe bound with high polypeptide chain entropy [64]. Although state,orwheremultipleunrelatedIDPs/IDRsbindtoone these disordered elastomers possess a broad range of partner,potentiallygainingsimilarstructuresinthebound sequence motifs, mechanical properties and biological state[20,21,60]. functions, all of them are dramatically enriched in proline and glycine residues [65]. This P and G The one-to-many binding mechanism is especially enrichment plays a central role in defining the elastin- interestingsinceitmightgeneratemultifacialcomplexes, like properties of disordered elastomers that form where the same region of an IDP can be engaged in disordered functional aggregates (including disordered interactionwithmultipleunrelatedpartnersandbeable fibers), and clearly separates all elastomeric proteins to fold into very different conformations in the bound from the amyloidogenic proteins/peptides that form state. One of the illustrative examples of such one-to- insolubleamyloid-like fibrilscharacterizedbythecross- manybindersisp53,asingleC-terminalregion,whichis b-sheet structure with the b-strands perpendicular to the known to interact with at least four different partners fiberaxis.Figure1illustratesthisobservationbyshowing [20].Theaminoacidsinvolvedineachinteractionshow a two-dimensional diagram that relates the P and G a significant overlap and no two of these interactions contents of natural elastomeric protein domains and could exist simultaneously. Furthermore, the same proteinsthatwereexperimentallyshowntoformamyloid residues adopt helix, sheet, and two different irregular fibrils[65].Inthisplot,aclearseparationisseenbetween structures when associated with the different partners. elastomeric and amyloidogenic sequences. These data Finally,thesameaminoacidsareburiedtoverydifferent provide a clear explanation of why elastomeric proteins extent in each of the molecular associations [20]. These are expected to form disordered fibers: their amino acid results show that one of the functional advantages of sequencesareenrichedinthestructure-breakingGandP Page6of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 Figure1. Atwo-dimensionalplotcorrelatingprolineandglycinecontentforawidevarietyofelastomericandamyloidogenicpeptides ElastomericproteinsarecharacterizedbyhighPGcontentandarelocatedintheupper-rightpartofthisplot.Contrarily,amyloidogenicpeptidesare characterizedbylowPGcontentandthereforearelocatedintheleftbottomcorneroftheplot.Thecoexistenceregion(shadedingray)containsPandG compositionsconsistentwithbothamyloidogenicandelastomericproperties.Elastomericproteins,includingthedomainsofelastin,majorampullate spindroin(MaSp)2,flagelliformsilk,theelasticdomainsofmusselbyssusthread,andabductin,appearaboveacompositionthreshold(upperdashedline). AmyloidogenicsequencesareprimarilyfoundbelowthePG-threshold,alongwithrigidlizardeggshells,tubulliformsilk(TuSp1),aprotectivesilkforspider eggs,andaciniformsilk(AcSp),usedforwrappingprey.Thecoexistenceregioncontainsamyloid-likepeptidesaswellastheelastomericadhesiveproducedby thefrogNotadenbennetti,thePEVKdomainsoftitin,wheatgluteninprotein,andthestrongestspidersilks,namelyMaSp1andminorampullatespindroin (MiSp).Figurereproducedfrom[65].Abbreviations:AcSp,aciniformsilk;MaSp,majorampullatespindroin;MiSp,minorampullatespindroin;TuSp1, tubulliformsilk. residues and therefore are naturally selected not to form Subsequentlymanyregionsofproteinshavebeenfound lengthyorderedsegments. tolack3Dstructureunderapparentlyphysiologicalcon- ditionsintheabsenceofabindingpartner,andNMRhas The ‘IDP’ concept: necessary or not? revealed many additional proteins that appeared to be To our knowledge, the first report of a significant-sized entirely unstructured. Release 6.0 of DISPROT [68] lists regionofmissingelectrondensitywasinthestructureof 667 proteins with 1,467 disordered regions that are the extracellular nuclease from Staphylococcus aureus, as associatedwithbiologicalfunction;thissetincludes112 describedin1971[66].Twosuchregionswereobserved whollydisorderedproteins. and the authors suggested that these were “disordered” andbothhighlysolvatedandhighlymobile.Theauthors When such disordered proteins and regions were first also reported the extreme trypsin sensitivity of these discovered, the standard view was that they were some- regions. Even earlier, optical rotatory dispersion was howlikelytobestructured,exceptthattheyweredenatured usedtoidentify afewproteinsthatappearedtobe fully during isolation or lacked a critical partner that got lost unstructuredunderapparentlyphysiologicalconditions, duringisolation.Indeed, someofthescientists who were andfromsuchstudiesoneauthorsuggestedthatthereis involvedincarryingoutearly,keyworkontheseproteins acategoryof “disordered