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THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY 01' INNER ,\SlA THE CHINGGISID AGE This volume centres on the history and leg;tcy uf rh~ Mongol World Empire founded by Chinggis Khan and his som, including its impact upon the modern world. An international team of schol.~r.<; t:xamines the political and or cuI rural history the Mon)~()1 Empire, its Ching:gisid successor states, and the non-Chinggisid dynasties that came to dOl11iJl<1te Inner Asia in irs wake. GeographicJlly. it focuses on the continental r(',~ion from East Asia to Eastern Europe, Beginning in the twelfth century, the volume moves through to the r~lJ.blishmenr of Chinese and Russian pulitical hq;emony in Inner Asia (rom the s-ixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. C:onlnbutors use recent research and new appro;1chc's that h.tvc rcvitalized Inner Asian studies to highlight the world-historical importance oj" the regimes and states formed during and after the Mongol conquest. Their conclusions testify to the importance of a region whosc moJern fate has been oVt:"shadowed by Russia and China. NICOLA 01 CO\\10 :s lknry L.uce Foundation Professor of East Asian Studies in the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study. Prince ton. His recent publicarions include Ancient C/ww and its EtiC',1 ifS: Thl' {{ise or Nomlldi( J>(J\\'O'S i'l blSl Asian History (2002), Manchu-Mongol Reiatl(l)ls Ot) /llcEve of rlre Qillg C(lUv,I<{\f (2003) and The Diary of a Manchu Soldier in Seventeenth Century Chil!(l (2C~;A:, ALLEN J. FR.'I.-';K is an independent scholar. l-le has published widely on the history of Islam 10 Imperial Russia and in the Central Asian Soviet ~U(cc"\or ~IJl(,S. His previous publications include IsltWlic Hi.s/Clnography mId 'Bulghar' ldl'ulily am(l!1,!: fil( Tatars !lIla Bashkirs of R!.ISSIa {l(iy,lil, ,\hl.dim Religious Insti· tLaiJIIS in [nl!-'L'nlll Rlls~ia (1001) and An ls/.a"uc Hiographlcal Dictionary of the Eancrlt Kaza kit Sf .:ppc. J TO -1912 (as co-editor, 2005). PETER B. GOI 01' '" is ProfL'ssorof History and Academic Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies Jl RUlgers UnivLTmy. Among his publication, are An IlitroductiO~1 to the History 4 the' T;,Irkic P(,lpics {I992; 'T'urkish editions 2002, 20':6. . , Xomads and tJ!cir .\'dghbours ill the Russimr Steppe (2::0"\) and The World of rilL' Kltllzars; New Pa_IJ'('clll'fS (as; co-editor, 2007). THE CAMBRlDGE HISTORY OF INNER ASIA THE CHINGGISID AGE Edited by NICOLA DI COSMO ALLEN J. FRANK and PETER B. GOLDEN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C."MIIRIO(;~ UNIVERSITY PRES Cambridge. New York. Melbourne, M-lJrid, Capt' T()\~ n. SlI1ppore. Sao P;lU]fl, r: .. Ihl Cambridg(: LI\!\crsiry Press r~(' Edinburgh Buildll:,'":' C..Jmhridgf' CB2 8RL UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge Unlver~ll: Prt" ~, 'f'\~' \'ork ww\'.. .. ca mbridge .org Informdtion on tl~IS !Ilk' www.LJmbriJ,l:,t u~/ 9780521849265 ,() Cambridge University Pres.<; 200'9 'I'll. publication is in wp~·ri.l:h Subject to Sl.llutory n cep:ion and to the provisions of n:le\ Jill collective hcensmg ,{grn~mcnts. no reproduCTion of any p,ll: mdY rake place wnl<out (he wri[(en permission of Cambridge University Press. Firs( publisht-d 'lO~ Printed in the United Kingdom at the L:m\Lf)lCY' Press, Cambrid~c Library of Congress Cmo/('brillg'in PlIblicatiol1 dal<1 The C.lmor.Jgc hislory of' mr.:du:vallnner Asia the <.:hing,gisid Age .