THCEA ASGEA INST Th.:l.a One llllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllll AQR9-7RA-3Y·Z J3 Copyrieg 2h0t0 2b yM arkG oodacre Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arto ft hibso okm aybe reproducestoredd , in are trieval systrteamn,s miotrit neda ,n yf oromr b ya nymean s, electronic, mechanical, photocopyirnecgo,r dinogro, t herwisew,i thotuhte wri tten permissi on ofthe publisher. TrinPresitsy I nternatioP.nOa.l, Bo13x2 1Har,r isburg. PA1 7105 TrirPresust yI nternational is aC ontinuiummp r..i nt Covedre siTgnr:u dBer ummer Library ofC ongress Cataloging-in-PublicatioDna ta Goodacre,M arkS . Thecase agaiQn:ss tt udiineM sa. rkapnr ioraintdty h sey noptic prIo blem MarkG oodacre. p. em. Inclubdiebsl iograprheferenicceasl a ndi ndex. ISBN1 -56338-3( r) 1.Q hypothesis (cSryintoipctIii.lscs im tl)e . BS2555.G5626 2 001 226'. 066-dc21 2001048084 Printeidnthe UnitSedta tes ofA merica 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Copy ed ate a CONTENTS Preface v11 Abbreviations tx 1.F irImpressst ions 1 2.S ettiinngP lacteh Ceo rnerstoTnheeP: r ioroifMty a rk 19 3.Re asons and Rhetocr i 46 4." UnscrambthlEgeig n gw itahV engeance"? LukeO'rsd earn dth eSe rmon onth eM ount 81 5.L ukeN,a rratiCvrei ticism, andt heSe rmono nt heM ount 105 6.T heS ynopJteiscua sn dt heC ellulChoriidst 121 7. How Blessedt hAPoereo r?S ource-CriRteifcallecti ons ont heF irBesatti tudine M attheLwu,k eTh,o mas andQ 133 8.M ajoarn dM inoAgrre ements 152 9.N arratiSveqeu encine a S ayings Gospel? Relfectioonnas C ontrasbte tweeTnh omaansd Q 170 Epilogue 187 Bibliography 191 IndeoxfA ncieTnetx ts 211 Index of Authors 221 IndeoxfS ubjects 225 v PREFACE ThCaes eA gaiQn csotm prisseesr oiafes st udoinet shS ey nopPtriocb lem inw hich tthheeoo rfMy a rkan Priafofirmreidt yw hiislt eh eex istence ofQ ,t hhey pothesteiccoasnlod u rbechei nMda tthaenwd L ukei,sc hal lengIeh da.v ter ibeudth a vfeo unmdy seulnfa btol ebe persuatdheadt theervee wra ss ucah d enta,m dt hibso orke presemnyt se ndeavors ocum toe xplwahinyI fi ndL ukeu'ssoe f M attheawsw, e lalsM arkt,obe more plausiIbtil swe i.t ahn i nevitdaebglroeef ea pprehentshiaaots n c holar towartdhsbe e ginning of chairse eemrb aroknsa p rojaecstc ontroversial ast haet temtpoat r guaeg aitnhseetx istoefnQ c.Ie a mt heregfroartee ful toa ltlh osweho h avhee lpmeedt od evelmoypi deabso,t bhy o ffeorfs encourageamnde nrtbo yb ucsrti tiwchiestmh,oe nri nterdniestc ussion groulpiskC er ossatndaS lykn optaimcon-wgLh ,o mI w oulpda rticularly wantt om entiSotne vDaanv ieWsi,l liAarmn aSlt,e phCeanr lsaonnd JefPfe terosroo nno, c casionsIh awvhreee nap da rotsf t hibso oikn e