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LEGEND/LEGENDE AIDS ANOREXIE MENTALE ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET Ja—January/Janvier Camp week for people living with Soutien aux parents d’enfants INFIRMIERS DU CANADA—POSITION Fe—February/Février HIV/AIDS 14 Ma anorexiques (Salette) 40 Fe LAIIC dit non aux cigarettes détaxées 13 Mr—March/Mars Caring safely for people with HIV/AIDS Mr Al—April/Avril 12 Ju APPLETON, LEANNE LAIIC parle deuthanasie au Comité Ma—May/Mai HIV/AIDS Nursing Care Summit 16 Mr What's a critical incident? 23 $ sénatorial 15)N Ju—June/Juin New drug combats fungal infections Enoncé conjoint sur la violence au travail A—August/Aoiit (Deutsch) 15 Ja APPRENTISSAGE 9Ja S—September/Septembre Nurse with a mission (Sibbald) 60 S Lapprentissage de |’adulte selon le Nouvelles prises deposition 13 S Oc—October/Octobre Of daycares and HIV; editorial (Haines) 3 Mr modeéle de Knowles (Aucoin-Gallant) 31 Responsables de Fenvironnement 11 Ju N—November/Novembre So you missed the UCLA AIDS D D—December/Décembre symposium? 7 S ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET Student assignment Mr. X (Aneke) 55 Al APPROCHES INTEGREES AU INFIRMIERS DU CANADA— ABORIGINAL PEOPLES DEVELOPPEMENT DES RESSOURCES PRESIDENTE Cowboy and Snowboy (Lloyd) 60 A ALCOHOL DRINKING HUMAINES DE LA SANTE Bringing elegance to chaos (Ross) 19 $ Montreal college takes nursing education Preteens and alcohol 8 N Des ressources humaines en santé 13 Al to native communities 14 A Troubled teens and substance abuse ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET (Hawranik, McVety, Staley) 31 N ARRHYTHMIA INFIRMIERS DU CANADA—PRIX ADOLESCENCE New treatment for cardiac arrhythmias 16 MEDIAS Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and ALPHABETISATION Al Les médias 4 I’honneur 11 Ma postpartum support 6 D Alphabétisation et santé 11 A Kit educates teens about STDs 12 Ma ARTHRITES L’ASSOCIATION PROFESSIONNELDLEES New Ontario report on children and ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE Faire face a l’arthrite 13 Ja INFIRMETI IENFRIREMISER S youth 13 Ju The sweet smell of health (Kostiuk) 45 DIPLDOESM EETUSDE S Troubled teens and substance abuse Oc ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET SUPERIEURES (Hawranik, McVety, Staley) 31 N INFIRMIERS DU CANADA— L’APIDES a 15 afis 16 A Young and pregnant 7 D AMBULATORY SURGERY ASSEMBLEE ANNUELLE ET CONGRES Preparing kids and parents for surgery BIENNAL ASSURANCE-MALADIE ADOLESCENT HEALTH SERVICES (Ellerton) 25 N Le congrés biennal 11 Ma Qui dit intégralité? 11 Ju Compassion for kids (Deutsch) 60 Ma Congrés de l’AIIC 11 Fe AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES Evaluation des lignes directrices de la ATTITUDE OF HEALTH PERSONNEL ADOLESCENTES OF NURSING campagne électorale 13 Mr Defining an attitude 19 A Soutien aux parents d’enfants Nursing schools and employers Start with nursing care plans anorexiques (Salette) 40 Fe collaborate 13 Fe ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET (Macdonald) 57 D INFIRMIERS DU CANADA— ADULTES AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS BIBLIOTHEQUE ATTITUDES A L'EGARD DE LA SANTE L'apprentissage de l’adulte selon le Slowing Lou Gehrig’s (Deutsch) 13 D Joyeux 30e anniversaire a la bibliothéque SIDA : Malgré la formation, les craintes modéle de Knowles (Aucoin-Gallant) 31 de AIC 15 N persistent (Lapierre, Jourdan-lonescu, D ANALGESICS Paquin) 39 Al Caffeine’s extra boost 21 Mr ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET ADVERTISING INFIRMIERS DU CANADA—CONSEIL AUCOIN-GALLANT, GEMMA National Non-Smoking Week "94 10 Ja ANALGESICS, ADDICTIVE D’ADMINISTRATION L'apprentissage de I’adulte selon le A painful lack of knowledge 19 N Bienvenue aux membres 13 Al modele de Knowles 31 D AGED La direction politique aide a établir une Consider Karaoke (Mavely, Mitchell) 22 ANDERSON, BETTY orientation 11 D AUTONOMIE Ja Health information: Nursing components La réunion du Conseil 9 Ja Personnes Agées en perte d’autonomie The constipation quandary (van der (Hannah, Besner, Broad, Duggleby, Un 3e représentant de public 13 S 16 Ju Horst, Sykula, Lingley) 25 Ja Larsen, Mackenzie, Reyes) 33 Oc Dangerous brew (Carr, Carr) 34 Ja ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET AUTOTHERAPIE Going through the motions (Dawe, ANEKE, ESTHER INFIRMIERS DU CANADA—GROUPES Aides techniques personnalisées 19 Mr Curran-Smith) 31 Ja Student assignment Mr. X 55 Al D'INTERET Aprés un premier infarctus 16 D Seniors’ perspective of nurses 19 Oc Meilleures conditions d’adhésion pour les Tune in to your client (Balneaves) 37 Ja ANGER groupes d’intéré: 13 $ AWARDS AND PRIZES Empowering the angry patient (Staples, Awards 7 D Baruth, Jefferies, Warder) 28 Al ASSOCIATION DES INFIRMIERES ET Radio program by nurses wins award 13 Women’s anger 11 Ja INFIRMIERS DU CANADA— Ju MEMORIAL Team approach focus of new awards 15 Addition au Mémorial 13 S Mr BACK BREASTFEEDING CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— CHAPADOS, CLAIRE One approach to patient lifting (Haley) Establishing breastfeeding as the cultural BOARD OF DIRECTORS Apprendre en cours d’empioi a 57 Ja norm 14 Mr CNA Board report 8 Ja accompagner le mourant 38 A CNA members welcome 10 Al BALNEAVES, LYNDA BRITISH COLUMBIA Policy governance facilitates direction CHILD Tune in to your client 37 Ja The new emphasis of home care setting 10 D Chronic illness and children 17 Ju (Wearing) 22 Fe Third public rep elected 12 $ Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and BARTFAY, WALLY postpartum support 6 D Reading, writing and health 29 Fe BROAD, ELIZABETH CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— New Ontario report on children and BARUTH, PATRICIA Health information: Nursing components INTEREST GROUPS youth 13 Ju (Anderson, Hannah, Besner, Duggleby, Reduced membership requirements for Preparing kids and parents for surgery Empowering the angry patient (Staples, Larsen, Mackenzie, Reyes) 33 Oc interest groups 12 S (Ellerton) 