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the cambridge companion to MERLEAU-PONTY Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908–1961) was described by Paul Ricoeur as “the greatest of the French phenomenologists.” The new essays in this volume examine the full scope of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, from his central and abiding concernwiththenatureofperceptionandthebodilyconsti- tutionofintentionalitytohisreflectionsonscience,nature, art, history, and politics. The authors explore the historical origins and context of his thought as well as its continuing relevancetocontemporaryworkinphenomenology,philos- ophy of mind, cognitive science, biology, art criticism, and politicalandsocialtheory. WhatemergesisafreshimageofMerleau-Pontyasadeep and original thinker whose philosophical importance has been underestimated, in part owing to the influence of in- tellectualmovementssuchasexistentialismandstructural- ism,intowhichhisworkcouldnotbeeasilyassimilated. Newreaderswillfindthisthemostconvenientandacces- sible guide to Merleau-Ponty currently available. Advanced students and specialists will find a conspectus of recent de- velopmentsintheinterpretationofMerleau-Ponty. Taylor Carman is Associate Professor of Philosophy at BarnardCollege,ColumbiaUniversity. Mark B. N. Hansen is Associate Professor of English at PrincetonUniversity. othervolumesintheseriesofcambridgecompanions: ABELARD Editedbyjeffreye.browerandkevinguilfoy ADORNO Editedbythomashuhn AQUINAS Editedbynormankretzmannandeleonorestump HANNAHARENDT Editedbydanavilla ARISTOTLE Editedbyjonathanbarnes AUGUSTINE Editedbyeleonorestumpandnormankretzmann BACON Editedbymarkkupeltonen SIMONEDEBEAUVOIR Editedbyclaudiacard DARWIN Editedbyjonathanhodgeandgregoryradick DESCARTES Editedbyjohncottingham DUNSSCOTUS Editedbythomaswilliams EARLYGREEKPHILOSOPHY Editedbya.a.long FEMINISMINPHILOSOPHY Editedbymirandafrickerandjenniferhornsby FOUCAULT Editedbygarygutting FREUD Editedbyjeromeneu GADAMER Editedbyrobertj.dostal GALILEO Editedbypetermachamer GERMANIDEALISM Editedbykarlameriks GREEKANDROMANPHILOSOPHY Editedbydavidsedley HABERMAS Editedbystephenk.white HEGEL Editedbyfrederickbeiser HEIDEGGER Editedbycharlesguignon HOBBES Editedbytomsorell HUME Editedbydavidfatenorton HUSSERL Editedbybarrysmithanddavidwoodruffsmith WILLIAMJAMES Editedbyruthannaputnam KANT Editedbypaulguyer KIERKEGAARD Editedbyalastairhannayandgordonmarino LEIBNIZ Editedbynicholasjolley LEVINAS Editedbysimoncritchleyandrobertbernasconi LOCKE Editedbyverechappell MALEBRANCHE Editedbystephennadler MARX Editedbyterrellcarver MEDIEVALPHILOSOPHY Editedbya.s.mcgrade MEDIEVALJEWISHPHILOSOPHY Editedbydanielh.frankandoliver leaman MILL Editedbyjohnskorupski NEWTON Editedbyi.bernardcohenandgeorgee.smith NIETZSCHE Editedbyberndmagnusandkathleenhiggins OCKHAM Editedbypaulvincentspade PASCAL Editedbynicholashammond PEIRCE Editedbycherylmisak PLATO Editedbyrichardkraut PLOTINUS Editedbylloydp.gerson QUINE Editedbyrogerf.gibson RAWLS Editedbysamuelfreeman THOMASREID Editedbyterencecuneoandrene´ vanwoudenberg ROUSSEAU Editedbypatrickriley BERTRANDRUSSELL Editedbynicholasgriffin SARTRE Editedbychristinahowells SCHOPENHAUER Editedbychristopherjanaway THESCOTTISHENLIGHTENMENT Editedbyalexanderbroadie SPINOZA Editedbydongarrett THESTOICS Editedbybradinwood WITTGENSTEIN Editedbyhansslugaanddavidstern The Cambridge Companion to MERLEAU-PONTY Edited by Taylor Carman BarnardCollege,ColumbiaUniversity Mark B. N. Hansen PrincetonUniversity publishedbythepresssyndicateoftheuniversityof cambridge ThePittBuilding,TrumpingtonStreet,Cambridge,UnitedKingdom cambridgeuniversitypress