-' edited by NtcoLl DI C ""',, Allen Frank. and PClt:f B. Golden. p. em. Includes bibliogr.!phieal refe:fl:'ncc:;. and index. JSS!' 9;-~ () 521-84926'5 (hMdback) l. Asia, Cl"nlr.ll Hisrory, 2. Asia. CCT1lr.11 . Civilization 3. MunfOb -Asia, Ctll[r.ll Hi"" ,--, I. Oi (c,,;no, Nicola. 1957- I\. rr:Hlk. ,-\lIenJ. 196.1" !II. Golden. Peter B. 1\ TI\I( DS329"I.c)6 20C·) 95~ 02 - de22 ISBN 9780521 849265 hJ.rJback Cambndge Un:\"n~lly Ilrns has no responSibility for the persistence or accuracy of URlo:: tor '.\(trllli or third·party internel v. ,h~ites rcferreJ to In lhi~ pllbEcdtion, and does nor guarJnree rhJt <Illy (oment on such w b Ires is, or will remain. JCCULlle or appropnate. Contents List of figure and mal" viii List of contributors ix Note on transliteration xii List of abbreviations xiii Maps xviii Introduction NICOLA Dr COSMO, ALLEN J. FRANK and PETER B. GOLDEN PART ONE THE RISE OF THE CHI NGGISIDS I . Inner Asia c. 1200 9 PETER B. GOLDEN 2 . The Mongol age in Eastern Inner Asia 26 PETER JACKSON 3' The Mongols in Central Asia from Chinggis Kl1an's invasion to the rise of Temur: the Ogodeid and Chaghadaid rcalms 46 MICHAL BIRAN 4 . The Jochid realm: the western steppe and Eastern Europe 67 ISTVAN VASARY V Contents PART TWO LEGACIES OF THE MONGOL CONQUESTS 5 . Institutional development, revenues and trade 89 ARSC:-.IIO PETER MARTINEZ 6· Migrations, ethnogenesis I09 PETER B. GOLDEN 7 . Islamization in the tVlongol Empire 120 DEVIN DEWEESE 8 . Mongols as vectors for cultural transmission 135 THOMAS T. ALLSEN PART THREE CHINGGISID DECLINE: 1368-c. 1700 9 . The eastern steppe: Mongol regimes after the Yuan (1368-1636) 157 VERONIKA VEIT 10 . Temur and the early Timurids to c. 1450 182 BEATRICE FORBES MANZ II . The later Timurids c. 1450-1526 199 STEPHEN DALE PART FOU R NOM ADS AND SET T LED P E 0 P L E SIN J NNE R :\ S I.-\ AFTER THE TIMURIDS 12 . Uzbeks. Qazaqs and Turkmens 221 YURI BREGEL 13 . The western steppe: Volga-Ural region, Siberia and the Crimea ALLEN J. FRANK vi Contents 14 . Eastern Central Asia (Xinjiang): I300-r800 260 JAMES MILLWARD I5 . The Chinggisid restoration in Central Asia: I500-I785 277 R.D. McCHESNEY 16· The western steppe: the Volga-Ural region, Siberia and the Crimea under Russian rule 303 CHRISTIAN NOACK PART FIVE NEW IMPERIAL MANDATES AND THE END OF THE CHINGGISTD ERA ( I 8 th-19th C E N T URI E S) 17' The Qing and lnner Asia: 1636-[800 333 NICOLA DI COSMO 18 . The Qazaqs and Russia 363 ALLEN J. FRANK I9 . Russia and the peoples of the Volga-Ural region: I600-I850 380 ALLENJ. FRANK 20 . The new Uzbek states: Bukhara, Khiva and Khoqand: c. 1750-1886 392 YURIBREGEL Bibliography 412 Index 466 vii Figure and maps Figure Genealogy of the Chaghadaid Rulers (up to 1347) Maps I lnner Asia c. 1250 \\ III 2 The Mongol Empire \.