ar lier veCrhsaipot5ne asrt:t hUen iverosfOi xtfyo rPdo st-Graduate New TestamSeenmti n(aJru 1n9e 98a)nd t hSeoc ieotfyB ibliLciatle raAnture nuaMle etiSnygn,o ptSeicctsi oOnr,l an(dNoo vemb1e9r9 8C)h;a pt6e r att hBer itNieswhT estamCeonntf ereGnlcaes,g (oSwe ptem1b9e9r8 ); Chapt7e art t heBr itNieswhT estamCeonntf ereBnrcies,tS oyln,o ptic EvangelSiescttsi( oSne ptem1b9e9r9a )n;dC hapt9ea rtt heS ociety of BibliLciatle raAtnunrueMa ele tiQn Sgec,t ioBno,s t(oNno vem1be9r9 9). Chapt6eli ras r evivseerds oifoa nna rtiocrlieg inpaulbllyi sihn]e SdN T 80( 200301):- 44g,ra tefuuslewldiy t phe rmissPiaoront.fsC hapt1e,r s 3,a nd8 i ncorporreavtieso ifao p nasp ereard at tShyen optSieccst oifo n thSeo cioeftB yi blical LAintneuraMalet eutrieNn ags,h vi(lNloev ember 2000p)u,b lisahs"e AdM onopoolnyM areaPnr iorFiatlyl?a actit hees HearotfQ ,"S ocioefBt iyb lLiictaelr SaetmuirPneaa pre2 0r0s(0 Atlanta: SocieotfyJB ibliLciatle ra2t0u0r0e5),3, 8 -6I2a 2m.g ratetfoJu olh Sn. KloppenbVoerrgba innd E lizabSettrhu tMhaelrbso fno sro mhee lpful feedboanc kt hat paper. StephCeanr lsroena ad l arpgae rotf t hem anuscrainpdmt a dei n numeravballeu acbolmem enBtasr.b aSrhae llards erveecarhdaa lp ters Vll Preface VlU and mamdaen yh elprfeumla rIka sm. almsoos grta teftuoJl e fPfe ter sonw,i twhh omI h avhea dm anyu sefduils cussiontsh eia dbeoaust contaihneerdae n;d I w oulldi kteothank MarkM atsonf osri milarly useffeueld bacJko.h nS. K loppenboVregr bainnd J ohnM a.A sgeirs sonp rovihdeeldp cfoumlm enotnsa ne arlvieerrs ioofCn h apt9e.Mr y thinkoinnt gh Sey nopPtriocb loewme asm assidveebt to mtye achers, especiEa.Pl .Sl ayn deErrsiF,cr anklainndJ, o hMnu ddimaBnu.tI a m alsion debttoem dyc olleaignBu iesr mingehsapmec,i aDlalvyiP da rker, whoh aso ftbeeenn h apptyoe ngaigned iscussoifto hnte o piccosv ered herMei.c haGeolu ldwehro,w ast hseu bjoecftm yd octordails sertation, subsequmeynfi trlsybt o okhas, becomea v alufreide nsdi nIcc ea mteo Birmingahnadim n;s piotfme y c ritiocfhi iswsmo rilkn G oulder andt he Gospelsh,iis d ehaasv e neveirntshpeilmreuescdsh ofd itshceu sisni on thibso ok. Itw oulbde u tteirnlayd eqfuoamrte et otry toe xpress mhyeg rrea t itudem ytwife o, Violhae,r feo hre rp atieanncdse u ppoNrotr.d oes thankmiyn pga renJtasn,ea tn dS elwyfno,tr h eeinrc ourageamdeent quateelxyp remsysgr atitudeI,w oaunldd tloid keed icthaitsbe o ok tot hem. MARx GoooAcRE UniverosfBi itrym ingham TheCa seA gainQs twe bs ite: Cop ghted matenal ABBREYIATIONS WhilIeh avter iteoda voitdhe u se ofa bbreviaatisof anarss po ssible, ; thfeo llowsitnagn ddaa bbreviaatirofoenu sn d: ABD AnchoBri blDei ctionary ABRL AnchoBri bRleef ereLniceb rary