25 N Jefferies, Warder) 28 Al Preteens and alcohol 8 N BROUGHTON, HEATHER CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— The visually impaired child (Espezel) 23 BAUMGART, ALICE Are you healthy? (editorial/éditorial) 5 Oc MEDIA AWARDS Ma Baumgart membre d’un comité du CII 13 Crime marches on (editorial/éditorial) 5 Media stars at CNA 10 Ma Mr N CHILD ABUSE Baumgart on ICN committee 12 Mr No job like it (editorial/éditorial) 3 S CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— What's the matter with Johnny? (Mondor, Take a step forward (editorial/éditorial) 3 MEMORIAL BOOK Wray) 35 Al BEDS D Memorial book entries 12 S Sick mattresses, sick patients 6 S CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL BENIN / BRPUrMimWaErLy Lh,e alAthL IcSaOrNe in Rae-Edzo (Janes) CAPNOALDIICAYN NURSES ASSOCIATION— CMhailled -fvriciteinmdsl y ofc ocmhmiulndihtoioeds se6x u$a l abuse L’immunisation au Bénin (Elias) 38 Ma 37 Mr CNA says no to cheap cigarettes 12 Mr 12 Fe CNA speaks out on euthanasia to Senate BEREAVEMENT BRYANT, EMILY committee 14 N CHILD CARE Support for grieving parents 13 Fe When the going gets tough 36 Fe Environmental responsibility 10 Ju No job like it; editorial (Broughton) 3 $ Joint statement on violence in the BESNER, JEANNE BUDGELL, LYNN workplace coming 8 Ja CHILD DAY CARE CENTRES Health information: Nursing components Documentation redesign (Wong) 38 Ju New guidance for five nursing issues 12 Day care solutions (Pruissen) 55 A (Anderson, Hannah, Broad, Duggleby, S Of daycares and HIV; editorial (Haines) 3 Larsen, Mackenzie, Reyes) 33 Oc BURNOUT, PROFESSIONAL Mr When the going gets tough (Bryant) 36 CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— What's the matter with Johniy? (Mondor, BIOFEEDBACK (PSYCHOLOGY) Fe PRESIDENT Wray) 35 Al Learning to relax (Deutsch) 18 Oc Bringing elegance to chaos (Ross) 19 $ CAFFEINE CHILD, PRESCHOOL BIOPSY, NEEDLE Caffeine’s extra boost 21 Mr CANADIAN NURSING STUDENTS’ TV that cares for kids (McCarthy, New needle core biopsy (Deutsch) 15 $ ASSOCIATION Gaffney) 31 S$ CALDER, KATHRYN Nursing students’ association flourishes BLANCHETTE, CARMEN Beyond informed consent 23 D 17 Mr CHOLESTEROL Lenseignement du diabétique : Une Flax facts (Deutsch) 16 Ja évaluation de son utilité (Sandhu) 44 S CAMP NURSES CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Camp nursing course 12 Ma Red Cross launches new first aid CHOMAGE BLOOD GLUCOSE Third International Camping Congress program 13 Ma Winning while losing; éditorial (Haines) Flax facts (Deutsch) 16 Ja (Lloyd) 20 Ma 3Ja CARDIAQUES BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION CANADIAN ASSOCIATION FOR La gestion de cas de patients cardiaques CHRONIC DISEASE New guidelines for measuring blood ENTEROSTOMAL THERAPY 16D Chronic illness and children 17 Ju pressure 8 Oc Organization overhaul (Kleuka) 27 S CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION CLARK, TRISH BLOOD TRANSFUSION CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSES CPR takes a plunge (Deutsch) 16 $ The RN—LPN mix (Thurston) 19 D Blood transfusions: A necessity? IN ONCOLOGY (Deutsch) 17 Oc Oncology nurses launch patient CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES CLINICAL TRIALS information program 12 Ju The team approach (Merne, Cassidy, Research, patients and nurses BOULANGER, JOANE Wilson) 28 N (Sanchez-Sweatman) 53 D Mieux faire connaissance dés la CANADIAN EXECUTIVE SERVICE naissance (Goulet) 44 Al ORGANIZATION CAREER CHOICE COLLIN, FRANCE Mildred’s mission (Pascoe) 60 Fe Double duty (Deutsch) 60 D La personne Agée atteinte de démence BOYCHUK DUCHSCHER, JUDY E. (Roy) 39 Ja Acting on violence against women 21 Ju CANADIAN FOUNDATION FOR THE CAREER MOBILITY STUDY OF INFANT DEATHS We get around 12 Ja BRAIN DEATH Reducing risk of Sudden Infant Death COMMUNICATION The ultimate brain death; editorial Syndrome 13 Ma CARR, MICHAEL Log on to NURSENET 10 Ja (Haines) 3 Al Dangerous brew (Carr) 34 Ja BRAIN INJURIES CANADIAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION COMMUNICATION AIDS FOR DISABLED Statement on blood transfusions 9 N CARR, MICHELE Calling all nurses 8 Oc Rehab for traumatic brain injury 22 Mr Dangerous brew (Carr) 34 Ja Tinhjeu ryr o(aGdr ahnto,m eG rifnrsopm unt)r au2m2a tAilc brain CAHNEAADLITAHN INSTITUTE OF CHILD CASSIDY, HELENA COIMnsMeUrvNicIeT Yed ucHaEtAioLnT Hf or NnUoRrtShIeNrnG nurses The ultimate brain death; editorial Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and The team approach (Merne, Wilson) 28 (Graham) 33 Mr (Haines) 3 Al postpartum support 6 D COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN BREAST CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION— CATHETER ABLATION Designing prostheses the high-tech way A double gift (Leaney) 60 Ja HELEN K. MUSSALLEM LIBRARY New treatment for cardiac arrhythmias 16 (Deutsch) 14 D New breast implant material (Deutsch) Happy 30th birthday to CNA library 14 N Al 17N CONCEPTS CANADIAN NURSES ASSOCIATION— CERVEAU—MORT Mieux faire connaissance dés la BRCEaAnScTer NgEeOneP LiAsoSlMatSe d (Deutsch) 13 D ACNONNGURAELS SM EETING AND BIENNIAL (THhaei nuelst)i ma3t eA l brain death; éditorial naissance (Boulanger, Goulet) 44 Al National Forum on Breast Cancer CNA Biennial 11 Fe CONFIDENTIALITY (Guerette) 20 Ja CNA Biennial Campaign guidelines being CHANGEMENT ORGANISATIONNEL Confidentiality (Sanchez-Sweatman) 49 Not leaving me (Suffield) 55 D assessed 12 Mr La gestion par programmes et son impact Mr Media stars at CNA 10 Ma (Fisette) 42 A CANADIAN NURSE L'INFIRMIERE CANADIENNE CONGRES DEMENCE DONS D’ORGANES, DE TISSUS, ETC. EMERGENCY NURSING Des pistes a suivre en santé mentale 19 La personne Agée atteinte de démence L'importance du don d’organes 13 Al DNR orders in the emergency room Mr (Roy, Collin) 39 Ja (Grant) 47 Ma Gynécologie et obstétrique (FIGO) 8 D DORSEY, BETH Flumazenil: What emergency nurses DENIAL (PSYCHOLOGY) Nurses in independent practice: Is need to know (Yamada) 31 Ma CONGRESSES Denial: Coping or cop-out? (Murray, society ready? (Wright) 35 A Women in crisis (Kennedy) 26 Ju HIV/AIDS Nursing Care Summit 16 Mr Neilson) 33 Fe Managing change focus of session at DRUG INTERACTIONS EMERGENCY SERVICES, PSYCHIATRIC worklife conference 14 Ju DEUTSCH, NANCY Dangerous brew (Carr, Carr) 34 Ja Emergency Response Team (Sealy, Third International Camping Congress Absorbable staples may be the wave of Koning) 55 Ma (Lloyd) 20 Ma the future 16 $ DRUG THERAPY Psychiatric crisis in emergency Adapier slows inhaled medication 17 Fe New chemotherapy drug 21 Mr (McIndoe) 26 Ma CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL DES Blood transfusions: A necessity? 