Cai pe HEGEL by Each vole of dhs aties of compan:ons to mai piles ‘paevs contains epesiallycocaaissioncd essays hy an inlaw ‘ore! tam uf scholars, togcehor Witt «substantia! bibliog ad will serve a4 ¢ Yelevence wark eo suudenes and Somspecialists, One sina of she sexi i en dig ihe nlUmi ‘Ttion such readers aften eel when faced wit che work al a (iffier ané chaflenginy thinker ‘ew chenkers are more comaroversa! zn the history of phi Tesophy thin Lege Ile has beea Hissisved as a charlatan and vbscuramdst, bet alsy praised ay ore uf chs wpeatest {tankers in modern ah:lasophy. Noone interesced in plo ‘hy cm aiferd to guor® him. This wormme provides “ac mot. Comprehensive and up-to-dace seswey of Hogs eatpat. It tumsiders all the majur aspects of his wank: <piseemalosy, Jege, ethics, plitical philusyaby, aesthetics, phileseghy of festury, plulosophy uf reign. Spesial actentina in dewoucd tu probleme in the anterpretatom of epe che wey of the Phesnanenolege of spirits the value of dhe diaocdieal rusthod, the status of Bs ee, the macure af sis paltics. A fir gecup ul chapters eats Lleyel consplex histotial le sey: the development ot egelianism snd ats grow into a wee sighs wing schuol, the elacun of Hoge and Mars sa the subte connections berwreen Hegel and conusmpo- ‘ny analytic philosopby. ‘New readers ard nonypcei‘ises will find this che mon: vunvetiane, accereble guide co Hegel eurently in print. Ad: waved stucents and apucialisea will End a conspecsus of eoone developments iz. che iarerporation of Hegel HEGEL AQUINAS Edited by worsias xn ARISTOTLE Edited iy wos arsas wannes BACON sdited by wanesu revTones DESCARTES Bdited Sy lox corENCHAM, FOUCAULT Sdsed ty cam Gurrine FREUD Lite! by ranean sc TIABLRMAS sdnted By stezars wane MELDEGGER Eaited by nanuer cxias.os HOBBES Beited by vom sonnei HUME Saved By bavie bare NoxTon TUSSLRL ddited by vane situ and pave KANT Ldited by saun veves TLIBNAZ tabted by nacizonas soLuey LOCKE idited ty vous CuavesLt MARK. tulted bu runcuis canven IMIEE, Salted By 1oun saoee sat NIRTZSCHIE tiited be uuany macnus PLATO. Educ ite AasHARD sau SARTRE Edived by cusses uowrLis SPINOZA Labited by BON Cana ct mans and The Cambridge Companion to HEGEL Edited hy Predericx ¢:. Heiner Inaisna Finizersty CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS: “The blucbung Budiey Canilsge C62 IRV, CH http: wwsceup cam. ac.ce {ert ee sre, Slew York, VE Moto" US te Saeco te ‘© Camage Yaron sa 398 “This bo nin coprgh. Subies to tants exept rd ‘epsancd 1694, 1998, 1996 tie 1538. 195 “Tyas Temp Modano A cetalags ete or is uch cabs he Br ace CONTENTS List of Contains Inernduetiem: Hugel and che proalem metaphysics Hegel’ intellecinal development to 807 You Can’ Get There frien Here: Traitor rriblems m Tege's Phenmerenniggy df Spier Hegel’s conception of “opie TORN BUBEIDCE Hegel's idealism: ‘The Togie of eonceptualiey Hegel's diafectisal method ‘Thuugkt and henge Hegel's evieue at Kane's theoretical phifosaphy Hegel’s ethos ‘The hase iment and seruetLre bt Teel’ Philosophy of R age vi 4 Contents Hogel’s historicisin Hegel er religiem and philosophy Hegel's acsthoties: An overview ‘Trausfounations af Tegeliznista, 1805-1846 Hogel and Maris Hegel and analytic philosophy btingrapy Chronology