AnBib Analectab iblica ANRW Aufstiunde gN iedgearngd erro miscWheelnt Ant. JosephAunst,i quiotfi etjshe ew s BETI Bibliotehpehceam eritdhuemo lcarum ogi lovaniensium BZNW Beihzeufrt ZNW CBQ CatholBiicb liQcuaalr terly DBI DictioonfaB riyb liIcanlt erpretation EKKNT Evangeliscb-kaKtohmomleinstczahurem rN euen Testament ET EngliTsrha nslation ETL Ephemer idesth eogliocaleo vanienses ExpT ExpositToimreys HistE.c clE.u sebiHuiss,t oecrc/esiiaas tica Hfl(Nf Herdetrhse ologisKcohmemre nta.rzum NeueTnes tament HTR Harvard TheologRiecavli ew ICC InternatioCnrailti cComamle ntary IDB InterprDeitcetri'oson fatr hyeB ible IDBSuppI nterprDeitecrt'iso noaftr hyeB ibSle,u pplementary Volume lX Abbreviations x IQP InternatQi Pornoajle ct ]BL journoafBl i bliLciatle rature ]SNT Journfaolrt hSet udoyf t heN ewT estament JSNTSup Journfaolr t heS tudy tohfeN ew Testament SupplemSeenrti es JSOTSuJpou rnfaolr t heS tudy oft heO ldT estament SupplemSeenrti es ]TS JournalT hoefo logSitcuadli es LXX Septuagint NA26 Nestle-ANloavnudm,T e stamentGumr aec2e6,the dition, 1979 NA27 Nesde-NAolvaunmdT, es tamentuGmr aec2e7,th e dition, 1993 NHS NagH ammadSit udies NovT NovmnTe stametttum NovTSupS upplemetnoNt osv umT estamentum NTS NewT estameSnttu dies SBL SocieotfBy i bliLciatle rature SBLDS SBL DissSeerrtiaetsi on SNTS StudiorNuomv Tic stameSnotcii etas SNTSMS StudioNroumv Tie stameSnotcii eMtoanso grapShe ries TPI TriniPtyr esIsn ternational UBS UniteBdib Sloec ieties WMANT WissenschaMfotnloigcrhaep hziuemAn l reunnd_ Neuen Testament WUNT WissenschaUfntltiecrhseu chuznugmNe enu eTne stament ZNW Zeitscfihrinirfte zttestameWtitstlsiecnhsec haft Copy ed ate a ChaptOenre FIRISMTP RESSIONS Iti sa ta ne arly ipnot ihnetui nri veresdiutcya ttihoanst t udeonftr se Ligiosutsu diaersei ntrodutcoQe .dI ti so neo ft heb asiacs t,o oolf thet radteh ante edtso b eg rasp£erdo mt heb eginnin g.Th is losdto cu menth asb ecomaen e lementraersyo ufrockren owledagbeo utth Ne ew Testameans tt,a polfie n troducctoourryso enCs h rsitiaOnr iginasn di n dispensfaobrrle es eairncthto h e historiIcnat lh euJ nelsiuksee.vl eyn t thaat l ectusrheoru fladi lm etnot iQo,ns tudewniltlsfi ndr eferetnoc e iti nt hfier sbto okosn t hGeo spetlhsa tth erye ad. That oifsc ,o ursieft, h ehya vneo th earodf i ta lreafdoyQr, isn o longceorn finiitnsgte olc fl assroloimbsr,a arnide ss chosltaurdsbi'ue st ise mergitnodg evelao npe wc elebsrtitaytB uoso.k bsa seodn Q are big business, jourtnealilltis sst toirtcye ,la e.irtvoiinpcs rloegsr atmask e itf org rantaendd,o nec ane velni stteoQn ont hec arster eo ort he WalkmanI.ti1 se astyos eweh yi its b ecominsog p opulIna get hat hass eesno