proteins” [67]. [69,70] tell us that when they were graduate students Page7of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 doing the work in the citations just given, they repeated started studying these proteins, one of us chose the protein purification multiple times using different proto- descriptor ‘natively unfolded protein’ [72,74] and the cols because neither they nor their advisors could believe otheroneofuschose‘disorderedprotein’[71].Bothofus that unstructured proteins could be carrying out the bio- considered but rejected ‘flexibility’ as a descriptor. Our logical functions being observed (Daughdrill, Kriwacki, views regarding ‘flexibility’ were that this term is applied personalcommunications). to both structured and unfolded proteins but describes entirelydifferentprocessesforthetwoproteinforms.That A key development in the study of these proteins in our is, for structured proteins, flexibility refers to periodic or view has been the development of disorder predictors slightly aperiodic motions as atoms oscillate about their that used amino acid sequence or composition as inputs equilibrium positions, with higher flexibility referring to [71,72]. These predictors give results much better than largeramplitudesfortheoscillations.Duringtheseoscilla- expected by chance, leading to the conclusion that, to a tions,theoverallshapeofthemoleculechangesverylittle. considerable degree, lack of structure is encoded by the Ontheotherhand,forunfoldedproteins,flexibilityrefers aminoacidsequence.Inotherwords,disorderedproteins to massive changes in backbone and side chain dihedral andregionshaveaminoacidcompositionsthataredistinc- angles, leading to large-scale changes in overall shape. tlydifferentfromthecompositionsofstructuredproteins. Given that flexibility has entirely different meanings for Thus,thisobservationlinksdisordertotheDNAsequence, structuredandunstructuredproteins,usingthesameterm leading to an extension of the standard Central Dogma. for both protein forms tends to blur the very large differ- Thatis,thestandardCentralDogmaisgivenbythefollow- encesinbehavior. ingsteps:(1)DNAsequence,(2)RNAsequence,(3)Protein sequence, (4) structure, and (5) function. The extension, Withregardtoreplacingdisorderwitheitherflexibilityor however,isgivenbythefollowingsteps:(1)DNAsequence, PWPs, our view on thesesuggestions can be summarized (2) RNA sequence, (3) Protein sequence, (4) intrinsically byawell-knownphrase:“What’sinaname?Thatwhichwe disorderedensemble,and(5)function. callarosebyanyothernamewouldsmellassweet”.[75]. Inourview,aportionof‘foldingcode’(andsometimesa The fundamental distinction between folding first and significant part of it) that defines the ability of ordered then binding as compared to concomitant binding and proteins to spontaneously gain a unique biologically folding is reflected by the marked differences in the activestructureismissingforIDPs.Thismissingportion amino acid composition between the two types of ofthe‘foldingcode’(orapartofit)canbesupplemented proteins. Indeed, early theoretical studies on protein by binding partner(s). As a result, a key difference folding suggested that whether a protein folds or not between structured and disordered proteins is that the depends on its amino acid composition, and if it has a formerfoldfirstandthenbindtotheirpartnerswhilethe composition commensurate with folding, then the latter remain unfolded until they bind their partners. sequence patternsdetermine which fold is favored [76]. Other researchers suggest that this distinction makes no We[72,77,78]andothers[79]havepointedoutthatthe difference. To emphasize that this is a distinction aminoacidcompositionsofIDPsareentirelyconsistent withoutadifference,recentlytheterm“proteinswaiting with their lack of folding. The high polarity of these for partners” (PWPs) was proposed as an alternative to sequencesisverymuchalongthelinesofthesuggestions the term “disordered” [73]. Above we describe many from the early theoretical studies for sequences that examples in which disordered proteins have functions would fail tofold[76]. other thanpartner binding,so this term cannot be used for all types of disordered protein. Also, it is not clear Researchers who question the existence of IDPs in vivo howthePWPsconceptwouldapplytoexamplessuchas oftenpointout thatcellshaveelaboratemechanisms to the C-terminus of p53 described above, in which the deal with misfolded proteins and that disordered same disordered region assumes four different confor- proteins would be cleared by these mechanisms. Thus, mations when binding to four different partners. This they conclude that disordered proteins cannot exist in examplesuggeststhepossibilitythatthesamedisordered