Index CONTRIBE TORS, aneaice &. auesual is Professor of Pailsophy, Indiaca Univer sity, Slovan. He is he authur of The Rte of Reasen: Cs PLulosuply frm Kau wo FicbteDLareand Usiverity ress 3987! and ‘lighsenaient, Xoveleniun and Romanticism the Gees ef Mo eon Germnn Dott yonsdoa Manvend Universicy Press tugal ‘ous aurwmecs ie Penlerzar of Philsahy, Theil Thirsty, saviu, Canaga. He has wricron many arrsles en Hegel ev Gorm: Philosophy andl isthe author of On Haga Iagua- Fragmeste at Eoommentary jHumaniuias Press, 19411 “AUAEHCE o1U ani is Eraiesven uf iseory, the Universiy of Wie mst, Madaun Lle is the author of eg: Retin, Kepacmntes an tse Valitcs of Spine, a¢-s-cbuy [Cambsilge Un-vensicy Pros, 19844 sackan, sonsven ia Prolessar a! Mhilasophy, Univesity of Chi ‘aga, He se che author of Hage! and Shepticiees [arsed University ‘Press, ute and Hegel's idea f2 Phonamesalgy’o! Spirit Hava University Poss, 195 Sarre crvFa os Pinhsson of Muletuphyat te Levvensity of Penney ania. He has published wich Rane eal utbesfgwaes ra German, ils. Fle iy the authoy oF Kame gn the Clits of 2st Har van! University Poss, yey all Rant and thy Claiae of keoedetge [Cannlonine Univesity Frees, 198, He is the geueral covelicar vf the Cambalge eduuw of the Wodks uf anumauvel Kaus forehoom "ighand the edn af the Cadbircge Campane ic a" ge vai Cartrhuners Hs. HAMRTS ie Distinguish Reseatel Bucessor of Philosophy at ‘York niverscg, Trae, Canady. He 3 Uae ator of Meals Dove fapment, Vitam, Tora tha Sesight 729 0 ston’ Conver: sity Piess, 1972! and Value He Mighe Theciay, Jeng erm soe Oxford Unteessuy Pees, 1983 saree Y-TON 1 Prufeswur of Paiusuphy e¢ dhe Univeni‘y of Hinnig Chau. Me Tuas published magus articles un the history nf Anatvuie phlosepby gad 18 the aushur uf Risso. lela and hi Fmemenee af Anaieie hiiesopie (stun Unversity Bost, 1) sous: . suveuw ce Prferser of Melosonhy atthe University ob (Galfer, San Diegn, He is the auhoe af &ani Thay nF Roven Viale University Press, ants] and Heget's fete 1Carahcge€01- verney Press, £89, ORY TOFWwS ig Protege of Mistory ar ee Umuverity of Weshing na. He isthe authau ol Fagetieniv: Ae Pd toward EMelectcal Humanism, 1fo5—ri7 [Cambridge Unieensay Pres, 298 “WOMAS bs WARIHA MLK i8 Profeescr uf Pailiioghy at Mout Holyoke College fe Eas written widely un Gerzaan philnsnhs. He the i chor of te ferme of Power: From Yomsination in Tensor csfon Temple Universtty Press, 1990| ad dhe eo-edicr with Man. sel Lssnk of Feneviack: Principles ofthe Philosophy af the Puunro ieLaezerr, asa EEQNETH wasTrAar is Prplesat ol Fi“esopay atthe Universi ut New Hampal:ie. He has published many artlesn Kant ane legal auidied Enatemalogieat Realm Rares, 199 AEN WTC HS teaches philosophy a he Universicy of Arizona He ‘as pullished articles an the fields of German philosop2y ard ces Ieties. He is curreuty waiting a boos on Hegel's theory of aeschetis gemene. ALLEN DUD is Profeegor of Philoaaphy, Cataell University. Hes sural co edieor of The Cambricge Edition af the Wouke Terie Ul Kare Sortcomingl Hs docks inchs Kau's Mera! Reieon {Come University Pros, ru7at, Kons Rasicna! Thentogy {Cornell Dniversity Press, 08), Kaid Mave Rutledge, Kegan & Psa, 193 sal /2egel's Edhicat Ghoaghe [Cambricge Universics Press, rosa