mew onderafruclh aeolodgiisccaolv epreioepsal,re ee xcited tot hintkh atth ermei ghbte a losdtoc umenlty ibnegh inodu rG ospels, juswta ititnobg e r ediscovaener xedc,i temienntte nsbiyfit ehdte h ought thatth idso cumemnitg hbet oure arliseosutro cfei nformaotinow nh at Jesuasc tuaslaliyOd n.e p opuleadri tioofQn e ntitcheers e adweirt thh e 1.E .Cgh.a rlAoltlt"eenT 'hSeaserch foarN o-FjresiulsAl,tlantics � Monthl27y8 6,( Dec. 1996):a ndF5 r1omJ- e6s8tuo,Ch sr ist,th mea joAmrer ican relevis ionseries from PBS (1998). HowevQe bra,as c hiemvuecdh grea ter noto.rietyin rhUe ihast inEurope . Nonoef thet hreree cBernti ttieslhe vseriesi sooi Joesnu Livess , ofj esus( BB1C99,6 )Th,ej esus Files (CfVC1,9 9a9n)Sd o onf G od( BBC,2 001;it aired in the U.S.aAJs.esus: TheC omplete StoDriys,c oCvhearny2 n00e1l)e, v enm entioQn.We edw ilsele m oreve:i dencei ndu ec ourse fo.r thhei gphreorfit hlaQet has inAmerica inco mparison (especiaUy)wi th Britain. Marcus Bor(gE diJtaocrNo)eb,e dl(eNmarartonar) ,Th omas Moore (lnttoduTcrihoLosten )G,o spel Q:T heO rigiSnaayilon fJg ess (uTseS npe ed Press, Au1d9i9oa8,n)a u ,dio versionof theb ook listiennd.2 . Th e blurfbo trhe ta pe iss tartling even byt hse tadnardso fsens ationalilistte rature onQ :" TheLo tsG ospQe blr ithen gsrea der closetor r heh istor6igcaulro efJ es uschan ever befoTrhee.s ayiwinthignts h rke presenthtve e r6m yg ospel.Lost fotrw oth ousanyeards , ir'sa w indow intthowe o rolfad nc ieOlnrri stiHaere narei rthey a.c ruwaolr dosf j esursh-e orgiianlS ermoonnt hMeo unLto,rd P'rsa yearn,dBea titudesa,swel l as parables, aphorism s, andg uidanocnie v nliga s impalned c e• 1 Cop ghted matenal 2 FirIsmtp ressions promitshea" tt heasrethe e o riginwaolr dosfj esups, eda ndw ritten reserv by hciosn temporawrhiielsae"n 2ot huenra shameadnlnyo unictessae sl f "thfier sftu lalc couonftt h elo sgto spoeflJ esuso'r igifnoalll ow"e3r s. Q playtsh iksi nodf k eyr olneo to nliyn t hep opullairt erabtuutr e, alsion s cholawrolryko sn J esus. gOeunrer athiaossn e eQn placaetd theh earotfh istorJiecsaurlse seareclhe,m4e ntianr recyo nstruJcetsiunsg' sayinagcsr,o as bsr oasdp ectruomfs cholarsThhiemp u.c5h -respected Germaenx egete TGheerids swehni,ln eo titnhga mta nyd iffepriecnt tureosfJ esuasr e prodbuycs ecdh oldaerpse ndoennQ t nevertheless claitmhsa "tQ isc ertaitnhlemy o sti mportsaonutr fcoerr e construct ingt het eachoifnJ ge su"s6L. i kewitsheeJ esuSse minraari sQe tso a specpiraolm ineinnic teos w nw eighionfg Jessauysi'n egmsb,e ddiintgs importafnocJree surse seairnci htsv erpyr emises.7 Furthaenry,o nwei tehv ean p assiancgq uaintwaintchre ec enNte w Testamsecnhto larwsihlrilep