17 Oc INFIRMIERES Cancer gene isolated 13 D DRUGS EMIGRATION AND IMMIGRATION Baumgart membre d'un comité du CII Compassion for kids 60 Ma Handy drug info 8 N Heading south (Leaney) 55 Mr 13 Mr CPR takes a plunge 16 S Passage from the homeland (Lee) 27 Oc Designing prostheses the high-tech way DUBOIS, MERNE CONSTIPATION 15 Ja The team approach (Cassidy, Wilson) EMPLOYMENT The constipation quandary (van der Double duty 60 D 28 N Former CNOs, speak out! (Reed, Kay, Horst, Sykula, Lingley) 25 Ja Ear thermometers for the home 19 Ma Wright) 47 A Earlier, cheaper ulcer detection 15 $ DUGGLEBY, WENDY Laid off but not laid back 11 Ja CONTRACEPTION Edmonton injector 19 Al Health information: Nursing Planning for unemployment (Lindsay) Norplant hits Canada (Deutsch) 19 Al Flax facts 16 Ja components (Anderson, Hannah, 53 Ai Learning to relax 18 Oc Besner, Broad, Larsen, Mackenzie, Ryerson’s workstudy option (Eifert, COOPER, ANGELA ELLA Memory lapse? 18 A Reyes) 33 Oc Lindsay) 57 Al Prevention and management of New breast implant material 17 N DYCK, BRUNO Winning while losing; editorial (Haines) aggressive behavior 53 Ju New drug combats fungal infections 15 Hospital undergoing surgery 3 Ja Ja (Suderman) 21 Oc COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE New needle core biopsy 15 S ENDOSCOPY Accroitre l'aide sanitaire a l’étranger 11 New sterilization technique 19 Ma ECOLES PRIMAIRES Relieving heel pain (Deutsch) 19 Al A Norplant hits Canada 19 Al Le stress de l’écolier (Guimond Plourde) Consolidation du Conseil polonais des Potential benefits of vitamin E 18 Fe 40 Oc ENTREPRENEURSHIP infirmiéres 15 Oc Pumping up the volume 16 Ja Becoming an entrepreneur (Patterson) L'immunisation au Bénin (Elias) 38 Ma Relieving heel pain 19 Al EDUCATION DES PATIENTS 53 Fe Making the difference; éditorial (Haines) Role of the future 18 N Lenseignement du diabétique : Une 3 Ma Seizures brought under control 14 D évaluation de son utilité (Sandhu, ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH La vaccination au Togo (Frenette) 43 Ma Slowing Lou Gehrig’s 13 D Blanchette) 44 S$ Environmental responsibility 10 Ju Soybeans beat cancer 13 D La télévision éducative (Michaud) 44 Ja Healing the sky 10 Ma COST—BENEFIT ANALYSIS Stimulating therapy 17 Fe Nurses offer quality and Stone crusher 18 Oc EDUCATION, NURSING EQUIPEMENTS SANITAIRES cost-effectiveness 19 Fe Successful gene therapy treatment 18 A Montreal college takes nursing Winning while losing; éditorial (Haines) Syringe designed for safety 17 A education to native communities 14 A 3 Ja CRANE—ANOMALIES Using hypnosis in labor and delivery 17 A New neuroscience nursing program in Application québécoise du Caring de Watch those ice cubes! 17 N western Canada 15 Al ESPEZEL, HILARY Watson 13 Ja Zip up that wound 17 Oc The visually impaired child 23 Ma EDUCATION, NURSING, CRIME DIABETE SUCRE BACCALAUREATE ETHICS, NURSING Crime marches on; editorial L’enseignement du diabétique : Une Collaboration + 5 faculties = BScN 15 D Confidentiality (Sanchez-Sweatman) 49 (Broughton) 5 N évaluation de son utilité (Sandhu, New Halifax-based degree program Mr Blanchette) 44 S announced 12 Fe CRIMINALITE ET CRIMINELS EUTHANASIA Crime marches on; éditorial DIABETES MELLITUS EDUCATION, NURSING, CONTINUING CNA speaks out on euthanasia to Senate (Broughton) 5 N Heaith diary for diabetics 13 Ma Hospital in-services: Satisfied? 19 N committee 14 N Death by choice focus of Ottawa CROATIA DIARRHEE CHEZ L'ENFANT EDUCATION PERMANENTE sessions 16 Ma Volunteering in Croatia (Welsh) 51 Ma La diarrhée aigué de l'enfant 20 N Apprendre en cours d’emploi a Euthanasia (Sanchez-Sweatman) 51 Ja accompagner le mourant (Chapados) 38 CULTURE DIET A EUTHANASIE Approche sociologique de la santé 20 You are what you eat 17 S L’AIIC parle d’euthanasie au Comité Fe EDUCATION—SOINS INFIRMIERS sénatorial 15 N DIETHYLSTILBESTROL Les désignations américaines 13 N CURRAN-SMITH, JANET D.E.S. and men 16 Mr Le doctorat en sciences infirmiéres au EXERCISE Going through the motions (Dawe) 31 Québec 9 S$ Going through the motions (Dawe Ja DIONNE-PROULX, JACQUELINE Préparation utile au travail 17 Ma Curran-Smith) 31 Ja Le SIDA : Droits du client, risques DAWE, DOREEN professionnels, mesures préventives 43 EIFERT, CAROL FACULTY, NURSING Going through the motions N Ryerson’s workstudy option (Lindsay) Defining an attitude 19 A (Curran-Smith) 31 Ja Le stress vu de l’extérieur (Pépin) 40 Mr 57 Al Instructors, students and the law (Grant) 53N DEFIBRILLATEURS DOCUMENTATION ELEVES-INFIRMIERES A painful lack of knowledge 19 N Les besoins psychosociaux des porteurs Charting by exception (Grant) 49 Fe L'autonomie de l’étudiant 17 Ja d'un défibrillateur implantable (Labbe, Documentation redesign (Wong, FAMILLE Robichaud-Ekstrand) 48 Ju Budgell) 38 Ju ELIAS, JEAN-BAPTISTE Le bébé prématuré et sa famille Implantation d’un défibrillateur interne L’'immunisation au Bénin 38 Ma (Lanouette, St-Jacques) 36 Oc (Robichaud-Ekstrand, Labbé) 42 Ju DOMESTIC VIOLENCE L’entrée en institution (Delisle) 35 D Acting on violence against women ELLERTON, MARY-LOU DELISLE, ISABELLE (Boychuk Duchscher) 21 Ju Preparing kids and parents for surgery FAMILY PLANNING L'entrée en institution 35 D Teaching nurses about abuse (Ross, 25.N Planned Parenthood Detroit throws Hoff) 33 Ju some parties 15 Al DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE Towards freedom from violence Nursing in the Northwest Territories editorial (Haines) 3 Ju (Morewood-Northrop) 26 Mr FARTHING, MARILYN GAUTHIER, PAUL-ANDRE HALEY, ERYKA HOME CARE SERVICES Health education needs of a Hutterite Lintervention : Ca peut étre si simple! 