cellsexcepttransiently.Inouropinion,suchsuggestions region canswitch fromonepartnertoanother,withthe are misguided for three reasons. First, the misfolded disordered region changing its shape as it changes its protein response is confined to the endoplasmic partner. This sort of behavior seems to be much more reticulum, so it is unclear to what extent other parts of dynamicthan just ‘waiting for apartner’. the cell are under surveillance for protein misfolding. Second, such suggestions are based on the assumption ‘Flexibility’isoftenproposedtodescribemotionsinpro- thatanaminoacidsequencethatiscommensuratewith teinscoveringbothfoldedandunfoldedforms.Whenwe folding (e.g. a high level of hydrophobic groups and Page8of12 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurposes) F1000Biology Reports2013, 5:1 aromatics) but that is unfolded or misfolded and that a ordered proteins to maintain their disordered structure highly polar sequence that has evolved to be unfolded under physiological conditions, which is necessary for willbothbereadilyrecognizedbythe‘unfoldedprotein theirfunctions. responsesystems’andclearedbythecell.Wethinkthatit is equally likely that IDPs and regions have evolved to Until recently, disordered proteins or regions were avoidtheunfoldedproteinresponsebyhavingsequences largely ignored. However, each week there are now notrecognizedbythosesystems.Whereistheproofthat about 17 publications (estimated by Caron Morales these systems recognize all types of sequences? Indeed, fromthelast10weeksusingDisProt’sstandardkeyword themechanismbywhichtheunfoldedproteinresponse searchofPubMed)thatfocusonthecharacterizationand recognizes its substrate proteins is currently ambiguous, functionsoftheseproteins.Itcouldbereasonablyargued andwhether,orwhich,IDPsareclearedbythissystemis that there is nothing new in the IDP concept, that all of not yet understood (Ron Wek, personal communica- thecurrentviewsoftheseproteinsfollownaturallyfrom tion).Also,in-cellNMRdatademonstratestheexistence long-heldviewsofproteinstructureandfunction.From andstabilityofIDPsevenwheninsidebothprokaryotic a chemistry and physics point of view, that is certainly and eukaryotic cells [80-90]; why doesn’t the misfolded true. However, the fact that these proteins were largely protein response rapidly remove these proteins? Third, ignored previously and now they are being actively to use humans as an example organism, some of our studied suggests that developing the IDP concepts has proteins turn over with half-lives of less than a minute served the useful purpose of bringing attention to these whileothersexistforthelifeofthehuman,givingalmost proteins and to understanding the biological functions eightordersofmagnitudedifferenceinproteinstability. with which they are involved. The reader is invited to The stability of each protein is an important aspect of make up his or her own mind regarding the utility, or its biology. Studies on the relationship between protein lack thereof, of the IDP concept. lifetimes and protein disorder suggest that some dis- ordered proteins have long lifetimes, but, on the other Abbreviations hand,theshort-lifetimeproteinsarerichindisorder[91]. Cdk, cyclin-dependent protein kinase; IDP, intrinsically Perhapsbothadisorderedregionandaparticularsignal, disordered protein; IDR, intrinsically disordered region; suchasthePESTmotif[92,93],areneededforaprotein PWPs,proteinswaitingforpartners;SF1,splicingfactor1; to exhibit a short half-life. The important point here is U2AF, U2smallnuclearRNAauxiliaryactor. that disordered regions likely help to promote short protein life-times as animportantaspect of this biology Disclosure or to put it another way, life-time modulation is an The authors declare that they haveno disclosures. importantbiologicalfunctionofdisorderedproteins. Acknowledgements Is there any evidence that disorder is a product of ThisworkwassupportedinpartbythegrantEF0849803 evolution?Studiesontheevolutionofstructuredproteins from the National Science Foundation (to A.K.D and suggestthatregionsofproteinswithahighpackingdensity V.N.U.) and the Program of the Russian Academy of showfeweraminoacidchangesoverevolutionarytimeas Sciences for the “Molecular and Cellular Biology” (to comparedtoregionswithlowerpackingdensities.Thatis, V.N.U.). Caron Morales is thanked for estimating the if positional mutation rates (expressed as Shannon’s numberofpublicationsappearinginPubMedeachweek entropy)areplottedversustightnessofpacking(expressed on intrinsicallydisordered proteins. as 1/density), virtually a straight line is observed with lower packing densities showing higher sequence varia- References bility(seeFigure3in[94]).Ofcoursemanyyearsearlierit 1. 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