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The Canadian bee-keepers' guide [microform] : an easy method of managing bees by use of the Thomas' patent moveable comb bee hive PDF

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Preview The Canadian bee-keepers' guide [microform] : an easy method of managing bees by use of the Thomas' patent moveable comb bee hive

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Les diagrammessuivants lllustrent la mAthode. 1 B THII OL : : 7 THE CANADIAN BEE-KEEPERS' GUIDE S^n t»$g nulJ^ob of managing $ees h^ i^e nsc of Q^^omsft' ^patent Pokable Comb §u fiibe. By J. H. THOMAS, OFTHEFntMOFJ. H. THOMAS ANDEROS., BBOOELIN, 0. W. THIS WORE IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE WANTS OF THE PRACnOAL BEE-KEEPER IN CANADA, BT 6IVINQ THE NEGESSABT INFORMATION FOR THE BANAGEMENT OF BEES IN THIS CLIMATEINMOVE- ABLE COMB HIVES. 'Ml THIRD EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED. TORONTO GLOBE STEAM FRIKTINO COMPANY, 26 AND 28 EINC fJTREET EAST. 1867. fJ-O-^^r^^^-^ JTO21 1955 !: ,1 ,1 -iiir-"--'- '"--'-•'''•-~*'"V'rtiiiiiliiiiiri PREFACE. Asthere isaninterestbeing awakenedinCanada in that very pleasingdepartmentof rural economy, bee-keeping, I take plea- sure in offeringto thepublicthis lii;tile work, as a kindof intro- ductionto alaj^rworkto followhereafter, as soonasthe results of certfun experimentsnowgoing on shallbe fullyknown. As otherworks onbee-keepinghave been written bymen liv- inginadifferentclimatefromours,itcamiotbeexpectedthatthey are inallrespects adapted to this country. I have, therefore, en- deavoured, inthis work, to meetthewants of practical bee-keep- ersin Canadc, by setting forthaneasymethod of managing bees inmoveable-comb hives. I have also endeavouredto divestbee- keeping ofagreat amount ofignorance andsuperstitionbywhich ithasbeen enshrouded in allages. Though the workis small, I have soughtto touch upon all im- m portant points a manner, I trust, to make them sufBiciently plain to be easUyunderstood. If those just commencingbee-keepingwillbutfollowthe sim- plerules andadvice I havegiven, theymaybe sure of some de- greeofsuccess; whilethemore experiencedapiarianwillbeled to acknowledge thatimprovementisthe ordercf the day. I furthermore askanimpartial''rial of myhive, afull descrip- tionof which I have giveninthiswork; believing, as I do, that whileits extensive sale mayprove somewhatremunerativetomy- self, its extensive usewillprove evenmore so to those who pur- chase. J. H. THOMAS. Bbookun, C. W. — INDEX PAGE. Apiaxy, Locationof 24 Articles convenient for 25 Artificial Swarming 84 Swarms, howto make 85 " whentomake '. 85 Articlesfortheapiary, price of 69 April management 48 Angustmanagement 50 Bees, Descriptionof ', 9 —Of whatacolony consists 10 — TheGovernment of 10 Number of journeysin aday 12 General managementof 24 How toapproach 25 Howto operatewithaswarm 26 Preparationofhivefor 25 Leavingforthe"Woods .'..... 28 Seldomleavewithoutclustering 28 HToowprteovepnuttlteoagveitnhgerafterhiving : 2808 Tomanagewhenthey clustertogether 29 Whydotheyrefusetoswarm 81 Howto drive 82 Howtotransfer 82 TimewhentoTransfer 83 Howtomanageinmyhive 83 Howtogetoutofhoney-box 88 Will itpayto feed? 42 Howtofeedinthespringin myhive 43 " " fall " 43 - " " winter " 43 Bobbingof. 44 Howtopreventrobbing 45 Bestmeftodof wintering 45 Houseforwintering, how made 46 Managementforspringand summer 47 " March 47 " April 48 I*iilMii iiiiii INDEX. V. PAGE. Bees, Mauagemeut forMay 48 " Juno 48 July 49 August 60 Fall and winter 60 September 60 October 61 Ifovember 61 PAGE. December 61 ... 24 it January 62 .... 25 i< February 62 .... 34 Italian 61 .... 35 Gomiiionto Italia lize 63 .... 35 Overstocking 67 .... 69 Movingortransp«^ 67 .... 48 Bee-hat, Price of. 69 .... 60 Bee-protector, Price of 60 .... 9 Bee-gloves ** 60 .... 10 Bee-Keeping, Profits of 64 .... 10 Beepastur^e 66 .... 12 Bee's wax, Howtomake 67 24 Bee feed " " 68 25 Beebread 22 26 Beeglue 23 25 Bee comb 23 28 Combframes, Howtotakeout 83 28 '• Pfice of ...s 69 28 Comb or wax 23 30 Combs, Benewing of 32 29 Cells 23 31 Queen 15 32 Drones, Description of 11 82 Whenappear 11 83 Reproduction 11 33 Howproducedfromunimpregnatedeggs 14 38 Timerequiredtodevelop 14 42 Whyso manyrequired 14 43 Destroyed byworkers 14 43 Butfewgowithfirst swann 19 43 Should theybe destroyed? 44 44 Howtodestroy 44 45 Drone-laying Queen, Howto tell , 37 45 •* worker 38 46 Comb, Howto cutout 44 47 Decembermanagement 61 47 Feedingbees. Will it pay? 42 48 '* inthe spring 43 1*

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