44 One approach to patient lifting 57 Ja Caring begins at home (Fyke) 27 Fe colony 20 A Mr The new emphasis of home care HANNAH, KATHRYN J. (Wearing) 22 Fe FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE GENE THERAPY Health information: Nursing components GYNECOLOGIE ET D’OBSTETRIQUE Successful gene therapy treatment (Anderson, Besner, Broad, Duggleby, HONDURAS Gynécologie et obstétrique (FIGO) 8 D (Deutsch) 18 A Larsen, Mackenzie, Reyes) 33 Oc Mildred’s mission (Pascoe) 60 Fe FEDERATION NATIONALE DES GENETIC MARKERS HANTAVIRUS PULMONARY SYNDROME HOPS, SHEILA SYNDICATS D’INFIRMIERES ET Cancer gene isolated (Deutsch) 13 D Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (Lloyd) The nursing fellowship program D’INFIRMIERS 18 Ju (MacMillan, MacDonald) 31 Al Enoncé conjoint sur la violence au travail GERIATRICS 9 Ja Putting an end to ageism (Seymour) 49 N HAWRANIK, JOHN HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING Troubled teens and substance abuse Hospital undergoing surgery (Suderman, FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS GERONTOLOGIE (McVety, Staley) 31 N Dyck) 21 Oc The nursing fellowship program Création d’un Institut de gérontologie 17 (MacMillan, Hops, MacDonald) 31 Al Al HEALTH BEHAVIOR HOTLINES A change for the better (Gillis) 27 D Dial 1-900 for health help 9 Oc FEMINISME GESTION Légalité entre les sexes? 10 Oc La gestion de cas de patients cardiaques HEALTH CANADA HUTTERITES 16D Establishing breastfeeding as the cultural Health education needs of a Hutterite FEMMES, CRIMES CONTRE LES norm 14 Mr colony (Farthing) 20 A Crime marches on; éditorial (Broughton) GILLIS, ANGELA J. 5N A change for the better 27 D HEALTH CARE REFORM HYDROTHERAPIE Towards freedom from violence; éditorial Managing change focus of session at Le bain tourbillon en antépartum 19 Fe (Haines) 3 Ju GOULET, CELINE worklife conference 14 Ju Mieux faire connaissance dés la HYGIENE DU MILIEU FEMMES—CONDITIONS SOCIALES naissance (Boulanger) 44 Al HEALTH EDUCATION Responsables de l'environnement 11 Ju Légalité entre les sexes? 10 Oc Reading, writing and health (Bartfay) 29 GRAHAM, KAREN Fe HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA FEMMES—TRAVAIL Inservice education for northern nurses Successful gene therapy treatment This is goodbye; éditorial (Haines) 3 A 33 Mr HEALTH FACILITY CLOSURE (Deutsch) 18 A Winning while losing; editorial (Haines) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT GRANT, ANITA 3 Ja HYPNOSIS Getting your finances in order (Lindsay) The road home from traumatic brain Using hypnosis in labor and delivery 51D injury (Grinspun) 22 Al HEALTH MANPOWER (Deutsch) 17 A Americans believe reduce RNs affects FINCH, ELIZABETH GRANT, ANNE quality of care 12 A IMMUNISATION Patients at risk of suicide (Robins-Holm) Charting by exception 49 Fe Health human resources 10 Al L'immunisation au Bénin (Elias) 38 Ma 31A DNR orders in the emergency room 47 La vaccination au Togo (Frenette) 43 Ma Ma HEALTH PROMOTION FIRST AID Going into independent practice 51 A A change for the better (Gillis) 27 D IMMUNIZATION Red Cross launches new first aid Instructors, students and the law 53 N Health education needs of a Hutterite Canadian immunization guide 9 N program 13 Ma Medication errors 53 S colony (Farthing) 20 A clarification 5D Planned Parenthood Detroit throws some FISETTE, CHRISTIANE GREENAWAY, KATE parties 15 Al IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS La gestion par programmes et son impact Going international 53 Oc Radio program by nurses wins award 13 A national strategy against hepatitis B 7 S 42A Ju GREFFE (CHIRURGIE) Reading, writing and health (Bartfay) 29 IMPLANTS, ARTIFICIAL FLUMAZENIL Liimportance du don d'’organes 13 Al Fe New breast implant material (Deutsch) Flumazenil: What emergency nurses TV that cares for kids (McCarthy, 17N need to know (Yamada) 31 Ma GRINSPUN, DORIS Gaffney) 31 S$ The road home from traumatic brain INFANT EQUIPMENT FONDS DE LA RECHERCHE EN SANTE injury (Grant) 22 Al HEART DISEASES Car seat safety for premature and DU QUEBEC Getting to the core of heart disease 8 Oc high-risk infants 13 A Plan triennal de recherche 17 Al GUERETTE, PAULA HICKEY National Forum on Breast Cancer 20 Ja HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE INFANT, NEWBORN FORECASTING The Heart Function Clinic (Gutierrez) 33 Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and The nineties: Nursing’s decade? (Oulton) GUIMOND PLOURDE, RENEE Ma postpartum support 6 D 9 Fe Le stress de l’écolier 40 Oc HEEL INFECTION CONTROL FORTIN, JEANNE-D’ARC GUTIERREZ, ROSA Relieving heel pain (Deutsch) 19 Al Sick mattresses, sick patients 6 S Les soins interculturels (Ntetu) 45 Fe The Heart Function Clinic 33 Ma HEPATITIS B INFIRMIERES FORUM NATIONAL SUR LA SANTE HABITUDES SANITAIRES A national strategy against hepatitis B 7 S Making the difference; éditorial (Haines) Présence d’infirmiéres au Forum National Are you healthy?; éditorial (Broughton) 5 Watch those ice cubes! (Deutsch) 17 N 3 Ma 11D Oc Take a step forward; éditorial HIV INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Broughton) 3 D HAINES, JUDITH Camp week for people living with Health information: Nursing components Closer to home (editorial/éditorial) 3 Fe HIV/AIDS 14 Ma (Anderson, Hannah, Besner, Broad, FRENETTE, LINDA Making the difference (editorial/éditoria]) Caring safely for people with HIV/AIDS Duggleby, Larsen, Mackenzie, Reyes) 33 La vaccination au Togo 43 Ma 3 Ma 12 Ju Oc Of daycares and HIV (editorial/éditorial) Food supplements for HIV patients 15 D FYKE, L. DAWN 3 Mr HIV/AIDS Nursing Care Summit 16 Mr INFORMED CONSENT Caring begins at home 27 Fe This is goodbye (editorial/éditorial) 3 A New drug combats fungal infections Beyond informed consent (Calder) 23 D Towards freedom from