a ltihzaett h iem portaonfQc ei sn otl imited toi trso lienJ esurse searRcehc.e nyte arhsa vsee ean p roliferoaft ion interienQs ats a d ocumewnotr tsht udyiinni gs olaftriootmnh Geo spels ofM attheawn dL ukei nw hiciht cso nteinset m beddeIdts.g enriet,s straittats,h eolotghyec, o mmunitbieehsi nidt -aU thihsa sb ecome thes ubjeocfit n tense speacnudcl aarteifrouenls earEcnhti.rd eo ctoral dissertaartei odnesv toott heed analQy8sa insdth eoS foc ietoyfB iblical 2.T homMaoso rTeh,Lose t GospQe:Tl h Oeriginal Sayings oJfesus (eMadr.c uJs.B org andM ark PowterlasRnoasnyR.; i egert; BerkelCeayl,Ui l£y.:sP srees1s 9s9,6 ). 3.B urtLo.Mn a.cThek ,Los 1 GospTehlBeoo: k ofQ anChrisdtia n Orings(i SaFnr ancisco: HarperSanF1r9a9n3c)i.s co, 4.F oarn e xcelcloemnmte notanrt yh reo lQe h apsl ayaenddi sn owp layiinJn esgu s Researscehje o hSn.K Joppenb•oThreg, SayGospeli nQgs and thQeu esto ft heH istorical JesuHs,T"R 8 9:(41 993067)-:4 4wi,th respo nses byH elmutK oester (345-a4n9d)R on Camero(n3 51-54). 5.T hicso ntiinnsup etieso fE .P .S andesermsi'nsJa eslus and Judaism (londo:n SCM, 1985w)h,i scthe celresoa fQr ; d .furth er his T11e HistoriCDI Figure ofJ esu(Lso ndAloln:e n Lan1e9,9 3an)d E.P .S andeandr sM . DaviStudyinges, theS ynopGtoics p(ePlsh iladelphia: TrinPirteyIs nst ernatLioonndaoSCMln,;: 1989San)d.ers isfo llowine tdh biysN .T .Wrigh t, jesau11sdt h eV ictooryfC od:C hristianO riginsand theQ uestioo11fG odv,o l2;. L ondon: SPCK1,9 96). 6.G erTdh eisasneAndnn et te Merz, The HistoriCDIJ es•.sA: Comprehensive Gui(dETe, Londn:S CM,1 9982)9,. o 7.A cceptaonfc eet hxei stoeftn hce"e S ayiGnogss peQl'" is o neo ft hsevee n" pilloafr s scholwairsldyo Sme.Re"9 beWr.Ft unk, RoyW .H oovearn dt hjee sSuesm inTahreFive, GospeTlhsSe:e arfcothrh Auet hentWioc rdso f Je(suSso nomCaa,l iPfo.l:e br1i9d93g3)e ,, an9d- 19. 8.R eceenxta mpilneclsAu ldaeKn i rskU 'niveorfTs oirtoyPn ht.otD niso,wp ublished asT hCeo mpositoifothe n Sayings Source:G enre, Synchro'f); aJUJ Wsidom Redactiin0 11 Q (NovTS9u1pI.;.e, ide n: Bri1l9l9,8a )n dW tllE.i aAmm alPh'.sD .th esis, nowp ublished asW illEi.aA mtn aJle,s a1u1d sth Vilelage Scribes: Galilean Cotr{lainctdtsh e Setotit•gf Q (MmneapFoortlresiss,2: 0 01). Cop ghted matenal FirIsmtp ressions 3 Literahtaiustsr o ew nQ SecrWihoenr.Qe9 o ncef unctiloanregasde ly a" sayings isito snu orwct ea,k"se enr ioausas nli ym porhtiasntto rical andr eligairotuisif nia tcostw nr ight. Thei ncreoafis net eirneQs ptr oceefdrso amn di nterwaicttsih ts transfofrrmo"amst oiuotrno"ce G"o spelF.o"jr u sast iQns o wf ound 1° in botthh cel assraonodtm h peu blairce nsaot, o iothas emergfreodm thtee xotfsM atthaenwdL