\ 3 Central Asia in the time of Timur \\il 4 Central ASia in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries \,\111 5 Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia in c. r600 \\1\ 6 Central Asia in the seventeenth century \\\ 7 Inner Mongolia under the Qing Dynasty \ \ \·1 8 Outer Mongolia under the Qing Dynasty \\\·11 9 Central Asia in the eighteenth century ,\,\\11 viii Contributors THOMAS T. A II SI,N i5 Professor Emerit U", The College of New Jersey. His publicatlOl1S include The Royal Hunt in ErmJ5iml HL\[Ory (:w06), Clllune and Conquc,Sl i'l '\'iongo/ Eurasia (2001). Commodity and bdlilt1£L in the MongoJ Empire (T997) and Mmlg(l/ Jmpmalism: the Ptllides of the Grand Qan ,\fol1gkc in China, Russw, IP1J tlte Islamic Lands, 1251-1259 ([987). MrCHAL BIRAN is As"()ci,l1~ Profes or .11 the Insc1ture or Asian and African Studies at the He brew University of Jerusalem. Ifer main publicatiom Illclude Chinggis Khan (2007). The Q,lrll Khitai Empire ill F.~lnlsiml 1listol'Y: Between China mid the islamic World (2';0,). Mongols. Turks, ami Otl1ers: Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentill'Y World, co-edited with Reuven Amitai-Preiss (2005) and Qilidlllltld the' Rise of tlte Illdept1tdnll ,\10Ilgl1/ Srarc itt C(uiraLAsia (1997). YURI BREGEL is Professor Emeri I us of Cell( r Jl Eu r Jsian Studies af Indiana University, Bloomington. His major works include KhoyeZlIlsXtc Tllrkmeny v XIX vt'lotC ([<)61). Doku1I1cnty ark/tim khivl11sklkh kliall(l\' Pl' istl'rii i cfnografii karakalpakov (J967) and All Historical Atlas of Central ASia (2003). He is also the editor of the text (1988:1 and translation ('~~9'1 of [he Firdaws ai-Iqbal of Shir Muhammad Mirab Munis and Muh<lmm.ld Riza Mirab A~Jhi, STEPHEN F. DALE is Professor of South Asian and lsl<lmic History at Ohio State University He is the au thor or Tht: Gn r,len oJ rite Eight Pa.mdts,:s; Bal1'Ur and the Cull tI r(' of bnpire, J483-J5]0 (2(;'_'1). Indian Merclwl1l.\ dna Eurasian Tradt'. IOOO-JiSO (1994) and j,!arnl, Socil:'ly on the ~owh Asian Frontier: the' Mappi/as ~r Malabar, l.fyS-1922 (I980). DEVIN DE\VHSf is Professor of Central Eurasian SlUdies at Indi8na L'ni\'cr~ir)'. Blooming ton. His publications include Uamization and Nllll'..'f Religion in the GoLtitOn Horde Baha Tiikles lind Conversion to Islam in Historical and Epic TrQ,iilicHl (l994). NICOLA 01 COSMO i~ (he Henry Luce Foundation Professor of East Asia Studies at the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. His publications include Dic.ry o{ a Mallcnu Soldier if! Seventce1'lth-Cc"lllJry ClliHIl (2006), A DOCllH1Cl1tllry History of ,\!a1)c/J:1 -Mongol Rdatil'tts (J{;16-/626). co-authored with Dalizhabu Bao (20D:l). Politictll Frontiers, EthniL-l3ollndaries and /-illman Geographies ill ChiJ1fit' J-/iSfMY. co-edited wich Don]. Wyatt (2003). A Ilcit'ltl China and its EllcmlCS: the Rise of Nomadi,- Power in East A-'1I111 History (2002) and Wmfurc ill Inner AsiaJt History (;00-1800). t.:ditor (.2002). ix List of contributors ALLEN J. FR/,NK is an independent scholar who lives in Takoma Park. Maryland. His publications include Muslim Religious Institutions it! In tJk'n al Russia: the Islamic Hoyld c1( NO\'OI4 zOI.~k Disrria and the Kt1;:akll/u Her Horde, 1780-1910 (20m) and Islamic Histon','g rllphy and 'Bulghar' identity amOllg the Tatars and Bashkirs of N.~,s.