violence (Deutsch) 15 Ja Research, patients and nurses GAFFNEY, PATRICIA (editorial/éditorial) 3 Ju Nurse with a mission (Sibbald) 60 $ (Sanchez-Sweatman) 53 D TV that cares for kids (McCarthy) 31 S The ultimate brain death Of daycares and HIV; editorial (Haines) 3 (editorial/éditorial) 3 Al Mr INJECTIONS GARDERIES Winning while losing (editorial/éditorial) Statement on blood transfusions 9 N Edmonton injector (Deutsch) 19 Al No job like it; éditorial (Broughton) 3 $ 3Ja Injecting depot neuroleptics 21 Mr Of daycares and HIV; éditorial (Haines) 3 HOFF, LEE ANN Mr Teaching nurses about abuse (Ross) 33 Ju ca BaD4.A 8 NURSE ae L'INFIRMIERE CANADIENNE INSURANCE, HEALTH KOSTIUK, CAROL LINGL"Y, KATHLEEN MEMORY Getting to the core of The sweet smell of health 45 Oc The constipation quandary (van der Memory lapse? (Deutsch) 18 A comprehensiveness 10 Ju Horst, Sykula) 25 Ja LABBE, GENEVIEVE MEN INTEGRATED APPROACHES TO Les besoins psychosociaux des porteurs LITHOTRIPSY D.E.S. and men 16 Mr HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES d'un défibrillateur implantable Stone crusher (Deutsch) 18 Oc Male victims of childhood sexual abuse DEVELOPMENT (Robichaud-Ekstrand) 48 Ju 12 Fe Health human resources 10 Al Implantation d'un défibrillateur interne LIVING WILLS (Robichaud-Ekstrand) 42 Ju Deaths of Nixon and Onassis spark MICHAUD, CECILE INTENSIVE CARE, NEONATAL interest in living wills 13 A La télévision éducative 44 Ja A visible means of support 17 Ja LABOR Using hypnosis in labor and delivery LLOYD, NANCY MILLER, MARGARET INTENSIVE CARE UNITS, NEONATAL (Deutsch) 17 A Born to the land 60 Mr Medication out of control? (Segatore Message from Mom (Sarvis) 60 N Cowboy and snowboy 60 A Webber) 35 S LABOR, PREMATURE Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome 18 Ju INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Telephone support by nurses makes Third International Camping Congress MITCHELL, GAIL J. Called to Care in Somalia (Nordstrom) difference 15 Mr 20 Ma Consider Karaoke (Mavely) 22 Ja 19 Ja CNA helps strengthen new Polish LANGAGE ET LANGUES LUNG NEOPLASMS MONDOR, EUGENE nurses’ council 14 O. Du francais au Manitoba 14 Fe New chemotherapy drug 21 Mr What's the matter with Johnny? (Wray) Emphasize foreign aid for healtl Outils et stratégies de services en 35 Al CNA 10 A francais 13 N LUTUMBA NTETU, ANTOINE From so mt *» (Johnson) 60 Sante et services sociaux en francais Au secours des infirmiéres de nuit MONT-PETIT, CECILE Oc pour 1/2 million 13 Ja (Ouellet, Tremblay) 40 $ Northern nostalgia 51 Mr Going international (Greenaway) 53 Oc Helping people help ther selves LANOUETTE, MONIQUE McCARTHY, ROXY MOREWOOD-NORTHROP, MAUREEN (Nethercott) 60 Ju Le bébé prématuré et sa famille IV that cares for kids (Gaffney) 31 S Nursing in the Northwest Territories 26 Island nurse (Poirier) 57 Ju (St-Jacques) 36 Ox Mr Making the difference; editorial (Haines) MacDONALD, ELLIE 3 Ma LAPTERRE, SYLVIE Start with nursing care plans 57 D MOTHER—CHILD RELATIONS Mildred’s mission (Pascoe) 60 Fe SIDA : Malgre 1 formation, les craintes The mother—child connection 19 Fe Volunteering in Croatia (Welsh) 51 istent (Je urdan-lonescu, Paquin) 39 MacDONALD, JENNIFER Al The nursing fellowship program MOULTON, DONALEE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF NURSES (MacMillan, Hops) 31 Al Organ donation advocate 60 Al Baumgarotn ICN committee 12 Mr LARSEN, SANDRA Health information: Nursing McINDOE, KATHERINE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS INTRAMUSCULAR STIMULATION components (Anderson, Hannah Psychiatric crisis in emergency 26 Ma MS management 9 N Stimulating therapy (Deutsch) 17 Fe Besner, Broad, Duggleby, Mackenzie Reyes) 330 \ MACKENZIE, WENDY MURRAY, MARY INVESTMENTS Health information: Nursing Yenial: Coping or cop-out? (Neilson) 33 Mutual funds revisited (Lindsay) 57 Oc LEANEY, RACHEL components (Anderson, Hannah Cc RRSPs make good sense (Lindsay) 55 Ja A double gift 60 Ja Besner, Broad, Duggleby, Larsen, Shopping for a gage (Lindsay) 49 A Heading south 55 M Reyes) 43 Oc MUSCLES earning to relax (Deutsch) 18 Oc JAMAICA LEE, RUTH N.F. McLEAN, PATRICIA A. Helping people help themselves Passage from the homeland 27 Oc When things go wrong 49 Ox MUSIC THERAPY Consider Karaoke (Mavely, Mitchell) 22 LESCHEID, HELEN GRACE MacMILLAN, KATHLEEN a JANES, CORI Hymns of hope 51 N The nursit fellowship program (Hops Primary health care in Rae-Edzo MacDonald) 31 Al MYERS, BRENDA (Brumwell) 37 Mr LIABILITY, LEGAL *hysiotherenists take stock 51 Fe Accountability, responsibility, liability McVETY, MAUREEN JEFFERIES, MARIA iillips) 51 Al Troubled teens and substance abuse NADEAU, NANCY Empowering the angry patient (Staples yond informed « onsent (Calder) 2)3 D (Hawranik, Staley) 31 N L travail en sante communautaire est Baruth, Warder) 28 Al Instructors, students and the law (Grant) dans le vent du changement! 39 N MAIN D’OEUVRE JOB SATISFACTION Medication errors (Grant) 53 S$ Des ressources humaines en santé 13 Al NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION The nursing fellowship program e (Tapp) 51 Ju PROJECT ON LITERACY AND (MacMillan, Hops, MacDonald) 31 A 1 things go wrong (McLean) 49 Ox MALADES MENTAUX—RELATIONS HEALTH FAMILIALES Nurse education kit on literacy and JOHNSON, MAUREEN SED PRACTICAL NURSES Conjoint atteint de troubles mentaux 20 health 10 A From so much to so little 60 Oc The RN >LPN mix (Clark, Thurston) N yD NATIONAL FEDERATION OF NURSES JOURDAN-IONESCU, COLETTE MALADIE D’ALZHEIMER UNIONS SIDA : Malgré la formatior LIFESTYLE Le Projet Image 16 A Joint statement on violence in the persistent (Lapierre, Paquin) 39 1 healthy?; editorial (Broughton) workplace coming 8 Ja MALPRACTICE JOURNALISM Negligence (Tapp) 51 Ju NATIONAL FORUM ON HEALTH Nursing journals, th LIFTING Nurses participate on National Forum 10 \ One approach to patient lifting (Haley) MANITOBA D 57 Ja Du francais au Manitoba 14 Fe Take a step forward; editorial KAY, MAUREEN Outils et stratégies de services en (Broughton) 3 D Former CNOs, speak