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The Case for Algo Trading Derivatives PDF

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AAbbee KKoohheenn DDiirreeccttoorr TTrraaddiinngg SSttrraatteeggiieess GGrroouupp FFlleexxTTrraaddee SSyysstteemmss IInncc.. TThhee CCaassee ffoorr AAllggoo TTrraaddiinngg DDeerriivvaattiivveess Oct 29, 2009 CADC AAggeennddaa (cid:131) Challenges (cid:131) Opportunities (cid:131) Volatility: Friend or Foe (cid:131) Bottlenecks (cid:131) Paper on Option Algos CChhaalllleennggeess Lack of a Benchmark Options (cid:131) GWAP (Convexity Benchmark Calculated Price) • Journal of Trading 2008 Vol. 3, No 1 • “TCA & Liquidity Discovery w/ Equity Options,” Scott Larison, 3-D Markets Futures (cid:131) Previous Settlement Price (cid:131) VWAP suggested / no basis CChhaalllleennggeess (cid:131) Liquidity (cid:131) Information Leakage • Name • Size • Price (cid:131) Gaming (cid:131) Transparency CChhaalllleennggeess (cid:131) One size fits all approaches (vary parameters; vary algos) (cid:131) Predictability: T-Slice or TWAP (Be Unpredictable) (cid:131) Replacing “static” with dynamic parameters in some broker algos, e.g., static delta for ATM near-expiration options. (cid:131) Routing multi-legs to multiple exchanges (in the States) (cid:131) Regulations (restrictions on trading/hedging) (cid:131) Internalization (Opportunity for some; challenge for others) CChhaalllleennggeess (cid:131) Technology (Build vs. Buy) • Data • Latency • APIs (cid:131) Market Structure • Pennies (Opportunity for Prop Desks) (cid:131) Extreme Volatility (Opportunity for some) OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess (cid:131) Choose among asset classes: Trade cheapest or richest (cid:131) Auto Hedging (cid:131) “Risk Arbitrage” using options (cid:131) Multi-Leg trade on one or multiple exchanges (cid:131) One platform for equities, warrants, options, convertible bonds, futures, and FX (cid:131) Brokers rehash equity algos as options algos (TWAP) OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess Option algos (cid:131) Volatility pegged trades w/ Options pricing models built-in, i-rates, borrow rates, and div projections • 20 vol. bid at 40 vol. offer (cid:131) Delta-adjusted limits (poor man’s vol.) with static (constant delta - 0 gamma over a small range) or dynamic delta (cid:131) Multi-legged trades done algorithmically • Spreads, Butterflies, Condors • Dispersion Execution OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess Option algos (cont’d.) (cid:131) Short Vol: Auto Delta Hedging w/ User Defined Hedge Instrument (cid:131) Long Vol: Gamma Hedge (Buy Low, Sell High) (cid:131) Staged Sweeper – Liquidity Cleaner sweeps exchanges multiple times – allows exclusions • Mkt is .15 - .25, bid .20 -- but don’t show anything! OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess Futures Algos (cid:131) Synthetic Order Types • Iceberg • Enhanced Stops • Cross market spreads (cid:131) Contingent Orders (cid:131) Multi-legged trades done algorithmically (cid:131) Auto-hedging of portfolios

“TCA & Liquidity Discovery w/ Equity Options,” Scott Larison, 3-D. Markets. Futures. ▫ Previous [email protected] www.flextrade.com.
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