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The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism offers a comprehensive, pene- trating,andinformativeguidetowhatisregardedastheclassicalperiodofGerman philosophy.Kant,Fichte,Hegel,andSchellingarealldiscussedindetail,together with a number of their contemporaries, such as Hölderlin and Schleiermacher, whoseinfluencewasconsiderablebutwhoseworkislesswellknownintheEnglish- speakingworld.Theessaysinthevolumetraceandexploretheunifyingthemesof GermanIdealism,anddiscussitsrelationshiptoromanticism,theEnlightenment, andthecultureof seventeenth-andeighteenth-centuryEurope.Theresultisan illuminating overview of a rich and complex philosophical movement, and will appealtoawiderangeofreadersinphilosophy,Germanstudies,theology,litera- ture,andthehistoryofideas. THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO GERMAN IDEALISM OTHER VOLUMES IN THE SERIES OF CAMBRIDGE COMPANIONS Aquinas EditedbyNormanKretzmannandEleonoreStump(published) Aristotle EditedbyJonathanBarnes(published) Bacon EditedbyMarkkuPeltonen(published) Berkeley EditedbyKennethWinkler Descartes EditedbyJohnCottingham(published) EarlyGreekPhilosophy EditedbyA.A.Long(published) FeminisminPhilosophy EditedbyMirandaFrickerandJenniferHornsby(published) Fichte EditedbyGünterZöller Foucault EditedbyGaryGutting(published) Frege EditedbyTomRicketts Freud EditedbyJeromeNeu(published) Galileo EditedbyPeterMachamer(published) Habermas EditedbyStephenWhite(published) Hegel EditedbyFrederickBeiser(published) Hobbes EditedbyTomSorell(published) Hume EditedbyDavidFateNorton(published) Husserl EditedbyBarrySmithandDavidWoodruffSmith(published) WilliamJames EditedbyRuthAnnaPutnam(published) Kant EditedbyPaulGuyer(published) Kierkegaard EditedbyAlastairHannay(published) Leibniz EditedbyNicholasJolley(published) Locke EditedbyVereChappell(published) Marx EditedbyTerrellCarver(published) Mill EditedbyJohnSkorupski(published) Nietzsche EditedbyBerndMagnusandKathleenHiggins(published) Ockham EditedbyPaulVincentSpade(published) Peirce EditedbyChristopherHookway Plato EditedbyRichardKraut(published) Sartre EditedbyChristinaHowells(published) Spinoza EditedbyDonGarrett(published) Wittgenstein EditedbyHansSlugaandDavidStern(published) THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO GERMAN IDEALISM EDITED BY KARL AMERIKS Universityof NotreDame CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521651783 © Cambridge University Press 2000 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2000 Reprinted 2005 A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication data The Cambridge companion to German idealism / edited by Karl Ameriks. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.) and index. ISBN 0 521 65178 6 – ISBN 0 521 65695 8 (pbk.) 1. Idealism, German. 2. Philosophy, German – 18th century. 3. Philosophy, German – 19th century. I. Ameriks, Karl, 1947– B2745.C36 2000 193–dc21 00–020469 ISBN-13 978-0-521-65178-3 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-65178-6 hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-65695-5 paperback ISBN-10 0-521-65695-8 paperback Transferred to digital printing 2006 CONTENTS Listof contributors pageix Chronology xii Mapof Jena xv Introduction:interpretingGermanIdealism 1 karl ameriks 1 TheEnlightenmentandidealism 18 frederick beiser 2 Absoluteidealismandtherejectionof Kantiandualism 37 paul guyer 3 Kant’spracticalphilosophy 57 allen w. wood 4 Theaestheticholismof Hamann,Herder,andSchiller 76 daniel o. dahlstrom 5 Allornothing:systematicityandnihilisminJacobi,Reinhold, andMaimon 95 paul franks 6 Theearlyphilosophyof FichteandSchelling 117 rolf-peter horstmann 7 HölderlinandNovalis 141 charles larmore 8 Hegel’sPhenomenologyandLogic:anoverview 161 terry pinkard vii contents 9 Hegel’spracticalphilosophy:therealizationof freedom 180 robert pippin 10 Germanrealism:theself-limitationof idealistthinkinginFichte, Schelling,andSchopenhauer 200 günterzöller 11 PoliticsandtheNewMythology:theturntoLateRomanticism 219 dieter sturma 12 GermanIdealismandthearts 239 andrew bowie 13 Thelegacyof idealisminthephilosophyof Feuerbach,Marx, andKierkegaard 258 karl ameriks Bibliography 282 Index 300 viii CONTRIBUTORS karl ameriks isMcMahon-HankProfessorof PhilosophyattheUniversity of NotreDame.Heisco-editorof theseriesCambridgeTextsintheHistory of Philosophy. He has written Kant’s Theory of Mind (2nd edn., 2000) and Kant and the Fate of Autonomy: Problems in the Appropriation of the Critical Philosophy (2000). He has co-edited The Modern Subject: Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy (1995), and co- translated Immanuel Kant/Lectures on Metaphysics (1997) and Edmund Husserl,ExperienceandJudgment(1973). frederick beiser is Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University. He has writtenTheFateof Reason:GermanPhilosophyfromKanttoFichte(1987), Enlightenment, Revolution, and Romanticism: The Genesis of Modern GermanPoliticalThought1790–1800(1992)andTheSovereigntyof Reason: TheDefenseof RationalityintheEarlyEnglishEnlightenment(1996).Hehas edited The Cambridge Companion to Hegel (1993), and The Early Political Writingsof theGermanRomantics(1996). andrew bowie isChairof GermanatRoyalHollowayCollege,Universityof London.HehaswrittenAestheticsandSubjectivityfromKanttoNietzsche (2nd edn., 2000), Schelling and Modern European Philosophy: An