out! (R LINDSAY, GAIL francais 13 N Wright) 47 A Ryerson’s workstudy option (Eifert) 57 NATURAL DISASTERS 4] MAVELY, RACHEL Assignment: Hurricane Andrew KENNEDY, LILLIAN Consider Karaoke (Mitchell) 22 Ja (Spence) 53 A Women in crisis 26 Ju LINDSAY, LARY Getting your finances in order 51 D MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NEBULIZERS AND VAPORIZERS KLUKA, SANDY Mutual funds revisited 57 Oc Nurse researchers take note 13 A Adapter slows inhaled medication Organization overhaul 27 $ Planning for unemployment 53 Al (Deutsch) 17 Fe RRSPs make good sense 55 Ja MEDICATION ERRORS KONING, TERRY Shopping for a mortgage 49 A Medication errors (Grant) 53 S Emergency Response Team (Sealy) 55 Medication out of control? (Segatore, Ma Miller, Webber) 35 S NEEDLESTICK INJURIES NURSES, MALE PAIN MEASUREMENT PLUMMER, MARILYN Tracking needlesticks 13 Fe Profiling male nurses in Alberta 21 Al Making invisible pain visible 22 Mr Outpost nurses unite! 53 Mr Tune in to your client (Balneaves) 37J a NEILSON, LINDA NURSE’S ROLE POIRIER, GAIL Denial: Coping or cop-out? (Murray) 33 Are you heaithy?; editorial (Broughton) 5 PALLIATIVE TREATMENT Island nurse 57 Ju Fe Oc Closer to home; editorial (Haines) 3 Fe Role of the future (Deutsch) 18 N Edmonton injector (Deutsch) 19 Al POLAND NEOPLASMS Seniors’ perspective of nurses 19 Oc Facing Jeff's death (Redman) 47 Oc CNA helps strengthen new Polish nurses’ Oncology nurses launch patient council 14 Oc information program 12 Ju NURSING PAQUIN, LYNE Soybeans beat cancer (Deutsch) 13 D The nineties: Nursing’s decade? (Oulton) SIDA : Malgré la formation, les craintes POLOGNE 9 Fe persistent (Lapierre, Jourdan-lonescu) 39 Consolidation du Conseil polonais des NETHERCOTT, DIANA This is goodbye; editorial (Haines) 3 A Al infirmiéres 15 Oc Helping people help themselves 60 Ju NURSING RECORDS PARENTS POSTNATAL CARE NEUROSCIENCES Charting by exception (Grant) 49 Fe Support for grieving parents 13 Fe Hospital introduces follow-up clinic for New neuroscience nursing program in Intershift goes visual (Stanley) 49 D new moms 12 A western Canada 15 Al PARENTS ET ENFANTS Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and NURSING STAFF, HOSPITAL Mieux faire connaissance des la postpartum support 6 D NORDSTROM, PAM Hospital in-services: Satisfied? 19 N naissance (Boulanger, Goulet) 44 Al Called to Care in Somalia 49 Ja Intershift goes visual (Stanley) 49 D PREGNANCY The nursing fellowship program PASCOE, ROBIN The mother—child connection 19 Fe NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (MacMillan, Hops, MacDonald) 31 Al Mildred’s mission 60 Fe Young and pregnant 7 D Born to the land (Lloyd) 60 Mr The RN—LPN mix (Clark, Thurston) 19 Inservice education for northern nurses D PATIENT ADVOCACY PREJUDICE (Graham) 33 Mr We get around 12 Ja Research, patients and nurses Anti-Racism Day 15 Mr Northern nostalgia (Mont-petit) 51 Mr (Sanchez-Sweatman) 53 D Putting an end to ageism (Seymour) 49 N Nursing in the Northwest Territories NURSING TRENDS (Morewood-Northrop) 26 Mr Four strong winds (Sarvis) 51 S PATIENT CARE PLANNING PREMATURES Outpost nurses unite! (Plummer) 53 Mr Start with nursing care plans Le bébé prématuré et sa famille Primary health care in Rae-Edzo OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH (Macdonald) 57 D (Lanouette, St-Jacques) 36 Oc (Brumwell, Janes) 37 Mr One approach to patient lifting (Haley) 57 Ja PATIENT COMPLIANCE PRENATAL CARE NOURRISSONS—ALIMENTATION Prevention and management of The key to compliance 17 Ja Telephone support by nurses makes Nourrissons en santé 17 Ma aggressive behavior (Cooper) 53 Ju difference 15 Mr PATIENT PARTICIPATION NOVA SCOTIA OILS, VOLATILE Empowering the angry patient (Staples, PREVISION New Halifax-based degree program The sweet smell of health (Kostiuk) 45 Baruth, Jefferies, Warder) 28 Al Les années 90 : La décennie des announced 12 Fe Oc Health diary for diabetics 13 Ma infirmiéres? (Oulton) 10 Fe NTETU, ANTOINE L. ONTARIO PATTERSON, SHARON PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Les soins interculturels (Fortin) 45 Fe New Ontario report on children and Becoming an entrepreneur 53 Fe Primary health care in Rae-Edzo youth 13 Ju (Brumwell, Janes) 37 Mr NURSE ADMINISTRATORS Ontario announces nurse practitioner PEPIN, RICHARD Former CNOs, speak out! (Reed, Kay, plan 14 Mr Le stress vu de l’extérieur PRODUITS DE SANTE Wright) 47 A Ontario family physicians speak out on (Dionne-Proulx) 40 Mr Aides techniques personnalisées 19 Mr nurse practitioner 15 Al NURSE<—>PATIENT RELATIONS Santé et services sociaux en francais pour PERSONNES AGEES PROGRAMMES D’ETUDES Denial: Coping or cop-out? (Murray, 1/2 million 13J a La personne agée atteinte de démence Une formation collégiale selon le modéle Neilson) 33 Fe (Roy, Collin) 39 Ja de Rogers 17 Ma The missing ingredient (Walton) 49 S ONTARIO COLLEGE OF FAMILY Personnes agées en perte d’autonomie Telephone support by nurses makes PHYSICIANS 16 Ju PROSTHESIS difference 15 Mr Ontario family physicians speak out on A double gift (Leaney) 60 Ja nurse practitioner 15 Al PERSONNES AGEES—SOINS EN Seizures brought under control (Deutsch) NURSE PRACTITIONERS INSTITUTIONS 14D Becoming an entrepreneur (Patterson) 53 ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION Lentrée en institution (Delisle) 35 D Fe The importance of organ donors 10 Al PROSTHESIS FITTING Going into independent practice (Grant) PERSONNES AGEES—USAGE DES Designing prostheses the high-tech way 5S1A ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION MEDICAMENTS (Deutsch) 15 Ja Nurses in independent practice: Is Organization overhaul (Kleuka) 27 S La non-observance du régime prescrit 22 society ready? (Wright, Dorsey) 35 A N PRUISSEN, CATHERINE Ontario announces nurse practitioner QUELLET, JOSEE Day care solutions 55 A plan 14 Mr Au secours des infirmiéres de nuit PESTICIDES Ontario family physicians speak out on (Lutumba Ntetu, Tremblay) 40 $ Montreal-based group calls for PSYCHIATRIC NURSING nurse practitioner 15 Al alternatives to pesticides 14 Al Emergency Response Team (Sealy, Role of the future (Deutsch) 18 N OULTON, JUDITH A. Koning) 55 Ma Les années 90 : La décennie des PHENYTOIN Psychiatric crisis in emergency (McIndoe) NURSENET infirmiéres? 