TheEdinburghBuilding,Cambridgecb22ru,UK 40West20thStreet,NewYork,ny10011-4211,USA 477WilliamstownRoad,PortMelbourne,vic3207,Australia RuizdeAlarco´n13,28014Madrid,Spain DockHouse,TheWaterfront,CapeTown8001,SouthAfrica http://www.cambridge.org (cid:1)c CambridgeUniversityPress2005 Thisbookisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexceptionandtothe provisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements,noreproductionof anypartmaytakeplacewithoutthewrittenpermissionofCambridge UniversityPress. Firstpublished2005 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica TypefaceTrumpMedieval10/13pt. SystemLATEX2ε [tb] AcatalogrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData TheCambridgecompaniontoMerleau-Ponty/editedbyTaylorCarman andMarkB.N.Hansen. p. cm.–(Cambridgecompanionstophilosophy) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. isbn0-521-80989-4–isbn0-521-00777-1(pbk.) 1.Merleau-Ponty,Maurice,1908–1961. I.Carman,Taylor,1965- II.Hansen,MarkB.N. III.Series. b2430.m3764c36 2004 194–dc22 2003069683 isbn0521809894hardback isbn0521007771paperback contents List of Contributors pagevii Introduction 1 taylor carman and mark b. n. hansen 1 Merleau-Ponty and the Epistemological Picture 26 charles taylor 2 Sensation, Judgment, and the Phenomenal Field 50 taylor carman 3 Seeing Things in Merleau-Ponty 74 sean dorrance kelly 4 Motives, Reasons, and Causes 111 mark a. wrathall 5 Merleau-Ponty and Recent Cognitive Science 129 hubert l. dreyfus 6 The Silent, Limping Body of Philosophy 151 richard shusterman 7 Merleau-Ponty and the Touch of Malebranche 181 judith butler v vi Contents 8 A Phenomenology of Life 206 renaud barbaras 9 The Embryology of the (In)visible 231 mark b. n. hansen 10 Merleau-Ponty’s Existential Conception of Science 265 joseph rouse 11 Between Philosophy and Art 291 jonathan gilmore 12 Understanding the Engaged Philosopher: On Politics, Philosophy, and Art 318 lydia goehr 13 Thinking Politics 352 claude lefort References 381 Index 393 contributors RENAUD BARBARAS is Professor of Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Paris-I Panthe´on–Sorbonne. He is the author of De l’eˆtre du phe´nome`ne: Sur l’ontologie de Merleau-Ponty (1991, 2001), La perception: Essai sur le sensible (1994), Le Tournant de l’expe´rience:RecherchessurlaphilosophiedeMerleau-Ponty(1998), andLede´siretladistance:Introductiona` unephe´nome´nologiedela perception(1999).Del’eˆtreduphe´nome`neandLede´siretladistance arebothforthcominginEnglishtranslation. JUDITH BUTLER is Maxine Elliot Professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of Califor- nia, Berkeley. She is the author of Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990), Bodies That Matter: On the Dis- cursiveLimitsof“Sex”(1993),ThePsychicLifeofPower:Theories of Subjection (1997), Antigone’s Claim: Kinship between Life and Death (2000), and numerous articles and contributions to philoso- phyandfeministandqueertheory. TAYLORCARMANisAssociateProfessorofPhilosophyatBarnard College, Columbia University. He has written articles on topics in phenomenologyandistheauthorofHeidegger’sAnalytic:Interpre- tation,Discourse,andAuthenticityin“BeingandTime”(2003).He iscurrentlywritingabookonMerleau-Ponty. HUBERT L. DREYFUS is Professor of Philosophy in the Graduate School at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author ofMichelFoucault:BeyondStructuralismandHermeneutics(with Paul Rabinow) (1983), Mind over Machine (with Stuart Dreyfus) vii viii Contributors (1986), Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger’s “Being and Time,” Division I (1991), What Computers (Still) Can’t Do (1992),andOntheInternet(2001). JONATHANGILMOREisAssistantProfessorofPhilosophyatYale University.Hehaswrittenarticlesinthephilosophyofart,arthis- tory,andlegaltheory.HeistheauthorofTheLifeofaStyle:Begin- ningsandEndingsintheNarrativeHistoryofArt(2000). LYDIA GOEHR is Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. She is the author of The Imaginary Museum of Musical Works: An Essay in the Philosophy of Music (1992) and The Quest for Voice: Music,Politics,andtheLimitsofPhilosophy(1998).Sheiscurrently workingonmusicandcriticaltheory,oneexampleofwhichappears inTheCambridgeCompaniontoAdorno(2004). MARKB.N.HANSENisAssociateProfessorofEnglishatPrinceton University.HeistheauthorofEmbodyingTechnesis:Technologybe- yondWriting(2000),NewPhilosophyforNewMedia(2004),Bodies in Code: Interfaces with New Media (forthcoming); and essays on culturaltheory. SEANDORRANCEKELLYisAssistantProfessorofPhilosophyand Jonathan Edwards Bicentennial Preceptor at Princeton University. His principal interests lie at the intersection of phenomenology, philosophy of mind, and cognitive neuroscience. He was recently awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in recognition of his work in theseareas. CLAUDE LEFORT teaches social and political theory at the E´cole des Hautes E´tudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. His work has ap- pearedinEnglishtranslationunderthetitlesThePoliticalFormsof Modern Society: Bureaucracy, Democracy, Totalitarianism (1986), Democracy and Political Theory (1988), and Writing: The Political Test(2000). JOSEPH ROUSE is Hedding Professor of Moral Science and Chair of the Science in Society Program at Wesleyan University. He is the author of Engaging Science: How to Think about Its Practices Contributors ix Philosophically (1996), Knowledge and Power: Toward a Political Philosophy of Science (1987), and How Scientific Practices Matter: ReclaimingPhilosophicalNaturalism(2002). RICHARD SHUSTERMAN is Professor of Philosophy at Temple University, Philadelphia, and the Colle`ge International de Philoso- phie,Paris.HeistheauthorofPragmatistAesthetics:LivingBeauty, Rethinking Art (2d ed., 2000), Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism andthePhilosophicalLife(1997),PerformingLive:AestheticAlter- nativesfortheEndsofArt(2000),andSurfaceandDepth:Dialectics ofCriticismandCulture(2002).HeisalsotheeditorofBourdieu:A CriticalReader(1999). CHARLES TAYLOR is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at McGill University, Montreal. He is the author of The Explanation of Be- haviour(1964);twovolumesofcollectedessays,HumanAgencyand Language and Philosophy and the Human Sciences (1985); Sources of the Self (1989); The Ethics of Authenticity (1991); Philosophical Arguments (1995); and Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited(2002). MARK A. WRATHALL is Associate Professor of Philosophy at BrighamYoungUniversity.Hehaspublishedarticlesontopicsinthe history of philosophy and philosophy of language and mind, draw- ing on both the analytic and continental traditions in philosophy. He recently edited Religion after Metaphysics (2003) and coedited HeideggerReexamined(2002),Heidegger,Authenticity,andModer- nity (2000), Heidegger, Coping, and Cognitive Science (2000), and AppropriatingHeidegger(2000).

Maurice Merleau-Ponty was described by Paul Ricoeur as "the greatest of the French phenomenologists." The new essays in this volume examine the full scope of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, from his central and abiding concern with the nature of perception and the bodily constitution of intentionality t
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