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The Canadian parliamentary companion and annual register, 1881 [microform] PDF

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Tha last racordad framaon aach mieroficha Un das symbolassuivantsapparattra surla TshIaNlUlEcDo"n)t,aionrtthhaaaayymmbbooll—y^>(m(omaonainnigng"E"NCDO"N)-, dcaasr:nllAarsayimmhaoglaad—a^chsaiqguniafimaic"rAofSiUchIeV,REs"al.onlala whichavarappliaa. symbols signifia "FIN". Mapa. platas. charts, ate. may ba filmad at Leacartes, planchea. tableaux, etc.. peuvantAtre diffarant reduction ratioa. Thoaatoolargatoba fllmteideetauxda rMuction diffArents. antiraly included inoneexposurearofilmad Lorsqueie documentesttrop grjnd pourAtre beginning inthe upperleft hand corner, leftto reproiduiten unseul clichA. 11 estfllmAA partir rightand topto bottom, aa manyframesaa da TanglesupArieurgauche, de gauche A droite. required. Thefollowing diagrama illustratethe etde hauten bas. en prenent Ie nombre method: d'images nAcessaira. Las diagrammassuivants illustrentla mAthoda. 2 3 1 1 32X M W THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY GOMPAMION AND ANNUAL REGISTER, . 1881. EDITED BT MACKINTOSH C. H. M ESTABLISHED, 1862. OTTA^A^A: CITIZEN PRINTIKG AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. METCALFE STBBBT. 1881. >.A JSntered according to the Act cfParliament, in the year one thousand eieht hundred and eighty-one, by CHARLB5 H. MACKINTOSH, In the Office ofthe MinisterofAgriculture, at OttavBiu hi 1 Li Es Ro Tr< Hi( By Fh L. Sec An< and T. < Jam ; eiubs in Canada. — National BayStreet,Toronto. Hon.W.P.Howlakd,President Lieut-Col. T. 0. Scqblb, Secretary. Halifax-'\b2 and 154 Hollis Street, Halifax. Robib Uniackb, Esq., President; H.W.Johnson, Esq., Secretary. — Toronto York Street, adjoining Ilossin House, Toronto. C. Robinson, Esq., Q.C., President; LTNOHimsT Oodbn, Esq., Se(retary- Treasurer. — Metropolitan 37 Beavor Hall Terrace, Montreal. Joseph Hickson, Esq., President John Atkin, Esq., Vice-President Fhas. ; ; Hy. Rbynolds, Esq., Secretary. — Hamilton Corner of James and Main Streefs, Hamilton. Frederick W. Gates, Esq., Chairman of Managinc: Committee R, ; L. GuN.v, Esq., Secretary. — U. E. KingStreetWest,Toronto. J. W.Fisher,Esq.,Resident Secretary; Remy Elmslev, Esq., Corresponding Secretary {pro tern.) — St.James CornerofDorchesterandUniversityStreets,Montreal. Angus C. Hooper, Esq., President'; W. G. Welborne, Esq., Secretary and Manager. — Rideau Wellington Street,facingParliamentBuildings, Ottawa. T. C. Kebfer, Esq., President ; J. Makinson, Esq., Secretary. — Kingston Corner King Street and Market Square, Kingston. James Swift, Esq Presitlent Major W. KiNtt, Secretary-Treasurer. , ;

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