10 Fe Potential benefits of vitamin E (Deutsch) 26 Ma Log on to NURSENET 10 Ja The nineties: Nursing’s decade (Oulton) 18 Fe 9 Fe PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES PHILLIPS, ETHYLLYNN Nurse researchers study impact of cod Making the difference; editorial (Haines) OUTPOST NURSES Accountability, responsibility, liability 51 moratorium 13 Ju 3 Ma Outpost nurses unite! (Plummer) 53 Mr Al Nurses offer quality and PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING cost-effectiveness 19 Fe OZONE—EFFETS PHYSIOLOGIQUES PHOTOCOPIE ET DROIT DE Northern nostalgia (Mont-petit) 51 Mr Un ciel radieux 11 Ma REPRODUCTION NURSES FOR ACTION La photocopie 9 S PUBLIC RELATIONS Laid off but not laid back 11 Ja PAIN, INTRACTABLE Nursing journals, the invisible thread 11 Stimulating therapy (Deutsch) 17 Fe PHYSICAL THERAPY N NURSES FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Physiotherapists take stock (Myers) 51 Fe Poster a success 10 Ju Managing change focus of session at worklife conference 14 Ju PLASMA SUBSTITUTES Pumping up the volume (Deutsch) 16 Ja 46 L'INFIRMIERE CANADIENNE PULLING, CHERYL RISK FACTORS SCHOOLS, NURSING SOINS INFIRMIERS EN SANTE Obstructive sleep apnea (Seaman) 34 N The team approach (Merne, Cassidy, Legacy with vision 7 D COMMUNAUTAIRE Wilson) 28 N Nursing schools and employers Le travail en santé communautaire est QUALITY UTILIZATION MANAGEMENT collaborate 13 Fe dans le vent du changement! (Nadeau) Caring begins at home (Fyke) 27 Fe ROBICHAUD-EKSTRAND, SYLVIE Nursing students’ association flourishes 39 N Les besoins psychosociaux des porteurs 17 Mr QUEBEC d'un défibrillateur implantable (Labbé) Ryerson’s workstudy option (Eifert, SOINS INTERCULTURELS Application québécoise du Caring de 48 Ju Lindsay) 57 Al Les barriéres culturelles 17 Al Watson 13 Ja Implantation d'un défibrillateur interne Les soins interculturels (Ntetu, Fortin) 45 Cowboy and Snowboy (Lloyd) 60 A (Labbé) 42 Ju SEALY, PATRICIA Fe Le doctorat en sciences infirmiéres au Emergency Response Team (Koning) 55 Tout le monde a droit a la santé Québec 9 S$ ROBINS-HOLM, ENID Ma mentale 17 Ju Plan triennal de recherche 17 Al Patients at risk of suicide (Finch) 31 A Une maison de naissances avec SEAMAN, SANDRA SOINS POSTNATALS sages-femmes dans |'Outaouais 16 Ju ROSS, ELEANOR Obstructive sleep apnea (Pulling) 34 N Le bain tourbillon en antépartum 19 Fe Bringing elegance to chaos 19 S RECHERCHE SEGATORE, MILENA SOMALIA Plan triennal de recherche 17 Al ROSS, MARGARET M. Medication out of control? (Miller, Called to care in Somalia (Nordstrom) Teaching nurses about abuse (Hoff) 33 Webber) 35 S 19 Ja RECHERCHE—FINANCES Ju Au gouvernement a financer la SEIZURES SPENCE, ALICE recherche en santé 15 Oc ROY, ODETTE Seizures brought under control Assignment: Hurricane Andrew 53 A La personne agée atteinte de démence (Deutsch) 14 D REDMAN, JUDITH A. (Collin) 39 Ja SPORANOX Facing Jeff's death 47 Oc SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES New drug combais fungal infections SAGES—FEMMES Kit educates teens about STDs 12 Ma (Deutsch) 15 Ja REED, TREVA V. Une maison de naissances avec Former CNOs, speak out! (Kay, Wright) sages-femmes dans l'Outaouais 16 Ju SEYMOUR, MARGARET STALEY, DOUGLAS 47 A Putting an end to ageism 49 N Troubled teens and substance abuse ST-JACQUES, ANGELE (Hawranik, McVety) 31 N REFUGEES Le bébé prématuré et sa famille SHOCK, SEPTIC Passage from the homeland (Lee) 27 Oc (Lanouette) 36 Oc Province of British Columbia coroner's STANLEY, GRACE report 24 Mr Intershift goes visual 49 D REGROUPEMENT DES ST. LUCIA INTERVENANTES ET INTERVENANTS Island nurse (Poirier) 57 Ju SIBBALD, BARBARA STAPLES, PATTI FRANCOPHONES EN SANTE ET EN Nurse with a mission 60 S Empowering the angry patient (Baruth, SERVICES SOCIAUX DE L’ONTARIO SALETTE, HELENE Jefferies, Warder) 28 Al Santé et services sociaux en francais Soutien aux parents d’enfants SIDA pour 1/2 million 13 Ja anorexiques 40 Fe Of daycares and HIV; éditorial (Haines) STENE, LAUREL 3 Mr So you want to be a nurse 55 N REHABILITATION SANCHEZ-SWEATMAN, LOUISE Le SIDA : Droits du client, risques The key to compliance 17 Ja Confidentiality 49 Mr pre fessionnels, mesures preventives STERILIZATION The road home from traumatic brain Euthanasia 51 Ja (Dionne-Proulx) 43 N New sterilization technique (Deutsch) injury (Grant, Grinspun) 22 Al Research, patients and nurses 53 D SIDA : Malgré la formation, les craintes 19 Ma persistent (Lapierre, Jourdan-lonescu, RELATIONS PUBLIQUES SANDHU, BALBIR K. Paquin) 39 Al STREPTOCOCCUS AGALACTIAE Laffiche a plu 11 Ju L’enseignement du diabétique : Une Province of British Columbia coroner's évaluation de son utilité (Blanchette) 44 SLEEP APNEA SYNDROMES report 24 Mr RELIEF WORK Ss Obstructive sleep apnea (Seaman, Assignment: Hurricane Andrew Pulling) 34 N STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES (Spence) 53 A SANTE Province of British Columbia coroner's Approche sociologique de la santé 20 SMOKING report 24 Mr REPRODUCTION Fe National Non-Smoking Week ‘94 10 Ja Making miracles 9 N STRESS, PSYCHOLOGICAL Rapport sur les NRT 11 Ju SANTE MENTALE SOCIETE D’ARTHRITE DU CANADA What's a critical incident? (Appleton) 23 Report on NRTs 10 Ju Les barriéres culturelles 17 Al Faire face a l'arthrite 13 Ja S Des pistes a suivre en santé mentale 19 When the going gets tough (Bryant) 36 RESEARCH Mr SOINS A DOMICILE Fe Nurse researchers study impact of cod Tout le monde a droit a la santé Closer to home; éditorial (Haines) 3 Fe moratorium 13 Ju mentale 17 Ju STRESS (PSYCHOLOGIE) Nurse researchers take note 13 A Validation transculturelle d instruments SOINS EN PHASE TERMINALE Donner et recevoir plus de soutien 21 Research, patients and nurses de mesure 19 Oc Apprendre en cours d’emploi a Al (Sanchez-Sweatman) 53 D accompagner le mourant (Chapados) 