\ia (1998). PEHR B. GOLDEN is Professor of Cemral Eurasi,m History and Academic Dir('C[n: of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Rmgers Umvcrsity. His publications include The \1,'arU of the 1(/-1I1 ZtJ n: New Perspc:::tives, co-edited with Haggai Ben-Shammai and Andras Rona· T.)s (2007), Tilrk Halle Ian Tarihine Giri.5, trans. Osman Karatay (2007). an expanded second e,ii· lion of the Turkish translation of his An Introduction to the History of tile Turkic PCc1rk.\ , 1942. , Hazarwrw Musevilik (The Khazar.~ andJudaism), a collection of essays with C. Zu,·hTm.:l" and A. Zaj::{.C'zkowski, edited and traw;]ated by Osman Karatay (20°5), NOluads all,! tlinr Ndghbours in the Russian Steppe: Tl1rk.{, Kh,lzars and Qipcha.qs (2003). The Kmg's Dic·twl1.dTY. Tilt' R(wdid Hexaglot, editor (2C )0), Notnads Clltd Sedentary SOeit'llCS in lv1t:aicm/ Eurasia' 1998 <In ..l K]w zar Studies. 2 vols. (I <) 80). PI:.TER JACKSON is Profcs.:ior of Medieval History al Keele Umversity. HIS main puh, lications include The Mongols and the West, 1221-1410 (2005). The Delhi Sultanate: tl Politlc,1i .w'! Military History (1009) and The Mission of Friar Williaru rJf RIJbn~(k: his.lourney to the Cow,t (,I the Great Khan ,\foHgke, 1253-1255, translated and co-edited with D<wid Morgan ',1990 '. BEATRIC.:. FORBES MANZ is Professor of History at Tufts University, Massachuse-tlS, Her previous publica lions include Power, Politics and Rchgion ill TlIt'wrid Iran (2007). The RIs( ,Phi Rule of Tamcrlatlc' (1989) and as editor, Central Asia in Historical Perspective (I~N.n and Srllcil"s on Chinese mid Islamic Central Asia (1995), ARSENIO PETER MARTINEZ is Emeritus Associate Professor of Middle Ea~tern-JsLllnlc Studies at the State University of New York and of Social Sciences at the Ciry Um\'(T~it\ of New York. He has published extensively on Persian sources on Inner Asian histon In addition to numerous translations, his publications include 'The Wealth oJ Ormlls <111,1 ,l( Ind': the InloTcgi(JIwl Tr()d.: in Bul/iDtl. Intergovt'rJ11l1f11ttll A rbi!ra~c £.Iud Clnrnlcy Mallipul,UI,111 in the Il-Khanate, 1304 -1350 (I995-}). and Chatlgc's ItI Chancery LanguagL· alld l.mlgll.l,Sl' ChLlI:~'·'· il1 GCtlera! 111 tHe .'-had/( r.:aS/ with Particular RCfth'rtce to Iran in the Arab and A1(,!lg(11 Pc'll.'./.· (1987-91). R. D. McCI-l E5~lEY is Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern Srndic~ ;llld I II~lO[\' <It '\.t'\\ York University and director of the Afghanistan Digital Library. fIis recent publicdtlU'1' include Cot/ral Asia: FOUllJaf1(1l1i of Change (I997) and Waqf in Central Asla '/901 fk:- tnC editor and translator of Fayz Muhammad. Kabul u?tJa Siege: an Inside Acc(llmt ,'I' r:l( !<.J':lJ Uprising (1999). JAMES MILLWARD is Professor of Intersocietal History in the Department of lilQon and School of Foreign Service at Ceorgetown University. His research )),10; fo(u~cJ (H) Chinese Inner Asian relations and. in particular. the Xinjiang region. He i~ author 01 8t'\\"1,; the Pass: I: c '011<.1 m)" Ethnicity and J-:mpil'e in Qing Central Asia, 1751)-1864 (1998, and Elm1S1<1'1 Crossroads: a History of Xinji'lIlg (W07). x

This volume centres on the history and legacy of the Mongol World Empire founded by Chinggis Khan and his sons, including its impact upon the modern world. An international team of scholars examines the political and cultural history of the Mongol empire, its Chinggisid successor states, and the non
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