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THE CAMBRIDGE DESCARTES LEXICON The Cambridge Descartes Lexicon is the defi nitive reference source on René Descartes, “the father of modern philosophy” and arguably among the most important philosophers of all time. Examining the full range of Descartes’ achievements and legacy, the lexicon includes 256 in-depth entries that explain key concepts relating to his thought. Cumulatively they uncover interpretative disputes, trace his infl uences, and explain how his work was received by critics and developed by followers. There are entries on topics such as certainty, c ogito ergo sum, doubt, dualism, free will, God, geometry, happiness, human being, knowledge, M editations on First Philosophy, mind, passion, physics, and virtue, which are written by the largest and most distinguished team of Cartesian schol- ars ever assembled for a collaborative research project – ninety-one contributors from ten countries. Lawrence Nolan is Professor of Philosophy at California State University, Long Beach. He is the author of numerous articles on the two leading Cartesians, Descartes and Malebranche, and the editor of the highly acclaimed Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate. The Cambridge DESCARTES LEXICON (cid:2) Edited by Lawrence Nolan California State University, Long Beach 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning, and research at the highest international levels of excellence. www.cambridge.org Information on this title: w ww.cambridge.org/9780521193528 © Cambridge University Press 2016 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2016 Printed in the United States of America A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library . Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Nolan, Lawrence. The Cambridge Descartes lexicon / Lawrence Nolan, California State University, Long Beach. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-521-19352-8 (hardback) 1. Descartes, René, 1596–1650 – Dictionaries. I. Title. B 1831. N 65 2015 194–dc23c 2015023856 ISBN 978-0-521-19352-8 Hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents List of Figures page xiv List of Contributors xvii Abbreviations xxiii Introduction and Notes on How to Use This Work xxv Acknowledgments xxix Chronology xxxi Descartes’ Life and Works xxxv Annotated Bibliography lxvii (cid:3) ENTRIES 1 Abstraction versus Exclusion 1 Accident, Real (s ee Quality, Real ) Action ( see Passion ) Adventitious ( see   Idea ) Algebra ( see Geometry ; Mathematics ) Analogy 3 Analysis versus Synthesis 7 Anatomy and Physiology 13 Angel 16 Animal 19 Animal Spirits 26 Aquinas, Thomas 28 v vi / Contents Arnauld, Antoine 31 Astell, Mary 33 Atom 35 Attribute 38 Augustine, Aurelius 44 Automaton 46 Axiom ( see Common Notion) Bacon, Francis 48 Baillet, Adrien 49 Balzac, Jean-Louis Guez de 50 Basso, Sebastian (Sébastien Basson) 52 Bayle, François 53 Bayle, Pierre 55 Beaugrand, Jean de 56 Beaune, Florimond de ( see Debeaune, Florimond ) Beeckman, Isaac 57 Being, Formal versus Objective 60 Bérulle, Pierre de 65 Beverwijck, Johan Van 67 Blood, Circulation of ( see Harvey, William ;  Heart ) Body 68 Body, Human (s ee Body ; Human Being ) Body, Proof of the Existence of 70 Bourdin, Pierre 75 Boyle, Robert 77 Brasset, Henri 78 Brégy, Nicolas Léonor Flesselles de 79 Buitendyck 80 Burman, Frans (Franciscus) 81 Calvinism 83 Carcavi, Pierre de 84 Cartesianism 85 Caterus, Johannes (Johan Kater or de Kater) 89 Cause 91 Cavendish, Margaret (Duchess of Newcastle) 98 Cavendish, William (Marquess of Newcastle) 99 Certainty 100 Chanut, Hector-Pierre 103 Charlet, Étienne 105 Charleton, Walter 105 Charron, Pierre 106 Contents / vii Christina, Queen of Sweden 108 Circle, Cartesian 109 Clarity and Distinctness 118 Clauberg, Johannes 123 Clavius, Christopher 124 Clerselier, Claude 126 Cogito Ergo Sum 