Introduction (1993), and From Romanticism to Critical Theory: the Philosophyof GermanLiteraryTheory(1997).HehaseditedManfredFrank, TheSubjectandtheText:EssaysonLiteraryTheoryandPhilosophy(1997), and edited and translated Schelling, On the History of Modern Philosophy (1994),andSchleiermacher,HermeneuticsandCriticismandOtherWritings (1998). daniel o. dahlstrom is Professor of Philosophy at Boston University. He has co-edited The Emergence of German Idealism (1999). He has co- edited and translated Schiller: Essays (1993) and edited and translated ix contributors Mendelssohn: Philosophical Writings (1997). He has written Das logische Vorurteil:UntersuchungenzurWahrheitstheoriedesfrühenHeidegger(1994) aswellasnumerousarticlesonaestheticsandtopicsinclassicalandcontem- poraryGermanphilosophy. paul franks isAssistantProfessorof PhilosophyatIndianaUniversity.Heis acontributortoTheCambridgeCompaniontoFichte(forthcoming).Hehas writtenseveralarticlesonKant,Fichte,Hegel,transcendentalarguments,and skepticism.Heiscompletingabookonthetranscendentalmethodsof Kant andsomepost-Kantians.WithMichaelL.Morgan,heeditedandtranslated FranzRosenzweig:TheologicalandPhilosophicalWritings(2000). paul guyer is Florence R. C. Murray Professor in the Humanities at the Universityof Pennsylvania.HisbooksincludeKantandtheClaimsof Taste (2nd edn., 1997), Kant and the Claims of Knowledge (1987), Kant and the Experience of Freedom (1993), and Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness (2000).HehaseditedTheCambridgeCompaniontoKant(1992)andother anthologies.Heisgeneralco-editoroftheCambridgeEditionoftheworksof Immanuel Kant, in which he has co-translated the Critique of Pure Reason (1998) with Allen Wood. He has also co-translated (with Eric Matthews) Kant’sCritiqueof thePowerof Judgment(2000). rolf-peter horstmann is Professor of Philosophy at the Humboldt UniversityinBerlin.HeisauthorofOntologieundRelationen:Hegel,Bradley, RussellunddieKontroverseüberinterneundexterneBeziehungen(1984),Die Grenzen der Vernunft: eine Untersuchung zu Zielen und Motiven des DeutschenIdealismus(3rdedn.,2000),andBausteineKritischerPhilosophie (1997).Hehasco-editedHegel,JenaerSystementwürfe.Hehasalsoco-edited collectionsof worksonKant,transcendentalarguments,Rousseau,aesthet- ics,Hegel,andGermanIdealism.Heiscurrentlyservingaseditorforanew translationof Nietzsche’sBeyondGoodandEvil. charles larmore is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago. He has written Patterns of Moral Complexity (1987), Modernité et morale (1993), The Morals of Modernity (1996),andTheRomanticLegacy(1996). terry pinkard isProfessorof PhilosophyatGeorgetownUniversity.Hehas written Democratic Liberalism and Social Union (1987), Hegel’s Dialectic: TheExplanationof Possibility(1988),Hegel’sPhenomenology:TheSociality of Reason(1994),andHegel:ABiography(2000). x contributors robert p. pippin isRaymondW.andMarthaHilpertGrunerDistinguished Service Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Committee on Social ThoughtattheUniversityof Chicago.Heiseditorof theCambridgeseries Modern European Philosophy. His books include Kant’s Theory of Form (1982), Hegel’s Idealism: The Satisfactions of Self-Consciousness (1989), Modernity as a Philosophical Problem (2nd edn., 1999), Idealism as Modernism: Hegelian Variations (1997), and Henry James and Modern MoralLife(2000). dieter sturma is Professor of Philosophy at Essen University. He is the authorofKantüberSelbstbewusstsein:zumZusammenhangvonErkenntnis- kritikundTheoriedesSelbstbewusstseins(1985),PhilosophiederPerson:die Selbstverhältnisse von Subjektivität und Moralität (1997), and Rousseau (2000). He has co-edited The Modern Subject: Conceptions of the Self in Classical German Philosophy (1995). He has written numerous essays on GermanIdealismandalsoontopicsincontemporarysystematicphilosophy. allen wood is Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University. His books includeKant’sMoralReligion(1970),Kant’sRationalTheology(1978),Karl Marx (1981), Hegel’s Ethical Thought (1990), and Kant’s Ethical Thought (1999). He is general co-editor of the Cambridge Edition of the works of Immanuel Kant, in which he has co-translated the Critique of Pure Reason (1998)withPaulGuyer.HehasalsoeditedandtranslatedotherworksbyKant onethics,anthropology,philosophyof religion,andphilosophyof history. günter zöller isProfessorof PhilosophyattheUniversityof Munich.He is the author of Theoretische Gegenstandsbeziehung bei Kant (1984) and Fichte’sTranscendentalPhilosophy(1998)andhaseditedorco-editedMinds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy (1993), Figuring the Self: Subject, Individual, and Others in ClassicalGermanPhilosophy(1997),andArthurSchopenhauer,PrizeEssay On the Freedom of the Will (1999). Currently he is editing The Cambridge CompaniontoFichte,thevolumeofKant’swritingsonanthropology,history, andeducationintheCambridgeEditionoftheworksofImmanuelKant,and Fichte’s System of Ethics. He is a general editor of the Bavarian Academy Editionof Fichte’sCompleteWorks. xi

This is a book that is useful if you want to expore the worlds of Kant, Hegel, Schelling and Schopenhauer in a very precise and strongly outlined fashion. Sadly, it divides the term "Idealism" in such a way that one would suppose it has a totally individual purpose and style for each Idealist philos
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