38 Jeunes schizophrénes 19 A SANTE RURALE A Le stress de l’écolier (Guimond Plourde) RESEARCH SUPPORT Validation transculturelle d’instruments Closer to home; éditorial (Haines) 3 Fe 40 Oc CNA urges feds to fund health research de mesure 19 Oc L'intervention : Ca peut étre si simple! Le stress vu de l’extérieur 14 Oc (Gauthier) 44 Mr (Dionne-Proulx, Pépin) 40 Mr SAPONINS RESUSCITATION Soybeans beat cancer (Deutsch) 13 D SOINS INFIRMIERS STUDENTS, NURSING Kids’ health, neonatal resuscitation, and Les années 90 : La décennie des So you want to be a nurse (Stene) 55 N postpartum support 6 D SARVIS, CONNIE infirmiéres? (Oulton) 10 Fe You are what you eat 17 $ Four strong winds 51 S Le stress vu de l’extérieur RESUSCITATION ORDERS Message from Mom 60 N (Dionne-Proulx, Pépin) 40 Mr SUBSTANCE ABUSE DNR orders in the emergency room This is goodbye; Emi éditorial (Haines) 3 A Troubled teens and substance abuse (Grant) 47 Ma SATISFACTION AU TRAVAIL (Hawranik, McVety, Staley) 31 N Enrichir les taches des infirmiéres 17 S SOINS INFIRMIERS—ASPECT SOCIAL REYES, LUCY L'intervention : Ca peut étre si simple! SUDDEN INFANT DEATH Health information: Nursing SCHIZOPHRENES (Gauthier) 44 Mr Reducing risk of Sudden Infant Death compouents (Anderson, Hannah, Jeunes schizophrénes 19 A Syndrome 13 Ma Besner. Broad, Duggleby, Larsen, SOINS INFIRMIERS—FEUILLES DE Mackenzie) 33 Oc SOINS Les notes d’observation 20 Fe SUDERMAN, ELEANOR TRANQUILIZING AGENTS, MAJOR WEBBER, KAREN Hospital undergoing surgery (Dyck) 21 Oc Injecting depot neuroleptics 21 Mr Medication out of control? (Segatore, Miller) 35S SUFFIELD, JODIE ANNE TRAVAIL—ASPECT PSYCHOLOGIQUE Not leaving me 55 D Donner et recevoir plus de soutien 21 Al WELSH, JAN Volunteering in Croatia 51 Ma SUICIDE TRAVAIL DE NUIT Patients at risk of suicide (Finch, Au secours des infirmiéres de nuit WILSON, T.W. Robins-Holm) 31 A (Lutumba Ntetu, Ouellet, Tremblay) 40 S The team approach (Meme, Cassidy) 28 N SUICIDE, ASSISTED TREMBLAY, MARIE-JOSEE WIT AND HUMOR Death by choice focus of Ottawa sessions Au secours des infirmiéres de nuit Double duty (Deutsch) 60 D 16 Ma (Lutumba Ntetu, Ouellet) 40 S Euthanasia (Sanchez-Sweatman) 51 Ja WOMEN UKRAINE Women’s anger 11 Ja SURGICAL EQUIPMENT From so much to so little Johnson) 60 Oc Zip up that wound (Deutsch) 17 Oc Making the difference; editorial/éditorial WOMEN, WORKING (Haines) 3 Ma This is goodbye; editorial (Haines) 3 A SURGICAL STAPLING Absorbable staples may be the wave of the ULCER WOMEN’S HEALTH future (Deutsch) 16 $ Earlier, cheaper ulcer detection (Deutsch) Acting on violence against women 15S (Boychuk Duchscher) 21 Ju SYKULA, JO-ANN Community kit on violence against women The constipation quandary (van der Horst, UNITED STATES 14 Al Lingley) 25 Ja Americans believe reduce RNs affects Crime marches on; editorial (Broughton) 5 quality of care 12 A N SYNDROME DES VIBRATIONS Heading south (Leaney) 55 Mr National Forum on Breast Cancer Lacuité tactile digitale des mineurs 18 Ja (Guerette) 20 Ja UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA HOSPITALS Towards freedom from violence; editorial SYRINGES The Heart Function Clinic (Gutierrez) 33 Ma (Haines) 3 Ju Syringe designed for safety (Deutsch) 17 A VAN DER HORST, MARY-LOU WOMEN’S HEALTH SERVICES TABAC—IMPOTS The constipation quandary (Sykula, Lingley) Bom to the land (Lloyd) 60 Mr LAIIC dit non aux cigarettes détaxées 13 Mr 25 Ja Women in crisis (Kennedy) 26 Ju TAPP, ANN VESICO-VAGINAL FISTULA WONG, CAROL A. Negligence 51 Ju The fistula nightmare 9 Oc Documentation redesign (Budgell) 38 Ju TAXES VIH WRAY, MICHAEL R. CNA says no to cheap cigarettes 12 Mr Of daycares and HIV; éditorial (Haines) 3 What's the matter with Johnny? (Mondor) Mr 35 Al TECHNOLOGIE MEDICALE Le SIDA : Droits du client, risques Traitements a invasion minime 13 N professionnels, mesures préventives WRIGHT, BONNIE LYNN (Dionne-Proulx) 43 N Former CNOs, speak out! (Reed, Kay) 47 A TELEVISION SIDA : Malgré la formation, les craintes TV that cares for kids (McCarthy, Gaffney) persistent (Lapierre, Jourdan-lonescu, WRIGHT, ROCHELLE 318 Paquin) 39 Al Nurses in independent practice: Is society ready? (Dorsey) 35 A TELEVISION EN EDUCATION VIOLENCE la télévision éducative (Michaud) 44 Ja Community kit on violence against women YAMADA, JANET 14 Al Flumazenil: What emergency nurses need TERMINAL CARE Crime marches on; editorial (Broughton) 5 to know 31 Ma Denial: Coping or cop-out? (Murray, N Neilson) 33 Fe Enoncé conjoint sur la violence au travail 9 Facing Jeff's death (Redman) 47 Oc Ja Hymns of hope (Lescheid) 51 N Joint statement on violence in the Indexed in/répertoriée a: International workplace coming 8 Ja Nursing Index, Cumulative Index to THERMOMETERS Prevention and management of aggressive Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Ear thermometers for the home (Deutsch) behavior (Cooper) 53 Ju Abstracts of Health Care Management 19 Ma Towards freedom from violence; éditorial Studies, Hospital Abstracts, Nursing (Haines) 3 Ju Abstracts, Index Medicus, Canadian THURSTON, NORMA Periodical Index, Canadian Magazine The RN—LPN mix (Clark) 19 D VISION Index. The Canadian Nurse/L infirmiére The visually impaired child (Espezel) 23 Ma canadienne is available in microform TISSUE DONOKS from International University Microfilms, The importance of organ donors 10 Al VITAMIN E Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA, and Organ donation advocate (Moulton) 60 Al Potential benefits of vitamin E (Deutsch) 18 online in Medline, Canadian Business and Fe Current Affairs Data Base. TOBACCO CNA says no to cheap cigarettes 12 Mr WALTON, ANNE ISSN 0008-4581 The missing ingredient 49 S TOGO Index by Heather Ebbs, Editor’s Ink, Carleton La vaccination au Togo (Frenette) 43 Ma WARDER, LYNDA Place, Ontario. Empowering the angry patient (Staples, TOMOGRAPHY, EMISSION-COMPUTED Baruth, Jefferies) 28 Al Memory lapse? (Deutsch) 18 A WEARING, JO The new emphasis of home care 22 Fe N U RSE L'INFIRMIERE CANADIENNE

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