ukei,nw hich itot be uesmebde ddaendd, ontaos taogfie t osw nn,o l ongseirm palnay s pecotft hseo luttioto hne SynopPtriocb lbeumtn, o ww itahd istinpcrtoifilavene dp laicnee arly ChristiWahneiritetwy ncsei mpals yo urce, thseo usrtachyeei, n gs Synoptic SSoauyroicernL gogienquesll e, ihta nso wb ecosmoem ething mucmho rmea jor-Gao speilni tosw n riTghhe tF,iG rosstp eilnf act (Jacobsonk)n,o wvnnao rwi oausst lhSyea yiGnogssp Qe,lt hGeos pel ofQ orT heG ospeBle hind tGhoesp els1. 1 Int hiwsi despnreewaf da scinwaittiQho, tn h eirsae f eatoufri et s histaonrdpy r ofitlheai tsi ncreabesiinnpggl layy deodw nf,o nro otn ly haQs changeda " fsrooumr icneta"o" Gospelb,ua"tl sioit fs o rgetting itosr igaisan h ypothiensdiesae,d d e rivahtyipovteh etshifesu ,n ction ofw hicwha st o accfooutrnh te oorfit ghien dotruabdlietm iaotne rial ont haes sumptthiaoMtna tthaenwdL ukwee rree dacMartki nign de pendenotfol nyea nothMearn.ybo oksa ndarticl es onQ nowf atiol mentitohnik see yl emeinnQ t' isd entdiitsyp,e nwsiittnhhg we o r"dh y potheasnidst "r eaQt isnigm palspy a rotft heset ablilsihteedr ature of earClhyr istianity. Theraerg ee nugirnoeu nfdosr anxieIttiy sn ohstei rmept.lh yao tu r teachtearusgu hst b teso uspicoifco luasis mods o gmaticaaslsleyro tre d 9.T heQ Sectiohna besen meetingsince 199Befo0r.e thaStB Lh ada SemQi nar( 1985-89). Publicationfsr.o tmeh Qme eSeminar r gandi ng Q Sections ofS BLincl ude John Kloppenborg, ed.C,o nflandi ctl 1111entionUtuary,: Rhetorical, and SocialS tudies on the SayingG$o spQe l (PhiladTerlipnhPresiista yi: n ternati1o9n9a5l},. 10. ArJlaanco'<ib soThne, F irst Gospel:A nl rrtroduaion U> Q (Foundatio&.ns Facets; SonomCaa,l iPfo.l:e br1i9d9ge2,C) h,a ptec2 charts Q'rises "FromSo urce toGos pel";cf . jamesM. Robins"Theo nS,a yiGospeln gs Q•i nT heFour Gospels 199Festsch2ri:f t Frans Neiryn(cked .F. Van Segbroeck et al.; BElLleu ven; 1l.00.cuven. 1; University Press, 1992), 361-8T8h.i issw eUd ocumentewdi,thsome critical remarks, byF raneiryncsk , -FroSmo urce toG ospeElTL, 7"1 ( 199452)1:- 3N0e.i rynprefersc k rok eept ot bteeem "source� butbti si s rapibdelcoym ianm gi norpiotsyi tion. 11. RoAn.Pa ilperded, ., ThGospelse behind thGeo spelCur�r ent St�tdies 011 Q (NovTSup, 75L;e idBerni:1l 9l9,4This ) .bo ok is one oftb emost imporrant published onQ inrecen t years foirgt i vanes internationperspectail vef,ea turing arricles bya lmosaltlo ft hkeye figures inQ reseairncchl,u FdrianNngeis r ynChristcokp,h er Tuckett, johKlnoppenborg , Arlandjacobson, JamReso binsaonndP, a uHlo ffmaFnurthern,. Rona.ld Piperfine' si nuoducrion is probabtlhye besarv ailesasbaloyen tcurrehnte staotefQ studies. Cop ed