128 Color ( see Quality, Sensible; Rainbow ) Colvius, Andreas 135 Comments on a Certain Broadsheet 136 Common Notion 138 Common Sense 141 Compendium of Music 143 Concurrence versus Conservation, Divine 145 Conimbricenses (Coimbrans) 148 Conservation of Motion, Principle of 150 Containment, Eminent versus Formal 152 Conversation with Burman 154 Conway, Anne 156 Cordemoy, Géraud de 157 Correspondence 158 Cosmological Argument 165 Cosmology 175 Creation ( see Eternal Truth ;  God) Cudworth, Ralph 179 Daniel, Gabriel 181 Debeaune (de Beaune), Florimond 182 Deduction 183 Defi nition 187 Demon, Evil (s ee   Doubt ) Desargues, Girard 189 Description of the Human Body 190 Desgabets, Robert 192 Determination (s ee Force and Determination ) Digby, Kenelm 194 Dinet, Jacques 196 Dioptrics 197 Discourse on Method 199 Distinction (Real, Modal, and Rational) 202 Divisibility 211 Doubt 213 viii / Contents Dreaming ( see   Doubt ) Dreams, Descartes’ Three 222 Du Hamel (Duhamel), Jean 225 Dualism 226 Duration ( see   Time) Early Writings ( see Private Thoughts ) Earth, Motion of the 231 Element 233 Elisabeth, Princess of Bohemia 234 Ens Per Se ( see Human Being; Substance ) Enumeration 237 Error, Theodicies of 240 Essence 247 Essence-Existence Distinction ( see Existence ) Eternal Truth 251 Ethics ( see Virtue ) Eucharist ( see Transubstantiation ) Eustachius a Sancto Paulo (Eustache Asseline) 257 Exclusion ( see Abstraction versus Exclusion ) Existence 259 Experiment 262 Explanation 266 Extension 272 Extrinsic Denomination 276 Factitious (s ee   Idea ) Faculty 279 Faith, Religious 281 Falsity, Material 284 Fermat, Pierre de 289 Fonseca, Pedro da 291 Force and Determination 292 Form, Substantial 297 Formal Reality (s ee Being, Formal versus Objective ) Foucher, Simon 299 Free Will 302 Freinshemius (Johannes Freinsheim) 311 Fromondus, Libertus (Libert Froidment) 312 Galilei, Galileo 314 Gassendi, Pierre 316 Generosity (s ee Passion ; Virtue ) Geometrical Exposition 319 Contents / ix Geometry 321 Geometry 330 Geulincx, Arnold 332 Gibieuf, Guillaume 334 God 335 Golius, Jacob 344 Grandamy, Jacques 345 Gravity 346 Habit 349 Happiness 352 Harvey, William 355 Heart 357 Heaviness (s ee Gravity ) Heereboord, Adriaan 360 Hobbes, Thomas 362 Hogelande, Cornelis Van 365 Holenmerism (Holenmerianism) 366 Huet, Pierre-Daniel 368 Human Being 369 Huygens, Christiaan 379 Huygens, Constantijn 380 Hydrostatics 382 Hyperaspistes 384 Idea 387 Illusion, Argument from ( see   Doubt ) Image ( see Idea ; Imagination) Imagination 396 Immortality (s ee Soul, Immortality of the ) Indefi nite ( see Infi nite versus Indefi nite ) Individuation 400 Induction ( see Enumeration) Inertia 405 Infi nite versus Indefi nite 407 Innate ( see   Idea ) Intellect 410 Intuition ( see Clarity and Distinctness; D eduction ) Jansenism 413 Jesuit 414 Judgment 418 Kepler, Johannes 421 Knowledge (S cientia ) 423 x / Contents La Flèche, Collège de ( see Jesuit ) La Forge, Louis de 429 La Grange, Jean-Baptiste de 430 Lamy, Bernard 432 Lamy, François 433 Language 434 Law of Nature 440 Le Bossu, René 446 Le Grand, Antoine 447 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 449 Light 452 Locke, John 458 Logic ( see Deduction; Syllogism ) Loyola, Ignatius (s ee Jesuit ) Luynes, Duc de (Louis-Charles d’Albert) 460 Machine 462 Magnetism 466 Malebranche, Nicolas 467 Mathematics 4 70 Mathesis Universalis 475 Matter ( see Body ; Extension) Mechanics 478 Medicine 483 Meditations on First Philosophy 487 Memory 490 Mersenne, Marin 493 Mesland, Denis 496 Metaphysics 498 Meteors 506 Method 508 Meyssonnier, Lazare 513 Mind 514 Mind-Body Interaction ( see Cause ; Human Being ) Mind-Body Union (s ee Human Being ) Mode 520 Morality ( see Virtue ) More, Henry 524 Morin, Jean-Baptiste 526 Motion 527 Music ( see Compendium of Music ) Mydorge, Claude 531

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